PRV Sizing For Exchanger Tube Rupture

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The document discusses sizing pressure relief valves (PRVs) for heat exchanger tube ruptures and outlines a step-by-step procedure for calculating the required PRV load. It also discusses different flow patterns and assumptions made in the calculations.

The four different scenarios discussed are: vapor flowing through break without phase change, liquid flowing through break without phase change, liquid flowing through break with phase change, and two-phase (vapor and liquid) flowing through break.

The assumptions made are that the tube rupture is considered a sharp break in only one tube, with the high pressure fluid flowing through the break to the low pressure side. A sophisticated flow model is not necessary.

_ .. _. - -- --.----- _.-_.

_---- -------
for exchanger
:tube rupture
A comprehensive step-by-step
approach to calculating required
pressure relief valve (PRV) load
Wing Y. Wong, SlOthert-Christenson Engineering Ltd.,
Burnaby, B.C., Canada
Heat exchanger tube rupture is one of the common over-
pressure scenarios of pressure relief valve (PRV) design. ASME
Code VIII-I' indicates that heat exchangers shall be protected
with a relieving device of sufficient to avoid over-
pressure in case of an imernal failure. But It does not provide
any guidance on how to size a PRY and how to define the
required relief load. API RP 520 Part I' and API RP 521' do
offer some guidelines for heat exchanger tube rupture in PRY
design, but they are too general to be used to perfonn a detailed
calculation or to do a relief system analysis. Furthermore, API
520's two-phase flow calculation concepts contradict its own
assumptions,6 which makes its design approach infeasible. A
detailed PRY design procedure for heat exchanger tube rupture
will be di scussed.
The validity of a heat exchanger tube rupture case. API
RP 521, Sec. 3.15.2' recommends that complete tube failure be
considered a viabl e contingency when the design pressure of
the low pressure side is less than two-thirds of the design pres-
sure of the high pressure side. Here the design pressure is
equal to or less than maximum allowable working pressure
(MAWP) .
Basically this standard has been widely accepted by the oil
and chemical industries and proven effective at quantifying the
requirements of PRVs for heat exchanger tube rupture. It is a
practical and conservative standard.
One should avoid the tendency to use operating pressure
instead of design pressure (MAWP) for the high pressure side
in the two-thirds rul e recommended by API, even though the
modification does create certain room for eliminating some
originally required PRVs, such as the following heat exchanger
Low pressure (L.P.) side: design pressure (D.P.) = 180 psig
High pressure (H.P.) side: design pressure (D.P.)= 300 psig
operating pressure = 250 psig
According to API's standard:
D_P. of L.P.ID.P. of H.P. = 180/300 = 0_6 < 2/3 and tube rup-
ture is a valid case.
But based on the modified standard:
D.P. ofL.P./O.P. ofH.P. = 180/250 = 0_72 > 2/3 and tube rup-
ture can be ignored.
Quite obviously, it is 'an economical design by usilJg oper- .
adng pressure to replace the design pressure to manipulate the
design calculation. However, the danger in most refinery or
chemical processes is that the operating pressure of a process
may change. It may rise to an unexpected, undesirable level due
to process upset , environmental or human errors.
Where the low pressure side of a heat exchanger is not f uUy pro-
tected when a tube rupture does occur, the potential conse-
quences may never be offset by the savings gained from the eco-
nomical design.
From a mechanical vie\vpoint, it is evident that the tube and
shell design pressures are reliable data for measuring the reli-
ability of a heat exchanger. Once a heat exchanger is manu-
factured. its reliability is measurable and fixed by its design
pressures and temperatures. From that viewpoint, API's stan-
dard is logical.
It appears that using a variable (the operating pressure of a
process) to judge a predefined datum (the strength of equip-
ment) is not rational. The modified API guideline should not
be used unless a HAZOP of the process is conducted, indicat-
ing that overpressure would never occur in the system.
Undoubtedly, the logical API standard should be strictly fol-
lowed for quantifying the overpressure protection.
Flow patterns of fluid flowing across a tube rupture.
For possible heat exchanger tube rupture, there are basically
four different scenarios of fluid in the high pressllre side flow-
ing through a sharp break to the low pressure side:
o Vapor [lowing through break without phase change
Liquid flowing through break without phase change
Liquid flowing through break with phase change
Two-phase (vapor and liquid) flowing through break.
Assumptions. A sophisticated flow model is not necessary,
but some assumptions must be made for simplifying the cal -
culation of a fluid flowing across a tube break:
a.) A tube rupture is considered as a sharp break in only one
tube, with the high pressure fluid flowing through both sides
of the break. ' .
b.) Each side of the break is treated as a sharp-edged orifice
having the cross-sectional area of a tube. That means the rup-
ture opening equals twice the cross-sectional area of one tube.
c.) The fluid flowing through a sharp-edged orifice is an
isenthalpic (adiabatic) expansion.
d.) The incremental flashing across the tube break is ignored.
e.) Two-phase fluid in either side is treated as a homoge-
neous mixed-phase fluid, which means that the phase slip
is negligible.
f.) The effect of auto-refrigeration arising from the flashing
of the fluid is not included_ Ifit is a significant effect for some
cases, special considerations must be included.
Based on the above Crane' formulas for fluid
flowing through orilices can be applied to calculate the flowrate
across a tube rupture.
The analysis of pressure profile in tube rupture flow
mechanism. In case of tube rupture in a heat exchanger, the
process fluid will flow from the high pressure side across the
tube rupture into the low pressure side. If the low pressure
side cannot absorb the flowrate coming from the high pressure
side at 10% accumulation overpressure of the design pressure
at the low pressure side of the heat exchanger, the surplus
flowrate should be relieved from the low pressure side across
a PRY orifice into a flare header, a vessel or atmosphere.
'" 150 psig
. ,

.. ,Low pressure sIde.
' . .
; '.
, .
HIgh pressure sldo
Design pressure of low pressUI'e 'slde: 150 pslg
Operating pressure of high pressure sIde; 330 psig.
. .
Fig. f -Process flow dlagraml .
'.:. "
HIgh pressur!!
, .. ""
Flow direction
' ; . low pre ure
. ' side
PCffl '" 201.54 psla
/ ' rupture)
, Heat e:JIchanger -'
fig. profile'of. tube rupture .
Back pressure "
side' ..
1:1 195.07 psi!!
I- (PRVoriflce) ,
= 19.7 psla
PAil .
I, "'
. ,
The whole flow mechanism can be handled as two pressure
reliefproccsses in a shown in Figs. 1 and 2. .
The pressure profile for' the two relief processes IS illus-
trated in' the follo,ving'example: ," '. "
L Pre ..,.;, reUeftIll-ough ruptt:re. When a tube rup-
tures, the process fluld at 330 psig or 344_7 psia wUl flow across
the tube ruptUre into the low pressure side. With a PRY installed
at the low pressure side with a ' rellef pressure of 110% of its
design pressure, i.e., PRF.L= 150'psig (110%)+ 14.7 psi= 179.7.
psia, the low pressure side will be unde.179.7 psia. But the flow
may be controlled by' the. critlcal flow pressure at .the tube
rupture for vapor phase, if the critical flow pressure is higher.
than the relieving pressure at the low pressure side.
The critical flow pressure at the tube rupture can be
expressed as the following, as recommended by API 520 Eq. I:
. ( 2 )K/(K-l)
=P, --
where . . .'
P, = Operating pressure at the high pressure side
=344.7 psia
K = 1.1, ratio of specific heats (from simulatlon results)
. ' ( 2 )l.l/{l.l-ll
=34417 - ,
. 2.1 '.
= 201.54 psia ..
> Pm the' pressure difference ofctp= Pc"" 'Nil!
be the driving force of process fluid across the tube
ture.,6 . ..'
where C
2. Pressure reUefthrough PRY. The second PIl'S5UIl""liefU ten as:
is the process fluld coming from the high pressure side, W
= 1
low pressure side flowing across the PRVorice into lhe Uquh
pressure side. . ', .I simulatiol
Its flow mechanism is similar to the pressure "eliefthl:oughf,f
H contracta
tube rupture discussed previously; Again, the critical flow
clition at the orifice must be checked for vapor piiase. Eq.
be rewritten as: which eVE
'. ( 2 ";, ,. similar tc
PCFO = P REL K + I ' (2n Two-p
where oYape
= Relieving pressure.atthe low I!ressJre side
= 150'psig (110%) + 14;7 psi
. .
= 179:7. 'psia
. \
K = 1.1, rate of specific heats (from computer
simulation results)
. ( 2 )1.1/(1.1-1)
. =179.7 - .
' . 2.1 , .
= 105.07psia>
. I '1 ;. _ :: 1
Since Pcra> P
the pressure dp:::; P
, will be the driving force of process fluld flowing across','
\ '
the PRY orifice." '. " ,. ".-
Defining th'; relieving for tube ruptUre cases.
. "J
Yapor flowing through tube break without phase ch!lllg",-, ;
Crane Eq .. 3-22' can be used for fluids flowing; ,
through a sharp-edged orifice based on the assumption men .... .
tioned previously .. I .
= 1,891YdZ C(dPIV)05
Only one cross-sectional area included.
" .. , . ' I
where r= 1-0.317 dPIP
, .
The equation is summarized from the figures on page A-2b
of Crane' for Simplifying the lengthy calculations . .
C ',,; 0.6, flow coefficient for orifices (from .,
Crane figures on page A-20r . ,
It should be noted 'that must be checked
since under critical flow condition the actual pressure at a
rupture opening (throat) cannot faU below the critical flow
pressure even if a much lower pressure exists downstream.
Incorrect use of the pressure at the low pressure side may
cause oversizing the PRY. This common mistake should be
avoided. .
Combining aU the previously given variables, the previous
equation can be rewritten as:
Wv 1,444.6 Av(l-0.317 dPI P,) (dPI W
)O.5 (3)
Uquld flowing through tube break without phase change.
Critical condition does not need to be considered for liquld
flowing through the tube break without phase change. Crane
Eq. 3-21' can be used for liquld flowing through a sharp-edged
1,891 d' C (dP W
Only one cross sectional area inclUded.
tube brec
oThe -
area of 01
Wv= :
where dl
where dJ
bulk f1ul,
ing pre.,
lated by
Notes. I
adopt th
critical :
under tl
must b(
the two.
across t
uld rnti(
flash in
for the
as ahea
ture is v
uid rat
--,----------------_ . .. _ . . __ ._ . . _. _-_._ .. _. __ .. _-- ---
- Pcmwill
tube rup
where C= 0.6 (from Crane figures on pageA-20)
d' = 3.1416A
Combining all the above given variables Eq. 4 can be rewrit-
ten as:
flowing through tube break with phase change. A
f ,,,mwaluon may be required to define the vapor ratio at the vena
[low can. contracta by an isenthalpic (adiabatic) expansion from the
)Ure relief
ide, at the
,the back
Eg.I can
: F
g across
ge A-21
.re at a
31 flow

Ie may
uld be
relieving condition either to the dmvnstream critical pressure-
of the flash vapor or to the downstream relieving pressure,
whichever is greater.
The detailed calculation procedures are
similar to the ones discussed next.
TWo-phase flowing through tube break. Design basis:
Vapor flow and liquid flow of a two-phase fluid to pass a
tube breakage opening area are calculated individually.
The total individual areas equal twice the cross sectional
area of one tube.
Calculate tube breakage flows. Vapor f10wrat e from Eq. 3:
= 1.444.6 A v (1- 0.317 dP/ P,)(dPILO
)O.5 (3)
where dP should be applied.
Liquid f10wrate from Eq. 4:
= 1,444.6 AL (dP W
where dP should be applied.
Total breakage opening area (assumption b):
AroTAL = AL + Av= 2 (3.1416d')/4
Vapor ratio can be written as:
R= Wv/(W
+ W,)
Where R can be obtained by the flash si mulation of the
bulk fluid at the tube break. An important point is that the flash
pressure should be seiected bCl\veen the downstream reliev-
ing pressure and critical pressure. whichever is greater.
The liquid and vapor f1owrates, W
and W
, can be calcu-
lated by solving Eqs. I to 6 simultaneously. The examples
shown later will illustrate how to calculate both the f1owrates.
Notes. One important point is that the pressure used for cal-
culating W
, Wyand R should be consistent.
ClUTently, as recommended by API 520,' most oil comparties
adopt the following approaches for sizing a PRVat two-phase
flow condition: while its vapor f10wrate is calcuiated under the
critical pressure condition, its liquid flowrate is calculated
under the downstream relieving-condition. They are incon-
sistent. -
Obviously, the vapor flow and liquid flow at a tube break
must be controlled by only one pressure, either the critical
pressure at the throat or the downstream relieving pressure. As
mentioned, the controlling pressure should be the greater of
the two.
The second point is pertinent to the vapor/liquid ratio
across the tube break. Some design engineers assume that
the vaporfliquid ratio is constant across the tube break as rec-
ommended by many company manuals. In fact, the vapor/liq-
uid ratio downstream is always higher than at the upstream high
pressure side across the tube break, since more liquid should
flash into vapor when pressure drops.
This procedure might be an acceptable simplified approach
for the same vapor/liquid ratio crossing a break when the
pressure drop across the break is small, but it seldom is the case
as a heat exchanger tube ruptures. If a heat exchanger tube rup-
ture is valid according to API 521's two-thirds rule, the vapor/liq-
uid ratio of the bulk fluid would never remain unchanged
after it flashed into the low pressure side from the high pres-
sure side. A simple simulation can show the difference.
Sub header
Fig. 3-Cooling water network.
Main header
Secondary effect of tube rupture. Once a tube is rup-
tured, the high pressure side fluid flows into the low pressure
side. Flow of the low pressure side may be stopped by the pres-
sure rise in the system. At the same time the function provided
by the low pressure side system may also stop. From Fig. 3 one
can see that when Qnlll displaced Q" the high pressure at the
return lines of the subheader might cause QA and Qc to stop. If
QOR! is big enough, even unit header services could be
Thus, if the low pressure system is for example cooling water, -
a tube rupture may induce a loss afcooling water relief, possi-
bly involving several other services. Sometimes the conse-
quence may be very serious. But, no matt er how serious this
couid be, this is a secondary effect which should be handled as
a consequence rather than a double contingency.
If a heat exchanger is part of a preheat network, the sec
ondary effect could be very complicated and should be treated
with extreme caution.
MinImum protection - lhennal relief valve. Quite often,
a lengthy calculation may conclude that the low pressure side
is capable of absorbing process fluid flowrate com-
ing from the high pressure side caused by a tube rupture. Does
this mean that no pressure relief valve is required? Some think
yes, others no. It is my understanding that a thermal relief
valve is a good economical inves tment which should be
installed on the low pressure side of a heat exchanger, even
though calculations may show that the low pressure side pro-
vides more displacement credits than required relief capacit y.
The reason is simple. Once a tube rupture is detected, the heat
exchanger may risk thermal expansion when all the inlet and
outlet block valves of both the high pressure and the low pres-
sure sides of the heat exchanger are closed. Any leakage through
the high pressure side block valves can cause the pressure at
the low pressure side to rise to that of the high pressure side,
which might result in major failure of the heat exchanger.
For more information regarding thermal relief valves please
see reference 5.
Volumetric capacity credit_ Often the low pressure side is
capable of absorbing the high pressure side flow across a tube
Example 1. Liquid fluid into two-phase relief is con
troUed by critical flow condition.
A heat exchanger operates with hydrocarbon fluid on the
high pressure side and cooling water on the low pressure side.
(Fig. 1). The questions are whether a PRY is required at the low
pressure side and if it is required, what is the relieving capac-
ity and how is it sized? .
1. Check the vaIldityof tube rupture. Based on API RP 521
Sec. 3.15.2 two-thirds rule for the heat exchanger, the design
pressure ratio afthe low pressure side versus the high pressure
side is as follows:' .
Pressure ratio = 150/330 = 0.45 < 2/3
Therefore, tube rupture is a valid case.
2. Check the fluid phase status after flash. From computer.
simulation, the results show that at 150 psig (110%) + 14.7 = 179.7
psi a, the fluid flashes into two phases: streams V2 and L2. This
is a case ofliquid flashing into two-phase case.
3. Check crillcal flow condillon. From Eq. 1:
2 )K/(K-')
PCFR =P, K+1
W11ere K = 1.1 (based on stream V2: MW = 48.1 and T = 134.1F
from tbe simuiation results).
PI = 330 psig+ 14.7 .
= 344.7 psia..
Critical flow pressure: '
. . ( . 2 )1.11(1.1-')
PCFR =344.7 1.1+1
= 201.54 psia ..
Relieving pressure:
p//EL = 150 psig (110%) + 14.7 = 179.7 psia (10% accumulation).
Comparing the critical flow pressure and the relieving pres-
sure. sinc;e PCF> P
the relieving is controlled by the critical
flow condition.
4. Find the vapor rallo of two-phase fluid. crossing the
tube rupture. Calculations are based on the simulation results..
of fluid flashing at the critical flow conditions.
From simulation:
Vapor stream, VC: W
= 266 Ib/hr
= 1.911b/ft
Liquid stream, LC: WiC= 7341b/hr
= 29.881b/ft
R= Wve/(W
+ Wrcl = 266/(266 + 734) = 26.6%
5. Find the required relJevlng capacilles . From Eq. 3:
Wv = 1,444.6A
(I-0.317 JdP LO
)""5 .
where dP= PI-PCF
= 344.7'-201.54
= 143.16 psi
Wv = 1,444.6A
(l- 0.317143.16 )(143.16r (1.91 )05
= 1,444.6 AL (dP LOLl0
= 1,444.6A
(143.16)"5 (29.88)5
= 94,481.9 AL
Exchanger tubes are 3/, in. OD 12 BWG, 0.532 in. !D.
From Eq. 5:
ATOT,u = Av+ AL = 2 (3.1416 d')/4
Thus Av+ AL = 2 (3.1416) (0.532')/4 = 0.4446 in.'
From simulation. the above vapor ratio is 26.6%. Thal .. ).
means: Wv/(W
+ W
) =26.6% (E.,,,f
Equating Eqs. E-l through E4 and solving: ! .
Wv = 20,742.8 Av
= 94,481.9 A
Av+ AL = 0.4446
R = Wvl(W
+ W
) = 26.6%
(E . . 1. -
(E-.II/ .: ;.
(E-3 j; (
(E-4i\,. (
The individual phase flowrates can be easily obtained: .
Wv = 5,7441b/hr or .
Qv = 5,744Ib/hr/1.91Iblft
= 3,007 fl"/hr .
= 15,8471b/hr or
QL = 15,847 Ib/hr/29.88 Ih/ft' = 530 ft'/hr
6. Find the actual required relief loads for tube rupture.
First, calculate the actual volumetric ratio at critical flow con-
dition, from simulation:
Qve= 139 ft
/hr (stream VC)
QiC= 24.573 ft'/hr (stream LC)
Ratio = Qvcl(Qve + Qrcl = 139/(139 + 24.573) = 85%
Assume 'he available volumetric capacity credit is 200 ft'/hr .
the avaHable vapor phase capacity credit is:
200 ft' /br (85%) = 170 ft
The available liquid phase volumetric capacity credit is:
200-170 =30 fl"/hr
The actual required relief load for vapor is:
3,007-170 = 2,837 ft
/hr or
2,837 ft'/hr (1.91Ib/ft') = 5A18.71b/hr
The actual required reliefload for liquid is:
530-30 = 500 ft'/hr or .
500 ft'/hr (7.48052 gallft')/60 min/ hr = 62.34 gpm
7. Sizing PRY. Check critical flow condition at relief valve -
orifice from Eq. 2, where:
PI = P
(1l0%)=150 psig (110%)+14.7
= 179.7 psia .
M = 48.1 (stream V2l
K = 1.1
2 )I.II(I.H) . .
=179.7 2.l = !O5.07pSla
Since P
> P/JACK, the flow is controlled by critical flow
Calculate required relieving area for vapor phase at critical
flow condition:
Wv (TZ )05 [API RP 520 I, 5 Ed., Eq. 2]
CaKdP'Kb M
W= 5,418.7Ib/hr .
P, = 179.7 psi a
T = 97F = 557"R
M= 48.19
Z= 0.8678
= 327
Kd= 0.975
(stream VCl)
(stream VCl) .
(stream VCl)
Kb = Capacity correction factor due to back
Say, P
= 5 psig (back pressure at flare)
= 5/150 =3.33% Canlinuld
- --'-_ . .... _. ' ----
The'refore Kb= 1.0
A _ 5,418.7 (557(0.8678)J 0
v - 327(0.975)(179.7)(1.0) 48.19
= 0.2995 in.'
Calculate the required relief area for liquid phase at critical
flow condition:
AL= Q (_G-J.5[APIRP520I,5Ed.,Eq.9]
38KdKwKv PI - ,
Q = 62.34 gpm
Kd = 0.65
Kw = 1
Kv = 1
G = 0.5527 (stream VL1)
PI = 179.7 psia
P, = P
= 105.07 psia
A _ 62.34 ( 0.5527 )05
L - 38(0.65)(1)1 179.7 -105.07
= 0.2172 in.'
The total required relief area:
ATOTAL = Av+ AL = 0.2995 + 0.2172 = 0.5167 in.'
An "1-1" type orifice with 0.785 in.' is required.
El1ample 2. Liquid flashing into two-phase relief is con-
trolled by the set pressure of a PRV. From Example 1, if the shell
side design pressure is 180 psig. other conditions remain
1. Validity of tube rupture case. Pressure ratio = 180/400 =
0,45 < 2/3. Therefore, tube rupture is still valid.
2. Check the fluid phase status after flash. From simula-
tion, the liquid hydrocarbon flashes into VI and Ll product
streams. Thus, is also a liquid flashing into two-phase
3. Check critical flow condition.
2 )K/(K-I)
P =P--
Where K = l.l (based on stream Ll: M = 50.9, T= 147.0 OF)
PI = POP = 344.7 psia
Thus, critical flow pressure:
Pcm= 201.54 psia
Relieving pressure:
= 180 psig (1l0%) (14.7 psi) = 212.7 psi a
Since P
> Per. the downstream relieving conditions should
be controlled by P

Steps 4 to 7 are similar to the ones of Example I, but the driv-
ing force, dP= P
- P
= 344.7-212.7 = 132 psi should be used
in all the related equations.
Example 3. The example of two-phase fluid from the high
pressure side flowing across a tube rupture into the low pres-
sure side is not inc1uded here. The detailed procedures are
similar to Examples 1 and 2. The critical point is this: never
assume the vapor ratio across a tube rupture or a PRY orifice
remains unchanged. Always do a computer simulation for [he
process fluid to find out the actual vapor ratio after the pro-
cess fluid flashes across a tube rupture or PRY orifice. When
sizing a PRY at tube rupture, the actual vapor ratio should be
The author
Wing Y. Wong is a senior process engineer with
Stot/Jert-Christenson Engineering Ltd., Bumaby, I
British Columbia, Canada. He has authored sev -
eral articles on pressure safety valve design anc I \';
process control. He received his BSc in chern; . -
cal engineering from East China Institute 0, I -,.
Chemica/ Technology in 1964 and his MEng in ! "-
process control of chemical engineering from l
the University of Alberta, Canada. Mr. Wong is a I
member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and
Geophysicists of Alberta and British Columbia.
A :: required effective discharge area of the valve, in.
AibTAL = required tolal effective discharge area of the valve for liquid
and vapor phases, in.2
C = flow coefficient for square-edged orifices from Crane A-20. :
Co = coefficient detemlined from an expression of the ratio ohhe I
specific heats of the vapor at standard conditions. This can I
be obtained from API RP 520 J, 5 Edition, Table 9. .
d = tube inside diameter ofa heat exchanger, in.
dp = pressure difference, psi.
G = specific gravity of the liquid at the flowing temperature
referred to water = 1.0 at 700E
k = ratio of the specific hems.
Kb = capacity correction factor due to back pressure. This can be
obtained from the manufacturer's literature or estimated
from Fig. 27 of API RP 5201. 5 Edition.
Kd = effective coefficient of discharge.
= 0.975 for vapor phase and 0.65 for liquid phase as
recommended by API RP 520 I. 5 Edition.
Kv = correction factor due to viscosity as determined from Fig. 32
of API RP 520 I, 5 Edition.
Kw = correction factor due to back pressure.
= l.0 if the back pressure is atmospheric. Balanced bellows
valves in back pressure service will require the correction
factor determined in Fig. 31 of API fiP 520 I. 5 Edition:
LO = density, Ib/ft
M = molecular weiglit of the vapor.
PI = upstream relieving pressure, psia.
= back pressure, psia.
= critical flow throat pressure, psia.
POP = operating pressure, psia.
1' = set pressure of a PRY. psia.
PR}:L = relieving pressure of a PRY, psia. This is the set pressure plus
the allowable overpressure plus atmospheric pressure.
Q = flowrate, gpm . .
R = vapor ratio.
T = relieving temperature of the inlet gas or vapor, on (DF + 460).
W = f1owrate,lb/hr.
Y = net expansion factor for compressible fluid flowing through
Z = compressibility factor for the deviation of the actual gas
from a perfect gas, a factor evaluated at relieving inlet
L = liquid phase
V = vapor phase
C = critical flow condition
VC = vapor phase at critical flow condition
Le = liqUid phase at critical flow condition
CFO = critical flow condition at PRVorifice
CFR = critical flow condition at tube rupture
I ASME Code VIIII, UG-133td), July I. 1969.
"Pt RP 520, "Recommended Prnctice for the Sizing. Sclet:tion Installation of Pressure Relief
Devices-Part t, Sizing and Selection." Fifth Edition. Washinl:ton. D.C.. July 1990.
.1 APt IlP 521, "Guide for Pres.sUIefll!li!!Vinll and Dl!pressuring S)'$tem, - 2nd Edition. Wasilillb'ton,
D,C., November 1990.
Crane Co . Technical Paper No." 1 0, "Flow of rluid."
l Wons. W. Y. ,"Sarer ReUer-Valve Sizing," Chemical fllginuring. Vol. 39, No.5, pp 137-140,
\9119. .
6 Wons. W. Y . "" New Approach of Sizing PSV for l\ ... Uquid/Vapor Relief." to Ile pub-
lished In Chemical fngilleenlIg.

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