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FTTH Explained: Delivering Efficient Customer Bandwidth and Enhanced Services

Michael Kunigonis Product Line Manager Access Corning Cable Systems Overview
Telecommunication carriers worldwide have come to the realization that their aging copper access infrastructure is being taxed as residential and business customers utilize ever-increasing, symmetrical bandwidth-intensive applications. The telecommunications landscape has matured to a point that carriers seek to offer network convergence and enable the revolution of consumer media device interaction. These demands are being met by the deeper penetration of optical fiber in access networks and increasing deployment of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH). As a result, FTTH is the fastest-growing global broadband technology, with significant deployments in Asia, Europe, and North America. This tutorial provides details on why carriers are deploying FTTH today and details the architectures and protocols used in its deployment. Passive optical networks (PONs) and pointto-point (PTP) networks will be defined, as well as the multiple supporting protocols and standards such as ATM and Ethernet and their resulting video capabilities. Considerable time will be spent comparing and contrasting the deployment of fiber-to-the-home, building, curb, and node; collectively known as fiber-to-the-x (FTTx). Finally, the components and technologies used in the outside plant will be detailed.

The twenty-first century heralded countless changes across our landscape; arguably none will be more important than the transformation of our telecommunications providers means to deliver services to residential and business consumers. This phenomenon is being underpinned by two technologies: Internet protocol (IP) and optical fiber. Today, the technology is available to provide voice, video, and data services over a common protocolIP.
Forecasted Subscriber Bandwidth Demand Carriers are quickly moving to maximize the number of services they 21 Mbps 36 Mbps VOD/PVR offer to a single customer via a 60 bundled offering. Technologies such 2x Phone HDTV 50 2x SDTV as voice over IP (VoIP), IP television 2x HDTV (IPTV), and broadband are becoming 40 HSD SDTV Phone commonplace across our society. As SDTV 30 HDTV bundled services and technologies are Teleworking HSD deployed, carriers are realizing that 20 their original networks, designed to On-line Gaming efficiently deliver a single service, are 10 stressed and in many cases incapable Internet 0 of offering the desired services. Figure Future Home Today's Mbps 1 depicts forecasted subscriber Phone Line Home with new service and bandwidth demand (note compression new compression schemes include schemes MPEG-4 and Microsoft Windows Figure 1 9/VC1). Todays networks are being designed to provide more than 20 megabits per second (Mbps) while three to five years from now,

carriers will need capability of more than 40 Mbps as multiple services are used in the home, high-definition TV (HDTV) becomes more prevalent, and users demand faster Internet connections. This is resulting in the largest investment in the access network since the turn of the century and the wiring of the western world for voice services. Leading this investment wave is the deployment of single-mode optical fiber deeper into these access networks to curb the high bandwidth requirements of their customers. Increasingly, carriers are finding that deploying the fiber all the way to the customer enables network futureproofing, maximizes the symmetrical bandwidth throughput of a carriers access network, provides for network reliability, reaps significantly reduced operating expenses and affords enhanced revenue opportunities. The industry refers to this technology as FTTH.

The deployment of optical fiber in an access network can be achieved in multiple ways. In fact, many access technologies are commonly referred to as FTTx when in fact they are simply combinations of optical fiber and twisted pair or coaxial cable networks. These technologies do not provide for the inherent capability of an FTTH network. Nonetheless, it will be useful for us to discuss them later in this tutorial. FTTH is simply the 100 percent deployment of optical fiber in the access network. It is commonly deployed in two specific configurations. In the first one, fiber is dedicated to each user in the access network. This is called a point-toPTP/AOEN point (PTP) network. In the second, one fiber is shared (via a power splitter) among a set number of users, typically between Home Switch in sixteen and thirty-two. This is called a Run MDU/MTU passive optical network (PON). There are advantages and disadvantages to the deployment of PTP and PON networks based on financial, bandwidth, and component considerations. PTP networks are characterized by the use of one fiber and laser per user. They Figure 2 are the simplest FTTH networks to design. PTP networks are sometimes referred to as all-optical Ethernet networks (AOEN). Figure 2 illustrates several examples of how PTP architectures might be deployed. Again, a dedicated fiber is terminated at the subscriber and active devices at the central office (CO) for a telecommunications provider or head end in the case of a cable TV (CATV) operator or a remote device in the field. The remote device or switch in the field is always an active device and must be powered. Single-mode or multimode fiber media can be used throughout the PON network. PTP networks have active electronics in the field, are inherently simple, are fiber-rich and require no sharing of fiber or bandwidth for the Network subscriber.
Access Point

Single-mode/ Multimode solution

Central Office Head End

PONs are characterized by the splitting of the optical fiber one or more times in the field, resulting in the sharing of the optical fiber among multiple users. The fiber in a PON is typically shared by sixteen to thirty-two users. Hence the bandwidth of the fiber originating at the

Local Convergence Point

Central Office/ Head End/OLT

Figure 3


CO/HE is shared among a group of users. The splitting of the network is accomplished by an optical splitter. These splitters can split the fiber one to thirty-two times and, by their nature, introduce inherently high losses in the network. Therefore, their use is limited because of the power budget considerations of the network. A PON will have less optical reach than a PTP network, which does not use splitters. Typically a PON is capable of reaching subscribers 20 kilometers (km) from the original transmitter, which will cover 98 percent of the population. A PON uses no electronics in the field and is supported by a set of mature standards and is the most widely deployed FTTH architecture in the United States. Figure 3 illustrates the multiple configurations of a PON. The individual components of a PON will be discussed in more detail in the FTTH Outside Plant Components section of this tutorial. Carriers deploying PONs have additional architectural choices to sort throughmost notably, deciding between a centralized splitter and a distributed/cascading splitter arrangement. Both are deployed for different reasons depending on the tradeoffs of their specific characteristics. A centralized split provides for a central location for all the PON splitterstypically in a passive, field-rated cabinet (see Figure 4 for example). Carriers looking to maximize port efficiency in the CO/HE and use of 1x32 splitters to maximize the shared capacity of the fiber plant will be drawn to a central split configuration. This results in minimizing the number of transmitters used in the CO/HE and optical splitters and fiber in the field. Centralized split architecture also provides for a better overall loss measurement for the PON, thereby increasing network reliability. A single 1x32 splitter has less loss than 1x2 and 1x16 or 1x4 and 1x8 cascaded splitters or any combination of 1x16, 1x8, 1x4 and 1x2 Figure 4: Centralized Split splitters in the network. This improves optical reach and the reduction of optical components is directly proportional to increased reliability of the network via the reduction in points of failure. In addition, centralized split has been shown to minimize capital expenditures (CAPEX) of splitters initially in the network, facilitating a pay-asyou-grow approach because of the higher splitter output port efficiency at low to medium take rates. Centralized split also provides for simplification of network troubleshooting and fault location that directly translate into labor savings. A distributed/cascaded split configuration results in pushing splitters deeper into the network (see Figure 5 for an example). As the splitters are not centralized, the requirement for field cabinets is reduced or removed as splitters are commonly incorporated into modified enclosures or even back in the CO/HE. The sharing of a CO/HE transmitter among 32 users is still achieved through the distribution of multiple splitters along the
Figure 5: Distributed Split

optical pathfor example, a 1x4 followed by a 1x8, at different locations in the network, results in bandwidth sharing among 32 users. The deep positioning of splitters can result in the stranding of splitter assets as the carrier awaits new subscribers on the network or take rates are low. Network testing and fault location can be more difficult with a distributed/cascade split configuration as it is difficult for test equipment to see through an array of splitters along the optical loop. Network reliability can be affected by increased optical components.

Protocols and Standards

Transmission standards utilized in FTTH networks are based on ATM and Ethernet technologies. Carriers are extremely familiar with both technologies, which support a variety of services. Today, most PTP networks use Ethernet technology and are governed under Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 803.2ah standards. PTP networks are simply an extension of legacy Ethernet used in metropolitan and enterprise spaces and extended into the access network. Bandwidth rates are only limited to the transmitter type at the CO/HE and the home. The majority of municipally owned and shared FTTH networks and early FTTH deployments in Japan utilized PTP networks. PONs provide a wide array of technology and protocol choices for the carrier. The full-service access network (FSAN) initiative oversees the development of PONs. Comprised of more than 20 global carriers, the FSAN works with leading vendors to agree on common technology platforms for delivering converged services. The FSAN, not a standards organization, submits recommendations for adoption to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Figure 6 provides a complete breakdown of the PON protocols and the respective capabilities. Earlier PON deployments utilized ATM PON (APON), which evolved into broadband PON

Figure 6: xPON Protocols

(BPON). Broadband PON is governed by ITU G.983. The A/BPON protocol is characterized by having two downstream wavelengths and one upstream wavelength. The 1550 nanometer (nm) and 1490 nm wavelengths are used for downstream traffic, with the 1490nm channel typically an IP channel for voice and data service. The 1550nm channel will be used for a radio frequency (RF) or IP video overlay. Providing 622 Mbps shared electronics are able to dynamically provide 20 to 30 Mbps per subscriber. Time division multiple access (TDMA), recommended by FSAN, is used for all down/upstream traffic. An alternative to A/BPON networks is Ethernet PON (EPON), governed by IEEE 803.2ah. EPON only uses two wavelengths and exclusively uses IP. The 1550 nm wavelength is used for downstream traffic, and the 1310 nm wavelength is used for upstream traffic. Capable of 1.25 Gbps in shared bandwidth, EPON under best-effort conditions provides for 100 Mbps but typically provides for bandwidth of 30 to 40 Mbps. GigaEthernet PON (GePON) can increase shared bandwidth to 2.5 Gbps. Broadband PON has evolved into Gigabit PON (GPON) to address bandwidth and protocol limitations. Capable of up to 2.5 Gbps shared bandwidth among 32 users; GPON utilizes the

same wavelength plan of BPON. It is governed under ITU standard G.984 and provides for protocol flexibility across ATM, Ethernet, and TDM platforms.

FTTH Outside Plant Components

A wide array of outside plant components is used to build FTTH networks. The earliest FTTH networks borrowed from the designs of metro and long-haul networks and became simple extensions of these networks. Soon it became clear to the industry, though, that if FTTH was to become ubiquitous, specialized products and installation methodologies would have to be introduced. Innovation would be required to tackle the high cost of access networks, address deployment velocity, and improve network reliability. All FTTH networks inherently are designed to deliver an optical fiber to the subscriber. However, their design is highly dependent on the unique nature of the access environment, so product and design flexibility is critical. At their core, FTTH networks contain an optical line terminal (OLT), optical cable, and optical network terminal (ONT). Various other specialized components are added to address the unique nature of the access network. The OLT is typically at the CO/HE but can also be in a remote terminal in the field. The OLT houses the laser transmitters dedicated to each user in a PTP network or shared across several users in a PON. The OLT is also the aggregation point of voice from the public switch telephone network (PSTN), data from a router, and video via its multiple forms. The optical fiber carries the signal to the user and is divided into three sections: feeder cable (terminated at the CO/HE), distribution cable (fanning out across the access network and connect to the feeder cable feeds), and drop cable (used to physically connect the users to the FTTH network). As a medium, optical fibers bandwidth is only limited by the transmitters of the OLT and hence future-proofs the access network because of its tremendous bandwidth capacity. The ONT receives the signal from the OLT and converts it into usable electronic signals that a users telephone, computer, TV, or any other number of devices can receive. The ONT also serves to communicate IP traffic back to the OLT such that voice conversations can occur, Web pages can be requested, and TV channels can be changed. Typically, the ONT is connected to a battery backup device providing a limited time period (typically eight hours standby) of lifeline services. As discussed, PTP networks are characterized by their simplicity. A PTP network minimizes the number of components in the field and has all the items described above as well as enclosures used to connect the multiple cables deployed in the field. PON networks more efficiently utilize the optical fiber in the field and the transmitters of the OLT. Therefore, their design is more complex than PTP. Beyond the OLT, optical cable and ONT, the PON includes many specialized components that serve to address the cost, deployment, and reliability concerns of earlier FTTH deployments (see Figure 7). The most important of these is the optical splitter. Depending on the split architecture chosen, splitters can take the form of 1x32, 1x16, 1x8, 1x4, or 1x2 and can be almost anywhere in the access network. As discussed, many carriers choose the centralized split architecture

Figure 7: Typical PON Components

because of its inherent efficiencies. The aggregation of splitters is typically in a cabinet called a local convergence point (LCP). This is where feeder cable ends and distribution cable begins (from here, each customer has a dedicated fiber). The distribution cable then snakes its way into the neighborhoods and buildings of the access network. When a distribution cable nears a user, a network access point (NAP) is used to access a small number of optical fibers in the cable. From this point, drop cables, usually containing one to four fibers, are used to connect to the subscribers ONT. A recent standardized innovation in the drop cable and NAP is the use of environmentally hardened connectors. Legacy networks connected all the optical fibers of all access components with an optical splice, either mechanical or fusion. While typically introducing little optical loss into the network, the splice introduced high cost into the network deployed because of the time involved to achieve one splice and the technician skill level and equipment deployment requirement. Connectors eliminate these costs, greatly improving deployment velocity while introducing little loss into a network because of the short loop lengths inherent in access networks. FTTH network connectors are standardized technology governed by Telcordia GR-3120.

FTTx Explained
The industry today has earmarked the general penetration of fiber into the access network as FTTx. This has created some confusion, though, as FTTx covers several architectures and protocols. In fact, some of todays digital subscriber line (DSL) and hybrid fiber coax (HFC) networks qualify as FTTx networks because of their use of fiber in the access, as does a PON. Hence, it is best when referring to a deep fiber penetration network to refer to its actual architecture. The most common architectures are fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), fiber-to-the-building (FTTB), fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC), and fiber-to-the-node (FTTN). Each of these has a different physical architecture, as depicted in Figure 8.
FIBER-TO-THE-HOME Distribution Feeder Central Office OLT Local Convergence Point (1 x 32) Network Access Point NID ONU Central Office OLT Existing building UTP or CAT5 and copper NID

FIBER-TO-THE-BUILDING Distribution Feeder

Remote Terminal (1 x 3/500)


Drop Home Run Existing Copper NID

Existing FIBER-TO-THE-NODE Copper NID Feeder Central Office Fiber Terminal 0km Remote Terminal (1 x 3/500) Distance Distribution/Drop Home Run Fiber Copper Up to 20km

Distribution Central Office OLT 0km Feeder

Remote Terminal (1 x 8/12) Distance Up to 20km

Figure 8: FTTx Architectures

As we have discussed extensively, FTTH pushes fiber all the way to individual residential dwellings. FTTH is completely free of copper in the outside plant and typically provides for 30 to 100 Mbps service, but because of the inherent characteristics of optical fiber, it can provide literally infinite bandwidth. FTTB typically uses the PTP architecture in the outside plant, providing a dedicated fiber to each building or block of buildings. The fiber is terminated at a remote terminal (RT), which is an active device requiring powering and security typically in the basement, communications room or utility closet. If the building is outfitted with CAT5 cable to each dwelling unit, an Ethernet local-area network (ELAN) is installed to provide shared bandwidth of 10 or 100 Mbps. If twisted pair is only available, the RT is a digital subscriber line access multiplexer

(DSLAM) and is installed to provide requirement bandwidth services offering up to 50 Mbps; todays FTTB applications are providing about 10 Mbps. FTTC typically pushes fiber to about 500 to 1,000 feet from the subscriber, terminating at an RT and serving eight to twelve subscribers. FTTN is similar in architecture to FTTC except that the RT is positioned much further from the subscribersup to 5,000 feetand will serve three to 500 subscribers. Both utilize existing twisted pair outside plant to connect to the customer. Bandwidth is dictated by DSL technology and copper loop length. Very-high-data-rate DSL (VDSL) and VDSL2 works best at longer loop lengths and is predominantly used for FTTN, while symmetric DSL2 (ADSL2), 2+ and 2++ are being used in todays FTTC systems. Signals over copper significantly degrade over long distances, directly affecting the bandwidth capability. In the most extreme conditions (four to five km), some customers may not even be able to be served by DSL. If copper conditions warrant in some cases, the carrier will use both twisted pairs to boost the bandwidth throughput. Both architectures have afforded about 20 Mbps service in the laboratory. Due to shorter copper loop lengths in a FTTC network, the operator has improved scalability from a bandwidth perspective. Large-scale deployments of FTTC and FTTN are planned in the future. Fiber penetration directly correlates to the bandwidth throughput of each defined architecture and, therefore, the service capability for the operator. As discussed earlier, the bandwidth requirements of each carrier differ, but all are growing. The carrier must take this into account as it deliberates over the desired architecture to deploy. Fiber penetration is also an indicator on the capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenditures (OPEX) expected. Deep fiber will result in a higher CAPEX for existing neighborhoods, but is actually near cost parity with all architectures for new builds. Deep fiber will deliver the maximum amount of OPEX savings comparably. FTTH enables the delivery of savings because of reductions in cost for network, central office, and outside plant operations as well as customer service. Network reliability dramatically increases as well, with FTTH ensuring a steady stream of revenue and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Carriers from Boston to Berlin, and Seoul to Sydney are faced with an access network problem on how to upgrade an access network that is currently considerably taxed by the need to provide more bandwidth to residential and business consumers. Universally, carriers are choosing to place fiber deeper in the access network to overcome the limitations of copper but are faced with myriad architecture choices. Today, many are investigating the deployment of FTTH, whether it is PON or PTP, centralized split versus distributed, while still many more are in the midst of rehabilitating significant portions of their access network with FTTH. FTTH is being chosen because it maximizes bandwidth to the residence; future-proofs ones network; and provides for enhanced network reliability, increased customer satisfaction, expanded service capability, and improved network OPEX. This tutorial defined the architectures and protocols used in the deployment of FTTH and the components and required technologies used in the outside plant. There were comparisons and contrasts to the deployment of the family of FTTx architectures addressing how FTTH is used today to efficiently and effectively address carrier bandwidth, deployment, and service concerns.

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