A Step by Step Simple Guide To Written Music Presented by Lisa Steeple
A Step by Step Simple Guide To Written Music Presented by Lisa Steeple
A Step by Step Simple Guide To Written Music Presented by Lisa Steeple
The staff is made up of lines and spaces that notes are written on. Think of it like a ladder. It starts on the bottom. The bottom line is the first line. How many lines are there?_________ Draw some line notes going up the staff:
Now start on the top line and draw some line notes going down the staff:
These are space notes. They start in the bottom space and travel up to the top space. How many spaces are there?
Keys on the piano also travel up and down, just like on the staff.
The secret to reading notes fast is knowing how the notes on the staff and the keys on the piano are related. Follow the directions to learn how the staff and keys are related to each other.
Take a closer look at how the notes on the staff and the notes on the piano are related:
Steps alternate between line notes and spaces notes on the staff. Steps on the staff are represented by stepping one consecutive white key at a time on the piano.
Notate (draw) 3 more notes stepping UP the staff in each of the following measures (boxes): I named the first note, you will name the ones you draw. The names will be in alphabetical order. The musical alphabet ends with G, then you start over with A. For example, the first measure below starts with G, the 3 notes you will draw will be A, B, C. Anytime you see a G, A will be next. (For simplicity, these are notes that are written above Middle C, played with the right hand.)
Notate 3 more notes stepping DOWN the staff in each of the following measures: Name and Play them on the piano. (Again, all notes are above Middle C)
This detailed short report is designed to help you clearly see the relationship between notes on the staff, their up and down direction, their relationship with each other and their relationship on the piano. In the speed reading video, (another one of your free bonuses), you will discover how the distance between notes on the staff correlate with the distance with notes on the piano. Knowing this, you can virtually start reading music right away without knowledge of the names of every note on the staff, or even the names of the keys on the piano. All you need to know is a few note names and a few key names and you can do a lot of quick speed reading!
For a continued step by step approach to learning how to read music, apply rhythm, learn chords, master the art of fingering, play in different keys, and oh so much moreI invite you to seriously consider taking lessons with me through my online training system and my built in personal coaching program that is guaranteed to take the mystery out of reading sheet music. I am confident that you will be able to read music easily and play your favorite songs and enjoy playing the piano for the rest of your life. Playing piano and sharing my talent has been a joy in my life, and I want to help you find that same joy in playing music in your life as well. For more information go to: http://www.learnpianoonline.com/signup.html To view the Speed Reading Video go to: http://www.learnpianoonline.com/blog/speed-reading-music/