Final Lesson PL and

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COPYRIGHT POWERPOINT PRESENTATION RUBRIC Names of Group Members: __________________________________________________________________________ Criteria

Value 3
The group uses the provided template and the correct naming convention.

The group uses the provided template, but fails to use proper naming convention. The "Know" slides contain 1-2 statements on topic. The "What" slides each contain 1 question on topic. Information contained on slide is accurate, but demonstrates only a basic understanding of topic. Information contained on slide is accurate, but demonstrates only a basic understanding of topic. Contains an example with proper citation. Information contained on slide is accurate, but demonstrates only a basic understanding of topic. Contains an example with proper citation. Information contained on slide is accurate, but demonstrates only a basic understanding of topic. Contains an example with proper citation. Final PowerPoint is somewhat difficult to read. The layout is organized but contains distracting elements. Group members work together some of the time to create the final product. Members sometimes offtask.

Use of Template and Naming Convention "Know" and "What" Sections

The group does not use the provided template with proper naming convention. The "Know" slides contain no information on topic or are off topic. The "What" slides contain no questions on topic. Information contained on slide is incomplete or inaccurate in 2 or more instances. Information contained on slide is incomplete or inaccurate in 2 or more instances and the example is missing or does not include a proper citation. Information contained on slide is incomplete or inaccurate in 2 or more instances and the example is missing or does not include a proper citation. Information contained on slide is incomplete or inaccurate in 2 or more instances and the example is missing or does not include a proper citation. Final PowerPoint is extremely difficult to read. The layout is cramped; confusing to the viewer. Group members do not discuss, exchange ideas, and contribute to the final product. Members often off-task.


The Know slides contain 3-4 statements on topic. The What slides each contain 2 or more questions on topic. Information contained on slide is accurate and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of topic. Information contained on slide is accurate and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of topic. Contains at least one example with proper citation. Information contained on slide is accurate and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of topic. Contains at least one example with proper citation. Information contained on slide is accurate and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of topic. Contains at least one example with proper citation. Final PowerPoint is easy to read. Layout is constructed to be pleasing to the viewer. Group members work collaboratively: actively discussing, exchanging ideas, and contributing to the final product. Members consistently stay on-task.


"Learn" Section: Copyright in General "Learn" Section: Copyright and Images



"Learn" Section: Copyright and Music


"Learn" Section: Copyright and Text




Group Work




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