Op Tim Ization
Op Tim Ization
Op Tim Ization
Theoretical Discussion:
In mathematical optimization, the cutting-plane method is an umbrella term for optimization methods which iteratively refine a feasible set or objective function by means of linear inequalities, termed cuts. Such procedures are popularly used to find integer solutions to mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems, as well as to solve general, not necessarily differentiable convex optimization problems. The use of cutting planes to solve MILP was introduced by Ralph E. Gomory. Cutting plane methods for MILP work by solving a non-integer linear program, the linear relaxation of the given integer program. The theory of Linear Programming dictates that under mild assumptions (if the linear program has an optimal solution, and if the feasible region does not contain a line), one can always find an extreme point or a corner point that is optimal. The obtained optimum is tested for being an integer solution. If it is not, there is guaranteed to exist a linear inequality that separates the optimum from the convex hull of the true feasible set. Finding such an inequality is the separation problem, and such an inequality is a cut. A cut can be added to the relaxed linear program. Then, the current non-integer solution is no longer feasible to the relaxation. This process is repeated until an optimal integer solution is found. Cutting-plane methods for general convex continuous optimization and variants are known under various names: Kelley's method, Kelley-Cheney-Goldstein method, and bundle methods. They are popularly used for non-differentiable convex minimization, where a convex objective function and its subgradient can be evaluated efficiently but usual gradient methods for differentiable optimization cannot be used. This situation is most typical for the concave maximization of Lagrangian dual functions. Generating these variables on demand by means of delayed column generation is identical to performing a cutting plane on the respective dual problem.
Sample Problems:
Consider the integral optimization problem Maximize x1+x2+x3 Subject to x1+x2 1 x1+x2 1 x1+x2 1 xi 0, an integral for i=1,2,3 introduce slack variables xi, i=4,5,6 to produce the standard form maximize x1+x2+x3 subject to x1+x2+x4=1 x1+x3+x5=1 x2+x3+x4=1 x1+x2+x6=1 xi 0, xi an integer for i=1,2,,6 solving this with the simplex method gives the solution x1=x2=x3=1/2 and the equations 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 6= 2 1 6= 2 1 6= 2 6=
Each of these equations produce the same cutting plane, and with the introduction of a new slack variable x7 it can be written as a new constraints 7 1 4 2 1 5 = 2 1 2
Applications to network design, specifically for multi-commodity capacitated fixedcharge. The mixed-integer programming formulation of the multi-commodity capacitated fixed charge network design problem by incorporating valid inequalities into a cutting-plane algorithm.
function (cTx in
the objective function is to be optimized. In this context, two vectors are comparable when they have the same dimensions. If every entry in the first is less-than or equal-to the corresponding entry in the second then we can say the first vector is less-than or equal-to the second vector.
Sample Problems:
1. find the numbers x1 and x2 that maximize the sum x1+x2 subject to the constraints x1 0, 0, and X1+2x2 4 4X1+2x2 12 -X1+x2 1
In this there are two unknowns, and five constraints. All the constraints are inequalities and they are all linear in the sense that each involves an inequality in some linear function of the variables. The first two constraints x1 0 and x2 0, are special. These are called nonnegativity constraints and are often found In linear programming problems. The other constraints are then called the main constraints. The function be maximized or minimized is called the objective function. Here, the objective function is x1+x2 Since there are only two variables, we can solve this problem by graphing the set of points in the plane that satisfies all the constraints called the constraints set and then finding which point of this set maximizes the value of the objective function each inequality of all the half-planes, in the present example, the constraints set is the five sided figure shaded in figure 1
We seek the points (x1, x2), that achieves the maximum of x1 +x2 as (x1,x2) ranges over this constraint set. The function x1+x2 is constant on lines with slope 1, for example the line x1+x2=1, and as we move this line further from the origin un and to the right, the value of x1+x2 increases. Therefore, we seek the line of slope -1 that is farthest from the origin and still touches the constraint set. This occurs at the intersection of the lines x1+2x2=4 and 4x1+2x2=12, namely, (x1, x2)=(8/3,2/3). The value of the objective function there is (8/3 +(2/3)=10/3. 2. A company makes two products (X and Y) using two machines (A and B).
and 30 minutes processing time on machine B. Each unit of Y that is produced requires 24 minutes processing time on machine A and 33 minutes processing time on machine B. At the start of the current week there are 30 units of X and 90 units of Y in stock. Available processing time on machine A is forecast to be 40 hours and on machine B is forecast to be 35 hours. The demand for X in the current week is forecast to be 75 units and for Y is forecast to be 95 units. Company policy is to maximise the combined sum of the units of X and the units of Y in stock at the end of the week.
Formulate the problem of deciding how much of each product to make in the current week as a linear program. Solve this linear program graphically.
x be the number of units of X produced in the current week y be the number of units of Y produced in the current week
then the constraints are: 50x + 24y <= 40(60) machine A time 30x + 33y <= 35(60) machine B time x >= 75 - 30 i.e. x >= 45 so production of X >= demand (75) - initial stock (30), which ensures we meet demand y >= 95 - 90 i.e. y >= 5 so production of Y >= demand (95) - initial stock (90), which ensures we meet demand The objective is: maximize (x+30-75) + (y+90-95) = (x+y-50) i.e. to maximize the number of units left in stock at the end of the week It is plain from the diagram below that the maximum occurs at the intersection of x=45 and 50x + 24y = 2400
Solving simultaneously, rather than by reading values off the graph, we have that x=45 and y=6.25 with the value of the objective function being 1.25.
Aerospace: Vehicle Guidance and Control The effectiveness of the CG Conjugate Gradient method for the solution of the optimal aerospace vehicle guidance and control problem is demonstrated. The superiority of the convergence rate of the CG method over the steepest descent method is demonstrated. The search of golden section technique is also discussed and shown to be a very powerful technique for one dimensional optimization. Implicit Feedback Collaborative Filtering The need for solving weighted ridge regression (WRR) problems arises in a number of collaborative ltering (CF) algorithms. Often, there is not enough time to calculate the exact solution of the WRR problem, or it is not required. The conjugate gradient (CG) method is a state-of-the-art approach for the approximate solution of WRR problems.
Sample Problems:
1. Suppose we wish to maximize f(x,y)=x+y subject to the constraint = 1. The feasible set is the unit circle, and the level sets of f are diagonal lines (with slope -10, so we can see graphically that the maximum occurs at (2 /2 , 2 /2) and that the minimum occurs at ( 2 /2 , 2 /2).
Using the method of lagrange multiplier, we have g(x,y)-c= ( , , ) = ( , ) Setting the gradient
, ,
1, hence 1)
( ( , )
Where the last equation is the original constraint The first two equation yield x=-1/2()and y=-1/2(), where substituting into the last equation yields /2)= 2 and f ( 2 /2 , 2 /2)= 2 , Thus the maximum is 2 , which is attained at (2 /2 , 2 /2), and the minimum is 2 , which is attained at ( 2 /2 , 2 /2). 2.Entropy Suppose we wish to find the descrete probability on the points (x1,x2,.,x3) with maximal information entropy. This is the same as saying that we wish to find the least blassed probability distribution on the points(x1,x2,.,xn). In other words, we wish to maximize the Shannon entropy equation. ( 1, 2, , )= log
= 1 so f(2 /2 , 2
For this to be a probability distribution the sum of the probabilities pi at each point xi must equal to 1, so our constants is g(p)=1. ( 1, 2, . , )=
We use lagrange multipliers to find the point of mzximum entropy, p , across all discrete probability distribution p on *x1,x2,,xn+. We require that ( ( 1) = = 0,
Which gives a system of n equation,k=1,,n, such that { log ( 1) = =0
This shows that all pk are equal because they depend on only. By using the constant = 1 we find = 1
Economics Constrained optimization plays a central role in economics. For example, the choice problem for a consumer is represented as one of maximizing a utility function subject to a budget constraint. The Lagrange multiplier has an economic interpretation as the shadow price associated with the constraint, in this example the marginal utility of income. Other examples include profit maximization for a firm, along with various macroeconomic applications. Control theory In optimal control theory, the Lagrange multipliers are interpreted as costate variables, and Lagrange multipliers are reformulated as the minimization of the Hamiltonian, in Pontryagin's minimum principle.
find an exact minimum of since the search direction is rarely exactly the right direction. Usually it is enough to move closer. One condition that measures progress is called the Armijo or sufficient decrease condition for a candidate .
Often with this condition, methods will converge, but for some methods, Armijo alone does not guarantee convergence for smooth functions. With the additional curvature condition, If you look at graphs showing iterative searches in two dimensions, you can see the evaluations spread out along the directions of the line searches. Typically, it only takes a few iterations to find a point satisfying the conditions. However, the line search is not always able to find a point that satisfies the conditions. Usually this is because there is insufficient precision to compute the points closely enough to satisfy the conditions, but it can also be caused by functions that are not completely smooth or vary extremely slowly in the neighborhood of a minimum.
Sample Problems:
1. Determine the following () = ( 1 1) 0.6( 2 2) ) 4( 3 (5 3) 0.25( 4 4)
where (x1,x2,x3,x4)=(1,1,1,1) and (d1,d2,d3,d4)=(-1,0.6,-4,-0.25). () = 4.65 17.4 log(1 () = 17.4225 log(1 4.65) 1 1 0.6 1 0.6 4 1 4 0.25 1 0.25 4.65 1 4.6 ) log(1 0.6) log(1 4) log(1 0.25)
2 . Using matlab Find minimum [x^2/2+cos[x],{x,1}] The line search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by Accuracy and Precision. It was unable to find a sufficient decrease in the function. This runs into problems because the real differences in the function are negligible compared to evaluation differences around the point, as can be seen from the plot. Plot[x^2/2+cos[x],{x,0, . 0004}], plot range up to {1-10^-15,1+10^-15}] Sometimes it can help to subtract out the constants so that small changes in the function are more significant.
findmimum[x^2/2 + cos[x]-1,{x,1}] {1.11022x10^-16, {x to 0.00024197}} In this case, however, the approximation is only slightly closer because the function is quite noisy near 0, as can be seen from the plot. Plot[x^2/2+cos[x]-1,{x,0, . 0004}]
Thus, to get closer to the correct value of zero, higher precision is required to compute the function more accurately. This is an example of a problem where the Newton step is very large because the starting point is at a position where the Jacobian (derivative) is nearly singular.
The step size is (not severely) limited by the option. Find root plot[cos[x Pi],{{x, -5}}
This shows the same example but with a more rigorous step-size limitation, which finds the root near the starting condition.
A new nonlinear conjugate gradient method and an associated
implementation, based on an inexact line search, are proposed and analyzed. With exact line search, our method reduces to a nonlinear version of the HestenesStiefel conjugate gradient scheme. For any (inexact) line search, the scheme satisfies the descent condition . Moreover, a global convergence result is
established when the line search fulfills the Wolfe conditions. A new line search scheme is developed that is efficient and highly accurate. Efficiency is achieved by exploiting properties of linear interpolants in a neighborhood of a local minimizer. High accuracy is achieved by using a convergence criterion, which we call the approximate Wolfe conditions, obtained by replacing the sufficient decrease criterion in theWolfe conditions with an approximation that can be evaluated with greater precision in a neighborhood of a local minimum than the usual sufficient decrease criterion. Numerical comparisons are given with both L-BFGS and conjugate gradient methods using the unconstrained optimization problems in the CUTE library.
Theoretical Discussion:
The essence of Powell's method is to add two steps to the process described in the preceding paragraph. The vector direction moved over represents, in some sense, the average steps in an
the n intermediate
variable along this vector and the minimization could be accomplished with an application of the golden ratio or Fibonacci searches. Finally, since the vector was such a good direction, it replaces one of the direction vectors for
the next iteration. The iteration is then repeated using the new set of direction vectors to generate a sequence of points outlined below. Let be an initial guess at the location of the minimum of the function . . In one step of the iteration
instead of a zig-zag path the iteration follows a "dog-leg" path. The process is
form the columns of the matrix U as follows: . Initialize the counter (i) Set (ii) For find the value of and set . , that minimizes . , .
(iv) Increment the counter (v) Find the value of and set .
. that minimizes ,
(vi) Repeat steps (i) through (v) until convergence is achieved. Algorithm (Powell's Method for Finding a Minimum). To numerically approximate a local minimum of and , where f is a continuous function of n real variables by starting with one point and using the "dog-leg" .
Sample Problems:
1. Find X1 and X2 for the function f (x, y) = cos(x) + sin(y). Use the initial point X0 = (5.5, 2). 1 =[ 0 f (P0 0 ] and P0 = X0 = (5.5, 2). When i = 1 the function 1 1U1) = f ((5.5, 2) = f (5.5 = cos(5.5 has a minimum at 1 = function f (P1 2U2) = f ((3.1415958, 2) = f (3.1415982, 2 = cos(3.1415982) P0) and =[ 0 1 2.3584042 ] 2.7123803 2(0, 1)) 2) sin(2 2) 1(1, 0)) 1) + sin(2) 1, 2)
The function f (P0 U2) = f ((5.5, 2) = f (5.5 = cos(5.5 ( 2.3584042, 2.7123803)) 2.7123903 ) sin(2 2.7123803 ) 2.3584042 ) 2.3584042 , 2
has a minimum at = 0.9816697. Thus X1 = (3.1848261, 4.6626615). Set P0 = X1. When i = 1 the function f (P0 1U1) = f ((3.1848261, 4.6626615) = f (3.1848261, 4.6626615 = cos(3.1848261) the function f (P1 2U2) = f ((3.1848261, 4.7123732) = f (3.1848261 2.71238092) has a minimum at 2 = 0.0078820. Thus P2 = (3.1662373, 4.7337521). Set U2 = (P2-P0) and =[ The function f (P0 U2) = f ((3.1848261, 4.6626615) = f (3.1848261 0.0710906 ) has a minimum at = 0.8035684. Thus X2 = (3.1698887, 4.7197876). 2. Determine the minimum of the following function using Powell's method starting at point xI = (2,2). Minimize: y = 2x12 + x22 x1x2. = cos(3.1848261 ( 0.0185889, 0.0710906)) 0.0710906 ) sin(4.6626615 0.0185889 , 4.6626615 0.0185889 ) 2.3584042 2.7123803 0.0185889 ] 0.0710906 = cos(3.1848261 2( 2.3584042, 2.7123809)) 2.71238092) 2.35840422, 4.7123732 1(0, 1)) 1) 1)
2.35840422) + sin(4.7123732 +
As shown in the figure, the procedure begins at point xI = (2,2), and step 0 locates the minimum on the contour tangent line sn, xo, by a single variable search along coordinate axis n (= 2) as follows: Step 0. or n=2 s1T = (1,0) s2T = (0,1) xIT = (2,2) xo = xI + I s2
y(xI) = 2(2)2 + (2 + xI)2 - (2)(2 + xI) Using an exact line search,xI = -1 and xoT = (2,1). Step 1. or s1T = (1,0) s2T = (0,1) xoT = (2,1) j = 1 x1 = xo + x1 s1
y(x1) = 2(2 + x1)2 + (1)2 - (2 + x1)(1) Using an exact line search, x1 = -7/4 and x1T = (,1). Replace s1 with s2 j = 2 x2 = x1 + 2 s2 or
y(x2) = 2()2 + (1 + x2)2 - ()(1 + x2) Using an exact line search, x2 = - 7/8 and x2T = (1/4, 1/8) Step 2. s2 is replaced with
y(3) = 2(1/4 - 1 3/4x3)2 + (1/8 - 7/8x3)2 - (1/4 - 1 3/4x3)(1/8 - 7/8x3) Using an exact line search, x3 = 1/7 and x3T = (0,0). x3 is the minimum of the quadratic function, and the procedure ends.
Application of the Powell method is the optimization of flow injection system. The performance of this algorithm has been compared with the modified simplex method. The system studied is the determination of ammonia, based on the indophenol blue reaction. A linear combination of sensitivity and sample throughput is used as the objective function because of its simultaneous optimization capability. Results obtained show that the proposed method may reach the optimal conditions with a lower number of experimental evaluations.