Lab1 AM Modulation Demod Handout
Lab1 AM Modulation Demod Handout
Lab1 AM Modulation Demod Handout
EC-331 Communication Laboratory Experiment-1: AM generation and demodulation Objectives: 1. To generate a conventional AM signal using the multiplier chip AD633. 2. To design and implement an envelope detector for appropriate demodulation of the AM signal. PRELAB (5 marks) Part a) The waveform v(t ) = (1 + mCos (mt ) ) Cos (ct ) with the modulation index m being a constant (m 1) is applied to a diode demodulator (envelope detector). Show that if the demodulator output is to follow the envelope of v(t ) it is required that at any time t0 :
RC =
1 m0 m0
IN LAB (10 marks) Modulation using AD633 2.1 Description: Analog Multiplier IC AD633
AD633 is a functionally complete, four-quadrant analog multiplier. It includes highimpedance, differential X and Y inputs and a high-impedance summing input (Z). The
low-impedance output voltage is a nominal 10V full scale provided by a buried zener. The AD633 comes in an 8-PIN plastic DIP and SOIC packages. Noise referred to the output is typically less than 100Vrms in a 10 HZ to 10 kHz bandwidth. A 1MHz bandwidth, 20v/s slew rate, and the ability to drive capacitive loads makes the AD633 useful in a wide variety of applications. Few features of AD633 are: No external components are needed to apply AD633. High (10M) input resistances make signal source loading negligible. Power supply voltages can range from 8 V to 18 V. 2.2 Functional Description The AD633 is a multiplier IC comprising a translinear, a buried zener reference, and a unity gain connected output amplifier with an accessible summing node. Figure 2.0 shows the functional block diagram. The differential X and Y inputs are converted to differential currents by voltage- to-current converters. The product of these currents is generated by the multiplying core. A buried zener reference provides an overall scale factor of 10 V. The sum of (XY)/10+Z is then applied to the output amplifier. The amplifier summing node Z allows the user to add two or more multiplier outputs, convert the output voltage to a current, and configure various analog computational functions.
Fig.2.0 Functional Block Diagram (AD633JN Pin out shown) Inspection of the block diagram shows the overall transfer function to be:
The AD633 can be used as a linear amplitude modulator with no external components. Fig.2.1 shows the circuit. The carrier and modulation inputs to the AD633 are multiplied
to produce a double-side band signal. The carrier signal is fed forward to the AD633s Z input where it is summed with the double-side band signal to produce a double-side band with carrier output.
Fig. 2.1 Amplitude Modulator using AC633 2.4 Lab procedure for AM Signal Generation Components required (as per the circuit of Fig.2.1): IC AD633, Capacitors of value 0.1F, Breadboard, Connecting wires. 1. The circuit is assembled on the breadboard as shown in the circuit diagram (Fig.2.1). The parameters used are, Carrier signal: Sine wave, Ac = 50mV , f c = 50kHz . Message signal: Sine wave, EM = 5V , f m = 1kHz . 2. Observe and sketch the modulated waveform. (Report)
3. Vary the modulation index m of the modulating signal by changing the voltage
EM = 1, 5, 10, 13V (tabulate). What happens when the modulating index exceeds
Sketch it.
[Results and observations have to be verified by a TA]
Demodulation of AM signals using envelope detection Components required (as per the circuit of Fig.2.2): IC AD633, Capacitors of value 0.1F and 10nF, Diodes D1N4148, Resistors
Fig.2.2 Complete circuit for AM generation and demodulation using the envelope detector 1. Assemble the circuit as shown in Fig.2.2. Verify first if the AM signal is being generated by the AD633 chip at the desired modulation index and frequencies. It is suggested that you maintain a ratio of about 1:10 or 1:15 between the modulating signal frequency and the carrier frequency so that the charging and discharging can be clearly seen on the storage scope. 2. Use the PRELAB exercise to arrive at a suitable choice of values for the time constant RC. 3. Note that the RC values in Fig 2.2 have been suggested for f m = 1kHz and
7. What happens when the modulation index exceeds UNITY. (Report and sketch the AM signal and the detected waveform) Conclusions: Summarize the main challenges in this experiment. In practice what problems do you foresee while designing the envelope detector? HINT: Ask the question, what is the characteristic of a typical message signal which is transmitted across a channel? Suggest an alternate demodulation process which can replace the envelope detector more reliably.