Ealthy: June Is Men's Health Month
Ealthy: June Is Men's Health Month
Ealthy: June Is Men's Health Month
becoming a
June 2012
remind all of the men in our lives who have taken care of us (dads, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, etc.) to devote more time to taking care of themselves. They should focus on becoming healthier men. The Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) reports that men are less likely to seek care for medical services than women. Men are 24% less likely to have had a visit with the doctor within the past year, 22% more negligent in managing their cholesterol, 24% more likely to be hospitalized for pneumonia, and 28% more likely to be hospitalized for congestive heart failure. The following guidelines can help men in their 30s, 40s,and 50s focus on their health and well-being:
multivitamin for supplementation will help reduce your risk of heart and brain disease. More men in their thirties are developing high cholesterol, blood pressure problems and diabetes. You should start understanding and knowing your numbers. Make sure that you ask your physician to test your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Sleep is a critical part of your healthy lifestyle regimen. Deep sleep occurs in the first four hours of your sleeping. During this period important functions such as tissue regeneration occurs. Try to get to bed early and make sleep a priority.
Men in their thirties still have the potential to push for performance in their exercise and fitness routines. During these years, men really need to focus on taking care of themselves to avoid excessive weight gain as they approach their forties. A good solid workout routine could maintain a fit and healthy body. Metabolic rates decline one percent every four years after age 20. To help support good nutrition, men should focus on building their diets around fish, leafy green vegetables, nuts, lean protein and low fat dairy products. Incorporating Omega-3 and a good
You will need to invest more into your body and health than in your thirties just to maintain your health. During your forties, your body produces about 30% less human growth hormone (than in your 20s),10% less testosterone and muscle mass is lost at about one percent a year around your mid forties. Less muscle mass results in the body needing fewer calories at a time when your body will naturally replace fading muscle with fat. To stop weight gain and muscle loss you will need to reduce your daily calorie intake by about 200 less than in your twenties. Focus on cardio workouts including interval training with short bursts of high intensity effort
alternated by rest. This will burn calories and increase lean muscle mass. Heart disease is the #1 killer of men in their forties. You should discuss with your physician a Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) which is an advanced screening that measures 22 different components of cholesterol. This provides much more information than a routine cholesterol test. You should confirm with your health plan if this is covered before scheduling the test. Other tests to consider are a metabolic panel to check for early signs of kidney and liver problems and a manual prostate exam (rather than a PSA test as research shows these to provide limited diagnostic value). Eating balanced meals with lean protein and whole grains several hours before you exercise is going to provide the maximum benefit in your personal fitness plan. You should not snack while you train and you should eat or drink something with protein and carbs immediately afterwards. 2,000 IUs of vitamin D daily is recommended.
Rest and recovery are primary requirements for your body at this age. You should use nutrition to fight inflammation; make sure that you know your numbers and look for early indicators of diabetes. Researchers have found that systemic inflammation caused by stress, lack of exercise, and most of all a bad diet, to be a root causes of chronic disease in your 50s. Cutting out sugar and eating anti-inflammatory foods like avocados, walnuts, olive oil, fish and leafy green vegetables helps to reduce chronic disease. You should work with your physician to get your annual physical including the following: regular prostate exams, colonoscopy, blood pressure, cholesterol, C-reactive protein (to understand your bodys inflammation), and blood glucose tests. Finally get more quality sleep by avoiding flickering lights from TV, computers and smart phones at least 30 minutes before sleep. The tests recommended in this article can help you develop a baseline for managing your health. Remember that before you change your workout, diet, supplementation or sleeping habits talk to your physician to make sure your routine is right and safe for you.
Your body will continue to decline at the same pace as it does in your 40s.The combined changes that your body has experienced over the last decade results in wrinkles, love handles, and an increased chance of developing prostate and colon cancer.
Soup - Soup is a dish which should always be consumed prior to having dinner. It can curb your hunger and gives you a feeling of fullness which can prevent overeating. Lean Turkey - Lean turkey, if eaten in a limited quantity, will help bolster the bodys metabolism and will not be converted to fat. Hence, consumption of lean turkey will help promote weight loss. Beans - Beans are one of the most effective fat burning foods for men. Beans are a natural appetite suppressant and are therefore beneficial for weight loss. Beans also contain high percentages of fiber and protein, which help ensure effective digestion. Jalapenos - Jalapenos are rich in capsaicin. Foods like jalapenos which are rich in capsaicin greatly help in boosting the bodys metabolism. Whole Grain Cereal - Whole grain cereal contains a very high percentage of carbohydrates which help to increase your metabolism. The secretion of insulin in the body is also kept in check by the consumption of whole grain cereal. Most importantly, whole grain cereal consumed in controlled quantities, will help you to lose weight. Milk - Milk is one of the most widely consumed foods. It is also recommended as a fat burning food for men. Milk is high in calcium, which again increases the metabolic rate of the body. Milk also helps to keep the insulin secretion in the body to a bare minimum, which in turn boosts metabolism. Oats - Oats are rich in fiber content and this aids in boosting metabolism. It has been observed that metabolic rates increase by up to 10% after eating oats. Egg Yolk - It is a popular belief that yolk is extremely high in fat content and is considered to be one of the worst fat burning foods for men.
In reality however, the egg yolk helps to burn fat in the body. The cholesterol that is present in the yolk helps maintain the nutritional balance of the body. Your body will get vitamins, minerals, and many other essential nutrients from egg yolk. Grass Fed Beef - If you like eating beef and you want to continue having beef, you should go for grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is high in content of omega 6 and omega 3 fat. This fat, particularly helps to cushion the muscles in the body and does not get stored as fat if consumed in a controlled and nominal quantity. These foods are surely going to help your weight loss program but it is important to remember that a combination of proper diet and effective exercises is what will ensure sustained weight management.
Health Facts or Fiction? Heres why some beliefs about certain foods, medical conditions and treatments are surprisingly off target and why a couple of old wives tales now have scientific validation. Unless you are allergic to animals, having a dog or cat can make you healthier. Answer: TRUE. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) point out that numerous studies show owning a dog or cat (or another type of pet) can have a host of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and helping depression. One of the health advantages to owning a pet is that it often increases the opportunities for exercise for example, dog owners may take daily walks with their pooches. For more information visit: http://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/health_benefits.htm Once you have type 2 diabetes and need to take medication to regulate your blood sugar, youll have to take the meds for the rest of your life. Answer: FALSE. According to statistics from the CDC, 25.8 million people, or 8.3 percent of the U.S. population, are affected by either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The vast majority have type 2 diabetes, which is primarily caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. Some people can control the condition by watching their diet; others need to also take medication daily to control blood sugar. Some type 2 diabetics, however, can actually reverse their condition completely and drop their blood sugar back to the normal range by exercising regularly, losing weight and improving their diets. In fact, a recent study published in the medical journal Diabetologia demonstrated that type 2 diabetes in some people can be reversed in one to eight weeks through lifestyle changes. Its important to note however, that without exercise, dietary changes and weight control, the diabetes will come back. And if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, do not stop taking your medication without your doctors approval.
If you have a bad cold, taking antibiotics will help you get over it quicker. Answer: FALSE. Colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics are only effective against bacteria. So, antibiotics do nothing to shorten the length of a cold or make it less severe. Whats more, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) warn that using antibiotics inappropriately for a cold can lead to antibiotic resistance making it more likely those medicines will not work well for you in the future when you actually need them for a bacterial infection. Antibiotics may be appropriate however, if your doctor diagnoses a secondary bacterial infection following a cold.
Stop cracking your knuckles! It will cause arthritis in your fingers later in life. Answer: FALSE (probably). According to Peter Bonafede, M.D., medical director of the Providence Arthritis Center at Providence Portland Medical Center, who responded to this question on the Providence Medical Center web site, the answer is likely not. The few studies that have specifically looked at knuckle cracking havent found a link to arthritis. Dr. Bonafede did note that some people have injured their hands from knuckle cracking, so its not a good idea (besides, its very annoying to the non-knuckle crackers sitting near you). Humans only use ten percent of their brains. Answer: FALSE. The idea that humans use only 10 percent of their brains has been accepted as fact for about a hundred years, according to Indiana University physicians Dr. Aaron E. Carroll and Dr. Rachel C. Vreeman, authors of Don't Swallow Your Gum!: Myths, Half-Truths, and Outright Lies About Your Body and Health. However, evidence from neuroscience research shows that people use far more than 10 percent of their brains and no one has found the supposed non functioning 90 percent.
Countless moms have told their children eating carrots is good for their eyes and they were right! Answer: TRUE. It turns out that this "old wives' tale" is actually sound science. According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science, carrots are rich in the phytonutrients known as carotenoids. Carotenoids (yellow, orange and red pigments synthesized by plants and found in many colored vegetables and fruits) may prevent age related eye diseases and theyve also been found to improve vision. Scientists from the University of Georgia evaluated data from multiple studies to investigate the effects of carotenoids and concluded that they play an important role in human vision, including keeping the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye, the retina, healthy.
Cant sleep? Drinking warm milk before bed will ease you into dreamland. Answer: FALSE. In their book Don't Swallow Your Gum!: Myths, Half-Truths, and Outright Lies About Your Body and Health, Dr. Carroll and Dr. Vreeman note that warm milk was recommended for insomnia in the Talmud over a thousand years ago. In modern times, the fact that milk contains a substance called tryptophan has often been cited as a reason it supposedly induces sleepiness. However, it turns out theres no scientific evidence warm milk has enough tryptophan, or any other snooze producing chemicals, to send you off to dreamland. An apple a day really may keep the doctor away: eating apples regularly has important health benefits and may even reduce the risk of some cancers. Answer: TRUE. Numerous studies published over the past few years have revealed that apples are indeed extraordinarily healthy foods. Research published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart showed that eating white fruit (largely apples) regularly, reduced the risk of stroke by 52 percent. Another study headed by University of Iowa endocrinologist Dr. Christopher Adams found that a chemical in apple peels may block muscle atrophy as people age. In addition, Dr. Rui Hai Liu, Cornell associate professor of food science, is currently studying compounds in apples that either inhibit or kill human liver, colon and breast cancer cells in the lab.
Reading in dim light can make you squint, but it wont do any damage to your eyesight. Answer: TRUE. Yes, generations of children have been warned by parents that reading in dim light will damage vision. However, researchers published an article recently in the British Medical Journal affirming this is a myth. Lighting that isnt optimal can decrease the rate of blinking and lead to dry eyes and might make you squint but theres no persistent change or damage caused to your vision. Shaving hair causes it to grow back faster, darker or coarser. Answer: FALSE. This common belief certainly appears to be real when you feel coarse stubble after shaving. But multiple recent studies have shown this is an illusion, according to Dr. Vreeland. When hair grows back after shaving, it does appear to be coarser. However, thats only because it doesnt have the fine taper of unshaved hair. It may also seem darker because it hasnt been exposed to the sun like the hair you shaved away. Chicken soup has been scientifically proven to help treat cold symptoms. Answer: TRUE. Nobody can say grandmas chicken soup actually cures a cold, but several studies show the homemade variety does soothe symptoms. Dr. Carroll and Dr. Vreeman point out that the warm liquid may help clear mucus, but it is also possible that something in chicken soup actually fights infections. One group of researchers found that homemade chicken soup inhibited the movement of neutrophil cells association with inflammation.
Need to keep your cholesterol in check? Avoid eggs because they are loaded with cholesterol and may raise your risk of heart disease. Answer: FALSE. Florida State University researchers examined the relationship between cardiovascular disease risk factors and dietary intake of eggs. The results? There was no link between egg consumption and high cholesterol levels or other heart disease risk factors. This study supports previous research published in the International Journal of Obesity which found no significant difference in blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides between people who ate eggs for breakfast and those who ate bagels. Applying hydrogen peroxide to a wound isnt a good way to avoid infection. In fact, it could make the problem worse. Answer: TRUE. According to the American Medical Association, hydrogen peroxide does have at least one benefit if you have a cut: it can help wash out dirt, debris and dead tissue. But dont count on it as a way to avoid infection. Several studies have found that hydrogen peroxide doesnt inhibit bacterial growth and that wounds treated with topical antibiotic ointments heal more quickly. In fact, peroxide can damage some of the healthy tissue around a wound. Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery or cabbage soup rev up your metabolism and help you burn fat and lose weight. Answer: FALSE. No foods can burn fat. It is true that some drinks with caffeine may speed up your metabolism for a short time, but they dont cause you to lose weight, according to experts at the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The following link has more information on diet myths: http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/myths.htm#dietmyths A famous episode of the l990s hit TV show Friends featured a plot that revealed a little known medical fact: urine is a good emergency treatment for a jellyfish sting. Answer: FALSE. Back in 1997, all the characters from Friends went to the beach where Monica suffered a jellyfish sting and Joey recalled from a documentary that urinating on the sting would relieve the pain. However, in the real world this isnt a good idea at all and could cause more discomfort. According to Dr. Christopher Holstege, a toxicologist and professor of emergency medicine at the University of Virginia, the appropriate first aid is to rinse the area with saltwater which will deactivate any jellyfish stingers hanging onto the skin. Fresh water changes the concentration of salts inside and outside the stingers and can have the opposite effect. Hate those air blow dryers in public restrooms that dry out your hands? Go ahead and use the paper towels instead. Using the air dryer doesnt keep your hands any cleaner. Answer: TRUE. Dr. Keith Redway of the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Westminster in London has conducted extensive research on whether hand dryers that blow warm air or plain old paper towels are more sanitary. The winner? Paper towels. In fact, paper towels were found to significantly reduce the amount of bacteria on the hands.
Moisturize your Skin Using a moisturizer is important for skin to look younger. Apply every time after washing your face to avoid dryness in the skin. Dryness exaggerates signs of aging in the face and the body. Moisturizer will definitely help in reducing dryness. Drink Water Drink plenty of water every day. It is the easiest and best way to improve skin health. It gives skin better tone and a more youthful look. The majority of your body's cells are made of water, and drinking water is the only way to keep hydrated. Increase your intake of water if you are a drinker of beverages such as coffee, soda and alcohol to avoid dehydrating. Consuming adequate fluid intake is important for a glowing and clean skin. Sleep Well Getting appropriate sleep is very important for the health of your skin. Lack of sleep can result in bags under your eyes and health problems. So, sleep well to get a healthy and youthful skin appearance. Avoid Smoking Smoking creates wrinkles and lines around your eyes, mouth and other parts of the face. It can also make your skin dull, and leads to promoting skin aging. Smoking causes many health problems that accelerate aging. Eat Healthy Eating appropriate amounts of healthy foods chicken, fish, fruits, and vegetables with a good amount of carbs will keep you healthy and young. A balanced diet and physical activities are an essential part of your skin care. Eat more fruits and vegetables, which contain many anti-oxidants that can reverse skin damage. You can take a multivitamin rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin E in the absence of a good diet. Try to avoid greasy and fried food. Use olive oil in place of butter in your cooking. It is healthier and, will allow your skin to retain its elasticity longer. Aftershave Skin Care Using aftershave lotion is an important part of a mans skin care regime. Alcohol based aftershave lotions may close the pores on your facial skin. Choose the aftershave lotion which suits your skin type. A
moisturizer based or an antiseptic aftershave lotion can revitalize the skin after shaving. However, make sure to be careful and read the contents and ingredients carefully before purchasing an aftershave. Exercise Regularly Exercise will help you to maintain your skin tone and improves flexibility in your body. Aerobic exercises are very good for your health and skin. Men who are physically fit and trim look much younger. Exercise is an Excellent Tonic for Skin Health. It will clear your pores, increase your metabolism and make you feel better about yourself.
This recipe is versatile and will appeal to the entire family due to the variety of ingredient options. Besides chicken, kabobs can also be made with sirloin tips, swordfish, shrimp or no meat at all for a great vegetarian treat. Cook Time: 812 minutes Makes: 12 Servings (serving size 1 kabob) Calories: 130 per Kabob
1 large bottle of light Italian dressing 2 lbs of boneless chicken breasts, cut into chunks 1 pint of cherry tomatoes 3 green and 3 red peppers, cut into thick pieces 1 zucchini, sliced 6 vidalia onions, quartered and separated 1 pint of button mushrooms or baby portabella 3 tbsp olive oil 2 cloves of garlic, chopped well 12 bamboo BBQ skewers, soaked in water for an hour or overnight
Place the chicken and the dressing into a
and veggies.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill for 2 minutes each side, turning three
times, until chicken is cooked through and the veggies have a nice carmelization.
Of the Month:
Is Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?
Nutrition Breakdown
1/2 cup of tomatoes (chopped or sliced) Calories Protein Fiber Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium 16 0.79 g 1.1 g 15 % 19 % 0.9 mg
Tomatoes are a sure sign of summer, with their juicy subtle sweetness enhancing the flavor of many dishes. They are
an excellent source of nutrition as well as making any table setting look colorful and inviting. So summer or winter, raw, canned or cooked, any time is a good time for this versatile super food. Although the facts about tomatoes put them in the fruit category, it is a food that we commonly think of and use as a vegetable. And, unlike many foods, some aspects of the nutritional value of tomatoes actually improve with cooking.
It is always wise to use the correct tool for the job at hand. Working with a power tool to accomplish something it wasn't designed for will probably damage the tool and injure you in the process. If you acquire a new tool always familiarize yourself with it's safe operation by reading the instruction manual. The developers designed the tool to be used in a particular way which must be followed. Any kind of power tool not in use should be isolated from it's power source by disconnecting it, and never carry it around hanging from it's power cord. It's really a great idea to wear close fitting overalls that cover your whole body. Likewise wear work gloves to minimize hand injuries. Protect your extremities by wearing a hard hat and work boots with steel toe caps. Use a mask whenever conditions are dusty. Electric power tools should not be used in the rain and always keep them dry. Check the power cord on a power tool prior to use and search for loose connections, plug or insulation damage. Small cuts to the insulation can be mended with insulation tape but deep cuts mean you will have to replace the cord. Dust collected within the work area and the presence of flammable liquids represents a fire risk so keep
your work area clean and tidy. Fewer accidents happen in a clean work area, with room to move around. Remember that power tools like circular saws, nail guns and table saws are potentially more hazardous than other tools so take more precaution when using them. Keep tools in a safe location, where kids or others cannot access them. Make sure there is enough light when you are working. Being aware of these safety steps and putting them into practice makes using power tools a safer and more productive experience. You'll want to take safety precautions whenever using tools that are new to you. You wont save money doing work yourself if you are injured. Make sure to learn as much as you can before you get started, and don't be afraid to ask questions. The lumber yards and hardware stores in your area are often a great source of information.
We would like your feedback and personal stories to use and feature in future publications. Your Personal Wellness Story: If you have a personal health or wellness story that you think would inspire others, please feel free to send a brief letter and your picture to our editor. Corrina@HealthierU.net You can also use the above email address to provide us with comments or ideas for future editions. We appreciate any and all feedback that we receive. Thank you for reading and contributing. We sincerely hope that we can become a healthier part of becoming a healthier you.
The Becoming a Healthy You Newsletter is prepared for you by HealthierU Event Planning and Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. The contributions included in this newsletter do not specifically reflect your employer and is provided complimentary to GBS clients for distribution to their employees. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any changes in diet, exercise or recommendations made by this publication.