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A compound word is made when two

words are joined to form a new word.
news stand paper clip
Lady bug finger purse
pig tail pen nose

1.   table + ___ = COVER- PLATE -

2.  week + ___ = END- NESS -
3. cat + ___ = KITTEN- FISH -
Collocation comprises the restrictions on how words
can be used together, for example which prepositions
are used with particular verbs, or which verbs and
nouns are used together. Collocations are examples of
lexical units. Collocations should not be confused with

"The problem for the learner of English is that there

are no collocation rules that can be learned. The native
English speaker intuitively makes the correct
collocation, based on a lifetime’s experience of hearing
and reading the words in set combinations."
Collocation Use with
Take, Have and Break
a break
a leg
a headache
a window
a haircut
an exam
a seat
the law  
Collocation Use with
Catch, Pay, Keep
a cold
a pet
a bus
the bill
a promise
someone's attention
Collocation Use with
Save, Find and Go

a partner
the answer
someone's life  
Collocation Use with
Miss, Get, Do and Make

a goal
an effort
the shopping
a chance
What are synonyms?

Synonyms are words that have the same or at

least a similar meaning. Usually you can say
that one word is synonymous with another.
For example, the words "huge" and "big" are
each other's synonyms.

Whether words are synonyms can depend on

the context. "Big" and "great" are synonyms
when "great" refers to size and not quality.
Why should synonyms be
Utilizing synonyms is a fairly simple method
to divers the usage of words to make a text
more pleasant to read. If a word is used very
often then it might be a good idea to use
synonyms. The sentences will then feel less
repetitive, especially if the word in question is
the first word in every sentence.
Synonyms are seldom exactly equal to each
other. Synonyms are usually nuanced
variation with slightly different meaning
depending on the context. Due to this
synonyms are a great way to emphasize
characteristics, among other things. You can
say that a "big house" is "gigantic" to
a literal meaning of the word

A denotation is the strict, literal, dictionary

definition of a word, devoid of any
emotion, attitude, or colour.

Denotation often links with symbolism,

as the denotation of a particular media
text often represents something further; a
hidden meaning
A word having a meaning opposite to that of
another word:

after - before
asleep – awake
beautiful - ugly
bright - dull
laugh - cry
noisy - quiet
A suffix is a letter or group of letters added
at the end of a word to make a new word.

fanaticism fogeyism

strong government successful


He has no friends at all - he is friendless.

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning
of a word to form a new word.

 The prefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, non-, and un-all

mean "not."

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