ABC Book of Ancient History

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Name: _____________________________________ Per: _____

ABC Book of Ancient History

7th Grade Extra Credit Option-1st Semester Due Friday, November 9th 2012
Purpose: Create an ABC book that would be suitable for 3rd- 4th graders.

You will need: - An interesting front cover with the title, an illustration, and the author (you!) - At least page for each (26) letter. You may wish to use a full page for some letters depending on the illustrations or information you choose to include. Make the letter you are describing stands out. Make it a block letter in the corner of the page or make the letter large and/or the very first word. Example:

is for Athens. Athens was the

center of ancient Greece. One important contribution that Athens made to the modern world was the development of democracy.

Additional Information: - This book is for Ancient History make sure your information comes from within the span of prehistory to about the 5th century AD (around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire). - You will need a minimum of 8 people, 8 places, and 8 things (ideas/concepts/time periods) in your book. This only adds up to 24 so the other two are up to you. - At least 13 illustrations that match you description/letter. These may be drawings, computer graphics, magazine cutouts, or whatever you choose. - Each description of your letter should be at least two sentences in length. It should be at a 4th grade reading level, and spelling and grammar will be counted. - You must create an interesting back cover as well. This could be a picture, questions, information, etc. - Your book must be bound with something other than staples or tape be creative!! Suggestions include string, yarn, twine, pipe cleaners, etc.

Neatness & Creativity ALWAYS Count!!! (You may want to consider adding a map or two!) Score: ____ / 50 Points Possible (Assessment)

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