Bio Plant Tissue

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Group The member of group Ahmad Rizky K. M. Rofiul Fajar Parayi Tri T. Ummu Zulaichah

:4 : ( 02 ) ( 22 ) ( 24 ) ( 31 )


Senior High School 1 Gresik Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim no. 1 Gresik Study year 2011/2012

The Date of Observation :

Wednesday, 28th September 2011

A. Cognitive :
1. Product : To explain the concept of the generic structure of plant tissue. 2. Process : To do the experiment about the generic structure of plant tissue, process include developing hypothesis, controlling variables, forming operational definitions, doing experiment, interpreting data, and drawing conclusion.

B. Psychomotor : To use balance to measure the weight of material C. Affective :

1. Character : - Responsible 2. Social skill : - Communicate

To study the generic structure or the part of plant tissue on spinach, corn, karets leave.

Water Karets leaf ( leaf ) Corn plant ( leaf, stem, root ) Spinach plant ( stem and root ) carrot

Object glass and cover glass Microscope Cutter Silet Beaker glass Pipet Ruler

Problem statement :
What is the structure or the part of plant tissue are different?

Hypothesis :
The structure of plant tissue on leaf, stem, and root are different.

Procedure :
1) Potong wortel pada bagian ujung dengan cutter kira-kira 5 cm 2) Kemudian belah bagian tengah wortel sampai kedalam bagian tengah, tetapi jangan sampai putus. 3) Siapkan tanaman bayam, ambil batang dan akarnya Untuk membnatu memotong batang dan akar secara tipis, letakkan dalam wortel yang sudah dibelah. 4) Setelah mendapat bagian yang tipis letakkan di kaca benda, kemudian beri air lalu amati di mikroskop. 5) Siapkan bahan lainnya, yakni akar, batang dan daun jagung serta daun karet. Setelah itu lakukan sesuai dengan langkah 3 dan 4. 6) Draw your observation!

Observe Result :

Conclusion :
Struktur jaringan tumbuhan monokotil dan dikotil berbeda pada setiap organ daun, batang dan akar.

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