Algebra 2 PDF

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Ri e Mathemati s Tournament 2000

1. How many integers x satisfy jxj + 5 < 7 and jx
2. Evaluate 20003

1999  20002

3j > 2?

19992  2000 + 19993 .

3. Five students take a test on whi h any integer s ore from 0 to 100 in lusive is possible.
What is the largest possible di eren e between the median and the mean of the s ores?
4. What is the fewest number of multipli ations required to rea h x2000 from x, using only
previously generated powers of x? For example, x ! x2 ! x4 ! x8 ! x16 ! x32 !
x64 ! x128 ! x256 ! x512 ! x1024 ! x1536 ! x1792 ! x1920 ! x1984 ! x2000 uses 15
multipli ations.

5. A ja ket was originally pri ed $100. The pri e was redu ed by 10% three times and
in reased by 10% four times in some order. To the nearest ent, what was the nal
pri e?
6. Barbara, Edward, Abhinav, and Alex took turns writing this test. Working alone, they
ould nish it in 10, 9, 11, and 12 days, respe tively. If only one person works on the
test per day, and nobody works on it unless everyone else has spent at least as many
days working on it, how many days (an integer) did it take to write this test?

7. A number n is alled multipli atively perfe t if the produ t of all the positive divisors
of n is n2 . Determine the number of positive multipli atively perfe t numbers less than
8. A man has three daughters. The produ t of their ages is 168, and he remembers that
the sum of their ages is the number of trees in his yard. He ounts the trees but annot
determine any of their ages. What are all possible ages of his oldest daughter?

p2 2 p2 2
a +
b + d = 15. Find a + bd ad b .
10. Find the smallest positive integer a su h that x4 + a2 is not prime for any integer x.

= db = 34 ,

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