The scientific name for sugar is sucrose-or 'saccharose' which consists of a molecule of glucose combined with a molecule of fructose. A few thousand years ago sugar was already being used in Asia in the form of cane syrup, whereas in Europe honey and fruit were the only form of sweetening. Sugar is/known as saccharose to the Greeks, saccharum to the Romans, sukkar to the Arabs, zucchero in Venice, sucre in France, arucar in Spain, zucker in Germany and sugar in England. Sugar was instrumental in the development of confectionery and patisserie, but is also used to season meats and savoury dishes. France was the first sugar producers in Europe and it remains the largest producer among the Eastern European Countries, second in the world for beet sugar after Russia. Manufacturing Sugar is mainly refined from beet or cane and consists of extracting the sucrose by successively eliminating the other constituent parts of the plant. The root of the beet is sliced and soaked in warm water to remove the juice. The juice is then treated with milk of lime and carbon dioxide. It is then filtered off to give a clear juice. Sugarcane is shredded, crushed and sprayed with hot water. The juice is then heated, treated with lime and then filtered. Both clarified cane and beet juices are then concentrated by evaporation under reduced pressure until crystallisation is induced. The concentrated
crystallised mass is then transferred into mixers where crystal growth continues. The crystalline raw sugar is then separated from the remaining syrup by centrifugation. Not all of the sugar may have been extracted from the juice at this stage so the remaining liquor may be recycled. When it is no longer economically practical to extract any more sugar the remaining liquor is called molasses. Syrups Simple syrup is a solution of equal weights of sugar and water. Dessert syrup is flavoured simple syrup used to moisten and flavour some cakes. Flavourings may be extracts such as vanilla or liqueurs such as kirsch or rum. Add flavourings after the syrup has cooled because flavours may be lost if added to the hot syrup. Syrups may also be flavoured by boiling them with lemon or orange rind. .. Some syrups such as maple syrup and palm syrup occur naturally, but golden syrup is a by-product of sugar refining which undergoes its own refining process. It is used. in making cookies, brandy snaps, and flapjacks and is used in the brewing industry. Corn syrup is produced from sweet corn and can be light or dark. Molasses and black treacle are dark and viscous with a strong distinctive flavour. Molasses is natural syrup drained
from sugar cane. Black treacle is a refined molasses like sugar syrup. They are used in making gingerbread, rich fruit cakes, etc. Types of Sugars 1) Refined Sugar or Refined Extra White Sugar It is made from beet or cane, containing at least 99.7 % sucrose, less than 0.06% moisture and less than 0.04% invert sugar. It has the highest . purity and may be sold as granulated, castor (superfine), grain or lump sugars. 2) White Sugar It contains at least 99.7% sucrose. It is sold in the same forms as refined sugar. 3) Brown Sugar It is unrefined or raw cane sugar' containing 85-99.5% sucrose and other impurities. Marketed in granulated, lump or cube form, it possesses a distinctive flavour. There are various types - the very dark moist soft molasses sugar and muscovado. Some commercial brown sugars however, are refined white sugar with caramel or molasses added to colour and flavour them. 1) Various Types of Commercial Sugars Granulated Sugar Produced directly from crystallisation of the syrup, it forms fairly coarse crystals. It is the most common variety for general use. Caster (Superfine) Sugar This can be made from crushed and sieved granulated sugar, but can be also boiled to a small crystal size. It is used in desserts, pastries, cakes, Sweet dishes as well as sweetening dairy products, drinks. pancakes, etc. Lump Sugar This is obtained by moulding moistened granulated sugar when hot, then drying it in order to fuse the crystals together. Sugar Loaf Sugar moulded into a cone shape, with the base wrapped in blue paper. It is mainly manufactures to export to Arab countries. Icing (Confectioner's) Sugar Granulated sugar milled very finely to a powder, mixed with 3% starch to prevent it from caking. It is used for dusting decorating or icing cakes and buns and is included in many types of confectionery. Liquid Sugar (Sugar Syrup) It is a sugar solution prepared by dissolving white sugar in water. It is a colourless or golden solution of cane sugar containing at least 62% dissolved solids of which not more than 3% consists of invert sugar. Invert Sugar Sugar obtained by the action of acids and an enzyme (invertase) on sucrose. It is used by professional pastry cooks and industries (brewing, confectionery) in the form oiLnvert sugar solution. Invert sugar stays smooth and resists crystallising.
Preserving Sugar These are large crystals designed for jam making because of its solubility without scum. 9) Special Jam Sugar This is special gelling sugar containing castor sugar, natural pectin and citric or tartaric acid. 10) Vanilla Sugar It is nothing but castor sugar to which at least 10% natural extract or essence of vanilla has been added.
colds water, it will roll into a soft ball. If one blows on the skimmer dipped into the syrup, bubbles break loose and blow away. It is used in jams and jellies, soft caramels, nougats and Italian meringue. 7) Large or Hard Ball (121-124C, 250-255 OF) After several boilings, the previous operation is repeated and a harder ball is obtained. If one blows through the skimmer, snowy flakes are formed. It is used in jams, sugar decorations, Italian meringue, fondant and caramels. 8) Light, Small or Soft Crack (129-135 DC, 265-275 OF) A drop of syrup in cold water hardens immediately and will crack and stick to the teeth when chewed. It is used mainly for toffee. 9) Hard Crack (149-150 DC, 295-300 OF) The drops of syrup in cold water become hard and brittle (like glass), but not sticky. The sugar acquires a pale straw-yellow colour at the edges of the saucepan. It must be watched carefully to avoid turning it into caramel. It is used for boiled sweets and candies, spun sugar decorations, icings, sugar flowers and candy floss. 10) Light Caramel (151-160C, 302-325 OF) The syrup, which now contains hardly any water, begins to change in 0 barley sugar, then into caramel. Yellow at first, it becomes golden then brown. It is used in the caramelisation of creme caramel, sweets, and nougatine and for flavouring sweet dishes, puddings, cakes and biscuits (cookies) and icings. 11) Brown or Dark Caramel (blackjack) (161-170 C, 326-338 OF) When it turns brown, sugar .Ioses its sweetening power. Extra sugar is added to preparations with a basis of dark caramel. As the last stage of cooked sugar before carbonisation (sugar burns and smokes at 190C, 375P), brown caramel is mainly used for colouring sauces, cakes and stocks.
Fashtonin g Sugar
In addition, there are several methods of fashioning sugar for making confectionery and decorating pastries and cakes. These types of sugar are - used to construct centre/display pieces or pieces montee s. Flowers, ribbons, shells, baskets, etc. can all be fashioned out of sugar.
Spun Sugar (sucre file or angels' hair) Sugar is cooked to nearly 155C, the pan is taken off the heat and left to cool for 1-2 minutes. Two forks are dipped into the syrup and then flicked quickly back and forth above a greased rolling pin. The threads obtained are then collected and used to decorate cakes or make a veil or nest. The strands should be used within an hour or they will melt. 2) Poured Sugar (sucre coule) Sugar is cooked to cracking point, possibly coloured and then moulded into cups, pompoms, little bells and other decorative shapes. 3) Fashioned, Drawn or Pulled Sugar Sugar is cooked so that it loses its transparency. Colourings are added
at 140C and the syrup is heated to 155C. It is then cooled, poured onto a greased marble slab or other cold surface and kneaded, pulled or moulded into flowers, candies, etc. with a satin finish. These should be stored in an airtight container. 4) Rock Sugar (sucre rocher) It is cooked to nearly 125C, emulsified with royal icing and then used to give a rocky effect. It keeps well when exposed to air. 5) Brownn Sugar Sugar is cooked to nearly 145-150C, which may be coloured and blown like glass.