Contention Modeling Icmn1

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Contention-Aware Performance Analysis of Mobility-Assisted Routing

Apoorva Jindal, Member, IEEE, and Konstantinos Psounis, Member, IEEE,
AbstractA large body of work has theoretically analyzed the performance of mobility-assisted routing schemes for intermittently connected mobile networks. However, the vast majority of these prior studies have ignored wireless contention. Recent papers have shown through simulations that ignoring contention leads to inaccurate and misleading results, even for sparse networks. In this paper, we analyze the performance of routing schemes under contention. First, we introduce a mathematical framework to model contention. This framework can be used to analyze any routing scheme with any mobility and channel model. Then, we use this framework to compute the expected delays for different representative mobility-assisted routing schemes under random direction, random waypoint and community-based mobility models. Finally, we use these delay expressions to optimize the design of routing schemes while demonstrating that designing and optimizing routing schemes using analytical expressions which ignore contention can lead to suboptimal or even erroneous behavior. Index TermsDelay Tolerant Networks, Wireless Contention, Performance Analysis, Mobility-Assisted Routing.


Intermittently connected mobile networks (ICMNs) are networks where most of the time, there does not exist a complete end-to-end path from the source to the destination1 . Even if such a path exists, it may be highly unstable because of topology changes due to mobility. Examples of such networks include sensor networks for wildlife tracking and habitat monitoring [1], military networks [2], deep-space inter-planetary networks [3], nomadic communities networks [4], networks of mobile robots [5], vehicular ad hoc networks [6] etc. Conventional routing schemes for mobile ad-hoc networks like DSR, AODV, etc. [7] assume that a complete path exists between a source and a destination, and they try to discover these paths before any useful data is sent. Since, no end-to-end paths exist most of the times in ICMNs, these protocols will fail to deliver any data to all but the few connected nodes. To overcome this issue, researchers have proposed to exploit node mobility to carry messages around the network as part of the routing algorithm. These routing schemes are collectively referred to as mobility-assisted or encounterbased or store-carry-and-forward routing schemes. A number of mobility-assisted routing schemes for intermittently connected mobile networks have been proposed in the literature [819]. Researchers have also tried to theoretically characterize the performance of these routing schemes [17, 2025]. However, most of these analytical works ignore the effect of contention on the performance arguing that its effect is small in
A. Jindal and K. Psounis are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90089. E-mail: apoorvaj, 1. These networks are also referred to as delay tolerant or disruption tolerant networks.

sparse, intermittently connected networks. However, recent papers [11, 17] have shown through simulations that this argument is not necessarily true. The assumption of no contention is valid only for very low trafc rates, irrespective of whether the network is sparse or not. For higher trafc rates, contention has a signicant impact on the performance, especially of ooding-based routing schemes. To demonstrate the inaccuracies which arise when contention is ignored, we use simulations to compare the delay of three different routing schemes in a sparse network, both with and without contention, in Figure 1. The plot shows that ignoring contention not only grossly underestimates the delay, but also predicts incorrect trends and leads to incorrect conclusions. For example, without contention, the so called spraying scheme has the worst delay, while with contention, it has the best delay. Finally, note that a qualitatively different type of intermittently connected network, that of non-sparse network which is intermittently connected due to severe mobility [26], will obviously suffer from contention too. Incorporating wireless contention complicates the analysis signicantly. This is because contention manifests itself in a number of ways, including (i) nite bandwidth which limits the number of packets two nodes can exchange while they are within range, (ii) scheduling of transmissions between nearby nodes which is needed to avoid excessive interference, and (iii) interference from transmissions outside the scheduling area, which may be signicant due to multipath fading [28]. So, we rst propose a general framework to incorporate contention in the performance analysis of mobility-assisted routing schemes for ICMNs while keeping the analysis tractable. This framework incorporates all the three manifestations of contention, and can be used with any mobility and channel model. The framework is based on the well-


600 Expected Delay (time slots) 500 400 300 200 100 0 3.6%

Epidemic Routing (No Contention) Randomized Flooding (No Contention) Spraying Scheme (No Contention) Epidemic Routing (Contention) Randomized Flooding (Contention) Spraying Scheme (Contention)

4.8% 6.3% 8.6% 11.9% Expected Maximum Cluster Size


Fig. 1.

Comparison of delay with and without contention for three different routing schemes in sparse networks. The simulations with contention use the scheduling mechanism and interference model described in Section 3. The expected maximum cluster size (x-axis) is dened as the percentage of total nodes in the largest connected component (cluster) and is a metric to measure connectivity in sparse networks [17]. The routing schemes compared are: epidemic routing [8], randomized ooding [27] and spraying based routing [12].

known physical layer model [29]. Prior work has used the physical layer model to derive capacity results, see, for example, [2931], and has assumed an idealized perfect scheduler. We are interested in calculating the expected delay of various mobility-assisted routing schemes under realistic scenarios, and for this reason we assume a random access scheduler. We then use this framework to do a contention-aware performance analysis for the following representative mobility-assisted routing schemes for ICMNs: direct transmission [16] where the source waits till it meets the destination to deliver the packet, epidemic routing [8] where the network is ooded with the packet that is routed, and different spraying-based schemes [12, 13, 23, 24] where a small number of copies per packet are injected into the network, and then each copy is routed independently towards the destination. We derive expressions for the expected end-to-end packet delay for each of these schemes. We rst derive delay expressions for the two most commonly used mobility models, the random direction and the random waypoint mobility model. However, real world mobility traces have shown that random direction/random waypoint mobility models are not realistic [32, 33]. So, we also analyze these routing schemes for the more realistic community-based mobility model proposed by Spyropoulos et al [21]. The analysis for the community-based mobility model is similar to the derivations for the random direction/random waypoint mobility models. (Note that we include the analysis for the random direction/random waypoint mobility models because it is simpler, easier to understand and naturally extends to the derivations for the more complicated community-based mobility model.) Note that other papers have studied the performance of these routing schemes without contention in the network. For example, [11, 21] studied the performance of direct transmission, [2022] studied epidemic routing,

and [12, 17] studied different spraying based schemes. [25, 34] are preliminary efforts of ours to analyze the performance of routing schemes under contention. Specically, [25] studies the expected delay of epidemic routing under the random walk mobility model and [34] studies randomized ooding and a spraying based scheme under the random waypoint mobility model. Here, we generalize our prior work and provide results for more efcient routing schemes under a more realistic mobility model. Finally, we use these delay expressions to demonstrate that designing routing schemes using analytical expressions which ignore contention can lead to inaccurate and misleading results. Specically, we choose to study how to optimally design spraying based schemes, since it has been shown that they have superior performance [17]. We compare the design decisions that result from analysis with and without contention, and highlight the scenarios where ignoring contention leads to suboptimal or even erroneous decisions. The outline of this paper is as follows: Section 2 presents the network model used in the analysis. Section 3 presents the framework to incorporate contention in performance analysis, and then Sections 4 and 5 nd the expected delay expressions for different mobility-assisted routing schemes for the random direction/random waypoint and community-based mobility models. Section 6 studies the impact of some approximations made during the analysis on its accuracy by comparing the analytical results to simulation results. Section 7 then uses the expressions derived in the previous sections to demonstrate the inaccuracies introduced by ignoring contention in the design of routing schemes. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.


We rst introduce the network model we will be assuming throughout this paper. Table 1 summarizes the notation introduced in this section. We assume that there are M nodes moving in a two dimensional torus of area N .2 The following two sections present the physical layer, trafc and mobility models assumed in this paper. 2.1 Physical Layer and Trafc Model 2.1.1 Radio Model An analytical model for the radio has to dene the following two properties: (i) when will two nodes be within each others range, (ii) and when is a transmission between two nodes successful. (Note that we dene two nodes to be within range if the packets they send to each other are received successfully with a non-zero
2. We assume the network area to be a two-dimensional torus because the mobility properties dened in Section 2.2.2 which are needed for the analysis have been derived for the two-dimensional torus only. If these properties are known for other 2-D areas, the analysis presented in this paper can be directly applied to these areas also.



Area of the 2D torus Number of nodes in the network The transmission range The desirable SIR ratio Bandwidth of links in units of packets per time slot

Notation used throughout the paper.

of real traces match with a time varying version of this community-based mobility model further proving that this model captures real world mobility properties. So, we also present the delay analysis for different mobilityassisted routing schemes for the community-based mobility model. 2.2.1 Community-based Mobility Model We rst dene the family of Community-based mobility models: The model consists of two states, namely the local state and the roaming state. The model alternates between these two states. Each node inside the network moves as follows: (i) Each node has a local community. A nodes movement consists of local and roaming epochs. (ii) A local epoch is a random direction movement restricted inside the nodes local community. (iii) A roaming epoch is a random direction movement inside the entire network. (iv) If the previous epoch of the node was a local one, the next epoch is a local one with probability pl , or a roaming epoch with probability 1 pl . (v) If the previous epoch of the node was a roaming one, the next epoch is a roaming one with probability pr , or a local one with probability 1 pr . The Community-based mobility model can be used to model a large number of scenarios by tuning its parameters. We choose a specic scenario closely resembling reality where there are r small communities. These communities are assumed to be small enough such that all nodes within a community are within each others range. We also assume that the nodes spend most of their time within their respective communities. This scenario corresponds to the real scenario of different nodes sharing xed communities like several ofce buildings on a campus or several conference rooms in a hotel, which is more realistic than a scenario where all nodes choose their community uniformly at random from the entire network. 2.2.2 Mobility Properties We now dene three properties of a mobility model. The statistics of these three properties will be used in the delay analysis of different mobility-assisted routing schemes. (i) Meeting Time: Let nodes i and j move according to a mobility model mm and start from their stationary distribution at time 0. Let Xi (t) and Xj (t) denote the positions of nodes i and j at time t. The meeting time (Mmm ) between the two nodes is dened as the time it takes them to rst come within range of each other, that is Mmm = mint {t : Xi (t) Xj (t) K}. (ii) Inter-Meeting Time: Let nodes i and j start from within range of each other at time 0 and then move out of range of each other at time t1 , that is t1 = mint {t : + Xi (t) Xj (t) > K}. The inter meeting time (Mmm ) of the two nodes is dened as the time it takes them to rst come within range of each other again, that is + Mmm = mint {t t1 : t > t1 , Xi (t) Xj (t) K}.

probability.) If one assumes a simple distance-based attenuation model without any channel fading or interference from other nodes, then two nodes can successfully exchange packets without any loss only if the distance between them is less than a deterministic value K (also referred to as the transmission range), else they cannot exchange any packet at all. The value of K depends on the transmission power and the distance attenuation parameter. However, in presence of a fading channel and interference from other nodes, even though two nodes can potentially exchange packets if the distance between them is less than K, a transmission between them might not go through. A transmission is successful only when the signal to interference ratio (SIR) is greater than some desired threshold. We assume the following radio model: (i) Two nodes are within each others range if the distance between them is less than K, and (ii) any transmission between the two is successful only if the SIR is greater than a desired threshold . Note that this model is not equivalent to a circular disk model because any transmission between two nodes with a distance less than K is successful with a certain probability that depends on the fading channel model and the amount of interference from other nodes. 2.1.2 Channel Model The analysis works for any channel model. 2.1.3 Trafc Model Each node acts as a source sending packets to a randomly selected destination. 2.2 Mobility Model We will rst present the delay analysis for the random direction/random waypoint mobility models [35] which are the most commonly used mobility models for analysis as well as for simulations. However, the real world mobility traces show that mobility models which assume that all nodes are homogeneous and move randomly all around the network, like the random direction and the random waypoint mobility models, are not realistic [32, 33]. Nodes usually have some locations where they spend a large amount of time. Additionally, node movements are not identically distributed. Different nodes visit different locations more often, and some nodes are more mobile than others. Based on this intuition, Spyropoulos et al [21] proposed a more realistic and analytically tractable community-based mobility model. Later, Hsu et al [36] showed that the statistics


(iii) Contact Time: Assume that nodes i and j come within range of each other at time 0. The contact time mm is dened as the time they remain in contact with each other before moving out of the range of each other, that is mm = mint {t 1 : Xi (t) Xj (t) > K}. The statistics of the meeting time, inter-meeting time and contact time for the random direction/random waypoint mobility models are studied by us in [37]. The two important properties satised by both these mobility models, which we use during the course of the analysis are as follows: (i) the tail of the distribution of the meeting and the inter-meeting times is exponential, and (ii) the expected inter-meeting time is approximately equal to the expected meeting time. (Note that the latter is true only if the corresponding stochastic process regenerates itself after each moving epoch. For random waypoint this is true by construction. For random direction we ensure this is the case by forcing epoch lengths to be large, see [37] for details.) These statistics for the community-based mobility model are studied by us in [37, 38]. Nodes which share the same community have different statistics than nodes which belong to different communities. (Its easy to see that nodes which share the same community meet faster and stay in contact for a longer duration.) The two important properties which we use during the course of the analysis are as follows: (i) The expected meeting time for nodes belonging to different communities is equal to the expected inter-meeting time for these nodes. However, note that the expected meeting and inter-meeting times for nodes belonging to the same community are not equal. (ii) Even though the overall statistics of the meeting and inter-meeting times for a community-based mobility model is not exponential, after conditioning on whether the two nodes under consideration share the same community or not, the tail of the distribution of the meeting and inter-meeting times becomes exponential.

3.1 Three Manifestations of Contention Finite Bandwidth: When two nodes meet, they might have more than one packet to exchange. Say two nodes can exchange sBW packets during a unit of time. If they move out of the range of each other, they will have to wait until they meet again to transfer more packets. The number of packets which can be exchanged in a unit of time is a function of the packet size and the bandwidth of the links. We assume the packet size and the bandwidth of the links to be given, hence sBW is assumed to be a given network parameter. We also assume that the sBW packets to be exchanged are randomly selected from amongst the packets the two nodes want to exchange3 . Scheduling: We assume an ideal CSMA-CA scheduling mechanism is in place which avoids any simultaneous transmission within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver. Nodes within range of each other and having at least one packet to exchange are assumed to contend for the channel. For ease of analysis, we also assume that time is slotted. At the start of the time slot, all node pairs contend for the channel and once a node pair captures the medium, it retains the medium for the entire time slot4 . Interference: Even though the scheduling mechanism is ensuring that no simultaneous transmissions are taking place within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver, there is no restriction on simultaneous transmissions taking place outside the scheduling area. These transmissions act as noise for each other and hence can lead to packet corruption. In the absence of contention, two nodes would exchange all the packets they want to exchange whenever they come within range of each other. Contention will result in a loss of such transmission opportunities. This loss can be caused by either of the three manifestations of contention. In general, these three manifestations are not independent of each other. We now propose a framework which uses conditioning to separate their effect and analyze each of them independently.
3. Note that assuming a random queueing discipline yields the same results as FIFO in our setting (yet simplies analysis). This is so because a work conserving queue yields the same queueing delay for constant size packets irrespective of whether the queue service discipline is FIFO or random queueing. In addition, due to packet homogeneity (all packets are treated the same) the expected end-to-end delay will also be the same. Of course, if packet homogeneity is lost, for example by assigning higher priority to packets that are closer to their destination, the expected end-to-end delay will decrease as packets with a smaller end-to-end service requirement will be serviced rst. 4. We do not describe the exact implementation of this CSMACA algorithm here as we ignore implementation imperfections. This allows us to focus on the fundamental performance properties of mobility-assisted routing schemes in ICMNs without worrying about implementation details. Note that any such implementation would use control messages like RTS/CTS and random backoffs. For example, the transmitters of all contending node pairs could use a backoff timer to arbitrate channel access. And, once a backoff timer expires, the corresponding node pair could exchange RTS-CTS messages to inform the rest of the contending pairs to stay silent. Contrary to our analysis, such control packets may also collide or get lost but as we said we are ignoring such imperfections.


This section introduces a framework to analyze any routing scheme for ICMNs with contention in the network. We rst identify the three manifestations of contention in Section 3.1 and then describe the framework. The proposed framework will work for any mobility model in which the process governing the mobility of nodes is stationary and the movement of each node is independent of each other. However, for ease of presentation, we rst present it for a mobility model with a uniform node location distribution in Section 3.2 (commonly used mobility models like random direction and random waypoint on a torus satisfy this assumption [21, 39]). We then show how to extend it to mobility models with a non-uniform node location distribution by presenting the framework for the community-based mobility model in Section 3.3.1.


3.2 The Framework Lets look at a particular packet, label it packet A. Suppose two nodes i and j are within range of each other at the start of a time slot and they want to exchange this packet. Let ptxS denote the probability that they will successfully exchange the packet during that time slot. First, we look at how the three manifestations of contention can cause the loss of this transmission opportunity. Table 2 summarizes the extra notation used in this section. Finite Bandwidth: Let Ebw denote the event that the nite link bandwidth allows nodes i and j to exchange packet A. The probability of this event depends on the total number of packets which nodes i and j want to exchange. Let there be a total of S distinct packets in the system at the given time (label this event ES ). Let there be s, 0 s S 1, other packets (other than packet A) which nodes i and j S want to exchange (label this event Es ). If s sBW , then the sBW packets exchanged are randomly selected from amongst these s + 1 packets. Thus, P (Ebw ) = P PS1 P sBW 1 S S BW To P (Es ) + s=sBW ss+1 P (Es ) . s=0 S P (ES ) simplify the analysis, we make our rst approximation here by replacing the random variable S by its expected value in the expression for P (Ebw )5 (see Equation (1) for the nal expression for P (Ebw )). Note that simulations results presented in Section 6 verify that this approximation does not have a drastic effect on the accuracy of the analysis. Scheduling: Let Esch denote the event that the scheduling mechanism allows nodes i and j to exchange packets. The scheduling mechanism prohibits any other transmission within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver. Hence, to nd P (Esch ), we have to determine the number of transmitter-receiver pairs which have at least one packet to exchange and are contending with the i-j pair. Let there be a nodes within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver (label it event Ea ) and let there be c nodes within two hops but not within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver (label it event Ec ). These c nodes have to be accounted for because a node at the edge of the scheduling area can be within the transmission range of one of these c nodes and will contend with the desired transmitter/receiver pair. For example, transmission between nodes P and Q in Figure 2 is not allowed even though node Q is not within the scheduling area. Let t(a, c) denote the expected number of possible transmissions contending with the i-j pair. By symmetry, all the contending nodes are equally likely to capture the channel. So, P (Esch | Ea , Ec ) = 1/t(a, c). Interference: Let Einter denote the event that the transmission of packet A is not corrupted due to interference
5. We incorporate the arrival process through E[S] in the analysis. E[S] depends on the arrival rate through Littles Theorem. Thus, after deriving the expected end-to-end delay for a routing scheme in terms of E[S], Littles Theorem can be used to express the delay in terms of only the arrival rate.

(i) Ebw
S Es

pR ex (ii) Esch Ea Ec t(a, c) ppkt (iii) Einter IM a E[x]

Finite Bandwidth Event that nite link bandwidth allows exchange of packet A Event that i and j want to exchange s other packets given there are S distinct packets in the system Probability that nodes i and j want to exchange a particular packet for routing scheme R Scheduling Event that scheduling mechanism allows i and j to exchange packets Event that there are a nodes within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver Event that there are c nodes within two hops but not within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver Expected number of possible transmissions whose transmitter is within 2K distance from the transmitter Probability that two nodes have at least one packet to exchange Interference Event that transmission of packet A is not corrupted due to interference Event that packet A is successfully exchanged inspite of the interference from M a nodes outside the scheduling area Average number of interfering transmissions

TABLE 2 Notation used in Section 3.2 given that nodes i and j exchanged this packet. Let there be M a nodes outside the transmitters scheduling area (this is equivalent to event Ea ). If two of these nodes are within the transmission range of each other, then they can exchange packets which will increase the interference for the transmission between i and j. Lets label the event that packet A is successfully exchanged inspite of the interference caused by these M a nodes as IM a . Then, P (Einter | Ea ) = P (IM a ). Packet A will be successfully exchanged by nodes i and j only if the following three events occur: (i) the scheduling mechanism allows these nodes to exchange packets, (ii) nodes i and j decide to exchange packet A from amongst the other packets they want to exchange, and (iii) this transmission does not get corrupted due to interference from transmissions outside the scheduling area. Thus,
ptxS = P (Ebw ) 0
sBW 1


P (Ea , Ec )P (Esch | Ea , Ec )P (Einter | Ea ) 1 E[S] X sBW P (Es ) A + s+1 s=s


X P (Ea )P (Ec | Ea )P (IM a ) . t(a, c) a,c



E[S] P (Es )


Remark: Note that even though the proposed framework models the main factors contributing to contention like bandwidth restrictions, random access scheduling, fading effects and interference from multiple nodes, it does not model everything. Specically, it does not incorporate capture effects, losses due to packet collisions, losses due to nite queue buffers and auto-rate adaptation at the physical layer. Even though it would be


doable to incorporate these effects in the framework, this would complicate the analysis quite a bit. Given that our end-goal is to analytically study the fundamental delay properties of mobility-assisted routing schemes under contention, we choose not to further complicate the contention model in an effort to strike the right balance between simplicity, analytical tractability, and realism. Instead, we only offer a qualitative discussion on how one could incorporate these effects in the framework in Section 3.3.2. Next, we nd expressions for the unknown values in Equation (1). 3.2.1 Finite Bandwidth

2K AT 2 K AT 1 Tx x y u1 Rx AR 1 P

AR 2 Q

A3 (x,y)

Fig. 2. Tx and Rx denote the transmitter and the receiver. AT 1

and AR (AT and AR ) denotes the circular area within one hop 1 2 2 (two hops) from the transmitter and receiver respectively. Thus A1 is the area within AT AR and A2 is the area within AT AR . 1 1 2 2 Node-pair P and Q also contend with the desired transmitter and receiver even though Q is not within one hop from either Tx or Rx. Finally, node u1 is a node within the scheduling area and at a distance x from the transmitter and at a distance y from the receiver. The shaded area represents A3 (x, y).

E[S] To account for nite bandwidth, we have to nd P (Es ) (the probability that nodes i and j have s other packets to exchange given there are E[S] distinct packets in the system). Let pR be the probability that nodes i and j ex want to exchange a particular packet for the routing scheme R. Now, since there are E[S] 1 packets other E[S] than packet A in the network, P (Es ) =

E[S] 1 s

the routing mechanism at hand because which packets should the two nodes exchange is dictated by the routing policy. Note that this is the only term affected by the routing mechanism in the analysis. We will derive its value for different routing mechanisms in Section 4. 3.2.2 Scheduling

E[S]s1 ` R s ` . The value of pR depends on 1 pR pex ex ex

that nodes i and j are already within the scheduling area. So, P (Ea) = node lies within two hops from either the transmitter or the receiver but not within the scheduling area, and ` 1 A2 = 8 + 2 935 8cos1 6 K 2 is the average value of the area within two hops from either the transmitter or the receiver. ` `` Lemma 3.2: t(a, c) = 1 + pa ppkt a 1 + acpc ppkt 2 RR A3 (x,y) f (x, y)dxdy is the probability where pa = A1 x,y that two nodes are within range of each other given that both of them are in the scheduling area, pc = RR K 2 A3 (x,y) f (x, y)dxdy is the probability that two A2 x,y nodes are within range of each other given that one of them is within the scheduling area and the other node is outside the scheduling area but within two hops from ei` E[S] ther the transmitter or the receiver, ppkt = 1 1 pR ex is the probability that two nodes have at least one packet to exchange, f (x, y)is the probability that a node within the scheduling area is at a distance x and y from the transmitter and the receiver respectively, and A3 (x, y) is the average value of the area within the scheduling area and within one hop from a node at a distance x and y from the transmitter and the receiver (see Figure 2). We state the value of f (x, y) and A3 (x, y) in the proof. Proof: See Appendix. 3.2.3 Interference The interference caused by other nodes depends on the number of simultaneous transmissions and the distance between the transmitters of these simultaneous transmissions and the desired receiver. Given that there are M a nodes outside the scheduling area (event Ea ), let there be x interfering transmissions at a distance of r1 , r2 , . . . , rx
M 2 (p1 )a2 (1 p1 )M a . a2 ` a Corollary 3.1: P (Ec | Ea ) = Mc (p2 )c (1 p2 )M ac A where p2 = A2N 1 is the probability that a particular

To account for scheduling, we have to gure out P (Ea ) (the probability that there are a nodes within the scheduling area), P (Ec | Ea ) (the probability that out of the remaining M a nodes, there are c nodes within two hops from the transmitter or the receiver but not in the scheduling area) and t(a, c) (the expected number of possible transmissions competing with the i-j pair). Each of the other M 2 nodes (other than i and j) are equally likely to be anywhere in the two dimensional space because the mobility model has a uniform stationary distribution. So, we use geometric arguments to gure out how many transmissions contend with the transmission between i and j. ` Lemma 3.1: P (Ea) = M 2 (p1 )a2 (1 p1 )M a where a2 A1 p1 = N is the probability that a particular node lies within the scheduling area, which has an average value ` 1 equal to A1 = 2 + 4 9 2 2cos1 3 K 2 . Proof: The node is equally likely to be anywhere in the two dimensional space. Consequently, p1 = Pr[a particular node is within one hop of either the transmitter or the receiver] = Pr[a particular node is within one hop of the transmitter] + Pr[a particular node is within one hop of the receiver] - Pr[a particular node is within one hop of both the transmitter and the receiver]. Replacing the distance between the transmitter and the receiver by its expected value yields p1 =
1 2+ 4 9 2 2cos1 ( 3 ) K 2

. Recall


from the desired receiver. Then, using the law of total probability, we get
P (IM a ) = X


r1 ,r2 ,...,rx

P (r1 , r2 , . . . , rx | x)P (x).

P (IM a | x, r1 , r2 , . . . rx ) (2)

, where r0 is the distance between nodes i and j. Replacing r0 and x with their expected values and removing the condition on ri s by using the law of total probability yields the result.


4 r0 4 ri

While it is possible to calculate P (x) to substitute in the expression of P (IM a ), the resulting expression will be very complicated. Motivated by this, we replace x by its expected value. (Simulations results presented in Section 6 verify that this approximation does not have a drastic effect on the accuracy of the analysis.) ` a First, we compute E[x]. There are M2 possible pairs of nodes, and for a particular pair of nodes to interfere with the transmission between i and j, they should be within range of each other, have at least one packet to exchange, and the scheduling mechanism should allow them to exchange packets. Hence, the expected number of interfering transmissions equals ` P M a K 2 1 ppkt . a,c t(a,c) P (Ea )P (Ec | Ea ) 2 N Now we compute f (r) which denotes the probability density function of the distance between any two nodes. (Since each node is moving independently of each other, f (r) is the same for all the nodes.) The following equation states the expression for f (r) for a 2D torus of area N (the derivation is contained in [40]):
2r N 1 N r 2 N < r < N 2 2

Note that the transmitters of the simultaneous transmissions as well as the desired receiver will move during the message exchange. Thus, the amount of interference at the receiver will vary. We ignore the effect of this variation as it will cause negligible change in the value of P (IMa ) because of the following two reasons. (i) The density function of the distance between the desired receiver and the transmitters of simultaneous transmissions will still be dictated by Equation (3) if these transmitters remain outside the scheduling area during the entire message exchange. (ii) In a sparse network, the probability that a signicant number of interfering transmitters move within the scheduling area during the message exchange is negligible. Now, we have all the components to put together to nd ptxS in Equation (1). In Sections 4 and 5, we present case studies to demonstrate how the framework is used for performance analysis of routing schemes. 3.3 Extensions Now we discuss how to remove certain simplifying assumptions we have used so far. 3.3.1 Non-Uniform Node Location Distribution: Community-based Mobility Model Equation (1) is independent of the mobility model, and hence still holds. However, to extend the framework to a mobility model with a non-uniform node location distribution, the values of P (Ea ), P (Ec | Ea ), t(a, c) and P (IM a ) will have to be re-derived. In general, these expressions will be evaluated after conditioning on the current transmitter and receiver location, and then, the law of total probability would be used to remove the condition. For the community-based mobility model described in Section 2.2, we will condition over whether the current transmitter and receiver belong to the same community or to different communities and whether they meet within a community or outside. For nodes belonging to the same community who meet within their common community, let pR txS1 denote the probability that these two nodes are able to successfully exchange a particular packet inspite of contention. The probability of nodes belonging to different communities meeting within a community is negligible as the communities are very small. (Similarly, the probability of nodes belonging to the same community meeting within a community not their own is also negligible.) If two nodes do not meet within any community, let pR denote the probability txS2 that these two nodes are able to successfully exchange a particular packet inspite of contention (irrespective of whether the two nodes belong to the same community

f (r) =

4r N

P (IM a | x, r1 , r2 , . . . rx ) is the complement of the outage probability and depends on the channel model. The channel model only affects this term in the entire analysis. The outage probabilities have been calculated for several realistic channel models including the RayleighRayleigh fading channel [41] (both the desired signal and the interfering signal are Rayleigh distributed), the Rician-Rayleigh fading channel [42] (the desired signal has Rician and the interfering signal has Rayleigh distribution), and the superimposed Rayleigh fading and log normal shadowing channel [43]. The results from these papers can be directly used here to make the framework work for any of these channel models. The following lemma uses the result from [41] to derive P (IMa ) for the Rayleigh-Rayleigh fading channel model. Lemma 3.3: For the Rayleigh-Rayleigh fading channel


N 2r


model, P (IM a ) =

Proof: Kandukuri et al [41] evaluated the outage probability for the Rayleigh-Rayleigh fading channel
Pi R to be 1 x , where P0 is the received i=1 1 + P R 0 power from the desired signal and PiR is the received power from the ith interferer. Assuming all the nodes are transmitting at the same power level and = 4 in the distance attenuation model, P (IM a | x, r1 , r2 , . . . rx ) =


( 2K ) 3 r4


f (r)dr .


one could rst nd the probability that a particular transmission rate is employed at a link, derive the value of ptxS conditioned on the value of the transmission rate, P M P and then use the law of total probability to remove the E[S] 1 r P (Es ) k=2 a,c P r(Ek ) t(a,c,k) P (Ea | Ek )P (Ec | Ea , Ek ) condition. P (IM a | Ek )), where: (a) Ek is the event that there are k nodes in the commu- 4 D ELAY A NALYSIS FOR P OPULAR M OBILITY ` M 2 k2 M k 1pr r nity. P (Ek ) = k2 l rr where l = 2pl pr M ODELS is the probability that a particular node is in the In this section, we nd the expected end-to-end packet 1pl local state and r = 2pl pr is the probability that a delay of four different mobility-assisted routing schemes particular node is in the roaming state. for intermittently connected mobile networks, when (b) P (Ea | Ek ), P (Ec | Ea , Ek ) and P (IM a | Ek ) are nodes move according to the random direction or randerived in a manner similar to the derivation of the dom waypoint mobility models. For each routing scheme corresponding probabilities in Section 3.2.2. `a ```k R, we rst dene the routing algorithm, then derive (c) t(a, c, k) = 1 + ppkt 2 1 + pa 2 + acpc . The valthe value of pR and nally derive the value of the ex ues of pa , pc and ppkt were derived in Lemma 3.2. expected end-to-end delay6 . Parameters that depend on Sketch of Proof: The Lemma can be proved using geo- the mobility model, are denoted by using mm as a metric and combinatorial arguments similar to the ones super- or sub-script. made in the proofs in Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. The main difference here is that now only M k nodes are moving r 4.1 Direct Transmission according to the random direction mobility model over the entire network while the rest of the k nodes are Direct transmission is one of the simplest possible routwithin the transmission range of the transmitter and the ing schemes. Node A forwards a message to another receiver as well as within the transmission range of each node B it encounters, only if B is the messages destination. We now analyze its performance with contention. other. For more details, see [40].2 2 Lemma 4.1: pdt = M (M 1) . ex The value of pR is also derived in a similar fashion. txS2 Proof: In direct transmission, each packet undergoes 3.3.2 Other extensions: Capture, collisions, nite only one transmission, from the source to the destination. A packet has node i as its source with probability buffers, and auto-rate adaptation 1 . The probability that j is the destination given i is the This is a qualitative discussion on how one could further M source is M1 (the destination is chosen uniformly at 1 extend the contention model to account for additional random from amongst the other M 1 nodes). Thus, the real-world limitations. probability that i and j want to exchange a particular Capture: Two nodes within a distance K from each packet is equal to 2 (i is the source and j is the M (M 1) other can transmit/receive simultaneously due to fad- destination or vice versa). ing/shadowing effects. One could derive the probability mm Theorem 4.1: Let E[Ddt ] denote the expected delay that capture occurs in a manner similar to the derivation of direct transmission. Then, E[Dmm ] = E[Mmm ] , where dt pdt success of P (IMa ). Then, one would incorporate this probabilE[Mmm ] is the expected meeting time of the mobility ` E[mm ] ity in the derivation of t(a, c). dt model mm, pdt is the probsuccess = 1 1 ptxS Collisions: The collision probability of a link depends on ability that when two nodes come within range of each the local topology around this link. One could use results other, they successfully exchange the packet before going from the literature, e.g. [44, 45], to nd the collision out of each others range (within the contact time mm ). probability for a given topology for practical CSMAProof: The expected time it takes for the source to CA schemes like 802.11, then nd the probability of the meet the destination for the rst time is E[Mmm ] (the topology occurring in the network, and nally remove expected meeting time). With probability 1 pdt , the txS the condition on the topology by using the law of total two nodes are unable to exchange the packet in one time probability. slot due to contention. They are within range of each Finite Buffers: The expected number of packets in the other for E[mm ] number of time slots. (We are making queue of a node can be easily calculated as a function of an approximation here by replacing mm by its expected ` E[mm ] E[S]. Then well known bounds like the Chernoff bound dt value.) Thus pdt is the probability success = 1 ptxS could be used to nd the probability that the number of that the source and the destination fail to exchange the packets in the queue exceed the buffer size. packet while they are within range of each other. Then Auto-rate Adaptation: Depending on the SINR value on they will have to wait for one inter-meeting time to come the link, the transmission rate of each link may vary. within range of each other again. If they fail yet again, A different transmission rate will obviously change the they will have to wait another inter-meeting time to value of sBW . Also, since each transmission rate corresponds to a different modulation scheme, the value of 6. Note that pR is the only parameter in the contention framework ex will also change. To incorporate auto-rate adaptation, which depends on the routing scheme.

or different communities). The following lemma derives the value of pR . txS1 P P E[S] sBW 1 BW P (Es ) + E[S]1 ss+1 Lemma 3.4: pR txS1 = s=sBW s=0


E[Mmm ] +

mm come within range. Thus, E[Ddt ] = E[Mmm ] + pdt success ` dt + dt + (1 psuccess )E[Mmm ] + 2(1 psuccess )2 E[Mmm ] + . . . =
+ (1pdt success )E[Mmm ] pdt success

+ . Since E[Mmm ] = E[Mmm ] for both random direction and random waypoint mobility mm models, E[Ddt ] evaluates to E[Mmm ] . pdt

Proof: When there are m copies of a packet in the network, if one of the m nodes having a copy meets one of the other M m nodes not having a copy, there is a transmission opportunity to increase the number of copies by one. Since ICMNs are sparse networks, we look at the tail of the distribution of the meeting time which is exponential for both the random direction and the random waypoint mobility models. The time it takes for one of the m nodes to meet one of the other M m nodes is equal to the minimum of m(M m) exponentials, which is again an exponential random variable with E[M mean m(Mmm ] . Now when they meet, the probability m) that the two nodes are able to successfully exchange the packet is pepidemic . If they fail to exchange the packet, success they will have to wait one inter-meeting time to meet + again. Since E[Mmm ] = E[Mmm ] for both the random direction and the random waypoint mobility model, and both meeting and inter-meeting times have memoryless tails, the expected time it takes for one of the m nodes to meet one of the other M m nodes again is still equal E[M E[M mm to m(Mmm ] . Hence, E[Depidemic (m)] = pepidemic m(Mmm ] + success m) m) E[Mmm ] E[M 2pepidemic (1pepidemic ) m(Mmm ] +. . . = success success epidemic . The m) m(M m)psuccess value of pepidemic can be derived in a manner similar to success the derivation of pdt success in Theorem 4.1. Now, we nd the value of pepidemic and then nd ex the expected end-to-end delay for epidemic routing (demm noted by E[Depidemic ]). PM 1 2m(M m) PM 1 1 Lemma 4.3: pepidemic = ex m=1 M (M 1) i=m M 1
1 m(M m) 1 j=1 j(M j)

E[mm ] . pepidemic = 1 1 pepidemic success txS

4.2 Epidemic Routing Epidemic routing [8] extends the concept of ooding to ICMNs. It is one of the rst schemes proposed to enable message delivery in such networks. Each node maintains a list of all messages it carries, whose delivery is pending. Whenever it encounters another node, the two nodes exchange all messages that they dont have in common. This way, all messages are eventually spread to all nodes. The packet is delivered when the rst node carrying a copy of the packet meets the destination. The packet will keep on getting copied from one node to the other node till its Time-To-Live (TTL) expires. For ease of analysis, we assume that as soon as the packet is delivered to the destination, no further copies of the packet are spread. To nd the expected end-to-end delay for epidemic mm routing, we rst nd E[Depidemic (m)] which is the expected time it takes for the number of nodes having a copy of the packet to increase from m to m + 1. E[Mmm ] mm Lemma 4.2: E[Depidemic (m)] = m(M m)pepidemic , where

Proof: Let there be m copies of a particular packet in the network. Then the probability that node i has a copy m is equal to M and the probability that node j does not have a copy given that node i has one is equal to (M m) . M 1 Thus, the probability that nodes i and j want to exchange the packet given that there are m copies of the packet in the network is equal to 2m(M m) . Now, we nd the M (M 1) probability that there are m copies of the packet in the network. The copies of a packet keep on increasing till the packet is delivered to the destination. The probability that the destination is the k th node to receive a copy of the packet is equal to M1 for 2 k M . A 1 packet will have m copies in the network only if the destination wasnt amongst the rst m 1 nodes to receive a copy. The amount of time a packet has m copies mm in the network is equal to E[Depidemic (m)]. Hence, the probability that there are m copies of a packet in the mm P E[Depidemic (m)] network equals M 1 M1 Pi E[Dmm . Applying i=m 1 (j)] j=1 epidemic the law of total probability over the random variable mm m and substituting the value of E[Depidemic (m)] from epidemic Lemma 4.2 gives pex . Theorem 4.2: P Pi E[Mmm ] mm E[Depidemic ] = M 1 M1 i=1 m=1 m(M m)pepidemic . 1 success Proof: The probability that the destination is the ith node to receive a copy of the packet is equal to M1 1 for 2 i M . The amount of time it takes for the ith Pi mm copy to be delivered is equal to m=1 E[Depidemic (m)]. Applying the law of total probability over the random mm variable i and substituting the value of E[Depidemic (m)] mm from Lemma 4.2 yields E[Depidemic ]. 4.3 Spraying a small xed number of copies Another approach to route packets in sparse networks is that of controlled replication or spraying [12, 13, 23, 24]. A small, xed number of copies are distributed to a number of distinct relays. Then, each relay routes its copy independently towards the destination. By having multiple relays routing a copy independently and in parallel towards the destination, these protocols create enough diversity to explore the sparse network more efciently while keeping the resource usage per message low. Different spraying schemes may differ in how they distribute the copies and/or how they route each copy. We study two different spraying based routing schemes here. These two differ in the way they distribute their copies. 4.3.1 Source Spray and Wait Source spray and wait is one of the simplest spraying schemes proposed in the literature [12]. For this scheme, the source node forwards all the copies (lets label the number of copies being sprayed as L) to the rst L distinct nodes it encounters. (In other words, no other node except the source node can forward a copy of the packet.) And, once these copies get distributed, each copy performs direct transmission.



mm First, we nd the value E[Dssw (m)], then we nd pssw ex and nally, we derive the expected end-to-end delay for mm source spray and wait (denoted by E[Dssw ]). (
mm Lemma 4.4: E[Dssw (m)] =

where = 1 (1 Proof: See Appendix. Lemma 4.5: pssw = ex

pssw success

E[Mmm ] (M 1)pssw success E[Mmm ] Lpssw success pssw )E[mm ] txS

1m<L m=L

Proof: The proof runs along the same lines as the proof of Lemma 4.3. P P mm mm Theorem 4.4: E[Df sw ] = L pf sw (i) i i=1 dest m=1 E[Df sw (m)]. Proof: The proof runs along similar lines as the proof of Theorem 4.2.

probability that the destination is the (i + 1)th node to receive a copy of the packet. Proof: The proof runs along the same lines as the proof of Lemma 4.3. P P mm mm Theorem 4.3: E[Dssw ] = L pssw (i) i i=1 dest m=1 E[Dssw (m)]. Proof: The proof runs along similar lines as the proof of Theorem 4.2. 4.3.2 Fast Spray and Wait In Fast Spray and Wait, every relay node can forward a copy of the packet to a non-destination node which it encounters in the spray phase. (Recall that in source spray and wait, only the source node can forward copies to non-destination nodes.) There is a centralized mechanism which ensures that after L copies of the packet have been spread, no more copies get transmitted to nondestination nodes. Note that this is not a practical way to distribute copies, however we include it in the analysis because it spreads copies whenever there is any opportunity to do so and hence has the minimum spraying time when there is no contention in the network. Once these copies get distributed, each copy performs direct transmission. We now derive the expected delay of fast spray and wait with contention in the network. mm First, we nd the value E[Df sw (m)], then we nd pf sw ex and nally, we derive the expected end-to-end delay for mm fast spray and wait (denoted by E[Df sw ]). All the derivations are very similar to the corresponding derivations for epidemic routing. The only difference is that when m = L nodes have a copy of the packet, a transmission opportunity will arise only when one of these m = L nodes meet the destination. 8
mm Lemma 4.6: E[Df sw (m)] = f sw . where pf sw success = 1 1 ptxS Proof: The proof runs along the same lines as the proof of Lemma 4.4. mm f sw E[Df sw (L)] 2Lpdest (L) PL + Lemma 4.7: pf sw = ex mm (k)] M (M 1) E[D
k=1 f sw

mm 2Lpssw (L) E[Dssw (L)] dest PL mm M (M 1) k=1 E[Dssw (k)] mm PL1 PL E[Dssw (m)] ssw 2 P mm m=1 i=m pdest (i) i M 1 E[Dssw (k)] 8 Q k=1 i1 M j1 i < 1i<L M 1 j=1 M 1 pssw (i) = Qi1 M j1 dest : i=L j=1 M 1




is the

In this section, we derive the expected delay values for four different mobility-assisted routing schemes with the community-based mobility model. We rst analyze direct transmission and epidemic routing as these two form the basic building block for all routing schemes. Then, we analyze two different spraying based schemes: fast spray and wait and fast spray and focus which differ in the way they route each individual copy towards the destination after the spray phase. Note that the value of pR for each routing scheme remains the same as derived ex in Section 4. The derivation of the expected delay for the community-based mobility model uses arguments similar to the ones used in the derivation of the expected delay for the random direction / random waypoint mobility model. The proofs which are very similar are not discussed to keep the exposition interesting. To simplify the presentation in this section, we assume that the number of nodes sharing a community is equal across all r communities, that is the number of nodes sharing a community is equal to M . Finally, we dene the notation r related to the statistics of the mobility properties for the community-based mobility model. Let E[Mcomm,same ] + + (E[Mcomm,dif f ]), E[Mcomm,same ] (E[Mcomm,dif f ]) and E[comm,same ] (E[comm,dif f ]) denote the expected meeting time, inter-meeting and contact time for nodes which belong to the same community (belong to different communities) respectively. Please refer to [37, 38] for their exact values. 5.1 Direct Transmission
comm Let E[Ddt ] denote the expected delay of direct transmission for the community-based mobility model. Further, let pdt success1 be the probability that when two nodes belonging to the same community come within each others range, they successfully exchange the packet before going out of each others range and let pdt success2 be the probability that when two nodes belonging to different communities come within each others range, they successfully exchange the packet before going out of each others range. (r1)m E[Mcomm,dif f ] comm + Theorem 5.1: E[Ddt ] = r(m1) pdt mr r(m1)


E[Mmm ]

m(M m)psuccess E[Mmm ]

f sw

1m<L m=L

: f sw Lp E[mmsuccess ]

where pf sw (i) = dest


2m(M m) m=1 M (M 1)


that the destination is the (i + 1)th node to receive a copy of the packet.

mm E[Df sw (m)] f sw P mm i=m pdest (i) i E[Df sw (k)] k=1 1 1i<L M 1 M L i=L M 1

is the probability

and . Proof: The probability that the destination belongs to a different community than the source is equal to (r1)m . r(m1)
pdt success2 = 1 (1


E[Mcomm,same ] + pdt success1


+ (1pdt success1 )E[Mcomm,same ]

pdt success1

= 1 (1 pdt )E[comm,dif f ] txS1 pdt )E[comm,same ] txS2



The derivation of the expected delay after conditioning on whether the source and the destination belong to the same community or not is similar to the derivation of mm E[Ddt ] in Theorem 4.1. Finally, using the law of total comm probability to remove the conditioning yields E[Ddt ].

E[Tm,mp ] =

5.2 Epidemic Routing This section derives the expected delay of epidemic routing for the community-based mobility model. Since each node spends most of its time within its community (which implies E[Mcomm,dif f ] >> E[Mcomm,same ]), we make an approximation to simplify the exposition by assuming that with high probability, a node starting from its stationary location distribution will rst meet a node within its own community than a node belonging to a different community. This implies that once a node gets a copy of a packet, with high probability, all members of its community will get the copy before any node outside its community. A simple outcome of this is that the rst M 1 nodes to get a copy of the packet belong to the r sources community. We rst study how much time it takes for all nodes within the sources community to get a copy of the packet. This derivation is different from all the derivations in Section 4 because E[Mcomm,same ] = + E[Mcomm,same ]. Thus, we need to keep track of which pair of nodes have met in the past but were unable to successfully exchange the packet. We model the system using the following state space: (m, mp ) where 1 m M r is the number of nodes which have a copy of the packet `M and 0 mp m r m is the number of node pairs such that only one node of the pair has a copy of the packet, they have met at least once after the node (which has the copy) received its copy, and they were unable to successfully exchange this packet in their past meetings. Let E[Din (m)] denote the expected time it takes for the number of nodes having a copy of the packet to increase from m to m + 1 given m < M (which implies that r all nodes within the sources community have not yet received a copy of the packet). Pm( M m) E[Tm,mp ] r Lemma 5.1: E[Din (m)] = , pm,mp self mp =0 1p

the same state, then it will take yet another time duration equal to E[Tm,mp ] for a transmission possibility. Again, with pself p the system will remain in the same state. m,m Thus, the expected amount of time the system remains E[T ] in state (m, mp ) is equal to 1pm,mp . self In a manner similar to the derivation of pself p , the m,m probability that the system moves to (m, mp + 1) is de rived to be (1 pepidemic ) 1 success1
mp E[Tm,mp ]
+ m,mp

comm,same E[comm,same ] . If the system remains in 1 1 pepidemic txS1

nodes which met are not able to successfully exchange the packet, then the system will remain in the same state if these two nodes were one of the mp node pairs which have already met at least once in the past, otherwise the system will move to (m, mp + 1). Thus, the probability that the system remains in the same state mp E[T ] is pself p = (1 pepidemic ) E[M + m,mp ] , where pepidemic = m,m success1 success1

Since, both the meeting and inter-meeting times have exponential ` tails, the expected time elapsed till one of these m M m node pairs come within range is r
m( M m)mp r E[Mcomm,same ]


E[Mcomm,same ]

. If the two

mission is successful with probability , in which mp case the system moves to the state (m + 1, mp M m ). r Since each node not having a copy of the packet has mp met on an average M m nodes which have a copy of r the packet, when a new node receives the packet, this number has to be subtracted from mp . Now, we nd the probability that the system will visit the state (m, mp ) (denoted by pm,mp ). The system can move to state (m, mp ) from mp probability states (m 1, mp + M m1 )(with
pepidemic ) success1 (1

E[Mcomm,same ] pepidemic success1

. The trans-

pepidemic ) success1 8 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > :


(m, mp

E[Mcomm,same ] pepidemic pm1,mp + mp success1 M


(mp 1)E[Tm,mp 1 ]

1) (with


). Thus,

+ 1


pm,mp =

where E[Tm,mp ] is the expected time elapsed till one of the nodes not having a copy meets a node having a copy of the packet given that the system is in state (m, mp ), pself p is the probability that the system remains m,m in the state (m, mp ) after these nodes (which met after E[Tm,mp ]) are unable to successfully exchange the packet, and pm,mp is the probability that the system visits state (m, mp ). Proof: Let the system be in state (m, mp ). We rst derive the expected time duration after which the system moves to another state. A transmission opportunity will arise only when one of the m nodes carrying a copy of the packet meet one of the M m not having a r ` copy of the packet. There are a total of m M m r such node pairs of which mp have already met before.

(1 (mp 1)E[Tm,mp 1 ] 1 E[M + ]


+ E[Mcomm,same ] epidemic psuccess1 )pm,mp 1

(mp 1)E[Tm,mp 1 ]

if m > 1

if m = 1, mp > 0 if m = 1, mp = 0.

(1 pepidemic )pm,mp 1 success1 1

Solving this set of linear equations yields pm,mp . comm Now, we nd E[Depidemic (m)] which is the expected time it takes for the number of nodes having a copy of the packet to increase from m to m + 1. Lemma 5.2: ` M ` ` M (
comm E[Depidemic (m)] =

E[Din rem m,

r E[Mcomm,dif f ]

m(M m)psuccess2



pepidemic success2

to receive a copy of the packet are the nodes belonging to the sources community. Then, a node belonging to an-

rem (x, y) is the remainder left after dividing x by y. Proof: As previously discussed, the rst M 1 nodes r

1 pepidemic txS2

r M r E[comm,dif f ]

if rem m, ` if rem m,


=0 =0



Spray and Focus schemes [15] differ from spray and wait schemes in how each relay routes the copy towards the destination. Instead of doing direct transmission, each relay does a utility-based forwarding towards the destination, that is, whenever a relay carrying a copy of the packet meets another node (label it node B) which has a higher utility, the relay gives its copy to node B. Node B now does a utility based forwarding towards Finally, we derive the expected delay of epidemic rout- the destination and the relay drops the packet from ing for the community based mobility model (denoted its queue. [15] showed that spray and focus has huge comm comm by E[Depidemic ]) in terms of E[Depidemic (m)] using the performance gains over spray and wait for heterogemm same argument used to derive E[Depidemic ] in Theorem neous networks (networks where each node is not the same). Community-based mobility model introduces an 4.2. inherent heterogeneity in the network as nodes differ Theorem 5.2: P Pi comm comm depending on which community they belong to. So, we E[Depidemic ] = M 1 M1 E[Depidemic (m)]. i=1 m=1 1 study a spray and focus scheme for the communitybased mobility model, and later we compare it to the 5.3 Spraying a small xed number of copies corresponding spray and wait scheme. 5.3.1 Fast Spray and Wait Fast spray and focus performs fast spraying in the This section derives the expected delay of fast spray spray phase. To be able to do utility-based forwarding in and wait routing scheme for the community-based mo- the focus phase, [15] maintained last encounter timers to bility model. As before, rst we derive the value of build the utility function. For community-based mobility comm E[Df sw (m)]. For m < L (in the spray phase), the models, [18] proposed the use of a simpler function as a comm value of E[Df sw (m)] is derived in a manner similar to utility function for their Label scheme: If a relay meets comm the derivation of E[Depidemic (m)] as ooding is used to a node which belongs to the same community as the spread the L copies in the spray phase. Now, we derive destination, the relay hands over its copy to the new comm the value of E[Df sw (L)] which is the expected time to node. We use this simple utility function to route copies nd the destination in the wait phase. ! of the packet in the focus phase. M P( M ) l r l l comm This section derives the expected delay of fast spray r pl,mp E[T mp ] Lemma 5.3: E[Df sw (L)] = M L mp =0 M l and focus for the community-based mobility model. pf sf r ex M ` l E[Mcomm,dif f ] r , where = rem L, M , E[Ts ] is can be derived in a manner similar to the derivation of l + 1 M L f sw r Lpsuccess2 f sw f sf the expected time till the destination receives a copy pex . To avoid repetition, we skip the derivation of pex of the packet given there are s nodes belonging to here. comm As before, rst we derive E[Df sf (m)]. Since oodthe destinations community which were unable to is used to spread the copies in the spray phase, successfully exchange the packet with the destination ing comm E[comm,dif f ] E[Df sf (m)] for m < L can be derived in a manner f sw f sw . in the past, and psuccess2 = 1 1 ptxS2 comm similar to the derivation of E[Depidemic (m)]. The next Sketch of Proof: After the spray phase (after L copies lemma derives the value of E[Dcomm (L)] which is the f sf have been spread), there is a community which has only expected time it takes for the packet to get delivered to ` M = rem L, l nodes carrying a copy of the packet. The the destination in the focus phase. r 1 0 probability that the destination is one of the remaining M l l l P M M comm r l Lemma 5.4: E[Df sf (L)] = M L @ mpr=0 p p E[T mp ]A M r l,m nodes belonging to this community is equal to M L . l M r l r First we derive the expected delay in the wait phase M 1 M E[Mcomm,dif f ] l r r + M E[Mcomm,same ] f sf when the destination belongs to this community. Then, + 1 M L L M psuccess2 r r

other community (lets label it community Y ) will receive a copy from one of the nodes belonging to the sources community. After that, the next M 1 nodes to get a copy r of the packet are the ones which belong to community Y . Even though there are other nodes which have a copy of the packet (belonging to the sources community), with high probability, the nodes in community Y will receive a copy of the packet from a node belonging to its own community. Thus, the expected time for the copies to spread within community Y is equal to the expected time for the copies to spread within the sources community. Similarly, the expected time for the copies to spread within any community after a node belonging to that community obtains a copy, is equal to the expected time for the copies to spread within the sources community (irrespective of how many nodes outside the community have copies of the packet). Finally, for the scenario when for all communities, either all or no nodes in a community have a copy of the packet, the expected time for the copies to increase can be found in a manner mm similar to the derivation of E[Depidemic (m)] in Lemma 4.2.

we derive the expected delay when the destination does not belong to this community. Finally we use the law of total probability to combine everything together and get the result. The interested reader is referred to [40] for more details. 2 Finally, we derive the expected delay of fast spray and wait for the community based mobility model (denoted comm comm by E[Df sw ]) in terms of E[Df sw (m)] using the same mm argument used to derive E[Df sw ]. Theorem 5.3: P P comm comm E[Df sw ] = L pf sw (i) i i=1 dest m=1 E[Df sw (m)]. 5.3.2 Fast Spray and Focus



1800 Expected Delay (time slots) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 5 6

Expected Delay (time slots)

Expected Delay (time slots)

350 300 250 200 150 100 5 6


Expected Delay (time slots)

Simulation (M=50) Theoretical (M=50) Simulation (M=200) Theoretical (M=200)


Simulation (M=50) Theoretical (M=50) Simulation (M=200) Theoretical (M=200)


Simulation (M=50) Theoretical (M=50) Simulation (M=200) Theoretical (M=200)



Simulation (M=50) Theoretical (M=50) Simulation (M=200) Theoretical (M=200)





7 8 9 K (distance units)


0 5

7 8 9 K (distance units)


7 8 9 K (distance units)


0 5

8 9 K (distance units)


(a) Direct Transmission.

(b) Epidemic Routing.

(c) Source Spray and Wait with L = 5.

(d) Fast Spray and Wait with L = 5.

Fig. 3. Simulation and analytical results for the expected delay for the random waypoint mobility model. Network parameters:
N = 120 120 square units, = 5, sBW = 1 packet/time slot. The expected maximum cluster size varies from 5%(K = 5, M = 50) to 23%(K = 10, M = 200). (Note that the number of instances for which each Monte Carlo simulation is run is chosen so as to ensure that the 90% condence interval is within 5% of the simulation value.) ! f sf ` + (1p )E[Mcomm,same ] successs1 , where = rem L, M , timer expires, the node pair exchanges control messages l + f sf r psuccess1 E[comm,dif f ] to silence all other interfering node pairs. To incorporate f sw and pf sf pf sf success2 = 1 success1 = 1 1 ptxS1 channel fading, the received signal strength is derived E[comm,same ] f sw from the distribution corresponding to the fading model. . 1 ptxS2

Proof: The proof runs along similar lines as the proof of Theorem 4.2.

Proof: The proof runs along similar lines as the proof of Lemma 5.3. Please refer to [40] for more details. Now we derive the expected delay of fast spray and focus for the community based mobility model (denoted comm comm by E[Df sf ]) in terms of E[Df sf (m)]. Theorem 5.4: PL Pi f sf comm comm E[Df sf ] = (m)], where i=1 pdest (i) m=1 E[Df sf
pf sf (i) = dest
1 M 1 M L M 1

i<L . i=L

For example, to model Rayleigh fading, the received signal strength at the receiver is drawn from an exponential distribution. Interference is incorporated by adding the received signal from other simultaneous transmissions (outside the scheduling area) and comparing the signal to interference ratio to the desired threshold. The simulator allows the user to choose from different physical layer, mobility and trafc models. We choose the Rayleigh-Rayleigh fading model for the channel and Poisson arrivals in our simulations. There is no limit on the buffer size.




In the previous sections, we made a number of approximations to keep the analysis tractable. Here, we assess to which extent these approximations create inaccuracies. We focus on the following approximations: (i) replacing S by E[S] in the expression of P (Ebw ) in Section 3.2, (ii) replacing the random variable representing the number of interfering transmissions (x) by its expected value in Section 3.2.3. (iii) replacing the contact time by its expected value in the expression of pR success in the delay analysis of all routing schemes, (iv) assuming the entire meeting and inter-meeting time distribution to be exponential in the delay analysis of ooding-based routing schemes, and (v) assuming that a node starting from its stationary distribution will meet a node belonging to its own community before a node from some other community with high probability in the delay analysis of routing schemes for the community-based mobility model. We use simulations to verify that these approximations do not have a signicant impact on the accuracy of the analysis. We use a custom simulator written in C++ for simulations. The simulator avoids excessive interference by implementing the scheduling scheme described in Section 3.1. At the start of a time slot, all contending node pairs initialize a backoff timer to a random value choosen from a uniform distribution. When the backoff

We study the robustness of all the approximations by varying the level of connectivity in the network (which in turn is achieved by altering the transmission range K, the number of nodes in the network M and the number of communities in the network r for the communitybased mobility model). As a connectivity metric we use the expected maximum cluster size, which is dened as the percentile of nodes that belong to the largest connected cluster, and denote its value in the gures captions. Figures 3(a)-3(d) and 4(a)-4(d) compare the expected end-to-end delay for different routing schemes obtained through analysis and simulations for different values of K and M for the random waypoint mobility model and for different values of K, M and r for the community based mobility model. (Note that K is expressed in the same distance units as N .) We have compared the analytical and simulation results for a large number of scenarios, but due to limitations of space, we present some representative results for each routing scheme. Since both the simulation and the analytical curves are close to each other in all the scenarios, we conclude that the analysis is fairly accurate. Now we comment on which approximations create small yet noticeable errors. For the random waypoint mobility model, the approximation of assuming the entire meeting and inter-meeting time distribution to be exponential creates a noticeable error. (Replacing the values derived based on this approximation by actual



1.6 1.4 Expected Delay 1.2 1 0.8 0.6

x 10

Expected Delay

Expected Delay

800 600 400

Expected Delay

Simulation (r=6, M=30) Theoretical (r=6, M=30) Simulation (r=4, M=40) Theoretical (r=4, M=40)

1200 1000

Simulation (r=6, M=30) Theoretical (r=6, M=30) Simulation (r=4, M=40) Theoretical (r=4, M=40)



Simulation (r=6, M=30) Theoretical (r=6, M=30) Simulation (r=4, M=40) Theoretical (r=4, M=40)

1200 1000 800 600 400

Simulation (r=6, M=30) Theoretical (r=6, M=30) Simulation (r=4, M=40) Theoretical (r=4, M=40)


1000 12 14 K 16 18 20 10 12 14 K 16 18 20

0.4 10


14 K







14 K




(a) Direct Transmission.

(b) Epidemic Routing.

(c) Fast spray and wait with L = 10.

(d) Fast spray and focus with L = 10.

Fig. 4. Simulation and analytical results for the expected delay for the community-based mobility model. Network parameters: N = 500 500 square units, = 5, pl = 0.8, pr = 0.2, sBW = 1 packet/time slot. The expected maximum cluster size varies from 15%(K = 10, r = 6, M = 30) to 24%(K = 20, r = 4, M = 40). (Note that the number of instances for which each Monte Carlo simulation is run is chosen so as to ensure that the 90% condence interval is within 5% of the simulation value.) values derived from simulations makes the simulation and analytical curves indistinguishable.) The effect of this approximation worsens as the node density increases (either K or M increases). For the communitybased mobility model, the assumption of exponential distribution for the inter-meeting time for nodes belonging to different communities results in underestimating the expected delay. This effect of this approximation is signicant for smaller values of K. Also, the following additional approximation plays a noticeable role: assuming that starting from its stationary distribution, a node will meet a node belonging to its own community before a node from some other community. This approximation results in overestimating the expected delay and worsens as the number of nodes in other communities increases (r increases). The rst approximation dominates for lower values of K and r, and the second approximation becomes more dominant as K and r increases.
25 20 15 L 10 5 0 50
Expected Delay (time slots)

Without Contention With Contention




100 150 200 Target Expected Delay (time slots)

100 0







Fig. 5. (a) Minimum value of L which achieves the target

expected delay for source spray and wait. (b) L against expected delay (with contention). Network parameters: N = 100 100, K = 8, M = 150, = 5, E[S] = 70, T stop = 0, v = 1, sBW = 1.




The design of spraying-based routing schemes poses the following three fundamental questions: (i) How many copies to spray? (ii) How to spray these copies in the spraying phase? (iii) How to route each individual copy towards the destination after the spraying phase? [12, 15, 17] answered these questions assuming there is no contention in the network. In this section, we use the expressions derived in the previous sections to study if incorporating contention introduces signicant differences in the answers to these questions. 7.1 How Many Copies to Spray This section studies the error introduced by ignoring contention when one has to nd the minimum value of L (the number of copies sprayed) in order for a sprayingbased scheme to achieve a specic expected delay. (Note that we want the minimum value of L which achieves the target delay as bigger values of L consume more resources.) We choose the source spray and wait scheme with the random waypoint mobility model as the case

study in this section. We numerically solve the expresrwp sion for E[Dssw ] in Theorem 4.3 to nd the minimum value of L which achieves a target delay and plot it in Figure 5(a) both with and without contention for a sparse network. (For the expected delay of source spray and wait without contention, we use the expression derived in [12].) This gure shows that an analysis without contention would be accurate for smaller values of L (smaller values of L generate lower contention in the network), however it would predict that one can use a large number of copies to achieve a target expected delay which actually will not be achievable in practice due to contention. For example, the analysis without contention indicates that a delay of 50 time units is achievable with L = 23 while the contention-aware analysis indicates that it is not achievable. Figure 5(b) shows that L = 23 results in an expected delay of more than 118 time units, which is also achievable by L = 5. Thus choosing a value of L based on predictions from a contention-ignorant analysis led to a value of delay which is not only much higher than expected but also would have been achieved by nearly four times fewer copies. 7.2 How to Spray Multiple Copies Intuitively, spraying copies as fast as possible is the best way to spread copies if all the relay nodes are equal/homogeneous. (One might want to bank copies for future encounters with super nodes when relay



nodes are heterogeneous, see our prior work [46].). To answer whether spraying the copies as fast as possible is optimal under a homogeneous relays scenario, we compare the two different spraying schemes introduced in Section 4.3, source spray and wait and fast spray and wait for the random waypoint mobility model. Since fast spray and wait spreads copies whenever there is any opportunity to do so, it has the minimum spraying time when there is no contention in the network [17]. On the other hand, since source spray and wait does not use relays to forward copies, it is one of the slower spraying mechanisms when there is no contention in the network.

7.3 How to Route Individual Copies Without contention, performing utility-based forwarding on each individual copy outperforms spray and wait schemes because it identies appropriate forwarding opportunities that could deliver the message faster [15]. However, utility-based forwarding requires more transmissions and hence, increases the contention in the network. So we study how much performance gains are achieved by spray and focus over spray and wait (for the community-based mobility model) both with and without contention in the network by plotting the minimum value of the average number of transmissions it takes to achieve a given target expected delay for both the schemes in Figure 7. We rst nd the minimum value of L which achieves the given target expected delay for both the schemes and then nd the average number of transmissions which is equal to L ipR (i). dest i=1 (The minimum value of L is computed using the analytical expressions derived in Section 5.3. The value of pR (i) for both the schemes was derived in Theorems dest 5.3 and 5.4.) We observe that fast spray and focus outperforms fast spray and wait even with contention in the network, with gains being larger with contention. Since E[Mcomm,dif f ] >> E[Mcomm,same], forwarding a copy to any node in the destinations community in the focus phase signicantly reduces the delay for the same L without signicantly increasing the contention as it requires only one extra message per copy. Hence, fast spray and focus shows more performance gains over fast spray and wait after incorporating contention.
Average number of Transmissions 40
Fast Spray and Wait (with contention) Fast Spray and Focus (with contention) Fast Spray and Wait (without contention) Fast Spray and Focus (without contention)

Expected number of copies spread

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0

Source spray and wait(M=100) Fast spray and wait(M=100) Source spray and wait(M=250) Fast spray and wait(M=250)

200 400 Time (time slots)


Fig. 6. Comparison of fast spray and wait and source spray and
wait: Expected number of copies spread vs time elapsed since the packet was generated. Network parameters: N = 100 100 square units, K = 5, = 5, sBW = 1 packet/time slot, L = 20. Expected maximum cluster size (metric to measure connectivity) for these network parameters is equal to 4.6% for M = 100 and 5.2% for M = 250.

Now we study how fast the two schemes spread copies of a packet when there is contention in the network. Figure 6 plots the number of copies spread as a function of the time elapsed since the packet was generated. Somewhat surprisingly, depending on the density of the network, source spray and wait can spray copies faster than fast spray and wait. This occurs because fast spray and wait generates more contention around the source as it tries to transmit at every possible transmission opportunity. Such a behavior is expected for dense networks, but these results show that increased contention can deteriorate fast spray and waits performance even in sparse networks. In general, unless the network is very sparse, strategies which spray copies slower yield better performance than more aggressive schemes thanks to reducing contention. In ongoing work, we are trying to nd the optimal spraying algorithm and design practical and implementable heuristics which achieve performance very close to the optimal. [46] is a rst step in this direction. It derives the optimal spraying scheme and a simple heuristic which performs very close to the optimal, but it assumes that there is no contention in the network. Currently, we are merging this work with the contention framework proposed in this paper to nd the optimal spraying scheme with contention in the network.




0 200

400 600 800 1000 Target Expected Delay (time slots)

Fig. 7.

Comparison of fast spray and wait and fast spray and focus. Average number of transmissions required to deliver the packet to the destination vs target expected delay. Network parameters: N = 500 500 square units, M = 40, K = 20, = 5, sBW = 1 packet/time slot, pl = 0.8, pr = 0.15, r = 4.


In this paper, we rst propose an analytical framework to model contention to analyze the performance of any given mobility-assisted routing scheme for any given mobility and channel model. Then we nd the expected delay for representative mobility-assisted routing schemes for intermittently connected mobile networks (direct transmission, epidemic routing and different spraying based schemes) with contention in the network for the random direction, random waypoint and the more realistic community-based mobility model. Finally, we use these delay expressions to demonstrate that



designing routing schemes using analytical expressions which ignore contention can lead to suboptimal or even erroneous decisions.

This research was supported by the METRANS Transportation Center.

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within scheduling area. Hence, there are Proof: (Lemma 3.2) It is given that there a nodes are
a 2


of pa , lets choose a pair of nodes amongst these a nodes and label the nodes u1 and u2 . Let f (x, y) denote the pdf that a node u1 is a distance x from the transmitter and at a distance y from the receiver. Then, using simple combinatorics, we derive f (x, y) to be equal to 8 1 0
> > > > > < > > > > > :
2cos1 @
4K 2 +2Kd+d2 9 A 4K (K+d) 3 A1 2K d 3

of these nodes. Lets choose one such pair and let pa = Pr[the nodes of this pair are within a distance K of each other] and let ppkt = Pr[the nodes of this pair have at least one packet to exchange]. Out of these a nodes, i and j are within K distance of each other and have at least one packet to exchange. The rest are within K distance of each other and have at least one packet to exchange with probability pa ppkt . Hence, the expected number of possible transmissions amongst these a nodes is 1 + pa ppkt
a 2

1 . To gure out the value

1 A1

Now, conditioned over the fact that node u1 is at a distance x from the transmitter and y from the receiver, we determine the probability that node u2 is within range from u1 . By assumption, u2 is within one hop from the transmitter and the receiver. If u2 is also within a distance K from u1 , that is, u2 lies in the area marked by the intersection of the following three circles: (i) centered at the transmitter with radius equal to K, (ii) centered at the receiver with radius equal to K, and (iii) centered at u1 with radius equal to K, then u2 is within range of u1 . Thus, the probability that u1 and u2 are within range of each other given that u1 is at a distance x and a distance y from the transmitter and the receiver respectively, is equal to A3 (x,y) where A3 (x, y) = A4 (x, y) + A5 (x, y) A6 (x, y), A1
` x x 4K 2 x2 , A4 (x, y) = 2K 2 cos1 2K 2 p ` y y 2 1 2 y2 and A5 (x, y) = 2K cos 2 4K ` ` 2K ` y ` 1 x A6 (x, y) = K 2 sin1 2K + sin1 2K + sin1 3 r ` ` 2 +1 x y + 2K y x + 2K (x + y)2 4K 4 9 3 3 2 y 4K 2 y 2 x 4K 2 x2 2 2K . The value of A1 4 4 9

if K < x = K + d < K + 2K , 3 d+ K < y < K 3 if 0q x K, 0 < 2, < y= x2 +

4K 2 9

4Kxcos() 3

but not in the scheduling area. Dene pc = Pr[u1 and u3 are within range of each other]. Then, the expected number of transmissions contending are acpc ppkt . pc is derived in a manner similar to the derivation of pa using the following two observations: (i) u3 can lie anywhere within two hops from either the transmitter or the receiver, and (ii) Conditioned over the fact that node u1 is at a distance x from the transmitter and y from the receiver, u3 will be within a distance K from u1 only if it lies in the circle of radius K centered at u3 but not in the scheduling area. Proof: (Lemma 4.4) The proof runs along the same lines as the proof of Lemma 4.2. When there are 1 m < L copies of a packet in the network, there are m nodes which can deliver a copy to the destination only, and there is one source node which can deliver a copy to any of the M m 1 other nodes which do not have a copy of the packet. Hence, there are a total of m+M m1 = M 1 node pairs, which when meet, have an opportunity to increase the number of copies from m to m + 1. The expected time it takes for one of these M 1 node pairs mm to meet is E[M1 ] . Using the same argument as in the M mm proof of Lemma 4.2, E[Dssw (m)] can be derived to be E[Mmm ] . (M 1)pssw success When there are L copies of a packet in the network, there are L nodes which can deliver a copy to the destination but even if the source meets some other node which does not have a copy, it cannot attempt to transmit mm a copy to the other node. The expression for E[Dssw (L)] is derived in a manner similar to the derivation of Lemma E[Mmm 4.2 to be Lpssw ] .

Apoorva Jindal Apoorva Jindal is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. He received his B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 2002. Apoorva works on the performance analysis and design of protocols for multi-hop wireless networks.

was derived in Lemma 3.1. Removing the condition on the location of u1 using the law of total probability yields the value of pa . The value of ppkt can be derived ` E[S] from simple combinatorics to be 1 1 pR . ex Now, we quantify the contention due to the c nodes within two hops from the either the transmitter or the receiver but not in the scheduling area. Contention arises when one of the a nodes is within range of one of the c nodes. There are ac such pairs. Lets choose one such pair and label the corresponding nodes u1 and u3 , where u1 lies in the scheduling area while u3 is within two hops from the either the transmitter or the receiver

Konstantinos Psounis Konstantinos Psounis is an assistant professor of EE and CS at the University of Southern California. He received his rst degree from National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University in 1999 and 2002 respectively. Konstantinos models and analyzes the performance of a variety of networks, and designs methods and algorithms to solve problems related to such systems. He is the author of more than 50 research papers, has received faculty awards from NSF, the Zumberge foundation, and Cisco Systems, and has been a Stanford graduate fellow throughout his graduate studies.

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