Numbering LSP
Numbering LSP
Numbering LSP
inserts increasing numbers with or without prefix or suffix text author paul >> tit = text+integer+text trt = text+real+text nmc = integer inside circle nmp = integer inside hexagon nm = ascending integers aazz = ascending alphabet letters aad = text+ascending alphabet letters
;;; TX+INTEGERS+TX (defun c:tit (/ p n ni pref suff nns ntx ntxx oecho osn ds th txt) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho") osn (getvar "osmode") ) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "osmode" 0) (if nn (setq nn (fix nn)) (setq nn 1) ) (if (= nn 0)(setq nn 1)) (princ "\n Increment numbers by < ") (princ nn) (princ " >? : ") (setq ni (getint)) (if (= ni nil) (setq ni nn) (setq nn ni) ) (if np (setq np (fix np)) (setq np nn) ) (princ "\n Start or continue with number < ") (princ np) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getint)) (if (= n nil) (setq n np) (setq np n) ) (setq nns (itoa n)) (princ "\n Prefix text < ") (princ pre) (princ " >? or <.> for none: ") (setq pref (getstring t)) (if (= pref ".") (progn (setq pre nil) (setq pref nil) ) (progn (if (= pref "")
(setq pref pre) (setq pre pref) ) (if pref (setq ntx (strcat pref nns)) ) ) ) (princ "\n Suffix text < ") (princ suf) (princ " >? or <.> for none: ") (setq suff (getstring t)) (if (= suff ".") (progn (setq suf nil) (setq suff nil) ) (progn (if (= suff "") (setq suff suf) (setq suf suff) ) (if suff (if pref (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntxx (strcat nns suff)) ) ) ) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Insert: ")) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (while p (if suff ;(command "text" "j" "mc" p "" "" ntxx) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 ntxx) ; actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (if pref ;(command "text" "j" "mc" p "" "" ntx) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 ntx); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) ;(command "text" "j" "mc" p "" "" n) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p)
) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Next number location: ") n (+ ni n) nns (itoa n) np n ) (if suff (if pref (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntxx (strcat nns suff)) ) ) (if pref (if suff (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntx (strcat pref nns)) ) ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (setvar "osmode" osn) (princ) ) (princ "\n Type > TIT < to insert text with ascending integers.") ;;;********************************************************* ;;;********************************************************* ;;;TX+REALS+TX (defun c:trt (/ p n ni pref suff nns ntx ntxx oecho osn ds th txt) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho") osn (getvar "osmode") ) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "osmode" 0) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (if nn () (setq nn 1) ) (princ "\n Increment numbers by < ") (princ nn) (princ " >? : ") (setq ni (getreal)) (if (= ni nil) (setq ni nn)
(setq nn ni) ) (if np () (setq np nn) ) (princ "\n Start or continue with number < ") (princ np) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getreal)) (if (= n nil) (setq n np) (setq np n) ) (setq nns (rtos n 2 3)) (princ "\n Prefix text < ") (princ pre) (princ " >? or <.> for none: ") (setq pref (getstring t)) (if (= pref ".") (progn (setq pre nil) (setq pref nil) ) (progn (if (= pref "") (setq pref pre) (setq pre pref) ) (if pref (setq ntx (strcat pref nns)) ) ) ) (princ "\n Suffix text < ") (princ suf) (princ " >? or <.> for none: ") (setq suff (getstring t)) (if (= suff ".") (progn (setq suf nil) (setq suff nil) ) (progn (if (= suff "") (setq suff suf) (setq suf suff) ) (if suff (if pref (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntxx (strcat nns suff)) ) ) ) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Insert: "))
(setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (while p (if suff (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 ntxx); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (if pref (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 ntx); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 nns); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) ) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Next number location: ") n (+ ni n) nns (rtos n 2 3) np n ) (if suff (if pref (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntxx (strcat nns suff)) ) ) (if pref (if suff (setq ntxx (strcat pref nns suff)) (setq ntx (strcat pref nns)) ) ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (setvar "osmode" osn) (princ) ) (princ "\n Type > TRT < to insert text with ascending real numbers.")
;;;*********************************************************** ;;;*********************************************************** ;;; inserts increasing numbers circled up (defun c:nmc (/ p n ni ts oecho ds th txt na) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (setq ts txt) (if nn (setq nn (fix nn))(setq nn 1)) (if (= nn 0)(setq nn 1)) (princ "\n Increment by < ") (princ nn) (princ " >? : ") (setq ni (getint)) (if (= ni nil)(setq ni nn)(setq nn ni)) (if np (setq np (fix np)) (setq np 1) ) (princ "\n Start or continue with number < ") (princ np) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getint)) (if (= n nil) (setq n np) (setq np n) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Number location: ")) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (while p (setq na (itoa n)) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 na); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (if (> n 99) (command "circle" p (* ts 1.9)) (command "circle" p (* ts 1.6))) (setq p (getpoint "\n Next number location: ") n (+ ni n) np n ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (princ) )
(princ "\n Type > NMC < to insert numbers inside circle") ;;;*********************************************************** ;;;*********************************************************** ; inserts increasing numbers inside hexagon (defun c:nmp (/ p n ni ts oecho ds th txt na) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (setq ts txt) (if nn (setq nn (fix nn))(setq nn 1)) (if (= nn 0)(setq nn 1)) (princ "\n Increment by < ") (princ nn) (princ " >? : ") (setq ni (getint)) (if (= ni nil)(setq ni nn)(setq nn ni)) (if np () (setq np 1) ) (princ "\n Start or continue with number < ") (princ np) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getint)) (if (= n nil) (setq n np) (setq np n) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Number location: ")) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (while p (setq na (itoa n)) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 na); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (if (> n 99) (command "polygon" "6" p "c" (* ts 1.9)) (command "polygon" "6" p "c" (* ts 1.6))) (setq p (getpoint "\n Next number location: ") n (+ ni n) np n ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho)
(princ) ) (princ "\n Type > NMP < to insert numbers inside hexagon") ;;;*********************************************************** ;;;*********************************************************** ; inserts increasing numbers (defun c:nm (/ p n ni ts oecho ds th txt na) (setq ts (getvar "textsize")) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (if nn (setq nn (fix nn))(setq nn 1)) (if (= nn 0)(setq nn 1)) (princ "\n Increment by < ") (princ nn) (princ " >? : ") (setq ni (getint)) (if (= ni nil)(setq ni nn)(setq nn ni)) (if np () (setq np 1) ) (princ "\n Start or continue with number < ") (princ np) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getint)) (if (= n nil) (setq n np) (setq np n) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Number location: ")) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (while p (setq na (itoa n)) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 na); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (setq p (getpoint "\n Next number location: ") n (+ ni n) np n ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (princ) )
to insert numbers.")
;;;*********************************************************** ;;;*********************************************************** ;;; inserts ascending alphabet letters (Capitals only) (defun c:aazz (/ alf n p nu pnu osn ts oecho ds th txt) (setq oecho (getvar "cmdecho") osn (getvar "osmode") ts (getvar "textsize") ) (if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds) ts txt) (setq oerr *error*) (defun *error* (msg) (setvar "osmode" osn) (setvar "textsize" ts) (princ "\n Wrong input! >> ") (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (setq *error* oerr) (command) (princ) ) (setq alf '("A" "B" "J" "K" "S" "T" ) ) (if nd () (setq nd "A") ) (princ "\n Input - case ter < ") (princ nd) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getstring)) (if (= n "") (setq n nd) ) (setq n (strcase n)) (cond ((or ((or ((or ((or ((or ((or ((or ((or (= (= (= (= (= (= (= (= n n n n n n n n "a") "b") "c") "d") "e") "f") "g") "h") (= (= (= (= (= (= (= (= n n n n n n n n "C" "L" "U" "D" "M" "V" "E" "N" "W" "F" "O" "X" "G" "P" "Y" "H" "Q" "Z" "I" "R"
nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu
((or (= n "i") (= ((or (= n "j") (= ((or (= n "k") (= ((or (= n "l") (= ((or (= n "m") (= ((or (= n "n") (= ((or (= n "o") (= ((or (= n "p") (= ((or (= n "q") (= ((or (= n "r") (= ((or (= n "s") (= ((or (= n "t") (= ((or (= n "u") (= ((or (= n "v") (= ((or (= n "w") (= ((or (= n "x") (= ((or (= n "y") (= ((or (= n "z") (= (t (progn (alert "ONLY SINGLE " ) (^c^c) ) ) )
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
"I")) "J")) "K")) "L")) "M")) "N")) "O")) "P")) "Q")) "R")) "S")) "T")) "U")) "V")) "W")) "X")) "Y")) "Z"))
(setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq
nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu
8)) 9)) 10)) 11)) 12)) 13)) 14)) 15)) 16)) 17)) 18)) 19)) 20)) 21)) 22)) 23)) 24)) 25))
(princ "\n Letter < ") (princ n) (princ " > location: ") (setq p (getpoint)) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "osmode" 0) (while (and p (< nu 26)) (setq n (nth nu alf)) (setq pnu (nth (1+ nu) alf)) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 n); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (command "circle" p (* ts 1.4)) ;(command "polygon" "6" p "c" (* ts 1.3)) (if pnu (progn (princ "\n Letter < ") (princ pnu) (princ " > location? : < or press Enter to quit >") ) (princ "\n End of Alphabet - start over - next default = A") ) (setq p (getpoint) nu (1+ nu)
) (if p () (setq nd (nth nu alf)) ) (if (> nu 25) (setq nd "A") ) ) (setvar "osmode" osn) (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (princ) ) (princ "\n Type > aazz < to insert ascending letters.") ;;;**************************************************************** ;;;**************************************************************** (defun c:aad (/ alf n (setq oecho (getvar osn (getvar ts (getvar ) p nu pnu osn ts oecho pref ds th txt) "cmdecho") "osmode") "textsize")
(if (= 0 (getvar "dimscale"))(setq ds 1.0)(setq ds (getvar "dimscale"))) (setq th (getvar "dimtxt")) (setq txt (* th ds)) (setq oerr *error*) (defun *error* (msg) (setvar "osmode" osn) (setvar "textsize" ts) (princ "\n Wrong input! >> ") (setvar "cmdecho" oecho) (setq *error* oerr) (command) (princ) ) (setq alf '("A" "B" "J" "K" "S" "T" ) ) (if nd () (setq nd "A") ) (princ "\n Input - case ter < ") (princ nd) (princ " >? : ") (setq n (getstring)) (if (= n "") (setq n nd) "C" "L" "U" "D" "M" "V" "E" "N" "W" "F" "O" "X" "G" "P" "Y" "H" "Q" "Z" "I" "R"
) (setq n (strcase n)) (cond ((or (= n "a") (= ((or (= n "b") (= ((or (= n "c") (= ((or (= n "d") (= ((or (= n "e") (= ((or (= n "f") (= ((or (= n "g") (= ((or (= n "h") (= ((or (= n "i") (= ((or (= n "j") (= ((or (= n "k") (= ((or (= n "l") (= ((or (= n "m") (= ((or (= n "n") (= ((or (= n "o") (= ((or (= n "p") (= ((or (= n "q") (= ((or (= n "r") (= ((or (= n "s") (= ((or (= n "t") (= ((or (= n "u") (= ((or (= n "v") (= ((or (= n "w") (= ((or (= n "x") (= ((or (= n "y") (= ((or (= n "z") (= (t (progn (alert "ONLY SINGLE " ) (^c^c) ) ) ) (princ "\n Prefix text < ") (princ pre) (princ " >? or <.> for none: ") (setq pref (getstring t)) (if (= pref ".") (progn (setq pre nil) (setq pref nil) ) (progn (if (= pref "") (setq pref pre) (setq pre pref) ) (if pref (setq n (strcat pref n)) ) ) ) n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n "A")) "B")) "C")) "D")) "E")) "F")) "G")) "H")) "I")) "J")) "K")) "L")) "M")) "N")) "O")) "P")) "Q")) "R")) "S")) "T")) "U")) "V")) "W")) "X")) "Y")) "Z")) (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq (setq nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu 0)) 1)) 2)) 3)) 4)) 5)) 6)) 7)) 8)) 9)) 10)) 11)) 12)) 13)) 14)) 15)) 16)) 17)) 18)) 19)) 20)) 21)) 22)) 23)) 24)) 25))
(princ "\n Text < ") (princ n) (princ " > location: ") (setq p (getpoint)) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "osmode" 0)
(while (and p (< nu 26)) (if pref (setq n (strcat pref (nth nu alf))) (setq n (nth nu alf)) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 p) (cons 1 n); actual text (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")) (cons 40 txt) (cons 72 4) ) ) (if (< nu 26) (if pref (if (= nu 25) (setq pnu nil) (setq pnu (strcat pref (nth (1+ nu) alf))) ) (setq pnu (nth (1+ nu) alf)) ) ) (if pnu (progn (princ "\n Text < ") (princ pnu) (princ " > location? : (to quit, press Enter)") ) (princ "\n End of Alphabet - start over - next default = A") ) (setq p (getpoint) nu (1+ nu) ) (if p () (setq nd (nth nu alf)) ) (if (> nu 25) (setq nd "A") ) )
) (princ "\n Type > aad < to insert ascending letters with or without prefix text .")