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Cupcake Stands
Plastic Wine Glass Cupcake Stand. So colorful! Get plastic wine glasses from the dollar store. DIY cupcake stands. Great idea!
116K views · 14K reactions | Comment ‘CORNDOG’ for the recipe! 😋 Homemade Corndogs are super fun to make and easy to boot. It’s like having yummy carnival food in the comfort of your own home. Other ways to get the recipe:⁠ 🔗 ☑️ Visit the link in my bio!⁠ ☑️ Comment ‘CORNDOG’ & I’ll DM you! 🫶🏻 #homemadecorndogs #corndogrecipe #howtomakecorndogs #easydinnerrecipes #kidapprovedmeals | Melissa Griffiths - Easy Family Recipes | Mike Floss · Trust (Instrumental)
116K views · 14K reactions | Comment ‘CORNDOG’ for the recipe! 😋 Homemade Corndogs are super fun to make and easy to boot. It’s like having yummy carnival food in the comfort of your own home. Other ways to get the recipe:⁠ 🔗 ☑️ Visit the link in my bio!⁠ ☑️ Comment ‘CORNDOG’ & I’ll DM you! 🫶🏻 #homemadecorndogs #corndogrecipe #howtomakecorndogs #easydinnerrecipes #kidapprovedmeals | Melissa Griffiths - Easy Family Recipes | Mike Floss · Trust (Instrumental)
296K views · 10K reactions | Easter Fruit Pizza! You knew I had to bring a Spring version right? 🙌🏻 Yummy + Easy = WINNER in our recipe book! . Ingredients: • 1 large roll of refrigerated sugar cookies dough • 1 cup of frosting of choice (I used cream cheese frosting for this one but you can use vanilla, lemon or fresh whipped cream) • fresh fruit of choice: I used strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis and mangoes To make it: All you have to do is slice the refrigerated cookie dough in 1/4” slices, place them on a large sheet pan lined with parchment paper and start forming the shape of an egg. Press down the dough and work it until you get the right shape. Bake it off per tube instructions and let it cool off for 5-10 minutes when it comes out. Frost it with your favorite frosting with the help of a spatula and then add fresh fruit forming patterns as an Easter egg (lie you see on the video). I hope you love this and follow for more! . #springtime #easteregg #fruitpizza #dessertpizza #dessertideas #springdessert #fruitdessert #entertainingideas | Carla Bushey - Always keepin’ it real | Cannons · Fire for You (Tiësto Remix)
296K views · 10K reactions | Easter Fruit Pizza! You knew I had to bring a Spring version right? 🙌🏻 Yummy + Easy = WINNER in our recipe book! . Ingredients: • 1 large roll of refrigerated sugar cookies dough • 1 cup of frosting of choice (I used cream cheese frosting for this one but you can use vanilla, lemon or fresh whipped cream) • fresh fruit of choice: I used strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis and mangoes To make it: All you have to do is slice the refrigerated cookie dough in 1/4” slices, place them on a large sheet pan lined with parchment paper and start forming the shape of an egg. Press down the dough and work it until you get the right shape. Bake it off per tube instructions and let it cool off for 5-10 minutes when it comes out. Frost it with your favorite frosti
49K views · 469 reactions | Since everyone loved the Christmas gingerbread gumball machine, I decided to make a Valentine one, too! ♥️ These make great gifts for a valentine exchange and/or ornaments for those that have a valentine tree! #valentinesday2024 #valentinesdaydecor #valentinesdaygift #foryoupagereels | Laura Jeanne | Daryl Hall & John Oates · You Make My Dreams (Come True)
49K views · 469 reactions | Since everyone loved the Christmas gingerbread gumball machine, I decided to make a Valentine one, too! ♥️ These make great gifts for a valentine exchange and/or ornaments for those that have a valentine tree! #valentinesday2024 #valentinesdaydecor #valentinesdaygift #foryoupagereels | Laura Jeanne | Daryl Hall & John Oates · You Make My Dreams (Come True)