cman - cluster.conf cman configuration section
Cman configuration values are placed in the <cman> </cman> section of
cluster.conf. Per-node configuration related to cman is placed
in the standard <clusternode> </clusternode> sections. All cman
configuration settings are optional; usually none are used. The <cman>
section is placed under the <cluster> section in cluster.conf.
UDP port
By default, cman will use UDP port 5405/5404 for internode communication. This can
be changed by setting a port number as follows:
<cman port="6809">
This will cause cman to use ports 6809 and 6808 for cluster communications.
Expected votes
The expected votes value is used by cman to determine quorum. The cluster is
quorate if the sum of votes of existing members is over half of the expected
votes value. By default, cman sets the expected votes value to be the sum
of votes of all nodes listed in cluster.conf. This can be overriden by setting
an explicit expected_votes value as follows:
<cman expected_votes="3">
If the cluster becomes partitioned, improper use of this option can result
in more than one partition gaining quorum. In that event, nodes in each
partition will enable cluster services.
Two node clusters
Ordinarily, the loss of quorum after one out of two nodes fails will prevent
the remaining node from continuing (if both nodes have one vote.) Special
configuration options can be set to allow the one remaining node to continue
operating if the other fails. To do this only two nodes, each with one vote,
can be defined in cluster.conf. The two_node and expected_votes values must
then be set to 1 in the cman section as follows.
<cman two_node="1" expected_votes="1">
Node votes
By default, a node is given one vote toward the calculation of quorum.
This can be changed by giving a node a specific number of votes as
<clusternode name="nd1" votes="2">
Node ID
All nodes must have a unique node ID. This is a single integer that identifies
it to the cluster.
A node's application to join the cluster may be rejected if you try to set
the nodeid to one that is already used.
<clusternode name="nd1" nodeid="1">
Multi-home configuration
It is quite common to use multiple ethernet adaptors for cluster nodes, so
they will tolerate the failure of one link. A common way to do this is to use
ethernet bonding. Alternatively you can get openais to run in redundant ring
mode by specifying an 'altname' for the node. This is an alternative name by
which the node is known, that resolves to another IP address used on the
other ethernet adaptor(s). You can optionally specify a different port and/or
multicast address for each altname in use. Up to 9 altnames (10 interfaces
in total) can be used.
Note that if you are using the DLM with cman/openais then you MUST tell it
to use SCTP as it's communications protocol as TCP does not support multihoming.
<clusternode name="nd1" nodeid="1">
<altname name="nd1a" port="6809" mcast=""/>
<dlm protocol="sctp"/>
Multicast network configuration
cman uses multicast UDP packets to communicate with other nodes in the cluster.
By default it will generate a multicast address using 239.192.x.x where x.x is
the 16bit cluster ID number split into bytes. This, in turn is generated from a
hash of the cluster name though it can be specified explicitly. The purpose
of this is to allow multiple clusters to share the same subnet - they will each
use a different multicast address. You might also/instead want to isolate
clusters using the port number as shown above.
It is possible to override the multicast address by specifying it in cluster.conf
as shown:
<multicast addr=""/>
Cluster ID
The cluster ID number is used to isolate clusters in the same subnet. Usually it
is generated from a hash of the cluster name, but it can be overridden here if
you feel the need. Sometimes cluster names can hash to the same ID.
<cman cluster_id="669">
openais security key
All traffic sent out by cman/openais is encrypted. By default the security key
used is simply the cluster name. If you need more security you can specify a
key file that contains the key used to encrypt cluster communications.
Of course, the contents of the key file must be the same on all nodes in the
cluster. It is up to you to securely copy the file to the nodes.
<cman keyfile="/etc/openais.key">
Note that this only applies to cluster communication. The DLM does not encrypt
Other openais parameters
When openais is started by cman (cman_tool runs aisexec), the openais.conf
file is not used. Many of the configuration parameters listed in
openais.conf can be set in cluster.conf (CCS) instead. Cman will read
openais parameters from the following sections in cluster.conf and load
them into openais:
<totem />
<logging />
<event />
<aisexec />
<group />
See the
man page for more information on keys that are valid for these sections.
Note that settings in the <clusternodes> section will override settings in
the sections above, and options on the cman_tool command line will
override both. In particular, settings like bindnetaddr, mcastaddr,
mcastport and nodeid will always be replaced by values in <clusternodes>.
Cman uses different defaults for some of the openais parameters listed in
openais.conf(5). If you wish to use a non-default setting, they can be
configured in cluster.conf as shown above. Cman uses the following
default values:
<!-- or rrp_mode="active" if altnames are present >
<logging syslog_facility="local4" />
<aisexec user="root" group="root" />
Here's how to set the token timeout to five seconds:
<totem token="5000"/>
And this is how to add extra openais logging options to CMAN and CPG:
<logging to_stderr="yes">
<logger ident="CPG" debug="on" to_stderr="yes">
<logger ident="CMAN" debug="on" to_stderr="yes">
cluster.conf(5), openais.conf(5), ccs(7), cman_tool(8)