Tanishq Jeweler: Case Study
Tanishq Jeweler: Case Study
Tanishq Jeweler: Case Study
Case Study
Umair Altaf (08208012) 4/14/2011
Tanishq Jeweler
As a Brand Manager of Tanishq, I would introduced Tanishq as an Indian Women Brand with Little exposure to western the Associations would be with the culture but keeping the Western Designs as an incentive and since about Rs.36000 crores market is for the plain jewelry and its biggest target market is in the rural areas and semi urban areas the Native Strategy would be better.
Q2. Do you agree with the above comment made by Tanishq team? Why? Why not?
Ans. Its true that customers from Semi-Urban and Rural areas have started to resemble consumer from Urban Areas but Tanshiq has an opportunity to enter the plain jewelry market and till the purchasing power is concerned since Tansihq is a high end product and charges premium prices it was noted that as of 2001 Indian consumer not only had more money for disposable income but they were willing to spend the money on fashion items. They wanted different styles for different occasions.
Tanishq Jeweler
Q.3 Should Tanishq or Gold Plus pursues the plain gold wedding jewelry market in the smaller cities and rural locations? Why? Why not? Ans. Yes, Tanishq should go for plain gold jewelry. Since the success speaks for itself. Tanishq or Gold plus are trusted names and come highly recognized. People would trust in the operations and ethics of Tanishq and Gold Plus. Because of the Karat meter people were more keen in buying from these two brands.
Q4. Should Titan Industries continue with both the jewelry brands? Why? Why not?
Ans. Tanishq was perceived as an expensive brand and was twice as expensive as the local jeweler still people were ready to pay the premium for this brand. Titan should go with both the brands because jewelry savvy people will be ready to pay the premium for an exclusive brand like Tanishq if you even look upon the Projections of Tanishq and Goldplus, Tanishq however had lower sales compared to Goldplus but its return is greater. Tanishq also only have to spend one third of the advertising that GoldPlus does.