Pagan - BOS - Wheel of the Year - Lughnasadh

Ideas for the pagan sabbat of Lughnasadh (Lammas), celebrated here (Northern Hemisphere) on August 1/2 ... anything and everything to do with this sabbat, including (but not limited to): lore and information, spells & rituals, correspondences, food/recipes appropriate for this sabbat, etc etc
94 Pins
Irish Stew and Celtic Trinity Knots
Easy Celtic Trinity Knots - so simple to make with canned biscuit dough! Great with Irish Stew
Lammas Artisan Mini Herbal Bread Rounds Recipe (Lughnasadh)
The Wheel of the Year: Lammas or Lughnasadh | Wayward Inspiration
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Handmade Wheat Lammas Lughnasadh 5 Pce Altar set. Corn Mother, Pentagram, Besom…
Christian: Mmm ... Smell That Bread! It's Lammas Day - Religious Holidays
Lammas of the many reasons why I love that sabbat sooooo much!
Lughnasadh Old-Fashioned Magical Blessing Bread Recipe
Lughnasadh Old-Fashioned Magical Blessing Bread Recipe
How to make a corn dolly craft for a harvest celebration
Celebrate Fall! Celebrate the Harvest! Help kids connect with nature. What an awesome old-timey craft! Pass on traditional crafts to your grandchildren while telling stories of the past and how things "used to be"!
Lammas/Lughnasadh Sabbat Correspondences. MY Opalraines Production. words of several sources. Will be making same for other Sabbats..