THEOBEN ENGINEERING WEST NEWLANDS SOMERSHAM CAMBS. PE28 3EB ENGLAND Tel : (01487) 740744 Sales Fax : (01487) 740040 Tel : (01487) 842194 Trade
Pellet weights are approximate. For a completely accurate reading it is recommended that a few pellets are weighed to get an average.
Trouble Shooting If Chrony will not read then there is insufficient light. If Chrony will not zero i.e. keeps counting, then check the following; 1. It is near fluorescent lights. 2. It is not receiving sufficient daylight or if indoors it is not receiving sufficient illumination from incandescent bulbs. 3. It is too close to a TV signal radio signal or other similar interference. If Chrony continues to count and will not zero then place outside in bright conditions and will stabilise photo sensors. For users of H.E. Theoben Rifles A pump is available for increasing pressure in the system, therefore increasing the performance up the legal limit. To reduce the power, gently tap the valve to release a small amount of pressure thus reducing the performance. This way the Theoben rifles can be set very precisely and remain within the legal limit.
WARNING Changing the rifle from the manufacturers setting could take the rifle over the legal limit. This is an offence and could result in the rifle being confiscated or you being prosecuted.
CAL - calibre
The manufacturers reserve the right to change specifications and/or prices at any time without prior notice.