Basic Vocabulary List Instructions: Agricultor, La Agricultora) Estudiante, La Estudiante)
Basic Vocabulary List Instructions: Agricultor, La Agricultora) Estudiante, La Estudiante)
Basic Vocabulary List Instructions: Agricultor, La Agricultora) Estudiante, La Estudiante)
Agents in the field in the performance of their duties. As in English, Spanish words may also have several translations and uses in different geographical areas. However, for testing purposes, ONLY the translations that appear in this list will be accepted on Vocabulary Exams. Definition of Codes The following codes appear next to certain words throughout the vocabulary list. The following rules explain how or if that noun or article changes from masculine to feminine. 1. (-a) =Replace the last vowel on the noun with an a and change the article from el to la. (example: el nio, la nia) 2. (+a) =Add an a to the end of the noun and change the article to la. (example: el agricultor, la agricultora) 3. el/la =Only the article changes gender. The noun remains the same. (example: el estudiante, la estudiante) 4. (f) =These nouns are feminine when using the singular article the in English. They change to feminine when used with adjectives and when pluralized. (ejemplo: el agua, las aguas)
La Escuela 1. el borrador = the eraser 2. el calendario = the calendar 3. la clase = the class, kind, type 4. la contestacin = the answer, response la respuesta = the answer, response 5. el cuaderno = the notebook 6. el error = the error 7. el escritorio = the desk
8. la escuela = the school 9. el/la estudiante = the student el alumno (-a) = the student 10. el examen = the exam, test la prueba = the exam, test, proof 11. la frase = the sentence, phrase la oracin = the sentence 12. el lpiz = the pencil 13. la leccin = the lesson 14. la lengua = the language, tongue el idioma = the language 15. el libro = the book 16. la oficina = the office 17. el nmero = the number 18. la pgina = the page 19. la palabra = the word 20. el papel = the paper 21. la pluma = the pen 22. la pizarra = the blackboard, chalkboard 23. la pregunta = the question 24. la pronunciacin = the pronunciation 25. la silla = the chair. 26. la tarea = the assignment, homework
27. la tiza = the chalk 28. la universidad = the university 29. el vocabulario = the vocabulary La Gente 30. el amigo (-a) = the friend 31. el campesino (-a) = the rural person 32. el compaero (-a) = the companion 33. el conocido (-a) = the acquaintance 34. el dueo (-a) = the owner 35. el difunto (-a) = the dead person, deceased 36. la gente = the people 37. el hombre = the man la mujer = the woman, lady 38. el jefe = the chief, boss 39. el/la joven = the young person 40. el muchacho (-a) = the boy, girl 41. el official = the officer 42. el nio (-a) = the child 43. el paisano (-a) = the countryman 44. el patrn (+a) = the boss 45. la persona = the person 46. el seor = the man, gentleman, Mr., sir la seora =the lady, woman, Mrs
47. la seorita = the young lady, Miss. 48. el soltero (-a) = the bachelor, single person 49. el/la testigo = the witness 50. el vecino (-a) = the neighbor 51. el viudo (-a) = the widower, widow 52. el abuelo (-a) = the grandfather, grandmother 53. el cuado (-a) = the brother-in-law, sister-in-law 54. el esposo (-a) = the husband, spouse, wife el marido = the husband 55. la familia = the family 56. el hermano (-a) = the brother, sister 57. el hijo (-a) = the son, daughter 58. el hijo (-a) ilegitimo (-a) = the illegitimate child 59. el hurfano (-a) = the orphan 60. la madre = the mother la mam = the mother 61. el nieto (-a) = the grandchild 62. el padre = the father, priest el pap = the father 63. el padrino = the godfather la madrina = the godmother 64. el pariente (-a) = the relative 65. el primo (-a) = the cousin el primo (-a) hermano (-a) = the first cousin 66. la querida = the mistress 67. el sobrino (-a) = the nephew, niece
68. el suegro (-a) = the father-in-law, mother-in-law los suegros = the in-laws 69. el to (-a) = the uncle, aunt 70. el yerno = the son-in-law, la nuera = the daughter-in-law Terminos Domesticos 71. el agua (f) = the water (p. 14, grammar book) 72. la cama = the bed 73. la casa = the house 74. la cocina = the kitchen 75. la comida= the food, meal 75. la comida= the food, meal 76. el cuarto = the room, quart, quarter (1/4) 77. el cuarto de bao = the bathroom, restroom el bao = the bathroom, restroom 78. la escoba = the broom 79. el garaje = the garage 80. la llave = the key 81. la mesa = the table 82. los muebles = the furniture 83. la pared = the wall 84. el pasillo = the hall(way) 85. el piso = the floor el suelo = the floor, ground (surface) 86. la puerta = the door
87. el/la radio = the radio 88. la recmara = the bedroom 89. el servicio = the restroom, bathroom, service 90. el servicio militar = the military service 91. el vaso = the (drinking) glass 92. la ventana = the window 93. el telfono = the telephone Documentos 94. el archivo = the file, record 95. la carta = the letter (mail), the playing card 96. el certificado = the certificate 97. la correspondencia = the correspondence 98. la declaracin = the statement, declaration 99 el documento = the document 100. la evidencia = the evidence 101. la fe de bautismo = the baptismal certificate 102. la firma = the signature 103. la mica = the immigration card 104. la partida de matrimonio = the marriage certificate 105. el pasaporte = the passport 106. el permiso = the permit permiso = permission 107. el acta (f) de nacimiento = the birth certificate (p. 14, Grammar book)
108. la solicitud = the application 109. la tarjeta = the card 110. la tarjeta local = the local card 111. la tarjeta residencial = the resident alien card la tarjeta de residente = the resident alien card 112. la tarjeta de seguro social = social security card 113. la visa = the visa Nacionalidades 114. el americano (-a) = the American 115. el ciudadano (-a) = the citizen 116. la ciudadana = the citizenship 117. el estado = the state, status 118. el espaol (+a) = Spanish 119. el extranjero (-a) = the alien, (slang) foreigner 120. el ingles = English (language) 121. el mexicano (-a) = the Mexican 122. la nacin = the nation 123. el/la nacional = the nation 124. la nacionalidad = the nationality 125. el pas = the country 126. la tierra = the homeland, land, dirt la patria = the homeland 127. la raza = the race (ethnic)
Terminos Descriptivos 128. alto, -a = tall 129. el apellido = the last name, surname 130. el apellido de soltera = the maiden name 131. la barba = the chin, beard la barbilla = the chin 132. el bigote = the mustache 133. la boca = the mouth 134. bonito (-a) = pretty 135. el brazo = the arm 136. bueno (-a) = good 137. la cabeza = the head 138. la cadera = the hip 139. calvo = bald (bald-headed) 140. canoso (-a) = grey/gray-headed 141. la cara = the face 142. la ceja = the eyebrow 143. ciego (-a) = blind 144. la cicatriz = the scar 145. la cintura = the waist 146. el codo = the elbow 147. el corazn = the heart 148. la cortada = the cut
149. la costilla = the rib 150. el cuello = the neck (people), collar 151. el cuerpo = the body 152. chaparro (-a) = short (in stature) chapo (-a) = short (in stature) bajo (-a) = short (in stature), low 153. el dedo = the finger 154. delgado (-a) = slender flaco (-a) = skinny, slender gordo (-a) = fat 155. el diente = the tooth 156. la espalda = the back 157. la estatura = the stature, height (of a person) 158. el estmago = the stomach 159. feo (-a) = ugly 160. la frente = the forehead 161. la pestaa = the eyelash 162. el hombro = the shoulder 163. honesto (-a) = honest 164. las huellas = the tracks, prints 165. las huellas digitales = the fingerprints 166. huero (-a) = blond/blonde; fair-complexioned rubio (-a) = blond/blonde 167. el labio = the lip 168. largo (-a) = long
169. lacio = straight rizado = curly 170. la libra = the pound 171. el lunar = the mole 172. la mano = the hand 173. malo (-a) = sick, bad enfermo (-a) = sick 174. la marca de nacimiento = the birthmark 175. la mejilla = the cheek 176. mocho (-a) = maimed 177. moreno (-a) = dark-complexioned/complected prieto (-a) = dark-complexioned/complected 178. la mueca = the wrist, doll 179. la nariz = the nose 180. el nombre = the name 181. el ojo = the eye 182. la oreja = the outer ear 183. la panza = the belly la barriga = the belly 184. las pecas = the freckles 185. el pecho = the chest, breast 186. pelirrojo (-a) = red-headed, red-haired 187. el pelo = the hair
188. pequeo (-a) = small, little (size) chico (-a) = small, little (size) chiquito (-a) = small, little (size) 189. el pie = the foot (people) 190. la pierna = the leg 191. pobre = poor 192. el primer nombre = the first name 193. la pulgada = the inch 194. el pulgar = the thumb 195. la quemada = the burn 196. la rodilla = the knee 197. rico (-a) = rich 198. el sobrenombre = the nickname (name given in contempt) 199. sordo (-a) = deaf 200. sospechoso (-a) = suspicious 201. el tamao = the size 202. el tatuaje = the tattoo 203. la tez = the complexion 204. bizco (-a) = cross-eyed 205. la ua = the fingernail, toenail 206. zurdo (-a) = left-handed
Cosas Personales 207. el anillo = the ring (jewelry) 208. los lentes = the (eye)glasses 209. el arma (f) = the weapon (p14., Grammar Book 210. la batera = the (car/flashlight) battery 211. el billete = the bill (currency 212. el boleto = the ticket 213. la botella = the bottle 214. el bulto = the bundle 215. la caja = the box (cardboard, wooden, or metal) el cajn = the box (wood), drawer 216. el centavo = the cent 217. los cerillos = the matches 218. el cigarro = the cigarette, cigar 219. la cobija = the blanket 220. la cosa = the thing 221. el costal = the sack/bag (cloth) el saco = the sack/bag (cloth) 222. el cuchillo = the kitchen/straight knife 223. la cuenta = the bill (charges), 224. el cheque = the check 225. el dinero = the money
226. el dlar = the dollar el peso = the peso (monetary unit) 227. el encendedor = the lighter 228. la escopeta = the shotgun 229. el espejo = the mirror 230. el rifle = the rifle 231. la herramienta = the tool(s) 232. el jabn = the soap 233. la luz de mano = the flashlight 234. el machete = the machete 235. la maleta = the suitcase el equipaje = the baggage, luggage 236. la mochila = the knapsack, bedroll 237. la municin = the ammunition 238. los narcticos = the narcotics la droga = the drug 239. la navaja = the pocket/folding knife la navaja de afeitar/rasurar = the (shaving) razor 240. el paquete = the package 241. el peine = the comb 242. la pistola = the pistol 243. la propiedad = the property 244. el recibo = the receipt
245. el reloj = the clock, watch 246. el taln = the heel (foot), ticket stub, baggage check Prendas de Vestir (La Ropa) 247. las joyas = the jewelry, jewels 248. el zapato = the shoe 249. la billetera = the billfold, wallet la cartera = the billfold, wallet 250. la bolsa = the purse, picket, paper sack el bolsillo = the purse, pocket 251. la bota = the boot 252. la cachucha = the cap la gorra/el gorro = the cap 253. el calcetn = the sock 254. los calzoncillos = the undershorts, briefs 255. la camisa = the shirt 256. la camiseta = the t-shirt, undershirt 257. el cinto = the belt, girdle 258. la chamarra = the heavy sweater, jacket la chaqueta = the jacket 259. el guante = the glove 260. el huarache = the sandal la sandalia = the sandal, slipper 261. los pantalones = the pants, trousers 262. el pauelo = the handerkerchief 263. la ropa = the clothing, clothes
264. el cepillo = the brush (hair) 265. el sombrero = the hat 266. el suter = the sweater 267. el uniforme = the uniform 268. el vestido = the dress La Ciudad 269. el apartam(i)ento = the apartment 270. la avenida = the avenue 271. el banco = the bank, stool 272. la banqueta = the sidewalk la acera = the sidewalk 273. el barrio = the neighborhood, suburb, borough 274. la calle = the street 275. el callejn = the alley 276. la cantina = the bar el bar = the bar 277. la crcel = the jail 278. la corte = the court, courthouse 279. el condado = the county 280. el centro = downtown, the center 281. el cine = the movie house, movies 282. la ciudad = the city
283. el correo = the post office, mail 284. la cuadra = the city block 285. el diario = the newspaper el peridico = the newspaper 286. la direccin = the address, direction el domicilio = the address, 287. el distito = the district 288. el edificio = the building 289. la escalera = the stairway, ladder 290. el ejido = the communal farm 291. la embajada = the embassy 292. la esquina = the corner (outside) el rincn = the corner (inside) 293. la fbrica = the factory 294. el gobierno = the government 295. el hotel = the hotel 296. la iglesia = the church 297. el Mercado = the market(place) 298. el municipio = city hall, the municipality 299. la oficina de empleo(s) = the employment office 300. el parque = the park 301. el pueblo = the town 302. la revista = the magazine 303. el restaurante = the restaurant
304. el ruido = the noise 305. la tienda = the store 306. la vecindad = the population, inhabitants of a place la poblacin = the population domicile Ocupaciones/Oficios 307. el abogado (-a) = the lawyer el licenciado (-a) = the lawyer 308. el aduanero (-a) = the customs 309. el agricultor (+a) = the farmer el ranchero (-a) = the rancher, farmer 310. el/la alcalde = the mayor 311. el/la asistente = the assistant, helper 312. el cantinero (-a) = the bartender 313. el caporal = the ranch foreman 314. el carpintero (-a) = the carpenter 315. el consul = the consul el consulado = the consulate 316. el/la contrabandista = the smuggler el coyote (slang) = the smuggler 317. la criada = the maid 318. el padre = the priest, father el sacerdote = the priest 319. el chofer = the chauffeur, driver 320. el doctor (+a) = the doctor, el medico (-a) = the doctor 321. el/la gerente = the manager
322. el informador (+a) = the informant el/la informante = the informant 323. el inspector (+a) = the inspector el investigador (+a) = the investigator 324. el trabajador (+a) = the worker 325. el juez = the judge 326. el mayordomo (-a) = the foreman 327. el mecnico (-a) = the mechanic 328. el mesero (-a) = the waiter, waistress 329. el notario pblico = the notary 330. el novato (-a) = the trainee, novice 331. el patrullero (-a) = the patrolman, patrolwoman 332. el polica = the policeman, officer la polica = the policewoman, 333. la prostituta = the prostitute 334. el regador (+a) = the irrigator 335. la secretaria = the secretary 336. el soldado (-a) = the soldier 337. el contador (+a) = the bookkeeper, accountant 338. el tripulante = the crewman 339. el vaquero (-a) = the cowboy, cowgirl 340. el zapatero (-a) = the shoemaker
El Rancho/La Hacienda 341. el canal = the canal 342. el agujero = the hole (through) 343. el algodn = the cotton 344. el animal = the animal 345. el rbol = the tree 346. el burro = the burro/donkey 347. el caballo = the horse 348. el campo = the field, country, camp la labor = the field 349. la carpa = the tent 350. la cerca = the fence 351. el corral = the corral 352. la cosecha = the harvest 353. la cueva = the cave 354. el chaparral = the low brush el monte = the high brush 355. la choza = the hut el jacal = the hut, shack 356. el empleo = the employment, work, job el trabajo = the employment, work, job 357. los frijoles = the beans 358. el ganado = the cattle, livestock 359. los gastos = the expenses
360. el gato = the cat, jack (vehicle) 361. el guardavacas = the cattleguard 362. el hoyo = the hole (ground, fence) el pozo= the hole (ground, well) 363. la loma = the hill el sitio = the place el cerro = the hill 364. el fuego = the fire 365. el maz = the corn 366. la montaa = the mountain 367. el nopal = the cactus 368. el papalote = the windmill 369. el perro (-a) = the dog 370. el sueldo = the salary, wages 371. el tanque = the tank 372. el toro = the bull 373. la yerba = the weed, herb 374. el zacate = the grass Sitio/Lugar O Manera de Entrada 375. el desierto = the desert 376. la frontera = the border (between countries, states, etc.), frontier 377. la entrada = the entry 378. la garita = the port of entry, entrance gate el puerto de entrada = the port of entry la garita de inspeccin = the traffic checkpoint
379. el lado = the side 380. la ley = the law 381. la lnea = the line 382. el lugar = the place 383. la llegada = the arrival 384. la mentira = the lie 385. la pista = the trail 386. el puente = the bridge 387. el ro = the river ro abajo = downriver ro arriba = upriver 388. la salida = the departure 389. el sendero = the path, footpath verdad = the truth 391. a pie = on foot 392. el asiento = the seat 393. el autobus = the bus el camin = the bus, truck el bus = the bus 394. el avin = the airplane la avioneta = the small airplane 395. lancha de remos = the rowboat el barco = the boat, barge 396. el camino = the road 397. la camioneta = the station wagon, pick-up truck
398. la cajuela = the car trunk 399. la carretera = the highway 400. el carro = the car 401. la estacin/oficina de autobus(es) = the bus station 402. el tren = the train 403. la milla = the mile 404. el pasaje = the fare 405. el pavimento = the pavement 406. el rumbo = the way, route, direction 407. el traque = the railroad track 408. el troque = the truck 409. el viaje = the trip