PWC Solar Power Citations
PWC Solar Power Citations
PWC Solar Power Citations
Solar Potential
solar / slr/ adj. of, relating to, or determined by the sun solar radiation: relating to or denoting energy derived from the suns rays
potential (p-tnshl) / adj. Capable of being but not yet in existence Having possibility, capability, or power
Solar Potential is the name that has been given to the collaboration between The Climate Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) to research and communicate the opportunity to accelerate the development of a SuperGrid, and the uptake of renewable sources of electricity, in particular Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP), globally as a direct means of tackling Climate Change and energy security. PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (a limited liability partnership in the UK) or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network of firms, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.
What if you could provide the world with an endless supply of virtually carbon-free electricity; ensure a constant source of drinkable water to the worlds most vulnerable areas; avert some of the worlds future humanitarian crises; and save billions of dollars in the process? Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) proponents say there is no could about it - its more a case of can.
A. Services B. Citations C. Thought leadership D. Key contacts 4 6 24 26
Studies over the past few years have shown that substantial climate change is now unavoidable and that it poses an immense risk both to mankinds everyday lives and the world around us. The way in which the world obtains its energy has a key role to play in how we address this challenge, and whilst there has been an urgent need to take action, progress to date has been slow and limited in its impact. PwCs view is that the world needs to quickly identify and promote those renewable energy solutions that can immediately cut global greenhouse gas emissions, and where possible, begin to address other areas of risk such as energy security and the provision of safe water for human consumption. Whilst a range of renewable energy options exist, one area that shows increasing potential as an alternative to existing fossil fuel sources is Solar. In PwCs Delivering on Earths Solar Potential publication we set out how the global uptake of a particular type of solar technology, Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) has the potential to make a significant difference. This document begins to set out how PwC can play a part in helping governments, business and society to make the transition to renewable solar energy options. Building on our experience of working with the global energy sector for over 100 years, it outlines the services that we can bring to bear to support programmes of work, provides examples of the work that we have completed in previous years, and sets out some of the thought leadership that we have published in the area of renewable energy to help shape and support the debate going forward. Should you need support or be interested in learning more, please get in touch with us via the key contact names provided at the end of this booklet. We look forward to the opportunity to engage and support you with this important challenge.
A. Services
We assist the public, private and third sector on a range of issues across the CSP and transmission grid project lifecycle.
Financing Financial modelling Tax modelling Structure of clean tech funds and grants Tax efficient structuring of investments Tax incentive analysis Cross border tax planning Transfer pricing
Feasibility analysis Cost benefit analysis Valuation of externalities Due diligence Market review
Strategic planning Technology Assessment of market companies, exposure risks component Market entry strategy manufacturers
Market and product analysis Competitor analysis Supply chain modelling Sustainable supply chain Sourcing strategy Logistics planning Cost analysis and reduction Custom duty advice Tender and procurement advisory Negotiation support Supply chain modelling Sustainable supply chain Risk management Sourcing strategy Tax efficient supply chain Training and development
Cost benefit analysis Valuation of externalities Feasibility analysis Market review Due diligence Carbon market feasibility study Regulation advisory Business case development Competitor analysis Organisation design
Financial modelling Finance raising Finance structure: PPPs BOO/BOT/BTO Opex/Capex Tax structuring Risk management
Risk management Supply chain modelling Sustainable supply chain Stakeholder management and engagement Design of procurement process Management and evaluation of tenders Negotiation support Managment of financial close Stakeholder management and communication
Financial incentive structures e.g. FITs Tax advisory Grants and funding availability PPPs Total tax contribution
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
We understand that these services are rarely required in isolation and we are experienced in delivering large, integrated projects which address a number of related issues. We often do so as part of a larger consortium or partnership and are adept at taking a holistic approach to our services.
Supply chain improvement Sustainable supply chain Stakeholder management and communication
Assurance and audit Tax compliance Tax efficiency and implementation review Tax incentive advisory
Operator/consortium models Stakeholder management and communication Supply chain improvement Programme management Corporate reporting Tax depreciation Carbon market project design Project assurance Environmental and social impact assessment Process design Health & Safety audits Human resource tax and work permit compliance Programme management
Carbon markets Assurance and audit Tax compliance Competitor analysis Organisation design Performance management Corporate performance management Talent acquisition Supply chain improvement Cost analysis and reduction Total tax contribution analysis Tax function effectiveness Corporate reporting and investor reporting advice Stakeholder management and communication Policy impact assessment
Disposal strategy Valuation Deal structure Buy side due diligence Sell side due diligence Programme management Stakeholder management and communication Tax advice
Stakeholder management and communication Programme management Environmental and social impact assessment
B. Citations
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Studies and Business Case Planning Location
Solar PV and solar thermal feasibility studies, including electricity market and economic analysis. Examples include: Feasibility study investigating the option of developing a large scale solar thermal plant in India. Client: Indian solar thermal power developer Economic analysis of different solar capture applications and valuation of different technology. Provision of a marketing and market penetration strategy. Client: Solar capture technology developer Market entry review for solar thermal micro-generation. Client: EDF Renewable market research on the barriers to growth for stakeholders in the UK renewable energy market. Client: UK Government, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Review of the global thin-film production machinery market. Client: Financial stakeholders Analysis of electricity markets and regulation in the European Union and Latin America. Client: Confidential Market analysis of the European electricity sector, including analysis of generation and retail markets, ownership and operation of network grids, tariff structures relating to network access, composition of the regulator, and future market developments. Client: BP Advice on the creation of a regional electricity market in South East Europe (countries include Serbia, Albania, Croatia, UNMIK, FYR Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro). Client: EU Commission UK
Feasibility Studies
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Studies and Business Case Planning Location
Market analysis of future investments in HVAC transmission grids. Client: Statnett SF, Nordic TSO Market analysis of Indian solar market, including a review of the legislative and regulatory framework, the solar PV and solar thermal value chains and the identification of key financiers of India solar developments. Client: Confidential, USA based multinational Study of current manufacturing cost per kWh of 3 domestic and 2 international vendors of various solar PV technologies. Client: Confidential Feasibility report regarding the technology, level of investments and infrastructure requirements of installing both crystalline PV and thin film PV in the Indian market. Client: Indian power developer Analysis of the strategic implementation of the EU Renewables Directive across six countries. Assessed the success of mandatory and voluntary programmes in order to inform the implementation of the Directive in Austria. Client: Austrian Government Analysis of the current global market status and market prospects of thin-film solar PV modules. Informed an investment decision. Client: Confidential Market analysis and investment advice to build renewable energy portfolio (Investment volume by 2020: 1bn). Client: Municipal utility consortium Market study for thin film solar PV modules. Client: EWE AG
Feasibility Studies
B. Citations
Business Case Planning
Feasibility Studies and Business Case Planning Location
Preparation of a number of business plans and company strategies for solar power plants and transmission companies, including: Business plans to support the development of PV plants, including the phasing of investments, cash flow projections and computation of financial performance indicators such as NPV, financial return on investments and financial return on capital. Examples include:
Client: Sumitomo Client: Voltwerk Client: Prestige Hotels Client: Confidential, Indian power developer
Strategy development for electricity transmission. Client: Statnett SF, Nordic TSO
Strategic advice on and market analysis of the regulation of the electricity industry. Example projects include: International analysis of regulatory structures for TSOs. Client: TenneT, Dutch HVDC TSO Analysis of the regulatory and market design of electricity markets. Client: Delft University of Technology Advice and support in the implementation of the operational processes needed to ensure regulatory compliance. Identification of opportunities to improve compliance success. Client: Netherlands Utility Analysis of possible regulatory structures in the UK electricity transmission sector. Client National Grid UK
Regulatory Advice
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
We assist clients with the preparation of CDM projects either on a full transaction mandate or with the supporting feasibility studies, PDD preparation and project approval process. We regularly structure, market and sell carbon credits generated from CDM projects. Examples include: Building financial models based around the sale of carbon credits. Client: Confidential Carbon Markets Structuring the sale of carbon credits on the mandatory and voluntary carbon markets generated from afforestation projects. Client: Forestry company Advice on a full transaction mandate for the sale of carbon credits. Client: Various heavy industries Feasibility studies and assessment of the qualification of projects for CDM status. Client: Various heavy industries UK
We create optimal financial leverage by securing maximal utilisation of Government grants and incentives. Examples include the management of renewables subsidies for a number of renewable energy generators, including Renewables Subsidy Innovation and Policy
Client: Eneco Client: Dutch Biodiesel Client: C.GEN Client: Confidential, USA based solar developer
B. Citations
Financing Location
Financial advice in the development of a number of PV plants and PV component production facilities. Includes financial structuring, scenario analysis, funding option evaluation, risk management and negotiation support. Examples include: Financial advice for a 400 MW solar module factory. Client: European investor An 18 MW PV plant in Spain. Client: Sedwick Corporate S.L. Financial Advice 2 PV plants in Sol de Alconchel and Ar-gasol, Spain. Client: NMAS1 EOLIA A 20 MW solar PV plant in Spain. Client: Luzentia A 20 MW solar PV plant in Spain. Client: Voltwerk A PV component production facility in Austria. Client: Confidential Financial viability of roof top PV systems in India. Client: Confidential, US based PV developer Austria Spain Germany
Investment Services
Investment assessment including due diligence, tax structuring and business plan assessment to inform investment decision making. Examples include: Assessment of a 600m joint venture investment opportunity comprising two 50 MW solar thermal plants. Client: Inveravante (partnered with Iberelica Solar) Spain
Tax advice, regarding both corporate tax structure and specific issues relating to the renewable energy industry. Examples include: Tax Advice Participation in a joint venture and partnership with solar developers. Client: Dutch utilities company Structuring the tax and trading strategy for renewable and solar investment funds. Client: Dutch utilities company
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Financing Location
Financial Modelling
Financial model development for a number of PV plants and grid infrastructure, including the establishment of the tax, accounting and regulatory hypotheses of the models. Examples include: A 7 MW PV plant in Albacete, Spain. Spain Client: Itochu Corporation Financial model development for a HVDC interconnector. Client: Confidential Financial model re-design for electricity distribution. Included the addition of extended functionality and incorporation of new regulatory issues. Client: Major UK utilities company UK
Financial modelling review and validation of the tax, accounting and regulatory hypotheses of a number of financial models for solar plants. Also undertook the contractual review of the terms and conditions stated in the banks Term sheet. Examples include: A solar thermal plant in Lebrija, Spain. Client: Sacyr Vallehermoso A 50 MW energy solar plant, Spain. Client: Grupo Cobra 3 PV power plants, Spain. Client: Naturener S.A. A PV plant, Spain. Client: Joint venture between ACS Dragados and Solar Millenium AG A 50 MW solar PV project in Germany. Client: KfW IPEX and juwi solar Germany Spain
Finance Raising
Raising finance for a number of solar plants through equity and debt instruments. Examples include raising finance for: A 9 MW PV plant in Canary Islands, Spain. Client: Sumitomo Corporation A 1 MW PV plant in La Rioja, Spain. Client: Mitsubishi Corporation Four 2.8 MW PV plants in Castilla la Mancha and Murcia, Spain. Client: Solarstrom S.A.G. Spain
B. Citations
Tender and Procurement
Advice on the design of the competitive tendering process and the analysis of corporate and contractual structures in the procurement of large HVDC and energy infrastructure projects. Includes advising on the establishment or procuring of joint venture agreements. Examples include the design of the tender process for: The construction of a 500 MW HVDC interconnector link between Ireland and Great Britain. Client: EirGrid UK
Competitive Tender The construction of a 500 MW HVDC interconnector. Client: Confidential Process
The procurement of the UKs first commercial scale Carbon Capture and Storage on a power plant. Client: UK Government, Department of Energy and Climate Change The construction of a 10 MW solar thermal plant in Spain by joint venture. Client: Boeing
Advice or review of contracting strategy for power plant development. Review and analysis of the contracting strategy used by a number of European power plants. Drew recommendations for optimal strategies and informed decision making regarding the management of a new asset development initiative. Client: European Power Generation Company Allocation of EU support for Carbon Capture and Storage and Innovative Renewable Energy projects. Client: European Commission
Contracting Strategy
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
The review or commercial due diligence of suppliers to the solar energy and electricity transmission industries. Examples include the review of: Supplier Review A supplier of high-quality aluminium sheet to the solar thermal industry. Client: Confidential
Assistance in the valuation and purchase price allocation activities for Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for solar electricity. Services also include market testing exercises to negotiate PPA contracts and assistance with the impairment test of the goodwill. Examples include: Client: Enertad/ERG Client: CAMGAS Italy
B. Citations
Construction Location
Health & Safety audit of a construction companys internal H&S governance and systems. Client: British Land
Supply Chain
Supply chain analysis, including the mapping of the supply chain required to construct a solar plant, and the subsequent management and improvement of the supply chain. Often includes specific supplier reviews or contract and procurement advice. Examples include: Mapping the supply chain of a solar PV plant and undertaking a review of key suppliers and their drivers. Client: Confidential
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Our industry specialists provide cost effective and risk considered audit and assurance services to both the solar and electricity transmission industries. Select examples include: Solar energy companies Europe Abengoa S.A. Aimex Solar GmbH Aleo Solar AG ASI Industries GmbH ASOLA Centrosolar AG Centrosolar Sonnenstromfabrik GmbH Colexon Energy AG Compagnie de SaintGobain Concentrix solar ErSol Energy AG ErSol Thin Film GmbH First Solar GmbH GeckoGroup AG Goldbeck Solar HUBER SUHNER AG Innogy Kostal Solar Electric GmbH Renewagy A/S Gruppe Robert Bosch GmbH Rothe Erde GmbH SAG GmbH USA AGY Holding Corp. Bonneville Power Administration Dow Corning Corporation Edison International Energy Northwest Evergreen Solar, Inc. First Solar, Inc. GrafTech International Ltd. Jersey Central Power & Light Company NSTAR Pepco Energy Services, Inc. Pratt & Whitney Sacramento Municipal Utility District Southern California Edison Company STR Holdings, Inc. Tampa Electric Company UniSource Energy Corporation Asia Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Chevron Delta Electronics, Inc. Kyocera Corporation SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) LTD
B. Citations
Operation and Maintenance
Solar energy companies continued Europe S.A.G. Solarstrom AG Schaltanlagenbau GmbH Schott Solar GmbH Shell Gas & Power International B.V. SMA AG Solarfabrik AG Solaria Energa y Medio Ambiente S.A. Solarworld AG Sunways Electricity transmission companies Europe A2A S.p.A. British Energy Generation Limited Business Group Benelux (fka NV Nuon) Edison S.p.A. E.ON AG National Grid plc RWE Aktiengesellschaft TenneT TSO B.V. USA California ISO ERCOT (Texas ISO) Midwest ISO Mid-Continent Area Power Pool PJM Interconnection Asia China HuaNeng Group CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Reliance Infrastructure Ltd Tanjong public limited company Tenaga Nasional Berhad USA Asia
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
In addition to a wide range of tax services including compliance, planning and tax strategy, our Renewable Energy Tax Team help clients in the solar sector to fully capture the tax benefits of renewable energy. By providing insights into the availability of tax incentives, the relative value of various tax incentive options, and the on-going nature of legislative extensions and modifications of energy tax, we help renewables companies to manage their energy investment decisions and reduce costs. Recent projects include: Tax structuring in significant investments in solar, wind and hydro. Client: Investment company Advising on tax incentives of investing in existing and planned solar and wind developments. Client: Confidential Reviewing contracts and advising on the impact of the carbon tax. Client: Energy generation company Tax Advised on the VAT, transfer pricing and accounting treatment of a contract to provide tolling services that would transfer risk around carbon emissions. Client: European Power Company Advised on the VAT implications of a number of carbon deals including a cross-border EUA/CER arbitrage deal. Client: Investment Banks (various) Provided tax structuring advice in relation to the business mode and financing for a clean energy project. Client: Confidential Undertook a multi-jurisdictional review of direct tax treatment of emissions trading and provided tax structuring advice in relation to EUA sale and repurchase transactions in several European jurisdictions. Client: UK Financial Institution UK
B. Citations
Operation and Maintenance
We also provide on going tax services to a number of companies in the solar and electricity transmission industry. Select examples include: Solar energy companies Europe Abengoa S.A. Acciona S.A. Actividades de Construccin y Servicios S.A. ALSTOM AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Aimex Solar GmbH ASI Industries GmbH BP p.l.c. Compagnie de SaintGobain DKA Group EDF Energies Nouvelles S.A. Elkem AS Eneco Holding N.V. ErSol Energy AG ErSol Thin Film GmbH Eternit N.V. USA AGY Holding Corp. Arizona Public Service Company Black & Veatch Holding Company CH2M HILL Companies Ltd. Clayton Homes, Inc. Dow Corning Corporation Edison International El Paso Electric Company First Solar, Inc. Florida Power & Light Company FPL Group, Inc. GE Energy GrafTech International Ltd. ITOCHU International Inc. Jersey Central Power & Light Company National Semiconductor Corporation Asia AU Optronics Corp. Chevron Delta Electronics, Inc. Ebara Corporation Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Kyocera Corporation Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited NSK Ltd. SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) LTD Solar Energy System KK Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. Taiwan Power Company TDK Corporation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Solar energy companies continued Europe IBERDROLA RENOVABLES S.A. OC Oerlikon Corporation AG Qcells AG Renewagy A/S Gruppe Robert Bosch GmbH Sacyr Vallehermoso S.A. Schaltanlagenbau Erfurt GmbH Schneider Electric SA Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Solarfabrik AG SolarWorld AG Von Roll Holding Ltd. USA Newport Corporation Ohio Power Company Pacific Gas and Electric Company Pepco Energy Services, Inc. Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Pratt & Whitney Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated RF Micro Devices, Inc. Southern California Edison Company STR Holdings, Inc. The AES Corporation UniSource Energy Corporation Xcel Energy Inc. Asia
B. Citations
Operation and Maintenance
Electricity transmission companies Europe USA Asia CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Korea Electric Power Corporation Reliance Infrastructure Ltd Tanjong public limited company Tokyo Electric Power Company A2A S.p.A. California ISO ACEA S.p.A. ERCOT (Texas ISO) British Energy PJM Interconnection Generation Limited Business Group Benelux (fka NV Nuon) EDF Energy plc Electrabel S.A. Electricit de France Elyo Eneco Holding N.V. Enel S.p.A. Energias de Portugal S.A. Energie BadenWrttemberg AG E.ON AG GDF SUEZ HC Energa IBERDROLA S.A. National Grid plc RWE Aktiengesellschaft Scottish and Southern Energy plc SUEZ-TRACTEBEL S.A. TenneT TSO B.V. Vattenfall Europe Berlin Aktiengesellschaft & Co.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Our Performance Improvement specialists have a wide range of capabilities across the value chain of renewable electricity generation and distribution, including managing costs, managing technology, growing revenue, managing people and improving performance. We have vast experience working with utilities companies on a range of operational issues. These are typically specific to the individual needs of the business and examples include: The design of a cultural change programme for an energy company following poor employee engagement results. Data analysis and workshops informed the creation of a 3 year roadmap to implement behavioural change. Client: Global Resources Company Performance Management and Improvement Accounting systems advice following the launch of a new highly complex accounting Standard. Included industrytailored training sessions, insight on industry practices and development of a best practice roadmap. Client: Large US North Eastern Utility Company Process improvements for increased efficiency and reliability of financial close and reporting procedures. Client: US Medium-sized Public Utility Performance improvement consulting to solve the increasing complexity of the Clients Purchase to Pay cycle and SAP environment. Client: Global power generation company Development of IT strategy. Included a review of the current service delivery model, identification of IT drivers, benchmarking, KPI comparison and customer satisfaction assessment. Client: UK Regional Electricity Distribution Company USA
B. Citations
Asset disposal or acquisition
Disposal Location
Buy-side transaction services, including financial, commercial and tax due diligence, data room assistance, Sale and Purchase Agreement advice and legal services in the acquisition of solar plants. Examples include the acquisition of: 3 PV plants in Spain with a combined capacity of 13 MW and a value of 90m. PwC was also the legal advisor in the transaction. Client: Gilatz 2 PV plants in Spain with a combined capacity of 8 MW. Client: Confidential A PV plant with a capacity of 9 MW by EPC contract. Client: Foresight Transaction Services: Buy Side Solar assets with a capacity of 15 MW installed and 50 MW in planning. Client: General Electric A 7 MW PV plant in Ciudad Real, Spain. Client: AES Solar A manufacturer of photovoltaic cells/modules. Client: Prestige Hotels A manufacturer of thermal power systems and photovoltaic cells/modules. Annual manufacturing capacity of 90 MW. Client: Private Equity A solar energy company with 2 PV plants in operation (30 MW), 2 PV projects under construction (20 MW) and 10 PV development projects (180 MW). Client: General Electric A 50% stake in one of the largest renewable companies with assets amounting to more than 1,000 MW between solar, hydroelectric, wind and biomass. Client: Private Equity
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Disposal Location
Sell-side transaction services, including financial advice, financial, commercial and tax due diligence and legal services in the disposal of solar plants. Transaction Services: Sell Side Examples include assistance in the disposal of: A 2 MW PV plant located in Extremadura, Spain with a deal value of 20m. Client: Prestige Energias Renovables A two axis PV plant of 2 MW in Badajoz, Spain by EPC contract. Client: Prestige Innovacin The valuation of businesses or assets for both buy and sell side clients to support decision making. Examples include the valuation of: Assets of special purpose companies in the area of solar electricity and heat/cold storage. Client: International Bank Investment and operational projects in solar power plants for the purpose of an IPO. Client: T-Solar (Isolux) The listed business of a HV and EHV transmission service operator. Client: GRTN Operational and pipeline renewable power generation assets. Also included the valuation of intangible assets such as the development team, know-how and brand. Client: UK Venture Capital Company
C. Thought leadership
Renewables Deals*
2008 Annual Review Mergers and acquisitions activity within the global renewable power market
*connectedthinking *connectedthinking
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Review of Carbon Markets Richard Gledhill, Jonathan Grant and Lit Ping Low PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, UK
Industry views
Erik Rasmussen,
CEO Monday Morning & Founder, Copenhagen Climate Council
Carbon Disclosure Project +44 (0) 207 970 5660
D. Key Contacts
Who to contact
UK Gus Schellekens
+44 20 7804 1770
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Desertec Foundation
Within 45 seconds, the surface of the Earth receives enough solar energy to fully meet the worlds entire energy needs for that day.
This document has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents accept no liability, and disclaim all responsibility, for the consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (a limited liability partnership in the United Kingdom) or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. All rights reserved. Design hb04734