Voip Security Threat Analysis
Voip Security Threat Analysis
Voip Security Threat Analysis
Security attacks taxonomy
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Abuse of service attacks Interception and modification attacks
confidentiality: it refers to the fact that the information is accessible only to those authorized to have access integrity: it refers to the validity of data availability: it refers to the expectation of availability and quality of resources
one single message can stop the server/client from working properly
poor implementations (lot of them unfortunately)
can keep busy/crash SIP server depending on FSM implementation (already at low rates) because of high number of checks
SIP Client-B
301 Mo ved Pe rmanen tly
SIP Client-A
The attacker messages cancel a pending request with the same Call-ID, TO, From, and Cseq fields
SIP Proxy
SIP Client-B
The attacker messages cancel a pending request with the same Call-ID, TO, From, and Cseq fields
Result: The Signaling protocol is not aware that there is no exchange of voice samples any more
Result: usage of a poor quality codec with an adaptive system Result: usage of a poor quality codec with an adaptive system
SIP Client-B
SI P nt-B Clie
SIP Client-A
Call Eavesdropping
Capturing RTP flows
Since RTP identifies the codec being used (statically) or either using a dynamic identified codec it is easy to reconstruct the voice sampling (even in real time) Result: listen/record conversations Result: listen DTMF tones to steal passwords and PINs
Available solutions
consumes time, introduces another delay can introduce additional problems in NAT/FW traversal if no special means are adopted
Available solutions
Server to Server
require trust relationship like a shared secret there is no dynamic key exchange protocol established solution
the domain itself can assert the identity of the sender with a signature when relying the message from that user to another domain
Provides a framework for encryption and message authentication of RTP and RTCP streams Default cryptographic transforms and possible additions Has no pre-defined key management scheme It is compatible with MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing), RFC 3830, Can help to prevent the following set of attacks:
does not need modifications when used with MIKEY RTP/RTCP session tear down (RTP/RTCP-specific DoS attack) RTP SSRC collision (RTP/RTCP-specific DoS attack) RTCP forged reception report (RTP/RTCP-specific DoS attack) Call content eavesdropping (Interception and modification attacks) RTP play-out (Interception and modification attacks)
consumes time, introduces another delay can introduce additional problems with Lawful Interception (LI) if no special means are adopted
Future directions (starting in 2nd Half of 05) VoIP Security IPS (not limited to SBCs) VoIP management
client/server configuration is complex can P2P help?
are MIBs enough? what is possible here?
VoIP Security Management (servers need to be configured and queried from a security point of view)