New Editor: Change Is In The Air

Let me introduce myself: I’m the new editor of San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles.
Wendy Generes

Let me introduce myself: I’m the new editor of San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles. And beginning with the April 2018 issue, you’re going to see a reimagined magazine. Until then, you’ll get snippets of what’s to come, beginning with this letter. 

But first, a little about me: I am a magazine and design enthusiast. I can remember friends asking for CD players and word processors for Christmas at a time when I asked for a subscription to House Beautiful and a room makeover.

Fast-forward a decade or so, and I began filling national magazine pages with words, ideas, images and inspiration for readers in design- and lifestyle-focused publications. Now I’ve been doing it for more than 15 years, and while technology has made it easy and efficient to deliver content to desktops, laptops and smartphones, the printed magazine provides context — an opportunity to present ideas and images with a larger point of view (as in the collective point of view of our editors here).

In the months ahead, I’ll provide a fresh perspective. I want this magazine to be a trusted resource for you whether you’re a homeowner or an apartment renter, a DIYer or an outsourcer, a gardening aficionado or a black thumb (like me). I want there to be something for every reader in each issue, so look for us to add warmth, personality and lots of take aways — specially thought out just for you. I know you’re going to find inspiration in every issue. I will strive to keep you engaged, and I encourage you to engage with me. Tell me what you love and what you don’t.

I’ll be asking for your thoughts, even advice, often. First up: This is the second time my husband and I have lived in San Diego together (we moved from Dallas in May), but the condo we own close to the beach isn’t practical now that we have two kids and two dogs. So tell me where we should live. Share what you love most about your family-friendly neighborhood. You can email me directly at, submit through the Facebook post or share your ideas and opinions on the subject with us on Instagram @sdhomegarden with #lovemyhood.

I look forward to hearing from you, and I know you’re going to love what we have in store for you. Until then, Happy Holidays!

– Wendy Manwarren Generes

Categories: Expert Advice