Kantha Pura
Kantha Pura
Kantha Pura
novel kanthapura
table of contents:-# about the novel #about the author #national novelist #early life & carear
#sumarry of novel #synopsis #brief summary of book # a crictical evaluation of raja raos novel
the Novel
Raja Raes novel Kanthapura (1938) is the first major Indian novel in English. It is text of the Civil Disobedience movement of the 1930s that takes for its central concern the participation of a small village of South India in the national struggle called for by Mahatma Gandhi. Imbued with nationalism, the villagers sacrifice all their material possessions in a triumph of the spirit, showing how in the Gandhian movement people shed their narrow prejudices and united in the common cause of the non-violent civil resistance to the British Raj. Paradoxically, given its concerns, Kanthapura was first published in London in 1938 and was written when Rao was in France: I wrote Kanthapura in a thirteenth century castle in the French Alps belonging to the Dauphins of France and I slept and worked on the novel in the room of the Queen.
Narrated by Achakka., an old village woman, the plot centres on Kanthapura, a village in South India. This village is a microcosm of the traditional Indian society with its entrenched caste hierarchy. In Kanthapura there are Brahmin quarters, Sudra quarters and Pariah quarters. Despite stratification into castes, however, the villagers are mutually bound in various economic and social functions which maintain social harmony. The enduring quality of the Indian village is represented as ensuring an internal tenacity that resists external crises, its relationship to past contributing a sense of unity and continuity between the present and past generations. Kanthapura may appear isolated and removed from civilization, but it is compensated by an ever-enriching cycle of ceremonies, rituals, and festivals. Rao depicts the regular involvement of the villagers in Sankara-Jayanthi, Kartik Purnima, Ganesh-Jayanthi, Dasara, and the Satyanarayana Puja with the intention of conveying a sense of the natural unity and cohesion of village society. Old Rmakrishnayya reads out the SankaraVijaya day after day and the villagers discuss Vedanta with him every afternoon. Religion, imparted through discourses and pujas (prayers), keeps alive
in the natives a sense of the presence of god. Participation in a festival brings about the solidarity among them. The local deity Kenchamma protects the villagers through famine and disease, death and despair. If the rains fail, you fall at her feet. Equally sacred is the river Himavathy which flows near Kanthapura. Raes choice of this village setting is strategic in view of his Gandhian loyalties. In the last decade or so, historians, especially those centered around Subaltern Studies,have attempted to demythologize the histories of the national movement and highlighted the role of the subaltern in terms of agency, which was often neglected in the interests of a homogeneous nationalism. Gandhi, however, does not ignore the aspects of subalterneity. One of the first moves he makes on his return to India from South Africa Rather than being a traditional novel with a neat linear structure and compact plot, Kanthapura follows the oral tradition of Indian sthala-purana, or legendary history. As Raja Rao explains in his original foreword, there is no village in India, however mean, that has not a rich legendary history of its own, in which some famous figure of myth or history has made an appearance. In this way, the storyteller, who commemorates the past, keeps a native audience in touch with its lore and thereby allows the past to mingle with the present, the gods and heroes .
*Nationalist Novelist
Returning to India in 1939, he edited with Iqbal Singh, Changing India, an anthology of modern Indian thought from Ram Mohan Roy to Jawaharlal Nehru. He participated in the Quit India Movement of 1942. In 1943-1944 he coedited with Ahm ed Ali a journal from Bombay called Tomorrow. He was the prime mover in the formation of a cultural organization, Sri Vidya Samiti, devoted to reviving the values of ancient Indian civilization; this organization failed shortly after inception. In Bombay, he was also associated with Chetana, a cultural society for the propagation of Indian thought and values. Raes involvement in the nationalist movement is reflected in his first two books. The novel Kanthapura (1938) was an account of the impact of Gandhi's teaching on non-violent resistance against the British. The story is seen from the perspective of a small Mysore village in South India. Rao borrows the style and structure from Indian vernacular tales and folk-epic. Rao returned to the theme of Gandhism in the short story collection The Cow of the Barricades (1947). In 1998 he published Gandhi's biography Great Indian Way: A Life of Mahatma Gandhi. In 1988 he received the prestigious International Neustadt Prize for Literature. The Serpent and the Rope was written after a long silence during which Rao returned to India. The work dramatized the relationships between Indian and Western culture. The serpent in the title refers to illusion and the rope to reality. Cat and Shakespeare (1965) was a metaphysical comedy that answered philosophical questions posed in the earlier novels.
*Later Years
Rao relocated to the United States and taught at the University of Texas at Austin from 1966 to 1983, when he retired as Emeritus Professor. Courses he taught included Marxism to Gandhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Indian philosophy: The Upanishads, Indian philosophy: The Metaphysical Basis of the Male and Female Principle.
In 1965, he married Katherine Jones, an American stage actress. They have one son, Christopher Rama. In 1986, after his divorce from Katherine, Rao married his third wife, Susan, whom he met when she was a student at the University of Texas in the 1970s.
Sumarry of Nobel
This is the story of a village in South India named `Kanthapura` written by Raja Rao. He was an excellent writer and the simple story of a village life is depicted in an extra-ordinary way in this creation of his. The title of the story is kept by the name of the village only. So the title truly signifies the story. Born on November 8 in the year of 1908 Raja Rao was a famous writer. The place was Hassan, in the state of Mysore in south India, into a well-known Brahman family. He post-graduated in France, and all his publications were in English. Rao was very much concerned with his language and consciousness. He studied in a Muslim school. After taking a degree from Madras University, he left India for Europe, where he remained for a decade. He studied at the universities of Montpellier and the Sorbonne, doing research in Christian theology and history. In 1931 he married Camille Mousy. She was a French academic. His first stories were published in French and English. His Kannada articles were also published in an influential journal `Jaya Karnataka`. He marriage with Camille Mousy didn`t work out and he got divorced in 1939. Rao returned to India and began his first period of residence in an ashram. In search of his spiritual heritage, he traveled widely in India. This happened during WW II. In 1942 he was active in an underground movement against colonial rule. He also edited the literary magazine `Tomorrow` for some days.
`Kanthapura` is the first major Indian novel in English by Raja Rao. The novel deals with the Civil disobedience movement of 1030`s. Mahatma Gandhi on the participation of a small village of South India in the National struggle calls for the story`s central concern. The villagers sacrifice all their material possessions in a triumph of the spirit. It shows how the people of country united at the time of movement and joined at the nonviolence movement to bring independence from the British. `Kanthapura` was first published in English and then in France. Achakka narrates the whole story. She is an old village woman and the story revolves around in a village Kanthapura in South India. In this village there are clear discrimination between Brahman, Sudra and Pariah quarters still the mutual bonding between the villagers are very strong and they live happily with equal social and economical bonding. To maintain social harmony they live like one single family. Kanthapura may be isolated and deprived of modern civilization but it is compensated by an ever-enriching cycle of ceremonies, rituals and festivals. Rao depicts beautifully the partication of the villagers in different festivals like Dussera, Sankara-jayanti, Kartik Purnima, Ganesh Jayanti, Styanarayana Puja, etc. the common picture of village has always come up in many of Raes s tory and that can be called as Raja Raes speciality. Published by new directions publishing corporation in June 1967 `Kanthapura` by Raja Rao is an amazing novel depicting the village life, their beliefs, their rituals in a lucid and transparent manner. `Kanthapura` by Raja Rao is a marvelous creation. He depicts very simple happenings of a village in a lively manner. In his writing a clear picture of villagers become prominent. In his village religion imparted through discourses and pujas keeps alive in the natives a sense of presence of God. In the whole story a serenity flows in a simple harmonic motion which makes the story worth reading.
kantha-man jayaramachar mixed political propagandas in his kathas. The foreign government got a wind of this and arrested him.
Moorthy, in fact, had turend into a Gandhi man ever since he saw the mahatma in a vision. He then discarded his forigon cloths,adopted khadi and returned to kanthapura. Here he preached Gandhis ideals Of truth and ahimas to the villagers. Though a Brahmin, he began to mix freely with the pariahs.bahatta, The villllage Brahmin,did not like this. He complaind against him to the sawami. This swami was an orthodox Brahmin and an agent of the foreign government. Taking an ire on the Gandhi man, the swami
Exocommunicated moorthy. The exocommunication caused servere shock to moorthys mother and she died. Moorthy now began to live with the rangamma, a childless window of the village.Rangmma was an
Educated lady and was a supporter of moorthy, the freedom fighter.
This eastate spread over a vast sprawling expanse in the neighbouredhood of kanthapura. The owner of the
Eastate, an Englishman, ruled the cooliess there with an iron hand,making free sexual use of of their womanfolk .once the two Brahmin clrarks on the estate invited moorthy to craeate an awaking among the pariahs there.as moorthy approached the gate of the coffee eastate,the policeman bade khan hit him with his lathi. The pariahs at the eastate sided with moorthy and attacked bade khan. Moorthy reminded his followers to remain non-violent . the fight was stopped, but the violence left moorthy sad and sorrowfull.
A pariah named rachanna was thrown out of the cooffe stste,along with his family, for giving serve beating to the policeman. He began to live in the kanthapura and became a strong congress worker.
Over brimming with love for all mankind. The world seemed to bathe in a new light. He felt happy and satisfied.he walked out to peach dont-touch-the government compagn.
Luxmi bai of Jhansi, rajput princes, sarojini naidu etc. thus she instilled in them the courage to fight for the freedom of their country, but in the gandhian non violent manner. Soon the womans volunteer crops in kanthapura was formed.
*Moorthy released
Came the month of vaisakh, and with thus the news that moorthy was going to be released. On the appointed day, the people of kanthapura erected victory arches and gathred to welcome their hero. But The police brought moorthy to Rangmmas house through a secreat route. When people learnt this, they gathred here, shouting slogas like Mahtma Gandhi ki jai and Vande matram. The crowd was asked to disperse peacefully and they obeyed because that their leaders wish. People noticed no change in moorthy. He was, to use the authors words,as everas ever.
For the dandi beach,along witch eight two of his followers. He would preperare salt here and would break the salt law. The people of kanthapura were one with the mahatma in his venture . the very moment Gandhi was supposed to make salt, the villagers took batch,led by moorthy, and shouted:mahatma Gandhi ji ki jai.then came the news that Gandhi had been arrested for breaking the salt
law. People were filled with refreshment against the forign goverement and got prepared to make any sacrifice for their mahatma.
Moorthy addressed meeting of the kanthapura congress committee. He told them that they would not
Pay the taxes, the land revenue. They would eastablish a parallel government.ranga gowda would be their Patel. They wouled eastablish a parallel government .range gowda would be their patel . they would refuse
To recognize the new patel of the forign government moorthy gave a clarion-call for a struggle against the britsh government but he stressed that their struggle must remain non violent it was decided to picket the borannas toddy grove. On the appointed day , moorthy marched at the head of one hundread and thirty hundread. He police tried to stop their march, but they didnt stop. They forced open the gates of the skeffington coffee eastste.rachanna and others rushed into the estate,climbed the trees and began to break the twigs and branches. The police deployed in strength ,rained lathi blows on the satayagrahis .many of them have caught,loaded in lorries and left in the far of f junglesat the time of night. The cartmen on the way gave them lifts too.
The news of picketing spread in the neighbouring areas. As a result, as many as twenty six toddy booths were closed down in the vicinity of kanthapura. moorthy had become a hero for them.many came to have a darshan of this great man.when the imprisoned satayagrahis returned to kanthapura after their release , they narrated harrowing tales of police brutalitiesa on them inside in the jail..
The british govt intensified its repression on the people of kanthapura.a new patel was appointed and people were told to pay the revenue. Only a few obeyed the govt . all the others refused to pay because that was their moorthys instrutions .then one morning ,people found a heavy posse of police over kanthapura . to be accompaniment of the beating of drums,the new beadle announced that the people must pay the revenue or be prepared to pay a punititve tax.moorthy however allayed the fears of the people,promising them full support of the freedom fighters . haunted by apprehensions, the people kept awake all that night ,but nothing happned.no body came.
One morning the people of kanthapura found that the thirty three coolies who had escaped from the coffee
Eastate were being marched back to the eastate by the police .moorthy, rangamma and others had been arrested and taken away during the night . woman and children came out and pelted stones the police . the police built the children and tried to molest the women .
while running away from the chasing police ,a seven month pregnant woman gave birth to the baby in the open itself .the police tried to back open the temple door,then locked the door from outside . it was only early in the morning ,after the police had left , that the women were rescued .
The misfortunes of the people of kanthapura were not over . once day the sahibs,along with the city coolies,arrived.they announced that the lands of the people were going to be auctioned for non payment
Of the land revnue . as the right fell, the city coolies began to reap the fields . the people of kanthapura took out a procession .the procession was given the look of a religious one .but then they stsrted shouting plotical slogans .the police rushied rushed at them with
lathis .the coolies from the skeffington coffee eastate and the cities collies from the fields joined them. Many satayagraahis were wounded, others ran awayand escaped to another village ,kashipur.
Almost one year and two months had passed .thirty refugees from kanthapur had settled in kashipur. They Open recalled those turbulent days in kanthapura .they missed theirfellow men who were either that dead or in jail .on the whole the people had the satisfaction that they had done something for their country. When however gandiji reached a treacue with the british viceroy now had a leaning towards Jawaharlal Nehru who was more practical then the mahatma .but people ,by the large ,had their mahatma . they looked upon him as lord rama who would slay ravana, the british ,and would free sita, their motherland.
Meanwhite kanthapura was occupied by the men from Bombay , only the concubine china staying there entertaining her new clients.
Raja rao , along with mulk raj Anand and R.K Narayan, froms a trinity in indo anglian fiction. Raja rao has written only three novel---kanthapura, the serpntand the rope and The cat and Shakespeare .but dispiats his selendeoutput,he has carved out a permanent niche for himself among the Indian novelists writing in English. In certain ways ,he may be called even a pioneer , a path-finder , in this new genre of literature, As we go through kantha pura ,a few characterstics features of the Nobel and the novelist stand out prominently before use.
*A plotical novel
Kanthapura is a political novel. It depicts in microcosm the gandhian struggle for independence that ragged
Throughoutindia in the early 1930s . moorthy, a youngman of the village ,sees a vision of mahatma Gandhi and gets transformed . he forms a congress working committee in the village . with its help, and with guidance from the congress committee in nearby city of carwar,
he launches a sataygrah movement against the british rules .the toddy boths are picked .land revnue s are not paid . the satayagrhais face the police brutalities most heroically, in a non violent manner . even women the phariahs, the low caste, take an active part in this gandhian non-
corporation movement .
*Social novel
But kanthapura is no merely a political novel. It is a social novel as well. It informs us that gandhis movement did not stop at political aims ; it a sort of social iveils of caste system illiteracy,susperstitions,alcoholism,economic exploitationof Indians by forgners. So in the novel we find moorthy preaching free mixing of casts ,giving due to respectto the lowly pariahs.toddy booths are picked and the poor collies are taught toshun alchol. forign is discarded ad people spin khadi and wear khaddar. Like this ,an attempt is made to stop the flow of Indian money to the forign markets illiteracytoo is sought to be banished. The two Brahmin clerks at the skeffington coffee eastate invite moorthy and his band of volunteers to teach literacy to the poor coolies there.
Kanthapura is a regional novel,concentracting it self on one particular region. It is through and through The story of the village named kanthapura in south india . but it is not merely that; it is a sthala purana too, as it carries about it a halo of myths and epics and legends . the village has a presiding dieity in goddess kenchamma who looks after the welfare of the villagers . but kantapura is not merely a sthala-purana. It has given an evic form too. It carries a mythical techniques . Gandhi ji eleveated as the lord rama . swaraj is sita who has been kidnapped by the red man ,ravana. Just as rama slew ravna and redeemed sita , in same way Gandhi would vanquish the red men and secure swaraj. Gandhiji is lord Krishna too . men follow him as they did Krishna , the flute player ;and so he goes from village to village.
Kanthapura lacks an effective characterization raja rao has not paid particular attentation to the charcter-delineation here . it has no individual the characterized the character . but there was agood reason for that the novelist wanted to present a movement , the stayagrah movement against the british rulers .the need was to present character in the crowd character defnitation would have deflected from the purpose , and would have diluted the impact of the movement .but that those not mean that the novileast has neglelated characterzition altogether .rather he has todefine his characters as for as possible . for eample, he has lent identify to the characters by giving them tell-tale names like CORNER HOUSE MOORTHY,GOLD BANGLE SOMMANNA,WATER FALL VENKAMMA,nose-scaratching nanjammana etc.but the crowing glory of cha racterization in the novel is that raja rao has taken pain, thought summarily to humanize his characters.
Dramatic style
Raja rao uses English like master , as one would use ones own mother-tongue .his words ,of course ,are
English but theirorgnization is Indian and entirely his own innovention. In kanthapura we find an expressionof a wind range of fellings and attitude from the beahaviour of an Indian crowd. First under police
artrocities: while the police men beat crowd thi side and that side
And groans and moans and carries and cought s And oaths and bangs and kicksare heard ,while there is Herad,mahatma Gandhi ki jai ,mki..jai.
raja rao indeed is an indo anglion novelist par excellence . in his very first novel kanthapura he has been able to achive what he himself concede was a difficult task .says rao in his foreword to kanthapura: the telling has not been easy. One has to convey in a language that is not ones own the spirit that is ownes own spirit that is ones own,by accomplishing this arduous task, raja rao blazed a path for all other indo-anglian novliests of posterity.