Mega Cities Full Report
Mega Cities Full Report
Mega Cities Full Report
Forum for the Future is the UKs leading sustainable development NGO. We work internationally with government, business and public service providers, helping them to develop strategies to achieve success through sustainability, to deliver products and services which enhance peoples lives and are better for the environment, and to lead the way to a better world.
Megacities on the Move has been led by Forum for the Future in partnership with EMBARQ and was funded by Vodafone and the FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society. Date of publication: November 2010 Registered office: Overseas House 1923 Ironmonger Row London EC1V 3QN Company No. 2959712 VAT Reg. No. 6777475 70 Charity No. 1040519 Design:
Forum for the Future Authors: Ivana Gazibara, James Goodman and Peter Madden. Forum for the Future support team: Chris Dewey, Stephanie Draper, Rupert Fausset, Joy Green, Joe Hall, Ruth Harwood, Clare Jenkinson, David Mason, Gustavo Montes de Oca, Nathalie Nathe, Will Nitch-Smith, Kate OHagan, Hanna Plant, Francesca Rutherford, Ulrike Stein, Claire Wyatt. Special thanks to our partners: Sheila Watson, Director of Environment, The FIA Foundation; Nicola Woodhead, Group Environment Manager, Vodafone; Chris Burgess, Corporate Responsibility Director, Vodafone; Caroline Dewing, Senior Manager, Communications Strategy, Vodafone; Samaresh Parida, Director, Strategy, Vodafone Essar; Prema Shrikrishna, Manager Corporate Responsibility, Vodafone Essar; Tugba Unal, Corporate Affairs, Vodafone Turkey; Prajna Rao, Urban Planner, EMBARQ (CST India); Madhav Pai, Director, EMBARQ India; Ahmet Birsel, Programme Manager, EMBARQ (SUM Turkey); Sibel Bulay,
Director, EMBARQ Turkey; Nancy Kete, former Director, EMBARQ; Clayton Lane, Acting Director, EMBARQ. Special thanks also to the many people who contributed to the project through interviews, workshops and peer reviews. For a full list please refer to the Appendix. FIA Foundation The FIA Foundation is an independent UK registered charity which manages and supports an international programme of activities promoting road safety, environmental protection and sustainable mobility, as well as funding specialist motor sport safety research. Vodafone Vodafone is one of the worlds largest mobile communications companies by revenue with approximately 347 million proportionate customers as at 30 June 2010. Vodafone currently has equity interests in over 30 countries across ve continents and over 40 partner networks worldwide. For more information, please visit
EMBARQ The EMBARQ global network catalyses environmentally and financially sustainable transport solutions to improve quality of life in cities. Since 2002, the network has grown to include five Centres for Sustainable Transport, located in Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey and the Andean Region, that work together with local transport authorities to reduce pollution, improve public health, and create safe, accessible and attractive urban public spaces.
Download All the Megacities on the Move resources at: megacities-on-the-move
For more information on Megacities on the Move or to organise a workshop please email Ivana Gazibara at: megacitiesonthemove@forumforthefuture. org, or call +44 (0)20 7324 3673.
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1. overview
Foreword How can you use this toolkit? Whats ahead? Factors shaping the future What can you do? Six solutions for sustainable urban mobility Scenario summaries Perspectives from our partners
p5 p7 p8
2. whats your destination? four scenarios for urban mobility in 2040 p17
What are scenarios? p18
3. what can you do? six solutions for sustainable urban mobility p36
1. Integrate, integrate, integrate 2. Make the poor a priority 3. Go beyond the car 4. Switch on to IT networks 5. Refuel our vehicles 6. Change peoples behaviour p38 p40 p41 p43 p45 p47
4. plan the future now how to run a workshop using the scenarios p49
Sample workshop agenda and exercises Case study: Istanbul Case study: Mumbai Appendix: Thank yous p50 p56 p60 p64
How were the scenarios created? p18 Key variables: energy sources and global governance The scenarios: Planned-opolis Sprawl-ville Renew-abad Communi-city p19 p20 p24 p28 p32
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1. overview
megacities on the move
Megacities on the Move, a collaboration between Forum for the Future, the FIA Foundation, Vodafone and EMBARQ, can help you nd answers to these questions. It is a toolkit designed to help governments, companies and civil society organisations understand the challenges of the future and start planning for sustainable city living. Humankind recently reached a historic tipping point: for the rst time more people live in cities than outside them. This trend is set to intensify. By 2040 two in three people on the planet will be city-dwellers.1 There will be many more of us, as world population grows by two billion, and far more megacities, primarily in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The social, environmental and economic implications of this will be enormous. All over the globe, cities need to start planning now to radically re-engineer their infrastructures to cope with much larger populations than they currently support. But cities do not exist in isolation. They will need to succeed in a world where key resources are in short supply: from oil scarcity and rising energy prices to competition between biofuels and food production, there are major challenges ahead that face us all. There will be critical questions about how we manage these resources, who controls them, and who can afford them. Overlaying and intensifying all of these pressures is climate change. Cities will have to deal with both the policy responses, such as more expensive carbon, and the physical
impacts of changing weather patterns. Throughout human history we have built our major settlements on rivers, estuaries and coasts. Sea level rise and more frequent and intense storms and oods are just some of the impacts cities will have to contend with. It is clear that people must nd sustainable ways to live and travel in cities. We wont survive without new thinking and more creative approaches. We will need completely new ways to produce and deliver goods and services, consume and move about. Cities are in many ways places of opportunity hot-houses for economic, social and cultural innovation so they are likely to be the places where we nd new solutions to mobility.
Tokyo skyline
What is mobility? In this toolkit, mobility means more than just transport. Our denition of mobility is a means of access to goods, services, people and information. This includes physical movement, but also other solutions such as ICT-based platforms, more effective public service delivery provision, and urban design that improves accessibility. To plan for peoples needs in the megacities of the future, we need to look at all of these aspects together. What are megacities? Megacities are urban areas with a population in excess of 10 million people. For more information, see:
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, htm (accessed on 24 September, 2010).
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Megacities on the Move offers six sustainable mobility solutions that we can all begin acting on today, from integrated planning, to looking beyond the car, to improved use of technology. But more than anything, we want you to take this toolkit and apply it to your own context. Through research, interviews, and workshops in Istanbul and Mumbai, we have collected the most exciting thinking about sustainable mobility. We have used this to create four scenarios that paint challenging but realistic pictures of what the future could hold. They enable you to explore your future, whoever you are, wherever you are and shape your own response. The future of the world is urban. Because of the rapid modernisation of countries such as Brazil, China, India and Turkey, we are seeing the largest rural-urban migration in history. How that urban development happens will lock-in behaviour for decades to come, so it needs to be sustainable. It is no exaggeration to say that the global race for sustainability will be won or lost in our cities.
The goal is not transport, but accessibility more productivity, more mobility, more beauty in one day. > Sue Zielinski, MD, Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation, University of Michigan
Megacities on the Move Read on to nd out more about the challenges and solutions of the future. Download all the Megacities on the Move resources at: www. megacities-on-the-move
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1. Overview
You can use this section to introduce your colleagues, business partners and clients to the issues.
4. Plan the future now: How to run a workshop using the scenarios
One of the best ways to get engaged in the challenges you face is to organise a workshop. This section gives specic guidance on how to plan a workshop on the future of urban mobility, using the four scenarios as a starting point to explore issues relevant to you and develop a strategy and action plan. In May and June 2010 Forum for the Future ran similar workshops in Mumbai and Istanbul you can see the highlights from this process which may give you ideas for your own workshop.
3. What can you do? Six solutions for sustainable urban mobility
If you are motivated to bring innovation into your strategic planning, these are actions you can take now to help create the sustainable urban mobility systems of the future. This section includes practical examples of how these solutions are already being put into practice around the world; from integrated cities to intelligent trafc systems, automotive technology, car-free days and virtual meetings.
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most of Europe and North America. These changes will put increasing pressure on mobility in cities, and make it more difcult to ensure a growing and ageing urban population can access affordable mobility solutions such as public transport and other essential services. In an optimistic scenario, cities will have planned to create an urban environment for people. They will make their planning and infrastructure investments based on accessibility for people. > Nancy Kete, former Director, EMBARQ
Resource constraints
This growing global population also has an increasing taste for resource-intensive goods such as meat and cars. The result is exploding global demand for water and land for crops, livestock, domestic use and biofuels; fossil fuels to power transport or production; and minerals, metals and forests for manufacturing. All of these resources are already heavily exploited, and many face the possibility of severe depletion or even exhaustion in the rst half of the century. Scarcity will lead to competition and high, volatile resource prices it seems likely that the age of cheap oil and cheap energy is over, for example. This will have a knock-on effect on the cost and availability of transport and other goods and services essential to everyday needs in cities. Urban societies can respond in different ways: through technological innovation, behaviour change, economic development, migration patterns and more.
So Paulo
Demographic trends
We can be reasonably certain about population increases over the next 30 years: from 6.8 billion people in 2010 to approximately 8.8 billion in 2040.3 This growth wont be evenly distributed: most of it will occur in the cities of Africa, China, India and Latin America. China will also be dealing with an ageing population, as will
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, http://, The Royal Society, http://royalsociety. org/climate-change/.
UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, World Population Prospects, 2008 revision: http://esa. (accessed on 24 September 2010).
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Global economy
Economic growth creates a spiral of greater demand for mobility, and greater demand for goods and services. Providing more goods and services requires more transport, support and staff; increased wealth allows people to travel more and encourages more expensive modes of transport such as the car; and growth in property prices leads to longer commutes. We have come to take growth for granted, but could resource limitations or climate change bring the seemingly endless expansion cycle to an end? Or, might lifestyle changes alter how we think about growth and wellbeing, affecting everything from consumption patterns to modal choices? In places like Istanbul and Mumbai, with large populations with rapid economic growth, it is absolutely key that they focus on restraining growth in vehicle use. Its arguably the hardest and the most important challenge confronting these cities. > Dan Sperling, author of Two Billion Cars: Driving Towards Sustainability
Social structures
Traditionally, most societies have favoured the family as the core unit, often with strong communities surrounding the family. These communities were typically more self-sufcient and had lower levels of mobility. Today, many cities are becoming more atomised spaces, with a huge inux of diverse groups and more emphasis on individuals. This could spell the decline of traditional community structures and an emergence of new types of community for the urban age more networked, exible, and mobile, but also more temporary. Equally, there is a possibility that we might see a reassertion of traditional community and family structures in the cities of the future, whether as a backlash against too much individualism and social fragmentation, or as a result of resource and climate constraints.
There are big gaps in global governance systems on major issues including energy, food, water and climate change. If these are not improved, or if governance deteriorates, our countries and cities will be more vulnerable to external shocks. City-level governance is also critical, particularly when it comes to mobility for example, to develop well-designed public transport systems, maintain order and support the integration of various mobility networks. It is highly uncertain how the quality, effectiveness and structure of governance systems will unfold. Different approaches to governance could profoundly affect mobility in cities from tightly controlled and networked mobility systems on one end of the spectrum, to a chaotic proliferation of mobility solutions in a world with poor governance on the other.
Resource use
Mobility is essentially about the ability to access goods, services, people and information. Therefore the future response to resource scarcity will have a huge impact on urban mobility and quality of life. If there is strategic investment in energy, food and water supply infrastructure, for example, cities will be better able to ensure their citizens can access essential goods and services. If there are inadequate responses to resource scarcity, life in megacities of the future will be tough, with rapid population growth but too few resources to meet peoples demands.
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The 20th century was the age of the car. It became a status symbol for those who had it, and an aspiration for those who could not afford it. In the age of rising middle classes in emerging economies, demand for the car may explode as we are already seeing in markets such as China. Managed badly, this could have detrimental impacts on the quality of life in cities from air pollution, to congestion and road safety, to exacerbation of climate impacts. However, future generations may have a different set of mobility preferences. Todays children will have grown up with immersive networking technology, and are likely to be much more comfortable spending time in virtual spaces. There are already signs in some cities that the popularity of the car as a status symbol is declining, especially as congestion problems get worse and alternative status symbols (such as smart technology devices) emerge. The UK government banned smoking in public places and nobody batted an eyelid. A generation ago, this would have been unthinkable. At the moment, mobility is different. There is no sense that mobility causes harm. Indeed it is seen as a good thing if you can afford it. Maybe attitudes to travel will change like they did to smoking. > Ben Plowden, Director of Integrated Programme Delivery, Transport for London
Future trends such as climate change impacts, resource constraints, technological innovation, or cost pressures on public services, will present a number of risks and opportunities to businesses operating in cities. The typical urban mobility model is state-funded public transport systems, competing and combining with privately owned cars and taxis running on public roads. This could change in a number of different ways. There will almost certainly be opportunities to provide digital alternatives to physical mobility from employment, to retail, to leisure. New business models could emerge in personal mobility as well, such as todays urban car clubs. Ofce spaces and the way we work could change, and private sector provision could extend further into areas traditionally addressed by governments from public transport to wider infrastructure.
Technological development
Technological change has reached an unprecedented speed, and this is likely to continue into the future though innovation could also be stied as a result of various economic or political factors, as in our Sprawl-ville scenario. Many place faith in technology, and indeed new vehicle systems do have the potential to reduce energy and carbon impacts dramatically, especially from cars. However, it is much harder to predict what technological developments we will have in 2040, and even how inuential these will be compared to other factors, from policy to behaviour change. Certainly, ICT-based innovation will be a prominent feature of our lives, particularly in increasingly networked cities, where the ability to be permanently connected could bring better access to goods, services and other people with less need for physical transport. Transport technology innovations might include further changes in vehicle design, propulsion systems and energy sources to address congestion, carbon emissions and safety. The most anticipated trend is for new electric vehicles, including low carbon power-trains similar to electric cars. Other possibilities include buses or cars driven by locally produced hydrogen or biofuels. The convergence between cities and other areas will grow as we start to spend time in virtual cities. > Guy Summers, R&D Collaboration Manager, Vodafone
Urban form
Currently we are on a pathway to everincreasing urban sprawl, and in some cases megacities merging with neighbouring cities and towns. These mega-regions, formed by megacities that stretch hundreds of kilometres sometimes across state borders form vast belts of high population density and economic power and create huge challenges for governance and mobility. However, this trend is not inevitable and it is possible to reverse it. For example, many urban planners and transport ofcials today advocate replacing low density car-centric cities and zoned land use with denser, integrated urban villages based around mixed land use, public transport and walkability. Our scenarios reect these different possibilities. In the past 100 years, the automobile has shaped the city rather than cities shaping the automobile. In the future the opposite will be the case: cities will start to shape mobility. > Chris Borroni-Bird, Director of Advanced Technology Vehicle Concepts, GM
Cyclist in Mumbai
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what can you do? six solutions for sustainable urban mobility
Looking 30 years into the future, the challenges and the solutions can seem a long way off. But everyone involved in urban mobility can take action today, whether you are a government, city authority, urban planner, transport provider, in business or the public sector.
High speed train
Want to see how this is happening in the real world? Please see section 3 for more details and practical examples of how these six solutions are already being designed, put into practice, or scaled up around the world: from integrated cities to intelligent trafc systems, biofuels to battery technology, car-free days to travel-free virtual meetings. Download it from: megacities-on-the-move
4. Switch on to IT networks
There is enormous potential for information technology to reduce the need for physical movement by enabling urban dwellers to access more and more services online. Using IT networks to connect and coordinate cars and public transport can also help reduce trafc congestion and accident risks.
Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon, Two Billion Cars, Oxford University Press, New York, 2009.
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scenario summary:
urban form
Because energy is very expensive, cities are highly managed, with limited personal mobility and efcient public transport networks. In some cases, cities are downsized or even designed and built from scratch. Floating cities are also taking off in coastal areas as a key climate adaptation strategy.
In a world of fossil fuels and expensive energy, the only solution is tightly planned and controlled urban transport.
Energy > Centralised grids rely on gasred power stations and carbon capture and storage. Resources > Strict planning and rationing ensure resources are used as efciently as possible. Economy > A strong, regulated economy invests in technology and infrastructure. Climate change > Cities are replanned as extreme measures are taken to decarbonise the world. Governance > One-size-ts-all governance is effective, but reduces freedom. Social structures > Society is fairer but less individualistic. Values > It is a hard-working but hightrust world. Business > Big business is everywhere, and even governs some cities. Technology > We live in a hi-tech world of integrated systems and virtualisation.
Mobility choices are constrained. People have allowed ICT and the advent of virtual city spaces to replace a large portion of physical travel. Many cities ban cars in central areas to meet carbon targets. Personal vehicles are available only to the wealthy, so the average citizen moves around the city using tightly controlled and networked public transport systems, and by walking or cycling through strictly nonmotorised zones.
Feeling hot? > People keep cool under the ten million trees the city has planted. Whats on the menu? > The Global Food Council can tell you it decides what food is grown in which region. Need to get away? > Millions of people now live in oating cities and millions more escape daily to virtual cities like London 2.0.
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scenario summary:
urban form
The city is a great fragmented sprawl. There are huge, low-density suburbs, freeways to connect them, and commuter jams. In the periphery of the city there are numerous failed developments, built too far from public transport and therefore unaffordable to urban commuters now that oil prices are high. They either become ghetto areas for poorer people or are reborn as local communities trying to provide their own services.
The city is dominated by fossil fuel-powered cars. The elite still gets around, but most urban dwellers face poor transport infrastructure.
Energy > Oil production peaked around 2030 but transport still uses fossil fuel particularly gas and focuses on efciency. Resources > Resource scarcity has lowered the quality of life for the urban masses in this elite-controlled world. Economy > The global economy is stagnant, susceptible to protectionism and shrinking supply chains. Climate change > Short-term thinking rules as people focus on adapting and protecting their property. Governance > Cities are governed by and for the elites they maintain just enough of the basic infrastructure to minimise public disorder. Social structures > Its a less equal world where the informal economy prospers. Values > Tension is growing as people lose faith in consumerism and the world is increasingly polarised into religious and ethnic extremes. Business > Business is powerful with an expanded role in society as a result of less public service provision but it is less accountable. Technology > There are efciency gains but few major breakthroughs.
In urban areas, the car-dominant model persists, although the average personal vehicle is now an ultra-efcient hybrid or diesel car. As the poor are increasingly unable to afford the daily car commute, urban ghetto areas spread in the city core and informal paratransit 5 services spring up to serve community needs. People begin to alter their commute to address daily needs: nomad businessmen sit in trafc in armoured vehicles, working while moving slowly from meeting to meeting; many of the cars bought by the emerging global middle classes become driveway trophies rather than a practical means of transport, as people return to buses and bicycles.
Wheres my car? > Everywhere! Cars are still in favour and still the ultimate status symbol. Dont like the jam? > Its a 24-hour city of never-ending congestion. Fill up the tank? > Businessmen get around in tank-like armoured cars to protect themselves.
An alternative mode of exible passenger transportation that does not follow xed routes or schedules. Typically mini-buses are used to provide paratransit service, but share taxis and jitneys are also important providers. For more information, see the Wikipedia entry on paratransit:
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scenario summary 3
urban form
The age of urban sprawl is over: cities are becoming more densely populated as they set boundaries for growth. City states have re-emerged as powerful forces to be reckoned with. Neighbourhoods are organised around hubs providing integrated services from in-house energy generation to vehicle charging points to community centres and exible ofces.
The world has turned to alternative energy, and high-tech, clean, well-planned transport helps everyone get around.
Energy > Its a brave new world where we have rapidly embraced renewable energy. Resources > Theres a shortage of food and land, and resource use is strictly regulated. Economy > Economic power has shifted south to China, India and their allies. Climate change > An early global deal on climate change means that the most dangerous impacts were averted. Governance > Strict governance holds sway in nation-states and city-states alike. Social structures > The rich-poor gap has narrowed within societies, though many regions have been left behind in the low carbon race. Values > People value simplicity and authenticity. Business > Business provides lowimpact services in collaboration with governments. Technology > Innovation is driven and regulated by the public sector. There have been important breakthroughs, including in electric vehicle battery technology.
On city streets, many more personal vehicles are electric or hybrid, and electric rail and buses are the top choice for public transport. Energy continues to be relatively expensive, so people often switch between personal vehicles, public transport, walking and cycling. The infrastructure has been massively upgraded in many cities to encourage this. Sophisticated augmented reality services reduce the need for physical travel, and almost every aspect of transport is guided by technology.
Waiting for the train? > There are ultra-highspeed rail links connecting every suburb. Drive off into the sunset? > Solar scooters are one of the popular ways to get around. Whos in charge? > The city council controls our lives to keep us safe and comfortable and we like it.
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scenario summary 4
urban form
Power has devolved to individuals and communities; cities have become more informal and sometimes chaotic centres of creativity. For example, communityorganised vertical and small-scale horticulture has ourished, with balconies, roofs and the sides of buildings given over to growing food.
The world has turned to alternative energy, and transport is highly personalised with a huge variety of transport modes competing for road space.
Energy > Local renewable energy generation and decentralised grids have superseded coal, gas and oil. Resources > Cities have transformed to produce more of their own food and deal locally with waste and water. Economy > Grassroots business and new technology compensate for protectionist trade and slow global growth. Climate change > People and communities adapt to climate change and reduce carbon, despite weak global policy. Governance > Central coordination is weak and more power resides at the community level using computer-based collaborative tools. Social structures > Its a more unequal world, but full of opportunities if youre able to grab them. Values > People are less consumerist and less status-driven; they look more to religion and community. Business > Business is more local and decentralised, and many global brands are now extinct. Technology > Rapid breakthroughs make technology an exciting area of change, and many people are involved through grassroots innovation and research.
Personal and individualised mobility is important. Modes of transport proliferate and people move about in a range of small electric vehicles souped-up bikes, covered scooters, pod-cars and so on. Customisation is rife. Some people even build their vehicles locally from kits, using open-source designs, local materials and home-brewed biofuels. The roads look chaotic with so many vehicle types and so much personalised transport but somehow it all works, through smart use of information technology to avoid collisions and optimise routes.
Plant-powered public transport? > Biobuses are one of the most popular cheap ways to get around the city. DIY everything? > 3D printers allow anyone to be a homegrown manufacturer from furniture to fashion. Where did our centre go? > There is no city centre any more, everyone has their own very different neighbourhood.
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Want to plan your own workshop? Get a how-to guide for organising a sustainable urban mobility workshop and nd out more about Istanbul and Mumbai in section 4: Plan your future now. Download it from: megacities-on-the-move
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Scenario planning
Based on the key factors and trends we then developed scenarios showing different possible outcomes for mobility in cities in the year 2040. Using these scenarios, we also created outlines of city-specic scenarios for Istanbul and Mumbai, suggesting what might happen locally in each city within the context of the global-level scenarios.
Why 2040?
We chose to examine the future of mobility in 2040 because urban infrastructure has a long life, so setting a 30 year timeline provides enough time to plan for and deliver a new generation of sustainable mobility solutions.
Horizon-scanning research
As part of this phase we undertook desk research as well as structured interviews with more than 40 experts involved in different aspects of urban mobility from around the world including stakeholders in the two cities we had chosen to test the scenarios, Istanbul and Mumbai. Our aim was to identify current forces and uncertainties around urban mobility, as well as get interviewees perspectives on key factors and trends shaping the future of mobility.
City workshops
We conducted 2-day workshops in Istanbul and Mumbai to validate the scenarios, identify relevant challenges and opportunities for the local context, as well as short, medium and long-term solutions that could be implemented. In particular we asked people to critique the scenarios, and tell us what they thought were the most plausible outcomes and trends.
Partner workshops
We also conducted workshops for the project partners in an effort to explore the implications of the scenarios for their organisations, and identify options for future strategy responses.
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2. whats your destination? > four scenarios for urban mobility in 2040
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2. whats your destination? > four scenarios for urban mobility in 2040
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scenario 1 planned-opolis
In a world of fossil fuels and expensive energy, the only solution is tightly planned and controlled urban transport.
2018 Most new coal and gas power stations have CCS, with funds supporting this technology in developing countries. 2023 A high prole nuclear storage shelter leak due to a rushed project further delays nuclear large scale generation. 2027 Plans for new oating cities approved in Bangladesh and the Netherlands.
2015 A global climate deal is reached. A framework of global cuts for 50% (to 1990 levels) by 2050 is agreed, with interim targets. 2020 Globetech, a major multinational company, bans ying for business meetings and sees share prices rise sharply in the following years. 2025 City Corp takes over the management of Laos after a governance failure. 2035 Global Food Council gets new powers to control farming.
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Resource use Strict planning and rationing ensure resources are used as efciently as possible.
There is strong reliance on technological solutions and centralised planning to overcome resource shortages. Water is commonly rationed. To maximise efciency the Global Food Council dictates what crops can be grown where in the world. Consumption of energy-intensive meat is restricted. Tight monitoring of raw materials such as metals, wood or paper, ensures that resources are reused and recycled. Biotechnology and nanotechnology have helped engineers and scientists develop new materials with exceptional physical properties.
Climate change responses Cities are replanned as extreme measures are taken to decarbonise the world.
The world relies on geo-engineering. Carbon scrubbers that take CO 2 directly out of the air are a common sight on city streets. Many cities with high food risk have been deliberately downsized and populations moved to new cities designed from scratch. Floating city technologies pioneered by the Dutch have spread to other rich city areas such as Hong Kong. Cities are re-engineered for natural cooling tree-planting, green roofs and natural ventilation are common.
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Social trends A fairer but less individualistic society.
Inequality between countries has decreased as the global economy has rebalanced. Inequality within countries has also decreased, though in most societies there is still a persistent underclass and elite. Individual freedoms have been eroded. Societies tend to be less diverse than in the past. Civil society is less vibrant and there is less protest and political violence.
The business landscape Big business is everywhere, and even governs some cities.
Big business is thriving in the globalised economy, operating global brands, with localised distribution and supply chains due to the high price of oil. Business plays a major role in government and in peoples lives. For example, City Corp is a global rm that specialises in governing cities (transport, energy, healthcare and so on) as efciently as possible. It uses computer models to design integrated systems that can be adjusted and applied to any large city in the world. More and more services are delivered virtually.
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urban form
Huge urban regions are transformed by system-planning, virtualisation and a generational divide.
Megacity regions in some parts of the world house more than a hundred million people. Cities are tightly regulated and carefully planned. Many new cities have been created and slum-dwellers forcibly resettled. New suburbs have often been designed around the electric bike, not the car, with narrow streets that blend walking space with bike space. Cities are more formalised places than they used to be. Informal activity, such as unplanned building or unlicensed markets, is not tolerated. City form is heavily inuenced by virtualisation, with a greater blending of social classes and more people living urban lifestyles far away from the city. People can live in one city but be resident in another location of their choice, some of which only exist in the virtual world, such as London 2. Cities are governed increasingly as complex systems (integrating energy, transport, water, waste and so on), to maximise efcient use of resources. Activity movement of trafc and people in particular is continually tracked. There is a signicant generational gap between younger and older people, as the young adapt more quickly to living their lives in virtual spaces. The over-60s dominate the physical city, while younger people dominate the virtual city. This means that the whole urban physical environment, including
Demand for mobility is down, car ownership has reduced and transport systems are highly integrated.
Transport in most cities is highly regulated. Some cities have become completely car-free, others only allow electric cars and the majority have strict standards on fuel economy for any internal combustion engine or hybrid vehicles. Car parks have disappeared from many urban areas, replaced by houses or urban farms. Commuters apply for a 15-minute travel slot if they need to travel to work. People are told when to travel and by what mode. Small vehicles are likely to be electric, using energy from centralised grids, while larger vehicles such as coaches and trucks are more likely to use liquid fuel. Car ownership is low, though the rich are still driving cars and paying the high price. Transport systems have evolved to be highly integrated across the different modes, including walking and cycling, inter-city travel and consequently also transport systems in nearby cities. Any delays or breakdowns can disrupt transport over huge areas. People have calorie cards that can be topped up and spent on anything, including different modes of transport, with a high-energy mode using more calories than a low-energy mode. Smart cars ensure that driving behaviour is smooth and safe and keeps trafc moving as much as possible. In the most advanced cities, mass transit and individual transit become blurred: an individual can drive a car to a mass transit route and join a computercontrolled convoy, effectively becoming a part of the mass transit and surrendering control of the vehicle, then leave the convoy again when convenient.
Transport is treated by city governments as one part of a functioning urban system that includes energy systems, water, waste, food, distribution and so on. City governments look for solutions that can integrate the different subsystems most efciently, for example combining public transport with freight transport or energy storage. The high prices of oil and carbon mean that all transport modes are expensive, except for walking and cycling. Along with the tight regulation of transport and advances in ICT this means that many people, particularly younger people, live their lives online working, shopping, consuming and socialising. As a result, personal mobility is reduced but freight mobility (delivering products that were ordered online) has increased.
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scenario 2 sprawl-ville
The city is dominated by fossil fuel-powered cars. The elite still gets around, but most urban dwellers face poor transport infrastructure.
2017 Oil prices spike to US $200. 2027 Wealth gap reaches historic high. 2035 Beijing and Singapore ban non-electric cars in city centres.
2015 Global climate change deal fails. 2020 Three month trafc jam in India ends in tradegy. 2031 Global oil supplies peak. 203638 Global food production falls under the combined pressures of a biofuels rush. A 2 year global level famine occurs.
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Resource use Resource shortages and the ensuing scramble have a direct impact on human development.
The market is only now starting to realise that oil supply has peaked. Biofuel crops are big business, resulting in uncontrolled encroachment on both forest and croplands. As well as causing high food prices, this has led to serious deforestation, in turn affecting ecosystems and livelihoods of poor people. Add in the fact that water is in short supply, and it is not surprising that there has been a signicant increase in deaths from famine in the last few decades. Home-grown food is booming across the world, in cities as well as rural areas and transport of water by road and rail across vast distances to megacities (for example from Cambodia to south China) is commonplace.
Climate change responses A focus on adaptation and protecting assets in the short term.
Climate impacts are occurring roughly in line with predictions, but the elites (nations or groups) prefer to protect themselves rather than taking global action. Adaptation measures tend to be local and reactive, for example building new sea walls after ooding or abandoning dust-bowl agricultural regions. Land and assets are exploited for short-term prots and then abandoned when exhausted. This tendency is amplied by the ability of the rich to shield themselves from climate change impacts inside air-conditioned domes, malls and vehicles. Corporate action is signicant, trying to protect supply chains and markets. A new sector of the economy has emerged whose business is global climate change response strategy.
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Social structures A less equal world, where the informal economy prospers.
This is an oligarchs and black marketeers world. Global middle class prosperity in the 2020s proved a false dawn and inequality is up. Democratic institutions are on the back foot and power goes to those who grab resources and political inuence. Oil companies retain their inuence, much as bankers did after the nancial crisis of the 2010s, with the industry dominating important cities such as Washington DC. The informal economy ourishes in the face of high unemployment, taxes and import costs, with local and home-grown produce and even organic waste (as a biofuels feedstock) traded both on the streets and the internet.
The business landscape Business is powerful with an expanded role in society as a result of less public service provision but it is also less accountable.
Business plays a central role in this world, stepping in when government or communities fail, or even usurping power. Most of the largest and most powerful businesses in the world are privately owned. This makes them less accountable, which they often counter with major philanthropy and civic investment programmes. There are huge opportunities for entrepreneurs. Expanding areas of business include: coal, coal-to-liquids and gas-to-liquids, biofuels, urban gardening, warehousing (as just-intime is rolled back), domestic service, grid renewables, nuclear, military, security, and the scrapping or modifying of vehicles. On the other hand, airlines, international tourism, hotels, cars and luxury goods (except for top-end billionaire yachts, which remain popular with the biofuel barons) are all in decline.
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urban form
Low density sprawl and fragmented suburbs are the norm.
The car-dominant urban model persists, resulting in the growth of huge, low-density suburbs, freeways to connect them and commuter jams. In the periphery of the city there are numerous failed developments, built too far from public transport and therefore unaffordable to urban commuters now that oil prices are high. Since 2030, the value of many of these new developments has crashed, with too many residents unemployed or unable to afford the car commute to their jobs. They either become ghetto areas for poorer people, and informal paratransit services spring up to service long commutes for those who were still employed, or are reborn as local communities try to provide their own services. Many large cities have gone back to being fractured towns with either derelict or farm areas in between. For example, Detroit no longer exists, replaced by ve smaller cities. There is a lot of decaying, underused car infrastructure being scavenged and repurposed. Successful post-oil cities such as Amsterdam and Singapore are doing very well.
Cities are locked into car-use though congestion is rife, leading to a spate of innovative solutions.
Car ownership has grown hugely, especially in middle-income countries such as India and China. Local politicians have responded to the rise of new middle class car owners with road-building trophy projects. However, the latent demand before 2030 was such that new roads became congested immediately, and many of the new vehicles are only used sporadically. Vehicles are designed for occasional use, and build in alternative functions while they are stationary, such as storage or energy generation. Some are designed to attach to buildings and act as extra living or storage space. Rush hours spread as people move their commute to escape the congestion. A new phenomenon is the nomad businessman, who may spend much of the day working online in a secure vehicle while his driver takes him slowly through the jams to meetings. Vehicles providing many of the services an ofce might provide, such as IT help, refreshments, toilets and meeting facilities, can be found using location software. Some vehicles are tted with solar roofs to drive systems when stationary, though the impact of smog on the performance of these products can be severe. Car parks have proliferated. Delhi boasts the highest sky-park in the world, at 45 storeys, serviced by car-lifts. Other responses to congestion, from helicopters to straddling buses to underground freight solutions, are common.
The developed world has been at car saturation since the early 2010s. Travel has increased modestly but only where there is room, which means via cycling, walking and public transport expansion, all of which saw signicantly increased investment in the 201030 period. Trafc growth has been constrained as area-congestion and other road charging schemes have spread, as have car clubs and bike hire. Electric vehicles are a common sight in city centres but have not hit the mainstream. Some cities, for example Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore, have mandated them in the city centres, mainly to control air quality. With power often concentrated with elites, schemes to free up the roads and even elevated walkways for the wealthy are widespread, particularly congestion charging
and toll roads. Many cities have built private member-only roads. In an economically constrained world, new infrastructure projects are rare, and those that do exist nd new ways of full price recovery.
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2015 Binding global climate change pact signed. Strict carbon quotas and US $1 trillion mitigation fund.
2032 US $1 billion Beijing Energy Innovation Contest leads to hydrogen cells breakthrough.
2013 A second global recessionary cycle occurs, becuase of a resources crunch, and hardhitting natural disasters impacting key economic hubs. 2018 C8 powerful world cities hold rst summit and agree to form cyber armies. 2025 The EU bans fossil fuel powered automobiles, with a 5 year phase out plan. 2037 China, Mexico and Turkey form resource coalition to secure global lithium supplies.
scenario 3 renew-abad
The world has turned to alternative energy and high-tech, clean, well-planned transport helps everyone get around.
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Resource use Resource use is strictly regulated in a world short of food and land.
The shift to alternative energy in the 2030s caused resource grabs and land-use shifts, affecting food production as a result. Food is particularly scarce in Central Asia and SubSaharan Africa. Agrichemical companies are tightly regulated in these regions and focus on biotech innovation to build yield and climate resilience. Many governments impose biodiversity restrictions such as natural resource quotas, offset obligations, and restrictions on the use of virgin resources. In some countries, for example, the lack of bees now means that vehicles driving between cities are tted with technology to articially pollinate the elds surrounding highways. Micro-food production in urban areas is ourishing as people utilise locally abundant food sources to address resource needs.
Climate change responses An early global deal on climate change means crisis can be averted.
Climate action emphasises mitigation the community of states believes that the worst climate impacts can still be averted. The price of carbon is very high, and there are personal carbon quotas in place in many countries. A climate change adaptation fund for lowincome countries has existed for decades. Some countries used it to pursue aggressive low-carbon growth instead, sparking tension and resentment from the West. But others are forced to be more reactive, including parts of South and Central Asia as well as Sub-Saharan Africa, where low lying cities and drought prone regions have to invest massively in sea barriers, resilient crops and cooling urban green top.
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Governance Strict governance holds sway in nation-states and city-states alike.
Governance systems are unied and strong. Benign autocracies in a number of emerging markets have often been more successful than traditional Western democracies. The global balance of power is concentrated between China and a handful of key allies, including Mexico, Turkey and some city states. Governments impose stricter rules, and use increasingly sophisticated technology for monitoring and enforcement. They often mandate where you live within the city, how you travel, and how much energy you use. Chips embedded in everyday objects ensure compliance. Crime rates have dropped and trafc regulation has improved, but civil society organisations argue that the democratic process is dead. City-states again hold sway over wider territories, as they did in medieval and early modern Europe. The C8 powerful conurbations Cairo, Lagos, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo hold an annual summit, and have developed their own defence forces.
Social structures The rich-poor gap has narrowed but a generational gap has opened up.
This is a world of greater social order and more equity within societies. Governments redistribute wealth. People seek to reidentify with their local communities, despite strong global governance and ubiquitous web connectivity. Pockets of poverty and simmering resentment are growing in regions left behind in the low-carbon race. The ageing populations of China and Latin America cause intergenerational strife.
The business landscape Business provides low-impact services in collaboration with governments.
The low carbon economy has created losers such as big oil companies and winners, such as renewable energy rms. Businesses operating in cities are forced by law to invest in infrastructure and services. Those able to partner with governments in delivering lowcarbon, resource efcient infrastructure are best placed. New industry clusters have emerged to cater to the sustainable consumers increasing demand for integrated, lowcarbon access to goods, services and information. Former food retailers have partnered with construction companies and designers to provide integrated domestic asset management, delivering living spaces bundled with nutrition and water systems. Transport providers vie to offer the best experience service, such as providing the best food on the daily train or bus commute, the best ICT solutions for virtual working, and superior onboard entertainment.
The role of technology Innovation is driven and regulated by the public sector, with an important breakthrough in battery technology.
Technological progress has been rapid and dominated by the public sector. Networking technology has been a great enabler of development, but has also allowed governments to monitor citizens movements and behaviour patterns more closely. Technology investment is channelled towards achieving national goals and improving civic life. Countries invest in smart-grid systems that optimise energy use. There have been breakthroughs in battery technology allowing electric vehicles to scale up, with Asia as the key centre of innovation. Mobility efciency is a priority, and all modes of transport are equipped with data storing and sharing capabilities.
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urban form
Cities are consolidating and moving towards polycentric models.
The age of urban sprawl is over. Cities are redensifying and setting growth boundaries in an effort to create more efcient, polycentric forms. Former suburbs have emerged as new cities, smaller in size but well-connected to megacities through ultra high-speed rail links. Megacities continue to be important engines of growth and in the new city states this is matched by political power. Neighbourhood-centric planning is the norm and people tend to live, play and work in the same locality. Neighbourhoods are organised around key mobility and energy nodes. These provide integrated services, from in-house energy generation to vehicle charging points, to community centres and smart working hubs. There are strict targets around waste disposal and energy generation in buildings all monitored by smart meters. In shrinking, post-industrial cities, unused inner-city land is converted into intensive farmland. Innercity slums have become urbanised with affordable eco-housing and greater access to transport and other infrastructure. In megacities where overcrowding has become an issue, governments are incentivising large-scale population shifts to second- and third-tier cities, which are experiencing rapid social and economic growth.
A shift to mass transit reduces congestion while alternative fuels reduce the impact of travel.
There has been a sharp change in the transport fuel mix: electric, hybrid and increasingly hydrogen motors dominate. Filling stations have been converted into energy stations, integrated service stops that offer a multiplicity of fuels. Personal vehicles are attainable, but no longer as desirable. Car ownership is stigmatised in many places much like smoking was in the 2000s. Personal vehicles are ultra-small, stackable electric pods and solar scooters that can be programmed to drive themselves via an onboard journey planner, leaving the driver to have a meal or chat with friends. They are frequently interchanged with public transport modes as well as cycling and walking, because urban centres are often non-motorised. People feel civic pride in using effective public transport systems. In order to maintain a degree of personal space, personal rapid transit (PRT) is a popular mode of choice: people can work or surf the net while travelling in individual rail pods. The less privileged pile on hydrogen-powered buses, although with a powerful range, dedicated corridors, and sophisticated ICT services, these are a far cry from the buses their parents used. Almost every aspect of transport is guided by e-technology (e.g. sensing technologies and interactive services deployed to enable information access, manage demand, etc.). Daily commutes are optimised by always knowing what and who is around, through
location-based applications that convey tailored information to users. All this, combined with the proliferation of local food production and sophisticated underground freight pipelines, means congestion is an issue of the past in most cities. The daily commute is tightly controlled by government. There are often set times when you can commute to work and back; and some cities even mandate a residence radius within a certain distance from work, impose commuter taxes, or subsidise low carbon mobility patterns (e.g. online shopping, cycling, non-motorised delivery services). Key urban zones are now connected by ultra high-speed trains, so mobility between regions remains high despite the fact that ying is no longer available to the masses. Chinese railway systems encircle the globe, taking people vast distances on 300mph trains.
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2020 The UN is disbanded, and the G20 is put on hold as people vote for the next president via facebook.
2025 An escape of bio engineered algae carpets the mediterranean, devastating marine life and tourism.
2015 Global climate change deal fails. 2022 South Korea ranks highest in terms of GDP per capita. 2027 Bangladesh and Netherlands hit by worst ever oods. New international alliance of L20 low-lying countries to deal with threats. 2035 Alternatives now mainstream: renewables outproduce fossil fuels.
scenario 4 communi-city
The world has turned to alternative energy, and transport is highly personalised, with a huge variety of transport modes competing for road space.
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Resource use Cities have transformed to produce more of their own food and deal locally with waste and water.
Food is expensive and demand for land is high. Large, privately owned and poorly regulated plankton and algae farms dot coastlines in populated zones, all bioengineered. Community-organised vertical and small-scale horticulture has ourished in cities, with balconies, roofs and the sides of buildings given over to growing food. Cities look and feel very different as a result, though they are still reliant on their hinterland and imports to feed themselves. Urban aquaculture, using various bioengineered species, helps dispose of waste and provide food. Cheap energy means cities can afford desalination. Technologies for water capture and saving are booming. Most houses and apartment blocks have their own harvesting, recycling and purication plants.
The economy Grassroots business and new technology compensate for protectionist trade and slow global growth.
The world is a more fragmented place. The lack of a global framework for climate change has led to protectionism, smaller markets and lower overall growth. On the other hand, energy is more accessible, cheaper and cleaner. Rapid, bottom-up technology development has boosted productivity. Winner countries are those with large internal markets to drive growth, big cities and a highly educated knowledgebased workforce. Brain enhancement breakthroughs in Korea have pushed that country to the top of the economic league, but others are now copying and catching up.
Climate change responses People and communities adapt to climate change and reduce carbon despite weak global policy.
There is no global climate change deal but, spurred on by climate disasters, individual governments and companies proactively put money into technological development without waiting for a cap-and-trade system. As a result, low carbon solutions have come on stream quickly and overall emissions are quite low. In this do-it-yourself world, people are adapting to climate change themselves, leading to some interesting new ideas. Floating farms and ood-resistant construction are now routine technologies for resisting climate shocks. The rich world is better able to afford these technologies for low-carbon adaptation. When poor countries experience natural disasters, there is no global relief effort. This has lead to an increase in violent outbursts against what is perceived to be the rich worlds climate debt and monopoly on life-saving technology.
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Governance Central coordination is weak and more power resides at the community level using computerbased collaborative tools.
Multilateralism has disintegrated, because Global agreements and governance grew increasingly complex, expensive and unworkable. Politicians failed to realise that international machinery could only go so far without cultural integration. Eventually, much of it fell apart to be replaced by a network of bilateral, regional and peer-topeer alliances. Some nations remain strong, but many have weakened or fragmented, replaced by regional and local governance. People are less willing to be told what to do. Online crowd-sourcing is common in city development and in deciding what public services should be provided. Many cities adopt a collaborative model of governance with local participatory budgets. This has worked very well in many areas, but in others it has been hijacked and corrupted.
The business landscape Business is more decentralised and global businesses are less common.
The model for the economy and commerce is the internet: distributed, and bottom up; with not too much power held in one place. The physical economy primary, secondary and tertiary is very localised. Manufacturing too is very local, often using nanotech, and made viable by very cheap renewable energy. Goods and services have become more regionalised and culturally specic. Products are made for local markets and, because of a lack of international standards are difcult to trade internationally. One area where the world is still relatively globalised is in information technology. It is a networked world, with lots of virtualisation. However, even here a series of catastrophic viruses have focused people on IT security rather than speed of interaction, and increasing distrust between nations means that some thirty governments have blocked access to the global internet.
The role of technology Rapid breakthroughs make technology an exciting area of change, and many people are involved through grassroots innovation and research.
Innovation has ourished all over the globe. Bottom-up, multiple approaches have led to rapid breakthroughs, and not just in low-carbon technology. Bio and nano technologies have also developed rapidly. Some of the biggest breakthroughs are happening where technologies such as bionics and ICT or bio and nanotech converge. Neuro-sensing control via brain activity is being widely used in information technology and more recently in transport. This R&D is no longer the preserve of major companies and governments: open source ICT and local manufacturing technologies mean that backstreet labs are a major source of innovation.
Human values People are less consumerist and status-driven and look more to religion and community.
Religious and cultural norms have become more entrenched in many places. Elsewhere, people value the local and blend the traditional with ultra-modern. In the US, for example, anti-consumerist evangelical Christianity holds sway. With Islam on the rise in Africa and Asia, as well as vocal nationalism in countries like China, many consumers have turned to local trends inspired by religious and cultural ideals, and reject Western style. It is a more individualist world, with people wanting to do things on their terms. Sometimes that means collaborating with others through communities and sometimes it means going it alone.
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urban form
The city has become less formalised and more diverse and dynamic, with individuals and communities taking control over planning.
Cities have greater signicance and economic clout than ever before. Non-urban regions have to be either part of their hinterlands and spheres of inuence or they suffer. The informal settlements that encircle major cities have had a big inuence on how they function. They have been the source of much innovation and creative energy. Cheap ICT, open source programmes and do-it-yourself manufacturing such as 3-D printing have allowed garage innovators to ourish. And so the trend of informal settlements gradually gentrifying and coming to resemble the formal city has gone into reverse. The whole city has become more informal, with cropgrowing, temporary and creative use of space, self-planned settlements and opensource enabled mobility systems, and multiple road users in multiple vehicle types, all to be found right across the urban area. The sheer wealth of detailed information from networked tracking and monitoring devices has caused a re-evaluation of some basic design assumptions. For example, some safety features on streets have been replaced by hazards to increase safety by forcing people to pay attention. Much of urban design has shifted to a collaborative model with local participatory budgets. Where this works, everything is very tailored to the desires of the participants, for example with car-free family areas, or Segway lanes for the elderly.
Diverse modes of personalised transport compete for space, coordinating via automated technology.
Personal and personalised mobility is important. Modes of transport proliferate, from high-tech power-assisted bicycles to personal rapid transit pods to the very popular solar-scooter (an electric moped with a wrap-around roof that both generates electricity and shades the rider). Impact prevention software and neuro-sensing technologies keep the whole system moving and avoid too many collisions. Customisation is ubiquitous. Some people build their own vehicles and customise them using locally designed and produced kits, open-source designs and scrap materials. In some cases this can lead to pollution problems and some vehicles look very unsafe. Public transport systems persist but in general have suffered through lack of investment. Some have fallen into disrepair, even in wealthy cities. Those that remain are often overcrowded and unreliable. The wealthy have taken to the skies in fan-driven personal ight vehicles such as the Heli-Hopper, Fly-lite and Jetson. One technology that is popping up everywhere is the biofuel-powered mini bus, which is hugely adaptable in different urban environments, and can be powered by food waste as well as locally-grown crops. With production having peaked, and demand falling away rapidly, oil has been supplanted by third-generation, nano and biotech enhanced biofuels, as well as cheap electricity. Home-brew biofuel kits, for
households and communities, are the new bestseller and are widely used to fuel family or community-owned vehicles. With transport infrastructure at capacity, many people choose to work, learn and play in their local communities or use telepresencing to access work, services and leisure. The poorer sections of urban society get around much as they have for decades on foot and by bike, though many now build their own vehicles.
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Everyone in the mobility sector will have to design tailored mobility solutions that meet these peoples needs.
Chop N Drop bike, Worldbike
WRI, The Next Four Billion: Low-income is dened as earning less than $3,000 in local purchasing power.
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Architects and urban planners need to create mixeduse urban neighbourhoods with the infrastructure to serve local communities, dense developments in cities that prevent further sprawl, and a high degree of accessibility and walkability. These changes to the urban form would almost certainly alter the daily commute for many residents, encouraging less reliance on cars. Cities should further encourage a shift away from cars by promoting alternative modes of transport and creating alternatives to car ownership like 3.1 Vancouvers downtown travel exible car renting. plan: integrated travel planning
and walkability
This is an example of a broad approach to accessibility and mobility, recognising that most journeys involve multiple modes of transport. The system was treated as a whole and multiple design improvements included simple but systemically effective actions such as: the widening of pedestrian crossings, new cycle lanes on major roads and the provision of cycle racks on buses, as well as the implementation of technological improvements such as the Sky Train (an automated light mass rapid transit system). urban-mobility/integrated-planning.php
Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon, Two Billion Cars, Oxford University Press, New York, 2009.
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4. switch on to IT networks
There are two key ways that IT networks need to be used to improve mobility systems: by substituting physical movement with ICT-based solutions, and by better connecting and integrating transport systems. People are becoming increasingly comfortable accessing services, information and social networks online. Mobility providers will need to introduce IT connectivity throughout urban mobility systems and develop sophisticated, user-centred online platforms so urban dwellers can access everything they need to maintain and improve their daily quality of life. In addition, transport systems will need to use technology to lessen trafc congestion and accident risks, for example interstate highways that feature lanes for cars and trucks controlled by computers. 4.1 Nissan Eporo Robot Car Cars will change too: Nissan has designed a collision-free, zero leading companies are carbon robot concept car. The design is incorporating ICT into biomimetic the Eporo travels in a group vehicles, and over the of like-vehicles, mimicking the behavioural patterns of a school of sh in avoiding next thirty years this obstacles without colliding with each other. trend is likely to become The technologies developed for Eporo are not just useful for collision avoidance but much more mainstream.
also aim to improve the migration efciency of a group of vehicles and contribute to an environmentally friendly and trafc jam-free driving environment. http://www. STORY/091001-01-e.html and nissan-to-show-eporo-robot-carscollisionfree-driving-by-mimicking-shbehavior.html
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Media Pole on the U-street in Gangnam, Seoul. Source: Inews24 (South Korea)
4.2 Intellidrive
Intellidrive is a US initiative to develop transport connectivity. It aims to enable networked wireless real-time communications between vehicles, infrastructure, and drivers and passengers personal devices. At the individual level this improves safety via crash prevention and provides rich real-time information about routes, trafc and optimum drive speeds. At the system level, real-time information from thousands of vehicles will enable transportation managers to optimise the system for efciency by adjusting signalling, lane availability, etc.
4.4 Telepresence
High-end telepresence systems such as the DVE Immersion Room are now good enough for people to feel like they are in the same room, thanks to 3D highdenition live video. 3D presentations can simultaneously be given, blurring the boundaries further between the real and the virtual.
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The uncertainty over future energy supplies is, of course, compounded by rising awareness of climate change and the increasing possibility or regulation that will shift the way we power the global economy. As oil becomes more scarce, expensive and a security risk, we need implement greater energy efciency measures, and shift the way we power our vehicles from petrol to renewable, low carbon fuel sources. Most vehicle technology experts agree that the potential to improve fuel efciency with advanced technologies is enormous. At the same time, the market for lowcarbon energy could treble to US $2.2 trillion by 2020. We need signicant investment in battery and fuel technology to take alternative energy-powered vehicles to scale over the next few decades.
9 8 9
James Murray, HSBC predicts low-carbon energy market will treble to $2.2. tn by 2020,, 6 Sept 2010, http://www.businessgreen. com/business-green/news/2269279/hsbc-predictslow-carbon-energy.
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RoboScooter, Michael Chia-Liang Lin, MIT Media Lab, Smart Cities group
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Cyclists in Seoul
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Below is an outline for how to plan a workshop using the four scenarios
Please note that this is a generic outline of how to run the workshop and you should customise it to suit your particular needs and objectives.
Not sure how to run this workshop or need some assistance? Please contact Forum for the Future at MegacitiesontheMove@forumfor we can help facilitate workshops and provide strategic advice on sustainable urban mobility. We are also very keen to hear of your experiences using the scenarios please contact us to tell us how you use them and what results.
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Introduction and framing. Plenary brainstorm exercise.
Introduction to scenarios
Presentation of the scenarios. Plenary discussion to get initial reactions.
Sharing feedback
Presentations of each groups ndings/conclusions and plenary discussion.
Wrap up
Review what has been achieved in the rst day. Discuss plan for day two. In groups, participants engage with the scenarios using a critical question and/or creative exercises.
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plenary brainstorm
Sample exercise: What changes? (20 minutes)
This exercise helps demonstrate how much can change in a 30-year time period: that 2040 could be radically different from today, that the future is uncertain and that we should plan for a range of possibilities. Going around the room, get each participant to respond to the following questions: > Whats changed in your city/in the world/in your organisation/etc. in the past 30 years? > Which of these developments were expected? Which less so? Prompt people to respond to the question thinking about: How they socialise? How they work? How they communicate? How they move around? Have on hand examples of changes that have happened over the past 30 years to spark conversation in case people are having trouble getting the brainstorm going.
scenario immersion
Sample exercise 1 (35 minutes)
The aim of this type of immersion exercise is for people to accept their scenario as a possible future, and to get to know it well enough to respond to it creatively. Explain that you want participants to talk about one scenario in a small group. Break up into four smaller groups, and assign one scenario to each group; ensure that each group has a good representation of people from different backgrounds, if possible. Facilitators should be on hand to answer questions in groups, explain process, etc. Provide individual handouts of detailed scenarios for each group to read, as well as a pro-forma for groups to structure discussion around and record key comments on. Ask people: > What they think about their scenario? > How easy/hard is the scenario to engage with? > In this scenario, what sectors of the population would be winners and which would be losers? > How successful would your organisation/city/country be in this scenario? > What sort of world is this for sustainability?
In Mumbai and Istanbul, participants were asked to develop scenarios for their respective cities as part of the immersion process. Take a look at the Istanbul and Mumbai scenario examples for more detail.
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Review day one achievements. Go through agenda for day two.
Option 2 product/service/business model innovation
Business model generation > Groups to brainstorm potential new product/service/business models for their scenario. > Groups to capture key elements of the value chain, and share in plenary. Test the innovations > In groups, test each of the product/service/business models by analysing whether they would work in all the scenarios > Identify the most future proof innovation/elements of innovations. > Discuss next steps in implementation.
end of day
Review workshop and wrap up
Time for individuals to reect on the process, and actions to take away into their respective organisations. Opportunity for people to share their reections. Wrap up, next steps.
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Identifying challenges and opportunities (85 minutes)
This session is about explicitly identifying the risks and opportunities that have emerged out of group discussion during immersion sessions. Most of this will have come up already, so it is a matter of getting it down on paper, plus teasing out more thinking. Urge people to think about mobility as a means of access to social capital, to nancial capital, information, etc. not just as transport. Ask them to write down each challenge and opportunity on a post-it. Thinking about the challenges and opportunities encapsulated in your city sketch, discuss the best ways in this city of the future of providing access: > to employment opportunities. > to goods and services. > to friends and family. > for the urban poor. > within environmental limits. Use the follow on session to share each groups risks and opportunities in plenary, cluster according to themes. Prioritise three key opportunities based on their applicability to each scenario.
afternoon: option 1
Action planning (50 minutes)
The nal group work session in this type of workshop process involves getting participants to the point where they have identied a small number of sustainable mobility solutions that would be robust in each of the four scenarios. In the action planning session, they will begin to identify the high-level actions that will be needed to implement these solutions. Begin with a plenary discussion: for the opportunities we came up with, what solutions could help us capitalise on them? Get people to identify 35 potential solutions. Form working groups, one per proposed solution. For the solutions that have been prioritised: > What are the short term, medium term and long term actions to implement the idea? > What organisation needs to do what? > What further information is required? > Other action planning e.g. different actors, gateways, barriers etc?
afternoon: option 2
Business model generation (1 hour)
Groups stay with their specic scenario. Put aside the current business strategy for a moment and ask yourselves: If you were an entrepreneur in this scenario and you wanted to set up a new fashion company (with global ambitions), what sort of company would this be? Please describe this new companys business model (product, service, markets, supply chains etc). What would this companys key assets be, what differentiated it and made it a commercial success?
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4. plan for the future now > how to run a workshop using the scenarios
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In advance, we developed outlines of what might be happening in Mumbai and in Istanbul if each scenario became reality. We asked the participants to engage with these in the workshop and develop visions of the future based on their expert knowledge about their cities and the specic mobility challenges they might face. In order to get as holistic a perspective as possible, the workshop audience was a varied mix of stakeholders engaged in different aspects of mobility: including transport planners, architects, companies providing mobility solutions and campaigning organisations. There were very different results for each city. The Mumbai workshop led to an overall action plan focussed on transport and urban planning, whereas in Istanbul the participants decided they needed a more general campaign to promote sustainability in the city.
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4. plan for the future now > case studies from Istanbul and Mumbai
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People will aspire to a more relaxed, less stressful way of life a slower lifestyle. Less time at work and more time to spend with family or on leisure pursuits. Less time wasted commuting. > Haluk Gercek, Head of Transportation Research Center, Istanbul Technical University (IT)
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Turkey remains a major oil and gas transport hub, but with volatile flows and falling production levels. Energy security is a concern and pipelines are now guarded by the military. Turkey is nally, if belatedly, scaling up its wind power capabilities. Istanbul has been weakened by lack of secure energy supply, there are periodic supply disruptions and unrest on the streets as a result. Power is in the hands of the few and decisions are made by elites and in the interests of elites. For example, many buildings and developments owned by the wealthy truck in daily water supplies while the poor are left to fend for themselves. The population of Istanbul grew rapidly up to around 2030 but then peaked and began to decline as migrants returned to their rural roots, disenchanted by overcrowding, resource scarcity and rising unemployment. The formal economy is dominated by big business and owes its power and success as much to political inuence as to legitimate prot. Infrastructure favoured by the elites and powerful companies is cordoned off, while other has become semi-derelict, unofcially colonised by migrants and with major security problems. Many lowincome workers are forced to relocate close to work sites in order to manage the commute. Roads are segregated, so that the rich get access to high speed lanes, breeding resentment. Those who cannot afford this privilege are stuck in more congested trafc on ground level with a mix of cars, buses, two-wheelers and pedestrians.
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Istanbul is a powerful and wealthy city, inuencing both the east and the west. As a regional hub, it attracts international migrants and is becoming more diverse, despite continuing migration from Turkeys east. Most planning and regulation is local and community-based except for matters of National Security relevance, typically related to climate adaptation, resource use and basic infrastructure. Energy supply is very diverse. Small scale urban solar generation is big, for example, but needs to be supplemented by large-scale wind and Concentrated Solar Power from other parts of the country. There are many home-brewed biofuels. Climate change has destabilised less affluent areas of Turkey and this has increased the number of migrants arriving in Istanbul. There is huge pressure on key resources from a growing population. To cope with the heat, large-scale greening of the city has taken place. For example, buildings must be painted white by law. Society is more materialistic than before. People are very self-reliant and entrepreneurial. The whole city has become more informal: there is more individual crop growing and creative use of common space, and more chaos on the roads. The citys three bridges use shockabsorbing energy collectors which restaurant owners and retailers on the banks are using to power their businesses. Turkey has become a centre for lowcarbon vehicle technology, in order to satisfy high levels of local demand within fossil fuel constraints. Public transport is used, but mainly with incomes below $3,000 in local purchasing power in the city. Istanbulus otherwise prefer to have their own, customised personal mobility solutions, from solar scooters to selfdriving luxury electropods. People are very comfortable moving between real and virtual spaces. They socialise less in person, and some increasingly shield themselves from reality through virtual lives, retreating from reality.
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Next steps
The participants felt that at this stage the most important opportunity was to raise awareness of climate change and the need for sustainable mobility, so that people are more willing to change their behaviour. They identied a plan for coordinating an awareness-raising campaign: Strategic framework Common awareness platform. Multi-stakeholder partnership: government, investors, civil society, business, etc. Emphasise social and economic opportunities of sustainability for each stakeholder group. Create sustainable lifestyle pilots: e.g. use the Princes Islands as a demonstration for sustainable mobility. Lifelong learning sustainability. programme integrated into school curricula, television programming. Training for politicians. Creation of benecial subsidies. Guidance and capacity-building for NGOs. Monitoring group to oversee progress.
Key phases
Educate next generation and apply pressure on the system (a series of politically binding agreements on sustainability in the city). People demand better, more sustainable mobility solutions. Politicians will have to act accordingly, creating a virtuous circle. Regulation. People are not really aware of the danger. We have to educate even the policy makers, as well as the people on the streets. > Orhan Demir, Urban Planner, PlanOs
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The scenarios prompted imaginative visions in response to this from a metro line towering at 150 feet over several tiers of elevated roads, to creative multi-use of building space and more localised planning solutions. Many of the scenario responses highlighted the need for immediate action to shift to less energy intensive transport modes. > Madhav Pai, Director, EMBARQ India
There is a lot that needs to be done to make planning more democratic. There is not much public discussion on what people require or want. Only the powerful builders decide what happens to the city. > Aneerudha Paul, Director, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture and Environmental Studies
Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Agency (MMRDA), Comprehensive Transport Study (CTS) for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR): http:// htm (accessed on 24 September, 2010).
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Like many countries, India is forced to scramble for oil supplies on the world market. The citys population is lower than estimates predicted, as a result of renewed economic hardship and fuel poverty, which has forced some migrants back to rural areas. There are numerous failed developments on the outskirts of the city, built too far from public transport and therefore unaffordable to urban commuters now that oil prices are high. Climate induced flooding events and heat waves in the city have increased, but little ofcial action is taken. The rich rely on expanded police forces and sophisticated IT to govern, and benet from roads or lanes reserved for paying customers and many live in oating developments connected by speedboats. There is an increase in street protests by the masses of low-income rural migrants and newly disempowered middle classes who face rising food and fuel prices, wage cuts and job insecurity. Rail and the metro remain the main choice for mass transit, but maintenance cutbacks are resulting in rising problems with unreliability and a number of accidents. The bicycle has also returned in large numbers. Mumbai is more resilient than many cities because of its strong IT sector that relies less on oil for production and transport.
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As a global knowledge economy hub, Mumbai has fared better than many other Asian cities in this more protectionist world. Micro-entrepreneurship and DIY flourishes, and has proved to be a driver of strong growth for Mumbai in an age of fragmented globalisation. For example, the city has been a leader in the scaling up of solar scooter technology. The city continues to be an unequal place, but there is greater social mobility than before. People are very self-reliant, and innovate rapidly in order to maintain their livelihoods and generate new opportunities. The city is locally organised. Many local neighbourhoods have their own climate change adaptation strategies constructing oating farms, restoration and expansion of mangroves, and creating ood-resistant construction. Widespread urban agriculture and aquaculture bolstered by neutraceuticals, genetic modication and other agricultural technologies allows food supply to keep up with demand, but only very narrowly. Micro nuclear is the dominant energy generation technology in Mumbais neighbourhoods, though the wider Mumbai city region is also a leader in small-scale biomass conversion. The less well-off build their vehicles personally and customise them using locally designed and produced kits, open source designs and old cars. TATA has just released its millionth Nano-er self-assembly kit. The rich have gone increasingly virtual, preferring to avoid the tedious daily commute altogether.
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A public transportation system which uses buses to provide faster, more efcient service, usually by making improvements in infrastructure, vehicles, or scheduling such as having a dedicated lane for buses for example. For more information on BRT, see the Wikipedia entry:
The importance of early action is huge. We need to understand the problem, but also the advantages we have right now. Public transport and non-motorised travel are still very high in Mumbai. If we do not intervene now THEN its going to be a big problem! > Anumita Roychowdhury, Associate Director, Centre for Science and Environment
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Sonali Kelkar, Mumbai Environmental Social Network Hadas Keren, Architect, Penoyre & Prasad Dr. Tansel Korkmaz, Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University Shanti Krishnan, Deputy Secretary, Western India Automobile Association Mehmet Kutukcuoglu, Architect, Teget Architecture Binoy Mascarenhas, Urban Planner, EMBARQ (CST India) David Mayes, Director for Strategic Planning and Sustainability, Melbourne Council Erhan nc, Transport Planner, Transportation Research and Planning Ltd Dr. Pnar zuyar, Manager, Center for Energy, Environment and Economy, zyegin University Tim Papandreou, Assistant Deputy Director, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Shirish Patel, Head, Shirish Patel & Associates Consultants Private Limited Aneerudha Paul, Director, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture and Environmental Studies
Ben Plowden, Director of Integrated Programme Delivery, Transport for London VG Prasad, Head Fully Built Vehicles, Tata Motors Manjula Rao, Head Programmes (West India), British Council Philip Rode, Executive Director, Urban Age Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science Anumita Roychowdhury, Associate Director, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi PC Seghal, Managing Director, Mumbai Railways Vikas Corporation Prasad Shetty, Architect, Collective Research Initiatives Trust Dan Sperling, Author of Two Billion Cars: Driving Towards Sustainability; Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis University of California Murat Suyabatmaz, Founder, Turkish Bicycle Association Guy Summers, R&D Collaboration Manager, Vodafone Mehmet Toker, R&D Director, Ford Motor Company Ernest Tollerson, Director, Policy and Media Relations, Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Dr. Gereon Uerz, Project Director Future Affairs, Group Research, Volkswagen Kevser Ustundag, Professor, Architectural Faculty, Mimar Sinan Fine Art University mer Yldz, CEO, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sue Zielinski, MD, Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation, University of Michigan Alper Zmrt, External Affairs Coordinator, Turkish Petrol Industry Association
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