SUBMUNITIONS Identified in Syria - II

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Identi ed in Syria - II

Overall Munition Length: 244-249mm

Total Weight: 2.2-2.5kg RBK-250 cluster bombs, containing ZAB-2.5 submunitions, have recently been identi ed in Syria. The RBK-250 ZAB-2.5 250kg cluster bomb, as sighted in Syria, contains three di erent variations of ZAB-2.5 submunitions. ZAB (Zazhigatelnaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba; incendiary aircraft bomb) series weapons include a range of unitary incendiary bombs as well as submunitions. The RBK-250 ZAB-2.5 cluster bomb contains 48 submunitions in total, with 16 ZAB-2.5 variation 1 submunitions, 16 ZAB-2.5 var.2 submunitions, and 16 ZAB-2.5 var.3 submunitions. The bomb itself will be marked RBK-250 ZAB-2,5. The ZAB-2.5 submunitions are 244-249mm long, and 68mm in diameter. The three variants of submunitions are as follows: Variant 1 weight: 2.3kg; incendiary composition: thermite; approx. burn time: 150 180 seconds. Variant 2 weight: 2.5kg; incendiary composition: thermite; approx. burn time: 120 180 seconds. Variant 3 weight: 2.2kg; incendiary composition: thermite + jellied fuel mix; approx. burn time: 3-9 mins. Variants 2 and 3 also contain PETN ( ) bursting charges, designed to discourage and impede attempts to extinguish the burning submunitions. These charges are initiated by a pyrotechnic block delay, after the submunitions have reached the ground and burned for some time. In the case of Variant 3, this charge has the added e ect of dispersing the napalm-like ller over a wide area. The ZAB-2.5 submunitions are ignited upon ejection from the RBK-250 ZAB-2.5 and fall down burning. This ignition process remains reasonably reliable over time, unlike the fuzes seen in some other cluster bomb submunitions identi ed in Syria, such as the AO-1SCh, however dud munitions are still likely. Incorrect employment of the munitions, such as unsuitable ejection height or speed, may also contribute to an increased dud rate. Remember, submunitions are particularly dangerous. Attempts to extinguish these submunitions, in particular, could place you at risk of being injured by the bursting charges.


Body Diameter: 68mm

v.1 Thermite v.2 Thermite + PETN v.3 Thermite, PETN & jellied fuel mix

All unexploded ordnance (UXO) should be treated as live. DO NOT APPROACH OR HANDLE UXO

Responsible Researchers of Munitions & Arms @ArmsResearch


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