Drawing I Syllabus
Drawing I Syllabus
Drawing I Syllabus
Sustained investigation - Learning a variety of concepts and approaches in drawing so that the student is able to demonstrate a range of abilities and versatility with technique, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Emphasis on making art as an ongoing process involving informed and critical decision making. Analysis through group and individual student critiques and instructional conversations with the teacher, enabling students to learn to analyze and discuss their own artworks and those of their peers.
Evaluation/Assessment: Drawing I students will be evaluated based on thier effort and progress, rather than skill or talent. Self critique, group critique, and teacher critiques will be conducted at the finish of each project. Project based critiques, Sketchbook Journals and lab conduct will be used to determine students final grades. Sketchbook Journal: Students are required to carry sketchbook journals at all times when they are on campus, and they will be encouraged to work in them as often as possible. These journals should be used for class assignments, as well as s of artistic discovery, recording, brainstorming, and experimenting.
Basics: All Drawing I students need these basic materials for daily use in the classroom. F F F F F spiral bound sketchbook pencil set (drawing/drafting) pencil sharpener erasers (polymer, kneaded, & rubber) ruler F F F F F Charcoal (willow, pressed, & white) masking or painters tape drawing paper (such as bristol) digital storage adhesive (glue or glue sticks)
Optional Materials: Please DO NOT go out and purchase all of the materials below. Drawing I students are allowed to, but are not limited to using only the basic materials listed above. Students who are preparing to take AP Drawing next year may want to develop skills in some of the optional materials listed below. The following materials are pre-approved for use in the Drawing I classroom: F F F F F colored pencils various artists papers protractor/other drawing tools technical pen (or pen & ink) markers F F F F F graphite other varieties of charcoal blenders acetate & solvent (for transfers) pastels (chalk or oil)
F found materials Donations: Students in need often have trouble purchasing basic art materials. If you would like to help these students, in our class, please send extra materials to school with your child. Thank you.
SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES Objective: The student understands and applies media, techniques, and processes. VA.A.1.4.1 Demonstrates understanding of technology, processes, and techniques to produce works of art that communicate ideas or concepts based on research, environment, personal experience, observation, or imagination. VA.A.1.4.2 Demonstrates use of tools, media, processes, techniques, and materials for two- and three-dimensional works of art in a safe and appropriate manner. VA.A1.4.3 Creates works of art that communicate complex ideas through application of the elements of art and principles of design. VA.A.1.4.4 Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate art vocabulary . CREATION AND COMMUNICATION Objective: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. VA.B.1.4.1 Applies various subjects, symbols, and ideas in works of art. VA.B.1.4.2 Selects appropriate media, techniques, and processes to create works of art that communicate complex ideas and elicit a variety of responses. VA.B.1.4.3 Understands some of the implications of intentions and purposes in works of art. VA.B.1.4.4 Selects, modifies, and organizes the elements of art and the principles of design to solve specific visual-art problems.
CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS Objective: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. VA.C.1.4.1 Demonstrates knowledge of art exemplars in varied cultures and historic periods and understands their influences on subsequent artistic expression. VA.C.1.4.2 Describes and analyzes how recognized artists and artistic ideas from varied cultures and historic periods recorded, affected, or influenced changes in a historical, cultural, or religious context. AESTHETIC /CRITICAL ANALYSIS Objective: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. VA.D.1.4.1 Develops, justifies, and applies evaluative criteria and judgment to art exemplars of art based on aesthetic guidelines and historical and cultural perspectives when understanding the differences between the artists intent and public interpretation. VA.D.1.4.2 Understands critical and aesthetic statements in terms of historical reference while researching art exemplars in varied cultures and historic periods and their influences on subsequent artistic expression. VA.D.1.4.3 Knows the difference between the intentions of artists in the creation of original works and the intentions of those who appropriate and parody those works.
APPLICATIONS TO LIFE Objective: The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. VA.E.1.4.1 Demonstrates use of collaborative skills to maintain the studio and to produce and exhibit works of art in the school and/or community. VA.E.1.4.2 Identifies the skills that artists use in various careers to promote creativity, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration related to visual arts and across life. VA.E.1.4.3 Demonstrates knowledge of personal and social benefits associated with the design, production, and exhibition of art. VA.E.1.4.3 Demonstrates knowledge of the reciprocal relationships between visual arts and other subject areas (e.g., technology, media, communication, world events). MATERIALS: Students need these basic materials for daily use in the classroom: spiral bound sketchbook pencil set (drawing/drafting) pencil sharpener erasers (polymer, kneaded, & rubber) ruler charcoal (willow, pressed, & white) masking or painters tape drawing paper (such as bristol) digital storage adhesive (glue or glue sticks)