Aci 209.2R-08

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The document provides guidance on modeling and calculating shrinkage and creep in hardened concrete.

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ACI 209.


Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete

Reported by ACI Committee 209

First Printing May 2008

American Concrete Institute
Advancing concrete knowledge

Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete
Copyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of ACI. The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities, omissions, and errors in these documents. In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occasionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete or incorrect. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents are requested to contact ACI. Proper use of this document includes periodically checking for errata at for the most up-to-date revisions. ACI committee documents are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. Individuals who use this publication in any way assume all risk and accept total responsibility for the application and use of this information. All information in this publication is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. ACI and its members disclaim liability for damages of any kind, including any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of this publication. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not make any representations with regard to health and safety issues and the use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and safety standards. Order information: ACI documents are available in print, by download, on CD-ROM, through electronic subscription, or reprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI. Most ACI standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (MCP). American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 U.S.A. Phone: 248-848-3700 Fax: 248-848-3701
ISBN 978-0-87031-278-6

ACI 209.2R-08

Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 209
Carlos C. Videla* Chair Domingo J. Carreira* Secretary

Akthem A. Al-Manaseer Zdenek P. Baant Jeffrey J. Brooks Ronald G. Burg Mario Alberto Chiorino

Marwan A. Daye Walter H. Dilger Noel J. Gardner Will Hansen Hesham Marzouk

David B. McDonald* Harald S. Mueller Hani H. A. Nassif Lawrence C. Novak Klaus Alexander Rieder

Ian Robertson Kenji Sakata K. Nam Shiu W. Jason Weiss

Members of the subcommittee that prepared this guide.

This guide is intended for the prediction of shrinkage and creep in compression in hardened concrete. It may be assumed that predictions apply to concrete under tension and shear. It outlines the problems and limitations in developing prediction equations for shrinkage and compressive creep of hardened concrete. It also presents and compares the prediction capabilities of four different numerical methods. The models presented are valid for hardened concrete moist cured for at least 1 day and loaded after curing or later. The models are intended for concretes with mean compressive cylindrical strengths at 28 days within a range of at least 20 to 70 MPa (3000 to 10,000 psi). This document is addressed to designers who wish to predict shrinkage and creep in concrete without testing. For structures that are sensitive to shrinkage and creep, the accuracy of an individual models predictions can be improved and their applicable range expanded if the model is calibrated with test data of the actual concrete to be used in the project. Keywords: creep; drying shrinkage; prediction models; statistical indicators.

CONTENTS Chapter 1Introduction and scope, p. 209.2R-2 1.1Background 1.2Scope 1.3Basic assumptions for development of prediction models Chapter 2Notation and definitions, p. 209.2R-3 2.1Notation 2.2Definitions Chapter 3Prediction models, p. 209.2R-5 3.1Data used for evaluation of models 3.2Statistical methods for comparing models 3.3Criteria for prediction models 3.4Identification of strains 3.5Evaluation criteria for creep and shrinkage models Chapter 4Model selection, p. 209.2R-7 4.1ACI 209R-92 model 4.2Baant-Baweja B3 model 4.3CEB MC90-99 model 4.4GL2000 model 4.5Statistical comparisons 4.6Notes about models
ACI 209.2R-08 was adopted and published May 2008. Copyright 2008, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Manuals, Standard Practices, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.




Chapter 5References, p. 209.2R-13 5.1Referenced standards and reports 5.2Cited references Appendix AModels, p. 209.2R-16 A.1ACI 209R-92 model A.2Baant-Baweja B3 model A.3CEB MC90-99 model A.4GL2000 model Appendix BStatistical indicators, p. 209.2R-28 B.1BP coefficient of variation (BP%) method B.2CEB statistical indicators B.3The Gardner coefficient of variation (G) Appendix CNumeric examples, p. 209.2R-30 C.1ACI 209R-92 model solution C.2Baant-Baweja B3 model solution C.3CEB MC90-99 model solution C.4GL2000 model solution C.5Graphical comparison of model predictions CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE 1.1Background To predict the strength and serviceability of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, the structural engineer requires an appropriate description of the mechanical properties of the materials, including the prediction of the time-dependant strains of the hardened concrete. The prediction of shrinkage and creep is important to assess the risk of concrete cracking, and deflections due to stripping-reshoring. As discussed in ACI 209.1R, however, the mechanical properties of concrete are significantly affected by the temperature and availability of water during curing, the environmental humidity and temperature after curing, and the composition of the concrete, including the mechanical properties of the aggregates. Among the time-dependant properties of concrete that are of interest to the structural engineer are the shrinkage due to cement hydration (self-desiccation), loss of moisture to the environment, and the creep under sustained loads. Drying before loading significantly reduces creep, and is a major complication in the prediction of creep, stress relaxation, and strain recovery after unloading. While there is a lot of data on shrinkage and compressive creep, not much data are available for creep recovery, and very limited data are available for relaxation and tensile creep. Creep under variable stresses and the stress responses under constant or variable imposed strains are commonly determined adopting the principle of superposition. The limitations of this assumption are discussed in Section 1.3. Further, the experimental results of Gamble and Parrott (1978) indicate that both drying and basic creep are only partially, not fully, recoverable. In general, provided that water migration does not occur as in sealed concrete or the interior of large concrete elements, superposition can be used to calculate both recovery and relaxation. The use of the compressive creep to the tensile creep in calculation of beams time-dependant deflections has been

successfully applied in the work by Branson (1977), Baant and Ho (1984), and Carreira and Chu (1986). The variability of shrinkage and creep test measurements prevents models from closely matching experimental data. The within-batch coefficient of variation for laboratorymeasured shrinkage on a single mixture of concrete was approximately 8% (Baant et al. 1987). Hence, it would be unrealistic to expect results from prediction models to be within plus or minus 20% of the test data for shrinkage. Even larger differences occur for creep predictions. For structures where shrinkage and creep are deemed critical, material testing should be undertaken and long-term behavior extrapolated from the resulting data. For a discussion of testing for shrinkage and creep, refer to Acker (1993), Acker et al. (1998), and Carreira and Burg (2000). 1.2Scope This document was developed to address the issues related to the prediction of creep under compression and shrinkageinduced strains in hardened concrete. It may be assumed, however, that predictions apply to concrete under tension and shear. It outlines the problems and limitations in developing prediction equations, presents and compares the prediction capabilities of the ACI 209R-92 (ACI Committee 209 1992), Baant-Baweja B3 (Baant and Baweja 1995, 2000), CEB MC90-99 (Muller and Hillsdorf 1990; CEB 1991, 1993, 1999), and GL2000 (Gardner and Lockman 2001) models, and gives an extensive list of references. The models presented are valid for hardened concrete moist cured for at least 1 day and loaded at the end of 1 day of curing or later. The models apply to concretes with mean compressive cylindrical strengths at 28 days within a range of at least 20 to 70 MPa (3000 to 10,000 psi). The prediction models were calibrated with typical composition concretes, but not with concretes containing silica fume, fly ash contents larger than 30%, or natural pozzolans. Models should be calibrated by testing such concretes. This document does not provide information on the evaluation of the effects of creep and shrinkage on the structural performance of concrete structures. 1.3Basic assumptions for development of prediction models Various testing conditions have been established to standardize the measurements of shrinkage and creep. The following simplifying assumptions are normally adopted in the development of prediction models. 1.3.1 Shrinkage and creep are additiveTwo nominally identical sets of specimens are made and subjected to the same curing and environment conditions. One set is not loaded and is used to determine shrinkage, while the other is generally loaded from 20 to 40% of the concrete compressive strength. Loadinduced strains are determined by subtracting the measured shrinkage strains on the nonloaded specimens from the strains measured on the loaded specimens. Therefore, it is assumed that the shrinkage and creep are independent of each other. Tests carried out on sealed specimens, with no moisture movement from or to the specimens, are used to determine autogenous shrinkage and basic creep.



1.3.2 Linear aging model for creepExperimental research indicates that creep may be considered approximately proportional to stress (LHermite et al. 1958; Keeton 1965), provided that the applied stress is less than 40% of the concrete compressive strength. The strain responses to stress increments applied at different times may be added using the superposition principle (McHenry 1943) for increasing and decreasing stresses, provided strain reversals are excluded (for example, as in relaxation) and temperature and moisture content are kept constant (Le Camus 1947; Hanson 1953; Davies 1957; Ross 1958; Neville and Dilger 1970; Neville 1973; Baant 1975; Gamble and Parrot 1978; RILEM Technical Committee TC-69 1988). Major deviations from the principle of superposition are caused by the neglect of the random scatter of the creep properties, by hygrothermal effects, including water diffusion and time evolution of the distributions of pore moisture content and temperature, and by material damage, including distributed cracking and fracture, and also frictional microslips. A comprehensive summary of the debate on the applicability of the principle of superposition when dealing with the evaluation of creep structural effects can be found in the references (Baant 1975, 1999, 2000; CEB 1984; RILEM Technical Committee TC-107 1995; Al Manaseer et al. 1999; Jirasek and Baant 2002; Gardner and Tsuruta 2004; Baant 2007). 1.3.3 Separation of creep into basic creep and drying creepBasic creep is measured on specimens that are sealed to prevent the ingress or egress of moisture from or to its environment. It is considered a material constitutive property and independent of the specimen size and shape. Drying creep is the strain remaining after subtracting shrinkage, elastic, and basic creep strains from the total measured strain on nominally identical specimens in a drying environment. The measured average creep of a cross section at drying is strongly sizedependant. Any effects of thermal strains have to be removed in all cases or are avoided by testing at constant temperature. In sealed concrete specimens, there is no moisture movement into or out of the specimens. Low-water-cement-ratio concretes self-desiccate, however, leading to autogenous shrinkage. Normal-strength concretes do not change volume at relative humidity in the range 95 to 99%, whereas samples stored in water swell (LHermite et al. 1958). 1.3.4 Differential shrinkage and creep or shrinkage and creep gradients are neglectedThe shrinkage strains determined according to ASTM C157/C157M are measured along the longitudinal axis of prismatic specimens; however, the majority of reported creep and shrinkage data are based on surface measurements of cylindrical specimens (ASTM C512). Unless finite element analysis (Baant et al. 1975) or equivalent linear gradients (Carreira and Walser 1980) are used, it is generally assumed that shrinkage and creep strains in a specimen occur uniformly through the specimen cross section. Kristek et al. (2006) concluded that for box girder bridges, the classical creep analysis that assumes the shrinkage and creep properties to be uniform throughout the cross section is inadequate. As concrete ages, differences in strain gradients reduce (Carreira and Walser 1980; Aguilar 2005).

1.3.5 Stresses induced during curing phase are negligible Most test programs consider the measurement of strains from the start of drying. It is assumed that the restrained stresses due to swelling and autogenous shrinkage are negligible because of the large creep strains and stress relaxation of the concrete at early ages. For restrained swelling, this assumption leads to an overestimation of the tensile stresses and, therefore, it may be an appropriate basis for design when predicting deflections or prestress losses. For predicting the effects of restrained autogenous shrinkage or relaxation, however, the opposite occurs. Limited testing information exists for tensile creep. CHAPTER 2NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 2.1Notation a, b = constants used to describe the strength gain development of the concrete, ACI 209R-92 and GL2000 models a = aggregate content of concrete, kg/m3 or lb/ yd3, B3 model Co(t,to) = compliance function for basic creep at concrete age t when loading starts at age to, B3 model Cd(t,to,tc) = compliance function for drying creep at concrete age t when loading and drying starts at ages to and tc, respectively, B3 model c = cement content of concrete, kg/m3 or lb/yd3, ACI 209R-92 and B3 models d = 4V/S = average thickness of a member, mm or in., ACI 209R-92 model E = modulus of elasticity, MPa or psi Ecm = mean modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa or psi = mean modulus of elasticity of concrete at Ecm28 28 days, MPa or psi Ecmt = mean modulus of elasticity of concrete at age t, MPa or psi = mean modulus of elasticity of concrete when Ecmto loading starts at age to, MPa or psi e = 2V/S = effective cross section thickness of member or notional size of member according to B3 or CEB MC90 and CEB MC90-99 models, respectively, in mm or in.; defined as the cross-section divided by the semi-perimeter of the member in contact with the atmosphere, which coincides with the actual thickness in the case of a slab fcm = concrete mean compressive cylinder strength, MPa or psi = concrete mean compressive cylinder strength fcm28 at 28 days, MPa or psi fcmt = concrete mean compressive cylinder strength at age t, MPa or psi = concrete mean compressive cylinder strength fcmtc when drying starts at age tc, MPa or psi fcmto = concrete mean compressive cylinder strength when loading starts at age to, MPa or psi



fc H(t) h J(t,to) J(to,to)

= = = = =

kh, RH(h) or (h) =

concrete specified cylinder strength at 28 days, MPa or psi spatial average of pore relative humidity at concrete age t, B3 model relative humidity expressed as a decimal compliance at concrete age t when loading starts at age to, 1/MPa or 1/psi elastic compliance at concrete age to when loading starts at age to, 1/MPa or 1/psi correction term for effect of humidity on shrinkage according to B3, CEB MC90 and CEB MC90-99, or GL2000 models, respectively cross-section shape factor, B3 model inverse of asymptotic elastic modulus, 1/MPa or 1/psi, B3 model

ks q1

= =

S(t tc), s(t tc) or (t tc)=

T t t tc tc to V/S w 1 or k 2

= = = = = = = = = =

correction term for effect of time on shrinkage according to B3, CEB MC90, or GL2000 models, respectively slump, mm or in., ACI 209R-92 model. Also, strength development parameter, CEB MC90, CEB MC90-99, and GL2000 models temperature, C, F, or K age of concrete, days duration of drying, days age of concrete when drying starts at end of moist curing, days age of concrete at loading, days volume-surface ratio, mm or in. water content of concrete, kg/m3 or lb/yd3, B3 model air content expressed as percentage, ACI 209R-92 model shrinkage constant as function of cement type, according to B3 or GL2000 models, respectively shrinkage constant related to curing conditions, B3 model correction coefficients for effect of cement type on autogenous and drying shrinkage, CEB MC90-99 model function describing time development of autogenous shrinkage, CEB MC90-99 model correction term for effect of time on creep coefficient according to CEB MC90 and CEB MC90-99 models function describing time development of drying shrinkage, CEB MC90-99 model factor relating strength development to cement type, GL2000 correction coefficient to account for effect of temperature on notional shrinkage, CEB MC90 model

as, ds1 and ds2 = as(t)

correction coefficient that depends on type of cement, CEB MC90 model s,T(t tc) = correction coefficient to account for effect of temperature on time development of shrinkage, CEB MC90 model = autogenous shrinkage strain at concrete age t, cas(t) mm/mm or in./in., CEB MC90-99 cds(t,tc) = drying shrinkage strain at concrete age t since the start of drying at age tc, mm/mm or in./in., CEB MC90-99 model cso = notional shrinkage coefficient, mm/mm or in./in., CEB MC90 model caso(fcm28) = notional autogenous shrinkage coefficient, mm/mm or in./in., CEB MC90-99 model cdso(fcm28)= notional drying shrinkage coefficient, mm/ mm or in./in., CEB MC90-99 model sh(t,tc) = shrinkage strain at concrete age t since the start of drying at age tc, mm/mm or in./in. shu or sh= notional ultimate shrinkage strain, mm/mm or in./in., ACI 209R-92 and GL2000 models and B3 model, respectively = creep coefficient (dimensionless) (t,to) 28(t,to) = 28-day creep coefficient (dimensionless), CEB MC90, CEB MC90-99, and GL2000 models = notional creep coefficient (dimensionless), o CEB MC90 and CEB MC90-99 models RH(h) = correction term for effect of relative humidity on notional creep coefficient, CEB MC90 and CEB M90-99 models = correction term for effect of drying before (tc) loading when drying starts at age tc, GL2000 model u = ultimate (in time) creep coefficient, ACI 209R-92 model c = unit weight of concrete, kg/m3 or lb/ft3 sh and c = shrinkage and creep correction factor, respectively; also used as product of all applicable corrections factors, ACI 209R-92 model = shrinkage half-time, days, ACI 209R-92 and sh B3 models = ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by weight expressed as percentage, ACI 209R-92 model 2.2Definitions autogenous shrinkagethe shrinkage occurring in the absence of moisture exchange (as in a sealed concrete specimen) due to the hydration reactions taking place in the cement matrix. Less commonly, it is termed basic shrinkage or chemical shrinkage. basic creepthe time-dependent increase in strain under sustained constant load of a concrete specimen in which moisture losses or gains are prevented (sealed specimen). compliance J(t,to)the total load induced strain (elastic strain plus creep strain) at age t per unit stress caused by a unit uniaxial sustained load applied since loading age to.


c(t to) = ds(t tc) = e RH,T = =



creep coefficientthe ratio of the creep strain to the initial strain or, identically, the ratio of the creep compliance to the compliance obtained at early ages, such as after 2 minutes. 28-day creep coefficientthe ratio of the creep strain to the elastic strain due to the load applied at the age of 28 days (28(t,to) = (t,to) Ecm28/Ecmto). creep strainthe time-dependent increase in strain under constant load taking place after the initial strain at loading. drying creepthe additional creep to the basic creep in a loaded specimen exposed to a drying environment and allowed to dry. drying shrinkageshrinkage occurring in a specimen that is allowed to dry. elastic compliance or the nominal elastic strain per unit stress J(to,to)the initial strain at loading age to per unit stress applied. It is the inverse of the mean modulus of elasticity of concrete when loading starts at age to. initial strain at loading or nominal elastic strainthe short-term strain at the moment of loading and is frequently considered as a nominal elastic strain as it contains creep that occurs during the time taken to measure the strain. load-induced strainthe time-dependent strain due to a constant sustained load applied at age to. shrinkagethe strain measured on a load-free concrete specimen. specific creepthe creep strain per unit stress. total strainthe total change in length per unit length measured on a concrete specimen under a sustained constant load at uniform temperature. CHAPTER 3PREDICTION MODELS 3.1Data used for evaluation of models In 1978, Baant and Panula started collecting shrinkage and creep data from around the world and created a computerized databank, which was extended by Muller and Panula as part of collaboration between the ACI and the CEB established after the ACI-CEB Hubert Rusch workshop on concrete creep (Hillsdorf and Carreira 1980). The databank, now known as the RILEM databank, has been extended and refined under the sponsorship of RILEM TC 107-CSP, Subcommittee 5 (Kuttner 1997; Muller et al. 1999). Problems encountered in the development of the databank have been discussed by Muller (1993) and others (Al-Manaseer and Lakshmikantan 1999; Gardner 2000). One problem involves which data sets should be included. For example, some investigators do not include the low-modulus sandstone concrete data of Hansen and Mattock (1966), but do include the Elgin gravel concrete data from the same researchers. A further problem is the data of some researchers are not internally consistent. For example, the results from the 150 mm. (6 in.) diameter specimens of Hansen and Mattock are not consistent with the results from the 100 and 200 mm (4 and 8 in.) diameter specimens. Finally, it is necessary to define the relative humidity for sealed and immersed concrete specimens. A major problem for all models is the description of the concrete. Most models are sensitive to the type of cement and the related strength development characteristics of the material. Simple descriptions, such as ASTM C150 Type I,

used in the databank are becoming increasingly difficult to interpret. For example, many cements meet the requirements of Types I, II, and III simultaneously; also, the multiple additions to the clinker allowed in ASTM C595 or in other standards are unknown to the researcher and designer. Nominally identical concretes stored in different environments, such as those tested by Keeton (1965), have different strength development rates. If this information exists, it should be taken into account in model development. In addition, cement descriptions differ from country to country. The data obtained from European cement concretes may not be directly compared with that of United States cement concretes. Some researchers have suggested that correlation should only be done with recent and relevant data and that different shrinkage and creep curves should be developed for European, Japanese, North American, and South Pacific concretes (McDonald 1990; McDonald and Roper 1993; Sakata 1993; Sakata et al. 2001; Videla et al. 2004; Videla and Aguilar 2005a). While shrinkage and creep may vary with local conditions, research has shown that short-term shrinkage and creep measurements improve the predictions regardless of location (Baant 1987; Baant and Baweja 2000; Aguilar 2005). For this reason, the committee recommends short-term testing to determine the shrinkage, creep, and elastic modulus of the concrete to improve the predictions of the long-term deformations of the concrete. Other issues include: The databank does not include sufficient data to validate modeling that includes drying before loading or loading before drying, which are common occurrences in practice; Many of the data sets in the databank were measured over relatively short durations, which reduces the usefulness of the data to predict long-term effects; and Most of the experiments were performed using small specimens compared with structural elements. It is debatable if the curing environment and consequent mechanical properties of concrete in the interior of large elements are well represented by small specimen experiments (Baant et al. 1975; Kristek et al. 2006). Despite these limitations, it is imperative that databanks such as the RILEM databank are maintained and updated as they provide an indispensable source of data in addition to a basis for comparing prediction models. 3.2Statistical methods for comparing models Several methods have been used for the evaluation of the accuracy of models to predict experimental data. Just as a single set of data may be described by its mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum, a model for shrinkage or creep data may have several methods to describe its deviation from the data. The committee could not agree on a single method for comparison of test data with predictions from models for shrinkage and creep. Reducing the comparison between a large number of experimental results and a prediction method to a single number is fraught with uncertainty. Therefore, the committee strongly recommends designers to perform sensitivity analysis of the response of the structure using the models in this report and



to carry out short-term testing to calibrate the models to improve their predictions. The summary of the statistical indicators given in Chapter 4 provides the user with basis for comparison without endorsing any method. One of the problems with the comparison of shrinkage and creep data with a models prediction is the increasing divergence and spread of data with time, as shown in the figures of Chapter 4. Thus, when techniques such as linear regression are used, the weighting of the later data is greater than that of the earlier data (Baant 1987; Baant et al. 1987). On the contrary, comparison of the percent deviation of the model from the data tends to weight early-age data more than later-age data. The divergence and spread are a measure of the limitation of the models capabilities and variability in the experimental data. Commonly used methods for determining the deviation of a model from the data include: Comparison of individual prediction curves to individual sets of test data, which requires a case-by-case evaluation; Comparison of the test data and calculated values using linear regression; Evaluation of the residuals (measured-predicted value) (McDonald 1990; McDonald and Roper 1993; AlManaseer and Lakshmikantan 1999). This method does not represent least-square regression and, if there is a trend in the data, it may be biased; and Calculation of a coefficient of variation or standard error of regression normalized by the data centroid. In the committees opinion, the statistical indicators available are not adequate to uniquely distinguish between models. 3.3Criteria for prediction models Over the past 30 years, several models have been proposed for the prediction of drying shrinkage, creep, and total strains under load. These models are compromises between accuracy and convenience. The committee concludes that one of the primary needs is a model or models accessible to engineers with little specialized knowledge of shrinkage and creep. Major issues include, but are not restricted to: How simple or complex a model would be appropriate, and what input information should be required; What data should be used for evaluation of the model; How closely the model should represent physical phenomena/behavior; What statistical methods are appropriate for evaluating a model. There is no agreement upon which information should be required to calculate the time-dependent properties of concrete; whether the mechanical properties of the concrete specified at the time of design should be sufficient or if the mixture proportions are also required. At a minimum, the committee believes that shrinkage and creep models should include the following information: Description of the concrete either as mixture proportions or mechanical properties such as strength or modulus of elasticity; Ambient relative humidity; Age at loading;

Duration of drying; Duration of loading; and Specimen size. Models should also: Allow for the substitution of test values of concrete strength and modulus of elasticity; Allow the extrapolation of measured shrinkage and creep compliance results to get long-term values; and Contain mathematical expressions that are not highly sensitive to small changes in input parameters and are easy to use. As described in ACI 209.1R, it has long been recognized that the stiffness of the aggregate significantly affects the shrinkage and creep of concrete. Some models account for the effect of aggregate type by assuming that the effects of aggregate are related to its density or the concrete elastic modulus. Models that use concrete strength can be adjusted to use a measured modulus of elasticity to account for aggregate properties. Models that do not use the mechanical characteristics of the concrete and rely on mixture proportion information alone may not account for variations in behavior due to aggregate properties. Until recently, autogenous shrinkage was not considered significant because, in most cases, it did not exceed 150 microstrains. For concretes with water-cement ratios (w/c) less than 0.4, mean compressive strengths greater than 60 MPa (8700 psi), or both, however, autogenous shrinkage may be a major component of the shrinkage strain. Some models consider that basic creep and drying creep are independent and thus additive, while other models have shrinkage and creep as dependent, and thus use multiplicative factors. The physical phenomenon occurring in the concrete may be neither. 3.4Identification of strains Equations (3-1) and (3-2) describe the additive simplification discussed in 1.3.1 total strain = shrinkage strain + compliance stress (3-1)
( elastic strain + basic creep + drying creep ) compliance = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3-2) stress

The total and shrinkage strains are measured in a creep and shrinkage test program from which the compliance is determined. Errors in the measured data result in errors in the compliance. The elastic strain is determined from early-age measurement, but as discussed previously, it is difficult to separate early-age creep from the elastic strain. Thus, the assumed elastic strain is dependent on the time at which the strain measurement is made and, therefore, on the ignored early creep. Basic creep and drying creep are determined from the compliance by subtracting the elastic strain, which may have implicit errors, from the strains measured on drying and nondrying specimens. Errors in the measured elastic strain used to determine the modulus of elasticity (ASTM C469), in the measured total strain, or in the measured shrinkage



strain, are all reflected in the calculated creep strain, the compliance, and creep coefficient. For sealed specimens, the equations for compliance and total strain simplify significantly if autogenous shrinkage is ignored as in Eq. (3-3) and (3-4) total strain = compliance stress ( elastic strain + basic creep ) compliance = ------------------------------------------------------------------stress (3-3) (3-4)

3.5Evaluation criteria for creep and shrinkage models In 1995, RILEM Committee TC 107 published a list of criteria for the evaluation of shrinkage and creep models (RILEM 1995; Baant 2000). In November 1999, ACI Committee 209, which has a number of members in common with RILEM TC 107, discussed the RILEM guidelines and agreed on the following: Drying shrinkage and drying creep should be bounded. That is, they do not increase indefinitely with time; Shrinkage and creep equations should be capable of extrapolation in both time and size; Shrinkage and creep models should be compared with the data in the databank limited by the conditions of applicability of the model(s). That is, some experimental data, such as those with high water-cement ratios or low-modulus concrete, may not be appropriate to evaluate a model; Equations should be easy to use and not highly sensitive to changes in input parameters; The shape of the individual shrinkage and creep curves over a broad range of time (minutes to years) should agree with individual test results; Creep values should be compared as compliance or specific creep rather than as the creep coefficient. The immediate strain/unit stress and the modulus of elasticity are dependent on the rate of loading; however, for developing the creep equations to determine long-term deformations, this effect should not play a major role; Creep expressions should accommodate drying before loading. Results by Abiar reported by Acker (1993) show that predried concrete experiences very little creep. Similarly, the very late-age loaded (2500 to 3000 days) results of Wesche et al. (1978) show reduced creep compared with similar concrete loaded at early ages. The effect of predrying may also be significantly influenced by the size of the specimen; Shrinkage and creep expressions should be able to accommodate concretes containing fly ash, slag (Videla and Gaedicke 2004), natural pozzolans (Videla et al. 2004; Videla and Aguilar 2005a), silica fume and chemical admixtures (Videla and Aguilar 2005b); The models should allow for the effect of specimen size; and The models should allow for changes in relative humidity. Success in achieving the following guidelines is consequent to the method of calculation; that is, if the principle of super-

position is valid and if the model includes drying before loading, and how they are considered under unloading: Recovery of creep strains under complete unloading should not exceed the creep strain from loading, and should asymptotically approach a constant value; and Stress relaxation should not exceed the initially applied stress. Yue and Taerwe (1992, 1993) published two related papers on creep recovery. Yue and Taerwe (1992) commented, It is well known that the application of the principle of superposition in the service stress range yields an inaccurate prediction of concrete creep when unloading takes place. In their proposed two-function method, Yue and Taerwe (1993) used a linear creep function to model the time-dependent deformations due to increased stress on concrete, and a separate nonlinear creep recovery function to represent concrete behavior under decreasing stress. CHAPTER 4MODEL SELECTION There are two practical considerations in the models for prediction of shrinkage and creep, namely: Mathematical form of their time dependency; and Fitting of the parameters and the resulting expressions. If the mathematical form of the model does not accurately describe the phenomena, extrapolations of shrinkage and creep results will deviate from reality. After the mathematical form has been justified, the fit of the prediction to measured results should be compared for individual data sets. The models selected for comparison are the ACI 209R-92 (ACI Committee 209 1992), the Baant-Baweja B3 developed by Baant and Baweja (1995, 2000), the CEB Model Code 1990-99 (CEB MC90-99) (Muller and Hillsdorf 1990; CEB 1991, 1993, 1999), and the GL2000 developed by Gardner and Lockman (2001). Table 4.1 lists the individual models applicable range for different input variables (adapted from Al-Manaseer and Lam 2005). Comparison of models with experimental data is complicated by the lack of agreement on selection of appropriate data and on the methods used to compare the correlation. Descriptions of the ACI 209R-92, Baant-Baweja B3, CEB MC90-99, and GL2000 models are given in Appendix A. Kristek et al. (2001) and Sassone and Chiorino (2005) developed design aids for determination of shrinkage, compliance, and relaxation for ACI 209R-92, Baant-Baweja B3, CEB MC90-99, and GL2000 models. Figures 4.1 through 4.8 (Gardner 2004) compare the predicted values for two sets of input information for RILEM data sets extending longer than 500 days, concrete 28-day mean cylinder strengths fcm28 between 16 and 82 MPa (2320 and 11,890 psi), water-cement ratios between 0.4 and 0.6, duration of moist curing longer than 1 day (possibly biased against ACI 209R-92 because this model was developed for standard conditions considering 7 days of moist curing and 7 days of age at loading), age of loading greater than the duration of moist curing, and volumesurface ratios V/S greater than 19 mm (3/4 in.). The humidity range for compliance was 20 to 100%, and below 80% for



Table 4.1Parameter ranges of each model

Input variables fcm28 , MPa (psi) a/c Cement content, kg/m3 (lb/yd3) w/c Relative humidity, % Type of cement, European (U.S.) tc (moist cured) tc (steam cured) to ACI 209R-92 279 to 446 (470 to 752) 40 to 100 R or RS (I or III) 1 day 1 to 3 days 7 days Baant-Baweja B3 17 to 70 (2500 to 10,000) 2.5 to 13.5 160 to 720 (270 to 1215) 0.35 to 0.85 40 to 100 R, SL, RS (I, II, III) 1 day to tc Model CEB MC90 20 to 90 (2900 to 13,000) 40 to 100 R, SL, RS (I, II, III) < 14 days > 1 day CEB MC90-99 15 to 120 (2175 to 17,400) 40 to 100 R, SL, RS (I, II, III) < 14 days > 1 day GL2000 16 to 82 (2320 to 11,900) 0.40 to 0.60 20 to 100 R, SL, RS (I, II, III) 1 day to tc 1 day

shrinkage. Consequently, swelling was not included even if some specimens were initially moist cured. Two sets of comparisons are shown in each figure. One set, identified as fcm only, assumes that only the measured 28-day strength fcm is known. The second set, identified as all data, uses the fcm calculated as the average of the measured fcm , and that back-calculated from the measured Ecm using the elastic modulus formula of the method and mixture proportions if required by the model. Calculated compliance is the calculated specific creep plus calculated elastic compliance for the fcm graphs and the calculated specific creep plus measured elastic compliance for the all data graphs. The reported mixture composition was used for ACI 209R-92 and Baant-Baweja B3. It was assumed that if mixture data were available, the strength development data and elastic modulus would also be available. Cement type was determined by comparison of measured strength gain data with the GL2000 strength gain equations. The same cement type was used for predictions in all methods. For CEB MC90-99, ASTM C150 Type I was taken as CEB Type N cement, Type III as CEB Type R, and Type II as CEB Type SL. It should be noted that each model should use an appropriate value of elastic modulus for which the model was calibrated. Therefore, for CEB, the elastic modulus was taken as Ecm = 9500(fcm)1/3 in MPa (262,250[fcm]1/3 in psi). For BaantBaweja B3, using the shape factor ks = 1.00 in s (the shrinkage time function) improved the results of the statistical analysis, and all concretes were assumed moist cured; that is, 2 = 1.20 for calculations using the Baant-Baweja B3 model. To calculate a coefficient of variation (Gardner 2004), the durations after drying or application of load were divided into seven half-log decade intervals: 3 to 9.9 days, 10 to 31 days, 32 to 99 days, 100 to 315 days, 316 to 999 days, 1000 to 3159 days, and greater than 3160 days. That is, each duration is 3.16 times the previous half-log decade; these are similar to the CEB ranges. The root mean square (RMS) (calculatedobserved) was calculated for all comparisons in each half-log decade. The coefficient of variation was the average RMS/ average experimental value for the same half-log decade.

4.1ACI 209R-92 model The model recommended by ACI Committee 209 (1971) was developed by Branson and Christiason (1971), with minor modifications introduced in ACI 209R-82 (ACI Committee 209 1982). ACI Committee 209 incorporated the developed model in ACI 209R-92 (ACI Committee 209 1992). Since then, it has not been revised or updated to the RILEM databank, and it is compared with very recent models. This model, initially developed for the precastprestressing industry (Branson and Ozell 1961; Branson 1963, 1964, 1968; Branson et al. 1970; Meyers et al. 1970; Branson and Kripanayanan 1971; Branson and Chen 1972), has been used in the design of structures for many years. Advantages of this model include: It is simple to use with minimal background knowledge; and It is relatively easy to adjust to match short-term test data simply by modifying ultimate shrinkage or creep to produce the best fit to the data. Its disadvantages include: It is limited in its accuracy, particularly in the method of accommodating member size when its simplest form is used. This disadvantage, however, can be overriden if the methods provided for accommodating the shape and size effect on the time-ratio are applied; and It is empirically based, thus it does not model shrinkage or creep phenomena. At its most basic level, the ACI 209R-92 method only requires: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing; Age of concrete at loading; Curing method; Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Volume-surface ratio or average thickness; and Cement type. This model calculates the creep coefficient rather than the compliance, which may introduce problems due to the assumed value of elastic modulus. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show



the calculated and measured shrinkages and compliances, respectively. The comparison of shrinkage data in Fig. 4.1 clearly shows that the ACI 209R-92 model overestimates measured shrinkage at low shrinkage values (equivalent to short drying times) and underestimates at high shrinkage values (typical of long drying times). This result indicates the limitation of the models equation used to predict shrinkage. The ACI 209R-92 compliance comparison is rather insensitive to using all of the available data, including mixture proportions, compared with just using the measured concrete strength. 4.2Baant-Baweja B3 model The Baant-Baweja B3 model (Baant and Baweja 1995, 2000) is the culmination of work started in the 1970s (Baant et al. 1976, 1991; Baant and Panula 1978, 1984; Jirasek and Baant 2002), and is based on a mathematical description of over 10 physical phenomena affecting creep and shrinkage (Baant 2000), including known fundamental asymptotic properties that ought to be satisfied by a creep and shrinkage model (Baant and Baweja 2000, RILEM Technical Committee TC 107 1995). This model has been found to be useful for those dealing with simple as well as complex structures. The Baant-Baweja B3 model uses the compliance function. The compliance function reduces the risk of errors due to inaccurate values of the elastic modulus. The model clearly separates basic and drying creep. The factors considered include: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing; Age of concrete at loading; Aggregate content in concrete; Cement content in concrete; Cement type; Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days; Curing method; Relative humidity; Shape of specimen; Volume-surface ratio; and Water content in concrete. Both Baant-Baweja B3 shrinkage and creep models may require input data that are not generally available at time of design, such as the specific concrete proportions and concrete mean compressive strength. Default values of the input parameters can be automatically considered if the user lacks information on some of them. The authors suggest when only fcm28 is known, the water-cement ratio can be determined using Eq. (4-1), and typical values of cement content and aggregate cement ratio should be assumed w c = [ ( f cm28 22.8 ) + 0.535 ] w c = [ ( f cm28 3300 ) + 0.535 ]

Fig. 4.1ACI 209R-92 versus RILEM shrinkage databank (Gardner 2004).

Fig. 4.2ACI 209R-92 versus RILEM compliance databank (Gardner 2004). derived by regression analysis of the reported values on ACI 211.1-91. For other cement types and cementitious materials, ACI 211.1-91 suggests that the relationship between watercement or water-cementitious material ratio and compressive strength of concrete be developed for the materials actually to be used. Figures 4.3 and 4.4 show the comparison between the calculated and measured shrinkages and compliances, respectively. The shrinkage equation is sensitive to the water content. The model allows for extrapolation from short-term test data using short-term test data and a test of short-term moisturecontent loss. 4.3CEB MC90-99 model In 1990, CEB presented a model for the prediction of shrinkage and creep in concrete developed by Muller and

in SI units in in.-lb units


Equation (4-1) represents the best-fit linear regression equation to the values reported in Tables A1.5.3.4(a) and A6.3.4(a) of ACI 211.1-91 (ACI Committee 211 1991) for non-air-entrained concretes made with Type 1 portland cement; for air-entrained concretes, similar equations can be



Fig. 4.3Baant-Baweja B3 versus RILEM shrinkage databank (Gardner 2004).

Fig. 4.5CEB MC90-99 versus RILEM shrinkage databank (Gardner 2004).

Fig. 4.4Baant-Baweja B3 versus RILEM compliance databank (Gardner 2004). Hilsdorf (1990). The model was revised in 1999 (CEB 1999) to include normal- and high-strength concretes and to separate the total shrinkage into its autogenous and drying shrinkage components, and it is called CEB MC90-99. While the revised models for the drying shrinkage component and for the compliance are closely related to the approach in CEB MC90 (Mller and Hilsdorf 1990, CEB 1993), for autogenous shrinkage, new relations were derived, and some adjustments were included for both normal- and high-strength concrete. For these reasons, the CEB 1990 and the revised CEB 1999 models are described in Appendix A. Some engineers working on creep and shrinkage-sensitive structures have accepted this model as preferable to the ACI 209R-92 model (based on the 1971 Branson and Christiason model). The CEB models do not require any information regarding the duration

Fig. 4.6CEB MC90-99 versus RILEM compliance databank (Gardner 2004). of curing or curing condition. The duration of drying might have a direct impact on the shrinkage and creep of concrete, and should not be ignored when predicting the shrinkage and compliance. The correction term used for relative humidity in the creep equation is extremely sensitive to any variation in relative humidity. Figures 4.5 and 4.6 compare the calculated and measured shrinkages and compliances, respectively. The method requires: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing; Age of concrete at loading; Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days; Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Volume-surface ratio; and Cement type.



Fig. 4.7GL2000 versus RILEM shrinkage databank (Gardner 2004). Using only the data with reported concrete strength, the model generally underestimates the shrinkage of North American concretes, and substantially underestimates the shrinkage of concretes containing basalt aggregates found in Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand (McDonald 1990; McDonald and Roper 1993; Robertson 2000). The main reason is that primarily European concretes (lower cement content and other types of cement) were considered when optimizing the model. The shrinkage model does not respond well to early-age extrapolation using the simple linear regression method suggested by Baant (1987); however, the creep model does (Robertson 2000). 4.4GL2000 model The GL2000 model was developed by Gardner and Lockman (2001), with minor modifications introduced by Gardner (2004). The model is a modification of the GZ Atlanta 97 model (Gardner 2000) made to conform to the ACI 209 model guidelines given in Section 3.5. Except for the concrete compressive strength, the model only requires input data that are available to engineer at time of design. Figure 4.7 and 4.8 compare the calculated and measured shrinkages and compliances, respectively. The method requires: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing; Age of concrete at loading; Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Volume-surface ratio; Cement type; and Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days. 4.5Statistical comparisons As stated previously, there is no agreement as to which statistical indicator(s) should be used, which data sets should be used, or what input data should be considered. To avoid revising any investigators results, the statistical comparisons of

Fig. 4.8GL2000 versus RILEM compliance databank (Gardner 2004). Baant and Baweja (2000), Al-Manaseer and Lam (2005), and Gardner (2004) are summarized in Table 4.2 for shrinkage and in Table 4.3 for compliance. As the statistical indicators represent different quantities and the investigators used different experimental results, comparisons can only be made across a row, but cannot be made between lines in the tables. Descriptions of the statistical indicators are given in Appendix B. Al-Manaseer and Lam (2005) noted that careful selection and interpretation of concrete data and the statistical methods can influence the conclusions on the performance of model prediction on creep and shrinkage. Brooks (2005) also reported the accuracy of five prediction models, including ACI 209R-92, Baant-Baweja B3, CEB MC90, and GL2000 models, in estimating 30-year deformation, concluding that most methods fail to recognize the influence of strength of concrete and type of aggregate on creep coefficient, which ranged from 1.2 to 9.2. Brooks (2005) also reported that shrinkage ranged from 280 to 1460 106, and swelling varied from 25 to 35% of shrinkage after 30 years. 4.6Notes about models The prediction capabilities of the four shrinkage and compliance models were evaluated by comparing calculated results with the RILEM databank. For shrinkage strain prediction, Baant-Baweja B3 and GL2000 provide the best results. The CEB MC90-99 underestimates the shrinkage. For compliance, GL2000, CEB MC90-99, and BaantBaweja B3 give acceptable predictions. The ACI 209R-92 method underestimates compliance for the most of the RILEM databank. It should be noted that for shrinkage predictions, Baant-Baweja B3 using Eq. (4-1) instead of experimental values for water, cement, and aggregate masses provides less accurate, but still acceptable, results. Except for ACI 209R-92, using more information improved the prediction for all other methods. The predictions from the CEB, GL2000, and Baant-Baweja B3 models were significantly improved by using measured strength development



Table 4.2Statistical indicators for shrinkage

Indicator BP* VCEB* AlManaseer and Lam (2005) Gardner (2004), fcm only Gardner (2004), all data

Investigator Baant and Baweja (2000)

ACI Baant209R-92 Baweja B3 55% 46% 83% 1.22 102% 34% 34% 41% 84% 1.07 55% 31%

Model CEB MC90 46% 52% 60% 0.75 90%

CEB MC90-99 GL2000 37% 65% 0.99 48% 32% 37% 84% 1.26 46% 25%



G* G*





Perfect correlation = 0%. Perfect correlation = 1.00.

Table 4.3Statistical indicators for compliance

IndiInvestigator cator Baant and Baweja BP* (2000), basic creep Baant and Baweja (2000), BP* drying creep VCEB* Al* Manaseer FCEB and Lam (2005) MCEB BP* Gardner (2004), fcm only Gardner (2004), all data

ACI Baant209R-92 Baweja B3 58% 24%

Model CEB MC90 35%

CEB MC90-99 GL2000




48% 32% 0.86 87% 30%

36% 35% 0.93 61% 29%

36% 31% 0.92 75%

38% 32% 0.89 80% 37%

35% 34% 0.92 47% 26%

G* G*





Perfect correlation = 0%. Perfect correlation = 1.00.

and measured elastic modulus of the concrete to modify the concrete strength used in creep and shrinkage equations. It should be noted that the accuracy of the models is limited by the many variables outlined previously and measurement variability. For design purposes, the accuracy of the prediction of shrinkage calculated using GL2000 and Baant-Baweja B3 models may be within 20%, and the prediction of compliance 30%. Parametric studies should be made by the designer to ensure that expected production variations in concrete composition, strength, or the environment do not cause significant changes in structural response. The coefficients of variation for shrinkage measured by Baant et al. (1987) in a statistically significant investigation were 10% at 7 days and 7% at 1100 days, and can be used as a benchmark for variations between batches. A model that

could predict the shrinkage within 15% would be excellent, and 20% would be adequate. For compliance, the range of expected agreement would be wider because, experimentally, compliance is determined by subtracting two measured quantities of similar magnitude. There is not an accepted sign convention for stress and strain. In this document, shortening strains and compressive stresses are positive. For all models, it is necessary to estimate the environmental humidity. The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institutes PCI Design Handbook (2005) gives values of the annual average ambient relative humidity throughout the United States and Canada that may be used as a guide. Care should be taken when considering structures, such as swimming pools or structures near water. Although the models are not sensitive to minor changes in input values, the effect of air conditioning in moist climates and exposure to enclosed pool in dry climates can be significant. Therefore, the effects of air conditioning and heating on the local environment around the concrete element should be considered. Relaxation, the gradual reduction of stress with time under sustained strain, calculated using ACI 209R-92, BaantBaweja B3, CEB MC90-99, and GL2000, agreed with Rostasy et al.s (1972) experimental results indicating that the principle of superposition can be used to calculate relaxation provided that calculations are done keeping any drying before loading term constant at the initial value (Lockman 2000). Lockman (2000) did a parametric comparison of models based upon the work of Chiorino and Lacidogna (1998a,b); see also Chiorino (2005). CEB MC90 and ACI 209R-92 underestimate the compliance compared with the GL2000 and Baant-Baweja B3 models using the same input parameters. Relaxations calculated by Baant-Baweja B3 are significantly different than those calculated for the three other models. The elastic strains, calculated at 30 seconds after loading, for the Baant-Baweja B3 model are very different from those calculated by the other three models. The method of calculating the elastic strain is unique to this model, and the initial stresses of relaxation differ radically from other models. For all ages of loading, especially in a drying environment, Baant-Baweja B3 predicts more relaxation than the other models. Unlike the other models, Baant-Baweja B3 uses an asymptotic elastic modulus (fast rate of loading), and not the conventional elastic modulus, which typically includes a significant early-age creep portion. The use of a larger asymptotic elastic modulus explains the comments about relaxation curves obtained from the Baant-Baweja B3 model. For early ages of loading, the relaxations calculated using CEB MC90-99 and ACI 209R-92 are nearly 100% of the initial stress, with residual stresses close to zero. For creep recovery, GL2000 and Baant-Baweja B3 are the only models that predict realistic recoveries by superposition. For partial creep recovery, that is, superposition not assumed, with complete removal of the load, no model provides realistic results. Calculating recovery by superposition is subject to more problems than calculating relaxation by superposition. If recovery is to be calculated by superposition, both basic and drying creep compliance functions have to be



parallel in time to give a constant compliance after unloading. As drying before loading reduces both basic and drying creep, it is not yet possible to determine a formulation that permits calculating recovery by superposition in a drying environment. Experimental evidence (Neville 1960) is inconclusive on whether either drying creep or basic creep is completely recoverable. High-strength concretes with water-cement ratios less than 0.40 and mean concrete strengths greater than 80 MPa (11,600 psi) experience significant autogenous shrinkage. The magnitude of the autogenous shrinkage also depends on the availability of moisture during early-age curing. Concretes containing silica fume appear to behave differently from conventional concretes. Few data on such concretes are held in the databank and hence, caution should be exercised using equations justified by the databank for such concretes. The models, however, can be used in such circumstances if they are calibrated with test data. CHAPTER 5REFERENCES 5.1Referenced standards and reports The latest editions of the standards and reports listed below were used when this document was prepared. Because these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised to review the latest editions for any changes. American Concrete Institute 116R Cement and Concrete Terminology 209.1R Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete ASTM International C150 Specification for Portland Cement C595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements C157 Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic Cement, Mortar, and Concrete C512 Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression C469 Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio of Concrete in Compression 5.2Cited references ACI Committee 209, 1971, Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures, Designing for the Effects of Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature, SP-27, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 51-93. ACI Committee 209, 1982, Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures, Designing for Creep and Shrinkage in Concrete Structures, A Tribute to Adrian Pauw, SP-76, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 193-300. ACI Committee 209, 1992, Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures (ACI 209R-92), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 47 pp. ACI Committee 211, 1991, Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete (ACI 211.1-91) (Reapproved 2002), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 38 pp.

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Al-Manaseer, ed., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 1-83. Baant, Z. P.; Carreira, D. J.; and Walser, A., 1975, Creep and Shrinkage in Reactor Containment Shells, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, V. 101, No. ST10, Oct., pp. 2117-2131. Baant, Z. P., and Ho, B. H., 1984, Deformation of Progressively Cracking Reinforced Concrete Beams, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 81, No. 3, May-June, pp. 268-278. Baant, Z. P.; Kim, J.-K.; Panula, L.; and Xi, Y., 1991, Improved Prediction Model for Time-Dependent Deformations of Concrete: Parts 1-6, Materials and Structures, V. 24, No. 143, pp. 327-345; V. 24, No. 144, pp. 409-421; V. 25, No. 145, pp. 21-28; V. 25, No. 146, pp. 84-94; V. 25, No. 147, pp. 163-169; V. 25, No. 148, pp. 219-223. Baant, Z. P.; Kim, J. K.; Wittmann, F. H.; and Alou, F., 1987, Statistical Extrapolation of Shrinkage DataPart II: Bayesian Updating, ACI Materials Journal, V. 84, No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 83-91. Baant, Z. P.; Osman, E.; and Thonguthai, W., 1976, Practical Formulation of Shrinkage and Creep in Concrete, Materials and Structures, V. 9, pp. 395-406. Baant, Z. P., and Panula, L., 1978, Practical Prediction of Time Dependent Deformations of Concrete, Parts IIV, Materials and Structures, V. 11, pp. 307-316, 317-378, 425434; V. 12, pp. 169-183. Baant, Z. P., and Panula, L., 1984, Practical Prediction of Creep and Shrinkage of High Strength Concrete, Materials and Structures, V. 17, No. 101, pp. 375-378. Branson, D. E., 1963, Instantaneous and Time-Dependent Deflections of Simple and Continuous Reinforced Concrete Beams, Report No. 7, Part I, Alabama Highway Research Department, Bureau of Public Roads, Aug., pp. 1-78. Branson, D. E., 1964, Time-Dependent Effects in Composite Concrete Beams, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 61, No. 2, Feb., pp. 213-230. Branson, D. E., 1968, Design Procedures for Computing Deflections, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 65, No. 9, Sept., pp. 730-742. Branson, D. E., 1977, Deformation of Concrete Structures, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York. Branson, D. E., and Chen, C. I., 1972, Design Procedures for Predicting and Evaluating the Time-Dependent Deformation of Reinforced, Partially Prestressed and Fully Prestressed Structures of Different Weight Concrete, Research Report, Civil Engineering Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Aug. Branson, D. E., and Christiason, M. L., 1971, Time Dependent Concrete Properties Related to DesignStrength and Elastic Properties, Creep and Shrinkage, Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature Effects, SP-27, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 257-277. Branson, D. E., and Kripanarayanan, K. M., 1971, Loss of Prestress, Camber and Deflection of Noncomposite and Composite Prestressed Concrete Structures, PCI Journal, V. 16, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 22-52. Branson, D. E.; Meyers, B. L.; and Kripanarayanan, K. M., 1970, Loss of Prestress, Camber, and Deflection of

Noncomposite and Composite Structures Using Different Weight Concretes, Final Report No. 70-6, Iowa Highway Commission, Aug., pp. 1-229. Branson, D. E., and Ozell, A. M., 1961, Camber in Prestressed Concrete Beams, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 57, No. 12, June, pp. 1549-1574. British Standards Institution, 1985, BS 8110: Part 2: Structural Use of Concrete: Code of Practice for Special Circumstances, BSI, Milton Keynes. Brooks, J. J., 2005, 30-year Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, V. 57, No. 9, Nov., pp. 545556. Carreira, D. J., and Burg, R. G., 2000, Testing for Concrete Creep and Shrinkage, The Adam Neville Symposium: Creep and Shrinkage-Structural Design Effects, SP-194, A. AlManaseer, ed., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 381-422. Carreira, D. J., and Chu, K. H., 1986, Time Dependent Cyclic Deflections in R/C Beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, V. 112. No. 5, pp. 943-959. Carreira, D. J., and Walser, A., 1980, Analysis of Concrete Containments for Nonlinear Strain Gradients, Paper J3/7, Fifth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Nov., pp. 77-83. CEB, 1984, CEB Design Manual on Structural Effects of Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete, M. A. Chiorino, P. Napoli, F. Mola, and M. Koprna, eds., CEB Bulletin dInformation No. 142/142 bis, Georgi Publishing Co., Saint-Saphorin, Switzerland, 391 pp. (See also: Final Draft, CEB Bulletin No. 136, 1980). CEB, 1991, Evaluation of the Time Dependent Properties of Concrete, Bulletin dInformation No. 199, Comit European du Beton/Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, Lausanne, Switzerland, 201 pp. CEB, 1993. CEB-FIP Model Code 1990, CEB Bulletin dInformation No. 213/214, Comit Euro-International du Bton, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 33-41. CEB, 1999, Structural ConcreteTextbook on Behaviour, Design and Performance. Updated Knowledge of the CEB/ FIP Model Code 1990, fib Bulletin 2, V. 2, Federation Internationale du Beton, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 37-52. Chiorino, M. A., 2005, A Rational Approach to the Analysis of Creep Structural Effects, Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete, SP-227, N. J. Gardner and J. Weiss, eds., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 107-141. Chiorino, M. A., and Lacidogna, G. 1998a, General Unified Approach for Analysis of Concrete Structures: Design Aids for Different Code-Type Models, Revue Franaise de Gnie Civil, V. 3, No. 3-4, pp. 173-217. Chiorino, M. A., and Lacidogna, G., 1998b, General Unified Approach for Creep Code-Type Models, Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, 41 pp. Davies, R. D., 1957, Some Experiments on the Applicability of the Principle of Superposition to the Strain of Concrete Subjected to Changes of Stress, with Particular Reference to Prestressed Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, V. 9, pp. 161-172.



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factors are applied to ultimate values. Because creep and shrinkage equations for any period are linear functions of the ultimate values, however, the correction factors in this procedure may be applied to short-term creep and shrinkage as well. The recommended equations for predicting a creep coefficient and an unrestrained shrinkage strain at any time, including ultimate values, apply to normalweight, sand lightweight, and all lightweight concrete (using both moist and steam curing, and Types I and III cement) under the standard conditions summarized in Table A.1. Required parameters: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing (days); Age of concrete at loading (days); Curing method; Ambient relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Volume-surface ratio or average thickness (mm or in.); Concrete slump (mm or in.); Fine aggregate percentage (%); Cement content (kg/m3 or lb/yd3); Air content of the concrete expressed in percent (%); and Cement type A.1.1 ShrinkageThe shrinkage strain sh(t,tc) at age of concrete t (days), measured from the start of drying at tc (days), is calculated by Eq. (A-1) ( t tc ) sh ( t, t c ) = -------------------------- shu f + ( t tc )


where f (in days) and are considered constants for a given member shape and size that define the time-ratio part, shu is the ultimate shrinkage strain, and (t tc) is the time from the end of the initial curing. For the standard conditions, in the absence of specific shrinkage data for local aggregates and conditions and at ambient relative humidity of 40%, the average value suggested for the ultimate shrinkage strain shu, is shu = 780 106 mm/mm (in./in.) (A-2)

For the time-ratio in Eq. (A-1), ACI 209R-92 recommends an average value for f of 35 and 55 for 7 days of moist curing and 1 to 3 days of steam curing, respectively, while an average value of 1.0 is suggested for (flatter hyperbolic form). It should be noted that the time-ratio does not differentiate between drying, autogenous, and carbonation shrinkage. Also, it is independent of member shape and size, because f and are considered as constant. The shape and size effect can be totally considered on the time-ratio by replacing = 1.0, and f as given by Eq. (A-3), in Eq. (A-1), where V/S is the volume-surface ratio in mm or in.



Table A.1Factors affecting concrete creep and shrinkage and variables considered in recommended prediction method
Factors Cement paste content Water-cement ratio Concrete composition Mixture proportions Aggregate characteristics Concrete (creep and shrinkage) Degrees of compaction Length of initial curing Initial curing Cement content Moist cured Steam cured Moist cured Steam cured Relative humidity Concrete temperature Ambient relative humidity Volume-surface ratio or minimum thickness Moist cured Steam cured Sustained load Compressive stress Stress/strength ratio Variables considered Type of cement Slump Air content Fine aggregate percentage Standard conditions Type I and III 70 mm (2.7 in.) 6% 50% 279 to 446 kg/m3 (470 to 752 lb/yd3) 7 days 1 to 3 days 23.2 2 C (73.4 4 F) 100 C ( 212 F) 95% 23.2 2 C (73.4 4 F) 40% V/S = 38 mm (1.5 in.) 150 mm (6 in.) 7 days 1 to 3 days Sustained load Axial compression 0.50

Curing temperature Curing humidity Concrete temperature

Member geometry and environment (creep and shrinkage)

Environment Concrete water content Geometry Size and shape Concrete age at load application Loading history During of loading period Duration of unloading period Number of load cycles Stress conditions Type of stress and distribution across the section Stress/strength ratio

Loading (creep only)

f = 26.0e f = 26.0e

{ 1.42 10 ( V S ) }

in SI units in in.-lb units

The ambient relative humidity coefficient sh,RH is (A-3) 1.40 1.02h for 0.40 h 0.80 sh, RH = 3.00 3.0h for 0.80 h 1 (A-7)

{ 0.36 ( V S ) }

For conditions other than the standard conditions, the average value of the ultimate shrinkage shu (Eq. (A-2)) needs to be modified by correction factors. As shown in Eq. (A-4) and (A-5), ACI 209R-92 (ACI Committee 209 1992) suggests multiplying shu by seven factors, depending on particular conditions shu = 780sh 106 mm/mm (in./in.) with sh = sh,tcsh,RHsh,vssh,ssh,sh,csh, (A-5) (A-4)

where sh represents the cumulative product of the applicable correction factors as defined as follows. The initial moist curing coefficient sh,tc for curing times different from 7 days for moist-cured concrete, is given in Table A.2 or Eq. (A-6); for steam curing with a period of 1 to 3 days, sh,tc = 1. The sh,cp correction factors shown in Table A.2 for the initial moist curing duration variable can be obtained by linear regression analysis as given in Eq. (A-6) sh,tc = 1.202 0.2337log(tc) R2 = 0.9987 (A-6)

where the relative humidity h is in decimals. For lower than 40% ambient relative humidity, values higher than 1.0 should be used for shrinkage sh,RH. Because sh,RH = 0 when h = 100%, the ACI method does not predict swelling. Coefficient sh,vs allows for the size of the member in terms of the volume-surface ratio, for members with volume-surface ratio other than 38 mm (1.5 in.), or average thickness other than 150 mm (6 in.). The average thickness d of a member is defined as four times the volume-surface ratio; that is d = 4V/S, which coincides with twice the actual thickness in the case of a slab sh, vs = 1.2e sh, vs = 1.2e
{ 0.00472 ( V S ) }

in SI units in in.-lb units

{ 0.12 ( V S ) }


where V is the specimen volume in mm3 or in.3, and S the specimen surface area in mm2 or in2. Alternatively, the method also allows the use of the average-thickness method to account for the effect of member size on shu. The average-thickness method tends to compute



Table A.2Shrinkage correction factors for initial moist curing, sh,tc , for use in Eq. (A-5), ACI 209R-92 model
Moist curing duration tc , days 1 3 7 14 28 90 sh,tc 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.93 0.86 0.75

Table A.3Shrinkage correction factors for average thickness of members, sh,d , for use in Eq. (A-5), ACI 209R-92 model
Average thickness of Volume/surface ratio V/S, member d, mm (in.) mm (in.) 51 (2) 12.5 (0.50) 76 (3) 102 (4) 127 (5) 152 (6) 19 (0.75) 25 (1.00) 31 (1.25) 37.5 (1.50) Shrinkage factor sh,d 1.35 1.25 1.17 1.08 1.00

correction factor values that are higher, as compared with the volume-surface ratio method. For average thickness of member less than 150 mm (6 in.) or volume-surface ratio less than 37.5 mm (1.5 in.), use the factors given in Table A.3. For average thickness of members greater than 150 mm (6 in.) and up to about 300 to 380 mm (12 to 15 in.), use Eq. (A-9) and (A-10). During the first year drying, (t tc) 1 year sh, d = 1.23 0.0015d sh, d = 1.23 0.006 ( V S ) in SI units (A-9) sh, d = 1.23 0.038d sh, d = 1.23 0.152 ( V S ) For ultimate values, (t tc) > 1 year sh, d = 1.17 0.00114d sh, d = 1.17 0.00456 ( V S ) in SI units in in.-lb units

Fine aggregate factor sh,, where is the ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by weight expressed as percentage sh, = 0.30 + 0.014 sh, = 0.90 + 0.002 for 50% for > 50%


Cement content factor sh,c , where c is the cement content in kg/m3 or lb/yd3 sh, c = 0.75 + 0.00061c sh, c = 0.75 + 0.00036c in SI units in in.-lb units


Air content factor sh, , where is the air content in percent sh, = 0.95 + 0.008 1 (A-14)

(A-10) sh, d = 1.17 0.029d sh, d = 1.23 0.116 ( V S )

These correction factors for concrete composition should be used only in connection with the average values suggested for shu = 780 106 mm/mm (in./in.). This average value for shu should be used only in the absence of specific shrinkage data for local aggregates and conditions determined in accordance with ASTM C512. A.1.2 ComplianceThe compliance function J(t,to) that represents the total stress-dependent strain by unit stress is given by 1 + ( t, t o ) J ( t, t o ) = ------------------------E cmto (A-15)

in in.-lb units

where d = 4V/S is the average thickness (in mm or in.) of the part of the member under consideration. For either method, however, sh should not be taken less than 0.2. Also, use shshu 100 106 mm/mm (in./in.) if concrete is under seasonal wetting and drying cycles and shshu 150 106 mm/mm (in./in.) if concrete is under sustained drying conditions. The correction factors that allow for the composition of the concrete are: Slump factor sh,s , where s is the slump of fresh concrete (mm or in.) sh, s = 0.89 + 0.00161s sh, s = 0.89 + 0.041s in SI units in in.-lb units (A-11)

where Ecmto is the modulus of elasticity at the time of loading to (MPa or psi), and (t,to) is the creep coefficient as the ratio of the creep strain to the elastic strain at the start of loading at the age to (days). a) Modulus of elasticityThe secant modulus of elasticity of concrete Ecmto at any time to of loading is given by E mcto = 0.043 c E mcto = 33 c
1.5 1.5

f cmto (MPa) in SI units


f cmto (psi) in in.-lb units

where c is the unit weight of concrete (kg/m3 or lb/ft3), and fcmto is the mean concrete compressive strength at the time of loading (MPa or psi).



The general equation for predicting compressive strength at any time t is given by f cmt t = ------------- f cm28 a + bt (A-17)

Table A.4Values of the constant a and b for use in Eq. (A-17), ACI 209R-92 model
Type of cement I III Moist-cured concrete a b 4.0 2.3 0.85 0.92 Steam-cured concrete a b 1.0 0.70 0.95 0.98

where fcm28 is the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days in MPa or psi, a (in days) and b are constants, and t is the age of the concrete. The ratio a/b is the age of concrete in days at which one half of the ultimate (in time) compressive strength of concrete is reached. The constants a and b are functions of both the type of cement used and the type of curing employed. The ranges of a and b for the normalweight, sand lightweight, and all lightweight concretes (using both moist and steam curing, and Types I and III cement) are: a = 0.05 to 9.25, and b = 0.67 to 0.98. Typical recommended values are given in Table A.4. The concrete required mean compressive strength fcm28 should exceed the specified compressive strength fc as required in Section 5.3.2 of ACI 318 (ACI Committee 318 2005). b) Creep coefficientThe creep model proposed by ACI 209R-92 has two components that determine the asymptotic value and the time development of creep. The predicted parameter is not creep strain, but creep coefficient (t,to) (defined as the ratio of creep strain to initial strain). The latter allows for the calculation of a creep value independent from the applied load. Equation (A-18) presents the general model ( t to ) ( t, t o ) = ---------------------------- u d + ( t to )

where c represent the cumulative product of the applicable correction factors as defined as follows. For ages at application of load greater than 7 days for moistcured concrete or greater than l to 3 days for steam-cured concrete, the age of loading factor for creep c,to is estimated from c,to = 1.25to0.118 for moist curing c,to = 1.13to0.094 for steam curing where to is the age of concrete at loading (days). The ambient relative humidity factor c,RH is c,RH = 1.27 0.67h for h 0.40 (A-24) (A-22) (A-23)


where the relative humidity h is in decimals. For lower than 40% ambient relative humidity, values higher than 1.0 should be used for creep h. Coefficient c,vs allows for the size of the member in terms of the volume-surface ratio, for members with a volumesurface ratio other than 38 mm (1.5 in.), or an average thickness other than 150 mm (6 in.)
{ 0.0213 ( V S ) } c, vs = 2 ( 1 + 1.13e ) -3

where (t,to) is the creep coefficient at concrete age t due to a load applied at the age to; d (in days) and are considered constants for a given member shape and size that define the time-ratio part; (t to) is the time since application of load, and u is the ultimate creep coefficient. For the standard conditions, in the absence of specific creep data for local aggregates and conditions, the average value proposed for the ultimate creep coefficient u is u = 2.35 (A-19)

in SI units (A-25) in in.-lb units

c, vs

{ 0.54 ( V S ) } 2 = -- ( 1 + 1.13e ) 3

For the time-ratio in Eq. (A-18), ACI-209R-92 recommends an average value of 10 and 0.6 for d and (steeper curve for larger values of (t to)), respectively. The shape and size effect can be totally considered on the time-ratio by replacing = 1.0 and d = f as given by Eq. (A3), in Eq. (A-18), where V/S is the volume-surface ratio in mm or in. For conditions other than the standard conditions, the value of the ultimate creep coefficient u (Eq. (A-19)) needs to be modified by correction factors. As shown in Eq. (A-20) and (A-21), ACI 209R-92 suggests multiplying u by six factors, depending on particular conditions. u = 2.35c c = c,toc,RHc,vsc,sc,sh, (A-20) (A-21)

where V is the specimen volume in mm3 or in3, and S the specimen surface area in mm2 or in2. Alternatively, the method also allows the use of the average-thickness method to account for the effect of member size on u. The average-thickness method tends to compute correction factor values that are higher, as compared with the volume-surface ratio method. For the average thickness of a member less than 150 mm (6 in.) or volume-surface ratio less than 37.5 mm (1.5 in.), use the factors given in Table A.5. For the average thickness of members greater than 150 mm (6 in.) and up to about 300 to 380 mm (12 to 15 in.), use Eq. (A-26) and (A-27). During the first year after loading, (t to) 1year c, d = 1.14 0.00092d c, d = 1.14 0.00363 ( V S ) in SI units (A-26) c, d = 1.14 0.023d c, d = 1.14 0.092 ( V S ) in in.-lb units



Table A.5Creep correction factors for average thickness of members, c,d , for use in Eq. (A-21), ACI 209R-92 model
Average thickness of Volume/surface ratio V/S, member d, mm (in.) mm (in.) 51 (2) 12.5 (0.50) 76 (3) 102 (4) 127 (5) 152 (6) 19 (0.75) 25 (1.00) 31 (1.25) 37.5 (1.50) Creep factor c,d 1.30 1.17 1.11 1.04 1.00

For ultimate values, (t to) > 1 year c, d = 1.10 0.00067d c, d = 1.10 0.00268 ( V S ) in SI units (A-27) c, d = 1.10 0.017d c, d = 1.10 0.068 ( V S ) in in.-lb units

where d = 4(V/S) is the average thickness in mm or inches of the part of the member under consideration. The correction factors to allow for the composition of the concrete are: Slump factor c,s, where s is the slump of fresh concrete (mm or in.) c, s = 0.82 + 0.00264s c, s = 0.82 + 0.067s in SI units in in.-lb units


Fine aggregate factor c,, where is the ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by weight expressed as percentage c, = 0.88 + 0.0024 (A-29)

Air content factor c, , where is the air content in percent c, = 0.46 + 0.09 1 (A-30)

design strength on the model parameters is the main source of error of the model. The prediction of the material parameters of the B3 model from strength and composition is restricted to portland cement concrete with the following parameter ranges: 0.35 w/c 0.85; 2.5 a/c 13.5; 17 MPa fcm28 70 MPa (2500 psi fcm28 10,000 psi); and 160 kg/m3 c 720 kg/m3 (270 lb/yd3 c 1215 lb/yd3) where fcm28 is the 28-day standard cylinder compression strength of concrete (in MPa or psi), w/c is the water-cement ratio by weight, c is the cement content (in kg/m3 or lb/yd3), and a/c is the aggregate-cement ratio by weight. If only design strength is known, then fcm28 = fc + 8.3 MPa (fcm28 = fc + 1200 psi). The Baant-Baweja B3 model is restricted to the service stress range (or up to about 0.45fcm28). The formulas are valid for concretes cured for at least 1 day. Required parameters: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing, (days); Age of concrete at loading (days); Aggregate content in concrete (kg/m3 or lb/yd3); Cement content in concrete (kg/m3 or lb/yd3); Water content in concrete (kg/m3 or lb/yd3); Cement type; Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days (MPa or psi); Modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days (MPa or psi); Curing condition; Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Shape of specimen; and Volume-surface ratio or effective cross-section thickness (mm or in.). A.2.1 ShrinkageThe mean shrinkage strain sh(t,tc) in the cross section at age of concrete t (days), measured from the start of drying at tc (days), is calculated by Eq. (A-31) sh(t,tc) = sh khS(t tc) (A-31)

These correction factors for concrete composition should be used only in connection with the average values suggested for u = 2.35. This average value for u should be used only in the absence of specific creep data for local aggregates and conditions determined in accordance with ASTM C512. A.2Baant-Baweja B3 model The Baant-Baweja (1995) B3 model is the latest variant in a number of shrinkage and creep prediction methods developed by Baant and his coworkers at Northwestern University. According to Baant and Baweja (2000), the B3 model is simpler and is better theoretically justified than the previous models. The effect of concrete composition and

where sh is the ultimate shrinkage strain, kh is the humidity dependence factor (Table A.6), S(t tc) is the time curve, and (t tc) is the time from the end of the initial curing. The ultimate shrinkage sh is given by Eq. (A-32) E cm607 sh = s -----------------------E cm ( tc + sh ) (A-32)

where s is a constant given by Eq. (A-33), and Ecm607/ Ecm(tc+sh) is a factor to account for the time dependence of ultimate shrinkage (Eq. (A-34))
s = 1 2 [ 0.019w f cm28 + 270 ] 10 s = 1 2 [ 0.02565w f
2.1 0.28 cm28 2.1 0.28 6

in SI units in in.-lb units

+ 270 ] 10




and E cmt
0.5 t = E cm28 --------------------- 4 + 0.85t

Table A.6Humidity dependence kh, B3 model

Relative humidity kh 1 h3 0.2 Linear interpolation: 12.74 12.94h


h 0.98 h = 1.00 0.98 < h < 1.00

where w is the water content in kg/m3 or lb/yd3, fcm28 is the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days in MPa or psi, and 1 and 2 are constants related to the cement type and curing condition. (Note: The negative sign is the model authors convention.) The values of 1 and 2 are given in Tables A.7 and A.8, respectively. This means that sh = s for tc = 7 days, and sh = 600 days. The time function for shrinkage S(t tc) is given by Eq. (A-35) ( t tc ) S ( t t c ) = tanh -------------- sh

Table A.71 as function of cement type, B3 model

Type of cement Type I Type II Type III 1 1.00 0.85 1.10

Table A.82 as function of curing condition, B3 model (A-35)

Steam cured Cured in water or at 100% relative humidity Sealed during curing or normal curing in air with initial protection against drying Curing method 2 0.75 1.00 1.20

where t and tc are the age of concrete and the age drying commenced or end of moist curing in days, respectively, and sh is the shrinkage half-time in days as given in Eq. (A-36). The size dependence of shrinkage is given by
sh = 0.085t c sh = 190.8t c

E cm28 = 4734 f cm28 E cm28 = 57,000 f cm28

in SI units in in.-lb units


f cm28


[ 2k s ( V S ) ]

in SI units in in.-lb units


f cm28


[ 2k s ( V S ) ]


where ks is the cross-section shape-correction factor (Table A.9), and V/S is the volume-surface ratio in mm or in. A.2.2 ComplianceThe average compliance function J(t,to) at concrete age t caused by a unit uniaxial constant stress applied at age to, incorporating instantaneous deformation, basic and drying creep, is calculated from J(t,to) = q1 + Co(t,to) + Cd(t,to ,tc) (A-37)

According to this model, the basic creep is composed of three terms: an aging viscoelastic term, a nonaging viscoelastic term, and an aging flow term
Co(t,to) = q2Q(t,to) + q3 ln[1 + (t to)n] + q4 ln(t/to) (A-40)

where q2Q(t,to) is the aging viscoelastic compliance term. The cement content c (in kg/m3 or lb/yd3) and the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days fcm28 (in MPa or psi) are required to calculate the parameter q2 in Eq. (A-41) q 2 = 185.4 10 c f cm28 q 2 = 86.814 10 c f cm28
6 0.5 6 0.5 0.9

where q1 is the instantaneous strain due to unit stress (inverse of the asymptotic elastic modulus) that is, in theory, approached at a time of about 109 second; Co(t,to) is the compliance function for basic creep; Cd(t,to ,tc) is the additional compliance function for drying creep; and t, tc, and to are the age of concrete, the age drying began or end of moist curing, and the age of concrete loading in days, respectively. The instantaneous strain may be written q1 = 1/Eo , where Eo is the asymptotic elastic modulus. The use of Eo instead of the conventional static modulus Ecm is convenient because concrete exhibits pronounced creep, even for very short loads duration. Eo should not be regarded as a real elastic modulus, but merely an empirical parameter that can be considered age independent. Therefore, the instantaneous strain due to unit stress is expressed in Eq. (A-38) q1 = 0.6/Ecm28 where (A-38)

in SI units in in.-lb units



Q(t,to) is an approximate binomial integral that must be multiplied by the parameter q2 to obtain the aging viscoelastic term Qf ( to ) Q(t,to) = Qf (to) 1 + ---------------- Z ( t, t o )
r ( to ) 1 r ( to )


Equations (A-43) to (A-45) can be used to approximate the binomial integral Qf (to) = [0.086(to)2/9 + 1.21(to)4/9]1 Z(t,to) = (to)m ln[1 + (t to)n] r(to) = 1.7(to)0.12 + 8 (A-43) (A-44) (A-45)



Table A.9ks as function of cross section shape, B3 model

Cross section shape Infinite slab Infinite cylinder Infinite square prism Sphere Cube ks 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.55

to t 1 2 S ( t o t c ) = tanh ------------c sh


Note: The analyst needs to estimate which of these shapes best approximates the real shape of the member or structure. High accuracy in this respect is not needed, and ks 1 can be used for simplified analysis.

where m and n are empirical parameters whose value can be taken the same for all normal concretes (m = 0.5 and n = 0.1). In Eq. (A-40), q3 is the nonaging viscoelastic compliance parameter, and q4 is the aging flow compliance parameter. These parameters are a function of the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days fcm28 (in MPa or psi), the cement content c (in kg/m3 or lb/yd3), the water-cement ratio w/c, and the aggregate-cement ratio a/c q3 = 0.29(w/c)4q2 q 4 = 20.3 10 ( a c ) q 4 = 0.14 10 ( a c )
6 6 0.7

(A-46) in SI units



in in.-lb units

The compliance function for drying creep is defined by Eq. (A-48). This equation accounts for the drying before loading. Note that drying before loading is considered only for drying creep Cd(t,to,tc) = q5[exp{8H(t)} exp{8H(to)}]1/2 (A-48)

In Eq. (A-48), q5 is the drying creep compliance parameter. This parameter is a function of the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days fcm28 (in MPa or psi), and of sh , the ultimate shrinkage strain as given in Eq. (A-32) q5 = 0.757fcm281|sh 106|0.6 (A-49)

H(t) and H(to) are spatial averages of pore relative humidity. Equations (A-50) to (A-53) and Eq. (A-36) are required to calculate H(t) and H(to). H(t) = 1 (1 h)S(t tc) H(to) = 1 (1 h)S(to tc) (A-50) (A-51)

where S(t tc) and S(to tc) are the time function for shrinkage calculated at the age of concrete t and the age of concrete at loading to in days, respectively, and sh is the shrinkage half-time t tc 1 2 S ( t t c ) = tanh ---------- sh (A-52)

A.3CEB MC90-99 model The CEB MC90 model (Muller and Hilsdorf 1990; CEB 1993) is intended to predict the time-dependent mean crosssection behavior of a concrete member. It has concept similar to that of ACI 209R-92 model in the sense that it gives a hyperbolic change with time for creep and shrinkage, and it also uses an ultimate value corrected according mixture proportioning and environment conditions. Unless special provisions are given, the models for shrinkage and creep predict the time-dependent behavior of ordinary-strength concrete (12 MPa [1740 psi] fc 80 MPa [11,600 psi]) moist cured at normal temperatures not longer than 14 days and exposed to a mean ambient relative humidity in the range of 40 to 100% at mean ambient temperatures from 5 to 30 C (41 to 86 F). The models are valid for normalweight plain structural concrete having an average compressive strength in the range of 20 MPa (2900 psi) fcm28 90 MPa (13,000 psi). The age at loading to should be at least 1 day, and the sustained stress should not exceed 40% of the mean concrete strength fcmto at the time of loading to. Special provisions are given for elevated or reduced temperatures and for high stress levels. The CEB MC90-99 model (CEB 1999) includes the latest improvements to the CEB MC90 model. The model has been developed for normal- and high-strength concrete, and considers the separation of the total shrinkage into autogenous and drying shrinkage components. The models for shrinkage and creep are intended to predict the time-dependent mean cross-section behavior of a concrete member moist cured at normal temperatures not longer than 14 days and exposed to a mean ambient relative humidity in the range of 40 to 100% at mean ambient temperatures from 10 to 30 C (50 to 86 F). It is valid for normalweight plain structural concrete having an average compressive strength in the range of 15 MPa (2175 psi) fcm28 120 MPa (17,400 psi). The age at loading should be at least 1 day, and the creep-induced stress should not exceed 40% of the concrete strength at the time of loading. The CEB model does not require any information regarding the duration of curing or curing condition, but takes into account the average relative humidity and member size. Required parameters: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing (days); Age of concrete at loading (days); Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days (MPa or psi); Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; Volume-surface ratio or effective cross-section thickness of the member (mm or in.); and Cement type. A.3.1 Shrinkage CEB MC90The total shrinkage strains of concrete sh(t,tc) may be calculated from sh(t,tc) = csos(t tc) (A-54)



where cso is the notional shrinkage coefficient, s(t tc) is the coefficient describing the development of shrinkage with time of drying, t is the age of concrete (days) at the moment considered, tc is the age of concrete at the beginning of drying (days), and (t tc) is the duration of drying (days). The notional shrinkage coefficient may be obtained from cso = s(fcm28)RH(h) with s(fcm28) = [160 + 10sc(9 fcm28/fcm0)] 106 h 3 RH ( h ) = 1.55 1 ---- h o for 0.4 h < 0.99 (A-56) (A-55)

Table A.10Coefficient sc according to Eq. (A-56), CEB MC90 model

Type of cement according to EC2 SL (slowly-hardening cements) N and R (normal or rapid hardening cements) RS (rapid hardening high-strength cements) sc 4 5 8

The effect of temperature on the time development of shrinkage is taken into account by In SI units:


RH ( h ) = 0.25 for h 0.99 where fcm28 is the mean compressive cylinder strength of concrete at the age of 28 days (MPa or psi), fcmo is equal to 10 MPa (1450 psi), sc is a coefficient that depends on the type of cement (Table A.10), h is the ambient relative humidity as a decimal, and ho is equal to 1. The development of shrinkage with time is given by ( t tc ) t1 s ( t t c ) = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 350 [ ( V S ) ( V S ) o ] + ( t t c ) t 1

( t tc ) t1 s, T ( t t c ) = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( t tc ) T V V 2 350 -- -exp 0.06 ---- 20 + -------------- S S o To t1

(A-60) In in.-lb units:


( t tc ) t1 s, T ( t t c ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ( t tc ) T V V exp 0.06 18.778 ----- 37.778 + --------------350 -- S S t1 To


where (t tc) is the duration of drying (days), t1 is equal to 1 day, V/S is the volume-surface ratio (mm or in.), and (V/S)o is equal to 50 mm (2 in.). The method assumes that, for curing periods of concrete members not longer than 14 days at normal ambient temperature, the duration of moist curing does not significantly affect shrinkage. Hence, this parameter, as well as the effect of curing temperature, is not taken into account. Therefore, in Eq. (A-54) and (A-58), the actual duration of drying (t tc) has to be used. When constant temperatures above 30 C (86 F) are applied while the concrete is drying, CEB MC90 recommends using an elevated temperature correction for RH(h) and s(t tc), shown as follows. The effect of temperature on the notional shrinkage coefficient is taken into account by In SI units: T T o 20 0.08 RH, T = RH ( h ) 1 + ---------------------------- ------------------------ 1.03 h h o 40 (A-59) In in.-lb units:
0.08 - 18.778 T T o 37.778 RH, T = RH ( h ) 1 + --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1.03 h h o 40

where RH,T is the relative humidity factor corrected by temperature that replaces RH in Eq. (A-55), s,T (t tc) is the temperature-dependent coefficient replacing s(t tc) in Eq. (A-54), h is the relative humidity in decimals, ho is equal to 1, V/S is the volume-surface ratio (mm or in.); (V/S) is equal to 50 mm (2 in.), T is the ambient temperature (C or F), and To is equal to 1 C (33.8 F). A.3.2 Shrinkage CEB MC90-99With respect to the shrinkage characteristics of high-performance concrete, the new approach for shrinkage subdivides the total shrinkage into the components of autogenous shrinkage and drying shrinkage. While the model for the drying shrinkage component is closely related to the approach given in CEB MC90 (CEB 1993), for autogenous shrinkage, new relations had to be derived. Some adjustments, however, should also be carried out for the drying shrinkage component, as the new model should cover both the shrinkage of normal- and high-performance concrete; consequently, the autogenous shrinkage also needs to be modeled for normal-strength concrete. The total shrinkage of concrete sh(t,tc) can be calculated from Eq. (A-61) sh(t,tc) = cas(t) + cds(t,tc) (A-61)

where sh(t,tc) is the total shrinkage, cas(t) the autogenous shrinkage, and cds(t,tc) is the drying shrinkage at concrete age t (days) after the beginning of drying at tc (days). The autogenous shrinkage component cas(t) is calculated from Eq. (A-62) cas(t) = caso(fcm28)as(t) (A-62)



where caso( fcm28) is the notional autogenous shrinkage coefficient from Eq. (A-63), and as(t) is the function describing the time development of autogenous shrinkage from Eq. (A-64) f cm28 f cmo 2.5 6 caso ( f cm28 ) = as --------------------------------- 10 6 + f cm28 f cmo t 0.5 as ( t ) = 1 exp 0.2 --- t 1 (A-63)

Table A.11Coefficients according to Eq. (A-63) and (A-66), CEB MC90-99 model
Type of cement according to EC2 SL (slowly-hardening cements) N or R (normal or rapid hardening cements) RS (rapid hardening high-strength cements) as 800 700 600 ds1 3 4 6 ds2 0.13 0.12 0.12


where fcm28 is the mean compressive strength of concrete at an age of 28 days (MPa or psi), fcmo = 10 MPa (1450 psi), t is the concrete age (days), t1 = 1 day, and as is a coefficient that depends on the type of cement (Table A.11). The autogenous shrinkage component is independent of the ambient humidity and of the member size, and develops more rapidly than drying shrinkage. The drying shrinkage cds(t,tc) is calculated from Eq. (A-65) cds(t,tc) = cdso(fcm28)RH(h)ds(t tc) (A-65)

because of the preceding reduction of the internal relative humidity due to self-desiccation of the concrete. A.3.3 ComplianceThe compliance function J(t,to) that represents the total stress-dependent strain by unit stress is given by
1 1 - 28 ( t, t o ) J ( t, t o ) = ----------- [ ( t o ) + 28 ( t, t o ) ] = ----------- + -------------------E cm28 E cm28 E cmto


where cdso( fcm28) is the notional drying shrinkage coefficient from Eq. (A-66), RH(h) is the coefficient that takes into account the effect of relative humidity on drying shrinkage from Eq. (A-67), and ds(t tc) is the function describing the time development of drying shrinkage from Eq. (A-68)
cdso(fcm28) = [(220 + 110ds1)exp(ds2 fcm28/fcmo)] 106(A-66)

h- 3 RH ( h ) = 1.55 1 ---- for 0.4 h < 0.99s1 h o (A-67) RH(h) = 0.25 for h 0.99s1 ( t tc ) t1 ds ( t t c ) = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 350 [ ( V S ) ( V S ) o ] + ( t t c ) t 1 3.5f cmo 0.1 s1 = ---------------- 1.0 f cm28

where (to) = Ecm28/Ecmto, Ecm28 is the mean modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days (MPa or psi), Ecmto is the modulus of elasticity at the time of loading to (MPa or psi), and the dimensionless 28-day creep coefficient 28(t,to) gives the ratio of the creep strain since the start of loading at the age to to the elastic strain due to a constant stress applied at a concrete age of 28 days. Hence, 1/Ecmto represents the initial strain per unit stress at loading. The CEB MC90-99 model is closely related to the CEB MC90 model; however, it has been adjusted to take into account the particular characteristics of high-strength concretes. a) Modulus of elasticityFor the prediction of the creep function, the initial strain is based on the tangent modulus of elasticity at the time of loading as defined in Eq. (A-71) and (A-72). The modulus of elasticity of concrete at a concrete age t different than 28 days may be estimated from s 28 E cmt = E cm28 exp -- 1 -------- 2 t t 1 (A-71)



where ds1 and ds2 are coefficients that depend on the type of cement (Table A.11), s1 is a coefficient that takes into account the self-desiccation in high-performance concrete, h is the ambient relative humidity as a decimal, ho = 1, V/S is the volume-surface ratio (mm or in.), (V/S)o = 50 mm (2 in.), fcmo = 10 MPa (1450 psi), tc is the concrete age at the beginning of drying (days), and (t tc) is the duration of drying (days). According to Eq. (A-67) for normal-strength concretes, swelling is to be expected if the concrete is exposed to an ambient relative humidity near 99%. For higher-strength grades, swelling will occur at lower relative humidities

where Ecm28 is the mean modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days from Eq. (A-72); the coefficient s depends on the type of cement and the compressive strength of concrete and may be taken from Table A.12; and t1 = 1 day. The modulus of elasticity of concrete made of quartzitic aggregates at the age of 28 days Ecm28 (MPa or psi) may be estimated from the mean compressive strength of concrete by Eq. (A-72) f cm28 E cm28 = 21,500 3 ---------- in SI units f cmo E cm28 f cm28 = 3,118,310 3 ---------- in in.-lb units f cmo


where fcm28 is the mean compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days (MPa or psi), and fcmo = 10 MPa (1450 psi).



For concrete made of basalt, dense limestone, limestone, or sandstone, CEB MC90 recommends calculating the modulus of elasticity of concrete by multiplying Ecm28 (MPa or psi) according to Eq. (A-72) with the coefficients E from Table A.13. The mean compressive cylinder strength of concrete (MPa or psi) is given by Eq. (A-73) f cm28 = f c + 8.0 in SI units f cm28 = f c + 1160 in in.-lb units (A-73)

Table A.12Coefficient s according to Eq. (A-71), CEB MC90 and CEB MC90-99 models
fcm28 Type of cement RS (rapid hardening high-strength cement) s 0.20 0.25 0.38 0.20

60 MPa (8700 psi) N or R (normal or rapid hardening cements) SL (slowly-hardening cement) >60 MPa (8700 psi)* All types

Case not considered in CEB MC90.

where fc is the specified/characteristic compressive cylinder strength (MPa or psi) defined as that strength below which 5% of all possible strength measurements for the specified concrete may be expected to fall. b) Creep coefficientWithin the range of service stresses (not larger than 40% of the mean concrete strength fcmto at the time of loading to), the 28-day creep coefficient 28(t,to) may be calculated from Eq. (A-74) 28(t,to) = oc(t to) (A-74)

Table A.13Effect of type of aggregate on modulus of elasticity, CEB MC90 model

Aggregate type Basalt, dense limestone aggregates Quartzitic aggregates Limestone aggregates Sandstone aggregates E 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7

where o is the notional creep coefficient, c(t to) is the coefficient that describes the development of creep with time after loading, t is the age of concrete (days) at the moment considered, and to is the age of concrete at loading (days), adjusted according to Eq. (A-81) and (A-87). The notional creep coefficient o may be determined from Eq. (A-75) to (A-81) o = RH(h)(fcm28)(to) with 1 h ho RH ( h ) = 1 + ----------------------------------------------------- 1 2 - 3 0.1 [ ( V S ) ( V S ) ] o 5.3 ( f cm28 ) = ---------------------------f cm28 f cmo 1 ( t o ) = ----------------------------------0.2 0.1 + ( t o t 1 ) 3.5f cmo 1 = ---------------f cm28 3.5f cmo 2 = ---------------f cm28

50 mm (2 in.), t1 = 1 day, to is the age of concrete at loading (days) adjusted according to Eq. (A-81) and (A-87), and 1 and 2 are coefficients that depend on the mean compressive strength of concrete (1 = 2 = 1 in CEB MC90). The effect of type of cement and curing temperature on the creep coefficient may be taken into account by modifying the age at loading to according to Eq. (A-81) 9 t o = t o, T --------------------------------------- + 1 1.2 2 + ( t o, T t 1, T )

0.5 days


(A-75) where to,T is the age of concrete at loading (days) adjusted to the concrete temperature according to Eq. (A-87) (for T = 20 C [68 F], to,T corresponds to to) and t1,T = 1 day. is a power that depends on the type of cement; = 1 for slowly hardening cement; = 0 for normal or rapidly hardening cement; and = 1 for rapid hardening high-strength cement. The value for to according to Eq. (A-81) has to be used in Eq. (A-78). The coefficient c(t to) that describes the development of creep with time after loading may be determined from Eq. (A-82) to (A-84) ( t to ) t1 c ( t t o ) = -----------------------------------H + ( t to ) t1 with
H = 150[1 + (1.2 h/ho)18](V/S)/(V/S)o + 2503 15003 (A-83)








3.5f cmo 3 = ---------------f cm28



where fcm28 is the mean compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days (MPa or psi), fcmo = 10 MPa (1450 psi), h is the relative humidity of the ambient environment in decimals, ho = 1, V/S is the volume-surface ratio (mm or in.), (V/S)o =

where t1 = 1 day, ho = 1, (V/S)o = 50 mm (2 in.), and 3 is a coefficient that depends on the mean compressive strength of concrete (3 = 1 in CEB MC90).



The duration of loading (t to) used in Eq. (A-82) is the actual time under load. Temperature effectsThe effect of elevated or reduced temperatures at the time of testing on the modulus of elasticity of concrete, at an age of 28 days without exchange of moisture, for a temperature range 5 to 80 C (41 to 176 F), may be estimated from
E cm28 ( T ) = E cm28 ( 1.06 0.003T T o ) in SI units

where H,T is a temperature-dependent coefficient that replaces H in Eq. (A-82), H is a coefficient according to Eq. (A-83), T is the temperature (C or F), and To = 1 C (33.8 F). The effect of temperature conditions on the magnitude of the creep coefficient o in Eq. (A-74) and (A-75), respectively, may be calculated using Eq. (A-90) RH,T = T + [RH (h) 1]T1.2 with (A-90)


E cm28 ( T ) = E cm28 [ 1.06 0.003 ( 18.778T 600.883 ) T o ] in in.-lb units

where T is the temperature (C or F), and To = 1 C (33.8 F). Equation (A-85) can also be used for a concrete age other than t = 28 days. The 28-day creep coefficient at an elevated temperature may be calculated as 28(t,to,T) = oc(t to) + T,trans (A-86)

T = exp [ 0.015 ( T T o 20 ) ] in SI units T = exp [ 0.015 [ ( 18.778T 600.883 )/T o 20 ] ] in in.-lb units


where o is the notional creep coefficient according to Eq. (A-75) and temperature adjusted according to Eq. (A-90), c(t to) is a coefficient that describes the development of creep with time after loading according to Eq. (A-82) and temperature adjusted according to Eq. (A-88) and (A-89), and T,trans is the transient thermal creep coefficient that occurs at the time of the temperature increase, and may be estimated from Eq. (A-92). The effect of temperature to which concrete is exposed before loading may be taken into account by calculating an adjusted age at loading from Eq. (A-87)

where RH,T is a temperature-dependent coefficient that replaces RH(h) in Eq. (A-75), RH(h) is a coefficient according to Eq. (A-76), and To = 1 C (33.8 F). Transient temperature conditions, that is, an increase of temperature while the structural member is under load, leads to additional creep T,trans that may be calculated from Eq. (A-92)
T, trans = 0.0004 ( T T o 20 )

in SI units

T, trans = 0.0004 [ ( 18.778T 600.883 ) T o 20 ]


in in.-lb units

Effect of high stressesWhen stresses in the range of 40 to 60% of the compressive strength are applied, CEB MC9099 (CEB 1993, 1999) recommends using a high stress correction to the notional creep o as shown in Eq. (A-93) o,k = oexp{1.5(k 0.4)} (A-93)

t o, T =


ti exp

4000 13.65 -----------------------------T ( t i ) 273 + -------------To

in SI units


where o,k is the notional creep coefficient that replaces o in Eq. (A-74), and k is the stress-strength ratio at the time of application of the load. A.4GL2000 model The model presented herein corresponds to the last version of the GL2000 model (Gardner 2004), including minor modifications to some coefficients and to the strength development with time equation of the original model developed by Gardner and Lockman (2001). It is a modified Atlanta 97 model (Gardner and Zhao 1993), which itself was influenced by CEB MC90. It presents a design-office procedure for calculating the shrinkage and creep of normal-strength concretes, defined as concretes with mean compressive strengths less than 82 MPa (11,890 psi) that do not experience self-desiccation, using the information available at design, namely, the 28-day specified concrete strength, the concrete strength at loading, element size, and relative humidity. According to Gardner and Lockman (2001), the method can be used regardless of what chemical admixtures or mineral by-products are in the concrete, casting temperature, or curing regime. The predicted values can be improved by simply measuring concrete strength development with time and modulus of elasticity. Aggregate stiffness is taken into

t o, T =


ti exp

4000 13.65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------( 18.778T ( t i ) 600.883 ) 273 + -------------------------------------------------------------To

in in.-lb units

where to,T is the temperature-adjusted age of concrete at loading, in days, from Eq. (A-81), T(ti) is the temperature (C or F) during the time period ti, ti is the number of days where a temperature T prevails, n is the number of time intervals considered, and To = 1 C (33.8 F). The effect of temperature on the time development of creep is taken into consideration using H,T (Eq. (A-88)) H,T = HT with
1500 T = exp -------------------------------- 5.12 ( 273 + T T o ) in SI units


in in.-lb units

1500 T = exp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.12 [ 273 + ( 18.778T 600.883 ) T o ]



account by using the average of the measured cylinder strength and that back-calculated from the measured modulus of elasticity of the concrete. The compliance expression is based on the modulus of elasticity at 28 days instead of the modulus elasticity at the age of loading. This model includes a term for drying before loading, which applies to both basic and drying creep. Required parameters: Age of concrete when drying starts, usually taken as the age at the end of moist curing (days); Age of concrete at loading (days); Concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days (MPa or psi); Concrete mean compressive strength at loading (MPa or psi); Modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days (MPa or psi); Modulus of elasticity of concrete at loading (MPa or psi); Relative humidity expressed as a decimal; and Volume-surface ratio (mm or in.). A.4.1 Relationship between specified and mean compressive strength of concreteIf experimental values are not available, the relationship between the specified/characteristic compressive strength fc and the mean compressive strength of concrete fcm28 can be estimated from Eq. (A-94) f cm28 = 1.1f c + 5.0 in SI units f cm28 = 1.1f c + 700 in in.-lb units (A-94)

s 28 e = exp -- 1 ----- 2 t


where s is a CEB (1993) style strength-development parameter (Table A.14), and e relates strength development to cement type. Equation (A-96) is a modification of the CEB strengthdevelopment relationship. A single measured value of s permits values of k in the shrinkage equation to be interpolated, where k is a correction term for the effect of cement type on shrinkage (Table A.14). If experimental results are available, the cement type is determined from the strength development characteristic of the concrete, regardless of the nominal designation of the cement. This enables the model to accommodate concretes incorporating any chemical or mineral admixtures. A.4.5 ShrinkageCalculate the shrinkage strain sh(t,tc) from Eq. (A-98) sh(t,tc) = shu(h)(t tc) (A-98)

where shu is the ultimate shrinkage strain, (h) is a correction term for the effect of humidity, and (t tc) is a correction term for the effect of time of drying. The ultimate shrinkage shu is given by 30 - 1 2 10 6 in SI units shu = 900k ---------- f cm28
12 6 shu = 900k 4350 ---------- 10 in in.-lb units f cm28


Equation (A-94) is a compromise between the recommended equations of ACI Committee 209 (1982) and ACI Committee 363 (1992). It can be noted that Eq. (A-94) does not include any effects for aggregate stiffness or concrete density. Instead of making an allowance for the density of the concrete, it is preferable to measure the modulus of elasticity. If experimental values are not available, the modulus of elasticity Ecmt and the strength development with time fcmt can be calculated from the compressive strength using Eq. (A-95) and (A-96). A.4.2 Modulus of elasticity E cmt = 3500 + 4300 f cmt in SI units E cmt = 500,000 + 52,000 f cmt in in.-lb units A.4.3 Aggregate stiffnessAggregate stiffness can be accommodated by using the average of the measured cylinder strength and that back-calculated from the measured modulus of elasticity using Eq. (A-95) in the shrinkage and specific creep equations. Effectively, Eq. (A-95) is used as an indicator of the divergence of the measured stiffness from standard values. A.4.4 Strength development with time fcmt = e2fcm28 where (A-96)

where fcm28 is the concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days in MPa or psi, and k is a shrinkage constant that depends on the cement type (Table A.14). If test results for strength development are available, the shrinkage term can be improved by interpolating k from Table A.14 using the experimentally determined cement type/characteristic. The correction term for effect of humidity (h) is given by (h) = (1 1.18h4) (A-100)


Note that for a relative humidity of 0.96, there is no shrinkage. At a higher relative humidity, swelling occurs. The time function for shrinkage (t tc) is given by ( t tc ) ( t t c ) = -------------------------------------------------2 ( t t c ) + 0.12 ( V S ) ( t tc ) ( t t c ) = ---------------------------------------------2 ( t t c ) + 77 ( V S )
1/2 1/2

in SI units (A-101) in in.-lb units

where t and tc are the age of concrete and the age drying starts or end of moist curing in days, respectively, and V/S is the volume-surface ratio in mm or in. A.4.6 Compliance equationsThe compliance is composed of the elastic and the creep strains. The elastic strain is the reciprocal of the modulus of elasticity at the age



Table A.14Parameters s and k as function of cement type, GL2000 model

Cement type Type I Type II Type III s 0.335 0.4 0.13 k 1.0 0.75 1.15

recovery calculations, (tc) remains constant at the value at the age of loading. APPENDIX BSTATISTICAL INDICATORS B.1BP coefficient of variation (BP%) method Developed by Baant and Panula (1978), a coefficient of variation BP is determined for each data set. Data points in each logarithmic decade, 0 to 9.9 days, 10 to 99.9 days, and so on, are considered as one group. Weight is assigned to each data point based on the decade in which it falls and number of data points in that particular decade. The overall coefficient of variation (B3) for all data sets is the root mean square (RMS) of the data set values 1 O j = ----nw

of loading Ecmto, and the creep strain is the 28-day creep coefficient 28(t,to) divided by the modulus of elasticity at 28 days Ecm28 as in Eq. (A-102). The creep coefficient 28(t,to) is the ratio of the creep strain to the elastic strain due to the load applied at the age of 28 days 28 ( t, t o ) 1 J ( t, t o ) = ------------ + -------------------E cmto E cm28 (A-102)


( ij Oij )


The 28-day creep coefficient 28(t,to) is calculated using Eq. (A-103) In SI units:
( t to ) 7 0.5 ( t t o ) 0.5 28 ( t, t o ) = ( t c ) 2 -------------------------------- + -- ------------------------ 0.3 t o ( t t o ) + 7 ( t t o ) + 14
0.5 ( t to ) 2 + 2.5 ( 1 1.086h ) -------------------------------------------------- ( t t ) + 0.12 ( V S ) 2 o 0.3

2 1 1 j = ---- ---------- ij ( C ij O ij ) Oj n 1 i = 1


n ij = --------nd nk


(A-103) In in.-lb units:

( t to ) 7 0.5 ( t t o ) 0.5 28 ( t, t o ) = ( t c ) 2 -------------------------------- + -- ------------------------ 0.3 t o ( t t o ) + 7 ( t t o ) + 14
0.5 ( t to ) 2 + 2.5 ( 1 1.086h ) ---------------------------------------------2 ( t t ) + 77 ( V S ) o 0.3

BP =

1 --N



where n nw nk nd N Oij

= = = = = =

The creep coefficient includes three terms. The first two terms are required to calculate the basic creep, and the third term is for the drying creep. Similar to the shrinkage Eq. (A-100), at a relative humidity of 0.96, there is only basic creep (there is no drying creep). (tc) is the correction term for the effect of drying before loading. If to = tc (tc) = 1 When to > tc 0.5 ( to tc ) ( t c ) = 1 ---------------------------------------------------- ( t o t c ) + 0.12 ( V S ) 2 0.5 ( to tc ) ( t c ) = 1 ------------------------------------------------ ( t o t c ) + 77 ( V S ) 2
0.5 0.5


Cij Oij= ij = = =


in SI units (A-105) in in.-lb units

j B3

number of data points in data set number j; sum of the weights of all data points in a data set; number of data points in the k-th decade; number of decades on the logarithmic scale spanned by measured data in data set j; number of data sets; measured value of the shrinkage strain or creep compliance for the i-th data point in data set number j; predicted value of the shrinkage strain or creep compliance for the i-th data point in data set number j; deviation of the predicted shrinkage strain or creep compliance from the measured value for the i-th data point in data set number, j; weight assigned to the i-th data point in data set number j; coefficient of variation for data set number j; and overall coefficient of variation.

To calculate relaxation, (tc) remains constant at the initial value throughout the relaxation period. For creep

B.2CEB statistical indicators The CEB statistical indicators: coefficient of variation VCEB , the mean square error FCEB , and the mean deviation MCEB were suggested by Muller and Hilsdorf (1990). The indicators are calculated in six time ranges: 0 to 10 days, 11 to 100 days, 101 to 365 days, 366 to 730 days, 731 to 1095



days, and above 1095 days. The final values are the RMS of the six interval values. B.2.1 CEB coefficient of variation 1 O i = -n

=1 M CEB = i-------------N



( O ij )


where Mi = MCEB = n = N =

2 1 1 V i = ---- ----------( C ij O ij ) Oj n 1 j = 1


ratio of calculated to experimental values in time range i; mean deviation; number of values considered in time interval; and total number of data sets considered.


1 --N




where n = number of data points considered; N = total number of data sets considered; = coefficient of variation in interval i; and Vi VCEB = RMS coefficient of variation. B.2.2 CEB mean square errorThe mean square error uses the difference between the calculated and observed values relative to the observed value ( C ij O ij ) f j = ------------------------ 100 O ij


B.3The Gardner coefficient of variation (G) Developed by Gardner (2004), the mean observed value and RMS of the difference between calculated and observed values were calculated in half logarithmic time intervals: 3 to 9.9 days, 10 to 31.5 days, 31.6 to 99 days, 100 to 315 days, 316 to 999 days, 1000 to 3159 days, and above 3160 days. That is, the duration of each time interval is 3.16 times the previous value. To obtain a criterion of fit, the average values and RMSs were averaged without regard to the number of observations in each halfdecade. A coefficient of variation is obtained by dividing the average RMS normalized by the average value. It is necessary to emphasize that this is not the conventional definition of the coefficient of variation 1 O j = -n

Fi =

1 ----------n1





( Oij )
1 ----------n1



1 --N



RMS j =



( Cij Oij )


percent difference between calculated and observed data point j; and FCEB = mean square error, %. B.2.3 CEB mean deviationThe CEB mean deviation MCEB indicates systematic overestimation or underestimation of a given model 1 M i = -n

where fj =

1 O = --N


( Oj ) ( RMSj )


1 RMS = --N




------O ij

C ij


RMS G = ----------O




APPENDIX CNUMERIC EXAMPLES Find the creep coefficients and shrinkage strains of concrete at 14, 28, 60, 90, 180, and 365 days after casting, from the following information: specified concrete compressive strength of 25 MPa (3626 psi), 7 days of moist curing, age of loading to = 14 days, 70% ambient relative humidity, and volume-surface ratio of the member = 100 mm (4 in.). Problem data Concrete data: Specified 28-day strength Ambient conditions: Relative humidity Temperature Specimen: Volume-surface ratio Shape Initial curing: Curing time Curing condition Concrete at loading: Age at loading Applied stress range C.1ACI 209R-92 model solution C.1.1 Estimated concrete properties Mean 28-day strength Mean 28-day elastic modulus C.1.2 Estimated concrete mixture Cement type Maximum aggregate size Cement content Water content Water-cement ratio Aggregate-cement ratio Fine aggregate percentage Air content Slump Unit weight of concrete

fc = h= T= V/S =

SI units 25 MPa 0.7 20 C 100 mm Infinite slab

in.-lb units 3626 psi

68 F 4 in.

tc =

7 days Moist cured 14 days 40%

to = ks =

fcm28 = Ecm28 =

SI units 33.3 MPa 28,178 MPa

in.-lb units 4830 psi 4,062,346 psi

Table ACI 318-05 (A-16)

SI units I 20 mm c= w= w/c = a/c = = = s= c = 409 kg/m3 205 kg/m3 0.50 4.23 40% 2% 75 mm 2345 kg/m3

in.-lb units I 3/4 in. 690 lb/yd3 345 lb/yd3 (4-1) Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91

Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91 2.95 in. 3953 lb/yd3 146* lb/ft3

Table A1. and of ACI 211.1-91.

C.1.3 Shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) SI units Nominal ultimate shrinkage strain Moist curing correction factor shu = 780 10

in.-lb units (A-2) (A-6)

sh,tc = 1.202 0.2337log(tc) = 1.005



sh,RH = 1.40 1.02h if 0.4 h 0.8 Ambient relative humidity factor sh,vs = 1.2e sh,RH = 3.00 3h if 0.8 < h 1 sh,RH = 0.686

(A-7) (A-7) (A-7)


Volume-to-surface ratio factor Slump of fresh concrete factor

(A-8) (A-8) (A-11) (A-11)

sh,vs = 1.2e

(A-8) (A-8) (A-11) (A-11) (A-12) (A-12) (A-12) (A-13) (A-13) (A-14) (A-14) (A-5) (A-5) (A-4)

sh,vs = 0.749 sh,s = 0.89 + 0.00161s sh,s = 1.011

sh,vs = 0.743 sh,s = 0.89 + 0.041s sh,s = 1.011

sh, = 0.30 + 0.014 if 50% Fine aggregate factor sh, = 0.90 + 0.002 if > 50% sh, = 0.860 Cement content factor Air content factor Cumulative correction factor sh,c = 0.75 + 0.00061c sh,c = 0.999 (A-13) (A-13) sh, = 0.95 + 0.008 1 sh, = 1.000 sh = sh,tcsh,RHsh,vssh,ssh,sh,csh, sh = 0.448 shu = 350 106 (A-5) shu = 780sh 106 (A-4) shu = 347 106 f(t,tc) = [(t tc)/(f + (t tc))] sh(t,tc) = [(t tc)/(f + (t tc))]shu t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 f(t tc) 0.000 0.167 0.375 0.602 0.703 0.832 0.911 sh(t,tc), 106 0 58 131 211 246 291 318 t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 f(t tc) 0.000 0.167 0.375 0.602 0.703 0.832 0.911 0 58 130 209 244 288 316 sh = 0.444 sh,c = 0.75 + 0.00036c sh,c = 0.998

Ultimate shrinkage strain Shrinkage time function Shrinkage strains =1


(A-1) sh(t,tc), 106

f = 35 days

Note that the 365-day shrinkage strain reduces to 268 106 when the effect of the volume-surface ratio on the shrinkage time function is considered, that is, if f = 26e0.0142(V/S) = 108 days (f = 26e0.36(V/S) = 110 days). C.1.4 Compliance J(t,to) a) Elastic compliance J(to ,to) SI units I Cement type a=4 b = 0.85 fcmto = [to /(a + bto)]fcm28 fcmto = 29.3 MPa Ecmto = 0.043c1.5fcmto Ecmto = 26,441 MPa J(to,to) = 37.82 106 (1/MPa) (A-17) (A-16) (A-16) J(to,to) = 1/Ecmto (A-15) J(to,to) = 0.262 106 (1/psi) fcmto = 4253 psi Ecmto = 33c
1.5f cmto

in.-lb units (Table A.4) (Table A.4) (A-17) (A-17) (A-16) (A-16) (A-15) (A-15)

Mean strength at age to Mean elastic modulus at age to Elastic compliance

Ecmto = 3,811,908 psi



b) Creep coefficient ( t,to) SI units Nominal ultimate creep coefficient Age application of load factor Ambient relative humidity factor Volume-to-surface ratio factor Slump of fresh concrete factor Fine aggregate factor Air content factor Cumulative correction factor Ultimate shrinkage strain Creep coefficient time function Creep coefficients = 0.6 d = 10 days t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 0.000 0.328 0.499 0.573 0.682 0.771 u = 2.35 c,to = 1.25to0.118 c,to = 0.916 c,RH = 1.27 0.67h if h 0.4 c,RH = 0.801 c,vs = 2/3[1 + 1.13e(0.0213(V/S))] (A-25) c,vs = 0.756 c,s = 0.82 + 0.00264s c,s = 1.018 (A-25) (A-28) (A-28) c, = 0.88 + 0.0024 c, = 0.976 c, = 0.46 + 0.09 1 c, = 1.000 c = c,toc,RHc,vsc,sc,sh, c = 0.551 u = 1.29 (A-21) u = 2.35c (A-20) u = 1.29 f(t to) = [(t to)/(d + (t to))] (t,to) = [(t to)/(d + (t to))]u f(t tc) (t,to) 0.000 0.424 0.646 0.742 0.883 0.998 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 f(t tc) 0.000 0.328 0.499 0.573 0.682 0.771 (A-18) (t,to) 0.000 0.423 0.643 0.740 0.880 0.995 c = 0.549 c,vs = 2/3[1 + 1.13e(0.54(V/S))] c,vs = 0.754 c,s = 0.82 + 0.067s c,s = 1.018 in.-lb units (A-19) (A-22) (A-22) (A-24) (A-24) (A-25) (A-25) (A-28) (A-28) (A-29) (A-29) (A-30) (A-30) (A-21) (A-21) (A-20) (A-20)

c) Compliance J(t,to)= 1/Ecmto+ (t,to)/Ecmto SI units t, days J(to,to), 10 14 37.82 28 37.82 60 37.82 90 37.82 180 37.82 365 37.82

in.-lb units

(t,to)/Ecmto, 10 0 16.04 24.42 28.08 33.41 37.75

J(t,to) (1/MPa), 10 37.82 53.86 62.24 65.90 71.24 75.58

J(to,to), 10 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.262

(t,to)/Ecmto, 106 J(t,to) (1/psi), 106 0 0.262 0.111 0.373 0.169 0.431 0.195 0.457 0.231 0.493 0.261 0.523

Note that when the effect of the volume-surface ratio is considered in the time function of the creep coefficient as d = 26e0.0142(V/S) = 108 days (f = 26e0.36(V/S) = 110 days) and = 1, the creep coefficient and the compliance rate of development are initially smaller than when the effect of the volume-surface ratio is not considered; however, after 365 days under load, they are similar.



C.2Baant-Baweja B3 model solution C.2.1 Estimated concrete properties Mean 28-day strength Mean 28-day elastic modulus fcm28 = Ecm28 = SI units 33.3 MPa 27,318 MPa in.-lb units 4830 psi 3,961,297 psi Table ACI 318-05 (A-39)

C.2.2 Estimated concrete mixture SI units Cement type Maximum aggregate size Cement content Water content Water-cement ratio Aggregate-cement ratio Fine aggregate percentage Air content Slump Unit weight of concrete

in.-lb units I 3/4 in.


20 mm c= w= w/c = a/c = = = s= c = 409 kg/m 205 kg/m3 0.50 4.23 40% 2% 75 mm 2345 kg/m3

690 lb/yd3 345 lb/yd3 (4-1) Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91

Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91 2.95 in. 3953 lb/yd3 146 lb/ft3*

A1. and of ACI 211.1-91.

C.2.3 Shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) SI units kh = 0.2 if h = 1 Ambient relative humidity factor kh = 12.74 12.94h if 0.98 < h < 1 kh = 1 h if h 0.98 kh = 0.657 Cement type factor Curing condition factor Nominal ultimate shrinkage Member shape factor Shrinkage half-time sh = 0.085tc
0.08f cm28 0.25 [2k s 3

in.-lb units (Table A.6) (Table A.6) (Table A.6) (Table A.6) (Table A.7) (Table A.8) s = 12[0.02565w2.1fcm280.28 + 270] 106 s = 781 10 sh = 190.8tc
0.08f 6

1 = 1.000 2 = 1.000 s = 12[0.019w2.1fcm280.28 + 270] 106 (A-33) s = 780 10


(A-33) (A-33)

(A-33) ks = 1.000 (V/S)]2(A-36) (A-36)

(Table A.9)
cm28 0.25 [2k 2 s(V/S)]

(A-36) (A-36)

sh = 1211.323

sh = 1253.630

Time dependence factor

Ecm607/Ecm(t + ) = 1.0805/[(tc + sh)/(4 + 0.85(tc + sh))]0.5 c sh Ecm607/Ecm(t + ) = 0.998 (A-32) & (A-34) c sh sh = 778 106 Ecm607/Ecm(t + ) = 0.998 c sh sh = 779 106 sh = s Ecm607/Ecm(tc+sh) (A-32) S(t tc) = tanh[(t tc)/sh]0.5 sh(t,tc) = shkhtanh[(t tc)/sh]0.5

(A-32) & (A-34) (A-32) & (A-34) (A-32) (A-32) (A-35) (A-31)

Ultimate shrinkage strain Shrinkage time function Shrinkage strains



t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365

S(t tc) 0.000 0.076 0.131 0.206 0.256 0.361 0.496

sh(t,tc), 106 0 39 67 105 131 184 253

t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365

S(t tc) 0.000 0.075 0.129 0.203 0.252 0.355 0.489

sh(t,tc), 106 0 38 66 104 129 182 250

C.2.4 Compliance J(t,to) = q1 + Co(t,to) + Cd(t,to,tc) a) Instantaneous compliance q1= 0.6/ Ecm28 SI units Instantaneous compliance q1 = 1/Eo = 0.6/Ecm28 q1 = 21.96 106(1/MPa) q1 = 0.152 106(1/psi) in.-lb units (A-38)

b) Compliance function for basic creep Co(t,to) = q2Q(t,to) + q3ln[1 + (t to)n] + q4ln(t/to) Aging viscoelastic term q2Q(t,to) SI units q2 = 185.4 106c0.5fcm280.9 q2 = 159.9 106 (1/MPa) (A-41) (A-41) in.-lb units q2 = 86.814 106c0.5fcm280.9 q2 = 1.103 106 (1/psi) (A-41) (A-41) (A-43) (A-43)

Qf (to) = [0.086(to)2/9 + 1.21(to)4/9]1 Qf (to) = 0.246 m = 0.5 n = 0.1 r(to) =1.7(to)0.12 + 8 r(to) = 10.333 Aging viscoelastic term Z(t,to) = (to)mln[1 + (t to)n] Q(t,to) = Qf (to)[1 + {Qf (to)/Z(t,to t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 Z(t,to) 0.000 0.223 0.241 0.249 0.262 0.275 Q(t,to) 0.000 0.216 0.228 0.232 0.236 0.240 q2Q(t,to) (1/MPa), 106 0 34.59 36.41 37.02 37.78 38.30 )}r(to)]1/r(to) Z(t,to) 0.000 0.223 0.241 0.249 0.262 0.275 Q(t,to) 0.000 0.216 0.228 0.232 0.236 0.240 Aging viscoelastic term

(A-45) (A-45) (A-44) (A-42) q2Q(t,to) (1/psi), 106 0 0.239 0.251 0.255 0.261 0.264

t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365

Nonaging viscoelastic term q3ln[1 + (t to)n] SI units q3 = 0.29(w/c) q2 q3 = 2.924 106 (1/MPa) (A-46) n = 0.1 q3 = 0.020 106 (1/psi)

in.-lb units (A-46) (A-46)



Nonaging viscoelastic term t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 ln[1 + (t to 0.000 0.834 0.903 0.933 0.981 1.029 )n] q3ln[1 + (t to ) n] (1/MPa), 106 0 2.44 2.64 2.73 2.87 3.01

Nonaging viscoelastic term

n n 6 t, days ln[1 + (t to) ] q3ln[1 + (t to) ] (1/psi), 10 14 0.000 0 28 0.834 0.017 60 0.903 0.018 90 0.933 0.019 180 0.981 0.020 365 1.029 0.021

Aging flow term q4ln(t/to) SI units q4 = 20.3 106(a/c)0.7 (A-47) (A-47)


in.-lb units q4 = 0.14 106(a/c)0.7 q4 = 5.106 108 (1/psi) Aging flow term 0 5.13 10.76 13.76 18.89 24.12 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 ln(t,to) 0.000 0.693 1.455 1.861 2.554 3.261 q4ln(t/to) (1/psi), 106 0 0.035 0.074 0.095 0.130 0.167 (A-47) (A-47)

q4 = 7.396 106 (1/MPa) Aging flow term t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 ln(t,to) 0.000 0.693 1.455 1.861 2.554 3.261

q4ln(t/to) (1/MPa), 10

Compliance function for basic creep Co(t,to) = q2Q(t,to) + q3ln[1 + (t to)n] + q4ln(t/to) SI units Co(t,to) = q2Q(t,to) + q3ln[1 + (t
n t, days q2Q(t,to) q3ln[1 + (t to) ] 14 0 0 28 34.59 2.44 60 36.41 2.64 90 37.02 2.73 180 37.78 2.87 365 38.30 3.01

in.-lb units to)n] + q4ln(t/to) (A-40) q4ln (t/to), Co(t,to) 6 (1/psi), 106 10 0 0 0.035 0.291 0.074 0.344 0.095 0.369 0.130 0.411 0.167 0.451 q4ln(t/to), Co(t,to) 6 (1/MPa), 106 10 t, days 0 0 14 5.13 42.15 28 10.76 49.81 60 13.76 53.51 90 18.89 59.54 180 24.12 65.42 365

q2Q(t,to) q3ln[1 + (t to)n] 0 0 0.239 0.017 0.251 0.018 0.255 0.019 0.261 0.020 0.264 0.021

c) Compliance function for drying creep Cd(t,to,tc) = q5[exp{8H(t)} exp{8H(to)}]0.5 SI units q5 = 0.757fcm28 |sh 10 | q5 = 419.3 106 (1/MPa) S(to tc) = 7.587 102 H(to) = 0.977 (A-49) S(to tc) = tanh[(to (A-53) H(to) = 1 (1 h)S(to tc) (A-51) S(t tc) = tanh[(t tc)/sh ]0.5 H(to) = 0.978 tc)/sh]0.5 S(to tc) = 7.459 102
1 6 0.6

in.-lb units (A-49) q5 = 2.889 106 (1/psi) (A-49) (A-53) (A-53) (A-51) (A-51) (A-52)



H(t) = 1 (1 h)S(t tc) f(H) = [exp{8H(t)} exp{8H(to)}]0.5 Cd(t,to,tc) = q5[exp{8H(t)} exp{8H(to)}]0.5 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 S(t tc) 0.076 0.131 0.206 0.256 0.361 0.496 H(t) 0.977 0.961 0.938 0.923 0.892 0.851 f(H), 102 0 0.754 1.216 1.475 1.988 2.646 Cd(t,to,tc) (1/MPa), 106 0 3.16 5.10 6.19 8.34 11.10 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 S(t tc) 0.075 0.129 0.203 0.252 0.355 0.489 H(t) 0.978 0.961 0.939 0.925 0.893 0.853 f(H), 102 0 0.746 1.202 1.458 1.964 2.613


(A-48) Cd(t,to,tc) (1/psi), 106 0 0.022 0.035 0.042 0.057 0.076

d) Compliance J(t,to)= q1 + Co(t,to) + Cd(t,to ,tc) SI units J(t,to) = q1 + Co(t,to) + Cd(t,to,tc) t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 q 1, 106 21.96 21.96 21.96 21.96 21.96 21.96 Co(t,to), 106 0 42.15 49.81 53.51 59.54 65.42 Cd(t,to,tc), J(t,to) (1/MPa), 106 106 t, days 0 21.96 14 3.16 67.27 28 5.10 76.87 60 6.19 81.66 90 8.34 89.84 180 11.10 98.48 365 q 1, 106 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.152 Co(t,to), 106 0 0.291 0.344 0.369 0.411 0.451 Cd(t,to,tc), 106 0 0.022 0.035 0.042 0.057 0.076 in.-lb units (A-37) J(t,to) (1/psi), 106 0.152 0.464 0.530 0.563 0.619 0.678

C.3CEB MC90-99 model solution C.3.1 Estimated concrete properties Mean 28-day strength Strength constant Mean 28-day elastic modulus C.3.2 Estimated concrete mixture SI units Cement type Maximum aggregate size Cement content Water content Water-cement ratio Aggregate-cement ratio Fine aggregate percentage Air content Slump Unit weight of concrete

fcm28 = fcmo = Ecm28 =

SI units 33.0 MPa 10 MPa 32,009 MPa

in.-lb units 4786 psi 1450 psi 4,642,862 psi

(A-73) (A-72) (A-72)

in.-lb units N 3/4 in. 685 lb/yd3 345 lb/yd3 0.504 4.27 40% 2% (4-1) Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91

20 mm c= w= w/c = a/c = = = s= c = 406 kg/m3 205 kg/m3

Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91 2.95 in. 3953 lb/yd3 146* lb/ft3

75 mm 2345 kg/m3

Table A1. and of ACI 211.1-91.

C.3.3 CEB MC90 shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) SI units Cement type factor sc = 5 in.-lb units (Table A.10)



Concrete strength factor

s( fcm28) = [160 + 10sc(9 fcm28/fcmo)] 106 s( fcm28) = 445 10


(A-56) (A-56) (A-57) (A-57) (A-57) (A-55)

RH(h) = 1.55[1 (h/ho)3] for 0.4 h < 0.99 Ambient relative humidity factor RH(h) = 0.25 for h 0.99 ho = 1 RH(h) = 1.018 Notional shrinkage coefficient Shrinkage time function Shrinkage strains t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 s(t tc) 0.000 0.071 0.122 0.191 0.237 0.332 0.451 cso = s(fcm28)RH(h) cso = 453 10


cso = 453 10

(A-55) (A-58)

s(t tc) = [{(t tc)/t1}/{350([(V/S)/(V/S)o]2 +(t tc)ti}]0.5 t1 = 1 day (V/S)o = 50 mm sh(t,tc) = csos(t tc) sh(t,tc), 0 32 55 87 107 150 205 106 t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 s(t tc) 0.000 0.071 0.122 0.191 0.237 0.332 0.451 0 32 55 87 107 150 205 (V/S)o = 2 in.

(A-54) sh(t,tc), 106

C.3.4 CEB MC90-99 shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) a) Autogenous shrinkage cas(t) SI units Cement type factor Notional autogenous shrinkage Autogenous shrinkage time function Autogenous shrinkage strains t, days 0 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 b) Drying shrinkage cds(t,tc) SI units Cement type factors ds1 = 4 ds2 = 0.12 in.-lb units (Table A.11) (Table A.11) as(t) 0.000 0.411 0.527 0.653 0.788 0.850 0.932 0.978 caso(fcm28) = 52.5 106 as = 700 caso(fcm28) = as[(fcm28/fcmo)/{6 + (fcm28/fcmo)}] (A-63) as(t) = 1 exp[0.2(t/ti)0.5] t1 = 1 day cas(t) = caso(fcm28)as(t) cas(t), 106 0 22 28 34 41 45 49 51 t, days 0 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 as(t) 0.000 0.411 0.527 0.653 0.788 0.850 0.932 0.978 (A-62) cas(t), 106 0 22 28 34 41 45 49 51

in.-lb units (Table A.11) 10


(A-63) (A-63) (A-64)

caso(fcm28) = 52.5 106



Notional drying shrinkage coefficient

cdso(fcm28) = [(220 + 110ds1)exp(ds2 fcm28/fcmo)] 106 cdso(fcm28) = 444 10



(A-66) ho = 1

cdso(fcm28) = 444 10


1 = [3.5fcmo/fcm28]0.1 1.0 Ambient relative humidity factor 1 = 1.000 (A-69)


(A-69) 1 = 1.000 (A-69) (A-67) (A-67) (A-67) (A-68)

RH (h) = 1.55[1 (h/ho) ] for 0.4 h < 0.99s1 RH (h) = 0.25 for h 0.99s1 RH (h) = 1.018 (A-67) RH (h) = 1.018 ds(t tc) = [{(t tc)/t1}/{350([(V/S)/(V/S)o]2 + (t tc)/ti}]0.5

Drying shrinkage time function (V/S)o = 50 mm Drying shrinkage strains t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 c) Total shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) SI units sh(t,tc) = cas(t) + cds(t,tc) t, days 0 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 cas(t), 0 22 28 34 41 45 49 51 106 cds(t,tc), 0 32 55 86 107 150 204 106 sh(t,tc), 0 22 60 89 127 152 199 255 106 t, days 0 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 ds(t tc) 0.000 0.071 0.122 0.191 0.237 0.332 0.451

t1 = 1 day (V/S)o = 2 in. (A-65) 106 ds(t tc) cds(t,tc), 106 0.000 0 0.071 32 0.122 55 0.191 87 0.237 107 0.332 150 0.451 205 cds(t,tc) = cdso(fcm28)RH(h)ds(t tc) cds(t,tc), 0 32 55 86 107 150 204 t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365

in.-lb units (A-61) cas(t), 0 22 28 34 41 45 49 51 106 cds(t,tc), 0 32 55 87 107 150 205 106 sh(t,tc), 106 0 22 60 89 128 152 199 256

C.3.5 Compliance J(t,to) a) Elastic compliance J(to ,to) SI units Cement type N s = 0.25 e = exp[s/2{1 (28/to) Mean strength at age to fcmto = 29.8 MPa Mean elastic modulus at age to Ecmto = 30,394 MPa e = 0.950 fcmto = e2fcm28 (A-96) fcmto = 4315.1 psi )0.5}] Ecmto = 4,408,587 psi Ecmto = Ecm28exp[s/2{1 (28/to (A-71)

in.-lb units (Table A.12) }] (A-97) (A-97) (A-96) (A-96) (A-71) (A-71)



Elastic compliance

J(to,to) = 1/Ecmto J(to,to) = 32.90 106 (1/MPa)


(A-70) J(to,to) = 0.227 106 (1/psi) (A-70) Ecm28(T) = Ecm28(1.06 0.003 [18.778T 600.883]/To) (A-85) Ecm28(T) = 4,642,853 psi (A-85) Ecmto(T) = Ecmto(1.06 0.003 [18.778T 600.883]/To) (A-85) Ecmto(T) = 4,408,579 psi (A-85) (A-70)

Ecm28(T) = Ecm28(1.06 0.003T/To) (A-85) Effect of temperature on modulus of elasticity Ecm28(T) = 32,009 MPa (A-85)

Ecmto(T) = Ecmto(1.06 0.003T/To) (A-85) Ecmto(T) = 30,394 MPa (A-85)

Elastic compliance temperature adjusted b) Creep coefficient 28(t,to)

J(to,to) = 1/Ecmto J(to,to) = 32.90 106 (1/MPa)

(A-70) J(to,to) = 0.227 106 (1/psi) (A-70)

SI units 1 = Compressive strength factors 1 = 1.042 2 = 1.012 Ambient relative humidity and volume-surface ratio factor [3.5fcmo/fcm28]0.7 (A-79) (A-79) ho = 1 (V/S)o = 50 mm RH(h) = 1.553 Concrete strength factor (fcm28) = 2.918 (A-76) (fcm28) = 5.3/(fcm28/fcmo)0.5 (A-77) 2 = [3.5fcmo/fcm28]0.2

in.-lb units (A-79) (A-79) 1 = 1.042 2 = 1.012 (A-79) (A-79) (A-76)

RH(h) = [1+ {(1 h/ho)1/(0.1(V/S)/(V/S)o}]2 (V/S)o = 2 in. RH(h) = 1.553 (fcm28) = 2.917

(A-76) (A-77) (A-77)

to,T = tiexp[13.65 4000/ {273 + (T(ti/To))}] (A-87) To = 1 C Temperature-adjusted age of loading to,T = 14.0 days (A-87) to = to,T[9/{2 (to,T /t1,T)

to,T = tiexp[13.65 4000/ {273 + (18.778T(ti) 600.883/To)}] (A-87) To = 33.8 F to,T = 14.0 days

(A-87) (A-81)

} + 1] 0.5 days

=0 t1,T = 1 day to = 14.0 days Adjusted age of loading factor Notional creep coefficient (to) = 1/[0.1+ (to) = 0.557 o = 2.524 3 = 1.030 Creep coefficient time function H = 570.470 Creep coefficients (A-78) o = RH(h)(fcm28)(to) (A-75) 3 = [3.5fcmo/fcm28]0.5 (A-84) 3 = 1.030 H = 570.445

(A-81) (A-78) (to) = 0.557 o = 2.524 (A-78) (A-75) (A-75) (A-84) (A-84) (A-83) (A-83) (A-82) (A-74)


H = 150[1 + (1.2h/ho)18](V/S)/(V/S)o + 2503 15003 (A-83) 28(t,to) = oc(t to) c(t to) = [(t to)/t1/{H +(t to)/t1}]



t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365

c(t to) 0.000 0.326 0.459 0.526 0.640 0.749

28(t,to) 0.000 0.824 1.159 1.328 1.614 1.890

t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365

c(t to) 0.000 0.326 0.459 0.526 0.640 0.749

28(t,to) 0.000 0.824 1.159 1.328 1.614 1.889

SI units T = exp[0.015(T/To 20)] T = 1.000 Effect of temperature conditions RH,T = 1.553 o = 2.524 Effect of high stresses Notional creep coefficient temperature and stress adjusted o,k = 2.524 o = 2.524
T = exp[1500/(273 + T/To) 5.12]

in.-lb units (A-91) T = exp[0.015{(18.778T 600.883)/To 20}] (A-91) (A-91) T = 1.000 (A-91) (A-90) RH,T = 1.553 o = 2.524 o,k = 2.524 o = ck o = 2.524
(A-89) T = exp[1500/{273 + (18.778T 600.883)/To}) 5.12] (A-89)

RH,T = T + [fRH(h) 1]T1.2 (A-90) o = RH,T(fcm28)(to) (A-75) o,k = oexp[1.5(k 0.4)] (A-93)

(A-90) (A-75) (A-75) (A-93) (A-93)

T = 0.999 Effect of temperature conditions on creep coefficient time function H,T = 570.159 T,trans = 0.0004(T/To 20) T,trans = 0.000 Creep coefficients temperature and stress adjusted t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 c(t to) 0.000 0.326 0.459 0.526 0.640 0.749

(A-89) H,T = HT (A-88)

T = 0.999 H,T = 570.128


(A-89) (A-88) (A-88)

(A-92) T,trans = 0.0004[(18.778T 600.883)/To 20] (A-92) (A-92) T,trans = 0.000 (A-92) (A-82) (A-86) c(t to) 0.000 0.326 0.459 0.526 0.640 0.749 28(t,to,T) 0.000 0.824 1.159 1.328 1.614 1.890

c(t to ) = [(t to)/t1/{H + (t to)/t1}]0.3 28(t,to,T) = oc(t to) + T,trans 28(t,to,T) 0.000 0.824 1.159 1.328 1.615 1.890 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365

c) Compliance J(t,to)= 1/Ecmto+ 28(t,to)/ Ecm28 SI units J(t,to) = 1/Ecmto + 28(t,to)/Ecm28 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 J(to,to), 106 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 28(t,to)/Ecm28, J(t,to) (1/MPa), 106 106 0 32.90 25.74 58.65 36.20 69.10 41.49 74.39 50.44 83.34 59.04 91.94 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 J(to,to), 106 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 28(t,to)/Ecm28, 106 0 0.178 0.250 0.286 0.348 0.407 in.-lb units (A-70) J(t,to) (1/psi), 106 0.227 0.404 0.476 0.513 0.575 0.634



Compliance temperature and stress adjusted SI units J(t,to) = 1/Ecmto(T) + 28(t,to)/Ecm28(T) t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 J(to,to), 106 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 32.90 28(t,to)/Ecm28, J(t,to) (1/MPa), 106 106 0 32.90 25.75 58.65 36.21 69.11 41.50 74.40 50.44 83.34 59.04 91.94 t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 J(to,to), 106 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 0.227 28(t,to)/Ecm28, 106 0 0.178 0.250 0.286 0.348 0.407 in.-lb units (A-70) J(t,to) (1/psi), 106 0.227 0.404 0.476 0.513 0.575 0.634

C.4GL2000 model solution C.4.1 Estimated concrete properties Mean 28-day strength Mean 28-day elastic modulus C.4.2 Estimated concrete mixture SI units Cement type Maximum aggregate size Cement content Water content Water-cement ratio Aggregate-cement ratio Fine aggregate percentage Air content Slump Unit weight of concrete

fcm28 = Ecm28 =

SI units 32.5 MPa 28,014 MPa

in.-lb units 4689 psi 4,060,590 psi

(A-94) (A-95)

in.-lb units I 3/4 in. 676 lb/yd3 345 lb/yd3 0.510 4.33 40% 2% (4-1) Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91

20 mm c= w= w/c = a/c = = = s= c = 402 kg/m3 205 kg/m3

Table 6.3.3 ACI 211.1-91 2.95 in. 3953 lb/yd3 146 lb/ft3*

75 mm 2345 kg/m3

Table A1. and of ACI 211.1-91.

C.4.3 Shrinkage strains sh(t,tc) SI units Cement type factor Ultimate shrinkage strain Ambient relative humidity factor Shrinkage time function Shrinkage strains t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365 (t tc) 0.000 0.076 0.131 0.206 0.254 0.355 0.479 shu = 900k[30/fcm28]

in.-lb units k = 1.000 10


(Table A.14) shu = 900k[4350/fcm28]


(A-99) (A-99)


(A-99) (A-99) (A-100) (A-100)


shu = 865 106

shu = 867 106 1.18h4)

(t tc) = [(t tc)/{t tc + 77(V/S)2}]0.5

(h) = (1 (h) = 0.717

(t tc) = [(t tc)/{t tc + 0.12(V/S)2}]0.5(A-101)

sh(t,tc) = shu(h)(t tc) sh(t,tc), 10 0 47 81 128 158 220 297


(A-98) (t tc) 0.000 0.075 0.129 0.203 0.251 0.351 0.475 sh(t,tc), 106 0 47 80 126 156 218 295

t, days 7 14 28 60 90 180 365



C.4.4 Compliance J(t,to) a) Elastic compliance J(to ,to) SI units Cement type I s = 0.335 e = exp[s/2{1 (28/to Mean strength at age to fcmto = 28.3 MPa Mean elastic modulus at age to Elastic compliance b) Creep coefficient 28(t,to) SI units J(t,to) = 1/Ecmto + 28(t,to)/Ecm28 Effect of drying before loading factor (tc) = 0.961 (A-104) & (A-105) Basic creep coefficient 1st term 2nd term t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 1st term 0.000 0.272 0.368 0.415 0.497 0.586 2[(t to)0.3/{(t to)0.3 + 14}] [7/to]0.5[(t to)/{(t to) + 7}]0.5 2nd term Basic creep coefficient t, days 0.000 0.000 14 0.577 0.850 28 0.659 1.026 60 0.677 1.092 90 0.693 1.190 180 0.700 1.286 365 Drying creep coefficient 1st term 0.000 0.272 0.368 0.415 0.497 0.586 2nd term Basic creep coefficient 0.000 0.000 0.577 0.850 0.659 1.026 0.677 1.092 0.693 1.190 0.700 1.286 in.-lb units (A-102) Effect of drying before loading factor (tc) = 0.962 (A-104) & (A-105) Ecmto (MPa) = 3500 + 4300(fcmto) Ecmto = 26,371 MPa J(to,to) = 37.92 106 (1/MPa)

in.-lb units (Table A.14) )0.5}] (A-97) (A-97) (A-96) fcmto = 4081.1 psi

e = 0.933 fcmto = e2fcm28 (A-96) (A-95) Ecmto (psi) = 500,000 + 52,000(fcmto) (A-95) Ecmto = 3,821,929 psi (A-102) J(to,to) = 0.262 106 (1/psi)

(A-96) (A-95) (A-95) (A-102) (A-102)

J(to,to) = 1/Ecmto

Ambient relative humidity factor Time function t, days 14 28 60 90 180 365 f(t,to) = [(t to)/{(t to) + 0.12(V/S)2}]0.5 f (t,to) 0.000 0.107 0.192 0.244 0.349 0.476

2.5(1 1.086h2) 1.170 Time function f(t,to) = [(t to)/{(t to) + 77(V/S)2}]0.5 Drying creep coefficient 3rd term 0.000 0.124 0.222 0.282 0.403 0.551 (A-103) 28(t,to) 0.000 0.936 1.201 Drying creep coefficient f (t,to) 3rd term t, days 0.000 14 0.000 0.126 28 0.106 0.225 60 0.190 0.285 90 0.241 0.408 180 0.345 0.556 365 0.471 Creep coefficient 28(t,to) = (tc) [basic + drying creep] 28(t,to) 0.000 0.937 1.203 t, days 14 28 60

t, days 14 28 60

Basic + drying creep 0.000 0.975 1.251

Basic + drying creep 0.000 0.974 1.248



90 180 365

1.377 1.598 1.843

1.324 1.536 1.771

90 180 365

1.374 1.593 1.837

1.321 1.532 1.767

c) Compliance J(t,to)= 1/Ecmto+ 28(t,to)/ Ecm28 SI units J(t,to) = 1/Ecmto+ 28(t,to)/Ecm28

6 6 t, days J(to,to), 10 28(t,to)/Ecm28, 10 14 37.92 0 28 37.92 33.46 60 37.92 42.93 90 37.92 47.25 180 37.92 54.82 365 37.92 63.22

in.-lb units (A-102) J(t,to) (1/MPa), J(t,to) (1/psi), 6 6 t, days J(to,to), 10 28(t,to)/Ecm28, 10 106 106 37.92 14 0.262 0 0.262 71.38 28 0.262 0.231 0.492 80.85 60 0.262 0.296 0.557 85.17 90 0.262 0.325 0.587 92.74 180 0.262 0.377 0.639 101.1 365 0.262 0.435 0.697



C.5Graphical comparison of model predictions C.5.1 Shrinkage strains sh(t,tc)

Fig. C.1Shrinkage strain predictions. C.5.2 Compliance J(t,to)

Fig. C.2Compliance predictions.

American Concrete Institute

Advancing concrete knowledge

As ACI begins its second century of advancing concrete knowledge, its original chartered purpose remains to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading knowledge. In keeping with this purpose, ACI supports the following activities: Technical committees that produce consensus reports, guides, specifications, and codes. Spring and fall conventions to facilitate the work of its committees. Educational seminars that disseminate reliable information on concrete. Certification programs for personnel employed within the concrete industry. Student programs such as scholarships, internships, and competitions. Sponsoring and co-sponsoring international conferences and symposia. Formal coordination with several international concrete related societies. Periodicals: the ACI Structural Journal and the ACI Materials Journal, and Concrete International. Benefits of membership include a subscription to Concrete International and to an ACI Journal. ACI members receive discounts of up to 40% on all ACI products and services, including documents, seminars and convention registration fees. As a member of ACI, you join thousands of practitioners and professionals worldwide who share a commitment to maintain the highest industry standards for concrete technology, construction, and practices. In addition, ACI chapters provide opportunities for interaction of professionals and practitioners at a local level.

American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 U.S.A. Phone: 248-848-3700 Fax: 248-848-3701

Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete

The AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE was founded in 1904 as a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to public service and representing the user interest in the field of concrete. ACI gathers and distributes information on the improvement of design, construction and maintenance of concrete products and structures. The work of ACI is conducted by individual ACI members and through volunteer committees composed of both members and non-members. The committees, as well as ACI as a whole, operate under a consensus format, which assures all participants the right to have their views considered. Committee activities include the development of building codes and specifications; analysis of research and development results; presentation of construction and repair techniques; and education. Individuals interested in the activities of ACI are encouraged to become a member. There are no educational or employment requirements. ACIs membership is composed of engineers, architects, scientists, contractors, educators, and representatives from a variety of companies and organizations. Members are encouraged to participate in committee activities that relate to their specific areas of interest. For more information, contact ACI.

American Concrete Institute

Advancing concrete knowledge

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