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INTRODUCTION What is Intellectual Property? It means the legal rights resulted from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific literary and artistic field. It is a cluster of legally recognized rights associated with innovation and creativity. The works of the mind as against physical products, land and other tangible resources. The term describes the Ideas, Inventions, Technologies, Artwork, Music & Literature. They are intangible when they are created but become valuable in tangible form as products. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY COPYRIGHT & RELATED RIGHTS Patents for invention Literary Design for artistic creations Dramatic Trade Mark Artistic



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Geographical indications Musical Trade Secrets Cinematography Integrated Circuit Rights relating to performers, broadcasters and sound recorders PURPOSE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT LAW IPR Law The basic fact is that the inability to protect something by the mere possession of an object underline the purpose of whole intellectual property law. IPR law gives statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of creators for their creation. IPR law promotes creativity, dissemination and application of its results. IPR law encourages fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development. IPR ISSUES

JUSTIFICATION FOR INTELLECTUALPROPERTY RIGHTS It is a Constitutional Right of a person. Gives long-term economic benefits by stimulating innovation. Attracts Foreign Direct Investments. Enhances countries credibility & recognition as a dependable supplier. Involves a trade off and some form of reciprocal obligation on the part of the right holder. WHY TO PROTECT THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS More than half of the Gross Domestic Product of the major OECD countries relates to the production and the distribution of the knowledge. In every enterprise whether it produces or delivers goods or services, the knowledge component is becoming the predominant element in differentiating it from its competitors. IPR is a key factor in obtaining the transfer of the latest technologies as well as in attracting foreign direct investment.


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