E-MDs Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00 - 20111018

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e-MDs Solution Series

Utilities Guide
Version 7.2.1


e-MDs 9900 Spectrum Drive. Austin, TX 78717 Phone 512.257.5200 Fax 512.335.4375 e-MDs.com 2011 e-MDs, Inc. All rights reserved. Product and company names are trademarks or trade names of their respective corporations. No part of this manual shall be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from e-MDs. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, e-MDs assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Table of Contents
1 Introducing the Solution Series Utilities ........................................................................ 1
USING THIS GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................2 RELATED DOCUMENTATION ..............................................................................................................................2 GETTING ADDITIONAL HELP AND INFORMATION ..............................................................................................3

2 DocMan ........................................................................................................................ 5
ADDING IMAGES TO DOCMAN ..........................................................................................................................6 ADDING DOCUMENTS WITH FAST FILE ...........................................................................................................11 EDITING THE PROPERTIES OF A PATIENT DOCUMENT .....................................................................................12 LINKING FORMS TO PATIENT ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................13 ADDING A SUMMARY TO A DOCUMENT ..........................................................................................................15 SIGNING OFF DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................................................................16 REUSING STATEMENTS WITH RUBBER STAMP ................................................................................................19 USING SEARCH FILTERS TO RETRIEVE IMAGES ...............................................................................................21 DELETING A PATIENT DOCUMENT...................................................................................................................23 COMPARING IMAGES .......................................................................................................................................23 SENDING DOCMAN IMAGES THROUGH TASKMAN ..........................................................................................24 GRAPHING LAB RESULTS IN DOCMAN ............................................................................................................25 PRINTING FROM DOCMAN ...............................................................................................................................28 FAXING FROM DOCMAN..................................................................................................................................30 GENERATING CUSTOM DOCMAN REPORTS .....................................................................................................32 TRACKING LABWORK IN DOCMAN .................................................................................................................32 PROCESSING INCOMING FAXES IN DOCMAN ...................................................................................................33 USING THE DOCMAN VIEWER IN CHART ........................................................................................................38 USING THE ABN/FORMS MANAGER WORK LIST ............................................................................................39 UNDERSTANDING THE DOCMAN INTERFACE ..................................................................................................40

3 TaskMan..................................................................................................................... 63
RECEIVING SYSTEM-GENERATED MESSAGES .................................................................................................64 SENDING MESSAGES FROM TASKMAN ............................................................................................................64 IMPLEMENTING SECURE/EXTERNAL EMAIL ....................................................................................................74 TRACKING TASKS ............................................................................................................................................78

4 Printing and Faxing Information.................................................................................. 89

SETTING UP A TIFF PRINTER ..........................................................................................................................90

5 Snapshot (Digicam) .................................................................................................... 93

SETTING UP SNAPSHOT ...................................................................................................................................94 USING FAQS AND TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS .................................................................................................101

6 Forms/Letter Builder ................................................................................................. 103

SETTING SECURITY ACCESS FOR WORD ........................................................................................................104 ADDING FORMS TO THE SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................104 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING FORMS/LETTERS..............................................................................................105 GENERATING AND PRINTING FORMS/LETTERS..............................................................................................106 EXAMPLES OF FORMS/LETTERS.....................................................................................................................107

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


7 Registry Processor ................................................................................................... 109

GETTING STARTED WITH THE REGISTRY PROCESSOR ...................................................................................110 CREATING REPORTS AND USING EXISTING REPORTS ....................................................................................111 USING THE PATIENT LISTING REPORTS .........................................................................................................114

8 Clinical Quality Measures ......................................................................................... 119

GENERATING A MU CLINICAL QUALITY MEASURES XML FILE...................................................................120 GENERATING A PQRS CLINICAL QUALITY MEASURES XML FILE ...............................................................123

9 Spell Checker ........................................................................................................... 125

USING SPELL CHECKER .................................................................................................................................126

10 Signatures .............................................................................................................. 131

UNDERSTANDING THE SIGNATURE WINDOW ................................................................................................132 ACCESSING THE SIGNATURE WINDOW ..........................................................................................................133 CAPTURING SIGNATURES WITH THE SIGNATURE FORM ................................................................................133 ADDING AND DELETING SIGNATURES ...........................................................................................................134 MAINTAINING SIGNATURES FOR OTHER USERS ............................................................................................135 USING SIGNATURES WITH FAXED PRESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................136 USING SIGNATURES WITH DOCMAN IMAGES ................................................................................................136 USING SIGNATURES WITH LAB AND RADIOLOGY REPORTS ..........................................................................136 MAINTAINING SIGNATURE SECURITY ...........................................................................................................136

11 Continuity of Care Record (CCR) ........................................................................... 139

IMPORTING A CCR FILE ................................................................................................................................140 EXPORTING A CCR FILE ................................................................................................................................141

12 Continuity of Care Document (CCD)....................................................................... 143

IMPORTING A CCD FILE ................................................................................................................................144 EXPORTING A CCD FILE................................................................................................................................148

Index ........................................................................................................................... 149

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Introducing the Solution Series Utilities

e-MDs Solution Series provides an extensive set of supporting automation tools to expand and build on the applications that are part of this Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Practice Management software solution. This guide provides instructions for using the following tools: DocMan: Scan and manages documents electronically. TaskMan: Supports interoffice messaging and tasking. Snapshot (Digicam): Captures photo images as computer code and inserts them in the patient's chart. Forms/Letter Builder: Creates forms and letters commonly used in the practice using fields from the database and performing mail merges for single or multiple mailings. Spell Checker: Integrates a third-party dictionary for use in text-based functions. Signatures: Manages bitmaps or images of a users handwritten signature that are captured electronically via scanning and can be used within both the ScriptWriter, DocMan and Chart modules. Continuity of Care Records (CCR): Provides the option to either export or import a CCR file in an XML format with all pertinent patient information included. Continuity of Care Documents (CCD): Provides the option to either export or import a CCD file in an XML format with all pertinent patient information included. Registry Processor to create, view, distribute and print customized reports based on patient demographics and healthcare records.

Because of their tight integration with Chart module functionality, Fast Forms, Tracking Board, and the Rules Engine are described in the e-MDs Solution Series Chart User Guide instead of this guide.
Continued on the next page ...

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

Using This Guide

As you go through this guide, you will notice that each set of steps to perform a task begins with an indented heading starting with "To" and ending with a colon (:). That heading is then followed by indented steps to be performed in a prescribed sequence. For example, after a brief overview of when you may scan documents into a patient's folder, the procedure looks like the contents of the following box:

To scan a document into a patient folder:

1. Click Open Patient on the main toolbar. 2. Type the desired patient name (or other search criteria) in the Find Chart Patient window and click Search. 3. Highlight the appropriate patient name from the search results and click Select. 4. Ensure that the correct Specialty Group is chosen from the drop-down list, so that appropriate Category and Subcategory folders are displayed in the left windowpane. After this is done per login, it should default to this Specialty Group from this point forward. 5. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory into which the document will be scanned, and then click New Document icon on the main toolbar.

Related Documentation
Documentation for Solution Series modules is provided in PDF (Portable Document Format) files for viewing and printing individually, and in Help format for easy access from each product module. Both formats and access methods provide the same information. The documentation library is updated extensively for each major product release as well as updated and corrected periodically, as needed. For the latest version of any Solution Series documentation, go to the documentation section of the e-MDs Support site at Online Support > Downloads > Documentation. The following documents are available to all Solution Series users: e-MDs Solution Series Administration Guide is your starting point for initializing and customizing Solution Series modules for use in your organization. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for licensing your software, adding system users and defining access levels, adding and modifying user groups, and setting up default handling of various module tasks. e-MDs Solution Series Bill User Guide provides instructions for working with insurance codes and electronic claims, setting fee schedules and rules, defining policies, posting and billing transactions and reversals, and performing numerous other practice management tasks. e-MDs Solution Series Chart User Guide leads you from the beginning of an office visit through the visit conclusion when billing is enabled. Using Chart you can track and code a patients medical information and provide prenatal, maternity and postnatal care. This guide also details Chart's prescription processing, lab interfaces, and telephone interactions with patients. e-MDs Formulary Benefits User Guide describes how to determine the pharmacy benefits and drug copays for a patients health plan, determine if a prescribed medication is covered (in formulary) under a patients plan, display therapeutic alternatives with preference rank (if available) within a drug class for non-formulary medications, determine if a patients health plan allows electronic prescribing to mail order pharmacies, and download a historic list of all medications prescribed for a patient by any provider. e-MDs Solution Series Installation Guide leads you through the preparation of your site for Solution Series, the database and application installation steps, and post-installation 2

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

configuration. This guide is for new installations only. If Solution Series is already installed at your facility, use the update instructions provided with each product release to update your system. e-MDs Solution Series Schedule User Guide leads you through scheduling and tracking appointments, setting up and modifying patient accounts, blocking time on the calendar to restrict appointment scheduling, checking patients into the facility and tracking their progress through each encounter with a provider, and checking eligibility. e-MDs Solution Series Patient Portal Administration Guide provides instructions for maintaining user access on a Patient Portal, working with patient appointments scheduled through the Portal, communicating with patients through a Portal e-mail interface, processing prescription refill requests, and auditing Patient Portal usage. e-MDs Solution Series Patient Portal User Guide instructs patients on the use of the Patient Portal to communicate with their healthcare provider, view their own healthcare information, and submit requests for appointments and prescription refills. This document can be provided on your Patient Portal for easy online viewing or printing by patients. e-MDs Solution Series Reports User Guide lists the reports available through Solution Series. A description of each report is provided, along with the location of the report within Solution Series modules, the available fields and filters used to select specific data for the report, and samples of most reports, illustrating what you can expect when running a report at your facility.

Additional documentation is also available on the e-MDs Support site for performing specific tasks and for using e-MDs interface products for working with labs and other organizations. For access to the latest versions of these documents, see the e-MDs Support site.

Getting Additional Help and Information

e-MDs realizes that one of the most important elements of any software system is the support services backing it up. There are a number of support resources available to help you optimize the use of your system and participate in the e-MDs community.

Help Screens
Help is accessible on each Solution Series application and module by going to Help > Search Topic on each application's top toolbar. Related help files, such as this guide, the Utilities Guide, and the Reports User Guide, are generally accessible from the same help screen. After opening each help file, you can use the table of contents, index or search function to locate the specific information you need.

User Guides
The e-MDs Solution Series user guides contain comprehensive information about all standard product functions. This includes dealing with many of the complex situations that can arise in a medical office. Use the table of contents, index or search option to locate items of particular interest. These guides are very similar to the application help screens. For a brief description of the Solution Series user guides available, see Related Documentation. Solution Series guides are always available in electronic format (Adobe .pdf files). You can put copies on each computer in the network. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from www.adobe.com Updated user guides are included on the CD-ROMs you will receive with each upgrade, as well as on the support pages at www.e-mds.com. To download files from the e-MDs Support site, you will need your clinic password. Instructions on how to apply for a password are on the Web site. Only one password is issued per customer account, so please ensure you communicate this to your staff.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

Using the e-MDs Support Center

The e-MDs Support Center is an online customer meeting place for clients with an active account. It is accessed from the Support pages at www.e-MDs.com or http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=3222 . If you dont have an account, you can request one by using the Request New Account button on the login page. We strongly encourage each staff member in a clinic to have their own logins instead of one generic one for all people. The primary reason for this is that when we need to push information such as update notifications it is sent to everyone meaning there is a smaller chance that the information will not be disseminated such as if someone is sick or ignores the message. Support Center includes the following tools that can be of great assistance to helping your practice work more efficiently with the e-MDs Software: Forums/Newsgroups: The online forums are an e-MDs User Community where you can post messages related to support, general discussions, suggestions, tips and more. It is a great nonurgent support tool and is also searchable. You can subscribe to various forums that interest you and get an e-mail notification if someone posts to them. You can also elect to get an e-mail if someone posts to a specific message. This is really useful if you post a question and want to know when it is answered. Support forums are monitored by the e-MDs support team and a number of our customers also chip in with their knowledge. Downloads: Downloads include shared templates for Chart, Word Forms, reports, updates to content such as ICD and CPT codes, bug patches, etc. Knowledge Base: The knowledge base includes an extensive list of articles that you can use for troubleshooting, setup and so on. These are generally posted based on questions from customers. Troubleshooter: This search utility makes it easy to quickly locate the information youre looking for. It cross-references multiple parts of the support center and returns hyperlinks to articles, downloads and the like. Surveys: Occasionally e-MDs will gauge your opinions about something via surveys which can be distributed via Support Center. Push e-mails: If we want to let you know about something, we can push information to you from Support Center.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

DocMan allows you to rapidly scan in old charts or paper generated from outside sources, and then categorize them using Fast File technology. DocMan supports all document formats, and allows you to capture anything related to the patient chart lab results, color images, referral letters and other correspondence, video with sound, and images of insurance cards for reference purposes. You can even host and view files from third-party vendor applications and devices. A generic forms folder allows you to store custom forms such as Advanced Beneficiary Notices (ABN) and patient information forms for rapid access anywhere in your network. Specialties and patient folders are completely customizable, and the interface was designed to be simple and intuitive. If DocMan has not already been installed and customized on your system, see the e-MDs Solution Series Administration Guide for assistance in customizing DocMan to exactly meet your specific needs. The following section provides detailed information on how to perform DocMan tasks such as scanning, importing, filing and generally managing documents in your system.
Continued on the next page ...

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

Adding Images to DocMan

The most frequently used methods of adding images to DocMan are scanning and importing.

Scanning a Document
Documents can be scanned into either Patient Category folders (i.e. patient-specific documents scanned directly into a patients chart) or into Reference Documents Category folders (i.e. administrative documents stored in DocMan but unrelated to a specific patient). The following instructions relate to scanning a document into a Patient Category folder.

To scan a document into a patient folder:

1. Click Open Patient on the main toolbar. Type the desired patient name (or other search criteria) in the Find Chart Patient window and click Search. Highlight the appropriate patient name from the search results and click Select. 2. Ensure that the correct Specialty Group is chosen from the drop-down list, so that appropriate Category and Subcategory Folders are displayed in the left windowpane. Once this is done per login, it should default to this Specialty Group from this point forward. 3. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory into which the document will be scanned, and then click New Document icon on the main toolbar.

To scan with document types:

1. If Document Types have been created for the chosen Category (or Subcategory), the Documents window will pop up. Select the document description(s) that are appropriate. Selecting the Document Type merely labels the image about to be scanned; this label can be edited later. 2. Next, click the Multi Select button to string together multiple Document Types. For example, a Lab Category might contain Document Types "CBC", "chemistry panel", "urinalysis", etc. If a lab report containing both a CBC and chemistry result is to be scanned in, label that image with both of those Document Types. Or select Single Item. Note: A new default Category was created for all Medical Specialties called Advanced Directives. This Category contains the following default Document Types: Antibiotic Status, CPR Status, Intubations Status, Life Support Status, Other, Resuscitation Status, and Tub Feeding Status. 3. If desired, click Send Message and select the Ordering Provider in the upper Right field. Click the Search button (labeled " ") and select the appropriate provider. Or select one from the quick list under Ordered By Provider column. 4. If desired, assign a Priority Level to the document from the drop-down menu and a Due Date or Date of Service. 5. Click OK. 6. At this point, the Image page is launched. Note: Other than the Laboratory (or Lab) category that uses Lab Tracking.

To perform a bulk scan (No Document Types):

1. If no Document Types have been created for the chosen Category or Subcategory, a message states "There are no scan types available. Do you want to bulk scan to this category?" 2. Click Yes. This will allow scanning of the document directly into the folder with a generic description. For example, if the "Lab" category receives a bulk scan, that document will be labeled as "Bulk Lab". This will immediately open the Image window, bypassing the step above.
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This opens the Document Info window. Here you can select an ORDERED BY PROVIDER, choose to message a Provider, set a Priority Level and select a Date of Service. 3. Click OK and this opens the Image window. At this point, the Image page is launched. Note: Other than the Laboratory (or Lab) category that uses Lab Tracking.)

To scan into Laboratory Category (Lab Tracking):

1. After selecting the Laboratory Category, follow the instructions above for selecting Document Types, Ordering Provider, and Priority Level as needed in the Documents window. Click OK to close the Documents window. 2. After completing the Documents window, this opens the Lab Tracking window. Any CPT or HCPCS code that has been set for Lab Tracking (see "Lab Tracking" for details) and has been ordered will display here. If you are scanning in or importing a lab that has been listed here, click to check it. This will stop overdue messages to the ordering provider and designated recipient through TaskMan. 3. If neither CPT or HCPCS is listed here or the user does not wish to select one, click Cancel button to close this window. 4. When the blank Image window opens, place the document into the scanner and click one of the following Scanner icons: Scan Document: Clicking this button scans the document automatically based on the previously set scanner preferences. These can be set either through the Scan Custom button or through another scanning software like IrfanView (www.irfanview.com) or Windows Imaging or Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Scan Custom: Clicking this button opens the Scanner Driver dialog screen. Depending on the driver, the user will have the ability to set specific preferences. Some recommendations for DocMan scanning include: Image Mode: Line Art (also known as B&W or Black & White) Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi (FastForm resets this setting to 100 x 100 dpi) Paper Size: Letter (8.5 x 11 in) Unit: Inches Scan Type: ADF (automatic document feeder) Width: 8.500 Length: 11.000 Brightness: 50-128 (varies based on Driver) Threshold: 50-128 (varies based on Driver) Contrast: 50-128 (varies based on Driver) Scan Color: If this scanner supports Color Scanning, clicking this button opens the Scanner Driver dialog screen also. Depending on the driver, the user will have the ability to set specific preferences. For information about preference settings, see "Scan Custom."

Note: DocMan currently does not support multi page .TIF color files. 5. After clicking the Scan icon, a Scanning Dialog screen displays intermittently following each page scanned. When scanning is completed, the image will then appear in the Image window. 6. Click Save to retain this scan, and then Exit to return to the main DocMan page.

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Note: After scanning into Lab (Laboratory) Category and clicking Save or exiting Image page, this opens the Lab Tracking window. Any CPT or HCPCS code that has been set for Lab Tracking (see "Lab Tracking" for details) and has been ordered will display here. If you are scanning in or importing a lab that has been listed here, click to check it. This will stop overdue messages to the ordering provider and designated recipient through TaskMan. If neither a CPT or HCPCS is listed here, or the user does not wish to select one, click Cancel button to close this window. OR If you decide to not keep this scan, click the Exit button. When asked Would you like to save this image? click No. This leaves an entry in the list of linked documents for this patient with 0 pages. To re-scan, click the Scanner icon and re-click a Scan icon. Otherwise, right-click the description and click Delete.

Currently cannot re-scan over an existing document. The scanner icon is disabled. Recently scanned documents display first in document list of main DocMan Grid.

Troubleshooting: Click File and choose the Select Twain Source menu option. This will display a list of all twain devices attached to the computer, such as scanners and peripheral devices such as digital cameras. Ensure that the correct scanner is selected. Documents can be scanned into either Patient Category folders (i.e. patient-specific documents scanned directly into a patients chart) or into Reference Documents Category folders (i.e. administrative documents stored in DocMan but unrelated to a specific patient). The following instructions relate to scanning a document into a Reference Documents Category folder.

To scan a document into a Reference Documents folder:

1. Click Reference Documents icon on the main toolbar. Or click Tools Reference Documents menu item. This opens the Reference Documents window. 2. Highlight the appropriate Category into which the document will be scanned, and then click the Add Document button (with the yellow plus sign). Supply an abbreviated Code/Name for the document in the first field and a more detailed description into the second field. Click OK. 3. Highlight the newly created document description in the Reference Documents window and click the Scan button (with the scanner icon). This will open the Image window. [Prior to clicking the Scan button, to edit the description, highlight it and click the Edit Document button (with the pencil icon)]. 4. When the blank Image window opens, place the document into the scanner and click Scan. The image will appear in the window. Click Save to retain the image, and then Exit to return to main DocMan page. For more information regarding preference settings, see "Scan Document", "Scan Custom", or "Scan Color." 5. Once a document has been scanned and saved, a check mark will appear in the box linked to its description. 6. To View a document, click the View Document icon (page with magnifying glass) or double click on the description. 7. To delete a document, highlight the description and click the Delete button (red dash). 8. To limit/grant access to a document, those end users with the DocMan Security privilege can click on the Padlock icon. 9. (Troubleshooting: Click File and choose the Select Twain Source menu option. This will display a list of all twain devices attached to the computer, such as scanners and peripheral devices such as digital cameras. Ensure that the correct scanner is selected.)
e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

Performing Bulk Scans

Bulk scanning is the mass scanning of a patient record into a single folder, rather than scanning discrete sections (such as Progress Notes charts, Lab Results, etc.) into separate folders. Bulk scanning is the most efficient means of entering large or files into DocMan. With the Fast File option, the individual documents within a bulk scan can then be quickly re-filed into appropriate folders (see "Fast File" for details).

To perform a bulk scan:

1. Click Open Patient on the main toolbar. Type the desired patient name (or other search criteria) in the Find Patient window and click Search. Highlight the appropriate patient name from the search results and click Select. 2. Ensure that the correct Specialty Group is chosen from the drop-down list, on the dark gray bar, so that appropriate Category and Subcategory Folders are displayed in the left windowpane. 3. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory into which the chart will be bulk scanned. If no Document Types have been created for the chosen Category or Subcategory, a message states "There are no scan types available. Do you want to bulk scan to this category?" 4. Click Yes. This will allow scanning of the document directly into the folder with a generic description. For example, if the "Lab" category receives a bulk scan, that document will be labeled as "Bulk Lab". 5. This opens the Document Info window. Here you can select an ORDERED BY PROVIDER, choose to message a Provider, set a Priority Level and select a Date of Service. Click OK and this opens the Image window. 6. When the blank Image window opens, place the document stack into the scanner and click Scan. The multi page image will appear in the window. Click Save to retain the image pages, and then Exit to return to main DocMan page. For more information regarding preference settings, see "Scan Document", "Scan Custom", or "Scan Color."

Importing Files
Any file type can be stored in the DocMan application. However, in order to view a file, an appropriate hosting application must be installed on the computer. DocMan is capable of viewing the following file types: .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif, and .gif. Other types of files, such as MS Word documents (.doc) and Excel spreadsheets (.xls), can be displayed assuming the computers program files includes applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Also X-rays, CT Scans, MRI scans or any other radiological files can also be imported into and stored in DocMan, provided that the host application is installed on the computer where these files will be viewed from within DocMan.

To import a file into a patient folder:

1. Click Open Patient on the main toolbar. Type the desired patient name (or other search criteria) in the Find Patient window and click Search. Highlight the appropriate patient name from the search results and click Select. 2. Ensure that the correct Specialty Group is chosen from the drop-down list, so that appropriate Category and Subcategory Folders are displayed in the left windowpane. 3. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory into which the document will be scanned. 4. On the main DocMan toolbar, click the Import Document icon. Or click Tools on the main toolbar, and select either the Import Document or Import Folder menu options. If Import Document is chosen, browse for the correct document, highlight it, and click Open. Next, if user selects to Send message, choose an Ordered by provider, by clicking on the radio search button (). Or click Do not Send Message. Finally, set a Priority level and Date of Service if desired. The selected document will be titled with its name as it is listed in the 9

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00

location on the computers directory. To edit the title, right click on its description and choose the Edit menu option. Note: Make sure that you are importing files from a simple path like single directory on the root drive. Otherwise, this will generate error messages and access violations that prevent importing of the file. For example, all imports should come from a directory like C:\ImageFiles. This allows DocMan to go directly to that directory folder to access the image. DO NOT attempt to import from an extended path with may sublevels like C:\images\tobeimported\byDocs\byStaff\approved or from the Desktop which also has an extended path address, like C:\Documents and Settings\user.network\Desktop\Tifs. If Import Document is chosen, browse for the correct document, highlight it, and click Open. The selected document will be titled with its location in the computers directory. To edit the title, right click on its description and choose the Edit menu option. Note: Again, import from a simple path like single directory on the root drive. Otherwise, this will generate error messages and access violations that prevent importing of the file. For example, all imports should come from a directory like C:\ImageFiles. Any file type can be stored in the DocMan application. However, in order to view a file, an appropriate hosting application must be installed on the computer. DocMan is capable of viewing the following file types: .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif, and .gif. Other types of files, such as MS Word documents (.doc) and Excel spreadsheets (.xls), can be displayed assuming the computers program files includes applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Also X-rays, CT Scans, MRI scans or any other radiological files can also be imported into and stored in DocMan, provided that the host application is installed on the computer where these files will be viewed from within DocMan.

To import a file into a Reference Document folder:

1. Click Docs on the main toolbar. 2. Click Reference Documents icon on the main toolbar. OR Click Tools Reference Documents menu item. This opens a Docs window. 3. Highlight the appropriate category into which the document will be imported. 4. Click the Import Document button (with the piece of paper icon). 5. Browse for the correct file, and click Open. The document will be titled by its location in the computers directory. This includes the directory path name. 6. Highlight the newly added document and click Edit Document (with the pencil icon) to edit its title. 7. After a document has been imported and saved, a check mark will appear in the box linked to its description. 8. To view a document, click the View Document icon (page with magnifying glass) or double-click the description. 9. To delete a document, highlight the description and click the Delete button (red dash). If you change your mind, click the Cancel button to cancel the delete process. 10. To limit/grant access to a document, those end users with the DocMan Security privilege can click the padlock icon.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Adding Documents with Fast File

The Fast File option allows the individual documents in a multi page file to be quickly re-filed into appropriate folders. For example, if an entire patient chart is bulk scanned into one folder (see "Bulk Scan" for details), the document types it contains (such as progress notes and lab reports) can then be re-filed into those specific folders. Notes: Fast File only works with multiple page .tif files Fast File can be completed immediately after scanning/importing and saving a document. If Fast filing a signed off document, the sign-off is transferred to the individual pages of the document when moved to a new Category.

To Fast File documents:

1. In the main DocMan window, select the folder that contains the bulk scan. The description of the bulk scan, as well as the number of pages it contains will be displayed in the right windowpane. Highlight the bulk scan description and click the Fast File icon on the main toolbar. OR Open the multi page .tif file in the Image window (double-click or right-click and select view from drop-down menu). Click the Fast File icon on the main toolbar. 2. The left windowpane will continue to display available category and subcategory folders. The right windowpane will now show the first page of the multi page bulk scan. Click the appropriate folder or subfolder to hold that document. 3. The second page of the scan is now displayed in the right windowpane. Click the appropriate folder or subfolder for it. Continue in this manner until every page of the original bulk scan has been re-filed. Note: Depending on how the user wishes to Fast File the individual pages determines the outcome of Fast Filing. For example, if the end user continues to click on the same Category until all of the pages are stored, then this new file will be a multi page document renamed with the new Category name. If the end user clicks on one Category and then moves to another Category for the second page, then an individual file will be created in the first Category by that name (i.e. click Labs, then the newly created file will be named Labs). This allows for the flexibility of Fast Filing all of the documents into one Category, or moving some individuals to their own Categories and some multiple page combinations into other categories. This is especially helpful when Fast Filing a large bulk medical file that may contain labs, hospital reports, physician notes, immunization records, etc 4. While Fast Filing the user can choose to skip Fast Filing a page by clicking on a Blue Arrow located in the upper left corner of the right windowpane. This can be helpful if the user wishes to remove a coversheet or other non-essential pages from this record (see "Fast Filing an Incoming Fax" for details). 5. The user can also click on Rotate icon to modify the position of any page prior to Fast filing. 6. Once all of the desired pages have been Fast Filed, the user receives the following message: Would you like to save the last file? If the user clicks NO or clicks the Right upper corner X (close button), then the entire Fast File process will be canceled, leaving the Bulk file intact in its original Category as if no Fast Filing was done. Then this returns them to the main DocMan window. If the end user clicks YES, then the entire Fast Filing process is saved as performed. 7. After saving the Fast Filing process, the user is asked if they Would like to delete the bulk file? If the user clicks NO, then the original copy of the scanned Bulk file remains in its original

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Category along with the newly created Fast Filed records. If the user clicks YES, then the Bulk file is deleted and only the newly created Fast Filed records remain.

To move a misfiled patient document:

1. Right-click the document description (in the main DocMan window) and select Move Document from the menu. Click Yes in the Confirmation window. Clicking No, cancels the process. 2. Search for the correct patient in the Find Chart Patient window. Highlight the correct person from the search results and click Select. 3. For audit trail purposes, the original patients record will retain an entry for that document stating that the document has been moved to account "XXXXXXX" (the other patients account number is inserted here). The image is visible only in the second patients chart. To jump directly to the second chart (to view the moved document in the correct location), highlight the document description, click Tools and select the Go to Linked Patient menu option. 4. To return to the patient record from where the document was moved, click on document description, then Tools and select the Go to Linked Patient menu option. Note: You must have the DocMan Filing privilege set to read, write or read, write, delete to perform this function (see "Security" for details).

To move a document to a different category within the same patient record:

1. Right-click the document description in the Main DocMan window and select Edit. 2. In the Edit Document window, click the drop-down arrow next to the Category field. 3. Search and select the new category desired, and click OK. 4. The entire file will now be listed in the new category. The file retains its name from the previous category. To edit the name, right-click the description and click Edit.

Editing the Properties of a Patient Document

The main DocMan window displays several document properties along with the description that are also search filters.

To access these document properties:

Right-click the image description and selecting Edit from the menu. OR Select the image description and click Document > Edit from the toolbar menu. This opens the Edit Document window with editable fields that correspond to the column placeholders. The following table describes each image that has the following column placeholders for data. Document Property Images
Paper Clip icon Red Paper icon Single Red Exclamation Point icon Ink Pen icon Displayed here if an image is linked to this description. Displayed here if this option is selected as a document property to identify this image file as abnormal. Depending on what option is selected determines the icon displayed. Normal displays no icon, Urgent displays a single red exclamation point icon, and Stat displays a double exclamation point icon. Displays Ink Pen icon if image is signed off.

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Light Orange Clipboard icon

Displays icon of associated linked form. If no forms are linked, then no icon is displayed. If Secure Email form is linked, a Green Clipboard icon is displayed. If Portal Authorization form is linked, a Blue Clipboard icon is displayed. If HIPAA document is linked, a Light Orange Clipboard icon is displayed. Displays the image page count. Displays the file extension type for the image. Displays the date that the image file was scanned or imported. Displays the description of the image file. Displays the date of service that is manually entered by end user. Lists the login of the Ordered by Provider that was selected. (NOTE: If login appear in this field, only this provider may Sign-off this document.) Displays a brief note in addition to the Description that can be added, deleted or edited before and after sign off.

Sheet of Paper icon File Type icon Date Created (text header) Description (text header) Date of Service (text header) Notify Summary

Some properties that are also search filters include: Description, Priority, Hold for Review, Abnormal Result, Date, and Category. Note: All properties can be edited before and after sign-off.

Linking Forms to Patient Accounts

Patient consent/authorization forms can be linked to the patients DocMan account. The following scanned/imported forms can be designated: Secure Email Consent Form: Gives the clinic and provider authorization to forward confidential patient medical information via Secure Email. A green clipboard is displayed in this column designating that this form has been collected Portal Authorization Form: Gives the clinic and provider authorization to setup a customer portal account whereby the patient can access clinic information and the facility can communicate medical information to patient. This messaging is separate from the secure email system. A blue clipboard is displayed in this column designating that this form has been collected. HIPAA Form: Confirms that the clinic has informed the patient of the clinics HIPAAs policy. This form is signed and dated by patient. A light orange clipboard is displayed in this column designating that this form has been collected.

The Secure Email option must be selected prior to being able to send Secure Email for this patient (see "Secure Email" for details). The Portal Authorization Form must be selected prior to setting up the patient portal account along with an expiration date. The expiration date defaults to 1 year currently. A rule in Rule Manager can be setup to message the patient when the Portal Authorization is about to expire (see "Rule Manager" for details). The HIPAA Form preference defaults to a four-month expiration date.

These properties can be modified before and after sign off. Finally, a patient can complete a consent form that gives the clinic and provider authorization to forward confidential patient medical information via Secure Email. After scanning/saving this form, the user can edit the document properties and check Secure Email Form option. This link is stored in the database. See the "Secure Email" section for additional information. Note: This box must be checked prior to being able to send Secure Email for this patient.
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These properties can be modified only prior to Sign-Off. Once singed off the properties cannot be edited.

To use a Secure Email form:

1. Right-click the document description and select Edit from the menu. OR Open the document in the Image window. Click on the Summary icon. 2. Modify any of the properties shown in the Edit Tracking Item window or the Summary window and click OK. After a document has been scanned or imported, memos can be attached to that image. Memos cannot be edited. Permanent memos, however, can be deleted up until the time that the attached document is signed off. "Sticky notes" are not permanent, can be deleted at any time (even after the document is signed off), and do not print.

To add a memo to a document:

1. Double-click the document description or right-click the description and select the View menu option to open the document in the Image window. 2. Click the Memo icon. This opens the Memo window. 3. Select either Permanent or Sticky Memo. Type text in the memo field and click OK. This links this memo to the image file. The Memo Grid now is displayed above the image file. 4. If prior memos exist, the Memo Grid opens above the image file. See the "Memo Grid Toolbar Buttons" and "Main Grid Columns" tables below for descriptions. 5. To add a new memo, click either the Permanent Memo or the Sticky Memo button on the left side toolbar of the Memo Grid. (Do not click the Memo button located on the main toolbar; as this will hide the Memo Grid rather than adding a new one.)

Permanent memos can only be edited or deleted before Sign-off. They are signed off along with the main image file. Stick Notes do not print or fax. e-MDs recommends that these notes should not contain patient confidential medical information as they are designed to be temporary communication method amongst the facility staff. e-MDs further recommends using these memos like sticky post it notes.

Memo Grid Toolbar Buttons

Permanent Memo Sticky Memo Delete Print Padlock Security Used to document medical information. Used to document interoffice communication. Allows end user to delete, Sticky Memos and Permanent Memos that have not been signed off. Allows user to print memos along with linked document. Allows user with DocMan privilege to restrict access to image files per login.

Main Grid Columns

Type Create Date Created By Priority Lists type of memo created. Lists date memo was created. Lists the name and login of the user who created the memo. (This column currently is not being populated with data.)

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Memo Addendum

Lists a summary of the text included in this memo. Used to identify if this memo was created after signing off a Permanent memo. If checked this memo was created.

Linking Associated Labs to the Same Memo

In the memo window, a new field and functionality was developed to provide users the ability to create a memo for one CPT (or HCPCS) order and link this memo to a group of associated Laboratory Orders added to the same Chart Visit or Order Note. In a table format, the associated CPT (or HCPCS) orders and descriptions are listed that were: Set for Lab Tracking Added to the same note as the current CPT (or HCPCS) order Were scanned/imported into DocMan at the same time

For example, user sets CPT (or HCPCS) codes XXXXX, YYYYY, ZZZZZ for Lab Tracking under the Details section of each code. User then creates a Chart Visit or Order Note and orders all three of these CPT (or HCPCS) codes within the note. Thereafter, these labs are received by the clinic and scanned into DocMan. Upon scanning, the user checks off the CPT (or HCPCS) codes for these labs that are pending in Lab Tracking window which now links these CPT (or HCPCS) codes to this DocMan document. Once scanned in, the user views one of these DocMan documents in the Image window. When creating a memo, the other two CPT (or HCPCS) codes and descriptions from the Chart Visit or Order Note will be listed in the upper-right corner of this memo. At this time, you can either: Can create a memo for this CPT (or HCPCS) code linked Document only OR Can check the Add memo to ALL associated labs box and click OK to add this memo to all associated CPT (or HCPCS) code linked Documents The memo can then be viewed by opening each of the CPT (or HCPCS) code linked Documents stored in DocMan or through Labs/Tests in Chart View, which basically launches the Image window to display this memo.

Adding a Summary to a Document

After a document has been scanned or imported, a summary can be attached to that image. The summary is displayed along with the document description in the main DocMan window. A concise summary can alleviate the need to actually view the image. Summaries can be added or edited before and after the document is signed off.

To add a summary to a document:

1. Double click the document description or right click the description and select the View menu option to open the document in the Image window. Click the Summary icon. OR Right-click on the document description in the main DocMan window and select Edit. This opens the Edit Document window 2. Type text in the Summary memo field and click OK. (Other properties such as Abnormal Result, Hold for Review, and Priority Status can be addressed in this window as well.)

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3. If viewing through the Image window, click the Save button and then the Close button. This will then close the Summary window. Click the Exit button to return to the main DocMan page. 4. In the Edit Document window, click OK to save the Summary memo and to close this window.

Once added, to edit a Summary, right click the document description and click Edit or open the document in the Image window and click the Summary icon to modify or delete. Or reopen in the Image window and click the Summary icon to modify or delete. Once opened, the screen will display the Summary window when this image file is reaccessed. If the Summary window is closed prior to exiting the Image window, when reaccessing the Image window, the Summary window is closed.

Signing Off Documents

Signing a document makes it a permanent part of the patient record, which cannot be deleted. This also now includes the ability to add a rubber stamp statement along with a healthcare provider signature to all (.tif) documents. This process involves adding an image file containing date, time, rubber stamp, comments and a healthcare provider signature literally on top of the DocMan image file (see "What are Signatures?" for details). Note: Signatures are scanned and saved as .tif files. If user attempts to import a non-.tif file, then an error message is launched which states that the imported signature file is not the correct size and the import process is cancelled (see "What are Signatures?" for details). The Rubber Stamp editor can be accessed through the Control Panel or by clicking TOOLS, RUBBER STAMP from the toolbar menu (see "What is a Rubber Stamp?" for details). Here the end user can create, edit and delete short statements that can be added to a DocMan file. These can include statements like Labs Reviewed, Refill times 2, Patient Notified, etc These stamp statements default to be used by everyone one or each login can save them as Personal, whereby they only display for their use. Clicking the Sign-Off button allows the end user to preview the rubber stamp and signature (if used). Memos can be attached to signed documents (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for more information). Once a document is signed off, any existing memos also become a permanent part of the record, and any memos added after that point are also permanent. Any user with read/write access to the DocMan Sign Off privilege can sign a document, however, if initials of a provider are listed in the Notify column, then only that login can sign off this document. After this sign off is completed, there are several cues that the document is signed off: The description font is normal (bold font means that it is not signed off). In the image window, the user who signed off the document, is listed after Signed By. The document cannot be deleted. Permanent memos created prior to sign-off are also signed off and cannot be edited or deleted. Permanent memos created after sign-off are automatically signed off when saved and display the word Addendum in red letters above the memo field. No changes can be made when editing the document properties by right-clicking the document description. A rubber stamp/signature is appended to the document. The Sign-Off button is disabled when clicking on the description. Sign off can be done with or without a Rubber Stamp/Signature 16

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To sign off a document:

1. On the main DocMan window, highlight the documents description and click the drop-down arrow (Sign-Off Type) next to the Sign Off icon. OR Open the document in the Image Window and click the drop-down arrow (Sign-Off Type) next to the Sign Off icon. OR Right-click a document description and click Sign Off Only or Rubber Stamp/Sig. 2. This displays two options: Sign Off Only and Rubber Stamp/Sig. You can click on either menu item to set your preference. Once set, you should not have to click the drop-down arrow unless you want to change this preference. Sign Off Only (Ink Pen icon) allows the end user to sign-off their documents with one or two clicks (depending if the user opts to not display the Signoff Confirmation window). a. To Sign Off Only, set the preference to Sign Off Only as above. b. Click the Sign-Off button. c. Click Yes if the Signoff Confirmation Window is displayed (if not displayed then you checked the box to no longer display this confirmation window).

d. Document should now be signed off. Rubber Stamp/Sign (Gold rubber stamp icon) allows the end user to add a rubber stamp and/or signature to a .TIP document. a. To sign off with the Rubber Stamp/Signature, set the preference to Rubber Stamp/Sig as above. b. If this document is NOT a (.tif) file format, clicking the drop-down arrow (Sign Off Type), the Rubber Stamp/Signature is not available. Then Sign-Off will proceed as if the Sign Off Only option was selected. c. If this document is a (.tif) file format, selecting the Rubber Stamp/Signature option changes the icon to a stamp icon. Then the Rubber Stamp Sign Off window is displayed and you can choose the desired rubber stamp, can added a details statement and/or signature (if on file). By default, the date and time will be added to all rubber stamps. If you do not have a signature on file, the file will be stamped as "Electronically Signed By Provider". You can also create/edit rubber stamps from within this window.

d. Prior to clicking the Sign-Off button, you can click the Sign Off Preview button to preview the Rubber Stamp and Signature, as it will appear on the document. e. Click the Sign-Off button on the Rubber stamp sign-off window. You will then be asked to confirm the sign off. If you click Cancel, the sign off is canceled. Deleting the Rubber Stamp and Signature annotation, also cancels the sign-off process. f. If you click Yes, then a square box-shaped cursor is displayed when placing the cursor over the image file (this is the same cursor icon seen when using the ZOOM function). When you have located the spot where you will be adding the rubber stamp/signature, hold down the left mouse button, and move the mouse to the left to expand the box. After releasing the mouse button, the rubber stamp with signature will be displayed. Note: If you attempt to place the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file outside of the DocMan image files boundary, a message will warn you that the "signature is out of bounds please try again". If this occurs, the sign-off process has been cancelled. Re-click on the Sign-Off button to start the process anew.

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g. Left-clicking the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file will make it active. By placing the cursor (now displayed as a pencil) over the active box and holding down the left mouse button, you can drag the entire image anywhere on the DocMan image file. Placing the cursor on any corner box reference point and holding down the left mouse button allows resizing of the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file. Note: After the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file has been placed correctly on the DocMan image file, if you choose to move it again outside of the boundary, you WILL NOT be warned about the boundary limits. It may appear that the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file is being placed without problems, but after you close out of the document, if the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file is not placed within the correct boundary, it may not be displayed correctly or at all. If unsure, delete the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file and restart the sign-off process. h. If this DocMan file requires a Rubber Stamp/Signature image file on each page of a multi page document, simply repeat the steps above on each page. Note: After adding a Rubber Stamp/Signature image file to the first page, if you click on another page of this multiple page file, this Rubber Stamp/Signature is now permanent on this page. It cannot be removed or deleted from this page. i. If you decide to redo the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file, you must do so prior to exiting the DocMan image page if adding a Rubber Stamp/Signature to one page only or done prior to clicking on another page of a multiple page image file. Place the cursor over the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file, Left-click (makes the Rubber Stamp/Signature active), and click the Delete button on the keyboard. After you are satisfied with the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file, click the Exit button on the toolbar or the right corner X to close the Image page. Note that the text is now normal font and if you view the file, the Rubber Stamp/Signature image file will be displayed on the DocMan file as well as the Sign-Off button on the toolbar will be disabled.


If you have chosen to add a Rubber Stamp/Signature but click CANCEL in the CONFIRM screen when signing off the DocMan file, you will still be able to add the Rubber Stamp/Signature. However, the DocMan file will NOT be signed off. This can be useful if the staff needs to add multiple rubber stamps prior to final sign-off by the ordering provider.) Signing-off a document when not using a Rubber Stamp adds a Date and Time stamp to Image page.

Signing Off Multiple Documents Sign-Off Only Preference

Users can now sign-off multiple documents with the Sign-Off Only option.

To log off multiple documents:

1. Log in to DocMan. 2. Search and select a patient record with linked documents. 3. Click Show All Documents or click on a specific Category folder or search for documents by filters to display documents in the Main DocMan grid. 4. Click to select one document. 5. Hold down the Shift key and left-click the last document description in the list of documents. This highlights all of these documents. 6. Set Sign Off Type to Sign Off Only preference. 7. Click the Ink Pen icon.
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8. Click Yes if the Signoff Confirmation window is presented. All of the highlighted documents are now signed-off as noted by the ink pen icon in the associated column. Note: Currently users cannot sign off multiple documents using the Rubber Stamp/Sig preference.

Reusing Statements with Rubber Stamp

The Rubber Stamp feature allows users to create, edit and delete short statements that can be attached to DocMan scanned images (.tif files). Once created, these statements can be reused whenever necessary. The purpose of these stamps is to allow you to add information to scanned DocMan documents such as lab results or refill requests. For example, you can include statements like "Labs Reviewed", "Refill times 2", "Patient Notified" or any type of information that needs to be added to a document. When creating these stamp statements, the default setting is to allow all users to access them, but users can also save them as Personal stamps to restrict access to the person logged in when they are created. These Rubber Stamps can be used in conjunction with the Signature feature to sign off DocMan documents. Note: This functionality is limited to DocMan documents that are images (.tif files) that have been scanned or imported into DocMan. They CANNOT be used with DocMan files such as HL7 lab results, Word documents, Excel files, Adobe PDF files, .jpg image files, .bmp image files, etc. Currently the Rubber stamp option is disabled for all file types other than .tif files.

Accessing the Rubber Stamp Editor

The Rubber Stamp editor is the module that is used to create, edit and delete rubber stamp statements. It is accessible from the main DocMan application, and also from the DocMan viewer.

To access the Rubber Stamp editor from DocMan:

1. Log into DocMan through Dashboard or from the DocMan shortcut in the Start > Programs > eMDs menu. Log in using your usual Solution Series username and password. 2. After DocMan is open click Tools > Rubber Stamp on the main DocMan menu toolbar. OR If your login has access, click the Control Panel icon and then the Rubber Stamp icon. 3. The Rubber Stamp sign-off window will open in Edit Rubber Stamp mode 4. Add, edit or delete Rubber Stamps as needed (see Add, Edit or Delete a Rubber Stamp for details).

To access the Rubber Stamp editor from Chart:

1. Log in to Chart through Dashboard or through Start > Programs > e-MDs menu, using your usual Solution Series username and password. 2. Go to Tools > DocMan on the main Chart menu toolbar. 3. After DocMan is open, click Tools > Rubber Stamp on the main DocMan menu toolbar. OR If your user login has access, click the Control Panel icon and then the Rubber Stamp icon. 4. The Rubber Stamp sign-off window will open in Edit Rubber Stamp mode. 5. Add, edit or delete Rubber Stamps as needed (see Add, Edit or Delete a Rubber Stamp for details).
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Access to the editor from the DocMan viewer is part of the sign-off process. When signing off documents users can access the editor to add, edit or delete a stamp on the fly.

To access the Rubber Stamp editor from DocMan viewer:

1. When viewing a DocMan document from within DocMan or as a TaskMan attachment, click the drop-down arrow (Sign Off Type) next to the Sign-Off button. 2. Select Rubber Stamp/Sig menu option. Note: Once this preference is set, it will continue unless changed by this login. 3. Click the Sign-Off button. The Rubber Stamp sign-off window will open in Sign Off mode 4. Click the Edit Rubber Stamp button icon on the toolbar. The window switches to Edit mode. 5. Add, edit or delete Rubber Stamps as needed (see Add, Edit or Delete a Rubber Stamp for details).

Rubber stamp field permits 75 characters. Details field permits 75 characters. Rubber Stamp and Details fields now word wrap at 55 characters and place remaining 20 characters on second line.

Adding, Editing or Deleting Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamp statements can be created for use with the sign-off process of DocMan. The stamps can be created for use organization wide or only for personal use. Once created these stamps can be edited or deleted. See the specific sections below for details.

To add a Rubber Stamp:

1. With the Rubber Stamp window open in Edit mode (see "Accessing the Rubber Stamp Editor" for details), click the Add button (yellow plus sign) on the toolbar. The Edit Rubber Stamp window will open. 2. Type the desired text into the Rubber Stamp field. 3. Leave the Personal Rubber Stamp check box unchecked if you want ALL users to have access to the stamp 4. Click OK when finished.

To add a personal Rubber Stamp:

1. With the Rubber Stamp window open in Edit mode (see "Accessing the Rubber Stamp Editor" for details), select the Add button (yellow plus sign) on the toolbar. The Edit Rubber Stamp window will open. 2. Type the desired text in the Rubber Stamp field. 3. Check the Personal Rubber Stamp check box if you want only YOU to have access to the stamp. 4. Click OK when finished. Note: To view Personal Rubber Stamps, you must have the Personal Rubber Stamps checkbox (just under the Add, Edit and Delete buttons) checked.

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To edit a Rubber Stamp:

1. With the Rubber Stamp window open in Edit mode (see "Accessing the Rubber Stamp Editor" for details), select the stamp to be edited. 2. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) on the toolbar. The Edit Rubber Stamp window will open. 3. Make desired changes to the text in the Rubber Stamp field. 4. Check or uncheck the Personal Rubber Stamp check box to change the status from or to a Personal stamp. Note: To view Personal Rubber Stamps, you must have the Personal Rubber Stamps checkbox (just under the Add, Edit and Delete buttons) checked.

To delete a Rubber Stamp:

1. With the Rubber Stamp window open in Edit mode (see "Accessing the Rubber Stamp Editor" for details), select the stamp to be deleted. 2. Click the Delete button (red minus sign icon) on the toolbar. 3. At the delete confirmation message, click Yes. The stamp will be deleted

Viewing Personal Rubber Stamps

When Rubber Stamps are created, the default status is set to allow ALL users to access them but the status can also be set restrict access to the person logged in when they are created. Viewing Personal Rubber Stamps When Signing Off Documents: By default, when using the Rubber Stamp feature to sign off DocMan documents, the Personal Rubber Stamps check box on the Rubber Stamp Sign Off window is unchecked. This means that only the organization wide stamps will be accessible in the Rubber Stamp drop down field (see "Sign Off a Document in the DocMan" for details). To access Personal rubber stamps, check the Personal Rubber Stamps checkbox. Viewing Personal Rubber Stamps in Editor Mode: When creating, editing or deleting Rubber Stamps in the Editor mode the default status of the Personal Rubber Stamp checkbox (just under the Add, Edit and Delete buttons) is set to be unchecked. This means that only organizational stamps will be viewable. To view Personal Rubber Stamps, you must have the Personal Rubber Stamps checkbox checked.

Using Search Filters to Retrieve Images

For patient records containing numerous documents, the Search filters enable the user to quickly find the desired document. The search is specific to the selected patient record, and does not search the entire database of records. Note: The search criteria Priority, Hold For Review, and Abnormal Result pertain to document properties. See Edit the Properties of a Patient Document for details.

To search patient records for images:

1. Click Search on the main DocMan toolbar. 2. Choose any or all of the Search Filters and then click OK. Search Filter Options
Description Priority Enter all or part of the document description. Select Normal, Urgent, or STAT. Select All to search documents that meet any other search criteria, regardless of priority status.

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Hold For Review Abnormal Result Date Category

Select Hold or No Hold. Select All to search documents that meet any other search criteria, regardless of Hold status. Select Abnormal or Normal. Select All to search documents that meet any other search criteria, regardless of Abnormal status. Check the box to filter for documents added within a specified date range. Select a document category folder to find all documents contained in that folder.

To retrieve an Image from a patient category:

1. Click Open Patient on the main toolbar. 2. Type the desired patient name (or other search criteria) in the Find Chart Patient window and click Search. 3. Highlight the appropriate patient name from the search results and click Select. 4. Ensure that the correct Specialty Group is chosen from the drop-down list, so that appropriate Category and Subcategory Folders are displayed in the left windowpane. 5. In the left windowpane, highlight the Category or Subcategory in which the document is likely to be found. A description of every document in the selected folder will display in the right windowpane. OR Click the Show All Documents button on the main toolbar for a listing of every document for that patient. OR Click Search to find a document using specific search filters (see Document Search Filters for details). 6. Right-click the appropriate document description and select the View menu option. This will open the selected document in the Image window. Another way to open the document is to double-click the document description.

To retrieve an image from a reference documents category:

1. Click the Reference Documents button on the main toolbar. 2. Search for the document in one of three ways: Search by either Document Code (Doc Code) or Document Description (Doc Description) in the upper search field. OR Select the most appropriate Category. The selected category will then display the descriptions of every document it contains in the left windowpane. OR Click the Search button (with the magnifying glass) to display a list of all documents in the right windowpane. 3. To view the document in the Image window, either double-click its description, or highlight the document description and click the View Document button (with the magnifying glass icon).

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Deleting a Patient Document

The main DocMan window displays a description for each image. Images that have not been permanently signed off can be deleted from the application. Note: If an image has been misfiled, it can be moved rather than deleted. See "Move a Misfiled Patient Document" for more information.

To delete a patient document:

1. Right-click the document description (in the main DocMan window) and select Delete from the menu. At the Confirm window that states, Only documents that are not signed off can be deleted. Do you want to delete the selected record(s)? select No, Cancel or the right upper corner X to close the window. This stops the delete process. 2. Clicking Yes, deletes the record from the patient main DocMan Grid. Note: If the image has been signed off, a message appears stating Only documents that are not signed off or read only can be deleted.

Comparing Images
End users can now place two .JPG image files, (e.g. diagnostic files like X-Rays, EKGs, CT scans) sideby-side for viewing comparison.

To compare images:
1. To get started, select the appropriate Medical Specialty. Next, create a Category folder and name it something like JPG Images. This will help to quickly identify those .JPG files that can be loaded into this Viewer. See Create Category Groups for more information. 2. Import .JPG files into this Category folder. See Import a File for more information. 3. Once the files have been imported, click to Select the JPG Images Category. This displays all of the .JPG files imported into this Category. 4. Click the Compare Images icon which opens the Viewer. Whatever .JPG file that was selected will be displayed in the left pane. ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT buttons allow for resizing of the image. The Rotate button turns the image 90 degrees with each click. 5. In the right pane, the first .JPG image may be displayed or another .JPG file may already be loaded. To change the image file loaded, click on the drop down arrow next to the .JPG file description. ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT buttons allow for resizing of the image. The Rotate button turns the image 90 degrees with each click. 6. Click the right upper corner X to close this viewer. Note: Another tip to help identify .JPG files within all Categories, would be to edit the Description add JPG to the name. Then the user can search by description to locate all JPG files.

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Sending DocMan Images through TaskMan

DocMan supports the transmission of images through the TaskMan messaging program described later in this guide.

Sending an Image when Scanning or Importing

At the time that a new item is scanned or imported into DocMan, the user is prompted to send the image to the ordering provider, though this is not mandatory. If the image is sent, a Document Scan Notification appears in the recipients inbox in TaskMan. The image appears as an attachment to that message. By clicking on the attachment, the document is displayed in a DocMan viewer through Chart. The recipient can then perform all functions as in DocMan like view the image, add a summary or a memo, and sign it off (except for scanning or importing files) as well as perform any Chart functions. See "DocMan Viewer in Chart" for more information.

To send an image when scanning a specific document type:

1. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory into which the document will be scanned. 1. Click the New Document icon on the main toolbar. If Document Types have been created for the chosen Category (or Subcategory), the Documents window will pop up. 2. Select Send message option. If this option is selected, this enables the Ordered by provider field. 3. Select the ordering physician in the upper-right Ordered by provider field. 4. Click the Search button (labeled "") and select the appropriate provider. This provider will be the recipient of the message in TaskMan.

To send an image when bulk scanning documents:

1. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory information for which the document will be scanned, and then click New Doc on the main toolbar. 2. If no Document Types have been created for the chosen Category or Subcategory, a message states "There are no scan types available. Do you want to bulk scan to this category?" Click Yes. 3. This will open the Document Info window, allowing the user to send the image to the appropriate provider (via TaskMan) as discussed above.

To send an image when importing documents:

1. Highlight the desired Category or Subcategory information which the document will be imported. 2. Click Tools on the main toolbar, and select either the Import Folder or Import Document menu options. Browse for the correct folder or document, highlight it, and click OK or Open. 3. The Document Info window will open. Select the ordering physician in the upper left Ordered by provider field. Click the Search button (labeled "") and select the appropriate provider. This provider will be the recipient of the message in TaskMan. 4. The next field will automatically default to the Send Image option. If this option is selected, the image will be sent via TaskMan to the ordering provider.

If the Send Message/Do Not Send Message options are disabled or inactive, it is because the user does not have the TaskMan New Message privilege (i.e. the right to send images from DocMan to recipients in TaskMan.) If the user login is NOT linked to a specific staff member, then the SENDER in the TaskMan message will be blank. 24

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When viewing a DocMan attachment through a TaskMan message, an entry is made to the audit trail in the Log Viewer.

Sending an Image at a Later Date

At the time that a new item is scanned or imported into DocMan, the user is prompted to send the image to the ordering provider, though this is not mandatory. Any image can also be messaged (via TaskMan) at any time after it has been scanned or imported. When an image is sent from DocMan, a Document Scan Notification appears in the recipients inbox in TaskMan. The image appears as an attachment to that message. By clicking on the attachment, the document is displayed in a DocMan viewer through Chart. The recipient can then perform all functions as in DocMan like view the image, add a summary or a memo, and sign it off (except for scanning or importing files) as well as perform any Chart functions. See "DocMan Viewer in Chart" for more information.

To send an image from DocMan via TaskMan:

1. In the main DocMan window, select the image to be sent. Double click on its description, or right click the description and choose the View menu option. 2. With the image open in the Image window, click Tools and select the New Message menu option. 3. This opens a TaskMan message with the image attached. Click to select a recipient or group from the User/Group short list. Or click To > button and select the intended recipient from the Select Names window. Highlight the users name and then click the To >> button to move the user into the recipient column. (More than one recipient can be selected). Click OK.\ 4. Select a Priority level, if other than the default "normal". 5. The Category determines where the image will be sorted in the recipients inbox. The Category type will default to the name of the category in which the image was stored in DocMan, but this can be changed. 6. A message can be typed into the white message field, if desired. 7. Click Send (white envelope icon).

Graphing Lab Results in DocMan

Solution Series provides a Graphing module that can be accessed within both DocMan and Chart.

Creating Data Types to Graph

When lab results are scanned into a patients record, an image of the lab report is saved and the numeric results are not recorded in a structured way. In response, e-MDs has added the ability to graph lab results. Manual data entry is required, but is very easy to accomplish and can be performed while viewing the scanned lab report on screen. We do not expect that the user will want to graph every lab, but may have a few key data types (such as cholesterol or HgbA1c) that are worth the effort. The user will want to set up the key data types in advance.

To create a Data Type:

1. Open DocMan and open a patient record. 2. Click Tools on the DocMan toolbar, and then select the Graph menu option. 3. In the Image Data/Graph window, click Result Setup. The Graph Data window will open, listing all existing Data Types. Click the Data Type button (with the icon of the yellow plus sign).

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4. In the Image Data Type window, enter the name of the lab in the Name field (e.g., HgbA1c, hemoglobin, TSH, etc.). The only required field in the Image Data Type window is the Name. 5. Enter the Unit in which the numeric lab result is measured (e.g. %, mg/dl, etc.) The graphing module only supports labs with a numerical result. 6. The longer data type description does not appear on the graph, and this description field can be left blank. 7. When lab results are graphed, a red horizontal bar indicates the maximum normal value and a blue bar represents the minimum normal value. For these bars to appear on the graph, enter the Minimum Value and Maximum Value expected, for children, males, and females. 8. Click OK.

To edit or delete a Data Type:

1. Open DocMan and open a patient record. 2. Click Tools on the DocMan toolbar, and then select the Graph menu option. 3. In the Image Data/Graph window, click Result Setup. The Graph Data window will open, listing all existing Data Types. 4. Highlight the desired Data Type and then click either Edit or Delete, as appropriate.

Adding Data Points to a Graph

Before specific data points can be graphed, the Data Type must be created (see "Create Data Types to Graph" for details).

To add a Data Point to a graph:

1. Open DocMan and open the appropriate patients record. 2. Click Tools on the main DocMan toolbar, and then select the Graph menu option. OR If the lab result image is currently being viewed in the Image window, click the Graph button (blue graph with red line icon). This opens the Image Data/Graph window. All Data Types that have previously recorded values for the given patient are listed in the Patient Results window.

To record an additional value for a previously recorded Data Type:

1. Highlight the desired Data Type in the Patient Results window. When a Data Type is selected, the upper right window displays all prior values for this Data Type as a graph, and the lower right window displays the results in a grid. 2. Click the Add button (with the yellow plus sign), located between the graph and the grid. 3. In the Image Data window, type the numerical result in the Value field. 4. The Date field displays the current date. To change the date of the lab result, click the down arrow in that field. 5. Click OK.

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To record a value for a Data Type not previously used for this patient:
1. Because this type of data has not been previously recorded for the given patient, the Data Type will not be listed in the Patient Results window. Click Result Setup. 2. In the Graph Data window, highlight the desired Data Type and click Add. (If the desired Data Type is not listed, it has never been created. For instructions on creating a new Data Type, see Create Data Types to Graph. 3. In the Image Data window, type the numerical result in the Value field. 4. The Date field displays the current date. To change the date of the lab result, click the down arrow in that field. 5. Click OK. 6. Click the Close button in Graph Data window. The upper right window displays these newly added value(s) for this Data Type as a graph, and the lower right window displays the results in a grid. 7. Click the Exit button to close the Image Data/Graph window.

Editing or Deleting Data Points from a Graph

To find existing data points:
1. Open DocMan and open the appropriate patients record. 2. Click Tools on the main DocMan toolbar, and then select the Graph menu option. Alternately, if the lab result image is currently being viewed in the Image window, click the Graph button (blue graph with red line icon). 3. This opens the Image Data/Graph window. All Data Types that have previously recorded values for the given patient are listed in the Patient Results window. 4. Highlight the desired Data Type in the Patient Results window. When a Data Type is selected, the upper right window displays all prior values for this Data Type as a graph, and the lower right window displays the results in a grid.

To edit an existing value:

1. Highlight the value to be edited in the Data grid and then click the Edit button located between the graph and the grid. 2. In the Image Data window, make the desired changes to the Value and/or Date fields. 3. Click OK.

To delete an existing value:

1. Highlight the value to be deleted in the Data grid and then click the Delete button located between the graph and the grid. 2. Click Yes in the delete confirmation window.

Viewing Graphed Labs

To view all graphed labs for a given patient:
1. Open DocMan and open the appropriate patients record. 2. Click Tools on the main DocMan toolbar, and then select the Graph menu option. OR

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If the lab result image is currently being viewed in the Image window, click the Graph button (blue graph with red line icon). This opens the Image Data/Graph window. All Data Types that have previously recorded values for the given patient are listed in the Patient Results window. 3. Highlight the desired Data Type in the Patient Results window. When a Data Type is selected, the upper right window displays all prior values for this Data Type as a graph, and the lower right window displays the results in a grid. The graph is titled with the Data Type and Patient Name, and represents numerical results over time. Red and blue horizontal bars represent expected maximum and minimum normal values, respectively. Plotted values are identified by black squares with yellow labels that display the individual numerical results. Successive values are connected with a black line. The horizontal axis, representing time, will lengthen or narrow depending on the number of plotted points.

Printing from DocMan

You can print to any standard printer attached to the network or workstation on which DocMan is installed. You must, of course, set up that printer first so that DocMan knows what it is named and how to access it.

To set up the printer:

1. Log into DocMan. 2. Click File and select the Print Setup menu option. 3. Select the correct printer and number of copies, set desired properties and click OK. Single documents are printed from the Image window. Instructions vary depending on whether the document file is a single page or consists of multiple pages.

To print a single document:

1. Retrieve an image (see either Retrieve an Image from a Patient Category or Retrieve an Image from a Reference Documents Category for details). This opens the document in the Image window. 2. If the image is a single page, do the following: o o o o Click File, then Print Current Page Click File, then Print All Click the Print Current Page (1 page only) icon on the Image window toolbar Click the Print All icon on the Image window toolbar

3. If the image contains multiple pages, thumbnail sketches of the pages appear in a vertical window on the left side of the Image window. To print every page of the file, click File and select the Print All menu item or click the Print All Pages icon on the Image window toolbar. To print a single page, select that page (either click on its thumbnail sketch or click the blue arrow buttons until the desired page appears in the Image window) and click File > Print Current Page menu item or click Print Current Page (1 page only) icon.

4. In Printing Explanation required by HIPAA window select a reason for printing. Per HIPAA regulations, when information is copied or printed from a patient record, a purpose must be

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documented. Examples of explanations might include "Given to Patient", "Sent to Patients Insurance Company", etc. 5. Click OK. o o o To add to the list of possible responses, see "Document Reason for Printing Image." Print Reasons can be added to all image file types (.tif, .jpg, .gif, .bmp files) and lab result files (HL7, QL7, & GL7). For those file types that cannot be displayed in the DocMan viewer, such as Microsoft Word , Excel, etc the user will need to launch the host program to print. Print reasons cannot be listed for these file types.

Note: There is no Print Preview window. The image is routed to the printer identified in Printer Setup. See "Printer Setup" for more information. Multiple documents are printed from the main DocMan window. All documents whose descriptions are displayed in the main window will print.

To print multiple documents:

1. Produce a list of the desired group of images. For example, click Show All Documents icon to list all images in a particular patient record. Or, select a category folder, such as Lab Reports, to list all images of a particular type in that patient record. Or, use the Search to produce a list of multiple images matching the search criteria, such as "all CBCs." See "Document Search Filters" for more information. 2. Click File and select the Print menu option. 3. In the Image Print window, check appropriate boxes to indicate whether to print all documents and/or all pictures. Check the Include Memos box to print existing memos along with their attached images. Remember that every document and/or picture whose description appears in the main DocMan window will be printed if DocMan can preview this document in its viewer (e.g. .tif, .gif, .bmp, HL7, QL7, GL7). Note: Documents that are hosted by other programs, like MS Word or Excel files, will be displayed as grayed out, and must be printed individually by launching the host program. 4. Click the Print Document button (with the printer icon). Verify the printer setup and click OK. 5. Click the Exit button to cancel all print jobs. 6. In Printing Explanation required by HIPAA window select a reason for printing. Per HIPAA regulations, when information is copied or printed from a patient record, a purpose must be documented. Examples of explanations might include "Given to Patient", "Sent to Patients Insurance Company", etc. Click OK. 7. A Printing Complete message is launched when print job is done. Click OK to close all windows. 8. To add to the list of possible responses, see Document Reason for Printing Image. Any appropriate document (for example, an ECG) can be printed as a reduced, wallet-size image.

To print wallet cards:

1. Retrieve an image (see either "Retrieve an Image from a Patient Category" or "Retrieve an Image from a Document Category"). This opens the document in the Image window. 2. Retrieve an image (see either "Retrieve an Image from a Patient Category" or "Retrieve an Image from a Reference Document Category"). This opens the document in the Image window. 3. Click File in the Image window, and select the Print Card menu option. (NOTE: If the image contains multiple pages, only the selected page will print.)
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4. In the Print window, select the printer and number of copies, and click OK. 5. In Printing Explanation required by HIPAA window select a reason for printing. Per HIPAA regulations, when information is copied or printed from a patient record, a purpose must be documented. Examples of explanations might include "Given to Patient", "Sent to Patients Insurance Company", etc. 6. Click OK. To add to the list of possible responses, see Document Reason for Printing Image.

Faxing from DocMan

As with printing, you can set up DocMan to send output to a fax machine on your network. As with using any fax machine, you must provide contact information for the fax being transmitted.

To fax from DocMan:

1. Once an incoming fax has been re-filed to the patient record, the healthcare provider can opt to "fax back this document" after signing it off without printing it. Simply select the document to be faxed and view it in the Image window. Click the Fax Icon button or click File, Fax. 2. In the Printing Explanation required by HIPAA window select a reason for printing (faxing). Per HIPAA regulations, when information is copied or printed from a patient record, a purpose must be documented. Examples of explanations might include "Given to Patient", "Sent to Patients Insurance Company", etc. Click OK. 3. This launches the Select Fax Recipient window. (This window can be accessed also through eMDs Fax Monitor module by clicking the Add Recipient button. See "Fax Monitor" for more details.) The fields described in the "Select Fax Recipient Options" table below are automatically filled in with known data from the incoming fax and patient info. 4. Click Done to submit the fax print job to the pre-selected Fax Server for processing. Note: Make sure to mark all of the check boxes of Recipients listed under TO: Linked to Patient that need to receive this fax. Currently, DocMan does not confirm if the fax was sent or failed. The Select Fax Recipient window is simply closed after clicking DONE. If the check box is NOT checked, then the fax will not be sent to the recipient listed. For details on tracking outgoing faxes, see "Fax Manager" for details. Select Fax Recipient Options
Title From This is the incoming fax description that is listed in DocMan. This defaults to the login that is currently re-faxing the incoming document. Clicking on the drop down arrow allows user to select facilities linked to this login as the sender. Allows user to add default notes to the comment box directly below the drop down arrow field. Click on the drop down arrow to select a default note and then click ADD to move this note to the comment box. User can also manually type notes into the comment box. To create, edit or delete default notes, click EDIT button. This opens the Support Tables window. Click on Comment under Table Name. Then click on an existing FAX group note and click EDIT. This opens the Comment window so that the existing group and comment can be modified. Clicking NEW opens the New Comment window. Type FAX in the Group field and then type in your desired comment. The text limit is 60 characters. Click SAVE.

Additional Notes for Cover Page

Note: In order to view in the Select Fax Recipient window, the Comment must be saved under the FAX group.

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Click to select an existing FAX group note and click Delete. Click Yes to confirm the deletion

Note: Do not add, edit, or delete other groups or comments from the Support Tables as it is tied to e-MDs Bill and may be needed in one of its interfaces.
To (Linked to Patient) Allows user the ability to add recipients that can be linked to this patient, e.g. default Pharmacy, Specialists, Patients personal fax, etc. to send faxes. These linked recipients can be added through the Select Fax Recipient window by clicking on the ADD button next to the Linked to Patient text. OR they can be added by editing the Patients Demographics and updating Fax Contacts section. OR by opening Fax Monitor and clicking ADD RECIPIENT button to open the Select Fax Recipient window.

Note: In previous 5.x and 6.0 versions, if the incoming fax senders name and fax phone number was stored in the TopsData database, it was automatically added under the TO field when clicking to re-fax. This functionality has been changed in 6.1 version as the incoming fax senders name and fax phone number is no longer added automatically when re-faxing. To be able to re-fax an incoming fax, first verify that the fax phone number for the incoming fax is linked to this patient and listed under the TO (Linked to Patient) field. If not, add it by one of the methods listed above. To send a fax to any recipient, make sure to mark its check box.
Favorite Recipients Allows users to create a default list of recipients (persons, providers, or organizations) that are linked to the current user that is logged in to DocMan. This recipient list can be updated, edited or removed. You can then fax to these recipients at the same time that they are responding to the original sender. To link a Favorite Recipient to this specific patient, click the blue arrow which to move the recipient to the To (Linked to Patient) field. To update the Favorite Recipient list, in the Select Fax Recipient window, click the Add button next to the Favorite Recipient field. This opens the Find Fax Phone window. Search for the recipient under Provider, Organization or Person filter. Click Select button to add to the Favorite Recipient list. OR edit the demographics of current user login, and add a recipient under Fax Contacts. Allows user to manually enter a fax phone number not currently in the database.

Other Fax Number

If you wish to fax all of the items listed for a patient record in DocMan or items currently listed in the patients main DocMan grid, open a patient record.

To fax from DocMan Main DocMan grid:

1. Click on drop-down arrow to select the desired specialty. 2. Click Show All Documents to display all of the items linked to this patient or click on a category folder to display specific records linked to this patient. 3. Next click File, Fax. At the Image Print window, click the Exit button or the right upper corner X to cancel the print job. OR Click on the Fax Printer icon to proceed with faxing all of these documents. Check the Include Memos box, if desired. Next, select a HIPAA reason and click OK. This opens the Select Fax Recipient window. 4. Edit the Title field to summarize this group of patient records that are to be faxed, e.g. Patient Name Labs, Patient Name Medical Records, Patient Name Radiology Reports, etc 5. Fill in the rest of the Select Fax Recipient window as desired. For more details on completing this window, see Faxing From DocMan Re-Faxing Incoming Faxes. 6. Click Done and you will receive a message that the Printing Complete. 31

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Note: Documents that are hosted by other programs, like MS Word or Excel files, will be displayed as grayed out, and must be printed individually by launching the host program. Within that program, select the APF Fax printer driver from the list of available printer drivers to be able to send this file to Fax Monitor so that the fax print job can be sent to the Fax Server. See Fax Help for more information regarding installing APF Fax Printer driver if not installed and for faxing with Fax Monitor. If you want to fax from different e-MDs solutions series modules, you can submit all of the fax print jobs to the Fax Monitor and then send out one Fax Print job through the Fax Server. See Fax Help for more information and guidance.

Generating Custom DocMan Reports

Custom reports can be generated in DocMan by users with the DocMan Reports privilege, authorized to view these reports.

To run custom reports:

1. Click the Control Panel icon on the toolbar. OR Click Reports, DocMan Reports from the DocMan menu toolbar. 2. This opens the Custom Reports window. You have two reports to choose from: The first report generates an alphabetical list of all patients whose records contain scanned or imported images. The second report produces a list of all images contained in the selected patients record, including items such as date and time entered, description, number of pages, Type, and Scanned by. Must open a patient record to run this report and display results. If this report is run with the Fax Filing patient record (Zero Patient), a message is launched stating, Please open a patient before running this report. 3. Click Print Report icon to print a report. 4. Click View Report icon (or double-click the report description) to view a report on screen. Reports can also be printed from the Print Preview window. 5. Click Exit to close the Custom Reports window.

Tracking Labwork in DocMan

Lab Tracking is an auditing report module used within e-MDs Chart, DocMan and TaskMan to track labs, radiology tests and procedures by their respective CPT and HCPCS codes. A pre-defined rule within Rule Manager identifies if these codes are overdue and automatically sends a message using TaskMan to the ordering physician and/or designated medical assistant. CPT and HCPCS codes can now be set to trackable status, so that once they are selected within a Visit or Order Note in e-MDs Chart, a predefined clock is started. The due dates are based on the TYPE OF SERVICE parameter this code belongs to such as Diagnostic Labs, Diagnostic X-rays, and Medical Care (includes procedures).

To access the Lab Tracking window in DocMan:

Open a patient and click on the DocMan icon to open DocMan. Then, within the DocMan module, click the lab Tracking icon on the main toolbar. OR Open a patient record in the DocMan stand alone module. Then, within the DocMan module, click the Tracking icon on the main toolbar.
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OR Open a patient record and click Tools, then Lab Tracking on the main DocMan toolbar. OR Open a patient record, select a specific category that is marked for tracking such as Labs, Radiology, etc and click the New Document icon prior to scanning. Complete the scanning process in the Image window. Click Save and the Lab Tracking Window open. OR Select a specific category that is marked for tracking such as Labs, Radiology, etc. and click Tools then Import Document from the main DocMan menu. Browse out and locate the file to import and click Open. Select preferences in Document Info window and click OK. This opens the Lab Tracking Window.

To set up tracking categories in DocMan:

1. Log into DocMan with a DocMan Administrator login. 2. Click Control Panel and select Category. 3. Select a category under a specialty like Labs. 4. Click Edit and check Set Lab Tracking. This will launch the Lab Tracking screen prior scanning and importing any item within that category.

To access Lab Tracking Results have arrived:

As mentioned before, lab tracking can be accessed through DocMan by several ways: Open a patient record and click the lab Tracking icon: Used to review the current outstanding CPT and HCPCS codes for this patient. You can manually update the codes without sending a message to a Provider that the results for this lab, radiology test or procedure have arrived Open a patient record, go to Tools > Lab Tracking: Used to review the current outstanding CPT and HCPCS codes for this patient. You can manually update the codes without sending a message to a Provider that the results for this lab, radiology test or procedure have arrived Open a patient record, select a specific category such as Labs, Radiology, etc and click New Document prior to scanning: This launches the Lab Tracking screen so that you can update the codes that are pending (stop/prevent overdue messages), and then proceed to selecting the document type with sending/not sending a message to the provider that the results have arrived.

Processing Incoming Faxes in DocMan

e-MDs provides faxing components that allow items to be faxed directly from within the application and as an option users can also choose to setup Fax Server to accept and identify incoming faxes and temporarily store them in DocMan. Storage of incoming faxes in DocMan allows users to view the faxes, to easily refile them to the appropriate patients DocMan account and to message users with information about the item. This option can be an important step in helping users become paperless which can greatly reduce the amount of paper and fax toner being consumed thereby reducing office overhead. For details on activating this optional functionality, see Setup Incoming Fax Capability.
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The storage and refilling of faxes in DocMan is accomplished by the designation of a DocMan account that is not linked to a particular patient. Normal DocMan accounts are automatically created as part of an individual patients chart. In the case of incoming faxes there is no way to identify faxes that are intended for specific patients so the faxes need to be stored in a generic DocMan account. This account, for identification purposes, is referred to as the Zero Patient account (also referred to as Fax Filing). For details about refiling of incoming faxes, see Incoming Faxes and Refiling Incoming Faxes.

Accessing Incoming Faxes

An account that is not linked to any specific patient has been set up in DocMan to facilitate the storage and refilling of incoming faxes. This account is designated as the Fax Filing Window or Zero Patient account in DocMan.

To access the Filing window (the Zero Patient Account):

1. Open DocMan as a standalone application OR Open the Chart application and open a patients chart then open that patients DocMan account by clicking the DocMan icon on the chart toolbar. 2. After DocMan is open, click the Filing button on the main DocMan toolbar. The Fax Filing (Zero Patient account) will open. This account looks much like a regular patients DocMan account with some exceptions. One of the differences is that there is no Patient Name, DOB or Account Number information displayed other than Fax Filing. Another difference is that the Fax Filing window displays list of incoming faxes in the top right part of the screen along with a fax viewer at the bottom right below the list of incoming faxes if the Filing Preview menu option is active. 3. Go to Document > Filing Preview on the DocMan menu toolbar OR When in the Fax Filing window, click the button on the main DocMan toolbar labeled Refile (next to the Filing button). Note: If a file type other than .TIF is selected in the list of files, the fax viewer will not display regardless if the Filing Preview option is selected.

Refiling Incoming Faxes

To refile incoming faxes:
1. After the Fax Filing window (or Zero Patient account) is opened, a list of incoming faxes (if any exist) is displayed in the top right part of the screen below the menu and toolbar along with a fax viewer at the bottom right below the list of incoming faxes. 2. Clicking on any of the images in the list will cause the fax to be displayed in the fax viewer. 3. View the fax to obtain information such as which patient the fax contains information about and what provider needs to be informed of this information. 4. After the appropriate information is obtained, click the Refile button on the main DocMan Toolbar to refile the fax. 5. A Refile Document window will open. This window is split into three main columns along with a preview pane at the bottom. 6. The left column displays a list of Categories. This list is used to designate the category the fax will be refiled to.

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7. At the top of the middle column is a field that lists the fax Description. This description can be changed by typing into the field or by selecting a one or more document descriptions from the Document Description window. a. To select from the Document Description window click the button to the right of the Description field. The Document Description window will open (if document descriptions have been created for the category chosen in the left column). For details on creating document descriptions, see "Create Document Types." Note: If there are no descriptions for the selected category a message will be displayed that reads: There are no lookup document descriptions present for the selected category. b. Select one or more descriptions for the document from the list by clicking the checkbox next to each desired description. c. Click OK when finished. The selected descriptions will be appended to the description. Users may also choose to highlight the description before clicking the button and selecting the description(s). This will cause the selection to overwrite the highlighted description. 8. Immediately below the Description field is the Summary field. You can free text type into this field to provide a summary of information about the document. The summary is displayed along with the document description in the main DocMan window. A concise summary can alleviate the need to actually view the image. Summaries can be added or edited at any point, even after a document has been signed off. 9. The next field in the middle column below the Summary field is the Patient Search field. Select a patient in this field to re-file the document into their DocMan account. To select a patient: a. Click the "" button to the right of the Patient Search field. This will open the Find Chart Patient window. Type all or part of the patients last name into the Name field and click the Search button. b. In the search results highlight the desired patients name and click the Select button. The Find Chart Patient window will close and return to the Refile window with the selected patients name in the Patient field. 10. Next to the Patient Search field is a group of check boxes that you can use as Search filters. They include: Abnormal: Checking this box marks the document as containing an abnormal result and causes the document name to be displayed in DocMan with a red icon. If the document is linked to an order being tracked for the patient, checking this box will also update the status of the linked order to Abnormal in the Order Tracking module. Hold for Review: Checking this box identifies the document as being held for review and the Search function filters documents to include Hold for Review items in the search.

11. Just below the Patient Search field is a field labeled Priority and allows the user to mark both the document and any message that is sent with the document attached with a priority level. The Priority level always defaults to Normal. To designate the document and message as something other than Normal click the down arrow at the right of the Priority field and pick another Priority level from the drop down menu. The other choices are Urgent and Stat. Urgent labels both the document and the message with one red exclamation point. Stat labels both the document and the message with two red exclamation points.

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12. Below the Priority level is the Required Form field, which defaults to None. See "Image Properties, Linked Forms" for more information. Click the drop-down arrow to display the forms that can be linked to this document. They include: Secure Email Portal Authorization HIPAA document Create Date: Displays the date the document was scanned or imported. This field is not editable. Date Of Service: Allows users to add a date of service for this document such as a date of diagnostic test, procedure or medical evaluation. Click on drop down arrow to open the Calendar screen for setting the desired date.

13. To the right of the Required Form field are two date fields:

14. The column on the right side is labeled Send Message To and displays a list of users. Selecting a name from this list will create a message to that user telling them about the document that is being refiled. When the message is sent the document as well as the patients chart will be attached to it. Note: If no message is to be sent, highlight None at the top of the Send Message To list. 15. Below the Send Message To area, is the Ordered by Provider section. Select the Providers name whose initials will display under Notify in the Main DocMan window. If no one is to be selected, choose None option. 16. When all appropriate fields are filled out click the OK button to refile the document and to send the message.

Printing Incoming Faxes

It may be necessary at some time to print an incoming fax from within the Fax Filing Window.

To print incoming faxes:

1. With the Fax Filing Window open 2. Select the Incoming Fax to be printed by highlighting it. 3. Then click the Print or Print All button at the top of the fax viewer window. OR Open the incoming fax in the Image window and click File Print current page or Print All OR Click Print Current Page (1 page only) or Print All Pages icon from the Image Window toolbar.

Deleting Incoming Faxes

If Incoming Fax Monitoring is turned on all faxes coming through the Fax Server will end up being stored in DocMan. This could include faxes that are not patient related or that could be might be junk faxes. These faxes would probably need to be deleted from the Fax Filing window at some point.

To delete an incoming fax:

1. With the Fax Filing Window open 2. Select the Incoming Fax to be deleted by highlighting it.

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3. Right click on the highlighted fax and select Delete from the pop up menu. When asked to confirm the deletion, click Yes. To Cancel the deletion, click No, Cancel or the Right Upper Corner X to close the Confirm window.

Fast Filing Incoming Faxes

End users can now Fast File incoming faxes as they are converted into (.tif) file format when stored in DocMan. This is useful when receiving bulk fax reports like labs or radiology reports from a hospital that may contain several patient files in one Fax job. This feature can also be used to remove an unwanted cover sheet from a fax.

To Fast File incoming faxes:

1. Prior to Fast Filing, click on Control Panel > Category and create category folders for Fast Filing records temporarily. This will allow you to separate the individual reports so that they can be refiled into specific patient records. 2. Highlight the incoming fax file to be Fast Filed and click on the Fast File icon. 3. As when Fast Filing in a patient record, click on the category where this page needs to be filed. 4. When done, click YES to save the last file, and then decide to save or not save the bulk file after Fast Filing.

To Fast File without a fax cover page:

Option #1 1. Log into DocMan and access the FAX FILING record where the incoming faxes are stored. 2. Through the Control Panel and with a login that has DocMan Admin rights to create categories, create a category called Incoming Faxed Cover Pages. 3. Select an incoming fax and click Fast File button. 4. When the Fax Cover Page is displayed, click on the Category created above. 5. When done Fast Filing remaining documents, either maintain the Fax Cover page to reference later or delete from this category. Option #2 1. Log into DocMan and access the FAX FILING record where the incoming faxes are stored. 2. Select an incoming fax and click Fast File button. 3. When the Fax Cover Page is displayed, click on BLUE RIGHT ARROW to skip the Cover Page. 4. Now begin Fast Filing remaining pages by clicking on the desired category. 5. When done, Click YES to save the last page of the file and then YES or NO to delete the BULK file. 6. The Cover page will then not be Fast Filed.

Separating a Bulk File with Fast Filing

If you choose, you can scan or import bulk files into Fax Filing patient record. However, at times, you may wish to scan/import records from multiple patients as one bulk file and then separate them out by fast filing. This can be accomplished by creating a set of generic categories to which these files can be Fast Filed temporarily until they can be imported into the correct patient record.

To separate a bulk file with Fast Filing:

1. Log into DocMan and open the Fax Filing record.

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2. If you are in a patient record, click on the Filing button located next to the scanner button icon. Use a DocMan login that has DocMan Admin privileges to create, for example, a main category called Incoming Labs, and then five sub-categories, for example: Main Category: Incoming Labs Sub_Category: Incoming Labs - Patient #1 Sub_Category: Incoming Labs - Patient #2 Sub_Category: Incoming Labs - Patient #3 Sub_Category: Incoming Labs - Patient #4 Sub_Category: Incoming Labs - Patient #5 3. Place the bulk set of paper records into the scanner and proceed to scan the records into the newly created category. OR If importing, select the newly created category and follow steps to import this newly created category. 4. Once scanned or imported, select the bulk file and click the Fast File button. 5. When a patient record is displayed, click the category to which you want to Fast File this patient record. 6. When you get to a new different patient, select a different patient category and click the blue arrows to navigate within the file without Fast Filing and to skip any pages desired. 7. Finish Fast Filing the remaining pages by clicking on the desired sub category. 8. When done, click Yes to save the last page of the file and then Yes or No to delete the BULK file. Individual patient records should now be separated into different categories as different files. Note: Create as many subcategories as needed. Based the number of categories needed on the largest amount of different patient records you have scanned in or imported. Create others like one for pharmacies, Labs, Imaging centers, Insurance companies, etc.

Using the DocMan Viewer in Chart

Documents stored in DocMan can also be viewed from within the patients chart without opening DocMan.

To access DocMan within Chart:

1. Search and select a patient record. 2. Go to Chart View > Documents. On the left side, the document descriptions are displayed by Category that contains linked documents in tree format. 3. To view a DocMan document, click on the document description with the orange paper icon. Note: Currently only those categories and subcategories with linked documents will be displayed in this viewer. 4. On the right side, a DocMan viewer displays the same DocMan view as shown when viewing the Image page within DocMan. End users can perform all DocMan functions within the viewer as done within Main DocMan page and Image page except scanning and importing including, faxing, printing, adding/deleting/editing memos, updating FlowSheets and Lab Tracking, performing refills, and sign-off
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Note: To help prevent conflicts, end users should not document into both the DocMan displayed in Chart view as well as the DocMan running in the Dashboard (or DocMan stand-alone or DocMan launched from within Chart) while both are up and running.

Using the ABN/Forms Manager Work List

The ABN/Forms Manager is a work list that is populated when policy requirements that are satisfied by Word forms or scans/files being linked to the requirement. The policy requirements must be triggered by having them linked to a patient case. The forms manager is available from the CPT/HCPCS Alerts window as well as from DocMan. When used in an alert it is a work list for a patient that lets you open, save, view and scan forms. When used in DocMan, it lets you link a document that has already been scanned for the patient using the normal DocMan scanning functionality.

To satisfy forms-based tasks from the CPT/HCPCS Alert Window:

See the Bill and Schedule user guides.

Linking Scanned Forms to Alert Tasks

These instructions assume that the form has already been scanned into the patients folders in DocMan. This tool lets you link the document to a task so you do not have to delete it and then rescan.

To link a form scanned in DocMan to an alert task:

1. Open the patient in DocMan. 2. Select the document you need to link. 3. Click Tools > ABN/Forms Manager. You can also click the toolbar button which looks like a piece of blue paper with a dollar bill icon sitting on it. Another option is to open the scan and click the same button in the image viewer. 4. Review the outstanding tasks in the list for the patient. These are loaded by default. 5. If the task you are looking for is not in the list, you can change filters like Show Incomplete Tasks or Show Missing Forms to see if the task is in the list and has maybe been linked to another form, or has already been completed. 6. Select the task to which you want to link this document. 7. Review the document name in the Image field. This is the document you selected. If it is the correct one, click Link Image. (Note that if you make a mistake, you can select another document and replace the link.) That is how alerts can be satisfied and because the requirement is linked to a case, it does not matter how many more times the patient visits the clinic or in the modules in which staff work. The requirement is taken care of for the duration of this case.

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Understanding the DocMan Interface

This section provides an overview of the DocMan screen options. Use this as a reference any time you are not sure of which option to select when performing a DocMan task.

Main DocMan Menu

File Options
Open Patient Search Opens the Find Chart Patient window, enabling the search for a particular patient record. Opens the Document Search window, enabling searches filtered by criteria such as Document Description, Priority, documents tagged as either "Hold for Review" or "Abnormal Result", Date, or Category. Allows end users with this privilege to: Create and modify user logins, passwords, privileges, and groups Set Password options See the Security section for more details. Allows end user to set: An application timeout preference The option to cancel the sign-off confirmation screen The number of records listed in the main grid A HIPAA Document Expiration Date Allows end user to create/modify a quick list of recipients and recipient groups for messages sent in TaskMan. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows end user to print item(s) listed in main DocMan list. This may include only the items listed for a specific Category or all of the items linked to this patient record if Show All Documents has been clicked. Only .tif, .jpg, .gif, .bmp and HL7, QL7, & GL7 lab result files will be printed through this menu option. Users can also choose to print the attached memos as well. Allows end user to Fax item(s) listed in main DocMan list. This may include only the items listed for a specific Category or all of the items linked to this patient record if Show All Documents has been clicked. Only .tif, .jpg, .gif, .bmp files and HL7, QL7, & GL7 lab result files will be faxed through this menu option. Users can also choose to fax the attached memos as well. Allows users to view the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Closes the application.



Message User Setup Print Setup Print


Select Twain Source Exit

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Demographics Options
Patients Guarantors/Policyholders Persons/Contacts Providers & Staff Organizations Medical Facilities Opens the Find Chart Patient window, enabling the search for a particular patient record. Opens the Find Guarantor window, enabling the search for a particular Guarantor. Opens the Find Person window, enabling the search for a particular Person record. Allows users to search for Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Staff, Non-Clinical Staff, NonStaff Providers, and All Providers. Allows users to search for Organizations/Employers, Insurance Companies, Laboratories, Pharmacies, and Employees by Organization. Allows users to search for Internal and External Facilities.

Reference Options
Printing Reasons Opens the Reason Edit window where users can add, edit or delete reasons for Printing or Faxing image files.

Reports Options
Crystal Forms/Letters DocMan Reports Log Viewer Document Log Opens the Find Report window that allows users to search for, create new or edit/delete stored Crystal reports. Opens the Forms/Letter editor that allows users to edit or print Forms/Letters. Opens the Custom Reports window that allows users to view and print two reports: Patients with images scanned and All images for a patient. Opens the Log Viewer window that allows users to view and print an audit trail of all activity performed by logins in DocMan by Date and List All. Opens the Log Viewer window that allows users to view and print an audit trail of all activity performed by logins related to a specific item.

Tools Options
Record Security Allows those users with this DocMan privilege to grant/limit access to a specific document within a patient record. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Allows those users with this DocMan privilege the ability to override the level of security for the current patient. Notifies the system administrator and logs this event per HIPAA requirements. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Allows users the ability to move a document or file from one patient record to another. A notation of this move is added to the original patient record. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Opens the File Directory window to allow users to search and import files within specific folders into a specific Category. Opens the Open window to allow users to search the hard drive for a specific file document that can be imported into a specific Category. Permits bulk-scanned documents to be rapidly re-filed into appropriate Category folders within the same patient record. See "Fast File" for details. Allows access to the Control Panel. See "Control Panel Overview" for more details. When selecting an item that has been re-filed to another patient record, allows user to open the patient record that received that item. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges.

Break Security

Move Document

Import Folder Import Document Fast File Control Panel Go to Linked Patient


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Graph Data Type

Opens the Graph Data Type window to allow users to add, edit and delete Data Types for manually graphing Laboratory results. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent. See "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Opens the Rubber stamp sign off window where the users can add, edit, delete and preview Rubber Stamps. Opens the Signature window where the users can print, scan and/or import a signature page. These signatures can be appended to DocMan .tif files at Sign-Off. Permits the scanning (or importation) and storage of administrative forms that are not linked to specific patient charts. See "Scan a Document into a Reference Document Folder" or "Import a File into a Reference Document Folder" for more information. Allows users the ability to import CCR records into DocMan. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan.

New Message Lab Tracking

Rubber Stamp Signature Reference Documents

Import CCR ABN/Forms Manager

Document Options
New When scanning a document into the application, the user first selects the Category (or Subcategory) folder that will store the image, and then clicks Tools, New menu item. See "Scan a Document into a Patient Folder" for more details. When scanning a document into the application, the user first selects the Category (or Subcategory) folder that will store the image, and then clicks Tools, Bulk menu item. This opens the Image window whereby the user can scan in a bulk document. See "Scan a Document into a Patient Folder" for more details. Opens the Edit Document window where the user can edit the Description and Summary; select filters for searching, and setting the Ordered by provider. This feature is not active under the Fax Filing patient record regardless of the users privileges. Allows user to delete a document that has not been signed off. Allows user to display a preview of an incoming fax when viewing the records linked to the Fax Filing patient record. Active when a check mark is displayed next to menu item.



Delete Filing Preview

Help Options
Search Topic Legend Opens the Help Search tool. Displays legend of icons related to a specific DocMan file and action buttons used with all DocMan files. These include signed/unsigned status with respect to text bold/not bold font, Open Patient, Show all documents, Search, New Document, Attachment, Grid icons (abnormal, urgent, stat), Page count, Category status, Secure email form, Portal authorization form, and HIPAA document. See "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for more details. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.


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Main DocMan Toolbar

DocMan Toolbar Icons
Open Patient Show All Documents New Document Opens the Find Chart Patient window, enabling the search for a particular patient record. Displays all of the descriptions of all documents and images stored for that patient. When scanning a document into the application, the user first selects the Category (or Subcategory) folder that will store the image, and then clicks the New Document button. See "Scan a Document into a Patient Folder" for more details. When importing a document into the application, the user first selects the Category (or Subcategory) folder that will store the image or document, and then clicks the Import Document button. See "Import a File into a Patient Folder" for more details. Enabled only after canceling a scan job. Allows end user to use an attached Camera to import photos directly into DocMan. Allows end user to display 2 .JPG photo images side by side for comparison. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign-off documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record. See "Sign Off a Document" for details. Opens the Fax Filing Patient record that displays the incoming faxes. Opens the Refile Document screen which allows users to re-file a document to a specific patient record. See "Re-file Document" for details. Opens the Select Form/Letter window (Forms/Letter editor) to merge demographics with a default MS Word Template letter and then store in a Specific DocMan Category. See "Forms/Letter Editor" for details. Allows access to the Control Panel. See "Control Panel Overview" for more details. Permits the scanning (or importation) and storage of administrative forms that are not linked to specific patient charts. See "Scan a Document into a Reference Document Folder" or "Import a File into a Reference Document Folder" for more information. Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. NOTE: Not active in Fast Filing patient record regardless of privilege access. Permits bulk-scanned documents to be rapidly re-filed into appropriate folders within the same patient record. See "Fast File" for details. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent. See "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details. Allows end user to import or export CCR (Continuity of Care Record) files that are stored in DocMan. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the Main DocMan toolbar. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Main DocMan toolbar. Allows end user to refresh the contents of a specific Category or the contents of the entire patient record, displaying the most recent list of files linked.

Import Document

Scan Camera Compare Images Viewer Sign Off Filing Refile Print Forms

Control Panel Reference Documents

Graph Fast File Lab Tracking

Import CCR ABN/Forms Manager Messages/Task Patient Demographics Refresh

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Displays legend of icons related to a specific DocMan file and action buttons used with all DocMan files. These include signed/unsigned status with respect to text bold/not bold font, Open Patient, Show all documents, Search, New Document, Attachment, Grid icons (abnormal, urgent, stat), Page count, Category status, Secure email form, Portal authorization form, and HIPAA document. See "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for more details. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Help Exit

Main DocMan Window Patient Record

Patient-Specific Icons and Buttons
Break Security Padlock Button Works like the Tools > Break Security menu option. Allows those users that have this DocMan privilege the ability to override the level of security for the current patient. Notifies the system administrator and logs this event per HIPAA requirements. This is not active under Fax Filing patient record regardless the privilege access. Identifies the patient name, display name (i.e. nickname), date of birth, age, gender and insurance information including Insurance company name, co-pay and percent insured. Identifies the current user. Displays the most recent photo linked to this patient. See "e-MDs Snapshot (aka Digicam)" and "Recording a Photograph in e-MDs Snapshot (aka Digicam)" for additional information. Located on the upper Right hand corner of the Identification bar. Displays if a specific category is selected or if ALL documents are displayed. . If user clicks on the PAGES icon header, then the word PAGE is displayed.

Identification Bar

Snapshot (Digicam) Photo

Document Display

Document Section
Specialty Group A drop-down list of medical specialties. Depending on which specialty is selected, a different group of document folders is displayed in the left windowpane. See "Create Category Groups" for details. The left windowpane displays Document Categories (and Subcategories), identified by folder icons. In the example above, the Document Category "Hospital" contains two subcategory folders, one that stores Admission H&Ps, and one for Discharge Notes (see "Create Categories and Subcategories" for details). Gray folders are empty, and yellow folders contain images. Numbers in parentheses indicate the document count of a given folder. In the example above, the "Lab" folder contains 3 documents. The right windowpane displays the descriptions and properties of documents in the patient record. Click Show All Documents on the main toolbar to view all images in a given record, or select a Category folder in the left windowpane to view documents in that particular category. Document descriptions are displayed by alternating light blue and white backgrounds in a lined table format. Clicking on a Document description highlights the document. Allows end users to navigate to First/Last Page of all documents or to Prior/Next Page of Documents. Displays the page count of documents including the current page of documents being viewed. Displays the amount of documents on the particular page viewed.

Document Folders (Tree Display)

Document Descriptions and Properties (Grid Display)

Across the top of the grid is a toolbar with the following functionality:
Blue Navigation Arrows Page Count Item Count

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DocMan Main Grid Icons and Columns

Paper Clip icon Red Paper icon Single Exclamation Point

Users can sort by column by clicking on a column header. Clicking a column header replaces the header icon with a drop down/up arrow (icon header) or adds a down/up arrow (text header). Indicates that a scanned or imported Image of the selected document exists. Indicates that the document contains an Abnormal result (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). A single (urgent) or double (stat) exclamation point icon denotes this documents priority status. No icon indicates normal status (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). Indicates that a document is signed-off. Displays icon of associated linked form. If no forms are linked, then no icon is displayed. If Secure Email form is linked, a Green Clipboard icon is displayed. If Portal Authorization form is linked, a Blue Clipboard icon is displayed. If HIPAA document is linked, a Light Orange Clipboard icon is displayed. Indicates the total number of pages of an image document that has been imported or scanned. Pages for documents not supported by DocMan viewer will display a 1, i.e. MS Word Documents. Lists the file extension for the document, e.g. .TIF, .JPG, .BMP, .GIF. Displays the date that the document was entered into DocMan, either via scanning or importing. Short description of the document (see "Create Document Types" for details). Displays the date of service for a particular diagnostic report, test or procedure such as a lab result or x-ray or surgical procedure that can be entered/modified by the user. Displays the initials of the user who was selected as the Ordered By provider of this document (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). Shows a short, optional summary of the document. Indicates documents that have not yet been signed (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Indicates documents that have been signed off (see "Sign Off a Document" for details).

Ink Pen Light Orange Clipboard icon

Sheet of Paper icon

File Type icon Date Created (text header) Description (text header) Date of Service (text header) Notify Summary Bold Text Normal Text

Note: When a document description of a document that is not signed off is selected, it loses it BOLD text. Review the ink pen icon column to determine if document is signed off when selecting a document description.

Main DocMan Window Fax Filing (a.k.a. Zero Patient Record)

DocMan defaults to this patient record when logging into DocMan. This section of DocMan can also be accessed by clicking on the Filing Cabinet button icon from within a patient account. Patient-Specific Section
Identification Bar Document Display Identifies the patient name (Fax Filing). Identifies the current user. Located on the upper Right hand corner of the Identification bar. Displays if a specific category is selected or if ALL documents are displayed. If user clicks on the PAGES icon header, then the word PAGE is displayed. A drop-down list of medical specialties. Depending on which specialty is selected, a different group of document folders is displayed in the left pane (see "Create Category Groups" for details).

Specialty Group

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Document Section
Document Folders (Tree Display) The left windowpane displays Document Categories (and Subcategories), identified by folder icons. In the example above, the Document Category "Hospital" contains two subcategory folders, one that stores Admission H&Ps, and one for Discharge Notes (see "Create Categories and Subcategories" for details). Gray folders are empty, and yellow folders contain images. Numbers in parentheses indicate the document count of a given folder. In the example above, the "Lab" folder contains 3 documents. The right windowpane displays the descriptions and properties of documents in the patient record. Click Show All Documents on the main toolbar to view all images in a given record, or select a Category folder in the left windowpane to view documents in that particular category.

DocMan Main Grid Document Descriptions and Properties

Note: Users can left click to select a document description and then use the scroll to navigate among the document descriptions. Across the top of the grid is a toolbar with the following functionality:
Blue Navigation Arrows Page Count Item Count Filing Preview Allows end users to navigate to First/Last Page of all documents or to Prior/Next Page of Documents. Displays the page count of documents including the current page of documents being viewed. Displays the amount of documents on the particular page viewed. Displays a preview pane of the document if this menu item is selected.

DocMan Main Grid Icons and Columns

Paper Clip icon Red Paper icon Single Exclamation Point

Users can sort by column by clicking on a column header. Clicking a column header replaces the header icon with a drop down/up arrow (icon header) or adds a down/up arrow (text header). Indicates that a scanned or imported Image of the selected document exists. Indicates that the document contains an Abnormal result (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). A single (urgent) or double (stat) exclamation point icon denotes this documents priority status. No icon indicates normal status (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). Indicates that a document is signed-off. Displays icon of associated linked form. If no forms are linked, then no icon is displayed. If Secure Email form is linked, a Green Clipboard icon is displayed. If Portal Authorization form is linked, a Blue Clipboard icon is displayed. If HIPAA document is linked, a Light Orange Clipboard icon is displayed. Indicates the total number of pages of an image document that has been imported or scanned. Pages for documents not supported by DocMan viewer will display a 1, i.e. MS Word Documents. Lists the file extension for the document, e.g. .TIF, .JPG, .BMP, .GIF. Displays the date that the document was entered into DocMan, either via scanning or importing. Short description of the document (see "Create Document Types" for details). Displays the date of service for a particular diagnostic report, test or procedure such as a lab result or x-ray or surgical procedure that can be entered/modified by the user. Displays the initials of the user who was selected as the Ordered By provider of this document (see "Edit the Properties of a Patient Document" for details). Shows a short, optional summary of the document. Indicates documents that have not yet been signed (see "Sign Off a Document" for details).

Ink Pen Light Orange Clipboard icon

Sheet of Paper icon

File Type icon Date Created (text header) Description (text header) Date of Service (text header) Notify Summary Bold Text

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Normal Text

Indicates documents that have been signed off (see "Sign Off a Document" for details).

When a document description of a document that is not signed off is selected, it loses it BOLD text. Review the ink pen icon column to determine if document is signed off when selecting a document description.

Users can set individual specific column widths by login.

Image Window JPG, BMP and GIF (Patient Record)

This image window displays jpg, bmp and gif image types. Tif file types are displayed in a slightly different window. Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name, display name (i.e. nickname), date of birth, age, gender, insurance information including Insurance company name, co-pay and percent insured and patient telephone number. Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login). If document is signed off, also displays Signed by (user login, date and time).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Print Card Fax Exit Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not. Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Tracking Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints the image seen on screen, 1 page only. This does not print associated memos (see "Print a Document" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files with associated memos. These files are converted to .TIF format prior to faxing. Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning/Importing Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled for all image file types except .TIF image files (see "Fast File" for details). Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG and .TIF image files only. Clicking this Fax button when viewing a .BMP and .GIF file launches the reasons window, but will NOT fax these file types by using this Fax menu item. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent. See "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details. Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information. Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Allows end user to set preference for sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details). Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar. Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar.

Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Lab Tracking

Graph FlowSheet Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary

Messages/Task Message Options Patient Demographics

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Help Exit

Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Image Toolbar Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Images Toolbar
Zoom In Zoom Out Rotate Allows user to zoom in to enlarge the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Allows user to zoom out to reduce the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Rotates the image 90 degrees each time the button is clicked.

Image Window JPG, BMP and GIF (Patient Record)

This image window displays jpg, bmp and gif image types. Tif file types are displayed in a slightly different window. Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name (Fax Filing). Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Print Card Fax Exit Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not. Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Tracking Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints the image seen on screen, 1 page only. This does not print associated memos (see "Print a Document" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files with associated memos. These files are converted to .TIF format prior to faxing. Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning/Importing Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled for all image file types except .TIF image files (see "Fast File" for details). Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG and .TIF image files only. Clicking this Fax button when viewing a .BMP and .GIF file launches the reasons window, but will NOT fax these file types by using this Fax menu item. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information. Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Allows end user to set preference for sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details). Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar.

Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Lab Tracking

Graph FlowSheet Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary


e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Message Options Patient Demographics Help Exit

Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Images Toolbar
Zoom In Zoom Out Rotate Allows user to zoom in to enlarge the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Allows user to zoom out to reduce the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Rotates the image 90 degrees each time the button is clicked.

Image Window TIF Image Files (Patient Record)

This image window displays only tif image types. Jpg, bmp and gif file types are displayed in a slightly different window. Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name, display name (i.e. nickname), date of birth, age, gender, insurance information including Insurance company name, co-pay and percent insured and patient telephone number. Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login). If document is signed off, also displays Signed by (user login, date and time).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Print Card Fax Exit Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not. Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Tracking Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints the image seen on screen, 1 page only. This does not print associated memos (see "Print a Document" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files with associated memos. These files are converted to .TIF format prior to faxing. Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning/Importing Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled for all image file types except .TIF image files (see "Fast File" for details). Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG and .TIF image files only. Clicking this Fax button when viewing a .BMP and .GIF file launches the reasons window, but will NOT fax these file types by using this Fax menu item. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information. Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record. Allows end user to set preference for sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details).

Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Lab Tracking

Graph FlowSheet Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Messages/Task Message Options Patient Demographics Help Exit

Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar. Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Images Toolbar
Show/Hide Thumbnails First/Prior Page and Next/Last Page Arrows Zoom In Zoom Out Full Screen Rotate Pan Zoom Area Arrow Pen Editor (Draw) Click this button to either hide or show thumbnail sketches of each page in a single or multi page image. Allows user to page forward and backward through a multi page image. Allows user to zoom in to enlarge the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Allows user to zoom out to reduce the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Displays document in full screen mode. Click anywhere on the document to return to Image page view. Rotates the image 90 degrees each time the button is clicked. Allows user to move image (pan through) with a hand icon after Zooming in and out. Allows user to zoom (enlarge) a specific area. Changes cursor to Arrow within the Document view area. Closes Pen Editor, if opened. Allows the end user to mark the image with lines, squares, ellipse with a varying degree of thickness to a .TIF image. Only available with .TIF images. Clicking on the Pencil icon opens the editor including standard pen width icons (narrow, medium, wide) and a manual pen width setting. Clicking blue return arrow removes edits. Clicking on the Arrow icon closes Pen Editor.

Image Window TIF Image Files (Fax Filing Patient Record)

This image window displays only tif image types. Jpg, bmp and gif file types are displayed in a slightly different window. Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name (Fax Filing). Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Print Card Fax Exit

Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Tracking Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints the image seen on screen, 1 page only. This does not print associated memos (see "Print a Document" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files with associated memos. These files are converted to .TIF format prior to faxing. Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning/Importing Documents" for details). Disabled when viewing a scanned or imported document (see "Scanning Documents" for details). Disabled for all image file types except .TIF image files (see "Fast File" for details). Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to Fax .JPG and .TIF image files only. Clicking this Fax button when viewing a .BMP and .GIF file launches the reasons window, but will NOT fax these file types by using this Fax menu item. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.

Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Lab Tracking

Graph FlowSheet

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary

Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Allows end user to set preference for sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details). Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar. Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Messages/Task Message Options Patient Demographics Help Exit

Images Toolbar
Show/Hide Thumbnails First/Prior Page and Next/Last Page Arrows Zoom In Zoom Out Full Screen Rotate Pan Zoom Area Arrow Pen Editor (Draw) Click this button to either hide or show thumbnail sketches of each page in a single or multi page image. Allows user to page forward and backward through a multi page image. Allows user to zoom in to enlarge the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Allows user to zoom out to reduce the image size. The image is returned to default size by exiting out of image page. Displays document in full screen mode. Click anywhere on the document to return to Image page view. Rotates the image 90 degrees each time the button is clicked. Allows user to move image (pan through) with a hand icon after Zooming in and out. Allows user to zoom (enlarge) a specific area. Changes cursor to Arrow within the Document view area. Closes Pen Editor, if opened. Allows the end user to mark the image with lines, squares, ellipse with a varying degree of thickness to a .TIF image. Only available with .TIF images. Clicking on the Pencil icon opens the editor including standard pen width icons (narrow, medium, wide) and a manual pen width setting. Clicking blue return arrow removes edits. Clicking on the Arrow icon closes Pen Editor.

The Image Window HL7, QL7, GL7 Image Files (Patient Record)
Note: The extensions of QL7 and GL7 all refer to HL7 lab result files that come in through the lab interface modules. In prior versions QL7 and GL7 were used to differentiate results from specific labs but all results are actually sent in HL7 format. e-MDs is phasing out the use of these other identifiers.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name, display name (i.e. nickname), date of birth, age, gender, insurance information including Insurance company name, co-pay and percent insured and patient telephone number. Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login). If document is signed off, also displays Signed by (user login, date and time).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Print Card Fax Exit Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not. Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to fax HL7, QL7, or GL7 file types and associated memos. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00



Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information. Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Allows end user to set sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details). Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar. Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Graph FlowSheet Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary

Messages/Task Message Options Patient Demographics Help Exit

Lab Viewer Options

Lab Report Displays the laboratory report received. Out of range values are displayed in red. Double clicking on individual tests displays historical values for this test (see "Lab Interface" for details). Revert to original lab report: After end user clicks on a specific lab test, i.e. CBC, the historical values for this test are displayed. The Revert button is now active and can be clicked to return to the original lab report. Labels: Clicking this button displays the labels for buttons in Lab Report Help: Opens the Help Search tool. HL7 Hierarchy: Displays the audit trail for the received lab; displays errors in pink. Panel items are displayed in blue font. Label: Clicking this button displays the labels for buttons in Lab Report

Help: Opens the Help Search tool.

Lab Results Status End user can set up results panel through Lab Interface Module so that reported results displayed in Lab Viewer per status (see "Lab Interface" for details). P: Preliminary result, final not yet obtained C: Correction of previously reported result D: Delete previous reported result N: Test not necessary; not done These values also are displayed under the HL& Hierarchy per each specific lab test.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Image Window HL7, QL7, GL7 Image Files (Fax Filing Patient Record)
Note: The extensions of QL7 and GL7 all refer to HL7 lab result files that come in via the lab interface modules. In prior versions QL7 and GL7 were used to differentiate results from specific labs but all results are actually sent in HL7 format. e-MDs is phasing out the use of these other identifiers. Image Screen
Identification Bar Identifies the patient name (Fax Filing). Also includes the Document Name, Create Date, Date of Service, and Created by (user name and login).

File Menu Options

Import Select Twain Source Print Setup Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page Print All Print Card Fax Exit Disabled when viewing a scanned/imported document. Displays the available Imaging Devices currently installed on this computer, including scanners and/or cameras that use a Twain driver. Displays the printer dialog screen so users can select a default printer for DocMan printing as well as to set printer preferences. Allows user to print the first 5 pages of this document. Prints current page of a document displayed. Prints all pages of a document whether displayed or not. Prints a wallet card size version of this document. Allows users to Fax .TIF, .JPG, .BMP and .GIF image files. Closes the application.

Tools Menu Options

New Message Lab Tracking Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Menu Toolbar. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue lab messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information.


Help Menu Options

Search Topic About Opens the Help Search tool. Displays the DocMan version currently installed including support files.

Main Toolbar Options

Print First 5 Pages Print Current Page (1 page only) Print All Pages Fax All Pages and Permanent Memos Scan Document Scan Custom Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Prints all pages associated with the document displayed. Allows users to fax HL7, QL7, or GL7 file types and associated memos. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Scan Color Import Document Save Fast File Tracking

Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Disabled when viewing HL7, QL7, or GL7 document. Displays a list of pending CPT and HCPCS codes for the selected patient. These pending codes can be marked as complete to prevent overdue messages from being sent (see "Lab Tracking Interface Overview" for details). Allows users to manually graph Laboratory Results. Opens FlowSheet window that allows users to document data. See "FlowSheets, Patient Specific FlowSheets" for more information. Allows end user to access the refill grid to complete refills based incoming fax requests. Allows end user to track pending tasks set in Schedule/Bill and link them to an image in DocMan. Allows users with appropriate privileges to sign documents, making them a permanent part of the patient record (see "Sign Off a Document" for details). Allows end user to set sign-off with or without a rubber stamp. Allows user to attach a memo to an image (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). Allows the addition of a concise summary of the document along with document parameters, which are displayed in the main DocMan grid along with the document description (see "Add a Summary to a Document" for details). Opens the TaskMan message window that allows end user to create messages from the DocMan Image Window toolbar. Allows end user the ability to attach/not attach associated memos and/or summary along with document when sending a message. Allows end user to update/edit patient demographics from the Image Page DocMan toolbar. Opens the Help Search tool. Closes the application.

Graph FlowSheet Refill Request ABN/Forms Manager Sign Off Sign-Off Type Memo Summary

Messages/Task Message Options Patient Demographics Help Exit

Lab Viewer Options

Lab Report Displays the laboratory report received. Out of range values are displayed in red. Double clicking on individual tests displays historical values for this test (see "Lab Interface" for more details). Revert to original lab report: After end user clicks on a specific lab test, i.e. CBC, the historical values for this test are displayed. The Revert button is now active and can be clicked to return to the original lab report. Labels: Clicking this button displays the labels for buttons in Lab Report Help: Opens the Help Search tool. HL7 Hierarchy: Displays the audit trail for the received lab; displays errors in pink. Panel items are displayed in blue font. Label: Clicking this button displays the labels for buttons in Lab Report

Help: Opens the Help Search tool.

e-MDs Solution Series Utilities Guide 7.2.1 R00


Lab Results Status

End user can set up results panel through Lab Interface Module so that reported results displayed in Lab Viewer per status (see "Lab Interface" for details). P: Preliminary result, final not yet obtained C: Correction of previously reported result D: Delete previous reported result N: Test not necessary; not done These values also are displayed under the HL& Hierarchy per each specific lab test.

Document Memo Toolbar

To add the first memo to a selected document, click the Memo button on the Image window toolbar (see "Add a Memo to a Document" for details). If prior memos exist, the memo window will already be open. The Memo button is a toggle button; click it again to hide the memos. Document Toolbar Menu Options
Permanent Memo Click the first button in the Memo toolbar to add a Permanent Memo. Permanent Memos can be deleted only up until the point that the associated document is signed off. A Permanent Memo is appropriate for most clinical notes associated with documents. Click the second button to add a non-permanent "Sticky" Memo. Sticky Memos are identified by the yellow highlight. In the example above, the second note is a Sticky Memo. These notes can be deleted at any time, even after the document has been signed off. Sticky Memos are never printed, and are ideal for internal communication that is not intended to be a permanent part of the patient record. Click the third button to delete a selected memo. Sticky Memos can be deleted at any time. Permanent Memos can only be deleted if the associated document has not been signed off. Click the fourth button to print both the memos and their associated document. Memos print on one page and the document on a separate page. Sticky Memos do not print. Click the last button for memo-level security. A user with the DocMan Security privilege can lock memos from other individual users. This hides only the selected memo, and does not hide the associated document. For further information regarding record-level locking, see "Prevent Access to Specific Documents."

Sticky Memo

Delete a Memo

Print Memos

Memo Security

Reference Documents Toolbar (previously known as DOCS)

Reference Documents Categories, are not patient-specific, and might hold administrative forms such as "Consent Forms". These folders are not displayed in patients charts, but are accessible from the applications toolbar, without the need to first search for a patient. To access the Reference Documents, click on the Reference Documents button located next to the Control Panel button. Screen Layout: The uppermost area allows searching by Document Code (Doc Code) or Document Description (Doc Description). Click the Search button (with the magnifying glass) to list all documents. The second area permits searching by Document Group. The left windowpane displays the document folders in the selected Document Group. If a folder has documents, it is displayed with a yellow folder icon. Numbers in parentheses show the total document count in each folder.

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Empty folders are displayed with a blue folder icon. The right windowpane lists the documents contained in the selected folder. These are displayed by Code, Description and Create Date. If there is a document scanned or imported, then a check mark will be displayed. Buttons: Buttons are located along the right windowpane. Their functions are fairly self-explanatory. Reference Documents Toolbar Buttons
Add Document Scan Import Document Edit Document Delete Document View Document Record Security Opens the Add Document window that allows users to add document description prior to Scanning. See "Scanning a Document into a Reference Document Category" for details. After selecting a Category, click on button which opens a Browser Search Window to locate file to import. Edits the Code and Description data only. Opens confirmation window to delete selected Reference Document. Opens Image Window to display Reference Document. See "Prevent Access to Specific Documents" for details. If login has DocMan privilege, this gives users the ability to grant/limit access to a specific Reference Document.

Control Panel
To access the Control Panel, click the Control Panel button on the main DocMan toolbar or click Tools on the menu and select Control Panel from the pop-up menu. Note: Depending on security access rights, this button may not be visible. Control Panel Toolbar Buttons
Category Access to creation of categories and subcategories, which are the folders that catalog and store images and documents. Two basic types of categories are "DocMan categories, which are folders that are displayed within patient records, and "Reference Documents categories", which are not patient-specific, and might hold items such as administrative forms (see "Create Categories and Subcategories" for more details). Access to the security log. This audit trail tracks every action taken in the DocMan application, including the date and time, type of action (such as view, print, update), the patient record that was involved, and identification of the user performing the actions. See "Log Viewer (Audit Trail)" for details. Users can move all documents in one category to another category. This allows users to consolidate (and eliminate if desired) categories in DocMan. This is a Global feature so any categories that are changed are changed for ALL users and patient accounts. Users printing (or faxing) images from the DocMan application are required to give an appropriate HIPAA reason for printing a patient record. This icon opens a window that allows users to create additional canned responses (see "Document Reason for Printing Image" for details). Access two custom reports generated by DocMan. Opens the Rubber Stamp Sign-Off Editor where the users can add, edit, delete and preview Rubber Stamps.

Log Viewer

Move Documents


Report Rubber Stamp

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Signature Storage

Opens the Signature window where the users can print, scan and/or import a signature page. These signatures can be appended to DocMan .tif files at Sign-Off. Access to the setup and maintenance of image storage directories, as well as to the registry of CD disks (or other disk media) on which backed-up images are stored. See "Create an Image Storage Directory" for more information. Access to setup and maintenance of users, security groups, and group access rights. See "Create Security Groups" for more information. Note: This edits only the login information for users. To create a new user, see "Demographics, Providers & Staff."

User Setup

Log Viewer (Audit Trail)

Lob Viewer Toolbar Buttons
List All Show by date Calendar Print log Exit Shows the entire audit log. Shows all entries in the audit log by a selected date. Drop-down arrow opens calendar to select specific date. Prints the log as it appears on screen. Closes the Log Viewer window.

Lob Viewer Toolbar Columns


Double-click any line in the audit log for further information, in addition to that listed in the columns.
Records the type of action taken in the record. Types include: Insert (scan or import a new item) Update (change the properties of a document or re-file a document) View Print (or Fax) Soft Delete (delete an image or image description prior to sign off) Delete (delete non-image items, such as memos) Break Security Records the date and time that the action started and ended, including total elapsed time. Records which patient record was affected by the action. If the action type is Print (or Fax), the justification for printing shows in this column. Records which user (user name/login) performed the action.

Dates/Times Patient Reason User

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TaskMan is a messaging and tasking system. It can be used to send messages to different users, as well as tasks with assigned users, due by dates and tracking. You can also send and receive external e-mail and TaskMan is a major part of the messaging component of the e-MDs Patient Portal if you have licensed that application. This makes it an excellent management and communication tool. Dashboard Functionality: TaskMan is typically run as a preferred application in the e-MDs Dashboard bar because its application button shows a count of messages and tasks. If you are using the automatic tasking and reporting functionality of the system, you can set this to be your rightmost automatically starting module and thus when you log in at the start of the day can see a dashboard of things to do. Accessibility: TaskMan can also be run as a standalone module using a desktop shortcut, or from within e-MDs Bill, Chart, DocMan, and Tracking Board. Users can also initiate messages from within Chart, DocMan, Bill, and other modules and attach an entire chart, a progress note, or a document such as lab results, or scans. Messages sent by patients from the e-MDs Patient Portal are routed to TaskMan. This accessibility make it a key component of the workflow in a clinic.

If TaskMan has not already been installed and customized on your system, see the eMDs Solution Series Administration Guide for assistance in customizing TaskMan to work properly in your environment.
Continued on the next page ...

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Receiving System-Generated Messages

Depending on the modules licensed by your clinic, users may get automated messages generated by the system. Some of these messages automatically include attachments such as the lab result or document. These include: Document scan notifications Incoming faxes (e.g. refill requests, consults) Electronically imported lab results and lab interface exception messages Overdue order messages from Charts lab tracking system SureScripts electronic prescribing administration and exception messages e-MDs Patient Portal messages e-MDs content engine notifications DocMan administrator exception messages.

Sending Messages from TaskMan

New messages can be sent directly from the TaskMan module, as described below. In addition, messages can be initiated from within a patient's chart or from DocMan; click the underlined phrases for more information.

To send a message in TaskMan:

1. To open TaskMan, click the TaskMan button in Dashboard. You can also double-click the TaskMan desktop icon and log in (with the same login and password used for Dashboard or Chart) or, within e-MDs Chart, click Tools and select the TaskMan menu option. 2. Click the New button on the TaskMan toolbar. 3. In the New Message window, select the recipient by clicking the checkbox to the left of the user or group name. OR Click the To button to search for and select a recipient. More than one recipient may be selected. After selecting all recipients, click OK. 4. Type a short message title in the Subject field, if desired. The subject of the message is displayed to the recipient in his or her Inbox. 5. To change the default priority from Normal, click the radio button to the left of the desired priority status. If Urgent or Stat is selected, exclamation point icons are displayed next to the message in the recipients Inbox. 6. Select a message category by clicking the down-arrow in the Category field. If no category is selected, the message will appear in the "Other" category in the recipients Inbox. 7. Type the message in the large white window located below the Category field. 64

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8. Add any desired attachments. 9. When finished, click Send.

Adding Attachments to Messages

Charts, Visit Notes, Order Notes, Telephone/Log Notes, and DocMan images can be attached to messages generated from TaskMan module.

To add an attachment to a message:

1. Open TaskMan. Click the TaskMan button in Dashboard. You can also double click the TaskMan desktop icon and log in (with the same login and password used for Dashboard or Chart), or within e-MDs Chart, click Tools and select the TaskMan menu option. 2. Create a new message (see Send a Message from TaskMan for details). 3. Within the New Message window, click the Attachment button on the message toolbar and choose Add Attachment. 4. In the Module Attachment window, select Chart to attach a patient chart or individual Visit or Order Note. Select DocMan to attach a scanned or imported image. To Attach a Chart: Click Chart in the Module Attachment window. Click Open Patient Chart in the Attachment Type window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. More than one chart can be attached to a given message; simply repeat the steps above to add another chart. To Attach a Doctors Visit Note: Click Chart in the Module Attachment window. Click Open Doctor Visit in the Attachment Type window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. The Select Patient Visit window will open, listing all notes by visit date, provider, and diagnoses. Click the correct visit from the list. Although only one visit can be added at a time, numerous visits can be attached to a single message. Simply repeat the steps above to add additional visits. To Attach a Nurses Visit Note: Click Chart in the Module Attachment window. Click Open Nurse Visit in the Attachment Type window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. The Select Patient Visit window will open, listing all visit notes by visit date, provider, and diagnoses. Click the correct visit from the list. Although only one visit can be added at a time, numerous visits can be attached to a single message. Simply repeat the steps above to add additional visits. To Attach an Order Note: Click Chart in the Module Attachment window. Click Open Order Note in the Attachment Type window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. The Select Patient Visit window will open, listing all order notes by visit date, provider, and diagnoses. Click the correct note from the list. Although only one note can be added at a time, numerous notes can be attached to a single message. Simply repeat the steps above to add additional notes. To Attach a Log/Phone/Rx Note: Click Chart in the Module Attachment window. Click Open Nurse Visit in the Attachment Type window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. The Select Log/Phone/Rx Note window will open, listing all Log and Phone notes by date and description. Click the correct note from the list. Although only one note can be added at a time, numerous notes can be attached to a single message. Simply repeat the steps above to add additional notes. To Attach a DocMan Image: Click DocMan in the Module Attachment window. Search for the patient in the Find Patient window. Highlight the correct patient in the search results and then click Select. In the Document Attachment window select one or more documents by clicking the checkbox to the left of the desired document description. When done click the 65

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Select button on the toolbar. Multiple documents can be selected at one time as attachments. 5. Verify that the attachment appears in the Attachment field of the message and that the rest of the information such as recipient, subject, category, etc. are filled in and then click Send. You can delete an attachment if it gets mistakenly attached to a message.

To delete an attachment:
1. Open a message that has an attachment. 2. Click the attachment that is to be deleted. 3. Click the Attachment menu item in the New Message menu bar. 4. Choose Delete Attachment from the pop-up menu. The attachment will be removed from the message without displaying a warning message.

Replying To or Forwarding a Message

Any message received in the TaskMan Inbox can be replied to, meaning that the recipient sends the original message, along with a response, back to the sender. The recipient can also forward (send) the message, with or without additional comments, to other recipients.

To reply, reply to all or forward a message:

1. Open TaskMan. Click the TaskMan button in Dashboard. You can also double click the TaskMan desktop icon and log in (with the same login and password used for Dashboard or Chart), or within e-MDs Chart, click Tools and select the TaskMan menu option. 2. TaskMan will open to display all items in the users Inbox. Highlight the correct message in the upper right window, and then click the Reply, Reply to All or Forward button on the message toolbar. 3. If Reply or Reply to All is clicked, the To field will automatically be filled in with the name or names of the sender(s), though this can be changed and additional recipients can be added. 4. In a Forwarded message, the To field is empty. Select a recipient or recipients by clicking the checkbox to the left of the user or group name OR click the To button and search for a recipient. More than one recipient may be selected. When finished, click OK. 5. The Subject, Priority, and Category fields will appear as in the original message. (The Subject is preceded by the letters "RE:" in replies and by "FW:" in forwarded messages.) The Subject and Priority can be changed, if desired. If Attachments were included in the original message, they will also appear in the Reply or Forward. 6. The message body window will display an "-----Original Message-----" header, followed by the message itself. Place the cursor in the upper left corner of the message body window (above the header), and type a response or additional message, if desired. 7. Click Send.

Following Up on Messages
This feature allows users to mark TaskMan messages to generate a reminder if the message has not been dealt with in the specified time frame. Users can click the Mark for Followup button and set a follow up date. When logging in to TaskMan users will be notified if there are messages overdue for follow up. Additionally users can see this information on demand by clicking the Action menu and selecting Check Followup. Either option will allow users to get a notification whether there are overdue messages, the number of overdue messages and then they will have an option to view a list of these.

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To mark a message for follow up:

1. Click Send. 2. Select the message that is to be marked for follow up. 3. Right-click the message and choose Followup from the pop-up menu. OR Click the Mark for Followup button The Follow Up window will open. 4. Choose a follow-up due date from the drop-down calendar field. 5. Click the Save button when finished. on the main TaskMan toolbar.

To mark a follow-up message as complete:

1. If a message has been marked for follow up it will begin displaying as overdue when the due date is reached. To prevent the message from displaying as overdue you need to mark it as complete. Note: This is a DIFFERENT feature from the feature that removes completed messages from another users inbox if the message was sent to multiple recipients (see Mark as Complete for details about this other feature). 2. Select the message to be completed. 3. Right-click on the message and choose Follow Up from the pop-up menu. 4. Click the Completed checkbox. 5. Click Save when finished.

Marking a Message as Complete

This feature allows users to mark a message as having been completed. If a message has been sent to more than one person, such as a request to contact a patient, whoever completes the assignment has the option to mark ALL related messages as complete also. This gives the user the ability to assign messages to multiple users and then all users receive a passive notification (by having the message removed from their inbox) that the task was completed. Note: Despite the similar sounding name this feature is DIFFERENT from the Mark Follow Up Message as Completed feature.

To mark a message as complete:

1. Select the message to be completed. 2. Right-click on the message and choose Mark as Completed from the pop up menu. OR Click the Completed button on the toolbar. A Mark Message as Complete window will open.

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3. To mark the message as complete for all recipients, choose the appropriate radio button. 4. Click OK when finished.

Saving TaskMan Messages to Chart

This feature allows TaskMan messages to be saved to a patients chart. The messages are converted to a new note type with an envelope icon and are stored in the Log / Phone Notes section of Chart View. This can be a handy feature when patient specific clinical information that was collected in a TaskMan message needs to be added to the patients chart.

To save a TaskMan message to Chart:

1. Select the message to be save to Chart. 2. Right-click the message and choose Save Log/Phone/Rx Note from the pop-up menu. OR Click the Save Message to Patient Chart button on the toolbar. A patient search window will open. 3. Search for and select the patient. 4. The confirmation window will appear, indicating This message was saved as Log/Phone/Rx note for patient: PatientLast, PatientFirst. 5. Click OK.

Printing TaskMan Messages

Messages sent to or received from other users can be printed if necessary.

To print a message:
1. Open TaskMan. 2. Double-click the message to be printed to open it. 3. In the View Message window click the Print button. OR Click to select the desired message 4. Click the Print button on the toolbar.

Deleting TaskMan Messages

Users can delete a single or multiple messages in TaskMan.

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To delete a single message:

1. Highlight the message to be deleted. 2. Click the Delete button on the main TaskMan toolbar. OR Right-click the message and choose Delete from the pop-up menu. 3. Click Yes in the confirmation window. Multiple messages can be selected and deleted at the same time in TaskMan. However, only contiguous bulk selections can be made (by using the Shift key). Unlike normal Microsoft Windows convention the Control key cannot be used be used to select non-contiguous messages.

To select and delete multiple messages simultaneously:

1. Highlight the first message to be deleted. 2. While holding the Shift key on the keyboard down, highlight another message. 3. All messages between the first and second message highlighted will be selected. 4. Click the Delete button on the main TaskMan toolbar. OR Right-click on the message and choose Delete from the pop-up menu. 5. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Sending Messages from e-MDs Chart

When a patient-related message is initiated from the main TaskMan module, a patient search must be performed in order to attach the patients chart to the message. However, if a patient chart is already open in e-MDs Chart, it can easily be messaged in TaskMan without having to open the full TaskMan application.

To send a message from e-MDs Chart:

1. With a patients chart open in e-MDs Chart, click the Messages/Task button. This button has a white envelope icon and is located in the chart toolbar, below the blue patient identifier bar. 2. Choose the Create Message menu option. 3. In the next menu, select which type of message to send. Message types refer to the type of attachment that will be appended to the newly created message. See the Message Toolbar Options table for more information.

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4. Complete the To, Subject, Priority, and Category fields. Type a note in the Message Body field. These fields are the same as if the message were being created in the main TaskMan module. 5. Click Send. Message Toolbar Options
Blank Portal Message Attach Current Visit This message is NOT associated with the current patient and has no attachments. This option prepares a message to be sent to the patients portal account. This option attaches the entire patient chart to the message, but when the recipient opens the attachment, the chart will open to display the current visit note in editable format. This option is disabled if there is no currently open visit. This option attaches the patient chart to the message but when the recipient opens the attachment, the chart will open to display the Log. Phone or Rx note that is open at the time this attachment choice is made. This option is disabled if there is no Log, Phone, or Rx note displayed in the chart at the time the menu is open. This option attaches the patient chart to the message. When the recipient opens the attachment in his or her Inbox, the patients chart (with full functionality) is launched. If this option is chosen, the Select Patient Visit window will open, listing all visit notes by visit date, provider, and diagnoses. Click the correct visit from the list. This option attaches the entire patient chart to the message, but when the recipient opens the attachment, the chart will open to display the chosen visit note. If this option is chosen, the Select Patient Visit window will open, listing all visit notes by visit date, provider, and diagnoses. Click the correct visit from the list. This option attaches the entire patient chart to the message, but when the recipient opens the attachment, the chart will open to display the chosen visit note. If this selection is chosen, the Select Log/Phone/Rx Note window will open and display all Log, Phone, and Rx notes for the patient. Click to select the desired note. The entire chart will be attached, but when the recipient opens the attachment, the selected note will be displayed.

Attach Current Log/Phone/Rx Note

Attach Chart Attach Doctor Visit

Attach Nurse Visit

Attach Log/Phone/Rx Note

Sending Images from DocMan

At the time that a new item is scanned or imported into DocMan (see Send an Image when Scanning or Importing for details), the user is prompted to send the image to the ordering provider, though this is not mandatory. Any image can also be messaged (via TaskMan) at any time after it has been scanned or imported. When an image is sent from DocMan, a Document Scan Notification appears in the recipients inbox in TaskMan. The image appears as an attachment to that message. The recipient can then view the image, add a summary or a memo, and sign it off (if not signed previously) all from TaskMan.

To send an image from DocMan via TaskMan:

1. In the main DocMan window, select the image to be sent by clicking on the description. 2. Click on the Message button on the toolbar (envelope icon) OR Click Tools and select the New Message menu option. 3. This opens a TaskMan message with the image attached. In the New Message window select the recipient by clicking the checkbox to the left of the user or group name OR click the To button to search for and select a recipient. More than one recipient may be selected. When finished, click OK. 4. Select a Priority level, if other than the default "normal".

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5. Select the Category to define where the image will be sorted in the recipients inbox. The Category type will default to the name of the category in which the image was stored in DocMan, but this can be changed. 6. If desired, type a message in the white message field 7. Click Send.

Searching for a Message

Users can search by Folder by Subject or by text in the body of the message.

To search for a message:

1. Click the Search button on the main TaskMan toolbar 2. A Search toolbar will open.

3. Choose the folder to search from the Search Folder drop-down list. 4. Specify to search on Message Subject, Message Body, Message Subject and Body or Message Sender from the Search In drop-down list. 5. Type in the word or words to be searched for in the Search For field. 6. Click Search when all the criteria have been added. 7. The messages will be filtered to show only those items that meet the search criteria.

Getting Message Notifications

There are several ways to know if you have received messages: TaskMan Button on Dashboard: When TaskMan is running in Dashboard, the button label changes from TaskMan to show a summary of messages that looks something like this: M(4/1)T(0/0). It is showing the number of unread messages and tasks and how many of them are urgent. In this example, there are 4 messages, 1 of which is urgent; and no tasks. New Message Sound: You can copy any .wav file to the c:\program files\e-mds\solution series\apps directory and name it newmessage.wav. When a new message is received, TaskMan plays the sound. Of course, you need speakers to hear it. Folder Count in TaskMan: The Inbox folders show an unread message count to the right of the folder label. Message Count in Tracking Board: The Workload section of Tracking Board shows the number of messages and tasks for the logged in user. You can expand the folder tree to show the personalized folders that the user has chosen to display here and can also double-click a folder to go directly into TaskMan. The folders can be displayed in red based on the number of messages received. This and the selection of folders to display is user-specific and is set up by going to File > Options in Tracking Board, then setting the preferences in the Workload tab.

Performing Message and Folder Maintenance

You can multi select and move multiple messages at the same time for ease of maintenance. You can also delete messages to reduce the amount in various categories, and also remove deleted items from view.

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To move messages from one folder to another:

1. Select by clicking a message or multi select by holding down your left mouse button and then dragging (or using Shift and the up or down arrow keys). 2. Right-click and select Move to folder. 3. Select the folder and click the checkbox item.

Permanently Deleting Messages

This function cleans up the list of messages in your Deleted Items box. It is a good idea to do this periodically because over time the number of messages stored here can get very large and can affect retrieval time. Note that messages are not permanently deleted, they are still in the database should you ever need them. Simply click the message or multi select, then click the delete button and answer the prompt.

Populating the Refill Requests Task List from TaskMan

The Refill Requests module in Chart is a work list that is specifically designed to handle this function which can consume a lot of clinician time. It is a top to bottom stack of requests to be processed and gives providers immediate access to the patient chart and other information that is needed to approve or deny the request and then either message someone with a follow up or automatically approve the request and have the system automatically send it to the pharmacy. A number of requests are received by fax. Assuming that the practice uses e-MDs Fax Server, those incoming faxes may be sent manually or automatically to certain users as TaskMan attachments. The attachments viewer provides access to the Refills Requests system.

To populate refill requests from TaskMan:

1. Open the attachment on the fax message (can also be done from the Fax Filing folder in DocMan). 2. Search for and select the patient. The Refill Request Form with the patients current medications opens. 3. Based on the incoming fax check off the medications to be refilled. 4. Select the Provider who needs to approve and click Save.

Understanding the Messages/e-Mail Interface

The Main TaskMan toolbar includes standard buttons similar to many e-mail programs. Several of the functions behind these buttons can also be accessed using the menus. Main Messages Toolbar Buttons
New Opens a screen in which new e-mails are created. Clicking the arrow next to this button provides options for sending other message types including secure e-mail, spooled secure e-mail, and portal messages. You can also use the File menu to initiate new messages of each type. Prints the selected message. Sets tracked messages to completed. Marking a message as completed automatically moves it to the Completed Items folder and have a green flag icon in the follow up column. Sets a follow up date for a message that you have received. Messages with a follow up are displayed with a red flag icon in the follow up column. The Actions > Check Followup function filters the inbox messages to those with a follow up flag. Deletes a message.

Print Mark as Completed

Mark for Follow Up


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Reply Reply to All Forward Category User Setup

Replies to a selected message. Includes all ccd parties on a message in your reply. Forwards a message to other users. Opens the category editor where inbox and tasking category folders can be set up. Sets up favorites or quick list users and groups of users to message. Your entries make it quicker to send messages because you can tap a checkbox versus having to type and search. Opens filters to search for messages. Refreshes the data. Opens a patient search so that users can automatically add a message to a patients chart as a log note. Shows a legend describing the different icons in TaskMan. Loads the application help system. Closes TaskMan.

Search Send/Receive Save Message to Patient Chart Legend Help Exit

Main Messages Columns, Folders and Icons Folder Tree The left column shows the different folders where messages are stored. The standard folders are Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Completed Items and Outbox Items. The Portal Unread Messages and Portal read Messages folders used for eMDs Patient Portal messaging and show which messages that you sent have been read by users. Like e-mail, these folders hold newly received messages, messages sent by the user, and messages deleted from the inbox and sent folder, respectively. When TaskMan is opened, the Inbox folder auto-expands, while the Sent and Deleted folders remained closed. The Inbox sub-folders are customizable and are set up using the Category editor and which help organize messages. These customizable folders might be thought of as an organized "To Do" list. For example, there may be folders for Admin, Collections, "Refill Requests", and "Phone Messages. To see all messages, click the main Inbox folder. To filter messages by category, click the sub-folder. If you do not see specific folders, it is because you do not have any Inbox items which were classified into these categories. Clicking the blue and orange bars at the bottom left is how you toggle between the messages and tasks in TaskMan. Whichever is orange is open. The Tasks bar also includes a count of Unread, Coming Due and High Priority tasks. You can click on any column heading to use it as the sort order (ascending or descending). A small up or down pointing triangle appears in the column heading to denote if it is the sort order. You can also use the mouse wheel to scroll through messages. The upper right window lists messages for the selected folder. Unread messages are in bold. The different columns and icons in this screen are: !: Message priority. The column is blank for normal priority items, contains one red exclamation point for urgent issues, and two exclamation points for stat messages. Read Status: A yellow envelope indicates unread messages, gray ones are for read messages. Red and blue arrows indicate if the message has been replied to or forwarded. Messages from the e-MDs Patient Portal have a planet Earth icon on the envelope. Messages from the SureScripts e-Prescribing interface have a red box with a white S. Paper Clip: Displays a paperclip icon if the message contains one or more attachments. Follow Up Messages: Messages with an icon in this column are flagged for follow up. If the icon has a red flag, this is a message that still needs to be followed up on. A blue flag indicates that the follow up is complete.

Messages/Tasks Toggle

Message List Navigation

Message List Columns

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Secure E-Mail: Secure e-mails have an icon in this column. It looks like a piece of paper in front of a yellow envelope. From/To: In the Inbox, this column displays the name of the sender. In the Sent folder, it shows the recipient. Subject: Displays the subject matter of the message (if the sender included one). Date Sent: The date and time that the message was sent. Message Body The text for the selected message is shown below the list. The gray bar above this shows From, To, the subject and when the message was first viewed. At the far right end of the gray bar, a yellow paperclip icon appears if the selected message has attachments. Click this paperclip to open the attachments. A number of functions that are typically also available on the menus and/or toolbar are available by right-clicking a message. You can Reply, Reply to All, Forward, Delete, Mark as completed, set messages for follow up, Move messages to other folders, mark messages as read/unread and save messages to Chart as log or phone notes. These functions are described in more detail elsewhere in this section.

Message Right-Click Menu

Implementing Secure/External Email

The secure email system gives you the ability to send emails to external parties. Secure e-mails that have been sent from TaskMan are identified by an icon to the left of the To name column. The icon looks like a white page in front of a yellow envelope. In addition to sending a normal message you can also attach any other file if you wish. The attachments can either be added by browsing for any file on your computer, or you can print files to a secure e-mail print driver which is part of the TaskMan system. This lets you spool items to e-mail from TaskMan in much the same way as generating a fax by printing to a fax driver or printing to a PDF file. Files that are spooled can then be selected from a list so that you can queue up several attachments and easily add them to one email. Secure e-mail attachments are encrypted with base64 encoding. To open the attachment the recipient must enter the last four digits of their SSN or, if the patient does not have one set up, a custom password generated by the sender when attaching the file. They are prompted to do this when they double-click the attachment to open it. You can also use your own encryption technology on a file if you wish and it can be for a normal attachment (that you have encrypted prior to attaching it), or encrypting it and then printing to the secure e-mail spooler for a double-layer. TaskMans external emailing functionality can be an extremely useful tool since it reduces the need to monitor two e-mail boxes and you can also use the function to save messages directly to a chart to track these. This is faster than copying and pasting from another system to a log note. It is thus a tool that could be used to send patients and other parties educational results, educational literature and so on. The ability to attach any document without necessarily encrypting also provides another advantage: you can use this system to send internal e-mails with attachments that are not necessarily patient-specific. For example, you could send employee benefits forms or announcements.

Setting Up Secure Email

There are several setup steps: Application Installation: TaskMan Installation: The install or upgrade that you run on your workstation is sufficient.

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Microsoft .NET: The secure e-mail component utilizes tools developed with C# in the .NET programming environment (many of our other modules use Delphi). The TaskMan 6.0 secure email system requires .NET version 2.0. Secure e-Mail Print Driver Setup: The TaskMan install sets up a secure e-mail print driver which lets you spool any document created, regardless of whether it is in e-MDs applications or not. It utilizes a tool called Ghostscript to do this. Verify the installation on workstations as follows: 1. Go to Start > Printers and Faxes (in XP, other versions of Windows may be Start > Settings > Printers and Faxes). 2. Right-click the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler and select Properties. 3. Click the Ports tab. 4. Select the RPT1: Redirected Port for the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler (it might be RPT2 or another number) then click Configure Port. 5. Click Browse. 6. Go to c:\program files\e-MDs\Solution Series\Apps and select the PsClient.exe application file, then click Open. 7. Verify that the Arguments for this program is set to %1; Output is set to Program handles output; Run is set to Normal. 8. Click OK. 9. To print a test page go to the General tab and click Print test page. A test page is sent to the secure e-mail spool queue. The first time you do this it might take a few minutes after which an e-MDs Secure Email Spooler message appears notifying you that the file has been stored. 10. Click Exit and then OK in the window that tells you that the test page is being sent to the printer. (For now, do not click the Launch Secure Email button in the first dialog. Its function is explained in the Spooling Email section below.) 11. To verify that this has worked, open TaskMan, then go to File > New Spooled Secure Email or click the option window that appears with a button to Launch Secure Email. You should see a document titled Test Page in the list. 12. If you wish, you can share the printer under the Sharing tab.

TaskMan Setup: TaskMan uses your existing SMTP POP3 mail server as the transport for secure e-mail. The mail server information must be set up in TaskMan under File > Setup SMTP. You may need to contact your system administrator or mail service for this information. If this information is not set up and you try to send a secure e-mail you will be prompted to enter it then. Fill out the fields as follows: SMTP Server: Your mail server name or IP address. Username, Password, Retype Password and Windows Authentication: Enter the login information that is needed to access the mail server.

User Setup: Each user who will be sending secure e-mails must enter their return address in the Confidential E-Mail address field of their person file. If this is not set up, when the user attempts to send a secure e-mail you will get an option to add it: 1. Go to File > Security > Users (or Run > Security > Users from Dashboard). 2. Search for and select your account, then click the Edit button. 3. Click the search button to the right of the Person field, then search for the person and click Edit. 4. Click the Misc. tab.

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5. Enter the address in the Confidential E-Mail field and Save. Patient Setup: Authorization: In order to be able to send a patient a secure e-mail, you must have a signed authorization from the patient to do this which is saved in DocMan. This is set in the document properties by right-clicking the file and selecting Edit. Put a check mark in the "Secure Email Form" box. If the form is not on file then the patient will note be available in the list of possible recipients for a secure e-mail. Secure/Confidential E-Mail Address: The patient must have a secure/confidential email address entered in the Misc. tab in the patient demographics. If the patient does not have this set up then the sending party will be prompted to add a password for the attachment and will need to send this in another e-mail for security purposes. SSN: While this is not required, if a patient has a SSN in his/her demographics, the last 4 characters are automatically used as the password to open a secure attachment. (If there is no SSN, then the sender is prompted to add a password when sending the e-mail.)

Other Person Entities: You can also send secure e-mail to other non-patient entities. Add a confidential e-mail address in their demographics too.

To send secure e-mail:

1. Click the arrow on the right side of the New Message button or click File. There are two ways to start the secure e-mail process but both have the same result: New Secure Email: Takes you directly to the New Email Message window. The rest of the instructions follow this pathway. New Spooled Secure Email: Takes you to the New Email Message window as well but immediately displays the list of documents in the spool queue. This can also be opened from the toolbar in the New Email Message window. If you start this way, check the items you want and click OK.

2. Enter recipients for the e-mail into the To field. There are two methods. You can use both on the same e-mail: Type in a known e-mail address. If there are more than one separate them with a semi-colon (;) followed by a space. Click To. Then select the recipients. You can filter the list by person type such as patients or non-staff providers. You can multi select by dragging, holding down Shift and using the arrow keys, or holding down Ctrl and clicking entries. Then click the -> button to add the people to the Selected Persons list and click OK. If the recipients are users in the system you will see their login names in the To field. You can send messages to patients and non-staff providers. Remember that only patients with a secure e-mail authorization form in their DocMan folders will show up in the patient list.

3. Enter a subject. 4. Select a category, if desired. 5. Enter the message. 6. Add attachments. You can add as many as you like and they can be unencrypted or encrypted. Unencrypted: Click the button with the yellow paperclip icon. This opens a File Attachments Dialog window which lets you browse your computer or network for any kind of file. Click Open to select the file. It will appear in the Current Attachments section of the New Email Message window. You can double-click an attachment to open it.

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Encrypted: Click the button with the red paperclip and padlock icon. The e-MDs Secure Email PDF Generator window opens. This shows a list of documents that were printed to the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler driver. Check the documents you want to send then click OK. All the documents selected are added to a single PDF. If you want separate attachments select one at a time. The documents are base64 encoded and appear in the Current Attachments section with an icon of red paperclip and padlock. The PDF file is given a name that is a jumbled series of letters and numbers. If you are sending a secure e-mail to a person who does not have a SSN in their demographics file, a warning message appears when you try to send the message. The warning gives you the e-mail address with the problem and requests that you supply a password for each secure PDF document in the e-mail. You should send this password to the recipient using an alternative pathway. DO NOT put it into the message body of the same e-mail.

7. Click the Send button. The message is routed through the POP3 server to recipients. Some important notes about the sent messages: If the e-mail is sent to an invalid address or is bounced by another e-mail system which sends a delivery failure notification that will appear in your normal e-mail client softwares inbox (e.g. Outlook). If you send a secure e-mail to multiple people the system creates a separate message for each person so you will see multiple entries in your Sent Items box (internal e-mail keeps them together). The spooled documents remain in the list until you select and delete them. Although the patient will receive an attachment with all the jumbled letters and numbers, if you view the same e-mail in TaskMan the file name is tmpxx.yyy where xx is a number that increments automatically (even if you open and close the same message) and yyy is the file extension. A footer is automatically added to every secure e-mail. It reads as follows: Email may not be totally secure and confidential. Please consider the following: your employer may monitor your office email home email is available to anyone who uses your computer; email should not be used for emergencies, urgent matters, or highly sensitive matters such as HIV/AIDS or mental health issues; I cannot always receive or respond to emails instantaneously: I permanently place all emails into your medical record. If you are uncomfortable sending or receiving confidential medical information such as in this email, please reply, and I will communicate in some other form in the future. If I do not receive a reply from you regarding this, I will assume that you consent to this use of email.

8. The recipient must have a PDF reader to view secure attachments. The attachment can be opened by double-clicking it just like in other normal e-mail but a prompt will ask them for the document password.

Spooling E-mail
If you print a document to the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler print driver from any other application (it does not have to be an e-MDs module), you can use a standalone secure e-mail application to send the mail without having to launch TaskMan. The same documents can also be sent from within TaskMan as described above if you still prefer that method.

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To spool e-mail within TaskMan:

1. Print a document from any application to the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler. 2. In the e-MDs Secure Email Spooler dialog that tells you the file has been stored, click Launch Secure Email. (If you are going to use the regular TaskMan method, click Exit, start TaskMan and send the files as normal.) 3. Log in using exactly the same login, password and login group as if you were opening any other Solution Series module. The Site field is where you can pick your login group which is the database and server login. The first time you use this standalone secure e-mail client click the button to the right of the field to open the Login Groups detail window and make sure all the properties are set correctly. If you are not sure what they should be, log in to other Solution Series applications and check the settings in the log in window there. 4. Go to File > New Email. The New Email Message window appears. At this point you can configure and send the message just as you would if you were sending a secure e-mail from within TaskMan.

Tracking Tasks
A task is an assignment that can be tracked through to completion. Tasks can either be personal tasks (ones assigned to yourself) or can be ones that are assigned to others. For example, a personal task can be created to remind yourself to look for lab results for a particular patient that should be available no later than a certain date. Or a task can be assigned to another person in the clinic (medical assistant, nurse, billing person, etc.) to do the same thing.

To access TaskMan tasks:

1. Open TaskMan from Dashboard or Tools > TaskMan in several of the other Solution Series modules. 2. Make sure the Messages bar at bottom left is orange meaning to indicate that you are in the tasks section. If not, click it to switch from messages. TaskMan always opens to show the tasks for the logged in user. The login name is displayed at the top of the window. The toolbar includes buttons for working with tasks. Main TaskMan Toolbar Buttons
New Task Edit Task Print Mark as Completed Shortlist Users/Groups Refresh Search Legend Starts a new task. Opens a highlighted task. Prints the specific task. One of several ways to mark a task as completed and move it to the Completed folder. Opens the tool to create and select shortlist users to whom you frequently send messages or tasks. Updates the task list. Opens a search window so you can locate specific tasks and also view archived (soft-deleted) tasks. Opens the legend if you need assistance with understanding different message and task display fonts and icons.

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Main TaskMan Columns, Folders and Icons Inbox, Send Out and Completed Folders These are folders into which the system automatically places tasks. You can add multiple levels of personal folders to the Inbox and set up folder rules to put incoming tasks into these. The Inbox also shows counters of unread/coming due/high priority items by folder. The Send Out box lists all tasks you have sent and is a way to see their current completion status. The Completed folder is where the system automatically puts tasks that you have marked as completed. Users with the TaskMan Administrator security privilege will also have this folder in the tree. It is a way for an administrator to open a search screen to generate a list of tasks for multiple users so that activity across the organization can be monitored, tasks reassigned or employees reminded to get work done, and so on. The blue and orange blocks at the bottom left are toggle buttons to move between the TaskMan messages and tasks interfaces. The active one is displayed in orange. The TaskMan block also shows a count of unread, coming due and high priority items in your inbox. The main folders are then subdivided into sub folders (referred to as Categories), which help organize Tasks. These customizable folders might be thought of as an organized "File Cabinet" for tasks. For example, a physician might have a folder for "Refill Requests", another for "Administration, and another for "Collections Work Lists." Categories are set up in the messaging section of TaskMan. If the user clicks any of the main folders in the tree, the Task Summary window on the right lists all tasks in that folder. If, instead, a subfolder is selected, the window displays only those tasks in the selected category. The columns in the list are: !: Displays the priority of the task; the box is blank for normal priority items, contains a downward pointing green arrow for low priority tasks and a red exclamation mark for high priority tasks. Paperclip: Displays a paperclip icon next to the task if the task contains an attachment or is blank if there is no attachment. Double-clicking the paperclip icon or using the right-click Open Attachment option opens it. Completion Status: The block in this column is empty for incomplete tasks and checked for complete tasks. Clicking the block in the list is one of the ways to mark a task as complete and automatically moves it to the Completed folder. You can also mark completed tasks as incomplete by clicking the box. Task #: Sequential number assigned by the system for tracking purposes. Task Description: Displays the description entered by the user who sent a manual task or set up an automated one. Created By: The person who set up the task. Date Created: The date the task was created. Automatic tasks show the date that the job was run, not the original setup date since a task may (and should) run repeatedly. Date Due: Displays this if one was set. For automatic tasks users set up a number of days from the date that the task is generated by the server so a calculated date is displayed. Date Completed: Date the task was completed. %: Shows the completion percentage. This can be set manually by a user but for some task types the system can calculate this automatically. An example is a collections work list where there are a defined number of invoices and users have a function to mark those they have worked as completed, so a percentage is easy to calculate. Setting a task to 100% completed is another way of automatically moving it to the Completed folder. This is described in more detail elsewhere. Clicking on the folder loads a filtering window for the administrator to selectively load a list of tasks. Clicking Retrieve pulls up the list. This list also includes the current status such as In Progress, Declined, etc.

All Tasks Folder

Messages and Tasks Toggle


Task List

All Tasks

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Note: Completed tasks are automatically moved to the Completed folder and it is displayed with a line through the text in several of the descriptors. It also has a check in the completion status box, and should also have 100% in the % box. Some task attachment types are work lists that the system can use to automatically calculate the % complete. Note that if there is more than one attachment of this type on a task, the completion status is based on the first one.

Setting Task Options

There are a number of options that can be used to customize the tasks interface display.

To customize the tasks interface display:

1. Go to File > Options. 2. Set options based on their explanations below: Refresh Rate: This system-wide setting is not user-specific. It determines how often the system queries the server to update the messages and tasks as well as the counters on the folders, TaskMan dashboard button and the tasks bar at bottom left. The minimum setting is 30 seconds but e-MDs recommends a much higher value such as 10 minutes because more frequent querying adds to the load on your server. If you have a lot of users this can affect overall performance. The task list refreshes automatically as you move between screens anyway. Coming Due Days and Color: This gives you the ability to set your personal preference of displaying tasks in a different color if they are coming due within a certain timeframe. The middle number in the task counters is also updated based on this. Include Sub-Folder Items in Higher Folders: This preference controls the display of the unread/coming due/high priority counters for each Inbox folder. When the box is checked, then the Inbox folder count includes the sum of all sub-folders. Likewise, if you have multiple sub-folder levels, the counts for the lower levels are rolled up into the higher ones. If it is unchecked, then each folder only displays the count of items in its folder. Auto Archive: The archive function automatically soft deletes tasks but only if they are in the Completed folder. Check the Auto Archive Completed Items box to activate this function and then set the number of days from the task create date on which the system soft deletes it. We recommend that you use this because after a while you will accumulate a large number of tasks which, when you open the Completed folder, will all try to load and will take an increasing amount of time. Note that the search function and administrator All Tasks filters both have options to retrieve archived tasks. Folder Rules: Folder rules help to automatically move incoming tasks to specific folders based on the task name/subject, task type, or sender. To set up a folder rule:

3. Set options based on their explanations below: 4. Click Folder Rules. 5. Click New. 6. Enter the rule name. 7. Select the rule criteria. Based on the type, the criteria options change. For Subject line, enter the text you want to match on. For Task Type, select from the different attachment types. For Sender, select a user login. 8. Select a folder from your personal inbox list. 9. Review the rule criteria which are displayed at the bottom of the Edit Rule window. 10. Click Save. It is displayed in the Folder Rules window. You can click the rule to see the criteria in the bottom half of this window too.

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11. Select the rule and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change its order in the list. If a task is received which meets the criteria for multiple rules, it is moved to a folder based on the rule with the highest precedence. 12. Click Save.

Creating Custom Tasks Folders

Users can create their own personal tasking folders. These are a useful way to categorize incoming messages by type so that you can process shortlists more easily. You can drag tasks from one folder to another and you can also set up the folder rules described above to have the system automatically move incoming tasks into the folders. You can create multiple levels of folders if that works for you.

To create task folders:

1. Select and then right-click the Inbox folder to which you want to add a sub-level. 2. Click New Folder. 3. Enter the folder name in the box to the right of the folder that appears. The name must be unique for the parent folder. You can edit a folder name if necessary using the right-click Rename function or by double-clicking the description. The right-click delete option is used to remove a folder but if you have items in the folder, the system will prompt you to move them to another folder and shows a list of folders. If the folder you are deleting has sub-folders, you also have the option to move those. Tasks are moved appropriately.

Performing General Task Functions

Tasks can either be personal tasks (ones assigned to yourself) or can be assigned to others.

To create a task:
1. Open TaskMan to the tasks interface. 2. Click New. 3. Select recipients using the shortlist checkboxes or using the To button. If you are sending yourself a task/reminder, no recipients are necessary. 4. If the task is to be split into separate tasks for each user, check the option to Send as Multiple Tasks. If this is not checked then when one user completes the task it is moved to the Completed box for all users. 5. Enter a Subject. 6. Select the Due Date, Start Date and Priority. 7. Type the message associated with the task in the Task Memo section. 8. Add attachments if desired by clicking the Attachment button. You can add multiple attachments for different patients if you want. See the Attachment Options table for a description of the supported types. 9. If the task attachment type is a particular work list type the Enable Worklist option to the right of the To field may become available. Check the field so that the completion % is automatically updated as users complete records in the list. 10. Click Send.

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Attachment Options
Chart You can send an entire patient chart, or specific doctor and nurse notes or log notes. In all cases the complete Chart interface is opened; the difference is whether it opens to a specific entry or not. Select the patient and then the specific record. After selecting a patient a list of all the files in that persons DocMan folders is loaded. Check off the ones to send then click the attach button. You can open a file to check it is the correct one using the View Document button. Sends task types for users who are familiar with linking electronic lab results/observations to the master flow sheets in e-MDs Chart so that these can be automatically parsed. There are multiple types some of which can also be used to generate Schedule, DocMan and Chart oriented tasks. For manually created tasks these typically send the interface to a module with predefined filters so that when the recipient opens the attachment a work list of entries is quickly loaded. All of these can be automated to run on a repetitive basis and typically those save parameters which are executed to retrieve items when the task is run since that could many times from now and into the future. Set the filters and retrieve the list. Give the work list a name, then click Save and Exit. Set filters then Save and Exit. When a referral work list is opened as a task attachment an additional completion status column appears on the left on the window. Complete and Incomplete buttons above the work list give users the ability to update their progress. Set filters, click Search then Save and Exit. This gives you the ability to generate many different kinds of work lists. When the DWL interface is opened as a TaskMan attachment it has an extra column to the left. Double-clicking the cells adds or removes a green check mark to denote completed items. There are also two buttons to do this at the top right. Set the filters, then Save and Exit. Of particular note is the option to use the serverbased dynamic Use Current Date for the Last statement on or before filter. If the task may be completed several days after sending it and you do not want to miss any accounts which have accrued billable balances since then, check this box so it is not fixed to the task create date. The only thing the recipient will be able to do in the Options tab is change the Printed statement date. Set up the Options and then the other information and filters in Steps 1 and 2 and save. Disregard the batch number in Step 1 which is set to 0. It will be created when the task recipient executes the job. The attachment opens at Step 2 so that the recipient can click Next to gather and print the claims. Set up the Options and then other information and filters in steps 1 and 2 and save. The recipients attachment opens to Step 2 so that the rest of the wizard can be navigated to generate a claim file. This generates a list of forms or scans that are not in the system but which are required based on CPT rules. Set filters, then click Save and Exit. Sends a work list of ERAs that may need to be posted and from which the user can open the ERA posting window. Sends the posting ledger window Visits window as a task so that users can build claims from Chart. Set filters, then click Save and Exit. Gives you the ability to generate notices, letters, etc. The recipient will open to the preview.


Lab Code Library


Collections Worklist Referrals Worklist

Invoice Status Administration Daily Work List


HCFA Wizard

Electronic Filing Wizard

ABN/Forms Incomplete Electronic Remittance Visits to Bill Insurance Eligibility Registry Processor

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Although there is currently only one attachment type under this category, keep in mind that the Daily Work List and Insurance Eligibility Bill attachment types are cross-over types. A list of appointment confirmations based on status.

Appointment Confirmations

To accept a task:
The recipient of a task can open it and use the Accept button on the toolbar to set him/herself as the owner. If youve sent a task to yourself, you are automatically assigned as the owner.

To redirect a task:
Tasks may be redirected because they were inadvertently sent to the wrong person or because the original recipient may be unable to complete it for one reason or another. If the task was sent to you, open it then click Redirect Task and select another recipient. If you sent the task to someone else, click the Send Out folder to find the task then use the same steps.

To change the status of a task:

1. A task recipient can update the current status of a task so that the sender and administrators can see progress. 2. Open the task and select an option in the Status field. 3. Status options are Assigned, Not Started, In Progress, Waiting on Someone Else, Declined and Completed. 4. Save the task after changing the setting. The Completed status can also be set in other ways as described next. When a task is completed it should be marked as such by the person who accepted it. A task can be marked as complete in multiple ways. When a task is marked as completed it is automatically moved to the Completed folder.

To complete a task:
1. Click the box in the status column. 2. Right-click the task and click Mark Complete. 3. Set the % Completed to less than 100%. Note that tasks which are enabled work lists that automatically calculate the completion percentage will override manual settings. 4. Open the task and set the Status to Completed. If a task is marked as completed by mistake it can be reset. Click the Completed folder then uncheck the status box or right-click and select the Mark Incompleted option.

To print a task:
Printing a task is easy. Select the task in the task list and click the Print button on the toolbar.

Automating Tasks
One of the most powerful aspects of TaskMan and Solution Series is the ability to set up the system so that it sends multiple different tasks types to users on a repetitive basis. This can ensure that things which need to be done are routed to people in the organization in a systematic manner so that completing them becomes part of the routine and not something that will be dealt with later.

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You can generate tasks that are work lists or reports using Report Manager or the Tasks function in Rule Manager. Reports are saved as a PDF file and the task includes an attachment icon that is actually a link to open the report. You will need to have a PDF reader installed on your workstation to view these. Go to www.adobe.com to download their free reader if you do not already have one. Other tasks can be work lists which send the user an interface with a preloaded list of records meeting the task criteria. The important thing to understand is that although you can set up a task to run once on a predefined date, the real power is to create repetitive tasks that only need to be set up one time and are then set to run daily, weekly, or monthly. This is possible through the use of various functions like dynamic date filters which give you the ability to generate tasks based on Last, Current or Next time periods such as number of days, months, quarters or years. These do not restrict you to the same range each time (which would then make the report or task useless after an iteration or two). They base the task off the current server date. In addition to the productivity benefits of task automation there is also a benefit in terms of reducing server overhead during busy periods. You can set up Report Manager and Rule Manager to run during off peak times so that intensive operations do not have the potential to affect other tasks. Keep in mind that you need to take into account the timing of other maintenance plans such as backups. Report Manager: Report Manager module types can be routed as tasks. Despite its name, Report Manager also includes some work list interfaces. Accounts Receivable Report (Patient, Guarantor, Invoice) Activity Analysis Reports (there are 11 different report options) Case Tracking Report Eligibility Check Worklist (saves an ANSI 270 eligibility check file into a directory which you may also have monitored by other programs that automatically upload the file to a payor or clearing house). HCFA Wizard (saves individual PDF files for each HCFA generated; users can multi select these and print all using standard Windows functions). Illness and Injury Report Insurance AR Report Patient Statement (also saves individual PDFs) Work Restrictions Report DOQ-IT Estimated Compliance Report DOQ-IT HL-7 File Generation (generates a file for uploading to CMS) DOQ-IT Patient Flag Update (if this is set up as a task it is really just a notification that this has been done since the flag update is setting database values).

Rule Manager Tasks: These are mostly interfaces. There is some cross-over with Report Manager tasks such as Statements and HCFAs. The difference is that the Rule Manager task sends the interface from which the user starts the print job whereas Report Manager has already generated PDFs on disk. Collections Worklist Referrals Worklist Invoice Status Administration Daily Work List Statements HCFA Wizard Electronic Filing Wizard 84

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ABN/Forms Incomplete Electronic Remittance Visits to Bill Insurance Eligibility Registry Processor

Setting Up Report Manager Tasks

Report Manager is a module that can be run automatically using the Windows Scheduled Tasks program. You can also open the module and run the jobs manually if you want. It is a timesaver regardless because you do not have to set parameters each time. You can also refer to this section for defining the default network folder path in which reports are saved if they do not have a specific path identified in the specific job setup.

To send a task based on a Report Manager job:

1. Go to Reports > Report Manager in Bill or Schedule. 2. Click New. 3. Select the Billing or DOQ-IT job type and the specific job. 4. Set the Job information, parameters. Of specific note is that when you open the parameters window you will almost always use a dynamic date filtering option so that the job can be run repetitively and still retrieve current information. For statements and accounts receivable reports there is no Dynamic Date but there are options to use a Current Date. All use the server date at the time of running the job when calculating which dates to use. 5. Set the storage file path. Keep in mind that because a report is saved as a PDF and because users may forward tasks to other people, a report that you do not want someone to see could still end up in their task list. Thus it is a good idea to have storage directories for automatically generated reports which have network security rights to prevent unauthorized opening of the reports even if the user has a task with a link to it. 6. Click the Task Info tab. This is where you can make this job send a TaskMan task. a. Check Generate Task. b. Enter a Task Name value. This is what the task recipients will see as the task subject. c. Enter the Attachment Description value. d. Select a Sender Name. It defaults to the login of the user setting up the task. e. Set the Priority and Due Days values. f. Click the Add/Modify button to pick users and/or user groups to assign to the task (groups are in bold). Then click OK to add them to the task. 7. Click Save.

Setting Up Rule Manager Tasks

Rule Manager is a module that can be run automatically using the Windows Scheduled Tasks program. The same instructions for setting up Report Manager to run automatically can be used for Rule Manager except that in Step 12 you should point the scheduled task to run the RuleManager.exe program located in the e-MDs installation directory. You can also open the module and run the jobs manually if you want. It is a timesaver regardless because you do not have to set parameters each time. You can also refer to this section for defining the default network folder path in which reports are saved if they do not have a specific path identified in the specific job setup.

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To send a task based on a Report Manager job:

1. Start Rule Manager in e-MDs Dashboard (you must have the Dashboard Rule Manager security privilege to do this). 2. Click the Tasks tab. 3. Click New Rule. 4. Select the Task Rule Type. 5. Enter the Rule Information: a. Enter Rule Name and Rule Description values. Make these as descriptive as possible so it is easy to see what this specific task does simply by scanning these columns in the main Rule Manager window. The Rule Name is what will appear in the task Subject. b. Make sure the rule is active. If it is not the system will not run it automatically although the main Rule Manager window does have an option to show inactive rules which can then be run manually. c. Select the Sender. It defaults to the person setting up the task. d. Set the Parameters for the task type. Remember to use Dynamic date filtering options wherever possible so that the job can be run repetitively and will retrieve current information. the Statements to Print task does not have a Dynamic Date range option but the Current Date works the same and bases the data retrieved on the server date when the job is executed. e. Set Priority and Due Days. 6. Click the Result tab. 7. Click the Add/Modify button to pick users and/or user groups to assign to the task (groups are in bold), then click OK to add them to the task. 8. Click the Result tab and set the Schedule. Keep in mind that the EOW day and EOM date are based on the settings under Rule > Setup in the main Rule Manager window. These give you the ability to define the day of week and day of month. The latter is particularly useful for tasks that are based on a Last reporting period since you can give yourself time to reconcile the prior month instead of always having to run it on the last day of the month. 9. Click Save. Once you have set up the automatic Windows Scheduled task users in the system will start receiving the task on a regular basis but with different data based on your parameter settings.

Searching for Tasks

Sometimes it is hard to find a task despite the various display options such as column sorting and color coding. The search function can be used to find tasks by a variety of criteria.

To search for tasks:

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar to open the search filters above the task list. 2. Set search criteria: Search Folder: Select from all or Completed, Inbox or Send Out. Search In: Pick from Subject, Memo, Subject and Memo, or Sender. Search For: Enter the starting characters of the text string. To do a partial string search start enter the % sign before your characters (e.g. %abc). Show Archived: Includes archived/soft-deleted tasks in the search results. 3. Click Search. The search window stays open until you click the red X at the right of the search filters or you close TaskMan.
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Archiving Tasks
The archive function is a utility which soft deletes messages in the Completed folder. It is recommended that this is done because after a while the number of records in the folder will be huge and mostly of no use. The larger the list, the longer and longer it will take for the system to retrieve them each time you click the folder. Archiving can be done manually or automatically: Manual: Click the Completed folder, right-click the task and select Archive. Automatic: In the File > Options window you can activate the auto archive option and the age of the tasks to archive.

Archived tasks can still be retrieved if necessary. A user can view his/her own tasks by using the search function which has a checkbox to Show Archived tasks. An administrator has the same option in the All Tasks filters window.

Administering the Task Interface

The tasks interface has a special administration function. If you have the TaskMan Administrator security privilege, a special All Tasks folder appears in the list at left. All Tasks allows the user to search for and view tasks for other all users, not just for tasks received or sent by the administrative user. This makes the All Tasks view a powerful tool for monitoring and ensuring that all users are keeping up with their task list. This window also allows tasks to be redirected to a different staff member.

To retrieve a task list:

1. Click the All Tasks folder. 2. Set filters, your preference for the number of records to display on a page, and whether to include archived/soft-deleted tasks. 3. Click Retrieve.

Auditing Tasks and Tracking User Productivity

There are two audit reports to track task activity and user productivity: Task Audit: Tracks creation, assignment, acceptance and other granular level detail of what has been happening with tasks. This audit report also tracks automatically created rules. There are several output formats and a nice summary table that counts each activity type by user. Task History: Opened from within a specific task this provides an element level detail of all activity and changes associated with that task.

To print the Task Audit Report:

1. Click Reports > Task Audit in the tasks section of TaskMan. 2. Set the Report Format. Standard shows a chronological list of all activity followed by a summary table by user and activity type. Summary only is just the table. Group by user is a chronological activity list grouped by specific person. 3. Set Activity Types. 4. Pick one or more users to report on. 5. Set an Activity Date Range. 6. Click Print or Preview to generate the report.

To print a task history:

1. Open the task upon which you want to report. 2. Click Show History.

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Printing and Faxing Information

Throughout the Solution Series documentation you will find instructions for sending information to fax machines and printers. In most cases this is very obvious and straightforward. However, in a few instances, special setup or modification steps may be required to use those devices. This section provides that information.
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Setting Up a TIFF Printer

When Solution Series is installed on your system, a TIFF Printer is added automatically. This is a "virtual" printer that can be used as a fax machine for sending faxes through your computer network rather than a physical machine. In ensure this will work properly with the Solution Series fax features, perform the following setup steps on each computer where it will be used.

To set up a TIFF printer:

1. Go to Start > Printers and Faxes. 2. Right-click TIFF Printer and select Properties. 3. Click the TIFF Options tab.

4. Click to select Save original name and Add JobID in the File Name section. 5. In the Compression section, select LZW, set the Quality (Jpeg) to 100, and select Multi Page. 6. In the Color section, select Monochrome. 7. In the Output folder section, click Browse to locate and select your fax printer. 8. Click Apply, then OK to save your settings and close the window. 90

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9. Open Solution Series and select the Fax Monitor module.

10. If the following window appears, click OK to continue.

11. If the above window does not appear, go to Tools > Options.

12. When the e-MDs Fax Monitor Options window opens, browse to and select the Fax Printer Folder value. 13. Click the drop-down list button next to the Fax Server field and select the fax server to be used. Note: The values selected in this window should be the same as the fax printer selected on the TIFF Options tab of the TIFF Printer Properties window earlier. If these values do not match, the TIFF printer will not be recognized as the fax machine in the Fax Monitor module. 14. Click OK to save your settings and close the e-MDs Fax Monitor Options window.

To use the TIFF Printer for faxing:

1. From the open file to be faxed, or with that file selected in a Solution Series module, select Print. 2. Select the TIFF Printer and click OK. The selected file will be read into the Fax Monitor which will determine the type of file being received. 3. Open the Fax Monitor module and click Refresh below the Fax List section.

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4. Select your file from the list and the file's contents should display in the left section of the window. 5. Enter the appropriate text in the fields of the Fax Information section. Some of these fields may already be filled in depending on the source of the file you are faxing.

6. Click Add Recipient to open the Select Fax Recipient window. 7. Enter the information about the recipient, including name and fax number. 8. Click Done to save the recipient information and return to the Fax Monitor screen. 9. When all information is complete, click Submit to fax the file using the TIFF Printer as the fax selected during setup.

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Snapshot (Digicam)
In each individual patients chart, there is a placeholder for a headshot photograph near the upper left corner (just to the left of the blue patient identifier bar). (These photos also appear in the lower right corner of Tracking Board and the lower left corner of e-MDs Schedule.) If no photo exists, the placeholder in e-MDs Chart will appear as a white square labeled Image N/A." The placeholder can hold a series of photographs, and will always display the most recent. To view other images, just double-click on the displayed image. The only way to replace the placeholder with a photograph is to the use the e-MDs Snapshot utility. Snapshot captures photo images as computer code. Therefore, users cannot import .jpeg, .gif, or .tif file images into e-MDs Chart or export the e-MDs Snapshot photos to other applications.
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Setting Up Snapshot
It is recommended that a single workstation be set up to handle photographs. It should be located in an area with good lighting and some privacy for the patients comfort. It is helpful if the camera can be mounted in a fixed position that will be appropriate regardless of height. A conveniently placed chair can help to limit guesswork for height adjustment. Or, mount the camera in such a way that it can be easily adjusted.

To set up Snapshot:
1. Prior to using e-MDs Snapshot, install all necessary hardware components for your digital camera, such as updated drivers. This should come with the digital camera install CD or may be available through the vendors website. 2. Since the installation sequence does not create a shortcut to e-MDs Snapshot on your desktop, search for the file called DigiCam.exe (executable file) and create one (exe file and thus shortcut is still called Digicam in 6.0; will be corrected in 6.1 version). The executable file is located in the e-MDs Solutions Series directory on the computer workstation. Using Windows Explorer, go to Program Files\e-MDs\Solution Series\Apps\DigiCam.exe. Create a shortcut for the e-MDs Snapshot executable and place it on your desktop. DO NOT copy the executable or drag it to your desktop as program files that are generated will then be stored on the desktop. 3. e-MDs Snapshot was developed with SKYLINE programming tools for imaging. These development tools require specific settings for the computer's monitor resolution. 4. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display. 5. In the Display Properties window, click the Settings tab. 6. Under Colors, select 32Bit True Color. If the maximum setting available is 24Bit True Color, select it. 7. Verify that the Screen Area Setting is at 1024 x 768 pixels. 8. Click the Advanced button. 9. Under the General tab, set the Font Size to Small Fonts (or Normal Font, 96 dpi). 10. Click Apply to enable these settings. Some operating systems require a reboot to process these changes to the display resolution. 11. Click the Snapshot (Digicam) shortcut on the desktop to launch the camera utility. 12. Enter a login and password (the same login and password used in e-MDs Chart).

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The e-MDs Snapshot window with a toolbar will open on the desktop.

13. Click the Select button to locate the Camera Driver. Highlight the correct driver and then click Select.

Note: When you are finished taking pictures with e-MDs Snapshot utility, and a scanner or other hardware that requires a Twain driver is also installed on this computer, be sure to select that driver prior to using the other hardware. 14. Click the Options button. In earlier Digicam versions, the user had to position their camera on its side to capture the photo in a portrait view. With 6.0 and later, e-MDs Snapshot defaults to the standard portrait view. Note: If you are currently using Solution Series 5.3x or an older version, you can either set the rotation to Left or Right depending on how your camera was mounted. Or you can re-position your camera upright with No Rotation as your preference.

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15. Select the preferred Capture Method. The Software provided by the camera manufacturer option loads the image into the manufacturers editing tool prior to loading it into the Snapshot utility. This allows you to make edits through the cameras software if desired.

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16. If you select Read directly from camera memory, the photo will loaded directly into Snapshot.

17. The Select button is also available here to allow you to set the correct Twain Camera Driver on the same screen.

To ensure that everything is working as expected, you can test the photo capture process prior to loading your first patient photo. 18. If you have selected the Software provided by the camera manufacturer: a. Click the Test button. This will launch the manufacturers tool. b. If the photo appears as expected, click OK to capture the picture. This will display the photo in a Test Picture Window. c. Click OK to close the Test Picture window.

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Note: If you cancel the photo capture process within the Manufacturers tool, you may get the following error:

This error is related to a conflict between the Manufacturers capture tool and e-MDs Snapshot utility, but generally does not cause any problems or issues. If it happens during the test, click OK to close this error message. Note: If you see this error message when attempting to capture a photo, then review the installation process of your camera and its driver. 19. If you have selected Read directly from camera memory option, the photo is displayed in the Test Picture only. Use this option if you will be editing the picture with Snapshot utility. Click OK to close the Test Picture window.

To record a photograph in e-MDs Snapshot:

1. Click the Snapshot (DigiCam) shortcut on the desktop to launch the camera utility. 2. Enter a login and password (the same login and password used in e-MDs Chart). The e-MDs Snapshot window with a toolbar will open on the desktop. 3. On the Select Source screen, click the Select button to locate for the Camera Driver. 4. Highlight the correct driver and then click Select. Note: When you are finished taking pictures with e-MDs Snapshot utility, and a scanner or other hardware that requires a Twain driver is also installed on this computer, be sure to select that driver prior to using the other hardware. 5. If you have not set your preferences under Options as explained in the setup instructions, do so now. 6. Click Patient to search for the patient whose photograph is being taken.
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7. Highlight the correct name from the search results, and click the Select button. This will close the Find Patient window and return you to the e-MDs Snapshot toolbar. Note: The Take (camera icon) button is now active. Also notice that the patient name is now displayed below the toolbar.

8. Place the patient in the correct position before the camera and click the Take button. Snapshot captures the photo in a default Portrait setting. 9. If you selected Software provided by the camera manufacturer, this will launch the manufacturers tool. Perform any necessary edits or cropping and click the option to capture the picture. Note: If you cancel the photo capture process within the Manufacturers tool, you may get the following error:

This error is related to a conflict between the Manufacturers capture tool and e-MDs Snapshot utility, but generally does not cause any problems or issues. If it happens while testing, click OK to close this error message. If, however, you see this error message when attempting to capture a photo, then review the installation process of your camera and its driver. The captured picture is now displayed below the toolbar with a box overlaid. 10. If you have selected Read directly from camera memory, the photo is displayed below the toolbar with a box overlay. 11. Place the mouse cursor anywhere within the box area. Do not click the box or image. You should see a picture with a double-arrow cursor, as shown below:

Note: If you do not see a double arrow, click any area OUTSIDE the box overlay and then place the mouse cursor within the box overlay. You should now see the double-arrow icon.
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12. Move the mouse to the left or right. When you are satisfied with the position, click the image. This moves the picture to the left side of the window. If a mistake was made or the position needs to be modified, simply click the Undo button and the box overlay re-appears.

13. If the picture does not come out as desired, keep pointing the camera and clicking the Take button until an acceptable image is obtained. You can use the Crop feature to resize the photo. 14. Click the Crop button and then place the cursor on the image. While holding down the Left mouse button, drag the cursor until the desired image is captured within the rectangular cropping outline. If a mistake is made in cropping, click the Undo button to return to the previous image and try again.

15. Click Save to assign this photo image to the patient. This will return then display the Snapshot tool bar in a small window with the patients name listed with (saved) text. Note: The Take button is still active and another photo can be taken at this time. However, photos taken at this time will be in addition to the original photo, not a replacement for it.

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The image should now be visible in the upper-left corner of the patients chart.

16. If more than one image exists, view all images by double-clicking the displayed photograph. 17. Click the arrows to expand or shrink the size/position of the images. Hover the cursor over any individual image to display the date that the photograph was taken.

Using FAQs and Troubleshooting Tips

e-MDs Snapshot captures these photo images as computer code. Therefore, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, or .tiff file images cannot be imported into this area of e-MDs Chart, nor can these photos be exported to other applications. Currently there is not a way to delete pictures that have been taken through e-MDs Snapshot utility. If you mistakenly took the wrong patients picture or would like to remove a picture for whatever reason, contact e-MDs support team. If the photo displays correct in the e-MDs Snapshot viewer but displays as multi color, neon-like image in Chart (Schedule or Tracking Board) review your display settings. Your monitor may be set to 16-bit color.

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Forms/Letter Builder
The custom Forms/Letter Builder lets users create forms and letters that are commonly used in the practice. These documents are created using fields from the database and work like mail-merge form letters, allowing information from the database to automatically populate the document. These forms and letters are created and generated using Microsoft Word 2000 or higher (previous versions may work but have not been tested). Word is an industry standard word processing tool with extremely advanced editing capabilities that allow users to create professional looking standardized documents. Forms/Letter Builder permits mail-merging of different data elements from the e-MDs database. This means that they can be used for: Referral Authorization Forms Letters to patients, other physicians, insurances, etc. Labels Other reporting forms

A particularly powerful capability of the Forms is that they can be saved to predefined folders in DocMan (if the clinic has purchased this module). They can also be linked to tasks to be performed in e-MDs Schedules Check-In module. This gives clinics the ability to, for example, capture digital signatures for patient waivers, then be able to find them easily by looking up the documents in the patients DocMan file. It also means that the time and cost of printing and then rescanning forms can be reduced significantly.
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Setting Security Access for Word

Forms can only be created and used on computers with Microsoft Word 2000 or higher. In addition, the workstation must also have security access to Visual Basic Projects. The procedures for setting security access in the two most frequently used versions of Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007 are provided below. If you are using an earlier or later version of Microsoft Word, please see Word documentation or the Microsoft website for those procedures.

To configure security in Microsoft Word 2003:

1. Open Word 2003. 2. Go to Tools > Macro > Security. 3. Click the Trusted Sources tab. 4. Check the Trust Access to Visual Basic Project check box. 5. Click OK to save your changes.

To configure security in Microsoft Word 2007:

1. Open Word 2007. 2. On the Developer tab, click the Macro Settings button. 3. In the Developer Macro Settings section, click the check box for Trust access to the VBA project object model. 4. Click OK to save your changes.

Adding Forms to the System

To create a new form:
1. Click Reports on the main Chart menu, select Forms/Letter, then Edit. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window, click New. 3. Give the form a description. It is a good idea to include the pertinent application or function of the form as part of the description. For example: Refl: Blue Cross or Lab: UA Results. 4. Select the DocMan category to which this form will be saved by clicking the button with the magnifying glass in the DocMan Category field. A list of categories grouped by specialty will open. If necessary, open the tree by clicking the + sign to the left of the Specialty category, then select an appropriate folder and click Select. If a folder is used by multiple specialties, it is only necessary to pick it under one specialty. 5. Back in the Forms/Letter Maintenance window, click the Edit Document Definition button to open Word and lock the Chart application (it will unlock after the form is closed). 6. Create the form or letter. Any function of Word can be used including graphics, watermarks, tables, formatting of fonts such as color, bold, size, etc. 7. To insert merge fields, click the e-MDs menu item on the main menu (or in Word 2007, first click the Add-Ins tab then select e-MDs) then select Field Definitions from the menu bar. Depending on the boxes checked (such as Visit), different merge fields are made available. Click to highlight fields and then click the Select button to drop the fields into the document. This
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inserts the fields at the current cursor position in the document. Multiple fields can be selected at once by using Shift+Arrow keys, or holding down Ctrl and selecting multiple fields. 8. Click Done when all fields have been selected. 9. In Word, click File and select Save to retain the document contents. 10. File again, then select Exit to return to Chart. 11. Back in the Form/Letter Maintenance window, click Save, then click Exit in the Select Form/Letter window. Note: Some of the fields inserted into a document have descriptions that may be longer than the areas designated for the text. To avoid this overlap, use tables. The table row heights and column widths can be fixed, and the lines edited to be transparent. Copying forms and editing them, or copying forms from other sources, speeds up the forms creation process.

To copy and edit an existing form:

1. Click Reports on the main Chart menu then Forms/Letter then Edit. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window search for and highlight the form to be copied. 3. Click Copy. 4. Enter a description. 5. If necessary, change the DocMan category. 6. Click Edit Document Definition and make the necessary changes to the form. 7. Click File on the main Word menu click Save to save the document. 8. Click File then Exit to return to Chart. 9. Click Save in the Document Definition window.

Importing and Exporting Forms/Letters

Forms can also be imported and exported. This makes it easy to share forms with other users in the eMDs user community. Users can download forms that are in a commonly used format or e-mail them between sites. Note: e-MDs strongly supports the sharing of resources between Solution Series users. To find out how you can do that, see the Knowledgebase article entitled "How do I share my templates, Crystal Reports, or Word Forms with other e-MDs users?" in the e-MDs Support Center at https://supportcenter.e-mds.com.

To export a form:
1. Click Reports on the main Chart menu then Forms/Letter then Edit. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window search for and highlight the form to be exported. 3. Click Export. 4. Browse for a directory and give the file a name. 5. Click Save. The form is saved with the .doc extension in the directory specified. It can now be attached to an e-mail to send to other users, or attached to a post to upload to the e-MDs.forms newsgroup where other users will be able to download the form for their use.

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To import a form:
1. Click Reports on the main Chart menu then Forms/Letter then Edit. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window, click Import. 3. Browse for the file that will be imported (it will have a .doc extension) select it and then click Open. 4. Give the form a description. 5. Link the form to a DocMan category. 6. If necessary, click Edit Document Definition to make changes to the form. 7. Click Save.

Generating and Printing Forms/Letters

Forms and Letters created using the Forms/Letter Builder can be merged with information from the database to create auto-populated documents. Once the document has been generated it can be printed although it does not have to be. The document can also be saved to the DocMan category to which it is linked.

To generate a form or letter outside a patient chart:

1. Click Reports on the main Chart menu, then Forms/Letter, then Print. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window, search for and highlight the form to be used and click Select. 3. In the Word Wizard window, select a patient by clicking the Browse button then searching for the correct patient. Note: Depending on the type of information in the Form/Letter, the user may be prompted to pick other specific information by clicking the Next button (ex. Visit, Invoice, etc.) 4. Once the patient (or other information) is selected the Done button will become enabled. 5. Click the Done button to open Word and merge the information with the Form/Letter. 6. Fill out any information that was not auto-populated or make any changes to the document as needed. 7. OPTIONAL: Click the Print button if it is necessary to print the document. 8. When finished, click File on the main Word menu and select Exit OR click the x in the top right corner of the Word window to close the program and return to Chart. 9. The Send Document to DocMan window will open and a document description can be entered. 10. Click Save to save the document into the linked DocMan category OR Click Cancel to avoid saving the document into DocMan.

To generate a form or letter within a patient chart:

1. From within an open patient chart, click the Print Patient Reports button and select Print Form/Letter from the pop-up menu. 2. In the Select Form/Letter window, search for and highlight the form to be used and click Select. 3. In the Word Wizard window the patients name will automatically be filled in.

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Note: Depending on the type of information in the Form/Letter, the user may be prompted to pick other specific information by clicking the Next button (ex. Visit, Invoice, etc.). 4. Once the patient (or other information) is selected the Done button will become enabled. 5. Click the Done button to open Word and merge the information with the Form/Letter. 6. Fill out any information that was not auto-populated or make any changes to the document as needed. 7. OPTIONAL: Click the Print button if it is necessary to print the document. 8. When finished, click File on the main Word menu and select Exit OR click the x in the top right corner of the Word window to close the program and return to Chart. 9. The Send Document to DocMan window will open and a document description can be entered. 10. Click Save to save the document into the linked DocMan category. OR Click Cancel to avoid saving the document into DocMan.

Examples of Forms/Letters
Forms created using the Forms/Letter Builder are very flexible and have many uses. The following are some examples: Claim Appeals: Create appeals letters with data from the progress note and/or claim. Referral Letter: Send letters to referring physicians (doubles the functionality of the Registry Processor in Bill, or the Letter Editor in Chart). Insurance Authorization Forms: Many insurance companies have their own authorization forms. Forms can be created that save time by auto-populating a lot of this information automatically. Lab/Radiology Orders: Many specialty groups issue forms that they want filled out by the doctors sending patients to them. Forms can be created that auto populate many of these fields. In House Lab Results: Create a form for some of the labs the clinic does in-house such as urinalysis. The form can be created with drop down boxes prepopulated with various values and can be saved into a Lab folder in DocMan. Patient Intake Form: Print patient demographics forms that shows most of the patient data but leaves space for additions or corrections. This can be printed directly from the Check-In module in Schedule. Patient Agreement: Most practices make patients sign a form that requires them to pay for services in the event that insurance does not cover the service. This can be done in a paperless manner, and saved directly to the patients DocMan folder. This also can be printed from CheckIn module in Schedule. Appointment Reminder Cards: Create a form for patients to remind them about their next appointment. ABN Notice: Create a Medicare ABN notice by inserting merge fields for patient name and policy number. Create text boxes for other parts of the form (or use the Word Form Builder tools to create list boxes). If a patient needs to sign an ABN for a procedure, it can be opened directly from Chart, printed for patient signature (or signed on screen where legally allowable) and immediately saved into the patient DocMan folder.

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Registry Processor
The Registry Processor is a very useful tool for searching for clinical and demographics information in the Solution Series database. With the Registry Processor, you can generate, print and transmit problem lists, medication lists, medication allergy lists, demographics information, lab test results, and much more. Using the predefined patient communication preferences, you can use secure messaging, e-mail and Portal messaging to let patients know when they are due for preventative care. This interface uses Clinical Rules to track patient preventative care information and then triggers the communication portion in the Registry Processor. This section provides detailed instructions on how to use the Registry Processor to search for patient information in the database and how to print or transmit this information using different communication methods.
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Getting Started with the Registry Processor

You can access the Registry Processor through the Chart or Bill top menu by going to Reports > Registry Processor. With this tool you can run and display existing reports, create new reports, modify or delete reports, and copy existing reports to create new reports meeting similar but different requirements. The search functionality allows you to generate problem lists, medication lists, medication allergy lists, demographics information, and lab test results based on selected parameters. This information gathering is useful for capturing statistics and communicating clinical and billing information to the patients on those lists.

After accessing the Registry Processor main screen, the next screen that appears depends on the task you are performing. If you are going to create a new report from scratch, you can simply click the New button at the top. On the other hand, if you are looking for a specific report, you may need to search for the report and then, after selecting it from the search results screen, click the appropriate button (Edit, Run, Copy or Delete) to move to the next screen. The procedures provided later in this section will lead you through each of those tasks step by step.

Using the Results of the Registry Processor

After you have created, run and reviewed the information in the Registry Processor reports, you can use the results in many different ways, including: Export patient lists to Crystal Reports for viewing and printing. Print labels for use in patient mailings. Print letters for use in patient mailings and reminders where Mail has been specified as the patient's preferred reminder method. Select a patient from a displayed patient list and open the patient's chart. Send eReminders and notifications to the patient list using the reminder method selected by the patient.

The specific method used for sending all reminders and demographic information will depend on the reminder method selected by the patient at the time the account was set up.
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Creating Reports and Using Existing Reports

When queries and reports are used on a regular basis, most organizations will create, save and reuse reports that gather the required information. The Registry Processor provides a method of saving and reusing reports. If you already have reports available in Registry Processor, use the following procedure to locate, open and use those reports. Or, if you need to create new reports, use the other procedures to create a new report from scratch or copy an existing report and modify it to create a new report.

To locate and run available reports:

1. On the main Registry Processor screen, type all or part of the name of the report in the Report Name field, if you know it. OR If you do not know the report name, type one or more keywords in the Report Description field. Note: If you do not enter a search string in either field, all available reports will be listed in the search results. You can also enter values in both fields to further define the search criteria as needed. 2. Click Search to find existing reports that match the selection criteria. 3. If the report you want is listed, click the check box to select the report and click the Run button at the top of the screen. The report will run and the resulting patient list will display. 4. To sort the resulting report by any column in the listing, click the column heading. To sort the report in the opposite order, click the same column heading again.

To create a new report:

1. Click New to begin the report and open the Report Properties window. 2. On the Report Properties screen, type the name to be used for your report in the Report Name field. 3. Type a meaningful description of the report in the Report Description field. 4. By default, all options in the Report Parameters list will already be selected. Click any parameters you do not want to include to deselect them. 5. If you want to exclude certain patient categories from this report, click to select each option to be excluded in the Report Exclusions list. 6. If the list being generated is to be used for sending clinical reminders, click the check box before This is a Clinical Reminder Request. 7. If this report will be run on a regular basis, such as every 30 days, you should click the last check box to avoid sending duplicate reminders to patients that have received the reminder within a certain period of time. 8. If you checked the last check box (Exclude patients ...), type and select the time period to use for this selection process. 9. Click Next to open the next window where you can further define the report parameters. When the next window opens, the Facilities/Provider parameters will be displayed.

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Navigating and Selecting Parameters:

On this screen, and the remaining Registry Processor option screens, you can access and select the appropriate set of parameters needed for your report. To move to each screen, you can click the left-side navigation buttons or click the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the screen. Keyboard combinations are also available for accessing any screen in this processor as shown here: Alt+F: Facilities/Providers Alt+D: Demographics Alt+U: Rules Alt+G: Diagnosis Alt+O: Orders Alt+V: Results/Vitals Alt+T: Prescriptions Alt+I: Immunizations Alt+P: Previous Alt+N: Next Alt+C: Cancel Alt+S: Save If you do not select specific parameter values on a screen, the parameter values default to All for that screen. Therefore, in order to produce a useful report, you must select the parameters that should be reflected in your report. To deselect parameter values on a screen, click the check box for each parameter. To select a specific value, click that check box. 10. On the Facilities/Provider screen, leave All selected in the Facilities and Providers lists or deselect All and click the check boxes for each appropriate value. 11. Click Demographics in the left navigation or click Next at the bottom of the screen. The Demographics screen appears. 12. Deselect any All or N/A options that are not appropriate and select the specific parameter values needed for your report. 13. Continue in this way until you have viewed and possibly updated each parameter screen. 14. After reviewing and possibly updating the last parameters screen, click Save to retain your report settings. 15. Go to To locate and run available reports to generate and view the completed report.

To copy an existing report to create a new report:

1. On the main Registry Processor screen, type all or part of the name of the report in the Report Name field, if you know it. OR If you do not know the report name, type one or more keywords in the Report Description field. Note: If you do not enter a search string in either field, all available reports will be listed in the search results. You can also enter values in both fields to further define the search criteria as needed.
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2. Click Search to find existing reports that match the selection criteria. 3. If the report you want is listed, click the check box to select the report and click the Copy icon at the top of the screen. 4. When the next screen appears, type the report name and description to use for the new report. At this point the report parameter screens will display for you to modify the parameter values as described in To create a new report. 5. After reviewing and possibly updating the parameters screens, click Save to retain your report settings. 6. Go to To locate and run available reports to generate and view the completed report.

To edit an existing report:

1. On the main Registry Processor screen, type all or part of the name of the report in the Report Name field, if you know it. OR If you do not know the report name, type one or more keywords in the Report Description field. Note: If you do not enter a search string in either field, all available reports will be listed in the search results. You can also enter values in both fields to further define the search criteria as needed. 2. Click Search to find existing reports that match the selection criteria. 3. If the report you want is listed, click to select the report and click the Edit button at the top of the screen. At this point, the report parameter screens will display for you to modify the parameter values as described in To create a new report. 4. After reviewing and updating the parameters screens, click Save to retain your report settings. 5. Go to To locate and run available reports to generate and view the completed report.

To delete a report:
1. On the main Registry Processor screen, type all or part of the name of the report in the Report Name field, if you know it. OR If you do not know the report name, type one or more keywords in the Report Description field. Note: If you do not enter a search string in either field, all available reports will be listed in the search results. You can also enter values in both fields to further define the search criteria as needed. 2. Click Search to find existing reports that match the selection criteria. 3. If the report you want is listed, click the check box to select the report and click the Delete button at the top of the screen. 4. When the deletion confirmation prompt appears, click OK to continue the report deletion or Cancel to exit the report screen without making any changes.

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Using the Patient Listing Reports

After you have successfully created a patient listing report in the Registry Processor, you can use one or more of the following procedures: Export the patient list to Crystal Reports for viewing and printing. Select a single patient from the listing and create a Log/Phone/Rx Note containing information about the reminder notification sent to the patient. Select one or more patients from the list and open their charts for viewing or updating in the Chart module. Print letters and address labels for mailings to patients in the listing. Send electronic reminders to patients in the list, using their previously defined preferred method of receiving reminders.

All of the following procedures are performed after the patient listing report has been run and is displayed on the report screen. A report screen will look something like the following example:

Patient List Options

Status You can filter the patient list as follows: All: Shows all patients who meet the search criteria regardless of whether they have been notified or not. Not Notified/Not Done: Shows only patients who have not been notified. Notified/Done: Shows only patients who have been notified.

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Use this option to specify which demographic information should be displayed: Demographics Detailed View: The default is checked (selected), indicating all fields should be displayed. If this option is deselected, the following fields are hidden: o Race o Language o Ethnicity o SSN o Acct# o Balance Results/Vitals (If Applicable): The default is checked (selected), indicating that any FlowSheet fields selected on the parameter selection screen will appear on the patient list. If this option is deselected, the selected FlowSheet fields will be hidden.

To export and print a report:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, click the Export icon at the top of the screen. The patient listing will be exported to Crystal Reports for viewing and printing. 2. After printing the report, click the window toolbar X to exit and close the Crystal Reports viewer.

To create a Log/Phone Note containing reminder information:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, click the check box to select a patient from the listing. 2. Click Log/Phone Note at the bottom of the screen. 3. In the Edit Chart Note window, assign Log as the Note Class. 4. Assign a Note Type either Permanent or Sticky. Permanent notes can be signed and permanently attached to a patients chart while "sticky" notes are intended to be temporary. "Sticky" notes do not print when the entire chart is printed. 5. In the right, top section, click to select the appropriate options (Confidential, Electronic Copy of Health Info, and/or Medical Records Request). 6. Verify the message appearing in the white free text area. 7. Click Save to close the window and save the note. OR Click Sign Off to close the window and permanently sign the note. Note: Only providers (doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) can permanently sign a Phone Note or Log Note. If the user logged in is not a provider, the Sign Off button will be disabled.

To open patient charts from the patient listing:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, click to select one or more patients from the listing. 2. Click Chart at the bottom of the screen. The first patient's chart opens. 3. View or update the current patient chart. 4. After you finish with that chart, click the X in the chart's right corner to close it. If more than one patient was selected from the listing, the next chart opens.
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5. Continue reading and/or updating and closing the charts until all selected patient charts have been accessed.

To print address labels for mailings:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, click Print Labels at the top of the screen. 2. When the print screen appears, select the printer to use and set any parameters for that printer. 3. Click Print to send the job to the printer. Note: If you are using adhesive labels, do not forget to load the labels in the printer before clicking Print. 4. When the processor prompts Do you only want to print labels for patients with Mail as his/her reminder method, click Yes to print labels for those patients only or click No to print labels for all listed patients.

To print letters for mailings:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, use the Letter drop-down list at the bottom of the screen to list available letters and select the one to use for the mailing. 2. Click Print Letters at the top of the screen. 3. When the processor prompts Do you only want to print letters for patients with a Reminder preference of Mail method, click Yes to print labels for those patients only or click No to print labels for all listed patients. 4. When the print screen appears, select the printer to use and set any parameters for that printer. 5. Click Print to send the job to the printer.

To send eReminders to patients:

1. With the report containing the patient listing on the screen, use the Letter drop-down list at the bottom of the screen to list available letters and select the one to use for the reminder. 2. Click Send eReminder at the bottom of the screen. The letter selected will be prepared and distributed electronically to the patients in the listing, using their preferred electronic reminder method. If the preferred reminder method selected by a patient is Portal, an e-mail message will be sent instructing the patient to log in to Portal to view important information. When electronic reminders are sent to patients using this method, a Log Note is added to the patient's chart citing the reminder type and report name.

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To document phone reminders:

If the patient has chosen a phone and specified a preferred phone number as their preferred reminder method, you can also track that activity from this screen. 1. Using the patient name and preferred phone number on the report, call each patient and verbally deliver the reminder. 2. Click the check box by the patient's name to indicate that the reminder has been provided. Clicking this check box will cause a Log Note to be added to the patient's chart indicating that a reminder has been given on the current date. Note: Do not click the check box by the patient's name until you have actually performed the notification. After clicking the status check box, you cannot deselect it to remove the checkmark.

To automate Registry Processor reports using Rules Manager:

1. At the Solution Series Dashboard, open Rule Manager. 2. Click the Tasks tab. 3. On the Tasks tab, click New Rule at the top of the screen. 4. In the Task Rule Type Selection window, select Notice Processor and click Select at the top of the screen. 5. In the New Rule window, select Parameters and the Registry Processor window opens. 6. Using the procedures described in To locate and run available reports, locate and select the report to be run through Rules Manager. 7. Click OK 8. Save the new Task rule. After the rule is run, the desired action occurs. To schedule and further automate the process, see "Creating a New Rule" in e-MDs Solution Series Chart User Guide for detailed instructions.

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Clinical Quality Measures

The Clinical Quality Measures XML File Generation tool is integrated in e-MDs Solutions Series. It is used to electronically calculate core and alternative core clinical quality measure, generate an XML file, and upload that file to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website. The calculations performed by the tool are based on the criteria you enter, such as type of measurement, beginning and ending reporting periods, and healthcare provider. For Meaningful Use (MU) there are 6 NQF core-set options to choose from and 38 NQF menu-set choices. A minimum of 3 in each category must be chosen to generate the XML file. Stage 1 of Meaningful Use requires a reporting period of 90 consecutive days. For Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), 20 measurements are tracked and reported.

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Generating a MU Clinical Quality Measures XML File

To generate a MU Clinical Quality Measures XML file in Chart:
1. Go to Reports > Clinical Quality Measures. 2. On the e-MDs Clinical Quality Measures XML File Generation screen, click the Meaningful Use tab. 3. Click the folder button next to the File Location field and select the directory where the XML file should be saved. 4. Under Provider, use the drop-down list to select the name of the provider for whom the data is being submitted.

5. Select dates in the Begin Reporting Period and End Reporting Period fields. There is a 90 consecutive day requirement for Stage 1 of Meaningful Use. 6. In the Meaningful Use Core and Alternative Core Measure Group pane, use the check boxes to select a minimum of 3 choices from the core set.

7. In the Clinical Quality Measures pane, select a minimum of 3 choices from the menu set. 8. Click Build to create and save the XML file.

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9. On the e-MDs Chart save confirmation window, verify the file location and click OK.

10. To view the contents of the file, go to the location where the XML file was saved and double-click the file name. The file will open in your internet browser. The XML file contains: the Provider NPI (National Provider Identification) encounter-from-date (begin date) encounter-to-date (end date) the measure-number (The XML file will display numbers for numerators and letters for patient populations. See the note below for more information.) number of eligible-instances (patients qualifying for denominator inclusion) meets-performance-instances (patients qualifying for numerator inclusion) performance-exclusion-instances (patients qualifying for denominator inclusion but who are excluded from the measure due to a clinical condition, such as an allergy or the existence of a contraindicated condition) reporting-rate performance-rate

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Note: For an example of the measure number, NQF0024 has 3 numerators and also has 3 patient populations. In the XML file, the NQF number is shown first, followed by the numerator number for the patient population given. NQF 0024 has a total of 9 numerators consisting of 3 different patient populations: Population A: Age 2-17 Population B: Age 2-11 Population C: Age 12-17 The XML file will show numerator 1-3 for Population A, followed by numerators 1-3 for Population B, and so forth.

For information on Crystal Reports for each measure, see e-MDs Solution Series Reports User Guide.. For information on EHR-based reporting and electronic specifications for these measures, go to http://www.cms.gov/QualityMeasures/03_ElectronicSpecifications.asp.

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Generating a PQRS Clinical Quality Measures XML File

To generate a PQRS Clinical Quality Measures XML file in Chart:
1. Go to Reports > Clinical Quality Measures. 2. On the e-MDs Clinical Quality Measures XML File Generation screen, click the PQRS tab. 3. Click the folder button next to the File Location field and select folder where the XML file should be saved.

4. Under Provider, use the drop-down list to select the name of the provider for whom the data is being submitted. Note: The Reporting Year field will default to 2011. That is the only option currently available. If later reporting date options become available, you can select those years in this field.

5. Click Build to begin generating the PQRS XML file. Note that all 20 PQRS measures will be included in the XML file. The PQRI Status box will display, showing the progress of the file generation.

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6. When the PQRI Status box indicates Process Complete, click OK to submit the XML file to the CMS website. The completed XML file will be retained in the directory selected in the File Location field earlier.

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Spell Checker
The spell check configuration tool is a third-party dictionary that has been integrated into the e-MDs Solutions Series. It can be used in many different text fields (also known as blobs or memo fields). Examples of these are the patient alert, the Notes field for appointments, collections notes, phone note and free text boxes in Chart, and TaskMan messages. In addition to the spell check capabilities, a secondary function of the dictionary is its Auto Correct feature. This is much like the correction functions seen in main stream word processing applications like Word which automatically change the words or characters entered by a user into something else, such as to correct common typing keystroke errors. This makes it a very useful tool for setting up macros to enter commonly used comments and can thus save users literally thousands of keystrokes and a great deal of time. For example, nlab6 can be used to enter Normal labs, follow up in 6 weeks, or 3col for Mailed 3rd collection letter, turn over to agency. Custom spell-check options are user and workstation specific. The advantage of this is speed and reduced network traffic, but the disadvantage is that any custom changes to the dictionary for a user need to be done on all workstations that the person uses. This is less of an issue for administrative staff (e.g. billers) who tend to use the same computer, but must be considered for users like doctors who move from one workstation to another. It is possible to set up macros that push the dictionary files out to multiple workstations on the network. The default name for a user dictionary is the Windows login name. The file extension is .adu, so changes to the dictionary can be made on one workstation, and pushed to others where the user works.
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Using Spell Checker

When entering information in free text fields, you can use Spell Checker to verify the spelling of words and view alternative spellings. A set of standard dictionaries is provided with Solution Series but you can also create your own custom dictionary to check special terminology that is also used in your facility.

Correcting Spelling Errors

As you type in free text fields where the spell checker is enabled, misspelled words are underlined with a red line (see example screen shot below).

To correct the errors:

1. Right-click the misspelled word. 2. Review the list of suggested alternatives in the top part of the right-click window and select the one needed. If there are multiple instances of the same error, click Change All, then select the word to correct all the errors. 3. If the word is valid but is not in the dictionaries, click Add 4. To add this word to an auto-correct pair, click Auto Correct, then select the word with which to replace it. Every time this same spelling error is made in future, the system will automatically correct it. 5. The Spelling option opens a window from which additional options, including access to the dictionary setup, is available.

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Choosing Dictionary Options

The spell check configuration tool includes both a standard dictionary and a medical dictionary. The standard dictionary is enabled by default, but the medical and user defined dictionaries can also be added. The system will check all of them when verifying spelling, but there may be an effect on system speed.

To set dictionary options and to enable/disable dictionaries from the Tools menu:
1. Go to Tools > Spell Checker. 2. Review and check/uncheck the Options at the top of the Spelling Options window. If you are going to add your own options (word, auto-correct/macros), you must uncheck Suggest from main dictionaries only.

3. Click to select the box to the left of the standard dictionary names in the Dictionaries section. These are typically English and Medical. 4. To browse for other dictionaries available on your computer, check Locate Dictionaries. 5. Click OK. The following method tends to be faster and more convenient than from the Tools menu.

To set dictionary options on the fly:

1. With an spell check-enabled memo window open, right-click a potentially misspelled word and select Spelling. 2. Click Options. 3. Review and check/uncheck the Options at the top of the Spelling Options window. If you are going to add your own options (word, auto-correct/macros), you must uncheck Suggest from main dictionaries only. 4. Check the box to the left of the standard dictionary names in the Dictionaries section. These are typically English and Medical. 5. To browse for other dictionaries available on your computer, check Locate Dictionaries. 6. Click OK.
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Selecting a custom dictionary adds it to the ones the system checks for spelling errors. It is much the same as checking default dictionaries (English and Medical).

To select a custom dictionary:

1. Go to Tools > Spell Checker. 2. Select a custom dictionary from the list in the Custom Dictionary field. You can create your own custom dictionary to use for checking spelling and terminology in addition to the standard dictionaries provided with Solution Series.

To create a custom dictionary:

1. Go to Tools > Spell Checker. 2. In the Spelling Options window, click Dictionaries. The Dictionaries window opens.

3. Click New to open the New Custom Dictionary window.

4. Type the name of your new dictionary and click OK. The window closes and the new dictionary will appear in the Custom Dictionaries section of the Dictionaries window.

The entry will already be checked, indicating it will be used for future spell checking. 5. Click OK to save the new dictionary. 6. Click OK again to close the Spell Checker window.
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Note: The custom file will be saved with the name you entered and a file type of .adu. The location of this file will vary based on the version of Windows being run on your computer and other factors. If roaming user profiles are not used: In Windows XP, the user-created dictionary is stored in the C:\Documents and Settings\logged-in-username\Application Data\e-MDs\SpellChecker. In Windows 7, the user-created dictionary is stored: C:\Users\ logged-inusername\AppData\Roaming\ e-MDs\SpellChecker. If roaming user profiles are used, these .adu files will be stored and accessed outside the standalone computer where they can be accessed from other computers on the same network. For more information on how that works, see "Using Custom Dictionaries Across Your Network."

Using Custom Dictionaries Across Your Network

When you create a custom dictionary on your computer, that dictionary is normally available only on the computer where it was created. In other words, if you create a custom dictionary on Computer A in the morning, and then perform free text entry in a note in the afternoon on Computer B, the custom dictionary you created on Computer A will not be accessible in the afternoon on Computer B. That is standard Microsoft Windows handling of files created on individual computers. However, there are alternative methods of handling user access and files if the staff at your facility frequently move from one computer to another during a normal work day. Microsoft provides a method of configuring roaming user profiles that are managed in the Active Directory directory service on a domain controller. When administrators configure profiles to roam, the data and settings in a user's profile are copied to a network server when the user logs off the computer. The data and settings are then available to the user no matter where he or she logs on to the network next time. If you determine that your organization needs this Windows feature, contact your system administrator and/or IT support staff to discuss this requirement. More information on this functionality is available in the Microsoft Windows Professional Resource Kit Documentation that is described at http://www.microsoft.com/mspress and the TechNet Library at http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/default.aspx.

Adding Words and Macros

In addition to the spell check capabilities, a secondary function of the dictionary is its Auto Correct feature. This is much like the correction functions seen in main stream word processing applications like Word which automatically change the words or characters entered by a user into something else, such as to correct common typing keystroke errors. This makes it a very useful tool for setting up macros to enter commonly used comments and can thus save users literally thousands of keystrokes and a great deal of time. For example, nlab6 can be used to enter Normal labs, follow up in 6 weeks, or 3col for Mailed 3rd collection letter, turn over to agency.

To add custom words and macros from the Tools menu:

1. Go to Tools > Spell Checker. 2. Click Dictionaries. The Custom Dictionaries window opens. 3. Select the dictionary to which words or macros are to be added or excluded. The dictionary name must be highlighted for it to be selected just checking the box does not select it. 4. Click Edit. 5. To add words, click the Added Words tab, enter the word(s) in the Ignore this word field, and click Add. 129

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6. To create Auto-Correct Pairs/Macros, click the Auto-Correct Pairs tab. In the Replace field, enter the macro keystrokes you will use, then enter the full phrase that you want to appear in the With field. When the Replace keystrokes are entered in memo fields, the system automatically replaces them with the With phrase. 7. To exclude words, click the Excluded Words tab and enter the word(s) in the Exclude this word tab.

To create auto-complete pairs/macros on the fly:

1. Enter the macro code you want to use. Assuming it is not a word, the system underlines it to indicate a spelling error. 2. Right-click and select Spelling. 3. Your code appears in the Not Found box. Type the phrase you want in the Replace With box. 4. Click Auto-Correct.

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Signatures are bitmaps or images of a users handwritten signature that are captured electronically via scanning and can be used within both the ScriptWriter, DocMan and Chart modules. In the ScriptWriter module the signatures can be attached to faxed prescriptions to meet the requirements of most states to have an actual signature on faxes. In DocMan the signatures can be used, in conjunction with the Rubber Stamp feature, as part of the sign-off process for scanned images such as lab results. In Chart the signatures of providers can be attached to Lab and Radiology reports for those labs that require such.


Not all states allow faxed prescriptions and within those that do allow faxes there may be specific requirements outside of simply having a signature attached. e-MDs does not try to deal with each specific state requirement but instead tries to provide the features and flexibility that the user needs to meet those requirements. e-MDs has tried to provide the necessary tools to do so but cannot guarantee compatibility with every state requirement. Currently only provider (physician, physician assistant and nurse practitioner) signatures are used. Signatures for other users can be captured but will not be used in the current version. The use of Signatures is an optional feature when using DocMan. However, for use of faxed prescriptions Signatures ARE required. Even if your state does not require a signature on a faxed prescription, the only way to designate a faxed prescription as being a brand name or generic drug is by use of the Signatures. See Using Signatures with Faxed Prescriptions for details.
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Understanding the Signature Window

The Signature window provides all the tools needed to capture and maintain user signatures. At the top of the Signature window is the menu system containing File and Action menu items. Below the menu items are the following buttons: Scan, Import, Delete, Print Form, and Help Exit. Just below these buttons is a Login user field. Occupying most of the bottom of the window are two panes, one on the left and one on the right side. The purpose of each of these sections of the screen are described below. File Menu Options
Print Form Select Scanner Exit Prints the form that is used to capture signatures (see the Signature Form section for details). Opens a Select Source window that allows the user to select the scanner that will be used to scan the Signature Form. Exits the Signature window.

Action Menu Options

Scan Using an attached scanner, scans the Signature Form which allows the program to capture the users signatures and store them in the database. Scanning in this manner bypasses any proprietary drivers or option screens that come with the scanner. Scans using the proprietary drivers or options screens that come with the scanner. Imports a previously scanned image of the Signature form into the system. This can be handy when there is a need to use a scanner that is not on the local network. For this feature to work the scanned image must be of the Signature Form in a tiff format and scanned at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Deletes one or more of the scanned signatures stored in the database.

Scan Custom Import


Other Options
Scan Using an attached scanner, scans the Signature Form which allows the program to capture the users signatures and store them in the database. Scanning in this manner bypasses any proprietary drivers or option screens that come with the scanner. Imports a previously scanned image of the Signature form into the system. This can be handy when there is a need to use a scanner that is not on the local network. For this feature to work the scanned image must be of the Signature Form in a tiff format and scanned at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Deletes one or more of the scanned signatures stored in the database. Prints the form that is used to capture signatures (see the Signature Form section for details). Accesses the help files. Exits the Signature window. Prints the form that is used to capture signatures (see the Signature Form section for details). Opens a Select Source window that allows the user to select the scanner that will be used to scan the Signature Form. Exits the Signature window.


Delete Print Form Help Exit

File Menu Options

Print Form Select Scanner Exit

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Other Options
Login user Shows the name of the person that is either logged in OR the name of the person whose signatures are being scanned or edited. Users can always maintain their own signatures but there is also a security privilege included with the system that allows anyone with the privilege to scan or edit any other users signatures (see Signature Security for details).

Accessing the Signature Window

The Signature window is accessible from both the Chart and DocMan applications. The same functionality is available in both locations.

To access signatures from Chart:

1. Log in to Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar, select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open.

To access signatures from DocMan within Chart:

1. Log in to Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar select Tools > DocMan or, if a patient chart is open, click the DocMan icon on the patient-specific chart toolbar. DocMan will open. 3. On the main DocMan menu bar click Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open.

To access signatures from DocMan standalone:

1. Login into DocMan using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main DocMan menu bar select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open.

Capturing Signatures with the Signature Form

The Signature Form is used to capture user signatures in an image format. The form is intended to be printed out and then filled out by the provider. Once that is done the form is then scanned into the system and the signatures are linked to the provider for use with faxed prescriptions and with DocMan images. The form is divided into two sections. The top section has five areas for input of signatures and one for input of user initials. The bottom section of the form is contains additional information that must be filled out if the signatures are to be use for faxed prescription. These sections are described below.

Understanding the Signature Section

This section contains five signature fields and one initial field. Once the Signature Form is printed out, the provider must fill out AT LEAST ONE of the signature fields if the Signature feature is to be used. At least one (and up to five) signatures for a provider can be captured and linked to the provider. Once the form is scanned into the system the signature (or signatures) will be linked to the provider and can be used for faxed prescriptions or for adding signatures to DocMan images. If more than one signature is captured the application will randomly pick a signature to add to a faxed prescription or DocMan image. This

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prevents the exact same signature form appearing every time a signature is used and avoids the appearance of a stamped signature. Notes: Currently only provider (physician, physician assistant and nurse practitioner) signatures are used. Signatures for other users can be captured but will not be used in the current version. Currently the Initial field of this section is not being used. It is intended for a future feature. This Initial field is not to be confused with the Rx Initial field which MAY be required depending on the state requirements for prescriptions. See the "Additional Information for Prescription" section below for details.

Determining Brand or Generic Drug Fulfillment

This section contains additional information that will be used for faxed prescriptions and consists of two fields. These fields are used to determine whether a prescription should be filled by the pharmacy as a Brand name or Generic drug. One field is labeled Rx Initials and the other is labeled Rx Additional Text. One of these two fields (in addition to at least one signature field) must be filled out in order to be able to fax prescriptions. Which of the fields gets filled out depends on the requirements of your state. The sections below explain the functionality of each field. Rx Initials: Some states require that a provider place initials in a box or on a line on the face of the prescription to denote whether the prescription is to be filled as a Brand name or Generic drug. This field is to be used for that purpose and should be filled out in those situations. For example, some states have a box on the prescription that requires the provider to enter D.A.W. while other states may require the providers initials or other initials to be entered. The specific initials for each state vary and it is up to the user to enter the correct information into this field IF IT IS REQUIRED. Other states require users to enter text rather than initials and that information must go in the Rx Additional Text field described below. Rx Additional Text: Some states require that the provider enter some text into a field or onto a line on the face of a prescription to denote whether the prescription is to be filled as a Brand name or Generic drug. This field is to be used for that purpose and should be filled out in those situations. For example, some states require that Brand Necessary be written on the script, others require Dispense as Written, Do Not Substitute, Product Selection Permitted or some other text. The specific text for each state varies and it is up to the user to enter the correct information into this field IF IT IS REQUIRED. Other states require users to enter initials rather than text and that information must go in the Rx Initial field described above.

Adding and Deleting Signatures

Using the Signature Form and a scanner, provider names can be captured electronically and stored in the database linked to the providers login. Once in the system the signatures can be used for faxing prescriptions and for signing off DocMan scanned documents. See Using Signatures with Faxed Prescriptions and Using Signatures with DocMan Images for details.

To print the signature form:

1. Login into Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open. 3. Click the Print Form button on the toolbar. 4. The Signature Form will print out on the default printer assigned to the computer.

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Print the Signature Form and, when it is filled out, scan it into the system using the Signature module.

To scan the signature form:

1. Login into Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open. 3. Make sure the login name in the Login user field is the correct one for the signatures being scanned in. 4. Load the Signature Form in to the scanner and click the Scan button on the toolbar. 5. The form will be scanned into the database and the signatures will appear in the Signature module. Print the Signature Form and when it is filled out scan it to a file and place the file in a location that can be accessed on the network or on the machine the scanner is attached to. Note: For this feature to work the scanned image must be in a tiff format and scanned at 300 dpi (dots per inch).

To import the signature form:

1. Log in Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar, select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open. 3. Make sure the login name in the Login user field is the correct one for the signatures being imported. 4. Click the Import button on the toolbar. A browse window will open. 5. Browse to the location where the file is stored and select it. The file will be imported into the database and the signatures will appear in the Signature module.

To delete a scanned signature:

1. Login into Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar, select Tools > Signatures. 3. The Signature window will open. 4. If signatures exist a list of them will appear in the right pane of the Signature module. 5. Clicking on the file name in the right pane will cause the scanned image to appear on the left. 6. If a signature needs to be deleted click on the file name and click the Delete button on the toolbar. 7. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Maintaining Signatures for Other Users

Users can always maintain their own signatures but there is also a security privilege included with the system that allows anyone with the privilege to scan or edit any other users signatures (see Signature Security for details). If a user has this privilege assigned to them they can Scan, Import or Delete signatures for other users. To perform these tasks for other users:
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To scan, import or delete signatures:

1. Login into Chart using the normal e-MDs username and password. 2. On the main Chart menu bar select Tools > Signatures. The Signature window will open. 3. Select the appropriate users login by clicking the button to the right of the Login User field. The Find a Login window will open. 4. Enter the users login into the Login Name field OR enter the users last name in the Last Name field (the First Name field can also be used). 5. Click the Search button on the toolbar. 6. Highlight the user in the search results and click the Select button. The users name will appear in the Login User field. 7. Scan, Import or Delete signatures as necessary for the selected user (see Adding and Deleting Signatures for details).

Using Signatures with Faxed Prescriptions

If signatures exist for a provider the Script Writer program will attached the signature to faxed prescriptions. This meets the requirements of MOST (but not all) states legal requirements for faxed prescriptions. In addition to a signature the program add additional text to denote whether the prescription should be filled as a Brand or Generic drug. To use signatures with prescriptions simply print the Signature Form, fill it out and scan it back into the Signature module. Then setup Faxing options for passwords and designate staff to fax under with your name (if desired). Once these things are done the process becomes transparent and when any script is designated to be faxed a signature will be automatically attached.

Using Signatures with DocMan Images

If signatures exist for a provider they can be used, in conjunction with the functionality of Rubber Stamps (see What is a Rubber Stamp? for details), as part of the sign-off process for DocMan scanned documents. This process adds a bitmap image of the signature to the scanned document.

Using Signatures with Lab and Radiology Reports

If signatures exist for a provider they can be used in the Chart application. As an option the provider can choose to add their signature to all printed or faxed Lab and Radiology reports. This process adds a bitmap image of the signature to the report. For instructions on setting the option, see Show Signature in
Lab/Radiology Reports.

Maintaining Signature Security

There are two security components that are related to the Signature feature of Chart and DocMan. These components consist of a security privilege called DocMan Signature Admin privilege and a set of user options for prescriptions call Fax Signature Options. These components are described below.

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Using the DocMan Signature Admin Privilege

Users can always maintain their own signatures but there is also a security privilege included with the system that allows anyone with the privilege to scan or edit any other users signatures. This feature was added to allow a non-provider to print out the Signature Form and distribute it to the providers that want to use the Signature feature and then, once the forms are filled out and turned in, the non-provider could scan the forms into the database and associate the signatures with the appropriate user. This was done so that the providers would not be forced to do it themselves. This privilege as added to the All Privileges security group and the Chart Administrator security group. Any user with one of those privileges will be able to scan signature forms for any provider. In addition certain users can be assigned individual privileges, if needed (see Assign a User to a Security Group for details).

Setting Fax Signature Options

This option is part of the User Preferences for Script Writer options and allows the provider to designate whether a password is required when faxing and also to designate whether other staff can fax prescriptions under the providers name. For security purposes it is recommended that the provider be required to input a password when faxing but it is not a requirement. If other staff members are designated to be able to fax prescriptions they will be required to enter a password. In either situation if a password is required it will be the same password that is used to login to the e-MDs application.

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Continuity of Care Record (CCR)

The Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is a standard being developed jointly by ASTM International, the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS), and the Health Information Management and Systems Society (HIMSS). It is intended to foster and improve continuity of patient care and to assure at least a minimum level of quality when a patient is referred, transferred, or otherwise goes to another provider. The CCR itself consists of a standard representation of pertinent patient health information such as current problems, current medications, allergies, immunizations and other health summary type info as well as demographic information required for patient care (age, gender, insurance coverage, provider of care, etc.). e-MDs is an active participant in this standards push and, in fact, was the first vendor of Electronic Health Records (EHR) to commit to including the CCR in our product. A CCD button is available on the patient-specific toolbar in both Chart and DocMan. The CCD button can either EXPORT or IMPORT a CCR file in an XML format with all pertinent patient information included. When exported the file can then be send or carried by the patient to another provider setting. This can be handy for referring patients to specialists, admitting patients into inpatient facilities or if a patient decides to transfer their care to another provider.
Note: Keep in mind that, even though there is a concerted push to have this standard


adopted by every EHR vendor, at this point not all providers or facilities will be able to access the CCR information.
Continued on the next page ...

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Importing a CCR File

A CCR file can be imported from within both the Chart and DocMan applications although the files are stored and accessed as DocMan documents.

To import into Chart:

1. Click the CCD button on the patient-specific Chart toolbar. 2. Choose Import CCR from the pop-up menu. 3. A Windows-browser screen will open. 4. Browse to the location of the CCR file to be imported. 5. Click on the file name and click Open. 6. The Visit Note section of the chart (to the right of the Health Summary section) will now display a CCR screen (see image below).

7. The CCR window will show Patient and Provider demographic information from the CCR file. 8. In addition Problems, Alerts (Allergies) and Medications will appear. Some of the Problems and Medications will appear as grayed out items. This denotes that those problems appear to already be documented in the patient chart. Other items will appear with checkboxes to the left of them. These are items that the application was able to recognize as structured bits of data and which are available for import into the patient chart. 9. To import any of these checkbox items, place a checkmark in the checkbox. Repeat for any other items to be imported. 10. When done click the OK button at the bottom of the screen to import those items in to the patient chart.

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Alerts do not appear as items that can be imported but the allergy descriptions are available as text and users can easily add the allergies manually. Not all EMR companies send structured data that can easily be recognized as problems or medications. The CCR application will try to determine what the item is as long as the CCR file contains readable information. When a CCR file is imported into chart the file gets saved as a document in DocMan automatically at the same time.

To import into DocMan:

1. Click the CCD button on the Patient specific DocMan toolbar. 2. Select Import CCR from the pop-up menu. A Windows browse screen will open. 3. Browse to the location of the CCR file to be imported. 4. Click the file name and click Open. 5. In the next dialog box, make sure the Do not Send message is checked and click OK. The imported file should now be located in the CCR folder in DocMan. 6. Double-click the file name to view the report.

Exporting a CCR File

A CCR file can be exported from within both the Chart and DocMan applications.

To export a CCR file:

1. Click the CCD button on the Patient-specific toolbar. 2. Select Export CCR from the pop up menu. An Internet Browser window will open and the CCR file will be generated. A message asking if you want to open or save the file will appear. 3. Select Save and a Windows browse screen will open. 4. Navigate to where you want the file to be saved and click Save. 5. To view the file, navigate to where the file was saved and double-click the file name to open it. It will open using your default Internet browser.

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Continuity of Care Document (CCD)

The Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is an electronic document exchange standard for sharing patient summary information among providers and within personal health records. It summarizes the most commonly needed pertinent information about current and past health status in a form that can be shared by all computer applications, from web browsers to electronic medical records. The CCD is an XML-based document that is similar to the CCR, both existing in eMDs Solution Series. The CCD is intended to expand on the capabilities of the CCR and will eventually include additional structured and standardized information that can easily be shared by different systems such as other EHRs.
Note: When a CCD file is imported into Chart the file gets saved as a document in


DocMan automatically at that time. The file name default is First Name_Last Name_Date_Time_ccd.xml.
Continued on the next page ...

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Importing a CCD File

A CCD file can be imported from within both the Chart and DocMan applications.

To import CCD into Chart:

1. Open e-MDs Chart. 2. Click the CCD button on the Patient-specific Chart toolbar. 3. Choose Import CCD from the menu. 4. In the Open window, browse to the location of the CCD file to be imported.

5. Click to select the file name and click Open. 6. Click Chart View, then Documents and open the CCD folder at the left to view saved files.

7. To view a CCD file, click the file name. The CCD window will show Patient and demographic information from the CCD file.

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To import into DocMan:

1. Click the CCD button on the Patient-specific DocMan toolbar. 2. Select Import CCD from the menu. Note: Unlike CCR, CCD can only be imported in to the patients file in DocMan. 3. In the Open window, browse to the location of the CCD file to be imported.

4. Click to select the file name and click Open. 5. In the Document Info window, make your selections and click OK.

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The imported file will now be located in the CCD folder in DocMan. 6. Double-click the file name to view the report.

The CCD window will show Patient demographic and health information from the CCR file.

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Exporting a CCD File

A CCD file can be exported from both the Chart and DocMan applications.

To export a CCD file:

1. Click the CCD button on the Patient-specific Chart toolbar. 2. Select Export Chart Summary (CCD) from the menu. 3. On the Export Chart Summary (CCD) screen, select the reason/detail. If the global security option for Password Protect CDA Documents was set prior to attempting to Export, the Password Protect File box will appear at the bottom of the screen. At least one character is required in the Password field to encrypt the CDA document on Export. If the security option for Password Protect CDA Documents was not set before attempting to Export, but the Require HIPAA Reason When Printing/Exporting was set, a stand-alone password box will appear in place of the HIPAA reason box. In both scenarios, the password is optional and the box can be unchecked. If neither of the options for Password Protect CDA Documents and Require HIPAA Reason When Printing/Exporting were set before attempting to Export, the Password Protect File frame will not appear.

4. Click OK. 5. On the Save CCD File screen, select a location click Save. 6. To view the file, navigate to where the file was saved and double-click the file name to open it. It will open using your default Internet browser.

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ABN/Forms task ................................................................................. 85 All Tasks .......................................... See Task Administration Archiving tasks ............................................................................... 80 Archiving Tasks................................................................... 87 Attachments on taskman messages.................................................... 76 Audit tasks ............................................................................... 87 Clinical Quality Measures ................................................. 119 Clinical Quality Measures XML File Generation tool......... 119 Collections Worklist task ................................................................................. 84 Continuity of Care Document (CCD)................................. 143 Continuity of Care Record (CCR) ..................................... 139 Daily Work List task ................................................................................. 84 Downloads ............................................................................ 4 Electronic Filing Wizard task ................................................................................. 84 E-mail secure external ............................................................... 74 Enable Worklist ................................................................... 81 Encryption secure e-mail .................................................................. 74 ERA task ................................................................................. 85 fax (TIFF) printer setup ....................................................... 90 Forms configure Word ............................................................. 104 Forums on-line support and chat ................................................... 4 Ghostscript.......................................................................... 75 HCFA Wizard task ................................................................................. 84 Help knowledge base................................................................ 4 newsgroups ...................................................................... 4 online dowloads................................................................ 4 online forums .................................................................... 4 online troubleshooter ........................................................ 4 Insurance Eligibility task ................................................................................. 85 Invoice Status Administration task ................................................................................. 84 Knowledge Base ................................................................... 4 Labels ............................................................................... 103 Messaging see TaskMan .................................................................. 72 Newsgroups .......................................................................... 4 Patient List task ................................................................................. 85 Portal Messages knowing patient has read ............................................... 73 printers virtual Fax ....................................................................... 90 procedures accept a task .................................................................. 83 access DocMan from Chart ............................................ 38 access document properties........................................... 12 access Filing window...................................................... 34 access Lab Tracking....................................................... 33 access Lab Tracking window ..........................................32 access Rubber Stamp editor from Chart.........................19 access Rubber Stamp editor from DocMan ....................19 access Rubber Stamp editor from DocMan viewer.........20 access signatures from Chart .......................................133 access signatures from DocMan...................................133 access Taskman tasks....................................................78 add a Data Point to a graph ............................................26 add a Rubber Stamp.......................................................20 add custom words to dictionary ....................................129 add memo to a document ...............................................14 add message attachment................................................65 add personal Rubber Stamp ...........................................20 add summary to a document ..........................................15 automate Registry Processor Reports using Rules Manager ...................................................................117 change task status ..........................................................83 compare images .............................................................23 complete a task...............................................................83 configure security in MS Word 2003 .............................104 configure security in MS Word 2007 .............................104 copy and edit existing form ...........................................105 copy existing report to create new report......................112 correct spelling errors ...................................................126 create a data type ...........................................................25 create a task ...................................................................81 create auto complete pairs............................................130 create custom dictionary ...............................................128 create Log/Phone Note reminder..................................115 create new form ............................................................104 create new report ..........................................................111 create task folders...........................................................81 customize tasks interface display ...................................80 delete a message attachment.........................................66 delete a patient document...............................................23 delete a report...............................................................113 delete a Rubber Stamp ...................................................21 delete existing value .......................................................27 delete incoming fax .........................................................36 delete multiple messages ...............................................69 delete scanned signature..............................................135 delete single message ....................................................69 document phone reminders ..........................................117 edit a Rubber Stamp .......................................................21 edit existing report.........................................................113 edit existing value ...........................................................27 edit or delete a data type ................................................26 export a form.................................................................105 export and print report...................................................115 export CCD file..............................................................148 export CCR file..............................................................141 FastFile documents.........................................................11 FastFile incoming faxes ..................................................37 FastFile without fax cover page ......................................37 fax from DocMan.............................................................30 fax from DocMan main grid.............................................31 find existing data points ..................................................27 generate Clinical Quality Measures XML file ........120, 123 generate form or letter in Chart.....................................106 generate form or letter outside Chart ............................106 import a form.................................................................106 import CCD file into Chart .............................................144 import CCD file into DocMan ........................................145

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import CCR file into Chart............................................. 140 import CCR file into DocMan ........................................ 141 import file into patient folder ............................................. 9 import file into Reference Document folder .................... 10 import signature forms.................................................. 135 link form scanned in DocMan ......................................... 39 locate and run reports................................................... 111 log off multiple documents.............................................. 18 mark follow up message as complete ............................ 67 mark message as complete ........................................... 67 mark message for follw up ............................................. 67 move document to different category ............................. 12 move messages between folders ................................... 72 move misfiled patient document ..................................... 12 open patient chart from patient listing .......................... 115 perform bulk scan ......................................................... 6, 9 populate refill requests in TaskMan................................ 72 print a message .............................................................. 68 print address labels ...................................................... 116 print incoming faxes........................................................ 36 print letters for mailings ................................................ 116 print multiple documents................................................. 29 print signature form....................................................... 134 print single document ..................................................... 28 print Task Audit Report................................................... 87 print task history ............................................................. 87 print wallet cards............................................................. 29 record additional value for Data Type ............................ 26 record photograph in Snapshot ...................................... 98 record value for Data Type ............................................. 27 redirect a task ................................................................. 83 refile incoming faxes....................................................... 34 reply to a message ......................................................... 66 retrieve a task list............................................................ 87 retrieve image from patient category .............................. 22 retrieve image from reference documents category....... 22 run custom reports.......................................................... 32 save TaskMan message to Chart................................... 68 scan document into Laboratory Category ........................ 7 scan document into patient folder .................................... 6 scan document into Reference Documents folder ........... 8 scan document types........................................................ 6 scan signature form ...................................................... 135 scan, import, or delete signatures ................................ 136 search for a message ..................................................... 71 search for tasks .............................................................. 86 search patient records for images .................................. 21 select custom dictionary ............................................... 128 send a message in TaskMan.......................................... 64 send eReminders ......................................................... 116 send image from DocMan via TaskMan ................... 25, 70 send image when bulk scanning documents.................. 24 send image when importing documents ......................... 24 send image when scanning specific doument types ...... 24 send message from Chart .............................................. 69 send secure e-mail ......................................................... 76 send task based on Report Manager job ................. 85, 86 separate bulk file with FastFiling .................................... 37 set dictionary options.................................................... 127 set dictionary options on the fly .................................... 127 set up a TIFF pritner ....................................................... 90 set up printer for DocMan ............................................... 28 set up Snapshot.............................................................. 94 set up tracking categories............................................... 33 sign off a document ........................................................ 17

spool e-mail within TaskMan...........................................78 use a Secure Email form.................................................14 view all graphed labs ......................................................27 Productivity Reporting .................................. See Task Audits Referrals Worklist task ...........................................................................82, 84 Refill Request adding request from taskman .........................................72 Registry Processor task .................................................................................85 Report Manager setting up tasks ...............................................................85 tasks................................................................................84 Reports task audit.........................................................................87 task history......................................................................87 Rule Manager setting up tasks ...............................................................85 tasks................................................................................84 Secure e-Mail authorization from patient ...............................................76 encryption .......................................................................74 Secure E-mail ......................................................................74 spooling attachments ......................................................77 Secure E-Mail smtp server setting..........................................................75 Secure E-mail Setup............................................................74 Send as Multiple Tasks .......................................................81 SMTP Server setting for secure e-mail..................................................75 Spooling Attachments..........................................................77 Statements task .................................................................................84 Task completion.......................................................................83 printing ............................................................................83 setting status...................................................................83 Task Administration .............................................................87 Task Audits..........................................................................87 Task History.........................................................................87 TaskMan accessing tasks...............................................................78 create task ......................................................................81 e-mail ..............................................................................72 ghostscript installation.....................................................75 message maintenance/moving .......................................71 message notification .......................................................71 new message sound .......................................................71 redirecting task................................................................83 secure e-mail setup.........................................................74 spooling attachments ......................................................77 Tasks archiving..........................................................................87 attachment types.............................................................81 auto archiving..................................................................80 automating ......................................................................83 custom folders.................................................................81 folder rules ......................................................................80 options ............................................................................80 productivity............................................... See Task Audits search function................................................................86 TIFF printer setup ................................................................90 Troubleshooter ......................................................................4 Visits to Bill task .................................................................................85

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