Nirmalagiri College Magazine 2012
Nirmalagiri College Magazine 2012
Nirmalagiri College Magazine 2012
Patent Owned by SES
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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Hcp agbpw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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Hcp agbpw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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an ]Xn-Xmw Im]m-Sp-I ampt]mw...
\na-e-Kn-cn-bpsS s\n ]Xn-Xmw HmaI ambptam?
\nae-Kn-cn-bpsS lrZ-bkv]-\-amb Cu Acq-n\v
Fs kvt\lmiwkI...
Biw- kI...
Hcp agbpw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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Hcp agbpw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Nirmalagiri College Magazine 2012
Place of Publication : Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba
Periodicity of Publication : Annual
Publishers Name : Dr.Joselet Mathew
Nationality : Indian
Address : Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba, 670 701
Chief Editor : Dr.Joselet Mathew
Staff Editor : Fr.Martin Joseph
Student Editor : Shibin K.K
Layout & Printing : Midas
Offset Kuthuparamba
Ph: 0490 2364655, 9447484821
I here by declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dr.Joselet Mathew
Principal, Nirmalagiri College
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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Hcp agbpw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
hmpIfpw \ndqpIfpw ebnnv Hcp Iymhmknse t]mse Nn{XsagpXp A`qX]qh
-amb Hc\p`qXn..
B A\p`qXnbn ebnv hjsmSphn ImXpdp\nv \\phncp
pIfm \pnXv Ipdnmw.... !
\psS kz]v\v \ndInm NndIpI \In....]dpXpSnb\m apX tNt
dm NnI \In... ]qpw Xfnpw hmSnbpw Icnpw EXpt`Z hncnbnh.....!!!
hmpIpw s]mnncnIpw CSbneqsS ssIamdnb kulrZv Fpw \nd
am \\p ]meapmbncpp.....
Fpw bphXzns {]kcnpXpSnbvp kvss{SpIfnepw ]pncn Xpfpp BtLmj
fnepw Hmtcm au\nepw Ah \ndncpp....... kpkvtachZ\bmbn buh\fpsS lrZ
bhpw Hmtcm kv]\hpw Xncndnh......!!!
Hfnpw sXfnpw \nncp AhcpsS tImpI Ah Adnncppthm..? AtXm
Fmw Adnpw kwklbmbn Nncnmv appaWnI s]mgntXm...?
Ap]XnmpInpdw \cv Nncnan ImeamIp [zwkIs {]lcta Ah \jvS
s Nncn hosSpm {ianpp! A \mw B{Klnpp...
buh\XpSnm lrZbsf Xcfamm....... kulrZv \ndw ]Icm..... {]kcnp
Isf ]p\cpohnnm......Ah DWsn....!!
\psS {]nb-s Iymkv......
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
PohnXns ]epIfn
{]XobpsS KptamldpIfmWv
]qpXv .
kz]v \fpsS amSnaWnIv
IpnhfIfmWv Nphv \InbXv .
PohnXns kcbq \Znv
HmaIfmWv Hgpp \InbXv !
Hgn I`cWnI t]mse
iq\yamb ]IepIfpw
izmkw apnacnp cm{XnIfpw
kzambXv FpapXemWv ?
IpIfn Kmmcnbmbnpw
Imgv I \nehnfnpIbmWv ...
ImXpI ]Wbw shnpw
BcpsS tXemWv ImXnpdw
thbmSpXv ?
]bpw abpw \nd IipamhntXm
hnjag km\ntm
]pdtp \opt]mb \ns \mhv X
hmoIw XIp \nehnfnItfm ?
acWw InXp sdbnth {SmpIfn
Imaw H\mbn ]Xpptm
ImWmsX t]mb ImncnpIfpsStbm ?
acsmpIfn izmkw apptm
cns Zqcw adpt]mb
AamcpsS apn Xf
koXamcpsStbm ?
tKm{[bnse Iem]mn
aX{`mns hnpI
hbdpIodn Ipnttbm ? !
BcpsS IocmWv
Cu ans\ ZlnnpXv
XmPns CS\mgnIfn
apfph hn[hIfpsS !
{]Wbns {]mhpI
PnlmZpIfpsS IgpIamcmsWv
AdnbmsX t]mbhcpsS !
ImSpw \mSpw CmsX t]mb
Hcp Iqw ]a\pjycpsS !
XmencSv A\yamb
_meyw hnSm
Fs A\nbnamcpsS !
HSphn `qan t]mepw
\nehnfnpIbmWv .
]pgbpw agbpw IhpsImpt]mb
BnbpsS ssII Iv
hmSntmb ]qsampIv !
]Wsmgpns ]pIfn
A[nImcns thmpI
hnsSp ]pXnbImev
Cu \nehnfnIsfmw ImpsImpt]mIpp !
JZdns amlmyw
Kmnkn BlqXnsNp
Hcp \mfbntev.....
AYo\m tPmPv
Hmw hj lndn
Fs IqSndpIv...
kaWw :
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
ae- bmf kn\nam temI- tv kwhn- [m\ anI- hns
]pXnb ImgvI \apmbn ]cnNbsSpnb Xm
{]kvXpX taJ- e- bn ISp- h- cm- \p- mb t{]c- I- L- S- I-
Fs kw_- nnStmfw kn\n- a- bmWv
Fs temIw. kn\namkwhn[mbI\mhpI F
Xm- bn- cpp henb eyhpw. asmcp Hm]v j
F\np apnepmbncpn. kn\nam taJebn
ap _p- - sfmpw F\n- p- m- bn- cp- n- .
]pXnbIme sSIv t\m- fPn Fn kwhn- [m- bI
ss\]p Wyw hfm \n b- aI kz m[o\w
sNepn. ]gb Imev kwhn- [m- b- I- \m- hpI
F- Xn\v hfsc Imes Work experience
thWw. AXp ]Tn - s- Sp - m- s\ms hfsc
koWXIfpv. ]pXnb Ime kmtXnI hnZy
I kn\nabpw km[mcW-mc\pambp AIew
Ipd- p. kn\n- a- bpsS \nm- W- n- ehv Ipdp
FXv asmcp Imc- W- am- Wv .- Hcp apXv hjw
apmWv Rm Pohn- n- cp- - sX- n acn- p-
Xphsc Fs B{Klw tIhew kz]v\w am{X
ambn Ahtijnpambncpp.
Actw ?
2002 UnPn ^nenw tanwKns {]mcw`
Im- ev "kqcy- Imn' F {lkz- Nn- {X- n-
eq sSbmWv Ac- tw. B Ime- L- - n
{lkzNn{X\namWw A{XIv {]Nmcnsen
bncpn. kn\na tamlw am{Xambn a\nepm
bncp kabmWv kqcyImnbpsS \namWw.
AXp- hsc {lkz- Nn- {X- \namWw, Sn.- hn. kocn- b- ep-
Ifnse A`nt\Xmtfbpw sSIv\ojyknt\bpw
D]tbmKnmbncpp. Fm XpSv Pnp tImf
bmSv, Zot]jv, kp\n XpSnb kwhn[mbIcpsS
kn\naIfneqsS AXv \yq P\tdj kn\naIfpsS
Hcp aqhv sambn amdp- I- bm- Wp- m- b- Xv . ]p- Im-
es AtaNz \mSIfpsSsbms m\v
Cv Iym- kp- I- fn Dm- bn- sm- n- cn- p- Xv
{lkz- Nn- {X- - fm- Wv .
aebmf kn\namcwKv BSvkv Itajy thXncnhv ?
Hcp ]s, aebmfn am{Xw ImWp {]h
W- X- bm- Wn- Xv . Cy- bnse Xs Ghpw anI
Iptd kn\naI kw`mh\ sNbvXnp admTnbn
Ccnep bmsXmcp thXncnhpIfpan. Xan
gnepw CXv Zriya. aebmf kn\na ISpt]mbn
sm-n-cn-p tami-s Ahbvv sNdnb
\hw- \- h- - fmb Bi- b- X- e- - fn- eqsS thdn
ImgvNI s{^bnan ]Inb \hmKX aebmf
kn\nam kwhn[mbI {io.sjdnbpambn, 27.5.2012\v
Xfndnse Nndhn shv, Acpem.sI,
Pnjn {]Imiv.Sn.Fkv, Al\.sI.sI, jn_n.
sI.sI, ckn.sI, Fnh \Snb A`napJ
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
]cn- [n- h- sc- sb- nepw am- ap- m- m hyXy- kv XX-
bp ]e kn\naIpw Ignnpv. ap[mc
WI hp]pensImv, ]pXnb kn\nam k
ev]sf Ipdnv t_m[yanm ]mccyhmZnI
fmb kwhn[mbIcmWv Cu thXncnhn\v {][m\
aebmf kn\nam cwKv Xmc-fp-XpsImv
hnPbnptXm XmcfnmXpsImv hnPbn
mtXm Bb kn\naIfpsS Fw Npcpnbn
cnpp. BSvkv Bbmepw Itajy Bbmepw
\ kn\naI am{Xw AwKoIcnp Xentev
\mw amtdnbncnpp.
BZy kn\nabmb "BZna[ym"s Ipdnv ?
kn\nam taJebnse bmsXmcp kwLS\bnepw
AwK- Xz- an- m Npcpw Nne A`n- t\- Xm- fpw
AWnbd {]hIcpw tNv ]pXnb Hcp {]ta
bs Ipdnv ]pXnb coXn- bn \nan kn\n- a-
bmWv BZna[ymw. kn\nabpsS \namW ka
bv FIv kn- _n- js\ Ipdn- tm, s{]mU- s\
Ipdntm, amnwKns\ Ipdntm Imcyamb Adn
shmpw Dmbncpn. \namWnemWv Ghpw
IqSp-X ]co-Ww \S-n-b-Xv. Hcp {lkz-Nn-{X-
ns cp- a- Wn- q ]Xnv F \ne- bn- emWv
BZn- a- [ymw \nan- - s- n- cn- p- - Xv . F\np
tXmpp \nam- W- nse C- c- samcp ]co-
Ww Xs- bmhmw Fs Cu kn\n- abv v
[mcmfw i{Xp- Dm-hm Imc-Ww. kn\n-a-sb
]cmPbsSpm thn Ah PpUojydntbbpw
km anj- Wdnsbhscbpw D]- tbm- K- s- Sp- n.
AXn-s\-Xnsc \S R-fpsS sNdpp \nev]p-
I Nne coXnbnsenepw hnPbnnpv.
\ kn\nabpsS tNcphI ?
Fmw \XmhpI FXpXsbmWv \ kn\n
abpsS tNcphI.(hnjbfpsS Zue`yw t\cn
Sp Cdm\nb kn\naI temI {i ]nSnp]
pXv aPnZv aPnZnsb t]mep Hcp]w kwhn[m
bIcpsS {]h\ ^eambmWv.
]e ae- bmf kn\n- a- Ifpw hntZikn\n- a- I- fpsS A\p- I- c-
WamWv F hnai\spdnv ?
Fs A`n{]mbn kn\na XnIpw aueo
I- am- bn- cn- - Ww. AXn\p hn]- co- X- am- bn- p ]e
kn\naIfpw AwKoIcnm ]n. aebmfnbpsS
kn\na aebmfnbptSXv am{XambncnWw. {]tNm
Z\w DsmpsImv kn\naI \nanpXv
\ Imcy- am- Wv . ]s hn tZi kn \n - a- Isf
AtX]Sn A\pIcnp {]hWXsb hyn]c
ambn AwKo-Icnphm Ignbn. C^taj
sSIvt\mfPnbpsS AXn{]kcw P\Xbvv \evInb
Adnhv Ccw {ia-sf XpSp Ime-L---
fnsenepw ]cmPbsSppw. Xm Fp kn\na
Ifn \nv {]tNmZ\w DsmmWv BSpIfw
\nanXv Fv kwhn[mbI shpcpamc kn\n
abpsS Ayn shfnsSpnbXv amXrIm]
cambn Rm \nconpp.
cmjv{Sobns kzm[o\w aebmf kn\nabn ?
aebmf kn\na Acmjv{Sobasn {]Xntem
a- cm- jv {So- b- h- cn- - s- Sp- p- v . AXv k
hn`mKns cmjv{Sobw am{Xw ssIImcyw sNp
p. temIns ]e efnepw {]tXyInv
emn- \- ta- cn- cmPy- - fn kaq- l- ns
cmjv{Sobw {]Xn^ennp kn\naI Dmbn
pv. aebmfn Ccw kn\naIfpsS Fw
hfsc Ipdnpv.
]pcpj tIoIrXamb aebmf kn\nasb ]n ?
kv{Xo] kn\naI aebmfn Dmbn
n- Fp ]d-bm ]n-. ]mn t]mep-
Npcpw Nne kn\naI Dmbnpv. ap kn\n
aI kv{Xo hncpX \ndXmWv Fp ]dbm
]n- . ae- bm- f- nse ]pcpj IYm- ]m- {X- v
IqSp- X {]m[m\yw \ev Ip- Xv kn\n- a- bp- ambn
_- s Np a- X- e- I- sfmw ]p cp - jam
ssIImcyw sNp- - Xp- sIm- m- hmw Cubn- sS- bn- d-
nb 22 ^osabn tImbw, Kma XpSnb kn\n
aI kv{XoIfpsS kKtNX\sb DWnm
Fs kn \n - a- Iv ]pcpj tI{ o- IrX
kz`mhw \evImXncnm thnbp t_m[]q
amb {iaw \Smdpv. The last leaf, The Re-
turn, BZna[ymw Chbvsmpw Xs kv{Xohn
cp As-n ]pcpj tI{o-IrX kz`mhw C.
{]nbs kn\na ?
aebmf kn\nabpsS Golden Era bn tImtfPv
PohnXw BkzZn BfmWv Rm. B ImeL
n ]-cm-P-sbpw `c-X-tbpw ASq tKm]m-
eIrjvWtbpw, m]nX kev]sf s]mfn
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
sgpXnb, kn\naIfpsS ]qmeambncpp. Fs
{]nb- s kn\naI ]- cm- Ps C- sebpw,
]cnWbhpw apamWv. kXyPnv dmbv mknv
kn\n- a- sbp hnti- jn- n ASq- cns Fen- -
mbw kn\nasb Ipdnp Fs kev]
fpsS Bghpw hym]vXnbpw hnnp. kn\nasb
Iebmbpw _nkn\mbpw a\nemnb ]cm
P\n \nmWv Hcp kwhn[mbI F Xen
tepbcm\p {]tNmZ\w e`nXv.
bphmsmcp ktiw . . . .
]dp sImSpt Bhiyan . . . . F]
Xntebpw apw bphmv kmwkvmcnI t_m[
ap- m- bn- cp- p. AtXm- sSmw Xs \smcp
kmwkvImcnI aWvU-e-hp-ap-m-bn-cp-p. Cs
bphmv kmwkvImcnIt_m[w A{Xbpw Xs
bpv Ahv e`y-a-m-Xv \smcp kmwkvIm-
cnI aWvUeamWv. Hcp ]s AXv \ Fgpp
ImcpsSbpw \ kn\naIfpsSbpw \ FgppI
fp-sSbpw A]-cym-]vXX sImm-hmw. hnh-c-km-t-
XnI hnZy \evInb A\amb hnm\ temIv
Pohnp \psS bphXzw aqe[\ inIfpsS
XmXv]cy hensdnpsImv kmwkvImcnI
aWvUew ]Sp- p- bp- Xn\p thn aptmp
sNtmtmhmIy IYbpsS "^mZ Bv an' F Cwojv ]cn`mjbpsS kzm[o\w
Cu kn\nabnepv. kn\nabnse GIehy F Ipn BZyambn \Sp ]pdw temI
tp bm{Xbn cmhnsebpw sshIptchpambn cp {]mhniyw ImWp Imgv
I \evIp hncpm\p`hfmWv kn\nabn BhnjvcnncnpXv. acWw ImpIn
Sp ap\nepw apnbnepw ImWp acW`oXnbpw AbpsS hbn hfcp
K`inipsh Ipdnp {]Xymibpw Xnep BibkwL\hpw kn\nabn {]Xn
anI \hmKX kwhn[mb
I\p kwm\ km
AhmUv t\Snb {io. sjdn
kwhn- [m\w sNbv X "BZn- a-
[ym'spdnsmcev]w. .
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
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Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
kmaqlnIhnaiI, ]{X{]hI, Kmn
b, {]`m- j- I, Nn- I, Aym- ]- I Fo
\ne- I- fn tIc- fob kmwkv Im- cnI a- e- n
\ndkmn[yambncpp tUm. kpIpam Agotm
Sv. 2011 P\phcn 24 AgotmSv amjv Hgnn knwlm
k\n ]Icwhbvm asmcp kmwkvImcnI
\mbI tIcfn C.
ae- bm- fn- bpsS hnNm- c- hn- Im- c- io- e- - fn Ago-
tmSv amjv Fpapmbncpp. IqPnbnse
Ago- tmSv ]qX- m- d- bn 1926 sabv 26\v hnZzm
]n. Zmtam- Z- c- sbpw am[- hn- A- - bp- sSbpw \mem-
as aI\mbn P\n- p. 1941 Nnd- cmPmkv
sslkv Iq - fn \nv ]mwXcw
]m m b Ago- tmSv 1946
sk v Ate-
jykv tImtf-
Pn \n v
_n . tImw
_ncp- Z- hpw,
t I m g n -
tmSv Kh.-
s{ S- bn - \n wKv
tImtfPn \nv
Aym- ]I _ncp-
Zhpw XpSv
a e- bm - f -
tUm.kpIpam AgotmSv
nepw kwkv Ir- X- nepw Fw. F.- bpw, ]n.Fv
Unbpw t\Sn. tImtfPv Aym- ]- I, s{Sbn- \nwKv
tImtfPv {]nkn- Fo \ne- I- fnepw tImgn-
tmSv kh- I- em- ime ae- bmf hn`mKw ta[mhn,
s{]m. sshkv Nmkne Fo\neIfnepw hnZym
`ymkcwKpw kmwkvImcnIcwKpw kvXpXyl
amb tkh\amWv ImgvNshXv.
hmKv`Sm\KpcptZh m]n BhnZymkw
Lns {]hI F \nebn XpSnb
AgotmSns {]h\ taJe almmKmn
bpsSbpw {io\mcmbWKpcphnsbpw kzm[o\he
bfn \nv Dsm AXoh alcfmb
An- kv ^p- enw- K- - fmbn ae- bmf kaq- l- n\pw
kmln- Xy- n\pw Hcn- epw hm \ocp- d- h- I
km\np sImmWv tIcfNcn{Xns `mKam
bXv. Pn. icpdpv hnainsSpp, Bims
koXmImhyw Fo hnJymX cN\bneqsS aebmf
hnai\ kmlnXytemIv ISp.
tIcfsbpw temIsbpw BIam\w a\pjy
Ip- e- sbpw _m[n- p k hnj- b- - fnepw
hnai- \- _p- n- tbmsS CS- s]- S- ep- I \S- n- bXv
X\nv am{Xw Ah- Im- i- s hmKv hnem- k- n
\ne- ]m- Sp- I- fn kn- sN- m- sXbpw CS- ]m- Sp- I-
fn hepw t\mmsXbpw Xs Iae-
fn almkmnyambn aebmfnIsf hnNmcn
sbpw hnImcnsbpw hnkvabnsbp ambn
I- h- e- b- n hym]cn- m hnnv \tmSv hnS- ]-
d AgotmSv aebmfn a\n Hcp kqcy_nw
_ambn Fspw {]IminpsImncnpw.
]n. sI. cmLhhmcy
1921 HmKv 3\v ]n. sI. cmLhhmcy P\np.
1940IfpsS XpSn Atlw a{Zmkv saUn
tImtfPn sshZyimkv{Xw ]Tnm\mbn tNp.
hnZymnbmbncnt Xs kzmX{y kacn
hmcy kPo- h- ambn ]s- Sp- p. kzmX{y ka- c-
ns `mKambn ]sSp Hcp PmYbnembncpp
hmcy ]noSv Atlns `mcybmb tZhInsb
BZyambn IpapnbXv. a{Zmkv saUn tImtf
Pn \nv 1946 PqWn _ncpZw t\SnbXn\ptijw
1947 Pqsse apX 1948 Unkw- _ hsc hmcy
ico-c-imkv{Xw ]Tn-n-p. 1949 P\p-hcn apX 1950
Pq hsc taml dmhp, kn. ]n. hn. tat\m
Fo tUmIvScpsS Iogn Hcp Khsav tImtf
Pn A\u- tZym- KnI lukv kP- \mbn tPmen-
t\mn hmcy a{Zmkn Xn. 1950 PqWnsbpw
1959 HmKnsbpw CSbvv ZntWybnse ]e
km Bip- ]- {Xn- I- fnepw hmcy An- v
kvarXn]YfneqsS... Ip-
aqmw hj aebmfw
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
knhn kP\mbn tPmen sNbvXp. tImbq,
sImn, Xncph\]pcw FnhnSfn Ahbn
NneXmWv. AXn\ptijw hmcy F^v. B. kn.
Fkv . t\Sn- b- Xn- \p- tijw e- \n- tev t]mbn.
1960 s^tm-jnv e`n--Xn-\p-tijw _nanw-Km-
anse Izn Fenk_v Bip]{Xnbn ImUn
tbmsXmdmknIv kPdnbn D]cn]T\w \Sn.
1962 ]cnioe\w Atlw ]qnbmn. Cy
bntev Xncnsnb tijw 1964 Xncph\
]pcw saUn tImtfPn s{]m^. cmLhmNm
cnbpsS Iogn Anv s{]m^dmbn tNp.
1964 Atlw saUn tImtfPn ImUntbm
sXmdmknIv kPdn hn`mKw Bcw`np. Cu hn`m
K- ns Xe- h- \mbn hmcy 1977 hnc- an- p- Xv
hsc XpSp.
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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IY {]kn- - s- Sp- nbtXm- sS- bmWv Im- \m- S
Gsd {insXv. ]noSv karamb Hcp k
PohnXambncpp. HtdmX, kmn, DjvWtaLe,
tImgn, ASnbdhv, ImthcnbpsS hnfn, hkqcn Xpem
hjw XpSnb t\mhepIfpw IhSw, ]Xnt\gv,
agbpsS PzmeI, {ioN{Iw, bpmhkm\w XpS
nb IY- Ifpw Ipfncv th\a- g, IpS- Pm- {Zn- bpsS
kwKoXw Fo bm{Xm- hn- h- c- W- fpw cNn- p.
"HtdmX' F \ sNdp- I- Y- bv p tIcf
kmlnXy AmUan AhmUpw e`np. "DjvWta
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izc Iem-Im-c 2011 HIvtSm_ 19\v Ime-b-h-\n-I-
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""Hcp IoWw ap
hmbn Rm s]mgnsh
DZn- - bm- sWmmhn
embncw kucaWvUew''
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
AImen Acn {]ikvX \mSIkw
hn - [m- b- I\pw \S- \p- am- bn - cp { io. - A- tim-
Is\pdnv v\naeKncn tImtfPnse amKkn\n
FgpXpXv Xobmbpw Atln\p \app
\Im C\n Ignbp DNnXamb Hcp kvacWm
RvPenbmbncnpsamWv Fs hnizmkw. Bcm
bn- cpp Cu tImtf- Pn\v Atim- I IXn- cq ?
Iqp]dns AbtZiamb ]mSys sIm
tbmSn {Kman "IqSmcw' F honemWbm
Xma-kn-n-cp--Xv. \mSIw Abmsm-sa-m-am-
bncppshnepw Hu]NmcnIambn Abm GsX
nepw \mSIhnZymebn ]Tnncpn. A`n
t\- {Xn- bmb aq ktlm- Z- cnv kwc- - I- \mbn
_mey- n Xt t]mbn- p- S- n- b- XmWv Cu
XInsensSm ImcWw. CSbvv ImYn
Is thjw-sIn Blm-c-n-\p hgn Is-
p- am- bn- cp- p. apXn- tm Iqp- ]- d- n
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AhXcnn "apn' F \mSIw Icv
AXns kwhn[mbIs\ tXSnnSnv ]cnNbs
Sp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. Idp-p-sa-n Hcp ap-Xp-Im-c.
apJv Anmbn Aekw hf iva{ip
fp - v . Ip - I- fn Ip { ]Imiap v .
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a, Ipdsms Fgppapv. Zo]hnXm\hpw Na
bnsmcpepsamw \ \nbw. ]pkvXI
tXSnn- Snp hmbn- p ioe- ap- v. ]pkvX- I- -
sf- - n, Pohn- Xsn, temIt- n- sbms
hyXykvXhpw {]Xn`mkv]itmsSbp \nco
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AtimI IXncq
tUm.sPbnwkv t]m
lnn hn`mKw
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
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]cn- Nbw B- _- - tmfw hf- tm
]pXnb \mSIkwcw`p XpSambn. Atim
Is \n_n\p hgn Rms\gpXnb Fs
BZy\mSIw "IqSmchmknI' Abm kwhn[m\w
sNbvXtm kwm\ kvq Itemhn
sslkvq hn`mKn aqmw m\w t\SpI
bpmbn. ]noSv \nch[n \mSI Iq Pn
bn se hn hn [ kv q fp - Imbn Rms\- gp -
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Atim- I kmtdpw amdn- amdn hnfn- p. kh- I-
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cnp Xnf- - am hnP- b- sam- p- ap- m- bn- n- . 99-
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pXv. AtimI\v Cwojv Adnbn. aebmf ]cn
`mj XcamnsmSpp. Abm FUnpsNbvXv
amp-Xns Cwojv `mKw Isn tImn
Wnbtm Hcp{K \mSIambn. CbmtKm BWv
apJy IYm]m{Xw. ]q tImtfPn \npw {]nb
\- s "]mtm s\cqZ' \mS- I- hp- ap- v . ISp
acn Hmw m\w "HYtm'bvv . . ! !
Cbm- tKmsb Ah- X- cn- n \S anI \S\pw !
]nsbpXv Rms\gpXnb "sekn's aebmfw
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Itemhn "ISam{InI' lnn aebmfw
Ah- X- c- W- n\v cpw aqpw m\-
Inn. ARv Pp BWn cp \mS- I- - fn-
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2009--emWv \na-e-Kncn tImtfPv AXns
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Xv . Atim- I kwhn - [m\w sNbv X
"sskUvhnwKvkv' F \mSIw Hmw m\w
t\Sn. ]noSv Cu \mSIw ssakqcp hp\S
Zn-tW-y kh-I-em-imem a-c-n
cmw m\w Ic--amn. Ctm tIc-f-n-\-
Ipw ]pdpambn \nch[n thZnIfn amln \mS
I-pc Cu \mSIw Ah-X-cn-np hcp-p. Atim-I-
\p- sam- p Fs Ah- km\ kwcw- `- am- bn- cpp
"sskUv hnwKvkv'. AXns Bcw`n ]dtbn
bncp sshw aplZv _jodns Hcp hmNIw
Rm\mbncpp sdtmUnwKv pUntbmbn hmbn
tnbncpXv. FpsImtm Ass i_vZw
\m-bn-. Pe-tZmjw ImcWw kzcw th{X ]pd-
sSpphm Ignn. ]ns AXv AtimIs
i_vZnemWv sdtmUv sNbvXXv. Adw]nb
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A\- - tIm- Sn- hj- - fn hneo- \- am- hp- I- bmWv .
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AtimI t]mbn. tIcfkwKo-X\mSI Am
ZanbpsS anI cm- as kwhn- [m- b- I- \p
AhmUv AtimI kwhn[m\w sNbvX "Bm
hns CS\mgn' F \mSIn\mbncpp. AtX
\mSIw A_pZm_nbn AhXcnnv \nch[n ]pc
kv Im- c- t\Sn XncnsIsbnb Hcp cm{Xn
ISp s\pthZ\sbpSv acWns CS
\mgnIfntev adpt]mbn...
46 hjw \o B PohnXn\v Xncoe hoW
tm \naeKncnbn F\npw FtmsSmw \mS
Ifn ]ptN \nch[n hnZymnIpw
Hcp PohnXw apgph Hmphbvm Fpam{Xw
A\p- `- h- - fmWv Abm \In- bXv . \mS- I- -
fm AtimIkvacW \ne\np Hp cv
Imcy- IqSn \n a- e- Kn cn bn ep- v . ln dn
Unmpsan\Spp skan\m lmfpw aqmw
\nebnep aebmfw Unmpsans tIcfobw
ayqknbhpw AtimI cq]Iev]\ sNbvXv ]Wn
bn- n- - Xm- Wv . Hcp kqcy- \m- bp- Znv aym- n
AkvXan AtimI IXncqcn\v \naeKncnbpsS
kvt\lm{Z-amb kvac-Wm-RvP-en....
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp]mSv Ncn{Xaplq \apv \InsImv 2011
hnSsNmnbIp.aebmf kn\nabvpw adm Ignbm
Hcp hjambncpp 2011. kachpw hnhmZfpsamw Hcp Nn
bn IqSpIqn \nptm asmcp Nnbn Cy ]t\m
cabn aebmf kn\naI \ndp \np. aebmf kn\na
I acnnn Fv hnfntmXphm t]mbhjn\v km[n
p. A\y`mj Nn{XfpsS NeInSbn _ns
pt]mb t{]Iesf hopw aebmfns t{]
I-cmn amm 2011 Ac-sm-cp-n. t]mb-hj-sf At]-
nv hyXykvXXbpsS cpNnqn Nmen Hcp]nSn \ Nn{X
Ign hjw ]pd-n-d-n. ae-bmf kn\n-asb am-
ns ]mXbntev Nennm t]mb hjn\v km[n
p. adp\mS Nn{Xsf s\psXmv {]iwknp aebmf
t{]- I ae- bmf kn\n- a- bnse Cu ams A`n- \- nt
aXn- bm- Iq. Ah- X- c- W- n- tebpw {]ta- b- n- tebpw hyXy-
kvXX sImv t]mbhjw {ins Nne Nn{Xfntev
BZmans aI A_p :aebmf kn\nasb temI {ibn
sen Nn{Xambncpp keow AlZv kwhn[m\w sNbvX
BZmans aI A_p. lmkyIYm]m{XfpsS taemn
am{Xw HXpn IqSnbncp keow Ipam F \Ss i
amb {]I- S\w Xs- bmWv Nn{X- ns sslsse- v . anI
IYbpw Nn{Xn\v Icpmbn. anI Nn{Xw, \S, kwhn[m
bI XpSn Hcp]nSn tZiob _lpaXnI t\SnsbSpm\pw
Nn{Xn\v km[np. Fm ]e tamiw Nn{Xsfbpw hnP
bnn t{]I Cu Nn{Xs ssIhnXv \ncmimP\Iam
{Sm^nv :- t]mb- hjw t{]Ie- s\tmSp
tNph Hcp Nn{Xambncpp {Sm^nv. t_m_n kRvPbv
Soans XqenIbn ]ndv cmtPjv ]n kwhn[m\w sNbvX
Cu Nn{Xw sXpIsfmpw ]dbm\mIm Hcp anI Nn{X
am- bn- cp- p. Xmc- cm- Pm- amv CW-
p Af- hn Xn c- Y Xpp- -
hp i- amb adp- ]- Sn- bm- bn- cpp
Cu Nn{Xw. Xmc- - f adnv Xnc- - Y-
bmWv Hcp kn\nabpsS \sv Fv Cu
Nn{Xw Hcn IqSn sXfnbnp.
Cy dpn : A\y-`mj Nn{X
tIc- f- - c- bmsI B- Sn- p- tmgpw
{]Xn- k- n- I- fn s]p- e- bmsX, am-
ns aWn- n- ep- - hp- ambn Fn
t{]- I- e- - a\- n- te- nb Hcp
almhnkvabambncpp cnv kwhn
[m\w sNbvX Cy dpn F Nn{Xw.
Iem- aq- ey- tm- sSmw Xs km-
nI hnPbw t\Sm\pw Nn{Xn\mbn.
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phchv IqSnbmbncpp Cu Nn{Xw. anI
aebmfNn{Xn\p tZiob AhmUv
DssS \nc-h[n ]pc-kvIm-c- Ic-
amm Cu Nn{Xn\v km[np.
{]Wbw : PohnXn Hcnsenepw
{]W- bn- m- - h- cmbn Bcpapm- hn.
{]Wbns hnhn[ Xesf aebm
fnIv apn XpdpImm skn
hcp.- ]n.sI
cmw hj ^nknIvkv
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
F kwhn- [m- b- I\v {]W- b- w F Nn{X- n-
eqsS km[n- p. Cy kn\n- a- bnses
alm- hn- kv a- b- amb tamlem F \Ss
A`n- \- b- n- I- hns t\mgv IqSn- bm- bn-
cpp Cu Nn{Xw. tamlem AhXcnn
amXyqkv F IYm- ]m{Xw At- l- ns
A`n\bPohnXnse Xs anI IYm]m
{X- - fn Hm- bn- cp- p. Iem- aq- ey- ap
Nn{X- - tfmSv ]pdwXncnp \nIp
Hcp]w t{]I Cu kn\nasb sNdnb
tXmXn ssIhn- Xv \ncm- i- mP- \- I- amWv .
t]mbhjw \nch[n ]pckvmc t\Sn
sbSpm Nn{Xn\v km[np.
tahn-emkw : kn\namtaJebn hyamb
tahnemkap am[hv cmwZmkv kwhn[m\w sNbvXv
kptcjvtKm]n \mbI\mb tahnemkw t]mbhjw {in
s Nn{Xfn Hmbncpp. Hscm apdnpn am{Xambn apgp
h cwKfpw Nn{XoIcn Cu kn\na aebmf kn\nabnse amw hnfn
tmXm t]m Hmbncpp. Cy ]t\mcabnepw Nn{Xw {i t\Sn.
Ddpan : ktmjvinh Iymadbn cNn Hcp almImhyambncpp Ddpan
F Nn{Xw. Ncn{XIme IYbntev hncNqnb Nn{Xw t]mbhjw ]pd
ndnb Ghpw sNethdnb Nn{Xw F JymXn IqSn t\Sn. Cy ]t\mc
a- bnepw AXp- t]mse Xs t{]Ie- - fnepw Nn{Xw hy- amb m\w
tkmv & s] : Hcp tZmibpmnb IYbpambn Bjnv A_p AWnbn
smcpnb tkmv & s] t{]Ia\pIfn Xncbnfw krjvSn Hcp Nn{X
ambncpp. hyXykvXXbpsS cpNnqn Nmen Hcp {]Wb IY tIcfcbmsI
s\nten. AhXcWnse ]pXpa Xsbmbncpp Nn{Xns Ghpw henb
{]tXyIX. t]mb hjs hnPb Nn{XfpsS ]nIbn ap\ncbn Xs m\w
]nSnm Nn{Xn\v km[np.
_yqn^p : t]cpt]mse Xs _yqn^p Bbncpp hn.sI {]Imiv AWnbnsm
cpnb Cu Nn{Xw. FSpp ]db hn[nep sXpIsfmpw Xs Cm
Hcp anI Nn{Xw. PohnX bmYmyfntev hncNqnb Nn{Xw t]cns\ A\z
ampw hn[w XnIpw _yqn^p Bbncpp.
Nmm-Ip-cniv : BJym\ssienbnse hyXykvXXsImv t]mbhjw Gsd {in
s Hcp Nn{Xambncpp kao Xmln kwhn[m\w sNbvX NmmIpcniv. aebmf kaq
lnse amdp ImgvmSpIsf Nn{Xw t{]Iv ]cnNbsSpn.
Kma : kv{XotI{oIrX IYm]m{XfpsS iamb {]IS\w hnfntmXpXmbncpp
Ia kwhn[m\w sNbvX Kma F Nn{Xw. Imhyam[h F \SnbpsS A`n\bnI
hn\v kmyw hlnm Cu Nn{Xn\v km[np. {]hmkPohnXns]v {]Xob
AizXn F s]IpnbpsS t\mhpIsf AhXcnn Imhymam[h Cu Nn{XneqsS
anI {]IS\w Imgvshp.
t]mbhjs amebmfkn\nabnse am DsImv Cu hjhpw Hcp]nSn \
Nn{X- ChnsS Dm- bn- p- v. 22 ^osa- bn tIm- bhpw, Ub- av s\Ivtekpsams
Cu amns ]p DZmlcWfmWv. amns ]mXbn kcnpsImv C\nbpw
Ccnep anI Nn{X ChnsS DmIs . . . .
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
The dar kness f illing t he night
As I make way t o my dest i nat i on
Trees lining up t he pat h
All of dif f er ent shapes and sizes
And all of which r emain
Living in t his pat h never changing,
The f ir st glimpse of nat ur al light
Is a r ef lect ion on a wat er sur f ace
Only giving par t ial ef f ect of what
Gr eat ness t r uly exist s in it s t r ue f or m
And t hen emer ging f r om t he t r ees
Is t he sour ce of t his beaut if ul r ef lect ion
A light in t he st ar less dar k of t he sky
As it r eveals it s f ull f or m
And br ings f or t h t r ue light
Being t he one answer ed pr ayer
Of a lonely dar k night
As it f inally makes it self whole
In t he vast sea of black
And what is pr edict ed
To be seen in t he night sky
Is r eplaced wit h j ust dar kness
And light f r om a single sour ce
Shining t hr ough
Shazin Zubair
1DC Zoology
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
PohnX- ns As Adn- - hcpw
AXv tXSp- - hcpw A- s\- sbm- n- s\- p- dnv
NnnpIXs sNmhcpamb hyXykvXcmb
a\pjy \psS CSbnepv. Cu kmlNcyn
hmb- \m- cn- tev Pohn- X- ns s]mcp- f- t\z-
jnpw ApXspw \opIbmWv Pb F
bphmhv. {io. F. {]`mIcs "_lphN\w' F
IrXn PohnXspdnv N sNpp. Pb
Hcp {]Xo- I- am- Wv. Xs kzXzs tXSp Hcp
{]XoIw, Fm CXn\p hn]- co- X- amb {]Xo- I-
fmWv \psS kaqlnepX.v Xs kzXz
stbm Pohn- X- ns s]mcp- fn- t\tbm Ipdnv
NnnmsX shdpsX Pohnp Xoph.
Hcp I- \n- bnse skbnkv d{]sk- t- ohv
Bbncpp Pb. Hcp hynv {]XnknL
- fn IrXy- amb \ntZ- i- \Im Ign-
bp ARW Fv Npcpt-cp ASTROLOGI-
CAL ROPE WAY F t]mv Iyq- - dmWv
"kmkv' F B I\nbpsS DXv]w. "Nnn
pI F ZuXyw t]mepw b{ GsSpp
HchmhntijamWv CXneqsS hyampXv.
DXv ]- - ns hnX- c- W- n- \mbp bm{X- bn
Pb\v Xs At- hscbp Hma- I- sfmw
ampXpS- p- n- SmWv IrXn Bcw- `n- p- Xv .
s{Sbn- \n \npw A- X- tbmsS Cd- n- \- S
Abmsf ]gb kplrv km_p, "Pb' Fv
A`n- kw- t_m- [\ sNbv X- tm- gmWv Xm Pb- \m-
sWv Abm a\- n- em- p- Xv . ]no- S- tmv
]gb Hma- Iam, "Pb' F Xs t]cp-
am{Xw ssIh- i- ap IYm- ]m{Xw Fn- s- Sp
kml- N- cy- , Ip- ap- p XnIpw hyXy- kv X-
cmb a\p- jy Fn- h- cnbneq- sS- bmWv t\mh
aptmp t]mhpXv.
kplrv km_p hgn ]cn- N- b- s tamln\n
F bphXn ImcWamWv N{ F IYm]m{Xw
Pbs PohnXntev ISphcpXv. XtmSv
henb Xmev]cyw ImWn Nt{t\mSmWv Pb
BZy- ambn Xs Ah- - sb- Ip- dnv Xpdp ]d-
Pohn- X- bm- Ymy- - fpsS
aqmw hj t_mWn
_ .o "_lp-h-N\w'
_ o, . , , o_ ,_ ._
.___ . ._ ., o a ,
.,, .,_ ._ .,o _
_,._ ..,a. .,o, ._
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
ssPh- am- en\y \nt- ]- W- n\pw Jc- am- en\y
\nt-]-W-n\pw shtsd kuI-cy-ap-m-bn-cn-
Ww. Ccw amen- \y- imkv {Xob coXn-
bn kwkv I- cn- p- - Xn Xt- i- kzbw`cW
m]- \- IrXyX ]pep- Ibpw thWw.
henb ^mIv S- dn- Ifnepw av sIn- S- - fnepw
amen\ykwkv I- c- W- n\v IrXy- amb kwhn- [m- \-
XnIpw A\n- hm- cy- amb asmcp Imcy- amWv
mnIv Ih-dp-I-fpsS ]p\-cp-]-tbmKw. IS-I-fn
\npw km[\w hmnsmp hcm D]-tbmKn
p mnIv IhdpI IgpInbpWn kqn
m ]noSv km[\ hmm t]mIptm
hopw sImp t]mIm-hp--Xm-Wv. Ign-bp-Xpw
mnIv Ih- dp- I \mw D]- tbm- Kn- m- Xn- cn- p- I.
]Icw XpWn-bpsS Ih-dp-Itfm atm D]-tbm-Kn-p-
I. hop- ]- Sn- sImp- hp hn- s- Sp
ayhpw ]- - dn- Ifpw ]g- hK- fpw apw
hmm t]mIp- tm \n_- - ambpw Fs-
nepw ]m{X \mw ssIn IcptXnbncnp
p. Zqcbm{X t]mIp thfbn \apv IpSnm
\mhiy-amb shw Htm ctm IpnIfnemn
hon \npw sImpt]mImhp-XmWv. Cv P\
sNp- Xv IS- I- fn \npw an\- d hm
t_mn-ep-Itfm atm hmp-Ibpw Bhiyw Ign-bp-
tm AXv tdmUn hensdnbpIbpamWv. Cu
Ah amtdnbncnpp.
CXns\map]cnbmbn kaqltmSv DchmZn
Xz- ap- Hcp ]uc F \ne- bn \mtam- tcm- cp-
cpw imkv {Xo- b- amb coXn- bn- ep amen- \y-
\namP- \- n ]p- tN- tc- Xm- Wv. CXv ag- m-
e-am-hp-tm am{Xtam, ]I hym[n-I ZpcnXw
hnX- - Xn- \p- ti- jtam Btem- Nn- t H- .
HmpI, Am- d- - - \m- bmepw Xm- em- hp- Xv
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
cmw hj Cwojv
.o._ ..,_.,,
._ ao.a.o_ .
_... o_,__._
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Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Quitely through these gardens
Blows the lovely, lonely wind
And adorning my fruit trees
Sings his silent song to me
Alone I sat in his shade
In his cooling breeze
Away had he gone
Leaving a light drizzle
Soon the leaves were shed
And this made me plead;
Gone are those days
Gone with the wind.
Sneha Jose
II DC English
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
"A\amXah\obw' Fpw
" k\m- X- \m- \p - W hn I- kz - c- kp - - cw'
Fpsamsbp `mh\bmbncpp {]]
s- p- dnv Dm- bn- cp- Xv . BIm- i- n- \p-
Iosg Cv Xmsg `qanbn angn\ocpt]mse
]pgsbmgpIpIbmWv. `KocY KwKsb `qan
bn FnXpapX AXv H g p - Ip - I-
bmWv \nccw. kwkvImchmln\nbmbn a\p
jy- s\mw {]Ir- Xnsb Xgp- In- sbm- gp- Ip- I- bm-
Wv. tIhew Hcp ]pgbmbncpn; AXv Pohn
XKambncpp. PohnXfpsS {]mW\mfn.
\n f- bp sS Xocv hv Rm
B Nncnsbmv tIm......,
ISv Iqhsemv tIm......
]t Rm tIXv Hcp Cc- - em- bn- cp-
aWepambnt]mb temdnbpsS [mjvSyw.!
\nfsb Fmhcpw sXmdnncpp. Pohn
X- n, kwkv Im- c- n, kmln- Xy- n.
Bm- v thn- bp {]m- \- bn
\apv \nfsb thW- am- bn- cp- p. Ft
\nfsb \mw apXv shnmin\v Xqnhn
p? Fn - t\bpw hn ai- \- _p- n - tbmsS
t\mnmWp hnZymk\mb aebmfn
Fhn sS? em`w Dm- m- \mbn sImSn
Ifpbp ssIIv in tNmp-
A\paXntbmsSbpw A\paXnbnmsXbpw aW ]pg
bpsS hncnamdn \nv DunsbSppp. A\paXn \Ip
-Xn\pt]mepw \nnX AfhnemtWm aW-seSppXv
F-dn-bm kwhn-[m-\fn F-XmWv bmYmyw.
Cs\ XpSvt]mIptm A[nImcnIfpsS t]mn\v
I\w IqSpIbpw ]pg timjnpIbpw sNpp. \nf Hcp
{]Xo- I- am- Wv, {]Xn- I- cn- m- \m- hmsX \np {]Ir- Xn-
bpsS ssZ\yX hnkvacncpXv, hcp C\nbpw AfmsX
FSppsImpI. HSphn CXnepsSbmWv \nfsbmgpIn
bXv Fv hcpw Xe- ap- d- tbmSv ]dv sImSp- t- - Xv
\psS AhImiamWtm !!
\nftbmSv Hcp hmv...,
""\o ChnsS Ftm HgpIn Pohnncpp,
CXv \n\p NcapdnmWv......
Hcp kwkvImcns Ncapdnv.....
Hcp ]pg acnptm Hcp kwkvImcamWv acnpXv.
BcmWv ]dXv kwkvImcw \inpp Fv? ChnsS
]SppbpIbmWv. Hcp ]p kwkvImcw, Bn
]q D]t`mK kwkvImcw! Xncp\mhbpsS Cu Xo
Xocp \nv At\IcpsS _en Iv kmyw
hln \ns _en Rm CSpp. {]XnIcnm ad
Hcp P\XbpsS {]Xn\n[nbmbn ISsaSp Cu hcnI
IqSn tNv Cu \omen Rm Dt]npp.
"" C\nbpw acnm `qan
\nmk arXnbn \n\mimn
CXp \ns (Fsbpw) Ncaip{iqjv
lrZbnent Ipdn KoXw''
tjm_nv tXmakv
cmw hj sIankv{Sn
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
{_ko- ense dntbmUnsPs\- tdm- bn 2012
Pq 20 apX 22 hsc \S `uaDtImSnbpsS
{][m\ AP- - I- fn- semv apIme kt- f- \- -
fnsetmse kqnchnIk\n\mbp cmjv{So
bXocpam\n temIcmPy Xn kahmbw
DmpI FXpXsbmbncpp. Fm ap
Ime--fn kw`-hn--Xp-t]mse hIn-S-cm-jv{S--
fpsSbpw _lp- cmjv {S tIm- td- j- \p- I- fp- sSbpw
kmnI Xm]cy kwcnpI F Xo
cpam\fn \npw hyXnNenm Cu ktf
\n\pw Ignn. The Future we want F
tcJ-bn-eqsS temI cmjv{S--fpsS s]mXp-k--Xn-
bn ncw Blzm\fpw kv]ojokv \jvSs
pdnp tcmZ\fpamsX `qanbpsSkwcW
n\pthn GsXnepw {]mtbmKnI]XnIfn
Fn- t- cm- \p km[y- X- I Hp- an- m- bn- cp- p.
kmnI imkv{X t\mt_ t\Snb Friedrich
Hayek NqnImWnXvt]mse "kpnchnIk\w'
"kmaqlnI\oXn' XpSnb -]Z AclnX
ambnamdp ImgvNbmWv AhnsSIXv.
Rio+ 20 bpsS ]cm- Pbw t\cs {]Xn- n- -
Xmbncpp. 193 cmjv{Sfn \npw h {]Xn\n
[n- Imbn NIpw hni- Zo- I- c- W- p-
ambn aqp Znhkw am{XamWv \onshXv Fv
{]Jym- ]n- - tm Xs ]cn- nXn/kmaqly
imkv {Xcpw {]hIcpw FXnv Dbn-
bncpp. 1992 se dntbmbnepw, 2002 se tPml--
kv_Kv DtImSnbnepw \S NItfm AXns
tUm.sI.- F.AtPmbvIp- am
t_mWn hn`mKw
XpSItfm, ]pXnb dntbmbn DmbXpan.
]cn - n - Xn - bp- sSbpw Imem- h- - bp- sSbpw
kwcW- n\pthn- bpf kt- f- \- - fpsStbm
{]Jym]\fpsStbm A`mha Cv {]mtbmKnI
]-Xn-Iv XS--am-Ip-Xv.
2011 \hw_ 28 apX Unkw_ 9 hsc Zn
Wm{^nbnshp \S UNFCCC bpsS Con-
ference of Parties (COP) kt- f- \s Confer-
ence of Pollution FmWv P\ ]cnlknXv.
Cu ktf\nepw Im_ _lnKa\ns
DchmZnXzn \npw hInScmjv{Ssf Hgn
hm- m- \p {ia- - fmWv \S- - Xv. Copen Hagen
se UNIPCC (Inter Governmental Panel on climate
change) aonnepw hyXykvXamb A\p`hw Dm
bncpn. CtmgnXm UN IPBES (Inter Govern-
mental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem) s kwLmS\nemWv. IPCC t]mse
ssPhsshhn[y kwcWn\v klmbIampw
F {]Xobn.
XI-cp `qtKmfw
`qanbpsS \ne\n]ns\ ]qambpw A]IS
sSpp amfmWv {ZpXKXnbn kw`hnp
Xv. {]Xo-n--Xpt]mse kmh-[m-\hpw t\tc-
JbneqsSbpap amf \SpXv. lcnXKr
l- hm- X- I- - fpsS Afhv hyh- kmb hn- ]- n\v
apv 280 ppm (parts per million) Bbn- cp- p.
CtmgXv 379 ppmBWv. 2100 BIp-tm-tgv 1285
ppm Bbn- o- cp- sa `oj- Wn- bpsS apn- emWv
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Cv temIw. BtKm- f- Xm- ]- \ne {Iam- Xo- X- ambn
Dbcpw FXv temI- hym- ]Iamb Adn- hm- Wv .
Hmtkm]mfnbnsehnepw, Bbncw Ccn thK
n \Sp P\nXItimjWhpw F D]m
Z- \- cw- Ks {]Xn- k- nbpw Fmw AS- p
h- am- \- nXn Ico_nb Zzo]p- It]m- ep
kaq - l- - sfm- gn - sI- bp temI- cm- jv { S-
th{X Kuc- h- tmsS Cv ]cn- K- Wn- p- n- .
21mw \qm- ns Ah- km- \- am- Ip- tm- tgpw 0.6
ao kap{Z\ncpbcpw F BiItfmsS Ico
_n- b Iyq- Wnn (CARICOM) h Xm- sd- Sp-
tmsS Xsbmbncpp Rio +20 bn ]sSp
Xv . Xm]- hyXn bm\- ,
[m\y- hn- f- I- fpsS Dev ]m- Z\
tijnIpdbvpIbpw KpcpX
c- amb `y- maw krjvSn-
pIbpw- sNpw. \men -
semp P\- hn - `m- K- n \v
ip- Pe e`y- X- bp- m- hn- .
BtKmf Xm]- \- ns
`oXn- X- amb `mhn- sb- p- dnv
NASA Goddard Institute for
Space Studies Director Bb
sPbnwkv lmk \ncon
pImcy hfscKuc
htmsS IW-nseSp-t-
- Xm- Wv . Bn- v k- ap- {Z-
nse ap- I Dcp- Ip- -
Xns ^eambn Acontep Xm] {]Xn
^e\w Fns\ Ipdbpp FmWv lmk hni
ZoIcnpXv. Xnfp {]Xn^e\ tijnbp
ap- I- bv v ]Icw Ccp ISsh- - n\v
{]Xn^e\tijn( Reflectivity) IpdhmWv. IqSpX
kqcy-{]-Imiw BKncWw sNp-Xntepw AXp
hgn BtKmfXm]\w h[npXntepw CXv hgn
shpp. Tundra {]tZ-i-p ap-cp-Ip--Xp-
hgn _lnK- an- p Methane hmXIw A- co-
- n \np- Ibpw A- co- - Xm- ]\w IqSp-
Ibpw sNp Imcyhpw lmk kqNnnpp
v .
]cn-n-Xn-bpsS cmjv{Sobw
]mcn- n- XnI {]Xn- k- n- Ifpw a\p- jy- \- S- -
ap Poh- Pm- e- fpsS hwi- \m- i- s- p- dn- p
DI- WvT- Ifpw Cv s]mXpth N- sN- snp-
XmWv. ssPhsshhn[yw kwcnpXnsbpw
{]IrXnbpsSta a\pjys A{Iamkamb CS
s]Sensbpw {]iv\sfpdnv Cv temI P\
Xbvv t_m[yapv. (1972se tmIvtlmw kt
f\w apX 2012se dntbm D- tImSn hsc- bp
Amcmjv{S thZnIfn Cu {]iv\ A\mh
cWw sNbvXn- p- apv).hnI- k- \hpw ]cn- n- Xnbpw
Xnep _amWv ]mcnnXnI LSIv
BLmXtanpXv FImcyhpw Cv Xncn
- dn- b- s- n- cn- p- p. hnI- k- \- {]- h- \- ns
{]tbm-m- Hmtcm cmPy-sbpw `c-Wm-[n-Im-
cn- I Xs- bm- Wv . kpnc hnI- k- \- s- p- dn-
p hmN- I- a- Sn- In- S- bn \S- n- em- - s- Sp
]cnnXn hncp]XnI hn]coX ZnibnemWv
kcnpXv. F{X apdnbnpmbmepw `cWm
[nImcnI XfpsS \bfn amw hcppn
. {]tXyInpw hnIknXcmjv{S: Cv \mw
A`napJoIcnp ]cnnXn {]iv\ Cu hnI
k\\bns Dev]fmWv. ]cnnXn {]iv\
sf Kuc- h- ambn
]cnKWnm apX
emfn Dev]mZ\{I
a- neS- n- bn- p
s s hc p - [y - a m Wv
CXns apJy-tl-Xp.
BtKm- fo- I- cW
Im e - L- - n
kZv{Ia- nh- -
am- - ]cn- nXn
{ ] i v \ - s f
] X n S v
{ ]Xn kn - bn - te-
mWv Fn- - Xv .
{]Ir- Xn- hn- `- h-
tXSn- bp aqe- [- \-
ns (Finance Capital) cmPymXnn ISp
km- c- amWv ]pXn- b- Im- e- L- - n ]cn- nXn
BLmXv ImcWambn hnpXv F
Imcyw ]e ]-cnnXn {]m\fpw icnbmb-co-
Xnbn Xncndnbpn. cmPymc IpIIfpsS
ap ssIbn \S- p [\ aqe- [- \- ns
kmcw {]Ir- Xn- hn- `- h- sf sIm- b- Sn- p- sIm-
mWv ISpt]mIpXv. kpnc hnIk\s
pdnp hmNIaSnI \SpXpw Cu in
I XsbmWv.
imkv{X hnIk\s em`Xm]cymbn
D]tbmKnpIbpw {]iv\]cnlmcw Akm[yamb
coXn- bn ]cn- nXn {]iv \- Hn\v ]pdtI
Hmbn BhnpsImncnpIbpw sNpp.
Dev]mZ\aen \St ASnm\ am
kw`hnpn. DZmlcWambn acw D]tbm
Knp \nanXnbn\nv mnIv D]tbmKnp
\namWntev Dev]mZ\coXnamdnbtm ]cn
nXn {]iv\ Hn \nv asmntev amdp
IbmWv sNpXv. h\\ioIcWw XSbm Ign
bptm mnIv AhinjvS Ftmv ]pd
pw F {]iv\nemWv temIw IpcpnInS
ssPh- ssh- hn[y w kwc- n- p- - Xn-
sbpw {]Ir - Xn - bp- sSta a\p- jy s
A{Iamkamb CSs]Sensbpw {]iv\
- sf- p- dn v Cv temI P\- Xbv v
t_m[y- apv . hnI- k- \hpw ]cn- n- Xnbpw
Xnep _amWv ]mcnnXnI LSI
v BLm- X- tan- p- Xv F- Im-
cyhpw Cv Xncndnbsncnpp.
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
a\pjy Hcnepw B{Klnm hkvXp
D]mZnnpIbpw hnpIbpw sNp {]{In
bbmWv Cv temIhym]Iambn \SpXv. Cu
D]- - - fmWv ]cn- n- Xnsb ]qW- ambpw
XIp- Xpw \nc- h[n BtcmKy {]iv \-
krjv Sn- p- - Xpw. kwtbm- PnX cmk- h- kv Xp- I
sImp mn b Dev ]- - - fmWv Imk
t]mep amcI tcmK--fntepw, D]-cnh
\- n- tepw (Mutation) temI- P- \- X- sb- Xp- dp
hnSpXv. Dev]mZnnm hfsc Nnehv Ipd
Cu hkvXpfn \nv hn em`amWv IpI
Iv e`n- p- - Xv . Ch- bpsS Dev ]m- Z- \- n\v
A[zm\w Ipd-hm-Wv. Fm IqSpX Duhpw
cmkhkvXpfpw BhiyamWv. Cu Dev]am
{Xa, amnv X{ns `mKambn BIj
Wobambn \nansSp AhbpsS ]mpIfpw
\innm IgnbmXmWv. (Non Biodegradable).
Inm Dioxin apXemb amcIhnj D]m
ZnnpIbpw sNpw.
D]- t`mrkwkv Im- c- ns ]pXnb coXn- I
P\- - fpsS Pohn- X- coXn amp- p. Use and throw
kwkvImcns `mKambn IppIqSp amen\y
fpw e-waste Dw temIP\X Fns\ ssIImcyw
sNpw FpXv koW{]iv\ambn Ahtijn
pp. P\ hkvXptfmSv Iaph BWv
Fv IcpXpXv Cs kmlNcyn auVy
ambncnpw FmWv {]kn imkv{X Juliet
Schor Xs Materiality Paradox F Bib
n aptmv hbv p- Xv . hmn km[\w
kqn- m- Xn- cn- p- I- bpw, hopw D]- tbm- Kn- p-
Itbm dnb sNp- Itbm sNm- , Bfp- Isf
Fns\ `uXnI hkvXptfmSv Bnbph
Fp hnfnpw! hmn D] DSs\s
Dt]- n- pIbpw sNbp- - h Marketing X{-
ns Cc- I am{X- am- Wv . Zn\w{]Xn sh- hpw,
Acohpw, PohPmefpw aen\sSpnsIm
ncnpXv Cu A\mhiyDv thn
bm- Wv .
]cnnXn- bp- sSbpw `qan- bpsS Xsbpw \ne-
\n]v hnI- k- \- ns \h- en- _d {]tbm- P- I
]cnKWnptbn. AtacnbSap hnIkn
XcmPy ]cnnXn {]iv\tfmSv kzoIcnp
- em- L- h- Xz- am kao- ]\w CXns DZm- l- c- W-
amWv. lcnX Krl hmXIfpsS _lnKa\w Ipd
bvm Xmdms ]XnItfmsSmpw (DZm:
Kyoto Protcol) Atacn klIcnpn.
Carbon Trading hgn-bpw, Carbon Sequstration
hgnbpw, Cu {]iv\v ]cnlmcw tXSm Ign
bpsamWv hnIknX cmPy AhImisSp
Xv. XfpsS DchmZnXzw \ndthm hnk
Xn-p-Ibpw Technology bn Xs Dcat\zjn
p- Ibpw sNp- - h bYm {]iv\- sf ad-
p- sh- m- \mWv {ian- p- - Xv . Im_U- tbm-
IvsskUns\ ISentev Xm IgnbpXmWv
Carbon Sequestration ]cn-lm-cw. Fm Ctm
Xs kap{Zn ASnbnp CO
s Afhv
A[n- I- am- b- Xp- sImv kap- {Z- nse AX IqSp-
Ibpw C\nbpw CO
s\ kzoIco-m D tijn
\jvSsSpIbpw sNbvXncnpp. Cu ]Xn ]cm
PbsSpw Fp XsbmWv CXv ImWnpXv.
kap{Znse PohPme apgph \inpsIm
n-cn-p kml-N-cy-n, {]iv\--fn \nv
{]iv \- - fn- tev t]mImt\ Ccw ]- cn- lm- c-
v Ignbq. ]cnnXn {]iv\v sSIvt\m
fPnbn Xs ]cnlmcat\zjnpXns A
iq\yX XsbmWv CXv shfnsSppXv.
Amcmjv{S ktf\ aptmv shnpf
Carbon Trading ]cnlmcns A\c^e
sRnpXmWv. I\nI ]pdtv hnSp
lcn-X-Kr-l-hm-X-I-v ]Icw hyXykvX ]-
Xn- I- fn- eqsS CO
s Afhv Ipd- psImv ]cn-
lmcw IspI FmWv \ntZinsXv. DZm
lcWambn h\hIcWw hgn CO
s AfhvIp
dbvpI. CER (Carbon Emission Reduction Credit)
ssIh- i- ap- s- n AXv hyh- km- b- v
DKm- - bnse Xt- i- hm- kn- I- fmb P\- hn- `m- K-
sf Hcp {]tZ- ip \npw IpSn- bn- d- n- sIm-
mWvv Hcp Uv I\n XfpsS Im_ t{S
Unv \SnemnbXv. Im_UtbmIvsskUv
_lnK- a- \- n\v ]Icw acw- shv ]nSn- n- pI
F-]--Xn-bmWv Ahn-sS\Sn-em-n-b-Xv. FACE
(Forest Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emission) Fv
t]cp Cu ]Xn DKm- - bn \S- n- emn-
btm BbncWn\v P\ BWv IpSnbn
d- - s- - Xv . t\mp- I, Hcp {]iv \- n \npw
asmcp {]iv\ntep A]cnlmcyamb {]Xn
knIfntemWv temIw FntNcpXv!
Ipd-pkabw sImv IqSpX em`w F I
hSXm]cyamWv ]cnnXn LSIsf XIp
- Xv . Cu nXnhntijw apX- em- fn- - ns
krjvSnbmWv. a\pjy\pw {]IrXnbpw Xn Cv
krjvSnsnp hn`P\w Ahkm\nnt
Xp- v . CXv km[y- am- I- W- sa- n hnI- k- \s
kw_- n Imgv N- m- Sp- I amd- Ww. bYm
{]iv \- sf A`n- kw- t_m- [- \- sN- m {ia- -
fmWv Cv Cu cwKv \SpsImncnp-Xv.
]cnnXnbpsSbpw hnIk\nsbpw cmjv{Sob
]cnkcw N sNsSmsX t]mIpp. ]cnn
XnbpsS cmjv{Sobw cmjv{SobNIfn ap\nc
bn- tev hp- sIm- n- cn- p Ime- L- - n
\psS Ncn{Xhpw ham\hpw \ninXamb ]cn
tim[\bvv hnt[bamsSWw.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
]mcn-n-XnI km{am-PyXzw?
]cnnXnsb Ipdnp GXp{]iv\hpw ]qW
ambn hniIe\w sNm, kmaqly kaXzhpambpw
kmaqly \oXn - bp- ambpw AXn s _s
ImtWXm- Wv . hnI- kn- X Ahn- I- knX cmjv {S-
Xnep Acns {]iv\wam{Xa, Cu
cmPy--fn-ep a\p-jy Xn-ep A-c-ns
{]iv\w IqSn- bm- Wn- Xv. Forbes Magazine Nqn- Im-
Wn- p- p 793 Bfp- Iv am{Xw 4 {Sney
tUmf hcp- am\ap- tm temI- P\kwJy- bpsS
]Ip-Xnbpw 2 tUmf-dn Xmsg hcp-am-\-ap--h-cmWv.
BtKmfoIcWns ImeLn \hen_d
km- n I \b- - fpsS `mK- ambn cq]- s- -
coXnI, `qan-bpw ISepw A-co-hpw s]mXp-kz-
mbn \ne- sIm- p nXn kwPm- X- am- p- p.
temI ap X- em- fn - - n s tI{ - m- \v
\np hfsc Ipdv cmPy- - fpsS Xm]- cym-
\p-k-cWw lcnXKrl-hm-X-I--fpsS Afhv A-
co--nepw IS-enepw IqSn-sIm-n-cn-p-p. Cu
nXnhntijs "]cnnXn km{amPyXzw' Fv
hnfnmsav {]apJ kmaqly ]cnnXn imkv{X
\mb J. M. Foster \nconpp. Xobmbpw
CXv temI kZvhyhbpambn At`Zyw _
"lcnX hyhkmbhIcWw' t]mep ]pXnb
{]Jym- ]- \- - fmWv Cv hnI- knX cmjv {S-
\ntinpXv. Cs hnIk\ kZv{Ias
AtX-]Sn \ne-\nn-sImv XmIm-en-I- ]-cn-
lm-c- At\z-jn-p-I-bmWv CXns hm-
sNp- - Xv . ZoL- Ime ey- tmsS \S- nem-
t Bkq{XWhpw hnIk\ \bfpw aqe[
\ns cmPymXnn ISp Xm]cyn\
\pkcnv [rXnbn Bkq{XWw sNsSpp. ]cn
nXn {]iv\ Cu k`n ]cnKWn
s-Spn. Htm ctm hjwsImv \Sp
]- Xn- I- fpsS Bkq- {X- W- n\v am{X- amWv hntZ-
i- aq- e- [- \- n\v (F.D.I)Xm]cyw. em`Xm]- cy-
\pkcnv Hcp cmPyp \nv asmcp cmPy
tv Cu [\ aqe[\w HfnpIfn \SnsIm
tbncnpw. Cu ASnm\ ImcyamWv Hcp cmjv{S
ns \ne\n]n\pw ]cnnXnbvpw lm\nIc
amIpXv F {]iv\amWv AhKWnsSpXv.
Cu km{amPyXz]XnI ]cnnXn Zpcns
DchmZnXzw AhnIknX cmPy--fpsS taNm
p-p. Ghpw Ipd Im_ aen-\o-I-cWw
\Sp Zcn{ZcmPy Ghpw `oIcamb ^e
A\p`hnpIbpw sNpp. F\nptijw
{]fbw F XXzNnbne[njvTnXamb tIm]tdv
hnIk\ k]s ]cnjvIcnp amm Ignbn
. \ntbm-en-_-d hnI-k\ k]-n-s\-Xn-sc-
bp \ne]mSpIv am{Xta ]cnnXn kwc
Wn\p bYm {]tbmKw aptmv shm
Ign- bpIbpq.
Cybpw tIc- fhpw A`n- ap- Jo- I- cnp ]mcn-
n- XnI {]iv \- fpw Cu hnI- k\ k]- hp-
ambn XsbmWv _s]ncnpXv. apJy[mcm
cmjv{Sob {]m\sfmw Xs Cu hnIk\
]mX ]npS-cp--h-cmbn amdn--gnp. hInS
Umap- Ifpw hyh- kmb ime- Ifpw ]Wn- bp- tm
IpSnbnds]Sp P\e {]Xntj[hpambn
cwK- p- h- cp- - Xpw, tIcfw Ctm t\cn- Sp
amen\y {]iv\fpw Cu hyhm]nX {]m\
-fn cq]-sphcp ka-hmbw shfn-s-Sp-p-
p.v ^ppjnav tijhpw BWh \neb]
XnIfpambn aptmp t]mIp CymKhsans
]cn]mSnIfpw CXmWv hyampXv.
]cn- n- Xn- {]- iv \- sf a\- n- em- p- - Xn
Ctmgpw icnbmb hoWw cp]sSpm ]cn
nXn {]m- \- v t]mepw Ign- n- n- .
ImSpw ]pgbpw am{Xambn ]cnnXnsb a\nem
p "Im]\nIX' bn A Cv temIw Nnn
p- - Xv . BtKm- f- Xm- ]- \hpw ssPhsshhn- [y-
timjWhpw a\pjy-cpsS hyn]-camb [manI
XbpsS Xen ]cnlcnm IgnbpX Fv
temIw Xncndnp Ignnpv. ASnm\Im
cW At\zjnmsX, Cs hnIk\ k
Zv{Ian Xs CXn\pcw tXSp World Bank
apX UN hscbp kwLS\Iv {]mtbmKn
I- ambn Cu {]iv \- v Dcw Is- m
Ign- bm- Xn- cn- p- Xpw AXp- sIm- p- X- s- bmWv .
CXp- X- s- bmWv Rio+20 bpsS ]cm- P- b- n- tev
Fn- - Xpw.
AbpnIX- bvpw ImS- Xz- n- \p- sa- Xnsc a\p-
jy- _p- nbpw kmam- \y- t_m- [hpw hnP- bnp- sav
XsbmWv ]cnnXn {]m\fpsS t\XrXz
n Rio De Jeneiro bn ktf\ ev {]Xn
tj[w Adnbnm Fnbh {]Jym]nXv.
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Ppssh- cnb.F.sI
cmw hj ^nknIvkv
]gb lnn- m- p- I- fpsS amkva- cn- I- X- bn apgpIn Fs Dd-
hpw \jvSspt]mbn s_Un\p t\scsbmWv Fs apdn
bnse P\meIfpw, AXp Xpd-nm ]pcfnaebpsS kucyw apgp
h\pw BkzZnmw. Fm, Cu cm{Xnbn aeIfn AhnsSbn
hn sSbmbn am{ Xta hn f- p- I sXfn p ImWp- p- q.
AXpsImp Xs BIminse Ipp\{Xsf t\mn
bncpp. Xmsg \nebnse Ahkm\ ssepw AWncnpp.
dqanse ssev AW- bv m- Xv Iv , D Xmsg, \nv hnfnp
tNmZnp. Fs XebnW P\metbmSv tNv shv sseWv
BImintebvv Ipw \ncpp. aebmfamkfnse Fm
\{X kaq- l- fpw Av BIm- i- p- m- bn- cp- p. s]sv
Fs Iv Hcp Ipp \- {X- n- ep- S- n. Hdn- tbm- Wns
s_n\p \Sphnep \{Xambncpp AXv. anman\pns\
tmse AXv annfnpIbmWv. F\nstm AXnt\msSmcp
{]tXyI hmeyw tXmn, Atm Rm \nspdntmp
\n \v hmbn - m thn
Fs Ub- dn- bn- semcp t]sP- gp- Xp-
I. AXpw Fs kzImcy Ub- dn-
bn! XnIpw hnNn{Xambntm
pp... Fm \n\pw As\
tXmntbm? AtXm, Rms\-mWv
CXn-eqsS ]d-bm t]mIp--sX--
dn - bm- \p BImw- - bmtWm
\ns- bp- n. cp Xs- bm-
bmepw \n\v CSbvv Ib- dn- - d-
bm-\p kzmX{yw Cu Fgp-p-
Ip- p- I Xcp- n- tm F
kam- [m- \- tmSp IqSn Rms\- gp-
\n\v hmbnm thn
Fs Ubdnbnsemcp t]sP
gpXpI. AXpw Fs kzImcy
Ubdnbn! XnIpw hnNn{X
dotKm tXmakv
-cmw hj Cwojv
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
^vfmjv _mv. . . .
tImtfPv bqWn- b Xnc- s- Sp- n\ptijw
ss^ BSvkv sk{Idnbmbn m\tasSp
Fs, sNbvXp Xot DchmZnXzsfp
dnp HmaI Hncn Aenbncpp. aphj-
- fn- te- m sa- s hnPbw t\SpI FXv
A{X Ffp- - ap Imcy- a Fv Adn- bm- am- bn- cp-
p. ktKm- hw F t]cn HIv tSm- _
24,25,27 Xob-Xn-I-fn Nn{X--km-lnXy a-c-fpw
P\p-hcn 10 \v Iem-a--c-fpw \S-p-I-bp-m-bn.
Fm a- c- - fn hnZymn- I- fpsS ]m- fn
w IpdXv Ghscbpw \ncmisSpn. ska
kn-ns `mcn D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-fpw ]T-\-
{]- h- \- fpw Iem- - Im- bnI cwKp \npw
]namdpXn\v hnZymnIsf t{]cnnp LS
I--fm-Wv. Ign-hp hnZymn-I-fn ]ecpw Hgn-
p-am-dp-Xv ]pXnb Iem-eb ]m--e-n
thZ\mP\Iamb ncw ImgvNbmWv. . .
{]XnknIp apn tXmhn kXn
msX \smcp hnPbw kz]v \w Iv ss^
BSv kv In- n- bn- ep- - hcpw apw AXyp- m- l-
tmsS Azm- \n- p. tImtf- Pn hnP- bn- - hsc
IqSp-X t{]mm-ln-n-phm\pw Ign-hp Ipn-
Isf Is- p- hm\pw A[ym- ]- Icpw hnZymn-
Ifpw apssI FSpp. ss^ BSvkv Inn
aonw- Kp- Ip tijw kh- I- em- ime Item- -
h- n\v ]s- Sp- t a- c- bn- \- - sf- nbp
Xocp- am- \- n- se- n. {Kqv C\- v th{X
{]m[m\yw sImSppsImv ]cnioe\n\v {]i
kv X- cmb A[ym- ]- Isc Gs- Sp- n. ]cn- io- e- \-
ns BZy Zn\- fn anI {Kqns\ Is-
p- hm hnj- an- s- nepw Fm {Kqn- \- - fnepw
hnZymn- Isf Is- n- b- Xn\p tijw anI
coXnbn ]cnioe\w \Sphm km[np. \r
C\- pw \mS- I- pw A[ym- ]- Icpw
hnZymn- Ifpw Hncn Azm- \n- pI- bp- m- bn.
Bmambn klIcnpsImv Znhkhpw ]cn
io- e\w \S- nb a- cmn- I Xs- bmWv
\psS {]nbs Iemebns Cu t\n\p
]nn. cmjv{So-b-]-c-amb bmsXmcp hyXym-k-hp-
anmsX Fm hnZymn kplrpfpw hnPb
n\mbn HsmcpatbmsS {]hnp. Cusbmcp
Iqmbva XsbmWv \naeKncn tImtfPns\ hnP
bntep \bnXv Fv kwibteisat\y ]d
bphm km[npw.
Itemh thZnbntev . . . . .
]cnioe\ns Ahkm\ BgvNbn IqSp
X Dm-l-tmsS Fm-hcpw ]cn-io-e\w \S-
n. \mSI-fpsS ]cnio-e\w cm{XnIme-fn
\Sp. \ t{]mml\fpw hnPb{]Xobpw
\ev Inb B- hn- izm- k- tmsS Fm Iem- Im-
camcpw Iem-Im-cn-Ifpw Item-h thZn-bn-tev
bm{Xbmbn. Hm^vtPv acfn 26 hnZymn
Ifpw tPv a-c--fn 78 hnZymn-I-fp-amWv
tImtf- Pns\ {]Xn- \n- [oI- cnv a- cn- p- hm- \mbn
t]mbXv. s^{_phcn 22 apX 26 hsc \S Item
hw XnIpw Bth- i- I- c- am- bn- cpp. tPn- Xc
acfpsS ^ew htm \psS tImtfPv,
t]mbn v \ne- bn ]nn- em- bn- cp- p. Fn- epw
{]Xo ssIhn- SmsX apt- dm hnZymn-
Im-bn. tImtf-Pn \nv A[ym]-Icpw kplr-
p-Ifpw Item-h thZn-Ifn-se-p-Ibpw a-
cmnIsf t{]mmlnnpIbpw sNbvXncpp.
Iem- a- - c- - fn hyn- KX C\- - fnepw {Kqn-
\fnepw \naeKncnbpsS NpWpnI anI
t\ Icamnbtm t]mbnv \nebn
Bth- i- I- c- amb aptw \S- m \app Ign-
kkv s]kv kn\n- a- Isf shp ssam-
Ivkn\mWv s^{_phcn 26 Rmb Zn\nse B
cm{Xn kmyw hlnXv. \naeKncn tImtfPn\v
cmw m\w Dd-n-m Ah-km\ a-c-bn-\-
amb s]Ip- n- I- fpsS {Kqv Umkns ^ew
Adn- b- W- am- bn- cp- p. HSp- hn \psS tImtfPv
cmw m\w Icamnb \nanjw... AXv Iem
eb PohnXnse AhnkvacWobamb aplq
fn Hmbncpp. Ahkm\ ^ew {]Xonv
BImwtbmsS \n Fm \naeKncn tImtfPv
IpSpw- _mw- K- pw temIw ssIn- Sn- bn- sem- Xp-
nb ktmjamWv A\p`hsXv. Ccsamcp
Ncn{XhnPbw ]pXnsbmcpWhv \psS tImtfPn\v
\In FXv \nkvXamWv. kz]v\w bmYm
yamnb ssZhn\v lrZb]qw \n.
Iem- cw- Kv \na- e- Kncn tImtfPv kz- am-
nb Cu t\w Iqmb Azm- \hpw kl- I- c-
Wat\m`mhhpw sImmWv. F{X henb t\hpw
sImm- sa B- hn- izm- k- n- tev \psS
tImtfPv hfn - cn - p - p . Iq Sp - X hn P- b-
mbn \apsmcpanv {]bXv\nmw F a{
ambncns C\n \psS lrZbfn.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
\S-\-I-e-bn-eqsS \na-e-Kncn tImtf-Pnse hnZymn-
Ipw Aym- ]- Ipw A\- ym- ]- Ipw lc- ambn amdnb
Iem{]Xn`bmWv sSkn.]n.Fkv ^nknIvkv Unmpsan
2009- 2012 Ime- b- f- hn ]T\w ]qn- bm- nb sSkn- ens\
R A`nam\]pckcw \np ]cnNbsSppIbmWv.
Hmw hjn `cX\mSyw,IpnpSn,HmXp,\mtSmSn
\rw Fn- h- bn ]s- Sp- p- Ibpw kwL- \r- - nepw
\mtSmSn\rnepw Hmw m\hpw ap acbn\fn
F t{KUv t\Sn anI {]IS\w ImgvNhbvpIbpw sNbvXp.
\naeKncnsb {]Xn\n[oIcnv Uln hp\S NCC Re-
public Day Camp(RDC)- ]sSpptm sSkn tImtfPv bqWn
b ss^ BSvkv sk{I-dnbmbncpp(2010-2011).B hjw
\nae- Kncn tImtfPv ,Im- ktKmUv hp\S bqWn- th- gv knn
Item--h-n 157 t]mbnp t\Sn \memw m\w Ic--am-
n. CXv tImtfPns CXphsc tcJsSpnb Ncn{Xnse
sdtmUp t]mbnp \ne- bm- Wv .- A- s\ cmw hjhpw
sSkn \app amXrIbmbn.
Kpcphpw injy\pw Htc hyn-bn kwK-an-p Akp-e`
ImgvNbmWv Cu {]Xn` Ahkm\hjs Iemeb PohnX
n- eqsS Xpd- p- Im- n- b- Xv .- 2012- Iq K- h.- F- n- \o- b- dnwKv
tImtfPn hp\S bqWnthgvknn Itemhn Hmw
m\w t\Sn Dze hnPbw t\Snb BIpnIfpsS kwL
\rw ]TnnXv kwLnse AwKw IqSnbmb sSknembn
cpp! kwL\rn\p ]pdsa \mtSmSn\rn F {KUp
t\Sn aqmw m\w t\SnbXpw sSkn\nse Iem{]Xn`bvv
amp Iqp-p.
\naeKncn tImtfPnse
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
ARvPp.- H.sI
\naeKncnv A`nam\mlamb hnPb t\Snsm
Sp Iem- {]- Xn- `- bmWv 2009- 2012 Ime- b- f- hn _n.-
F.Cwojn ]T\w ]qnbmnb ARvPp.H.sI.
Hmw hjw kh- I- em- imem Item- - h- n F
t{KUp t\Snsmv tamln- \n- bm- - n aqmw m\w
Ic- - am- n.
cmw hjn tamln\nbmn Hmw m\hpw
Ipn- p- Sn,- kw- L- Km\w, am- n- f- mv (hy- n- K- Xw), lnn
]ZywsNm Fnhbn cmw m\hpw kwL\rw,
am- n- f- m- v (- {Kq- v ) Fn- h- bn aqmw m\hpw t\Sn
\psS Iemebs IemcwKv kPohamn.
Ddh hm {]Xn`bpsS DSabmWv ARvPp Fv Iem
e- b- Po- hn- X- nse Ah- km\ hj- nepw sXfn- bn- p.
Iq Kh.Fn\obdnwKv tImtfPn hp \S bqWn
thgvknn Itemhn Ggn\fn ]sSppIbpw
An\fn km\w t\SpIbpw sNbvX ARvPphmbn
cpp \na-e-Kncn tImtf-Pnse G-hp-ap-b hyn-KX
kv tImdns DS- a. tamln- \n- bm- - nepw Ipn- p- Sn- bnepw
cmw m\w, {Kqv Umkv,- am- n- f- mv({Kq- v),- am- n- f-
mv (hy- n - K- Xw) Fo a- c- bn - \- - fn aqmw
m\w. . . hn P- b- n s Cu kphW- tim` ARv Pp-
hnqSn {]Xn^enXn R \naeKncnbnse tkmZ
c IrXm-cm-Wv...
\na- e- Kncn tImtf- Pn _n.- F- kv thm- f- Pn-
bn ]T\w ]qnbmnb {iothjvI IemcwKv
anIhv ]penb {]Xn-`-bm-Wv.-i-_vZm-\p-I-c-W-I-e-bn-
eqsS Iq bqWnthgvknn ItemhnepssS
\nc- h[n thZn- I- fn [mcmfw km- \ Ic- - am-
nb {iothjvI 20102011 A[yb\hjs kh
Iemimem Itemhn ZriyIem{]Xn`bmbn Xnc
sSpsXv AhnkvacWobamWv. Iq Kh.F
n\obdnwKv tImtfPn hp \S(2012) Iq
bqWn- th- gv kn- n- Item- - h- n F t{KtUm- Sp- IqSn
cmw m\w t\Snb "ssPhnIw' F ae- bm-
f\mSInse AwKambncpp {iothjvI.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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t\sc \\bmh
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Hmw hj ^nknIvkv
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The present paper is about the mural paintings of
Thodikalam Temple in North Kerala. Though there are many
studies on Thodikalam Murals, it must be said that most of
them do not succeed in bringing out the real worth and manfold
grandeur of those exquisite works of art. The present study is
an outcome of the documentation of Thodikalam Mural paint-
ings undertaken by the present author. The thrust areas of this
paper are historiography, chronology, themes of murals, and
techniques of preparation and historical value of temple mu-
rals. Historically, the tradition of engraving and ainting on
walls fashioned from rocks is an offshoot of the art of the pre-
historic cave - dwellers of Kerala.
Archaeologists have identified that these eary rock-art
paintings and engravings corresponded to different periods
of the Stone Age and even continued up to a short span of the
early historic period. For a long time the rock-art of Kerala
was an enigma. The first person to throw light on this matter
was a British officer named F. Fawcett, who discovered a
pehistoric rock art site in Wayanad in 1897.
It was identified
as a habitat of Neolithic settlers and has a gallery of enravings.
Other important rock engraving sites in Kerala are Tovari in
Wayanad, Tenmala in Quilon ad Ankode in Thiruvanthapuram.
The only rock - paniting center in Kerala is the rock shelters
of Marayur in Idukki district. The entire surface of the rock
shelters contains paintings of different themes involving hu-
Dr. Manjula Poyil
Department of History
man beings, animals, trees and geo-
metrical patterns. The colours used
are red - ochre, grey, pinkish buff,
saffrn and brownish yellow. Thus,
rock art is mostly a reflection of
the human mind to a changing en-
vironment and culture. From times
immemorial, such creative works of
human origin have been controlled
by his feelings of visual space and
reflect how man perceived the
. Thus it is not difficult to
trace out the roots of the erala mu-
ral paintings from these pioneer rock
engravings and paintings.
Kerala situated on the South -
Westerncoast of India is a land with
a rich tradition of mural paitings on
temple and church wlls. The state
holds the second place in India in
having the largest collection of
archaeologically imporant mural
sites, the first being Rajasthan. The
archaeolo giccal Survey of India
made a thorough investigation to
locate the mural painting centres of
Kerala, and identified 59 such cen-
tres located in 11 districts. These
mural paintings give an insight in
to great cultural heritage of Kerala.
The oldest murals in Kerala were
discovered in the rock-cut cave
temple of Thirunandikkara which is
now in the Kanyakum ari District of
Tamil Nadu. The hall of the cave
must have once have richly deco-
rated with paintings. But today only
outlines of these paintings have sur-
vived. These paintings belong to the
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and 10
centuries A.D. The most important
mural painting centures now in Kerala are found
at places like Mattancherry, Krishnapuram and
Padmanabhapuram and temples like Pandavam
Sastha Temple, and Pandarikapuram Temple, Sri
Mahadeva temple Vaikkom, Sree Mahadeva
Temple Kottayam, Ettumannor, Sri Vatakunnatha
Temple Trissur, Sri Siva Temple Kottakkal,
Thodikalam Temple Kannavam etc. Thodikalam
temple has a prominent place among these cen-
tres. It is located in Northern Kerala, near
Kannavam forest and is twenty four miles away
from the prominent coastal town of Thalassery in
Kannur district.
Historical writings on
Kerala mural paintings are
very few. Almost all the stud-
ies on them have come from
the side of artists or
literarymen. Hence they con-
centrated on the aesthetic
value of these paintings and
the relationship between ar-
chitecture and painting. They
have by and large neglected
several aspects such as the
historical context of these
paintings, the social meaning
of them and their morphologi-
cal features.
The first notable attempt in
this direction is Murals of Kerala
written by M.G.
Sasibhooshan. It is an informative work which
highlights the general features of Kerala mural
paintings. He has specially mentioned the impor-
tance of Thodeekkalam mural paintings in this
Another work of the same author is
Keralathile Chuvarchitrangal
written in
Malayalam. He gives detailed information about
the origin of Kerala mural paintings, its chro-
nology, important mural painting centres, its tra-
ditional, historical and cultural background. A
separate chapter is devoted to Thodikalam mu-
ral paintings and its distinctive features.
The Census of India conducted a special study
on Kerala temple under the direction of the Di-
rectorate of Census Operation of Kerala. They
published an article Sree Siva Temple
giving detailed descriptions on the
locality, structure, sculptural representation and
mural paintings of Thodikalam Temple. Mention
is also made about the daily prayers and offer-
ings in the temple.
A monumental work by A. Franz and K.K
Marar under the title Wall Paintings In North
Kerala, India
focuses attention on the tradition
of wall paintings in South Indian temples. It is a
documentation of murals in 30 temples with fas-
cinating photographs and a map showing the lo-
cation of each temple. The work gives a detailed
description of the murals of the Siva temple,
Indian Paintings: The Great Mural Tradition
by Mira Seth gives first hand information about
Kerala mural paintings, its unique characteris-
tics and artistic value. The most significant fea-
ture of this work is that it discusses the impor-
tance of temple murals in their historical con-
Historians have not been able to precisely de-
termine how long this temple and its mural paint-
ings have been in existence. This temple was ad-
ministered for a long time by the Pazhassi Raja
who had valiantly fought against the British in
the 18
and 19
centuries. The temple was partly
by the British in their operation
against Pazhassi Raja but according to popular
legend this temple has been in existence from
ancient times. This place is associated with the
legendary King Harischandra Perumal who
ruled over North Malabar in the 15
Lord Siva was pleased by his devotion and pre-
sented him a Sivalinga. He started a pilgrimage
in order to install this idol in a proper place. Fi-
nally he reached in front of a 'Chutalakalam' or
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burial ground where he saw Siva in his cosmic
dance, 'Thandava'. He installed the idol there and
later the name Chutalakalam got transformed and
came to be called Thodikalam. On the basis of
the chronology of Pazhassi Rajas reigning pe-
riod, the legend of Harischandra Perumal, the
themes, techniques, costumes and ornaments
painted in the murals we can conclue that these
mural paintings belong to a period between 14
and 16
The murals painted on the outer walls of
the two-storied Sreekovil or sanctum sanctorum
of Thodikalam temple are noted for their exquis-
ite finish and grace. These mural painting with
puranic Hindu religious themes are taken from
the episodes of Ramayana, Mahabharatha and
Sreemad Bhagavata. These mural paintings,
found on the eastern, northern, western and
southern walls of the temple, cover an area of
700 sq. ft divided into 40 panels and about 150
mural paintings.
The highly intricate paintings among these 150
murals in Thodikalam temple are:
1. Eastern wall:- Siva as Nataraja; Kali in
the form of Sree-Porkali; Durga as Maridanga
Shaileswari; a royal personage from the
Kottayam Royal family in traditional Kerala style
in mundu (dhothi) and an upper cloth (anga
vasthra) on his shoulder, having a beard and
Kuduma (a long stretch of hair done in a knot on
the head) holding an arecanut cracker in his right
hand and a fan on his left and attended on by a
servant; Arjuna aiming his arrow at a mechani-
cal rotating toy-bird; four armed Vishnu; Siva and
Krishna in praying posture.
2. Southern wall:- Siva as Agoramurthi;
Rajarajeswari; Mohini wearing traditional
Kerala ear-ring known as 'Kathilpoovu and also
a seven fold bead necklace and playing with a
ball;Balaganapathi, sitting on his mothers
(Parvathi) lap; Saiva Saraswathi, (Goddess of
learning) holding a palm leaf on her left hand
and a iron stiletto or narayam; offerings to Lord
Ganapati; the debate between Sankaracharya
and a Scholar from outside Kerala; Siva as
Dakshinamurthi with his student; Rugmini
Swayamvaram (depicted in 19 mural paintings).
Balarama killing one of Rugminis soldiers with
plough-share and stick; Rugminis father
Bheeshmaka and his queen; Rugmini sending her
message to Krishna through a messenger;
Krishna holding Rugminis arm and trying to
carry her in his ratha and Rugminis brother
Rugmi with support of his infantry and cavalry
trying to prevent Krishna; faliure of Rugmi in
his attempt; Rugminiswaya mvara;
Sreekrishna and Rugmini sitting on a throne.
3. Western wall:- Vanasatav or Lord of the
forest, mounted on his green horse in prepara-
tion for a hunting expedition; Venugopala or
Krishna as a flute -player along with as pipal
tree, a parrot and a squirrel. The major portion
of the western wall is devoted to themes from the
Ramayana. They are the war between Rama and
Ravana; coronation of Sree Rama; Sita sitting
under an Asoka tree; Ravanas death; Rama with
Hanuman and Vibhishana; Vibhishana and
Ravana;s wife Mandodari, Ravana hit by Ramas
arrows; Ravana as Deshamukha (with 10 heads);
A monkey resisting Ravanas sloldiers using an
uprooted tree as its weapon; Rama shooting
arrows at Ravana; Sitas agnipareeksha
(fireordeal) with Rama standing near her;
Indrajit fighting against Ramas army; Rama
riding on Hanumans shoulders,monkeys play-
ing musical instruments like drum, bugles etc.
celebrating Ramas coronation ceremony; Sita
with Vatmeeki, Sage Narada with tamburu.
4. Northern wall:-The important paintings on
this wall are: Panchaliswayamvaram;
Ekadasarudranmar (Siva in eleven Forms);
Parvathi as Mahishasuramardini; Durga in two
forms, one as calm and composed and the other
as excited and violent in a mood of war;
Rajarajeswari;Aghora Siva.
Silparatnam, a 16
century work on hundred
and six architectural styles written by
Sreekumara, who belonged to the court of King
Devanarayana of Chempakasseri, is the most
important source for reconstructing Kerala mu-
ral painting. This work consists of forty six chap-
ters written in the form of slokas and the last
chapter of this work contains 150 slokas which
are devoted to painting. These slokas describe
the features, techniques and colours of mural
paintings. Even today the methods suggested by
Sreekumara are followed in mural paintings.
1. Preparation on the wall:
The Primary concern before executing a mu-
ral is the preparation of the surface of the temple
wall. This is a complex, long drawn out process.
Usually the basic thing necessary to plaster a
wall is lime paste which is made by mixing lime
powder and sand in water. But in this case many
more ingredients are needed to enrich the lime
paste. Along with lime powder and sand we have
to add green gran powder. These ingredients are
then thoroughly mixed with a solution made by
dissolving jaggery in water. For every kilogram
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of lime powder three kilograms of sand has to
be added. (For preparing this special plantain
paste ripe 'Kadali' plantains are stored in a
wooden container for three months. They are then
ground into a fine thin paste). The enriched lime-
paste is now ready for use. Before applying the
paste on to the wall should be washed well with
diluted jaggery solution, using a brush made
from coconut husk fiber. Now the enriched lime-
paste is applied on to the wall in uniform thick-
ness with the help of a special type of trowel made
of wood or iron. Then the wall is left to dry. Even
after all these preliminaries the wall is not yet
ready for mural painting. It has to be washed
well with lime-paste to make the surface of the
wall white. Then gum prepared from vegetables,
resins taken from trees and creepers and
buffalo's fat are thoroughly mixed together with
water and smeared on the white wall. Then wall
is again left to dry. The painter should start his
painting only after ascertaining that the wall has
completely dried up.
2. Colours:
Five colours or panchavarnas are used for
painting. They are yellow, red, green, black and
white. The yellow colour is prepared from min-
eral pigment and soil taken from hillsides and
riverbeds; green colour is made from juice of
plants, black is produced from the sooth of oil
lamps and white colour is made from lime. The
blending of the colours is done in a wooden bowl
by adding coconut water mixed with exudes from
the neem tree.
3. Brushes:
Originally, three types of brushes were in use
- sthoolam or thick, madhyamam or medium and
sookshmam or fine. The thick brush was made
from the hair on the bottom of the goat's belly
and third type was made from the delicate blades
of grass, and the hair from the squirrel's tail.
Separate brushes of these types were used for
each colour. For drawing the outline a particu-
lar type of chalk was used. This was made from
old baked clay powder mixed into thin cylindri-
cal sticks and allowed to dry well. This is known
as kittalekhini.
Thodikalam murals occupy a prominent place
in the cultural map of Kerala as a unique gal-
lery of wall paintings. The notable features of
these murals are the simplicity of their subject,
technical excellence, accurate thematic represen-
tation, perfect blending of colours and the ide-
alistic representation of living beings. A system-
atic analysis of these murals has not been un-
dertaken by art historians and archaeologists yet.
The documentation of these murals proves that
the basic elements behind them are:
1. The patrons of these murals are kings or lo-
cal chieftains, probably the king of Kottayam;
2. The artist or the artists are versatile paint-
3. The themes are familiar and renowned sto-
ries from the Mahabharatha and Ramayana;
4. The visual effect of the mural actually fur-
nishes the morphology of the flora and fauna
of the region presented by it because the fea-
tures of humans, animals, trees and flowers
are painted so naturally;
5. Every social expression and body gesture of
men and women are so carefully and pains-
takingly painted that they are absolutely re-
alistic. The paintings are lifelike.
6. Special attention is bestowed in painting or-
naments and dresses. Ornamentation is
elaborate and dresses are fine and beauti-
7. Extreme care is taken in presenting the physi-
ognomic details of men and women.
8. Different from other murals of Kerala, here
the characters portrayed are of satvika or
virtuous quality.
9. The influence of the Dravidian tradition of
the Pallava and Chola periods is clearly seen
in the Thodikalam murals. These paintings
bear the spirit of the Tanjavur style and re-
flect the social and political set up of north-
ern Kerala of this period.
10.All the murals have a special Kerala touch.
The divine personalities (Gods and god-
desses) have the typical body structure and
physiognomy of Kerala men and women. For
instance, like Kerala women, the goddesses
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have pleasantly soft and round bodies and
shape. They are slightly plump but exude love
and beauty.
11.Kings and feudatories of North India were
keen on wearing costly garments and orna-
ments whereas kings and chieftains of North-
ern Kerala preferred simple dresses. The
mural of the royal personages of Kerala is a
typical example for the simplicity of the kings
and chieftains of Northern Kerala.
12.It is well known that the legendary hero
Arjuna succeeded in getting Panchali as his
wife winning an archery contest. The ballads
of northern Kerala, which originated in the
medieval period, are replete with such con-
tests. These folk songs mention two type of
martial contests: Ankam and Poithu. Victory
in these contests not only brought fame to the
also entitled them to make beautiful women
their own.
13.The famous mural Mohini is the Devadasi
system that prevailed in the temples of Kerala
during the medieval period. The ornaments
worn by her are the best examples of tradi-
tional Kerala jewellery.
14.The iron stiletto and the palm leaves in the
hands of goddess Saraswathi represent the
early materials used for writing.
15.The worship of the Vanasathavu or god of
the forest is significant in that it upholds the
upkeep of the forests. The protection of the
trees in the kavu (sacred groves) is consid-
ered a sacred duty.
The mural paintings all over Kerala, and in
particular the Thodikalam murals, deserve more
in-depth analysis as to their features and tech-
niques in the context of their relation with other
South Indian mural painting traditions. It is a part
of our great cultural tradition and historians and
archaeologists should take keen interest in their
preservation and documentation.
1. F. Fawcett, "Notes on the rock Carvings in the
Edakkal Cave Waynad", Indian Antiquary, 30:409-
21, Bombay, 1901.
2. V.H. Sonawane, "Rock Art of India", P. 266 in K.
Padayya (ed), Recent Studies in Indian Archaeol-
ogy, Munshiram Manoharlal, ICHR, New Delhi,
3. M.G. Sasibhooshan, Murals of Kerala, Department
of Cultural Publications, Thiruvananthapuram,
4. M.G. Sasibhooshan, Keralathile Chuvarchithrangal,
(Murals in Kerala), State institute of Languages,
Thiruvananthapuram, 2000.
5. "Sree Siva Temple Thodikalam" in Census of India
special studies - Kerala, Temples of Kannur District,
Directorate of Census Operations Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, 1999.
6. A. Frenz and K.K. Marar, Wall Paintings in North
Kerala, India: 1000 years of Temple Art, Asian Folk-
lore Studies, Germany, 2006.
7. Mira Seth, Indian Painting: The Great Mural Tradi-
tion, Harry N Abrahams, 2006.
8. Fortunately the murals have remained safe.
9. The mural paintings here are repainted and preserved
by a mural painting artist named Unni Ammakavu
under the direction of the Archaeological Depart-
ment of Kerala.
10. Based on Sreekumaras 'Silparatna' Chapter 46,
solkas 14-34, 53-59, 135.
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Hcp agbpw
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k-cn hgn-I ]nnv Xmfp-I-fpsS a[yn-sen... C\n
\apv ]nmpdfntev Hv Xncnpt\mmw. AhnsS Fm
hcpapv. kz]v\v NndIv apfhcpw NndIp hoWhcpw....
mkvap-dn-bpsS ]nm-p-d- tXSn-tm-bXv Hma-s-Sp--ep-
IfntemWv. s]mbvt]mb Imens \jvSNn{Xfn Hcp Ime
Lw ad-p-h--h-sc-p-dnv... Hcp ag-m-ev \\-bm-Xn-cn-m
mkv apdn Hcp IpS- o- gm- bn- cp- p... ag- s]bv Xv tXmn- n- .
Fnepw, IpS-o-gn Ipdp t]sc ImWm-\n-...
s]bv Xv Xocm ag- bn \\p IpXnp- sImv Ah
bm{XbmbXv FtmmWv ? a\kpIfpw lrZbhnipnbpw Icn
`nnbvncp]pdambncnpp. kz]v\ ISseSpp. {]Wb
ns Xpcp- p- I- fn t]mepw A`- b- an- . BImiw ImWmsX
Ah kqn kz]v\--fpsS abnoenpp-I tXmcm
ag-bn Ahsmw \\p IpXnn-p-m-hptam....?
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
CeIfnse HmaIfpw Nn
Ifp w am\- kn - I- hy m- ]m- c- fp w
kKm- - I- c- N\Ifpw hn m\
hn kv t ^m S - \ - n sX m bm
Cs temIv kmtXnIhXvI
cn- - s- Sp- p........ C- Zp- \n- bm- hn- tev
km Xpdv C- Po- hn- X- ns
Imgv - I \app apn hncn- n-
Sp - I- bmWv hcp w t]Pp - I- fn se
GXm\pw Nne Iem-kr-jvSn-I............
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BaIsfpdnmWv Cu teJ\w Fv Zb
hmbn sXn - cn - - cp Xv CXv " B' [p - \n I
"a'\pjys\p- dn- m- Wv .... \tfmtcm- cp- - tcbpw
IpdnmWv. tIcf P\Xbvv 100% km-cXbpv
Fv tIptm \mw a\nempXv kzw
t]cv FgpXm Ign- bp km[m- cWmc\pw,
\mbn Nnnm Ignhp (_qn)PohnIfpw,
Nnm- tijn Ipd A`ykv X hnZy- cpaSp
XmWv tIc- f- ns kmaq- lnI aWv Uew
FmWv. Cs\ \apv hptNnp As
n Btcm]ns-np km-cX, temIm
Iam\w Dmb UnPn hnhw, hnhc kmt
XnI hnZy- bpsS hn- h- ambn ChnsS {]Xn- ^- en-
m CSbmnbncnpp. hnhckmtXnIhnZy
-bpsS hf icmicn aebmfnbpsS PohnXn
t]mepw Dmnb hnhw (Paradigm shift) Ahn
izk\obamWv. A\amb hnmt\m]mZnI,
Bib hn\n- ab kwhn- [m- \- , Ce- t{Sm- WnIv
_mnv, e-commerce XpSn B hnhns
]cnWX ^e \nch[nbmWv.
Information technology bpsS hf Bib
hn\nab cwKv krjvSn {]Xn^e\sfpdn
mWv ChnsS N sNpXv. communication
cwKv ]pXnb am\ \InbXv social net-
working site Iv e`n h {]Nmcw Xsbm
bncpp. temI P\X Ccw sskpI kzoI
cnm bmtXmcp hnapJXbpw ImWnn. Cwojv
hnZym- `ymkcwKpw Iyq- - dp- I- fpsS D]- tbm- K-
nepw ]mmXy Pohn- X- - fpsS A\p- I- c- W-
nepw aebmfnI ImWn bmYmkvXnYntIXc
at\m`mhw ChnsSbpw A\zamsp. social
networking site Isf aebmfnI CcpssIbpw
\on kzoIcnp.
\nJn sI
cmw hj KWnXw
"Ba- 'I- fpsS
"A]vtemUv sNbvX t^mtmbvv
Iav e`nmXmIptm Akz
cmIp kplrpsf \app
Nppw Xs ImWm Ignbpp!
ssewKnI NqjWn\v hnt[bcmb
s]IpnItfbpw \ ImWpp!
s^bvkv_pneqsS Bbncne
[nIw kplrpsf krjvSn
bmv \nXyPohnXn Hcp
kplrp t]mepapmIpn Fp
\mw Xncndnbpp.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Ign Ipdphj- - fmbn \ap- n- S- bn
Ghpa[nIw {]Nmcw e`n- Xv facebook F
tkmjy s\vhnwKv sskn\mbncpp. 2004
Bcw`n CXv CXnt\mSIw Xs 90.1 tImSn
D]- t`m- m- sf kz- am- n Ign- n- cn- p- p.
(2012 amv 31 hscbp IW-pI A\pkcn
v). DuPzkzecmb bphXzw am{Xa ChcpsS Cc
I, Iuam- c- {]m- b- m- scbpw bphXzw hm- Iy-
n\v hgnamdnb ayhbkvscbpw Ch X
fntev ASpnncnpp. aqeyNypXn kw`hnp
sImncnp aebmfn kaqln\v ]pXnsbmcp
kmwkv Im- cn - I- a- Wv Uew { ]Zm\w sNm
facebook IqmbvaIv Ignnpv. Ccw
IqmbvaIfneqsS kmaqlnImhIsf Ahtem
I- \w- sN- m\pw Bibcq]o- I- cWw \S- m\pw
Ah- kcw e`npp- v . facebook a\p- jys
"apJw' am{Xa {]Xn^ennpX;v Ahs a\:
kmn IqSn- bmWv Fp- \s Nnn- n- m
"sskpIfneqsSsbnepw' kmaqlnI D\oNXz
sXnsc {]XnIcn bphXzn\p Ignn
pv . D]- tbm- Kn- m- \p Ffp- - tam As- n
BIj- Wo- b- amb coXn- tbm bph- Xz- n- \n- S- bn
facebook s\ Hcp Xcw- K- amn amn- bn- p- v .
Cs\v kuI- cy- AS- nb t^mWp- Ifpw
Acw kuI- cy- {]Zm\w sNm a- cn-
p Service Provider amcpw Ccw sskp-I-
fn- tep AIew hfsc Npcp- n- bn- cn- p- p.
Fm Zpcp- ]- tbm- K- n- eqsS Ccw sskp- I-
fpsS A]mIXI shfnw IphcpXv hym]
I-ambn amdn-bn-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. kplr-p--fp-ambn
kulrZw ]p- h- bvm- \p Ah- kcw A]- cs
kzIm- cy- X- bn- te- p- ssII- S- - embn amdp- p.
D kplr- n- t\m- Sp shfn- s- Sp- hnf- - c-
ambv amdp- p. PohnXw bmYmy- n \npw
ambnI temIntev hyXnNenpp. \psS
skp- I an\n- p- Ifpw an\n- p- I aWn- q- dp-
Ifpw aWn- q- dp- I Znh- k- - fp- ambn amdp- p!
AXns\n t_m[anmhcmbn kzw hyhlm
csfpdnv Acmbn bphXzw amdnsmn
tkmjy s\vhnwKv sskpIfn, {]tXy
Inv Facebook , `bm-\-I-amb {]h-W-X-bmbn
fake ID hnhw (am\knI hn{`mn) cq]sncn
pIbmWv. Identity theft eqsStbm sXmb hnh
c- \Ip- - Xn- eq- sStbm hymP tahnem- k-
n Auv XpSph XIp-Xv Op-
posite gender BIr- jv S- cmbn hcp- - h- cpsS
{]XoI am{Xa; adnv tIcf X\na ktlm
Zc\pw ktlmZcnpw CXphsc \Inb ]cnKW
\bpw hnizmkhpw IqSnbmWv.
Hcp Znhks Fm \nanjfpw Facebook
tev ]Im \mw hy{KX ImWnpp. ]cn
N- b- an- m- - hsc Best friend catogory bn
DsSpn _w m]npp. Xm upload
sNbvX t^mtmbvv e`n comment Isf Ipdn
tmv Duw sImp- p. hfsc km[m- c- W-
ambXns\ AXn hninjv Sw Fp hnfnv hne
Ipd {]Wbm`y\I \Spp. Aoe
Nphbp kw`mjW sNbpp. Znhkns
apgp- h `mKhpw Facebook \p apn sNe-
hgnpp. \apv _mn BIpXv aqeytimj
Whpw kab\jvShpw am{Xw. CXns\msbpw DZm
lcW tIcf kaqln \np Xs e`y
am- Wv .
ZoL- amb Facebook ]cn- N- b- n\p tijw
hnhmlm`y\ \Snb At\bpw aItfbpw
\ In-cn-p-p! {]W-bm-`y\ \nc-kn
s]Ip- n- tbmSv B- lq- Xn- bn- eqsS {]Xn- Imcw
sNbvX bphmsf \mw Incnpp! A]vtemUv
sNbvX t^mtmbvv Iav e`n- m- Xm- Ip- tm
Akz- - cm- Ip kplr- p- sf \app Nppw
Xs ImWm Ign- bp- p! ssewKnI Nqj- W-
n\v hnt[- b- cmb s]Ip- n- I- tfbpw \
ImWpp! s^bvkv_pneqsS Bbncne[nIw
kplr- p- sf krjv Sn- - bmv \nXy- Po- hn- X-
n Hcp kplrp t]mepapmIpn Fp
\mw Xncn- - dn- bp- p. As\ 21- mw \qm- n
tIcfw I Ghpw henb hn]mbn Facebook
amdnbncnpp (Maniac I anpI)
XpS- bmbn Iw]yq- D]- tbm- Kn- p- tm
Dm- tb- m- hp BtcmKy {]iv \- - tfm- sSmw
]ncn- ap- dp- hpw, am\- knI kwLjhpw kab
\jv Shpw IqSn \np \Im tkmjy
s\v hnwKv sskpIv Ignbppv. \psS
kmwkvImcnI ss]XrIn\p \ncm Xcn
ep kw`mj- W- fpw hne Ipd {]W- bm-
`y-\-Ifpw kaq-l-n \np H-s-Sepw
A Hcp "s\n- k- Wn'\p ZoL- amb Cs\v
skj\pIfn \np e`npI; adnv A\amb
hnRvPm\tImifpw thKXbm Imcy\nl
W- hp- amW. v CXv Xn cn - - dn - v \n e- hn - ep
tkmjy s\p - hp - Isf Imcy- - ahp w
DtiipntbmSpw ZoL- ho- - W- tm- Spw - Iq- Sn
D]tbmKsSpm aebmfnIv Ignbssbv
B{K- ln- mw.
"amw am{X- amWv am- an- m- - Xmbn' F- Xn-
\m \apv {]Xym- inmw Facebook mania
bn \npw amdn aebmfn \bvmbp Iqm
bvabn AWntNcpsav........
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Dss\kv .sI
cmw hj aebmfw
temKv Huv...!
\ns s{]mss^ ]nIvNdn
Zpcqlamb Hcp Ccppmbncpp...
Hmsse\n \ns hmNmeXbnepw
Hm^vsse\n \ns \ni_vZXbnepw
ZpcqlX SmKv sNsncpp..!
\ns Hmtcm "lmbv'p tijhpw
BcyNn apgp \np...!!!
\ns IapI ]etmgpw
hnjmZapJap "kvssaen'I am{Xambncpp.
\ns HSphnes t]mn
"Rm PohnXw shdppp...'
Fv hy-ambn ]d--tmgpw
Adnncpn kplrt
\jvS{]Wbns thZ\t]dn
t^kv_pn BlXympdnsgpXn
\o Ftpambv...
Uneop sNsSm \ns
t^kv_pv Aun
Ahkm\s ssepaSnv
Rm temKv Huv sNpp...
KpUv ss_ t^kv _pv...!!
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
jn_n.- sI.sI
cmw hj aebmfw
Hcp IY hmbn- p- tm IYmyw Fm- bn- cnpw Fm- bn- cn- p- sa \n- tf- h- cp- sSbpw
Pnmksb XnsSpnsmv Cu IYbpsS ssamIvkv BZyw Xs Rm\v ]dbm t]mhp
I- bm- Wv ...
]Xn- s\mw hb- n hnjv Wp- Z- ,t^- kv _p- nse H]Xv Iymc- Iv t- gv kp Xs ]mkv thUv
hngpn AImeNcaw {]m]np...!!
* * * * *
Zpcq- l- a- cWw ]noSv kplrp- fn- tepw P\- - fn- tepw t]mp- sN- - s- Xv CtX t^kv_p-
nqSnsbmWv...!!A\ptimN\fdnbnpw hne]npw ZpxJnpw sImp IapIfpsS {]hm
lambncpp XpStmv...
Abm,\mpIm,kzw cmPym,temIns hnhn[tImWpIfn Hmsse\n am{Xw Pohn
Xs Nebvnp ]qnbh...,hnjvWpZs\ {]h\\ncX\mn \nnb tkm^vvshb(Po
h...!!)\nesptIv Cs\n kZm ]Inp\np...!!
* * * * *
]Xnhpt]mse t^kv_pn NmpsNm\ncpXmbncpp hnjvWpZ.]pXnb IapImbn
Imncnp kplrp...IgnZnhkw Xm\b ktip \aw Ienb adp]Sn
I...-Po-hn-Xm-h-km\whsc(?)kp-lr-p--fmImsa Bi-tbmsS hs-nb {^v dnIz-p-I...-A-
n-mbn kPo-h-am-bn-cn-p kplr-p--fpsS ]-Ip-nb kn-ep-I...-ssI-hn-c-ep-I-fpsS {ZpX-K-
Xnbnep Ne\n, IsmZqctmfw ]cpInSp acp{]tZiv acptXSnbebp
]YnIs\t]mse,aukvt]mbn AhnSamsI ]mp\Sp...
kulrZnSbneqsSbp Cusbmcp \\p lrZbkmcn \nanj aWnqdpIsf
IogSn _lpZqcw ]nnncnpp...bmZrnIambmWv B t]cn\pt\sc Xs ZrjvSnsNp ]XnXv...
{^v dnIzpambn Fnb B t]cn\pt\scbp ADD _WnsNv aukvt]mbn kzev]
t\cw au\nbmbncpp...!!
kplrpsf skeIvSpsNpXn Cthsc Xmfng kw`hnnn.C\nsbmpmhpIbpan.
D kplrpfnXs Hscm s]{]PbpsS t]cpt]mepw Zm Cu \nanjw hscbpw tNsn
pan;a\x]qha,Ftm...thm Fp tXmn,A{XXs...
B t]cntev hmsXbmIjnsSpp...apspw Hcp t]cnepw a\n{Xtmfw Ddp\nnn
..Fm ]nns\...?
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
- aukv An- mbn ]mUn sXn- am- dn- sb-
nepw,aukvt]mbn AhnsSs hnSmsX ISn
cpaqv kplrpfpambn X\n\p`hs
lrZbhnImcw ]pshp...
dont worry da...try to add her in your
no da...dont do like this...keep her away from
Xm t\cnSp {]Xnknp ]cnlmcw \nt
inv Iym]vkq cq]-nep Ccw IapI
Ahcn\nv [mcapdnbmsX HgpInsbn..
BsI AkzNn\mbn hnjvWpZ.F
p- sN- - W- sa- - dn- bmsX kv {Io\n- \p- ap- nse
Iot_m- Un Xe- Nmbv v sXp- t\cw Fsm-
stbm Btem- Nn- n- cn- m- bn...- ]p- Ibp- Nn- - I
DcwInm KWn-X-{In-b-It]mse, AS-n-
cn- p Ip- I- fnse Ccp- n Fcn- ]n- cn- sIm- n-
pp...apdnbnemsI DudnqSnbncp I\ \ni
_v Z- Xsb `Rv Pn- p- sImv tai- pdn- cp
samss_t^m ssht{_v sNbv X- tm- gmWv
hnjv Wp- Z- Xs Nn- I- fn\n- p- Wv
Xm\mbncnp Ahbntev XncnsIsbn
bXv...Ahs IpIfnetm hmbnsSpm\m
hm GtXm amkvacnI`mhw IfnbmSppmbn
HSphn...HSphneXpXsbp Xocpam\npdn
keo\m lmP- s t]cn- \p- t\- sc- bp
ADD _Wn aukvt]mbn Aansbmp
adp]Snmbn Imp\n \nanjfmbncpp
]noStmv..Znhk BengwIWs aqp
\mse- a- Sp- ho- Wp...- Im- W- W- sa AXym- i-
tbmsS Hcmp- thn am{X- ambn Imn- cn- p-
tm,h- cp- - h- scm- sbpw \mw ImWm- \m- {K- ln-
p B Bfm- bn - cn p w a\- p - \n - dsb
Ft]mse t^kv _p - n hcp Hmtcm
satkPpw Hmtcm Iapw AhfptSXmbncnmsav
hy- ambn tamln- p...Hma- I- fpsS \ne- In- m
Bgfn Hpam{Xw Ahtijnp...,
keo\m lmPv.......!
* * * * *
Hcp s]Ipnbn \npw BZyambpw Ahkm
\ambpw Xm kzoIcn {^v dnIzv ]Xnsb
Xn sb hn jv Wp - Z- s Hma- I- fn \n p
ampXpS- n...- am- p- am- n- m- Xmbnsm- n- cn-
p \nanjfnsetm Ahs\ \nccw Ae
n - sm- n - cp \n cm- im- t_m- [s Hn - sb-
Spms\tmWw t^kv_pn Iap hp...
keo\m lmPns Iav.....!!!
BmZw AXns D- m- bn- se- p- tm
s]mXpsh Fm-hcpw ]d-bp {]kn--amb hmN-
I- aptm, temIw apgp- h ssI- em- nb
ktm-j-ap-n-tm Fv.-AXn-sem-cw-iw-t]mepw
tNmp-t]m-ImsX, AtX Xq-nepw Xmf-n-
ep-am-bn-cpp hnjvWp-Z--\nepw B\w Xnc-X-n-
b- Xv ...
Ah ]ckv]cw kwkmcnp...lrZbw Xpdp
kwkmcnp...Hcnt]mepw t\cn ImWpItbm
tIp- Itbm sNmhm- cm- sW- ncp- n- p- IqSn
X- fpsS Nn- I- fnepw Bi- b- - fnepw Hcm- bp-
jvmew apgph ]cnNbnXpt]mepsmc\p`qXn
kv]in- p- - Xmbn hnjvWp- Z- a\- kn- em- n.-
]pdp temIw Ahcntepam{Xambn Npcpn
bncnpp F tXm-en Ccphcpw aXnad-m
mZnp...kulrZnep]cn \ntfhcpw tIm
\m{KlnpXpt]mse Ah
jv Wp- Z- \pw keo\m lmPpw Cn- tm
Hmsse PohnXnse kPoh KmVm\pcmKn
I- fm- Wv ...!!!
* * * * *
Hcp sshIptcw,
hnjvWpZ kplrptfmsSmw SuWn
kmbm- - k- hmcnnd- n- b- Xm- bn- cp- p..- G- sd- t\cw
XamiI ]dpw s]mnncnpw Ah \Kcs
]pfIw sImnp.ASpsmcp s\v Is^ I
tm AhscmhcpwIqSn AhntSv tNtdn.
IppIpp s]mpIfn B\n\pw kpc
nXXzn\pambn A`bw tXSp Ipcphnpp
sftmse Hmtcmcpcpw Is^ s]mpIfnse
\c Ccpntev IbdnqSn...
hnjvWpZ t^kv_pnse CS\mgnIfn
keo\m lmP-p-ambn ]Xn-hp-kw-`m-j-W-fmcw-
`np.s]smtWmahXv, hon\nv Xncnp
tm A\v cm{Xn Ipnsht Ckpen
hmm A {]
Un tjmpI Cv t\ct ASbvpsa
kqN\ Bscm- stbm ]d- p- tI- n- cp- p.- A- Xp-
sImv F{Xbpw thKandpIXs...
keo\bvv Fv
kt- i- a- bv sXm- Sp apdn- bnencpv Nmv
sNp bqZmkv F kplrnt\mSv Imcyw ]d
bm\mbn AhnsS HmSnssnbtm...
Auv QSnXnbn Log Out sNt Xnc
nembncpp bqZmkv...!!!!
achn a\kpambn Xncnp\Sptm, SmKv
sN- s- SmsXIn S- p hn jv Wp - Z- s
s{]mss^ ]nIv N- dn Ip- \o ]c- p- p- m-
bncpp Atm....
* * * * *
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
ic- Wy.sI
aqmw hj ^nknIvkv
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
kvt\l- ap- - h- sc,
s]mXpkaqlw, {]tXyInv hnZymnkaqlw t\cnSp bm{Xm
{]iv \- s- p- dnv hyXy- kv X- cmb Bfp- I \Inb hyXy- kv X-
amb A`n{]mb R, amKko Sow, \npapn Ah
{]Xyn {]kvXpX {]iv\w {]bmktadnb hnjba Fv
tXmn- tb- mw. A- c- samcp ap[m- c- W- tbm- Sp- IqSn C- c- samcp
ZuXyn\p ]pds Rv e`n ^oUv_mv XnIpw Nntm
o-]Iw Xs-bm-bn-cp-p...!! {]iv\s koW-h-cn-m-\-,
adnv Cv \mw t\cnSp bm{Xm {]iv\n\v sXsmcmizmkhpw
]cnlmchpw CXneqsS Cg-]ncnv ImWnm\mbm R \na
eKncnbnse hnZymnI IrXmcmbn...
CXm R "bm{X' XpScpIbmWv Hw \nfpw...
Aym-]-I-cpsS ImgvNm-Sp-I-fn-eq-sS...
1. {ioaXn Zo]vXn enkvs_v (Unmpsav Hm^v tlmw kbkv,
\naeKncn tImtfPv)
bm{X Hcp {]iv\- sa \ne- bn kao- ]n- t- - Xp- X- s- bm- Wv.
hnZymnIfpsS bm{Xmtin\p {][m\ ImcWw Ah sshIp
t-c-fn kplrptfmsSmw Iym-kn IqSpX kabw
Nnehgnpp FXmWv. _kv Poh\m klIcW at\m`m
htmSpIqSn \nnX ]cn[n hnZymnIsf _kn Ibm Xm
dm- h- Ww.
2. kn tUm. tacnpn AeIvkv (Unmpsav Hm^v Cwo
jv, \naeKncn tImtfPv)
hnZymnIfnSs]v ap]pmbncp {Sm^nIv t]meokv knw
]p\xm]nm Cu sshInb thfbnsenepw ]cn{ianWw.
3. tUm. Sn.sI. sk_my (Unmpsav Hm^v CtWmanIvkv,
\naeKncn tImtfPv)
hnZymnI A`napJoIcnp {]iv\fn bm{Xm {]iv\
tm {]m[m\y-alnp apNne Imcy--fpv. DZml-cW-
n\v Ah t\cnSp Bib]camb Zmcn{Zyw, emv Hm^v {Intb
n-hn-n, aqey-NypXn kw`-hn-p-sIm-n-cn-p hnZym-`ym-kw, ka-b-
{IaoIcWfnse {]iv\ XpSnbh. Cu hnjbn hml
\ku-Icy-apmbnpw Ib-dntmIm hnZymnIfmWv bYm
{]iv \- m.
4. kn B\nb BWn (Un- mp- sav Hm^v ^nkn- Ivk,v
\naeKncn tImtfPv)
\psS taJ-e-bnse \nc-h[n hnZymn-Isf Ib-t _kv
Poh\mcpsS {]iv\ IqSn ]cnKWntXmbpv. hnZymn
Iv A\phZnncnp _kv Ikj NmPv ]p\x]cntim
[nWsamWv Cu Ahkcn F\nv ]dbm\pXv.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
hnZymnI Fp ]dbpp...
1. knRvPp (Hmw hj ^nknIvkv, \naeKncn
tImtf- Pv )
_kpI \npn FXpXsbmWv {][m\ {]iv\w.
hnZymnI\phZn an\naw Ikj Nmv Nne I
IvSam kzoIcnphm Xmdmhpn.
2. Znhy{io (cmw hj ^nknIvk,v \naeKncn tImtfPv)
Hcp _kn Av hnZymnIsf am{Xw F {IaoIcW
n-t\mSv tbmPn-m Ign-bn-. _kp-I-fpsS A]-cym-]vX-Xbpw
ZoLZqcbm{Xbpw Cu {IaoIcWs A{]mtbmKnIampp.
3. kvt\l, klP, {ipXn (cmw hj sIankv{Sn, \naeKncn
tImtfPv )
\nehnep _kv Ikj DNnXamWv. \nnX \ncn
IqSp-X CuSm-p--h-cp-ap-v.
\mp- Im- cpsS h- am- \-
1. \nXn, hnt\jv
{]kvXpX {]iv\n\v ]cnlmcw ImWm R kPoham
bp- m- Ipw.
2. kmhn{Xn
hnZymn- I ImcWw bm{Xm {]iv\w R- sfbpw _m[n-
p- p- v . tImtf- Pp- Ip apnse tmn \nmsX
{]kvXpX tmn \nv AIsebmWv ]e _kpIfpw \np
_kv Poh\m-cn-tev...
tdmjnv (_kv Poh\mc)
kzw {]tZiv hnZym`ymk m]\ Dmbnpt]mepw
cnXm IpnIsf ZqcefntemWv tNpXv. Nne
{]tXy- I- m- ]- \- - fn tNm tPmen Dd- mWv F
[mcWbmhmw CXn\p ]nn. hnZymnIfpsS Ikj XpI
Ipd- hmWv Fv {]tXyIw ]d- tb- - Xn- . an\naw Ik- j
\ncv 50 ss]kbmsWXv Nnnm t]mepw Ignbpn.
cma-N-{ (_kv Poh\mc)
hnZymnIfpsS Ah Rp a\nemhpw. AhtcmSv
tami-ambn s]cpamdpXv AhtcmSp tZjyw sIm, tamiw
tdmUpI, ag, {Sm^nIv tmpI XpSnb {]XnIqemh
I Rpmp am\knI {]bmk sImp am{X
am- Wv. AXp Xncn- - dnv hnZymn- IIqSn kl- I- cn- p- I- bm-
sWn C\p`hnp bm{Xm {]iv\w Hcp ]cn[nhsc ]cnl
cmPohv ( ss{Uh)
hnZymn- Iv Ik- j \Ip- - Xp- sImv _kp-
Ip- m- hp km- nI sRcpw ]cn- l- cn- p- - Xn\v
km _kp- Ip- ta CuSm- p \nIp- Xn- bn Cfhp
\IpI F- XmWv bm{Xm {]iv \- n\v ]cn- lm- c- ambn Rm
ImWp- - Xv .
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
{]Pojv (_pSa)
C-d-bp t]mep bm{Xm-t-i--sfmpw Chn-sS-bp-sv
tXmp-n-, Fm-hpw kzw hml-\--fp-v. hnZymn-I-
fpsS Ctm-gp Ik-j Nmp-I-sf-p-dnv hopw hopw
N- I \S- t Bh- iy- an- . AXv Ipd- hm- sW- Xv Fm-
hpadnbmw. CXn\p]Icw \ NsNtXv ChnSps
tdmUp- I- fpsS timNym- h- - sb- p- dnpw {Sm^nIv kwhn- [m- \- -
fpsS A]-cym]vXXsb Ipdnpw apamWv.
A\q]v (I--IvS)
_kv Poh\mcpsS hnjaXI a\nemmIqSn \n
{ianWw. C{Xbpw tamiamb Hcp sXmgn taJe thsdbn
FmWv Fssbmcp ImgvNmSv.
kwL- S- \- I- fn- te- v.......
hnPnv \oetcn (sI.Fkv.bp. bqWnv {]knUv
\neKncn tImtfPv)
_pImcpsS `mKpam{XamWv sXv F coXnbnep
{]kvXmh\tbmSv Rm hntbmPnpp. hnZymYnI IpdpIqSn
A- S- - tmsS s]cp- am- dn- bm {]iv \w Hcp ]cn[nhsc Ipd-
bvm km[npw. Hcp _n Ap-t]am{Xw F kwhn-
[m\w A{]m- tbm- Kn- I- am- Wv . cmjv {Sob ey- tmsS kao-
]nmsX Ccp ]mn- Ifpw ssItImp- sImv Ccw Hcp
{]iv\spdnv Aht_m[w krjvSnp t]mdpIfpw eLp
teJIfpw _v Poh\mv hnXcWw sNWw.
hn\oXv. ]n. (Fkv.F^v.sF. bqWnv sk{Idn,
\naeKncn tImtfPv)
\psS bm{Xm{]iv\ ]cnlcnm {ianptm
kwLj- - Dm- Im- dp- v. hnZymn- I am{X- amWv {]iv\-
v ImcWw F Xcnep AhcpsS kao]\amWv CXn\v
ImcWw. \ am\yambn s]cpamdnbm Ahcpw Acn
Xs {]XnIcnpw. tImtfPv amt\Pvsan\v BkvXn Dsn
tImtfPv _v kuIcyw GsSpmhpXmWv. AXv {]iv\
]cn- lm- c- am- Ipw.
t{]a Fw (t]meo-kv)
bm{Xm {]iv\w FXv Xobmbpw N sNt hnjbam
Wv. Fmhcpw klIcnm Hcp ]cn[nhsc Cusbmcp {]iv\
n\v ]cnlmcw ImWmw. Cu hnj-b-n GXp Xcnep
{]iv\]cnlmcn\pw tjs\ kao]nmhpXmWv.
C\n \n DWp NnnpI...
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Adp]n\mev Iffnse ]Stbmn
s\mSphn Cy- bpsS A`n- am- \- amb hniz- \m- Y
B\v hopw temI sNkv IncoSw incnten.
djy IebpsS Bm\amb s{Symtmhv Bv
Kmednbn Cy sNkv hopw B\m{ip
AXnthK sNkns Xpcm Xs thK
ta- dnb Xetmdp- ambn Idppw shfppw \nd
If- - fn- eqsS k- cnv Ama- Xpw temI- In- co- S-
n apan- Sptm, Xs _pn- i- nsb
{]mbw XS- hn- em- n- sbp ]d hnai- Ip-
t\sc Hcp sImp]pncn _mnhp.. C{kmtb
ens t_mdnkv sP^Uns\ app- Ip- nv
B\v t\Snb t\w Hmtcm `mcXobsbpw a\kn
ktmjns ]qncnI hmcnhnXdn.
C- h- Ws t]mcmw shp- hnfnbpb
p--Xm-bn-cpp. ]{v dup-Ifp t]mcm--
n BZy Bdp- a- cw ka- \n- e- bn- embn. Ggm-
as acw sP^Uv t\Sn. IncoSw ssIhnp
t]mtbptam F BiI Dbp. Fm
B\ns hncpneqsS ]mtmSnb Icp
ASp- t]mcm- n sP^Uns\ app- Ip- n-
p. 2008 hvfmUnan {Imw\nnt\bpw tXmnv
temI- Nm- y- \m- b B\n s _pn - i- n v
Hcpt]md t]mepw Gnnsv Cu hnPbw sXfn
1969Un-kw-_11\v Xangv\mnse abn-em-p-
Xp ssd F sImp ]- W- n ktX
sdbnth- bn P\- d amt\Pdmb hniz\mY
AcptSbpw kpinebptSbpw aI\mbmWv B\v
P\nXv. 6mw hbn AbmWv sNv IfnbpsS
_me]mT B\n\v ]Ip \InbXv. 13mw
hbn AlZm_mZv \mjW Nmyjnn
Ac- twIpdn B\v dmnUv sNknepw (25
an\pv sKbnw) nv kv sNknepw (Ap an\pv
sKbnw) s]sp Xs IgnhpsXfnbnp. nvkv
sNkn A{KKWy\mb chnslKv sUbvsXnsc
XpSsc 10 sKbnw PbnpsImmWv B\v tZiob
Xen {]ikvXn t\SnbXv.
Bjv\ tPmkv
aqmw hj aebmfw
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
]Xn\mw hbn C \mjW am
dm- bno B\v ]Xn- \mdmw hb- n Cy-
bpsS tZiobNmy\mbn amdn. 1987 temI Pq\n
b IncoSw NqSnb BZys Gjymc\mbn At
lw. ASphjw Xs CybpsS BZy {Kmv
am- dm- bn- am- dnb B\v ]noSv hnP- b- ]- Sn- I
Hsmmbn Nhnnbdn.
B\v ]nn hnPbhgnI
1983 \mj-W k_vPq-\n-b Nmy
1984 C\mj-W am
1985 Cy \mj-W Nmy
(16 hb-v)
1987 temI Pq\n-b sNkv Nmy
1988 {Kmvam-
2000 ^nsU temI _nvkv sNkv Nmy
2003 temI dmnUv sNkvNmy.
2007 temI- Nm- y
2008 temI- Nm- y
2010 temI- Nm- y
2012 temI- Nm- y
Kmcn Imkv ]tdmhv Bhn - jv I- cn
AUzmkvUv sNkn aqpXhW IncoSw t\Snb
GI- Xm- c- amWv B\v . { ]kn - - amb " sNkv
HmkvIm' BdpXhW t\SpIbpmbn. djybpsS
"64' F sNkv amknI 75 cmPyfnse sNkv
teJIscbpw ]{X{]hItcbpw hnaiItcbpw
Dsmn Hcp ]m\- ens klm- tb- tm- sS-
bmWv sNkv HmkvIm \nbnpXv.
FXn ssk\yn\pt\sc B\v Agnp
hn- Sp B{I- a- W- FXn- cm- fnIsf Akv X- {]-
- cm- p- Xmbn ImWmw. Fm AXn- t\m-
sSmw Xs {]Xntcm[nepw \ho\coXnIfn
]cn- Nn- X- \mWv B\- v . Nne ka- b- - fn hfsc
Zpeamb coXnbmsWp hnNmcnp Icp
fpsS \ow- sImv FXn- cm- fn- Isf IpSp- p- Xpw
Ct-l-ns Hcpco-Xn-bm-Wv.
NXp- cw- K- N- {I- hnsb tXSnsbnb
AwKoIm- c- fpw A\- h- [n- bm- Wv . 1985 ImbnI
_lp - a- Xn - bmb APp \ AhmUv . 1987
]Zv a{io.1991 {]Ya cmPohv Kmn tJcXv \,
2000 ]Zva`qj, 2001 kvs]bn\nse emk
tdms km- cns ]c- tam- X _lp- a- Xn- bmb
PmantbmUnHtdm, 2007 cmPys cmas
]c- tam- X knhn- en- b _lp- a- Xn- bmb ]Zv a-
hn`qj (Cu _lp- aXn t\Sp BZy Cy
ImbnI Xmc-am-Wn-t-lw.) XpS-nb _lp-a-Xn-I
B\ns anIhn\v tim`Iqpp. Fm A\
h[n ]ZhnI t\SnIgnsnepw aphtcmSv
hn\bw tNmp t]mImsX s]cpamdp B\v
ImbnIkwkvImcns almb amXrIbmWv.
Ghpw ]pXnb t\n\v tijw B\v
Cs\ ]dp ""]ddnbnm\mhm hn[w
kwLjnembncpp Rm CXv Ahkm\s
Znhkw Hns\map acamWv. Fpw kw`
hnmw Ctm Fsmcmizm- kw.'' t\- - fpsS
hnP- bm- Im- i- n- eqsS ]d- p- b- cp- tmgpw hn\bw
ssIhn- Sm B ]pn- cnpw hmp- Ipw
apn \an- m- - h- cmbn Bcp- v ..!! Cy- bpsS
s\dp- I- bnse s]mXqh- emb Cu NXp- cw- K- N{I-
hn hopw hopw t\- - fpsS ]p
sImSpapSn- I Iog- S- p- - Xn\mbv \ap- v Imn-
The first official World Chess Champion,
Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; the
current World Champion is Viswanathan Anand.
In addition to the World Championship, there are
the Women's World Championship, the Junior
World Championship, the World Senior Champi-
onship, the Correspondence Chess World Cham-
pionship, the World Computer Chess Champion-
ship, and Blitz and Rapid World Championships.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
"hgnhnfpIsf Ahnizknhcpw
\{XfpsS hmeyw \jvSshcpw
AhcpsS Ccp \nd]mXbn
Fs Ispw.'
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
""Fm PohnIfpw Nne PohnIsf `np
hf- cp Ibp w thsd Nn e Pohn Ip
`Wambn ocp Ibp w sNp p FXv
auenIhpw efnXhpamb Hcp {]IrXn \nbaamWv.
{]IrXn hfsc {im]qw ]npScp Hv, Hcp
]t, a\p- jy- \n- se- pXphsc. ap Pohn-
Iv Cc-bmIm-Xn-cn-m a\p-jy InWp
{ian- p- Ibpw henb tXmXn Pbn- p- Ibpw
sNpp. acnXn\ptijamWv, Asn Pohn
n- cn- p- tms tcmK- {K- kv X- \m- Ip- tm,
Ah ]pgp- pw ssat{Im- _p- Ipw `-
W- am- Ip- - Xv . AXp- sIm- v , \ a\p- jysc
kw_nnStmfw thbmSensbpw Ccbmbn
o- c- en- sbpw Ah- - I a\p- jyn- S- bn
Xsbp hyhlmcfpsS hnkvXrXnbntev
hym]n- p- p.''
(B\v, acp`qanI DmIpXv)
IhnXbpsS ajnm{Xw PohnXw Xs.
\cPohn- X- ns ]In- sb- gp- p- I- fmWv
kmlnXy-IrXnI Fp ]d-m Bcpw
\ntj[nntm. kmhtZiobhpw kmhIm
enIhpw kmhP\o\hpamb am\w hlnph
bmWv Da kmlnXy. temInsehn
sSbpw a\pjys Io{KnIsf DtPnn
pXv Htc hnImc-fmW-tm. a\pjym\-
fpsS Imc-Whpw temI-sapw kam-\-amWv. Ic-
bpIbpw NncnpIbpw NnnpIbpw {]hn
pIbpw P\npIbpw acnpIbpw sNp
a\pjys kz]v\fpw DtZzKfpamWv kmln
Xyns kncm]Sev Poht\IpXv.
BZnIhnbpsS timIw tmIambn ]cnW-an
Xn\p \nan- - am- bXv Adpw sIme- bm- sW- - dn- bm-
hc \mamcpw (timIa, t{Im[amWv tmI
ambsXv sI.]n. A). cmambWhpw alm`mc
Xhpw bpfpsSbpw sImeIfpsSbpw IY ]d
bp- - h- bm- Wv . Ah- sbm- sbpw [akwm]-
\mw Ac- t- dnb ipn- I- e- i- - fm- sWp
thWw kam- [m- \n - m. ]p cm- W- - fp sS
]p\hmb\ sImpw ]pcmW IYm- ]m- {X- sf
aphn[nIfnmsX kao]npXp hgnbpw hyXy
kvXamb hniZoIcWw Cu Imcyn ssIsm
m Ignbpw (DZm. kv{XoPn- X- \- m {ioPn- X-
\m- bn cmh- Ws\ Ah- X- cn- n- p kn. F.
{ioIWvT\mb; kptbm[\\mbn amdnb Zptcym
[\s\ hoc\mbI\mp `mks "Ducp`wKw'
inhmPn kmhns IW)
^m.tPm_n tP_v
aebmf hn`mKw
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
GXm-bmepw [am-[a- Xn-ep Gp-
apepw \bpsS BXynI hnPbhpamWv ]pcm
hr sXmv Dcm[p\nI IeI hsc {]ta
b- am- Ip- - Xv.
Dugnbn sNdnbhdnbpamd,v `qanbnse \n
lmb a\pPsc A`nkwt_m[\ sNbvXv cNns
cmaNcnXw sXmv ]cnnXn ZfnXv kv{Xo]
Ihn- X- I hsc Hcp kqv am- h- tem- I- \- n\v
apXnm \ap- smcp Imcyw hy- amIpw. Cu
Ihn-X-I Hmtcm-n-sbpw A[mc Poh-\mWv
a\pjysbpw arKfpsSbpw {]IrXnbpsSbpw
{]]--n-sbpw Poh.
IemKW- \- Ipw km{- Zm- bnI \nba N-
p w Ap - dv Dd- sh- Sp p hf
\mtSmSn mp - Ifp w a\p - jy- Po- hn X Km\- -
fmbncptm. Xmcm- p- ]m- p- I, Irjn- m- p- I,
kv {XoXz- ns inbpw A[n- Imc h- ns
tXmymkfpw BhnjvIcnp Km\, D
h- - fp- sSbpw NSp- I- fp- sSbpw hnh- c- W-
\nd ]mpI . . . Chbnsems XpSnp \np
Xv P\XbpsS PohnXXmfamWv.
ka{K PohnX kv]inbmb XojvW `mhtfm,
a\p-jys Iotcm, DtZz-K--tfm, DXvI-WvT-Itfm,
`bm- i- - Itfm, \jv S- t_m[ ]oU- I- tfm, Bm-
hns\ {Kln- p timI- tfm CmsX kaq- l-
nse D]cnXense Ia\ncXam \a]qcn
X-amb tam-fn-Isf Bhn-jvI-cn (eoem-h-Xn,-a-
ebmf IhnXm kmlnXyNcn{Xw) aWn{]hmf Ihn
X- Isf C- c- n A]- hm- Z- - fmbn ImWmw.
Fnepw Ahbnepw PohnXnsbpw Pohsbpw
{]k- cnpw {]km- Z- hp- amWv Xpfpn \np- X.v
]pcmW IYm k`s B[m- c- am- n- b- Xm- sW-
nepw \f-N-cnXw \c-N-cn-X-am-sW--Xn Bpw
X- an- . {]mNo\ Ihn- {Xbw ]pcm- W- - fnse
PohnXka- c- n \npw B[p- \nI Ihn- {Xbw
X- fpsS PohnX ]cn- kc- n \np- w Imhy
k`- Is- n.
"Nmb- tm- nse sImSp- mv ' (kp- Ip- am Ago-
tm- Sv ) am{X- am- bn- cp ZznXobmc{]mk- hm-
Zns Ime- L- - n\p tijw ae- bmf IhnX
\qX\ imZze enI Iog-Sn`mj-bnepw {]ta
bnepw cmPcmPhbpsS "aebhnemkw' (1895)
sXmv Bims "hoW- ]qhv ' (1907) hsc- bp
ImeLw- hn- c- lw, ac- Ww, \iz- cX apX- emb
PohnX {]ta- b- sf Ihn- X- bn Bhn- jv I- cnp.
Bim, Dq, htm FnhcpsS alm Ihn
Xzn\v \nZm\w BNmcy ZWvUn \njvIjn alm
Imhy e- W- tm- Sp {]Xn- _- Xb. adnv
an Pohn- p a\p- jys {]iv \- fmWv .
]pcmW IYm]m{Xsf B[p\nI Ihn{Xbw Pohn
nXv B[p\nI kmlNcynsbmWv.
Pn.]n._memaWnb, Npg, sshtemnn,
hbem, Anw, Hfa, ImSv, IS\n,
H. F. hn. . . . . . PohnXw cXnbpsS, am\hnIX
bpsS, t\cns, AlnwkbpsS, XymKPohnXns
IhnIfmbv {]tim`nphcmWv Chscms.
B[p-\n-I-X-bpsSbpw D-cm-[p-\n-I-X-bp-sSbpw
Imhy {]]nemWv Alnwkmhncphpw Pohn
tXm-p-J-hp-amb {]ta-b--fpsS hnf-c \ntbm-K-
tmsS ae- bmf IhnX in- bmPn- - Xv . bp-
fpw ]nWnbpw cmjv{Sob \riwkXbpw hKob
kwLjfpw ]p A[n\nthi-fpw {]Ir
XnbpsS hnem]fpw kv{XoIfpsS ZpcnXfpw Ihn
Isf {]hmNIcpw {]Xntj[nIfpamn.
"Ihn Ejn- bmWv, a\p- jy- cp- sSsbmw NnIn- -
I' Fv Iokv ]dp. a\pjykaqlns
h-am-\-`m-hn-Isfpdnv ZoL-Zi\w \S- p-
Ibpw ]Ww sImpw ]w sImpw apdn-th
a\pjys\bpw {]IrXnsbbpw BizknnpIbpw
te]\w \IpIbpw sNpp.
tv Hcp _ptUm- k- dmbnncp- tm,
AXn s\ {]Xn - tcm- [n - p ]c- k- l{kw Ic-
smw IhnXbpw XtXmb ]p \nhln
ptm, AXv kl-{kIc tim`bmPnpp(
H. F. hn. ]cnnXnhnXIfpsS AhXmcnI
PohnXns t\mh kzcq]
eW \nW- b- n ]mkv amv e`n
BZy t\mh (CpteJ)apX ]pXnb eW
t\mh kmln- Xy- n\p \ev Ip D- cm-
[p\nI t\mhepI hsc A]{KYnpI Fmw
a\pjyIYmNcn{XfmWv. a\ptjymNnXambn a\p
jysc Pohn-m-\-\p-h-Zn-m, `mhnsb `qX-tem-
I- n- tev henpapdp- p hn]- coX PohnX
Zi- \- n- s\- Xn- sc- bp \ne- ]m- SmWv Cp- te- J-
bpsS A[mc. t\mhepIfn [mam[a
- fpsS Gp- ap- - ep- Ifpw B almkw`- h- - fpsS
Nph- n- eqsS \op Ffnb Pohn- X- fpw \mw
ImWp- p. Pohn- X- ns bYm- X- Y- - fmb Bhn-
jvIm-c--fp-ambn XI-gnbpw tIi-htZhpw _jodpw
IS- p- h- cpp. hn i- n s \o- en - \n - S- bn epw
PohnXmthins XosmcnI AhcpsS IYm
]m{X-fpsS IpIfn ImWmw. ASp Lw
lrZbns hnins IY ]dbp t\mhepI
fmWv. Fw.Sn.bpw am[hnpnbpw s]cpShpw Ah
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
X- cn- n- p Pohn- X- kv t\l- \ncmka\p- `- hn-
p Hs lX`mKycptSXmWv.
A\n h- N- \o- bhp w AhymtJybhp - amb
AkvXnXz ZpxJ--fm s\m-cs-Sp B[p\nI
a\pjycpsS Nn{X \psS a\kn aqtbmsS
tImdn- bn hnP- b\pw apIp- \pw Im- \m- S\pw
B\pw \s Cpw \onppv. ]cnnXnbpw
Zfn- X\pw kv{Xobpw \ne- hn- fn- p D- cm- [p- \nI
t\mh-ep-I-fn \Kcw \c-I-am-Ip-p-v. Imf-Iq-S-hy-
h-km-b-fpw cmjv{So-bhpw hK-t_m-[hpw {]Ir-
Xn-sbbpw a\p-jy-s\bpw hnj-en]vXamp L-
n cNnsSphbmWv Cu t\mhepI "Hcp
ZfnXv bph- Xn- bpsS IZ\IY', "FaIsP', "BSp-
PohnXw', "ZlnKmYI'.
sNdp-(a-\p-jy) IY-I
hoc- I- Y- Ifpw arK- I- Y- Ifpw ]pcm- hr- - fpw
sIpIYIfpw bnYIfpw sas\ Hcp IYm
]m- c- - cy- ns Iymhm- kn- emWv ]sm- Xmw
\qmv sNdpIY krjvSnXv. a\pjy Fgppw
hmb-\bpw ]Tn-p--Xn\p apt IY-I Bcw-`n-
p. kmcXbvpapt IYbpmbncpp, Pohn
X- ap- m- bn- cpsw. B[p- \nI Ime- ns
krjvSn-bmWv sNdp-IYsbp ]d-bp-tm B[p-
\nIXbpsS {]tabfpw koXIfpw AXns
cq]oIcWn ]phlnpshv A\pam\nmw.
KuchclnXamb {]tab-fpw apgp \pW-Ifpw
sImv ]Sphn BZyIme sNdpIYIfn \nv
kaImenI IYI Gsd ]ptcmKannpv. kmt
XnIXzhpw imkv{Xo-b-Xbpw hnj-b-nepw cN\m
Iu- ienepw AXn- {]- kcw \S- p- tm
sbpw sNdpIYbpsS t\cns am\ZWvUw am\p
jnI{]iv\fmWv. IhnXbpsSbpw t\mhensbpw
hfbnset]mse IYmNcn{Xns \mhgn
Ifnepw {itbamb Imcyw AXns PohnXm`nap
Jy- am- Wv .
bnYIfnepw \pWYIfnepw XpSn ASn
aXza\p`hnp \mSnsbpw AhiXIfpsS IY
\- n- eqsS hfv H- s- Sp P- - fp- sSbpw
kvt\l \ncmkfpsSbpw s\mc tcJs
Spn, AkvXnXzZpxJhpw A\yhcWhpw ]p
hv kmln- Xy- N- cn- {X- n \op- \n- hp h
sNdpIY Cv hfsc Kuch]qhamb bmYmy
sf kwh-ln-pp. {]]--ns {]Xn-k-n-
I apX ASp- - f- bnse tX- ep- I hsc,
Hmtkm hnepI apX cmjv{Sob \riwkX
I hsc A[nXs kS hsc IYIv
D]- kw- lmcw
Ck- - p - dhp w Ck- n - p - dhp w
kmlnXyw PohnXw Xs- bm- Wv . imkv {X- tem- I-
nepw kmaq- lnI Pohn- X- nepw ]cn- Wm- a-
kw`hntm kmlnXytemInepw henb hn
h \Sp. t]mhndoentbm F {^p Nn
I \n co- n - p - Xp t]mse KXmKX
hnhw(Transportation Revolution), t{]j- W- hn-
hw(Transmission Revolution), ]dn- p- \- So
hnhw(Trasplantation Revolution) FnhsImv
PohnX\neIfnepw kmaqlnI Xefnepw henb
am- fmWv \S- n- p- - Xv. amdnb Cu kml- N- cy-
sfsbmw s\dntbmsS A`nkwt_m[\ sNp
XmWv Da kmlnXyw.
cmjv {Sob Iem- ]- fpw B[n- Im- c- sh- dn- bpsS
lnwkm- hn- [n- Ifpw ]mn- IfpsS sIme- sh- dn- Ifpw
sImv aen- \- am- Ip \psS A- co- - - fn
kmlnXytNX\bpsS ]pWy\ntbmK hncmaan
msX ^en- - s. Pohs Imhm- cm- Im\pw
sIme- sh- dn - Isf A\p- tim- Nn - m\pw timIw
(t{ Im[w) tmI- am- m\pap Zn hy ZuXyw
A\yw\np t]mIcpXv.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Those liquor drops
Have given birth to a fathomless sea
That is made up of the tears of a mother
The dream and gleam of a babys birth
The blood and food of her motherhood
The hope and scope of her maternal milk
The glow and flow of her eternal love
The throe and throb of her fecundity
The theme and stream of her sweet lullabies
All are drowned in the
Fathomless sea of her tears.
III DC English
Something still blank
Mind again gets painted black
Owned broken dreams only
Hopes someone may stumble across.
Am I betrayed by love?
The answer gets stuck in my throat
Just want to scream.
But no more tears to shed
I only want back my gifts
To weep and laugh for you.
That alone is enough
That alone
Hardly in search of new theme
May someone give colour to life?
Hopes rule on behalf of me,
Lives in the darkness still
Really I am pensive,
Even my shadow betrays me.
Neepa Mukund
II DC Homescience
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Imew..... icthKn AXns {]bmWw
XpS-cp-tm a\-kns ac-n-bn \npw Nnd-
Ip- ap- f {]Xo- - tbmsS Hcp ]p temI-
tbvv ]d- p- b- h- cmWp \n. ]cm- P- b-
n - sbpw hn P- b- n - sbpw cpNn - t`- Z-
Adnv, PohnXns hnhn[ taJeIfn hnl
cn- p- - h!
Hcp ]Xn- m- n- \n- pdw Ign- - Im- e- ns
sImgn- p- Xp- S- nb kv acW- I s]dp- n- q- n
]p-h kulr-Z-fpw ktm-j-fpw Hms-
Sp- phm Hcn- IqSn Cu Iym- kn.....
ktm- j- pw s\Sp- hop- Ip- an- S- bn
hp- ho- gp tPmkm- dns hmN- I- . . . .
Acw An- bmWv v , Bth- i- tmsS ]Ip-
I- p An! hj- n- pdw sabv amk-
q aphncn B CS\mgnIfpw ivaim
\- aq- I- X- bn- empInS- p Iymkpw Fpw
Hm- bn- ep- m- bn- cp- p......
s\Sp-\o-f hcm-bpw Iymkv Ipkr-Xn-I
Bkq- {XWw sN- s- Sp knap s_p- I
hm hmI- a- c- p- hSpw {]W- b- k- m- ]-
ssIam-dp CS-\m-gn-Ifpw kulr-Z- BtLm-
jnp Imo\pw Fmw AXpt]mseXs......!
Hcp amw Fp ]d- bm..... Ah.....!! Iym-
kns Fm XpSnpIfpw Ah Adnncpp.
app XWhncnp \np Bacns
aa- c- pw hmI- a- c- nse ]qpw Cfw
Imn\pw Ahs\ Adnbmw.....
Htc mkn Hcp- anp ]Tn- - h..... mkn
FXnep]cn tImtfPn apgph kv]\ambn
amdn- b- h.....buh- \- ns {]k- cn- p- I XpSn-
p ka-c--fnepw bph-Xz-ns BtLm-j--
fnepw am{Xw HXpn\nncp Xs PohnXs
Hcp ]p temItbvv ssI]nSnp \Sn
b-h!! ]e-tmgpw sImSpw hg-n Iem-in-m-
dp {]I-S\-fn Ccp-Iq--cp-sSbpw a[y-\-
mbn hn- p- - h.... Ahs aW- a- S- p
Imv..... Fmnepapv Ahs kmao]yw....!!
Nnd- Ip- ap- f kz]v \- Cubmw ]m- I- sf-
t]mse Nnd- I- p- ho- gpXp \nkw- K- ambn t\mn-
\nm am{Xw hn[nsh.......
{]Wbnsbpw kulrZnsbpw temI
fn apgpIn \Shp apn Hcp tNmZyNn
- am- bn- cpp Ah..... bmYm- n- XnI lnp- Ip-
Spw_nse GI BXcn. sP\nIv Fn\o
dnwKv F tamlhpambn Iymkntebvv IS
Hmw hj aebmfw
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
ph-\m apX apIpnIfn \npw XnIpw
hyXy-kvXs\v A[ym]-Icpw IpnIfpw H-Sw
]dXv Chs\nbmbncpp......
tImtf- Pn ]pXnb s{Sp- I DS- se- Sp- p-
ImeLambncppshnepw buh\nSbn
hmIyw FXpt]mse AhbvnSbn Ah
EXp- amdn amdn ]pWtmgpw B Iym-
kn Fpw \ndw am Hm- bmbn Ah
Cpw.... Hcp imkv{X\mbn tPmensNWsa
Ahs tamlw ]qp- X- fn Cu Iym- kn
amscmfpw Xs a\knemnbXv Ah\mbncp
p. Xs t\mnepw `mhnepw a\kn hnn
sm- p s\m- c- Ah Adn- n- cp- p.
Zmcn{Zy- n- sbpw Ijv S- m- Sp- IfpsSbpw \Sp- hn
Un{Kn]T\w ]qnbmm IgnbmsXhcpw F
kml- N- cy- n Xmpw XpW- bp- ambn \nXpw
X\nv klmbI\mbXpw Ah\mbncpp......
HmaI IqSnbmw \Sp Cu Iemebap
v kulr- Z- ns hk- - Imew BtLm- jn
Zn\ HcnqSn XncnpInnbncpsn....
Aht\msSmw PohnXw BtLmjnm Igns
s]mp Hma- I- fn \np- ap- Ws- Wov
hopw Hcp- Xn- cn- p- t]mv .... hj- n- pdw
Imew \ndw sISpnb cq]! EXpt`Zsm
Sphn Imew Xebn shbpSpn tImamfnI!
CS-bvnsS Iymkv Pohn-X-ns Krlm-Xp-cXz
kvacWbpbm Ah\pw..... Ign PohnXw...
Xm hqPyambncpnt.... Ah\n\npw t\Sn
bXpw ]TnXpw Xm A{itbmsS XnbpS ]fp
p]m{Xambn t]mbnt?
Un{Kn- ]- T\w ]qn- bmn ]ncn- bp- tm
tXmfnXn hnP- bm- iwk t\cp- tm hopw
ImWm- sa ip`- {]- Xo- - bpsS \nem- i- I- e-
Ahs IpIfn ImWmambncpp. HmaIp
ta Ipan- p- Iq- Snb hmev aoIw IpS- s- dnv
kulrZns ]gbhgnbneqsS adhnbpsS Np
N- h- dp- I Xqp- amn k- cn- m XpS- n- bn- cn-
pp Xs a\kv....
]v hjfpsS CS- th- f- bv sm- Sp- hn Cu
Xncp- ap- - s- n- b- Xns k- tm- jhpw Krlm- Xp- c-
Xz- kv a- c- W- Ip- samw Ipd- p- t\- c- t- bv s-
nepw a\:]qw Ahs\ adp.....
A, Pohn-X-bm-{X-bn ]mtY-b--fmbn IqsS-
bpmbn- cp KpcpXzw Xs AXn\v t{]cn- np
Fp thWw ]dbm.... Kpcp`qXv apn ]cm
P- b- s Xs PohnXpcp \nhp- tm
thZ\ \nd Ahs apJw Hgn- tImWpI-
fnepw Nph- cp- I- fnepw Xm Ip.... Xm am{Xw
hml\m]ISn akvXnjvIacWw kw`hnv
saUn- tImtf- Pn InS- p- tmgpw Ahs
apJs B ]gb \nbZmUyw amncpn....
sP\nv Fn\obdnwKns AZriyt^mapeI
{]]nept]nv Ahs XWen Pohnn
cp Cu Cnnsb `qanbn X\nsbhnv
ac- W- an- m thZ- \- bn- m ]p temI-
tbvv Ah ]d--I-tm apX Xm ]cm
PbspXpSn.... Rm Ah\mbncpp Fv Xncn
-dn-hp-m-bXpw Atm-gmWv.....!
aIs m\pIv hnZym`ymkw ]qnbm
m klmbn Ahs amXm]nXm.... Pohn
X-bm-{X-bnsehn-sStbm Ahscbpw ssIhn--tm
apn Ahtijn iq\yX.... Cu iq\yX ChnsS
\ndw anb tImtfPv sInSnse mkvapdnbnepw
hcm- - I- fnepw....! ]d- bm ad- Xpw \Im-
_mnbmbXpamb kulrZw ]mXnhgnbn Dt]
n v Ah AI- - tm Pohn - X- n se
bmYmy- ]cp- - \m- sWv Xm Xncn- - dn-
bm XpSpIbmbncpp.
hm- Iy- nsen \np Pohn- nse
{]Xo--Ifpw kz]v\-fpw s\m-c-fpw Ah-\p-
thnam{Xambncppshp Xm Xncndnbpp.
""F\nbvv ag-bm-IWw
\odnpIbp \nnse I\sISpm
apIn- em- IWw
hncln thZ\ Xncndnbm
IS- em- IWw
kzbw iq\yXbpsS ]mTw ]Tnm
shbn- em- IWw
\nnse Pohs\ DWm...''
kulr- Z- ns AXv Yw Ah- \n- eq- sS- bmWv
Xm\dnXv.... HmaIfpsS ]pkvXImfpIfn
Ah au\n s]mXnv kqn hcnI.....
Ign- - Im- e- ns Hma- I aS- n-
Iym-knt\mSv aqIamb `mj-bn bm{X ]-dv
Imdn Ib- dp- tm Ccp- fp- p- m- bn - cpp
Iymkv .....
Hma-I-fpsS hmevaoIw hopw hp s]mXnbpw
Un{Kn- ]- T\w ]qn- bmn ]ncn- bp- tm...
tXmfnXn hnP- bm- iwk t\cp- tm... hopw
ImWm- sa ip`- {]- Xo- - bpsS \nem- i- I- e-
Ahs IpIfn ImWmambncpp. HmaIp
ta Ipan- p- Iq- Snb hmev aoIw IpS- s- dnv
kulrZns ]gbhgnbneqsS adhnbpsS NpN
hdpI Xqpamn kcnm XpSnbncnpp
Xs a\kv....
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Acapp\nv Pphss\
tlmans ]SnIbdptm
Ahs a\kn ]mm]ns
angn\o s]mgnpthm...?
\oXna{n\p apnepw Ah\Xv Bhnp:
F\nnjvSw Fs am{Xw...
A-c-ap-s Ifn-q-p-Im-cs\
sImm Ah\p t{]cWbmbXv
dmwt_m kn\naItfm...?
Av...- A- h- [n- m- e- m- kn
_lfw hhcpsS t]scgpXnbXns\
pSp-mb Xw..
a\xkmnsb \Spnb Cu kw`hw
FhntSmWv hncNqpXv...?
XI _meyw..
A Asb Dt]np..
ApsXmv apemens Ibvv
Ah\n In\np...
A-bpsS iIm-c-nepw X-enepw
im]-h-N-\--fnepw Ah hfp.
Bcmepw {insSmsX,
PoWn Npp]mSn...
CXp ]d-bp-tm Ahs
BscbmWv \mw i]ntXv?
Ipn- tb- tbm...?amXm- ]n- Xm- - sf- tbm...?
cmw hj KWnXw
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
AWnbdbn Nnensbpw Xemfn]nsbpw
Inepw. Xncpapv Ianbpw Anncnb\pw "`KhXn
bpsS' Fgpns\ kz]v\w IpsImv Btctbm
{]Xo- n- n- cn- mWv . `- P- \ H- bmbpw Iq- ambpw
hp- sIm- n- cn- p- p. Nsbmw kPo- h- am- Wv, hf- - S,
Ifn- m- - S XpSn Hcp a\p- jym- bp- kn Fsm- s-
thtWm AsXms Hmtcm IS- bnse Ae- am- c- bnepw
\qentaepw XqnInSpIbmWv. Hcp `mKv tImem
c ]mbhncnv apJsgpn\mbn InSncnbmWv. `K
hXnbpsS apJw a\kn [ym\nv tamlt\ Nmbneyw,
a\tbme Fnh sNnan\pnb CunsImv s]cp
h- ms apJv Fgp- Xm XpSn. I- Sv InS- p
Is]cphm IgnImea{Xbpw `KhXnbpsS Xncp
ap- Sn- bp- b- cp- Xv a\- kn Ip. Cu hjhpw X\n- Xv
`wKnbmbn Xs \nhlnm IgnbWta Fs Xp
Xncp- ap- v `K- h- Xn- bpsS m\- n- \- cnsI ]oThpw
Acnbpw ]pShbpw ]ghpw hnfpw Invshv `KhXn
bpsS Fgpn\v th Hcp sNbvXpsImn
cnbmWv Imcy-mc. tZhkzw Hm^o-kn \npw Adn
bnpI CSbvnsS hpsImncnbmWv. \dpsSpv
dn_n- \.- Fw.sI
aqmw hj aebmfw
"Xncpapv `KhXnbpsS m\n
\- cn sI ]oThpw Acn bpw ]pShbpw
]ghpw hnfpw Inv shv `K- h- Xn-
bpsS Fgpn\v th Hcp
sNbvXp- sIm- n- cn- - bmWv Imcy- m- c.
`K- hXn
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
hnhchpw cm{Xnbnse Iem]cn]mSnIfpw. `P\
sXdns Hmtcm aqebnepambn m\w Ddnncn
bmWv. tImssekpw, t]sskpw, _eqWpIfpw Ipn
IfmsI ]mdn]-dv \SpIbmWv.
GItZiw ]paWntbmsS apJsgpv Ignp
Is]- cp- h- m hm- m- Sn- bn Xs apJw
ImWpIbmWv. an\pp]Wnt]mepw shSnmbn Ignn
cnbmWv. C\n tapmbhpw aWnbev, NqSIw,
Xemfn, Nnev Fns\bp AbpsS BSbm`
cW Hmtcmmbn FSpWnp. Xte Znhks
shmn\v tijw Xn Fsmstbm am
hncnbmWv Fpw AXv Fn\pthnbmsWpw
AdnbmsX a\kn sXfnbpIbmWv.
AWnbdbn km[\ HcppXn\pw BNmc
{]Imcw ampambn Fnb hmnbpw Xs tPmen
\mbnXs \nhlnppv. AhdnbmXmbn
Hpw Xsbn. aq ImcWhmbn sXmcs\
A\p- {K- lnv Xncp- ap- - tv ]dbp- p. Xncp- ap-
v apSnshm\p Bcw`ambn sNm XfpsS
tPmen Bcw- `n- p. tXmw Bcw- `n- p- I- bmbn, hc- hn- fn-
tmw, BZyw tImemc\pw ASp]mZw Cemfw
]nSn ]cnIanbpw IqSn Hnp]mSpp. `KhXnbpsS
Ncn - {X- amWv ]mSp- X. v Fhn - sS- sbmw hkn - p-
pshpw ]mSnpSpp....
tXmns Ahkm\ ]mZamIptm XncpapSnbp
bcpIbmbn hmZytaf apdpInhcpp. `KhXn Xncp
apv DdmSpIbmbn. IqsS kXklNmcnbmbn
_qcm\pw. NphSpshpXn\v Hnv ImcWhcpw IqSp
p. hen- b- ap- Sn- bp- tan Xncp- ap- v \npw ]oT-
nta Ibdn Nph- Sp- sh- n- dn Iptmfw t]m
]SnI HmSnbdpIbmWv `KhXn........
Hmtcm m\pw sNv Acnbpw ]qhpw Cv hopw
Xncp-ap--sn apSn Agn-p-p. sNdnb apSn-bp-ambn
t\bvncnpIbmbn. `P\ {]kmZw hmm
\mbn ISpsNptm Xm hmgp m\-fpsS
t]cv]dv `tcmSmbn....
""amXmhv Imtm-fpw......
amXmhns kan Fmhcpapv......
amXmhns\ hnfnm amXmhphcpw.............
ASn-p-X-fnbpw ipnbpwIgnv
kymZo]w hv amXmhns\
hnfn- p- ptm.......... At......''
Is]cphm amXmhmbn aqZmhn a{]
kmZmhpw \In inckn sXm\p{Klntm \nd
bp Ip\o AWn - b- d- bn Ah- km\w Nn e-
gnptmgpw ImWp-p-m-bn-cp-p.....
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Once my t eacher t old me
Even if you can see a f lower in t he gar den
You cannot see a beaut if ul lady t here
A poet can see a lady
Inst ead of a f lower
To get t his answer
One day, I went t o see a poet
I put f or war d my doubt
He t old me
To see a lady in t he garden
First you should love a gir l
Some days af t er I f ell in love wit h a gir l
That day, I went t o my garden
In t he place of f lower s I saw my
Lover s face.
Anot her day my t eacher t old me t hat
Famous per sons t ell " Quot at ions"
I wonder ed why I can' t t ell t hat
To get t his answer I went t o
See a per son
But all gr eat per sons had alr eady died
So I t ook t heir books t o r ead
I under st ood t heir gr eat per sonalit y
How t hey lived as poor
They dif f icult ies t hey exper ienced in lif e
So I r ealised t hat lif e is an Exper ience
Even t his poem came out t hr ough
M y Exper ience.
I DC English
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
]d- bm- \p- - Xv ...
km- ]- c- amb iq\yX A\p- `- h- s- - tm- gmWv
AnWn AXpXocpam\nXv, Hcp IYsbgpXWw....
ASpn Xnfp Xqhnsmncnp Acntbm ]mXn
hgnbn Dt]n aptam Ahv Fgpn\tm XS
- am- bn- .
Hc- Sp- - f- m- cnv IY- bp- m- Iptam F Bi
\nfpsS In Ft]mse ]ScpXv Rm ImWp
Wp- v .
Nnetm \nfoYsb amdmeNqept]mse Ccpn
Hcp aqebntev Xntbmw. Fmepw Ipgan. Bh
iymcnv HuNnXyw th.
\ndnbmtam F\nv Hpan Znhkhpw XeI
dw hcpw. ASp--f-bn ]m{X-p Nppw HmSp-tm
Ipn-Ip Nppw Xe-t\w hne-t\w h-nepw \S-
ptm hngpphmS hanp hkv{Xfpambn Idp
tmgpw Rm hogm-dp-v.
Atm- sgms Bsc- n ep w hv
apJv ImSn- shw Xfn- p- Itbm Dt-
cnv Acnp shnen tN\jW
- fn - tev Xe- ]q- gv n - h- bv p- Itbm
sNpw.t_m[w hcp Rm hopw
sNmdn- n- ens AI- - Sn- bn app
IpanpIn- S- p alm- KWnCeIfqsS
Bg- - fn - tev Nq en s\ ]mbn - p w.
Ans\ Hcn IpIdn ASpf
pacn XeNmbvncnp Fs t\sc
hnq- n- ]m- n- s\- t]mse hp Nfp- nb
NpIw Fn.
Cu NpIsn Hcp hmv...
IgnbmgvN honse bPam\ h
tm sKbvp Xpdm Aev]w Xmakn
Xn\v Atlw, Fs IogvmSn Dwhv
CSnp. B CSnbpsS {]XnbnSn Fan
ASp- - f- bn- tep Ib- dnb Rm Bcpw
ImWmsX Ae- am- c- bn an\p- an- \p- tmsS
Ccp Cu NpIsaSpv AcIns ]cp
]cpntev BSnp. HXp ]dbmtm
Atcs tZjyn\p sNbvXXm. AXp
kXyw ASn ]cmXn Xom\mWv NpIw
hcp-sXp hnNmcn F\np sXn.
NpIn\p ]nn sImgt]mb No\n
n, hSS aon, Fa Ipp
Ip- p- Ip- gn- I- fp Aep- an- \nb In-
ew, Dcpphv HmbS ]nSnbnm
ov, \qUnkn apbnSm A]
cm[n\v Hcp ]pt]mb t^mv, Nmb
d]nSn omkv ChbpsS ]nmse
annnfp ]pXp]p o]m{X
. Chscmcpw ImUp ]nSnv Fs
apn hp \np.
C\n- ta- en \n- fpsS tZjyw R-
fpsS ta Xo- cpXv Cf- n- tIm- cn- sb-
Spv Fdn- p- I- f- bpw. thn- h- m
tUm. Zo]m amXyp
aebmf hn`mKw
"\n- dn- bmtam F\nv Hp- an
Znhkhpw XeIdw hcpw. ASpfbn
]m{X- p Nppw HmSp- tm Ipn-
Ip Nppw Xet\w hnet\w h
nepw \S- p- tm hngp- p- hmS han-
p hkv {X- - fp- ambn Id- p- tmgpw
Rm hogmdpv.'
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
bqWn- bs\ CS- s]- Spn s]mnp ]pdpNm-
Snpw''. Iq- n tIa- \mb Xhn sXv sRfn-
thmsS ]dp.
ASpfmcn \oXn]menpI
D]{Zh \nempI
IqSp- X D]- I- c- W- hmn R- fpsS
tPmen-`mcw Ipd-bvp-I.
Xnfw \jv S- s- Sm- sXbpw t]md- ep- I hogm-
sXbpw kqnpI.
ap{Zm-hm-Iy-i_vZw t\p-t\p h-tm
sh- Ip- Sw- ]p- fn- bpsS aW- tmsS aon {]kw-
"" {]nb ASpf kplrpsf......
\app t\sc-bp AXn-{I-a-sf Fp-hn-e-
sImSppw FXntXmWv.... Dqe\w sNt
- Xm- Wv . Imep- tX- nb Nqens\ Nqn Nn-
]dp. C\n Cu kplr- n\v ]d- bm- \p- Xp
CunepIsf ]oent]mse hnSn sNfn]p
c kzcn ]dp
ap- ns AXn- cp- I- fn Ce- sIm- gn- bp ac-
\p- ]n- Sn- n- - cp- Xv . ]n ]m Fn- hsb
sImmt\m N- ar- K- sf tImcn- sb- Sp- mt\m
Fs D]tbmKncpXv.
AanX D]- tbm- Kw \nanw \Sp- h- fv Imep-
I tXv ASp]dntesdnbptm \n
tfmWw \msfbnXpt]mse \nfpw........ ]v^
Nqte.......... Fv Bnbncpm shnsbnepw
Iqmb B{I- aWw DmIp- sa- tm- tm
tZjyw hnbp- Xp- n- I- fmbn Cn- p- - XmWv
_pn Fs\np tXmn.
""tZ Hcp Imcyw {]tXyIw {in-Ww i-
cbpw tXbpw tN NnItfm hrnsI hgp
ep hmpItfm ASpfbn IpSnScpXv
\n-fXv ]pd-p sXnIpgnbntem NmW-I
p-gn-bntem Ia-gvp-I''.
AIsamw s]mnbSv Icn\Sn tns
hmpIsf ljmchtmsSbmWv aph FXn
tcXv. Xs hmbvabpsS apIfn Fmhcpw IqSn
]pgpnb Nncn km\ntm Rm AhnsSbpw
A\y- bm- bn.
Fs ]pfnbpw Dpw a[pchpw Hbnm Cf
epw hymI- c- W- an- m Xnf- - ep- Ifpw C\n
Fs\? BtcmSv? Fn- s\ B\njvTm- ]- c-
amb At\zj-W-ns HSphnemWv IYsb-gpXm
ASp- n- en- cpv shw- h- nb tNmdv sNdnb
sNdnb s]mtemSpIqSn Xs tZjyw Adnbnp
AsXmpw Ku\nmsX IYbpsS XpSn
\pthn Rm ]pIp.
]v ]v Fp XpS-ptm? AtXm Cp
cmhnse Fp XpSptm. ^en cpw Hm
sWnepw Nne hmb\mcpmhpw AIp mhp
]nSn hmInnt]mse. AXpsImv ]p ]v
Fp XpSmw.
"" ]p ]v Hcp hon anp Fp t]cp
Hcp X-bp-m-bn-cp-p....''
tZ, bPam\s hn hp. tKpXpdn, ap
aSnn, Inhmn Dtcn Iqm Hpapm
n- bn- .
app NnX- dn- n- S- p Icn- bn- e- I- fn- tev
Ip- I- dn Ah hoWp. IY- bm- Is Bcpw
Ip]n- Sn- m- Xn- cn- m- \mbn sXmSp a]p- n-
semfnpIbpw sNbvXp.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
Hcp agbpw
t\sc \\bmh
Wife woke me up at dawn and cooed
With the smugness of one enjoying marital bliss:
Happy birthday.
A few hours later my sons yawned from their beds,
Unwilling to get up:
Many, many happy returns...
I allowed their impulsive wishes to be conquered by their persistent snooze.
Parents... far less informal than what they were during my childhood.
Now fussy about their sun who can drive out
Dark clouds of anxiety from an old sky.
Wish you the very best in your future.
Later , at the office,
Colleagues and friends looking excited only about one thing;
Birthday party in the evening.
The return from office that day... earlier than usual;
To make preparations for partying.
A lot of stuff carted into the car.
Fruits were all that remained than to be bought.
On reaching the fruit stall, I took out a paper
Listing my needs to the vendor.
There it was I spotted
The woman with hopelessly thick glasses,
And her child alongside her;
Like a dried-up palm
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Withering during the sultry summer
To nurse a climber plant.
A woman with whom I had just a nodding acquaintance.
Acknowledging my smile,
she turned towards her daughter
Who had nudged her slightly.
The child had pointed her finger towards the apples,
Set luxuriantly on a forbidding, wooden rack;
Exuding confidence about their worth to tempt everyone.
The woman enquired the price of those fruits.
The vendors answer bathed her face in gloom.
The more the child urged,
The more the woman stood still, helpless,
Mumbling about her mistake
In visiting a rich stall with a stubborn child.
The woman took out a ten rupee note,
Which, she knew, could fetch nothing.
The vendor smiled at the note and then at a rack of grapes;
A handful of them is all that she might get.
But the girl was adamant;
No sour grapes... nothing other than apples for her...
The mother now tried to pull the child away from the stall;
Filial caution pitted against childish warrant.
As the woman tugged harder,
As the childs wail turned louder,
My fingers nibbled my shirt pocket,
To bring out two hundred rupee notes;
Fluttering twin wings of a butterfly in a stressed orchard.
The mothers face shone
Like the gloss of the apples she set her eyes on.
Beside herself, she laughed her heart out,
As her cupped palms wrapped those notes
To fructify her childs needs for the day.
For the first time since day break,
I smiled to myself:
Happy Birthday.
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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i n E i j B S ` { B * i j xE l - l
+ + n E+ { xxi ESxxE { E + + vE n M *
V n J + x n + + Vxi E M E Vxi Sx j +
j Sx Vxi * V EU + SU M, + n E= xxi
M * Ex + V E < < CE n < E S n SE *
Ei j Vxi E > { BE + { x SE * Vxi E = xE + Wn
E l - l = x E n i E + { x S E BE x,
Zn , x + VxE + n E + { x xi x + = xE
+ SUEx{ + l - l = xE l + SU<E { l { S E
n E = xxi E + + BE E Z xE { B * Ex
+ V S B x E? EU + V n i E x { x +
* V i n v , E V <i n { n E + { x VMJ n
* = i + V j b , E S *
Ei j + Vxi + xi , n xE + { x - + { x BE i { h
l i * E BE E x, n E x * Ex + V BE
xB { + SE * Ei j + xi + E J * V xi B
+ { x { + H E { + Vxi E b EE + { x + J S
i * xi + + + Vxi E S E v <x { E v i
* V E l - l j MEZ` i + E< Vx+ E xn
i Ei j E
Pna Fw
cmw hj kpthmfPn
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i * + + Vxi = x { E + { x ]
= xE Z b n i * + V + vE | { i i +
Vxi E+ { x{ ES n i * + V + Vxi <
+ i S E { i S i { n = x j E J
+ n x, x, ] - <i n E ` i * V Eh
n E Ex- Ex + i Vi *
+ V n E<{ ] , Vi <i n { x * V
Eh ME S n - E xB ] Vi * +
+ J E BE - n E S E n x { = i + i *
{ E i x - i < n x E BE Vi VMi = n h
* xi + E < + xn i * + { x
Si + E { i Ei V n Sxi + B
n + E n i E = x xi + E xM SE
* i n Evi Zi - V EBE x
BE l xE J i * Ex <x xi + + n ] S
EU M + x + Vxi + E { l { J S *
i W
+ i xW
i { Ei ,
{ Vb x x
i + G , Wxn M
+ J i J
i , i i i b { i
E i Mi , Vx
{ x , Ex
+ E, E xE i
Wxn M
Swetha P.C.
III DC Physics
Ei j B BE i E i j i * V { n ,
M { xE* Ex Ei j + V j i j x SE
* + + Vxi = | i i E *
+ SUSW xE l - l E Vx i *
= i <E l - l + SU< Vb i * n
E { i x x+ * = + v V Ei *
= vxE i j E + Vxi + E xi *
{ E S x M, SS + + SU S S
xi + E Sx i E + n E = xxi f
E, x E = x xi + EV + * Ei j E b
+ Vxi x + * E ] n E+ Wn
i E J n M * i i i J n + SUxxE S,
n E + SU x + l - l = E Sx V
+ SU + S* i E + n E= xxi l - l
* + Ei j + x n EUb n E BE
j E Sx * = x J i E + x n E x
x x *
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When I got enrolled as an NCC cadet my only
wish was it that it would help me pursue a career in
the Indian Armed Forces. On 8 July 2011, NCC en-
rollment was on. Only 15 cadets were to be selected
and there were around 20 cadets fitter than me. I was
quite disheartened But by God's grace I was the 15th
person to be selected. And from then on began a long
and exciting journey to Republic Day Camp 2012. I
attended my first NCC camp at Mavoor from 7th
August 2011 - 17th August 2011. My batchmates
Shijin, Lalu, and Praveen were also selected for RDC
Camp - because of their height and good parade. I
was rejected. They considered me a dwarf. I spent
the next eight days of the camp eating rather than
taking pains to attend a parade. On the 9th day, there
was a 'Best Cadet' competition. I took part in it repre-
senting my college. While interviewing me, the Com-
manding Officer - 31(K) Bn NCC, Kannur, Col.
Suresh V.P asked me why I didn't participate in the
RD selection trials. I told him that I had gone there
but I was rejected as I didn't have enough height.
Suresh Sir took me with himself and got me inducted
to the RDC squad, I was the Best Cadet of the Camp
Camp after camp, I was losing my friends from our
college as they got out from the RDC squad. The fifth
camp was Inter Group Competition at Mavoor. Around
450 cadets had come there representing the 5 groups
of NCC Directorate Kerala and Lakshadweep there.
RDC - 2012 RDC - 2012
RDC - 2012 RDC - 2012 RDC - 2012
I was the 'Best Cadet' and 'Youth Exchange
Programme - 1st cadet' there. Then there
were 4 more camps at Trivandrum - two at
Pangode, one at Pallipuram and the fi-
nal camp at Sainik School Kazhakutam.
On December 28, we all boarded the
Kerala Express to Delhi. It was a dream
come true for me. We reached Delhi on
30 December 2011. A nationalistic feel-
ing arouse in me. I was feeling a vibra-
tion in me when the cold wind of Delhi
touched my body. On January 2nd 2012,
I won 2nd prize in All India cancer aware-
ness Quiz Competition. I was greatly
greatly appreciated by my friends and
Contigent Commander. I could not con-
trol my feelings. I thought I was on the
top of the world. Attending RDC - 2012, I
got an opportunity to have dinner with
our honourable defence minister Sree A.K
Antony. Finally on 28th Jan 2012 I was
able to march in front of Dr. Manmohan
Singh and give a salute him. Kerala &
Lakshadweep stood overall fifth in the
competition held at RDC - 2012. We em-
barked on our journey back to Kerala.
We reached our destination on 2 Feb
2012. We were given a great reception at
the railway station. The honourable Chief
Minister and Education Minister visited
us. We were happy. I got over whelming
support and reception from our group
HQ, Calicut and Batallion, Kannur. I
stepped back on the soil of my college on
8th Feb. I was happy to find everyone
happy and proud about my achievements.
I will cherish these moments whole my life.
Sudheesh Mohan K
I DC Chemistry
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I'm on a voyage, through the
Mirages of my imaginations
Crawling up into my mind
Are the waves of your smile
The flame that you hold in gaze
Burns my soul with a sweet pain
Dear, let's go for a long walk
When the dust spreads it's dim light
In the waves of lakes and streams
Through the shadow path of fate
With our hands held
Let's enjoy the rhythm of heart beats
And chills of rain drops
In the darkening cold night
Let's float above the bubbles
Like two feathers of dreams
Let me flash the rays in your eyes
Into my day dreams
Oh! It is the whisper of my solitude
Athira Suresh.P
II DC Homescience
www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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n E n i V { xl
= Wxn M E EEi x i l *
E Pb E+ x { E
V i l i Ei *
BE i i l *
V i l l
i { l J i *
Wxn M E E i
i x + E *
x Vx E + Wxn M E B b
V i S M< Z n *
= Vn < B n
Z i B i *
i + E
n i n i J n i
i i E
V Vn i *
+ v n i
I DC Chemistry
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FhnsSbpw IgpIs IpI
Ahsbs ImXtfmfw ]npScpp.
FhnsSbpw cmkssI...
Css ]nnom {ianpp...
Rm \Spw hoYnbnsemw
Xpd IymadpI...
Ahsbs HnsbSppp.
]ns Imnp XpptXm
"AhfpsS \odp Zriy...'
B IgpIs IpIfn \nv
HmSnbIem Rm {ianptmsgmsbpw
Ahs tLmcamw NndIpIsfs
Cncnpp ]gpXn\pneqsS
ISphcpam kqcycivanpw
Iymadns {]`tbm
Ahpw IgpIs IpItfm...?
"Ah' F ]Zw C{X ZpjntXm...?
eb- tam
Hmw hj tlmwkbkv
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aqm-aXpw apn-b-tm
hmXn XpdXv
\obm- b- Xp- sIm- m- bn- cp- p.
aqmasXmcp sImSphmshn\m
CSs\neqsS NpcnbtNmcbn
DamZw hnd-]q--tmsf
lrZbsamp ]nSncpp...
\ns angnbnse `oXnIv
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Iqhn-bm kXyw
\o tIpthm?
shn- ho- gvn- b- sX- s- b- s- - dnI
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Npw_\amebmbv Nmn \o
HpaamnmsX hnps]dpnb
Iqp- Im- cm,...
\o shnhogvnbXv:
ie- `- hW- ]mdn- bm
\oehm\n NmcpX
]qa- c- - fp- e- p- \n
hk- - Imea[p- cna
amcnhnm tImph
aI- c- kz- ]v \- a- Rv Pna
kvt\lam hmpI...
\o sImp XnXv:
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{]nbamw kz]v\sf
Fn agbmbns]bvXndt
kulr- Z- k- y- Isf
Fneenp tNncp
lcnX{Kma \ndsf
\o XnsbdnXv :
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[a- bp- - sf
t_m[n- amK- sf
[oc- Im- e- Sn- Isf
Imn-cn-ns IIsf
Iqncnn X]sf
Iqnsh In\msf
IpXnm ]Zsf
\o shnhogvnbXv
Hcm- sf- bm- bn- cp- ndnI
Hcp Ime-s-bm-bn-cpp!!
Imeamw hoSns DdqWnta
XeNmbvv \obpapmbncpp...
Ah- km- \- ambn
Hp- am- {Xw...
Hpam{Xw tNmZnoSsRm
B apXpshnmiv
\osb- p- sN- bvXp...??
^m.amn tPmk^v
aebmf hn`mKw
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www.mazhanananj avarng.blogspot .com
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\ XnI \nd kaqln IqSpXt]cpw
Xn-bpsS Ccp ]mX-bn Imen-Sdn hogp-p... ]ptcm-
K-Xn-bpsS apJy-[m-c-bn-tev Icp-p i_vZ-ambn amtd-
-h, Adn-tb--X-dn-bmsX tIt-Xv tImsX
ImtW-Xv ImWmsX s]menp t]mIp-tm \jvS-
amIpXv \ \msfbpsS {]XoIfmWv....
Chsc t\cn- s, \- bp- sS, kamKn- I- X- bpsS,
kvt\l-ns hgn-bn Hw tNt-Xv \mtam-tcm-
cp-cpam-Wv.... Pohn-X-n Hcp agbpw t\sc \\bm-
-h-cn Nne-cpsS t\m-gv-I R Ah-X-cn-
nptm IqntepI A\nhmcyamsWv Xncn
- dn- bp- p. hnp- t]mb Iymhm- kp- Ip t\sc
\nfpw {]XnIcnpw, Ahsbpdnv \nfpw t_m[
hm-m-cmIpw F {]Xym-i-tbm-sS....
amKkn Sow..
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amKkn Sow
Magazine Quot es
Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they
do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circum-
stances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition
of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.
-Karl Marx
The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own
- Oscar Wilde
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing
the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening
-Mark Twain
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College Union Election
The college union election was on August 19. The following members were elected to the union,
Chairman : Rinto Mathew
Vice Chairperson : Ashna Jose
General Secretary : Arshad.T
Joint Secretary : Anjaly Jose
Fine - Arts secretary : Reego Thomas
U.U.C : Ebin Thomas
U.U.C : Nikanth.U
Student Editor : Shibin K.K.
General Captain : Joseph Devasia
Class Representatives
1 DC : Prasidh P. George
2 DC : Tibin Tom
3 DC : Shahara.T
P.G : Ragisha.M
Association secretaries
Maths : Nithya.R
Physics : Aneena Anju.B
Chemistry : Shamleena
Botany : Muhammad Munaif N.T
Zoology : Fousiya.A
Home science : Nikhila.T.K
Malayalam : Linta.P
English : Jesna Joseph
Economics : Josy Joseph
History : Jacob Jacob
Union Advisors
Prof.Augustine Joseph
Dr.Tessy George
Dr.Sabu Sebastian
Union Executives
Jacob Jacob
Muhammed Munaif N.T
Jesna Joseph
Nirmalagiri College
Union Report 2011 - 12
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Oath taking
In the presence of our Principal in charge Prof.Dr.Philomina Abraham and union advisors, the
oath taking ceremony of the elected union was held.
Nirmalagiri College Union Onam Celebration - Onotsav 2012
The Nirmalagiri Onam celebrations were inaugurated by Principal Dr.Joslet Mathew on 2nd
September 2011. The flower carpet competition was organized as a part of Onam celebration, in which
department of Botany got the first position, second and third positions were secured by History and
Economics departments respectively. The programmes were started at 10 '0' clock in the morning in the
central courtyard of Nirmalagiri college. All the students actively participated in Onam celebrations.
Rev.Fr.Martin Joseph ,Dr.Mini Joseph, Dr.K.V Ouseppachan, Dr.Sebastian,Sr.Dr.C.C.Gracy and
Prof.Roy Thomas did a great job in conducting the contests.
The following programmes were conducted in connection with Onam celebration.
1. Balloon Popping
2. Picking coin from the maida
3. Musical chair
4. Onappattu competition
5. Flower carpet competition
6. Water filling competition
7. Mehandi competition
8. Breaking the pot
9. Eating competition
10. Tug of war etc.
The tug of war competition took place with students and teachers equally having fun. The boys of Maths
department and girls of Physics department won the first places. When the results were announced
Botany department stood first and Maths department second. Union chairman Rinto Mathew delivered
the welcome speech and our Principal spoke on the occasion and distributed the prizes.
College union Inauguration
The inauguration of Nirmalagiri College union and Fine Arts Club of the year 2011-2012 was
held at 11'o' clock on 12th October 2011 in the college auditorium. Honourable MP Sri. K. Sudhakaran
inaugurated the activities of the college by lighting the lamp. The fine - arts programmes have been inau-
gurated by the famous film actor Sri.Vinu Mohan. The function was presided over by the chairman, Rinto
Mathew. Principal Dr.Joslet Mathew offered felicitations. P.T.A Vice president Mr.Dhananjayan, P.C
Kuttiyachan, teaching staff association president Dr.P.V Jayaraj and student editor Shibin K.K. also
offered felicitations. The welcome speech was delivered by general secretary Arshad .T and fine - arts
secretary Reego Thomas proposed vote of thanks.
The inaugural function became more colourful and attractive by the Ganamela held at the Aalthara
in the after noon.
Free Blood Group Detection Camp
Nirmalagiri college unioin organized a free blood group detection camp with the help of Indhira
Gandhi Hospital Thalassery on 20th October 2012. The Union Chairman, Rinto Mathew presided over
the function, and our Principal Dr.Joselet Mathew inaugurated the camp. Most of the students took part
in the camp aand made it a success.
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The Welcoming of the state Rally Against Alcohol
Understanding the importance of protest against alcoholism, Nirmalagiri College gave a grand
welcome to the rally against alcohol lead by Rev.Fr.Thomas Thaithottam on 20th December 2012. Col-
lege principal Dr.Joslet Mathew and general secretary Arshad.T spoke a few words and wished good
luck for their activities. Rally captain, Rev.Fr.Thomas Thaithottam addressed the students of Nirmalagiri
College and shared his view of the importance of protesting against such social evils.
Christmas and New-Year celebrations
By conveying the message of religious integrity, human kindness and eternal Brotherhood, Christ-
mas and New Year celebrations were held on 22nd December 2011 under the auspicious of Nirmalagiri
College union. A rally along with band and Santa claus made the function more colourful.
A Santa Claus competition was conducted as a part of the celebration; in which 1st,2nd and 3rd
prizes were secured by History, Malayalam and Zoology departments respectively. In the function which
was presided over by vice-chairperson, Ashna Jose. General secretary, Arshad.T delivered the wel-
come speech and Joint Secretary Anjaly Jose proposed the vote of thanks. Principal Dr.Joslet Mathew
gave the Christmas message. Later on cakes were distributed among students.
Elocution winners at University level were felicitated
Noufal and Albiya Tomas who had been the winners of elocution competition under the
Fr.Thaithottam foundation at Kannur University level were felicitated and prizes were distributed to them.
Sargotsav - 2012
To find the talented pupils of Nirmalagiri College, the fine arts competitions were organized on
October 24,25,26 and January 4 in Nirmalagiri college. Stage competitions were held on 10th January
2012. MLA Sunny Joseph inaugurated the function. The function was graced by the presence of Sanusha,
cine artist as chief guest. College vice-chairman Ashna Jose presided over the function. College principal
Dr.Joslet Mathew appreciated the efforts made by former fine-arts Convenor Prof.Jancy George. PTA
Vice president Dhananjayan and student editor Shibin K.K. offered felicitations. Union general secretary
Arshad gave the welcome speech and fine-arts secretary Reego Thomas proposed the vote of thanks.
Republic day essay Competition
In connection with Republic day, the college union conducted an essay competition on January
25th on the topic "the part taken by youth in National Integration". Adheena George of History depart-
ment won the first prize. Shibin K.K (Malayalam) and Simi Joseph (Botany) secured the second and
third prizes respectively.
Malayala Mnaorama Youth Rays & Hues campus Programme
Malayala Manorama Youth Rays & Hues conducted ' campus short film fest' on 23rd February
2012. Nirmalagiri offered a warm welcome to all the members of Malayala Manorama team. The stu-
dents of Nirmalagiri college performed various programmes.
University Kalotsavam - 2011-2012
Nirmalagiri College secured 2nd place in University Kalotsav 2011-2012 held at Kannur Govt.
engineering college from 22nd to 26th February. This was a remarkable event in the history of our college
and the credit goes to the participants for their hard work and to the college union for their support.26
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students participated in the off-stage items and 73 in the stage items. The winners are,1)Recitation malayalam-
Riya Baby(2nd), 2) Urdu Recitation-Nafina.P(3rd), 3) Arabic Recitation- Nafina.P(1st), 4)Feature
Film Hindi-Swetha.P.C(3rd)),5) Documentary Hindi-Ahana.K.K(2nd), 6) Versification Hindi-
Ahana.K.K(1st), 7) Mohiniyattam- Anju.O.K(2nd), 8)Kuchippudi-Anju.O.K(2nd), 9)Mappilappattu-
group-Smrithi, Sajeevan, Saranya, Nafina, Emmi, Anju,Thoshina(3rd), 10)Oppana- Akshaya,Amrutha,
Sangeetha, Mubeena, Rafsana, Shirin, Nafina, Anju, Sruthi(3rd),11)Lightmusic-SmrithiSajeevan(2nd),
12)DramaMalayalam-Arun Lal,Sreeveshkar, Prasidh,Rasil, Ajith, Noshina, Silpa, Lemi thomas,
Navya(2nd), 13)Veena Eastern-Saranya.K(3rd), 14)Harmonium Eastern-Rijin.P(1st), 15) Folk Dance
Single-Tencil.P.S(3rd), 16) Group Dance-Boys- Tencil.P.S, Liju, Gopa Kumar, Sidharth, Sreelekh,
Jince, Pranav, Jeevan(1st),17).Group Dance-Girls-Jinsha, Arathi,Sithara, Shilsha, Sruthi, Nithya,
Keerthana, Anju(2nd), 18).Drama Hindi-Ahana.K, Aleena, Sisira, Rasitha,Maya,Shobit Thomas,
Midhun,Sanjeev, Rahul(3rd)19).Mappilappattu-Single-Anju.O.K (3rd), 20). Kathaprasangam-Riya
Baby(1st), 21).Karnatic Music Smrithi Sajeevan(2nd), 22)Thiruvathira-Shalima.C.Mathew, Arathy,
Sithara, Keerthana, Sreethi, Nivya, Nidhiya, Sruthi,Vineetha(2nd), 23). Margamkali-
Shilsha,Nithya,Shalima,Sneha, Anjana,Ashlin,Anju Babu(1st) The welcoming of Winners of University
Kalotsav College union gave grand reception to the winners of Kannur university Kalotsav, who gained
the second place and elevated the glory of Nirmalagiri college. Principal Dr.Joslet Mathew presided over
the function. Local Manager Rev.Fr.Kuriakose Kavalakkattu was the chief guest of the function. Univer-
sity syndicate member Prof.John Joseph, fine-arts convenors, Dr.M.D. Devasia, fine arts secretary Reego
Thomas, General Secretary Arshad.T and vice-chairperson Ashna Jose felicitated over the function.
Nirmalagiri tribute
On the 64th anniversary of Mahathma Gandhi's martyrdom, the students of Nirmalagiri, under the
leadership of the college Union offered floral tribute and silent prayer to the father of the nation.
Colours of Paradise
On behalf of the activities of college union, a programme 'colours of paradise' was held for a few
days. Folklore academy chairman Prof.Muhammad Ahammad inaugurated the programme on 12th March.
Principal Dr.Joslet Mathew presided over the function. University Syndicate member Prof.John Joseph,
union vice-chairman Ashna Jose and U.U.C Ebin Thomas felicitated over the function. Union General
secretary Arshad.T gave welcome speech and joint secretary Anjaly Jose proposed vote of thanks.
Under the auspecies of college union, we offered a warm welcome to folklore academy chair-
man in Nirmalagiri college and a folklore club was inaugurated. Nirmalagiri honoured the folklore acad-
emy chairman with a 'Ponnada'. His presence was a great inspiration to students.
Colours of Paradise conducted Mimicry and Ballet
As a continuation to the programme 'colours of paradise' mimicry and ballet were conducted in
the college auditorium on 12.03.2012. Ramshad, who won the first prize in mimicry in the state parallel
college Kalotsava, performed the mimicry, which was enjoyed by everyone. The drama which was staged
was also enjoyed by the students and teachers.
Versification competition
Versification competition was held in memory of the founder patron of Nirmalagiri College,
Mar.Sebastian Valloppally. The topic was "Erambukalile Swapnam." Adheena George,Prathyush and
Jesna were the winners.
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Commemration of Gireesh Puthenchery and Music competition
A meeting was organized in order to commemorate the renowned Cine Music Director Girish Puthenchery
and a music competition was held as a part of the programme 'colours of paradise'. Thaha Madayi
inaugurated the function. College principal Dr.Joselet Mathew presided over the function. Kannur Uni-
versity Syndicate member Prof.John Joseph and fine arts secretary Reego Thomas offered felicitations.
Union general secretary Arshad.T delivered the welcome speech and union vice-chairman Ashna Jose
proposed vote of thanks. The first prize was shared by Shalima Mathew and Smrithi Sajeevan. Riya
Baby and Mithun secured the second and third prizes respectively.
The winners of Kannur University Athletic competition were felicitated
The college union proudly felicitated the winners of the university athletic meet. Principal Dr.Joslet
Mathew presided over the function. The Manager of Nirmalagiri College, Msgr.Mathew.M.Chalil was
the chief guest. The winners were awarded with medals. General Captain Joseph Devasia delivered the
welcome speech and union joint secretary Anjaly Jose proposed vote of thanks.
47th Annual Sports Meet
47th annual sports meet was on 13th March 2012 at college ground. The function began with a
march past led by general captain Joseph Devasia. Greeshma K.M, who made India proud by partici-
pating in SAAF games and had won a lot of medals for Kerala, was the chief gust. Kannur University
syndicate member Prof.John Joseph inaugurated the function. Sports committee convenor Prof.Roy Tho-
mas, Head of physical education department Prof.George Thomas and union vice-chairman Ashna Jose
addressed the gathering. In the competition held between Arts and Science, Arts group became the
overall champions. Melvin (2 DC Zoology) and Divya.M.V (2DC English) were selected as best ath-
letes. Principal distributed trophies and certificates to the winners.
Cricket Carnival
In the cricket carnival, which was conducted department wise, History and Botany departments
became the joint winners.
Fourty one students participated in university meet. Last year we were the champions of Ball
Ballmintal. Four players were selected into university Ballmintal team. Hocky second prize(Boys) :-
Sidharth.P.R,Jeevan Sunny,Naveen Pavithran,Ragesh.T,Arunlal.K,Jomon Joseph,Pranav.K.K,Jithu.P,Sanoop
Raj.K.P,Sreelekh.K.P,Rithun Das.M,Gopa Kumar.K.P,Prayag.C,Praveem.P.P,Nidhin Manoharan,Melvin
Second prize in Body Building :- Gopa Kumar.K.P,Deril Wilson Moise
Second prize in chess :- Ragesh.T,Sonumon.P.S,Shinto Joseph,Joseph Devasia,Ayana.M
University Members :- Sidharth.P.R, Arunlal.K., Praveen.P.P, Sonumon.P.S, Jithu.P :- Triple jump-3rd,High
jump-3rd , Gopa Kumar.K.P :- Discuss throw 2nd,Shot put 2nd and District Member Kabadi , Sonumon.P.S
:- college Team captain , Melvin Mathew :- College champion 2011-12
First prize in Ball badminton (Girls) :- Neethu Chandran,Pranitha.C,Manju
James,Neenu.C,Sunitha.C.P,Sunisha.E.K,Neethupriya.P.V,Prabhisha.M.P,Jyothi Mathew,Jijina.N.C
Second prize in Hocky(Girls) :- Jesma.P,Dhanishamol.P.G,Veena,Neethu chandran,Pranitha.C,Manju
James,Anjana Jose,Neethu.C,Noshina
University Members :- Jesma.P,Neethu Chandran,Pranitha.C,Manju James(District and university team
member,Prajitha.P(university team goal keeper also,Sreenisha.K,Shahi.N,Neethupriya.P.V(District team
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member and college team captain)
Hocky : Boys were second runner up
Girls were runner up
Chess : Last year chess competition we got second place.
Sports and Games Events
Football and hockey competitions were held on various days, between Arts and Science teams.
Arts team won the overall championship.
Students of Nirmalagiri college have participated actively in all fields,
Akasvani Kannur broadcasted 'Yuva vani Programme' on 28.11.11 by our students.Twelve students
participated in Mimicry,Kathaprasangam,Light Music etc..
Four students of our college participated in National Management Fest-Luminance-2011 held at D.C
School of Management and Technology,Pullikanam,Vagamon on 13th and 14th December 2011 and
placed in the fourth position.(Jerin,Shobit,Arunlal and Rasil were the participants).
'X'mas programme of our students was broadcasted by Akasavani Kannur on 25th Dec.2011
Magic Carpet
A reception was given to Sri.Gopinath Muthukadu, a well known magician. The reception was
followed by a magic programme named 'Magic Carpet' a special programme of Kairali T.V. which was
telecasted later.
Dear Friends,
I believe that, our union was performed many good activities before you within limits of time and
financial capacity.
First of all I cordially convey my hearty gratitude to our beloved Principal Dr.Joselet Mathew for
his support to perform union activities and also union advisors Dr.Tessy George, Prof.Augustine Joseph
and Dr.Sabu Sebastian for their good advices and help and help to conduct various activities in this
campus during the period. I also convey my thanks to the teachers and non-teaching staff of this college
for their all kind of co-operation. More over I convey my thanks to the Nirmaagiri students, who have
given us co-operation and enthusiastic support to our union activities by participating.
Thank you,
General Secretary
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Distinguished guest of this college day function, Respected Colleagues and my dear students,
It is my privilege to present before you the annual report of our college for the academic year 2011 -
Our Vision
Integrated development of human personality with emphasis on intellectual, spiritual, moral and
physical growth, inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
To import education to all irrespective of Caste, Creed and Sex.
Since higher education has become an international service, to facilitate the development of global com-
petency in our students, the mission of the College has been recently redefined.
--- To act as a centre for "Information, Formation and Transformation by providing value based and
Technologically aided educational facilities to the students without any discrimination of creed, caste and
--- To impart value based education which develops global competencies in students and prepare them
to gain admission in prestigious institutions and prepare them to take up challenging jobs.
--- To attract students from the marginalized sections of the society to higher education and thus em-
power them to play a positive role in the society.
--- To transform the students who pass through the portals of this institution into globally competent,
socially committed and morally upright citizens who can contribute to the development and well - being
of the nation.
--- To inculcate a strong value system in the students through social service, value education and exten-
sion activities and help the students to assimilate basic human values like love, honesty, integrity, truthful-
ness etc
--- To empower girl students to take up responsibility in society and homes.
--- To create a culture of eco - spirituality that makes the students sensitive to environmental issues.
--- To help the students to excel in their lives with a Nirmalagiri touch, which comprises of competency,
leadership qualities, integrity compassion and social responsibility.
The college after summer holidays was re - opened on 3rd June 2011. Admission to the first Degree and
first P.G classes began in July and August respectively.
Two days orientation programme was given to the students by our faculty members.
College Council
The college council, the appellate academic body of the institution comprising all the heads of the
departments and two elected members and two ex-officio members. They have directed and helped me
in academic and administrative matters. I extend my heartfelt gratitude towards all of them.
Council Members
1. Dr. Joslet Mathew
2. Dr. Philomina Abraham
3. Dr. Baby Joseph
4. Prof. Nirmala Augustine
REPORT 2011 - 2012
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5. Dr. M.C Mary
6. Prof. John Joseph
7. Dr. Sr. Jessy Varghese
8. Prof. T.A John
9. Smt. Lucy Francis
10. Dr. Tessy George
11. Dr. James Paul
12. Dr. Varkey Sebastian
13. Prof. George Thomas
14. Dr. Ouseppachan K.V
15. Dr. T.K Sebastian
16. Dr. Sabu Sebastian
17. Dr. Rejeesh C. John
18. Fr. O.J Kuriakose
19. Fr. Jobi Jacob
My special thanks to Dr. T.K Sebastian, staff council secretary.
The college maintained its traditional high academic standard in the university examinations. My
congratulations to all departments for preparing the students to secure such great achievements.
Staff Members
We have an efficient and dedicated team of staff - teaching and administrative. At present the
strength of Teaching staff is 56 and that of administrative staff is 33. Guest lecturers also render their
service to the college in various departments.
This year one teaching staff and one administrative staff are retiring from service. They are Prof.
Smt. Cici Kurian, HOD, Department of English and Smt. Chandra Devi from the office. I remember with
gratitude the service they have rendered to the college and wish them every success in their future life.
We have appointed two enthusiastic young Teachers. They are Smt.Deepamol and Shri.Jaison
Joseph. Both are in Malayalam department.
I am happy to note that many of our teachers are appointed as members of Board of studies and
Chairman of various exams of Kannur University.
Union election
Under the eminent leadership of Prof. Vincent P. Thomas, who was the returning officer, the
college union election was conducted in a very peaceful atmosphere in August. My sincere thanks to
Vincent Sir and his team.
---Ph.D degree was awarded to Dr. Sabu Sebastian and Dr.Rejeesh C.John of Mathematics depart-
ment. My congrats to both of them.
---Smt. Rency Kurian of Mathematics department and Shri. Shajimon of History department have joined
for Ph.D under FDP.
--- Many of our faculty members have attended and presented papers in National seminars organised by
different prestigious institutions.
--- Many of teachers were invited as Chief guests for association inauguration and also as resource
persons in many seminars.
--- Many teachers have attended orientation and refresher courses conducted by academic staff College
Kannur University.
--- Associations of all departments were inaugurated by very eminent personalities. They have explained
the scope and future opportunities in the corresponding subjects. All associations have organised very
enlightening programmes.
--- All departments have organised study tour for 3rd year students to various places of scientific or
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tourism importance.
--- Some departments have organised seminars and workshop on interesting topics.
Various committees constituted for the integral development of the students and the college, were
very active.
--- Discipline committee functioned under the leadership of Dr. M.D Devassia. All discipline problems
were handled carefully and efficiently. My sincere thanks to the Convenor and team for their sincere co-
operation and timely action.
--- Tutorial systems functioned under the leadership of Dr.Shyla George. It helped to foster the relation-
ship between the students and teachers. Tutors took active interest in monitoring the curricular a well as
co-curricular activities of their students. Some departments organised PSTA meetings under the leader-
ship of Tutors. My sincere thanks to all tutors.
Fine Arts Committee
Fine arts committee functioned under the leadership of Dr.Tessy George as general co-ordinator,
Fr.Martin Joseph, convenor stage events and Fr.Jobi Jacob, convenor, off stage events. Our students
actively participated in all events. This year, for the first time in the history of NGC, Our team stood 2nd
in the Kannur University Kalotsavam 2011-2012 held at Govt: Engineering College, Kannur with 135
points. Our team stood first in Nritholsavam too with 48 points.
Fine arts day was celebrated on 10th Jan 2012, Sri.Sunny Joseph M.L.A inaugurated the func-
tion. Cine artist Miss.Sanusha was the chief guest. Competitions on various item were conducted, partici-
pants for the University Fine arts festival were selected.
My special thanks and congratulations to the participants, Fine arts co-ordinator, convenors and
other committee members.
Physical Education
We have made very significant achievements in the field of sports too. Sports committee in our
college is functioning under the leadership of Prof. Roy Thomas, Department of Physics and Shri.George
Thomas, Physical Education director. Ball Badminton women team of our college won the Kannur
University championship held at S.N College of Engineering, Payyannur. Four of our players got selec-
tion to represent the university
Our students have made significant achievements in the fields of women Hockey, men Hockey,
chess, body building, 400 meters, race, Triple jump, high jump etc..
The 48th annual meet of our college was inaugurated by Prof. John Joseph, Syndicate member,
Kannur University, and Mrs. Greeshma M, International medallist in the S.A.F games was the guest of
Honour for the inaugural function. My sincere thanks and congratulations to the winners, physical educa-
tion director, sports committee convener and shri. Rajesh, guest faculty chemistry department.
National Cadet corps , both boys and girls wings are functioning efficiently in our college under the
supervision of Lt. Dr. T.K Sebastian and Lt. Smt. Mariamma A.M, respectively. N.C.C plays a promi-
nent role in developing the personality of students. Our NCC cadet Mr. Sudheesh Mohan attended R.D
parade this year. Congratulations to Mr. Sudheesh Mohan.
Two units are functioning in our college under the leadership of Dr.Sr. Gracy C.C. and Dr.Ousepachan
K.V, of English department as N.S.S. programme officers. Beside the regular works N.S.S. units have
organised various programmes. We have conducted the seven day special camp at Kalangi from 22/11/
2011 to 28/11/2011. Hundred volunteers from 1st and 2nd year Degree classes actively participated in
the camp. Reconstruction of a house and two roads and distribution of vegetable seeds among the people
of location were some of the activities undertaken during the camp. My congratulation to the N.S.S.
volunteers and NSS programme officers.
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POLIKA. State Farm Fest-2012
50 Students from our college were active members of the Event Management Team of POLIKA-
State Farm Fest-2012 organized by Tellichery social service society (TSSS) in collaboration with Gov-
ernment of Kerala from 30th December 2011 to 8th January 2012. My sincere thanks and Congratula-
tions to the participants.
I.Q.A.C is constituted in the college with following team members.
Dr. Varkey Sebastian - Co-ordinator.
Dr.Saleena N.J - Convener
Dr. Sabu Sebastian
Dr. Mini Joseph
Sri. Georgekutty P
Sri. Johnson George
Fr. Joby Jacob
P.T.A remained dynamic and co-operative in all the activities of the college P.T.A has been very
generous in giving financial help for the developmental activities of various departments. Gifts for the
winner of Arts and Sports competition were sponsored by P.T.A. Sri. Dhananjayan is the present vice-
president of P.T.A and Dr. Rosy Antony of the chemistry department is the secretary.
Co-operative Society
The Nirmalagiri college co-operative society has been functioning as per by laws, approved by
the co-operative department 1976. The society is being managed by a committee with principal as the
president. Dr.Rejeesh C. John of Mathematics department is the secretary at present.
Entry in to services
Classes for HSST, NET, Coaching, P.S.C, Bank test etc. are conducted this year. Very efficient
personalities are handling the classes on all Sundays from 9.30am to 2.30pm. On an average 60 students
from our college and 10 students from outside are attending the classes. Dr. Tessy George of Hindi
department is the convenor.
Informatic Centre
Computer facility is being provided to our students through this centre. It provides facilities like,
browsing, printing, scanning, C.D writing, spiral binding and D.T.P.
It is a centre for CCAP course conducted by Kannur University. It also provides services on,
---Network management
---Computer maintenance and management in various departments.
---Centre for College Admission Process. (CAP).
---Centre for Teacher Evaluation Process.
---Centre for online registration, receiving hall tickets and receiving online results.
Career Guidance Cell
A career guidance cell is functioning very efficiently in our college under the eminent leadership of
Prof.Agnes C.A of department of Botany. Many students got appointment in banks and other institutions
through campus recruitment. Many programmes were organised to develop the soft skills of the stu-
dents. Many companies and organisations have informed their willingness to conduct campus recruit-
ment programmes in our college. My heartfelt thanks and congratulation to Prof. Agnes C.A, the convenor
and the team.
Women's Cell
Women's cell of Nirmalagiri was constituted for the empowerment of girl students in the college.
Many programmes were organised this year under the able guidance of the president Dr. M.C Mary,
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Department of Chemistry, for the overall development of students.
Mother Teresa Community Service Cell
During the current academic year 2011-2012 Mother Teresa Community Cell spent an amount
of Rs.81720/- (Eighty one thousand seven hundred and twenty) for its various charitable activities. I
express my sincere thanks to Sr.Aniamma Antony, of Physics department, the convenor.
Jesus Youth
Jesus youth has been very active in this academic year also. Regular prayer meetings were
conducted in the college chapel by Jesus youth. A good number participated in the retreat conducted by
Jesus youth. Outreach programmes also were organised with an orientation of social and spiritual aware-
ness. Thanks giving mass at the end of the academic year and the rosary candle procession in the college
campus were different experience of the campus. Congratulations to the organisers.
Remarkable achievements of the staff
---Prof.John Joseoh H.O.D, History department was nominated as syndicate member, Kannur Universirty
---Dr.James Paul, H.O.D, Hindi department rejoined in the department on 28th January after his depu-
tation at Kannur University as the Director, school of Distance education.
---Smt.Mariamma A.M completed her NCC training and she has been placed as Lt.Mariamma A.M.
my congratulations to her.
---Dr.James Paul and Dr.Joslet Mathew were invited by Academic staff college Kannur university for an
interaction with NAAC peer team who visited Academic Staff College,kannur university, on 27th and
28th February 2012 as resource persons.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Patron Arch Bishop Mar.George Valiyamattom, the
manager Msgr:Mathew M. Chalil the Bursar and Vicar Very Rev.Fr.Kuriakose Kavalakat, the staff
council, P.T.A, the staff, both teaching and administrative, the parents, the college union, the well wishers
and the entire student community for their love, concern and co-operation, during last Academic year.
Finally our deep and heartfelt thanks to the God almighty and our Lady of Nirmalagiri. Wishing my dear
students, all success in the coming examination and through out their life.
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