Liquid Paraffin Emulsion Method
Liquid Paraffin Emulsion Method
Liquid Paraffin Emulsion Method
method quiz: 1. Rinse and calibrate a 100ml amber bottle by measuring 100ml of water in a conical flask and then adding it to the bottle. Use the sticker provided to mark the meniscus on the bottle with an arrow to indicate which edge of the sticker is meniscus. Then discard the water. 2. Make the primary emulsion using the calculated quantities in the ratio 3:2:1 of oil:water:gum by measuring _____ml of Liquid Paraffin in a conical flask and add to the large dry pestle and mortar. 3. Weigh _____g of Acacia gum on to grease proof paper, put to one side. 4. Measure 25ml of water and add ______ml of concentrated chloroform water to using a graduated pipette and make up to _____ml with water to make the volume of chloroform water needed for the primary emulsion. 5. Add the weighed Acacia gum to the Liquid Paraffin and lightly mix with pestle to disperse lumps. Do not over mix. Keep the suspension in the bottom of the mortar. 6. When the Liquid Paraffin and Acacia are well mixed, add all of the chloroform water all at once and mix vigorously until the mixture thickens and the primary emulsion is formed (this may take at least 5 minutes). Continue mixing for a further two to three minutes to produce the white stable emulsion. 7. Scrape down the sides of the mortar and mix emulsifying any oil that was thrown up the sides during preparation of the primary emulsion. 8. Add a small amount of water using a pasture pipette (no more than 10 ml) to make a pourable liquid, transfer to a calibrated bottle using a glass funnel. 9. Rinse pestle and mortar a couple of times with a further small amount of water using a pasture (no more than 15ml in total) and add rinsing to bottle. Also rinse the glass funnel with a small amount of water. Take care to not add water past the calibration line on the bottle. 10. Make up to volume with potable water using a pasture pipette. Attach top to bottle and shake contents. 11. Check calibration mark. Clean and polish bottle and attach label. PLEASE PRINT THIS METHOD AND BRING IT WITH YOU