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Emerald Cicada (Zammara smaragdina) - 42-51067924 - Rights Managed ...
Emerging from the ground for the first time since 1997, the cicada will become part of our lives for the next few weeks. Mature nymphs surface after maturing over a 17-year period and climb nearby vegetation or structures. They soon molt into winged adults leaving behind their outer skins. Male cicadas will sing to attract females. Cicadas can’t chew so they feed on sap. Best yet, they do not sting nor bite. Photo by Ed Rood/Special to the Ames Tribune
Cicada shedding skin
When we leave this world, it will be like a locust or cicada shedding it's shell. We will receive our "wings" and our spirit take flight!
Cicada (Platylomia sp., Cicadidae)
Cicada (Platylomia sp., Cicadidae) by John Horstman