Research Consent Form

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Research Consent form

The dissertation under the working title How are university museums responding to the rise of social media is research towards an MA in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester. This dissertation research will be carried out in accordance with the University of Leicesters Code of Research Ethics which can be viewed at institution/committees/research-ethics/code-of-practice Participants may keep the Information sheet about the dissertation for their records. Material provided as part of this study will be treated as condential and securely stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I agree to take part in this research Yes No

I have read and I understand the information sheet



I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the project and they were answered to my satisfaction I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time





I agree to the interview being recorded and my words being used Yes in a student assignment only I give permission for my real name and institutional affiliation to Yes be used in connection with any words I have said or information I have passed on I request that my real name be used in connection with any Yes information I have provided or comments I have made I request that my comments are presented anonymously but give Yes permission to connect my institutional affiliation with my comments (but not the title of my position) I request that my comments are presented anonymously with no Yes mention of my institutional affiliation






Name .

Signature . Date .

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