Brand Image Measurement of Maggi Noodels

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Praxis Business School Brand Image Measurement On Maggi Noodles Submitted to Prof. S.

Govindrajan Product & Brand Management Part 1: Brand Image Measurement By Anil Nandyala (B11005) Richa Daruka (B11035) Rohit Khattar (B11036) Sonam Keshri (B11042)

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Executive Summary

Brief History of the brand & its Evolution over time

Instruments of Data Collection to measure : Quantitative Research Model Qualitative Research Model Presentation of findings and conclusions for: Quantitative Research Model Qualitative Research Model 13 22 7 12

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Executive Summary:

Brand image is the measure of customers view of the brand. We have chosen Maggi noodles as our brand to measure the brand image. The methods used for measuring brand image are Brand Asset Valuator Laddering Method

Brand Asset Valuator: Instrument for data collection Sample Size Questionnaire 33

The Brand Asset Valuator, a proprietary tool developed by advertising agency Young & Rubicam, measures Brand Image by applying four broad dimensions: Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem, and Knowledge. Brand Asset valuator tells where the brand stands now and how does the future look like. The current strength of the brand is measure by Brand Stature, which is sum of knowledge and esteem of the brand and the potential of the brand is measured by Brand Vitality, which is the sum of differentiation and regard. Brand strength and vitality are plotted on a powergrid to measure the brand image. Based on the analysis of the survey it is found that Maggi gains highest in Knowledge, Esteem and Relevance and stood second in differentiation. When plotted in power grid Maggi lies in quadrant 1, which means strong brand. Clearly, Maggi stands as leader as of BAV, but Maggi stood second in differentiation, which means for Maggi to continue as a leader in the future it has to work on differentiation.

LADDERING METHOD: Instrument for data collection Sample Size Laddering 10

Laddering refers to an in-depth, one-on-one interviewing technique used to develop an understanding of how consumers translate the attributes of products into meaningful associations with respect to self, following means-end theory. Means-End theory states people choose a product because it contains attributes that are instrumental to achieving the desired consequences and fulfilling values.
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The laddering interview reveals people attribute noodles to the following values: Self Esteem, Sense of belonging, Accomplishment & Responsibility. Many of the attributes lead to accomplishment and self esteem values. The main attributes that Maggi should concentrate on are: Instant preparation, Convenience, health, taste & variety. Based on the quantitative survey it is found Maggi is leader at all the attributes except health. Therefore, the positioning of Maggi noodles should be maintained by keeping these end values.

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Brief History of the brand & its Evolution over time

Nestle in the year 1982 launched Maggie in the Indian market. The brand 'Maggi' which is famous for the 2 minutes Noodles is today an umbrella brand in a category that it created for itself in the packaged food segment in India largely because of its first mover advantage. The product was so popular, that Maggi did to noodles in India, what Xerox did to photocopiers worldwide. The tagline used in the 80's was Fast to Cook. Good to Eat. The communication style changed in the 90's where the kids would come home hungry and ask for Maggi quickly. Maggis first brand extension was in the year 1988 when they launched Maggi instant soups with which Nestle became a pioneer in the packaged soup market in India. The new Maggi launched in 1997 was thinner and with a different taste, it proved to be a disaster as the customers did not like the taste of the new Maggi and because of which they spend crores of rupees to relaunch the 'old maggi' with the old taste. By 2001 Maggi again became the leader in the segment of instant noodles and at this time they had a product range which consisted of Maggi 2 minute Noodles, Maggi Sauces and Ketchup, Maggi Pickles and Maggi Soups. In 2004, NIL roped in Preity Zinta (Zinta), a famous Indian actress to endorse Maggi noodles in order to strengthen the brand's image.(Traditionally,Maggi did not opt for celebrities and the ads usually featured mothers and kids.) The Ad was only made to promote the small packs of Maggi. In 2005 Nestle made a very smart move. Maggi repositioned it as health and taste food products. It knew that although kids love noodles, the parents were bothered about the health aspect of Noodles which was made of Maida. Hence Maggi launched Maggi Atta Noodles with the baseline " taste bhi health bhi" .With the introduction of Maggi Atta even the parents were happy consuming it.The changing preferences of Indian consumers added to the success of Maggis vegetable Atta Noodles as they were increasingly accepting instant food products as a part of their diet. Maggi 2 minute me Khushiyan is the latest campaign adopted by Nestle to strengthen their brand. Currently there are many products which are being marketed by Nestle under the brand Maggi:

Maggi Vegetable Multigrain Noodles Maggi 2 Minute Noodles

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Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles Maggi Cuppa Mania


Maggi Pazzta

Maggi Sauces Maggi Pichkoo Maggi Magic Cubes


Magi Bhuna Masala Maggi Coconut Milk Powder Maggi Pizza Mazza Maggi Masala-ae-Magic

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Instruments of Data Collection to measure Quantitative Research Model

Brand Asset Valuator Model

The Brand Asset Valuator, a proprietary tool developed by advertising agency Young & Rubicam, measures Brand Image by applying four broad dimensions: Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem, and Knowledge. The 4 dimensions: Differentiation measures the degree to which a brand is seen as different from others. It is the ability for a brand to be distinguished from its competitors. Relevance is the brands appeal. If a brand is not relevant, or personally appropriate to Consumers, it will not attract or retain them. Esteem measures how well the brand is regarded and respected. It reflects its popularity and perceptions of its quality. The more a person believes in someone or something and its ability to deliver on the promise, the more respect it commands. Knowledge is the result of all the marketing and communications efforts and experiences consumers have had with a brand. Some brands makes you feel like you know the brand as you would a close friend. This is called knowledge. Relevance + Differentiation = Brand Strength Esteem + Knowledge = Brand Stature Brand differentiation and relevance combine to determine brand strength. These two pillars point to the brands future value, rather than just reflecting its past. Esteem and knowledge together create brand stature, which is a barometer of its past performance.

A BAV can be used to: Assess brand health Assess strategy payoff Assess brand meaning Assess positioning Benchmark the brand Evaluate partnership opportunities Guide brand architecture Evaluate financial growth Allocate resource
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DATA COLLECTION Research Instrument Questionnaires Sample Details: Sample Size: 33 Age Bracket: 20-30


1. What are the various brands of noodles you are aware of?

2. Identify the various brand of noodles:

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3. Identify the given taglines with their respective brands:

4. Out of your last 5 purchase of noodles how many times did you buy each of the following brands or out of last 5 times you had noodles?
Yippee Noodles: Top Ramen: Wai Wai: Maggi Noodles: Horlicks Foodles: Knorr soupy noodles:

5. Which brand delivers their brands promise most? (scaling 6 to 1, where 6 being the highest and 1 being the lowest)

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6. What comes to your mind when you think of the following brands:
Yippee Noodles: Top Ramen: Wai Wai : Maggi Noodles: Horlicks Foodles: Knorr soupy noodles:

7. From the brand listed below which brand do you think have similar offerings? If any

8. Which attributes are important for you in noodles: (tick the ones which are important for you)

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9. Which brand of noodles do you associate with the above chosen attributes? (Tick under the name of the brand )

10. Are you aware about the concept of Meri maggi mein 2 min ki khushiyan (Your experience with the brand)?
Yes: No:

11. Kindly indicate your degree of agreement for the statements given below about Meri maggi 2 min mein khushiyan.

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Instruments of Data Collection to measure Qualitative Research Model

Reynolds and Gutmans LADDERING METHOD
Laddering refers to an in-depth, one-on-one interviewing technique used to develop an understanding of how consumers translate the attributes of products into meaningful associations with respect to self, following means-end theory. Hence, to understand the indepth underlying motivators a laddering technique should be used. Laddering originated in consumer research and relies heavily on Means-End Theory which states that people choose a product because it contains attributes (the means) that are instrumental to achieving the desired consequences and fulfilling values (the ends) The common generic means-end chain, therefore, consists of attributes (A), consequences (C) and values (V). Attributes -> Consequences -> Values Rationale: The objective is to provide a detailed description and analysis about the internal value that a consumer associates with the product. DATA COLLECTION Research Instrument Laddering / Depth Interview Sample Details: Sample Size: 10 Age Bracket: 21 28 Composition: Men = 40%, Women = 60%

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Presentation of findings and conclusions for the Quantitative Research Model:


BRAND KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge means being aware about the brand and understanding what the brand or service stands for. Brands like Knor soupy noodles, sunfeast yippee,wai-wai,horlicks foodles & top raman are taken as competitors to measure the brand awareness of magi noodles. The questions asked to measure brand awareness are: What are the various brands of noodles you are aware of? Identify the various brand of noodles:

Identify the given taglines with their respective brands:

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This question measures the top of the mind recall of all the brands of the noodles. The second question checks if they are aware about the different brand of noodles by showing them the packs of different brands The third question asks the respondent to identify the taglines of different brands. Tagline communicates what the product is meant for so if they identify the brand by the tagline that means they have knowledge about the brand and what it is meant for. The result of Brand knowledge (as per the questionnaire) is as follows: BRANDKNOWLEDGE KNORR MAGGI TOPRAMEN 10 32 27 21 21 22 27 24 11 58 77 60 66.67 100 83.33


FOODLES 9 10 13 32 16.67

WAIWAI 10 16 11 37 33.33

YIPPEE 18 17 15 50 50

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 FOODLES





From the data we can clearly say that Maggi noodles has highest brand awareness vis--vis the competitors in all the criteria chosen i.e. top of the mind recall, brand identification by packaging and tag lines.

BRAND ESTEEM Brand esteem is a measure to check how consumers regard the brand i.e. brand personality. In other words it measures whether a brand has positive or negative brand personality. The questions taken to measure the brand personality are:

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Out of your last 5 purchase of noodles how many times did you buy each of the following brands or out of last 5 times you had noodles? Which brand delivers their brands promise most? (Rating scale 1 to 6,1 being the lowest & 6 being the highest)
Brand Yippee Noodles Top Ramen Wai Wai Maggi Noodles Horlicks Foodles Knorr Soupy Noodles

The last five purchase of a product shows the association of a customer with the product and if the customer thinks that the brand delivers its promise it means the customer regards the brand. The result for the Brand Esteem (as per the questionnaire) is as follows:



FOODLES KNORR MAGGI 88 118 182 3 91 16.67 9 127 50 105 287 100

TOP RAMEN 127 13 140 83.34

WAI WAI 112 24 136 66.67

YIPPEE 105 11 116 33.33

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FromtheabovedataweseethatMaggihasscoredthehighestintermsofesteemwhich meanstheconsumersregardsthebrandandarehighlyassociatedwithit.

BRAND DIFFERENTIATION: Differentiation is how distinct the brand is from the competition. Differentiation is the one that helps the brand to charge premium. For measuring the differentiation of Maggi following questions were asked What comes to your mind when you think of the following brands? This question is framed to find what prominent characteristic made the consumer to buy the product From the brands listed below which brand do you think have similar offerings? If any This question is framed to find the uniqueness of the brand, i.e how many respondents feel the brand is different from the competition.

The result for Brand Differentiation (as per questionnaire) is as follows:

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Brand Differentiation KNORR MAGGI





0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 17 32 83.33

0 0 15 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 15 33 100

2 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 2 2 1 3 23 8 31 66.67

0 1 0 0 11 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 11 27 50

0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 15 15 33.33

3 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 10 10 16.67


From the survey it is found that Knorr has the highest differentiation followed by Foodels and Maggi. One reason why Knorr & Foodels has highest differentiation over Maggi is Knorr & Foodels differentiated by products as soupy & healthy, where as Maggi differentiated as 2 min noodles I.e. purely psychographic.

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BRAND RELEVENCE : Relevance is how well the brand satisfies the need of the customer. For measuring the brand relevance of Maggi following questions were asked: Which attributes are important for you in noodles: (tick the ones which are important for you) Which brand of noodles do you associate with the above chosen attributes? (Tick under the name of the brand) The first question was asked to find what attributes are important when buying noodles and second to measure which brand is satisfying that needs/wants (for each customers) better than the competitors The result for Brand Relevance (as per questionnaire) is as follows:


BRANDRELEVANCE MAGGI TOPRAMEN 1 0 24 8 17 0 0 8 16 0 20 2 1 0 14 1 0 4 1 1 94 24 100 83.3

WAIWAI YIPPEE 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 4 6 0 4 10 14 25 66.7


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From the survey we found that Maggi is more relevant in satisfying the needs/ wants of the customers. Some of the reasons Maggi is more relevant than competitors are variety, presence & affordability. We have asked two questions related to the campaign Meri Maggi-2 minute me khusiyan in our questionnaire to check the brand esteem & knowledge of the product. Meri Maggi-2 minute me khusiyan is the latest ad campaign of the noodles brand which aims to find out the emotional attachment of people with the brand as an old brand like Maggi does not only offer product but also some emotional attributes with it.

The following are the questions asked: Are you aware about the concept of Meri maggi mein 2 min ki khushiyan (Your experience with the brand)? Kindly indicate your degree of agreement for the statements given below about Meri maggi 2 min mein khushiyan. Statements It is innovative and something new It increased emotional connection with the brand It increased your interest in the brand It is a source of fun & enjoyment It motivated you to buy the brand more frequently It gave you a sense of recognition as a customer of the brand The result of the question asked is as follows: Brand

30 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 Aware Unaware 28

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4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Ratingofthestatementrelatedtothe campaign

Innovativeand Emotional Itincreasedyour Itisasourceof Itmotivatedyou somethingnew connectionwith interestinthe funand tobuythebrand thebrand brand enjoyment morefrequently

From the survey we found that most of the respondent knows about the campaign and they think its innovative & something new. The campaign can allow the consumers to own the brand and talk about their unique experience relating to the brand which in turn will help increasing the brand esteem and knowledge The following table shows the brand stature and brand strength for each brand: Brand Horlicks Foodles Knorr Maggi Top Ramen Wai-Wai Yippie Brand Strength 66.67 62.5 83.34 66.67 29.17 41.68 Brand Stature 16.67 58.34 100 83.33 50 41.67

(Brand strength is calculated as the average of relevance and differentiation and Brand strength is calculated as the average of knowledge and esteem) The above data is plotted in the power grid below:

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Conclusion: We can clearly see that Maggi has the highest Brand Stature and Brand Strength which means it is the leader followed by Top Ramen and Knorr Soupy noodles which are again high on Brand Stature and Brand Strength that means they are doing well now and will be able to perform well in future. Horlicks Foodles is high on brand strength but low on stature which means it is an emerging and niche brand. Sunfeast Yippee and Wai-Wai are both low on stature and strength. The main benefit Maggi is enjoying over the rest is early mover advantage. But, now the competition from HUls Knorr, Sunfeast yuppie and Horlicks Foodels, which are differentiating highly on product characteristics such as soupy, non sticky and healthy made Maggi lose race in differentiation. So for Maggi to keep leadership position is highly dependent on its differentiation.

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Presentation of findings and conclusions for the Qualitative Research Model:


Senseof ` belonging SelfEsteem: Selfimage Selfrecognition Accomplishment: Getmostfromlife

Responsibility: Effective utilisationof resources Usetimeforotheractivities

DoSocialActivity Studying latenight/ Dooffice work Moodremainsgood: Stressbuster Concentrateonday todayactivities Notget bored SelfSatisfaction Meeting Goals/ Objective MakesLife Easy


Savingtime fromHecticLife Shortageof time


Goodforbody andhealth

Instant 22|P a g e NoOil Healthy

Satisfy tastebud

Fun: Enjoyment







ATTRIBUTES Instant Convenient (Easytocook) NoOil Healthy Taste Variety Size

CONSEQUENCES Savingtimefrom hecticlife Dosocialactivity Selfsatisfaction Shortageoftime Studyinglatenight Doofficework Meetinggoals/ objective Usetimeforother activities Concentrateondayto dayactivities Goodforbodyand health Moodremainsgood Stressbuster Fun/Enjoyment Satisfytastebud Notgetbored Easytocarry Savemoney Makeslifeeasy Nowastage

SelfEsteem Senseof belonging Accomplishment Responsibility

Theladderinginterviewrevealspeopleattributenoodlestothefollowingvalues:SelfEsteem,Sense ofbelonging,Accomplishment&Responsibility.ManyoftheattributesleadstoAccomplishment andSelfEsteem.ThemainattributesthatshouldbeconcentratedareInstant,Convenience(Easyto cook),Health,Taste&value.FromtheQuantitativesurveyitisfoundthatMaggiisleaderinall theseattributesexceptHealth,eventhoughitsTaglineisHealthbhiTastebhi. Therefore,Maggishouldpositionitsnoodlesbasedontheseendvalues.Thecurrent advertisementsaremainlypositioningMaggias2minnoodles,whicharesatisfyingmanyofthe mainattributesrequiredforcreatingtheendvalues.Maggishouldpromoteitstaglinemore aggressivelyforsatisfyingmoreendvaluesoftheusers.

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