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Bands - METAL ' 80 Home page | Indice Metal ' 80 ITALIAN WAY OF METAL

1980 ' ITALIAN WAY OF METAL Sono segnalate le Bands che hanno realizzato almeno una demotape e fino al 1990

in ordine alfabetico :

Adramelch (Epic heavy metal) Aardoz (epic,power metal) Airspeed (hard rock) Axe Hero (hard'n'heavy) Asgard (hard rock prog.) Acido (epic,power) Axton (hard rock) Arpia (epic power dark sound) Alice (street glam) Anathema (thrash) Angel Killers (metal) Alzheimer (thrash) Astaroth (heavy metal) Anopheles (thrash) Abigor (thrash) Allied Forces (thrash) Alligator (thrash) Alverman (metal) Another D.K. (thrash)

Angel Dust (hard,heavy) Aes (power metal) Alligator (thrash) Arlem (metal) Alter Ego (hard) Atrox (thrash) Ascia (Thrash) Aggressor (thrash) Black Deal (thrash) Bad Toys (street glam) Brightlights (Speed,trash) Black Evil (metal) Bazooka (heavy rock) Black Head (heavy metal) Blaze (street) Black Head (metal) Black Swan (trash speed) Black Hole (dark sound) Blod (street glam) Blackburn (heavy metal ) Brainstorm (metal) Babylon (street glam) Black Ripper (metal) Brain Damage (hard rock) Back Fire (metal) Battlefield (metal) Broken Glass (trash speed) Boarders (thrash metal) Blod (hard) Black Rose Kingdom (hard)

Babies (street glam) Beginning Point (hard rock) Blackburn (epic metal) Buldozer (thrash) Brewery (metal) Bloody Axe (metal) Boohoos (roll glam) Black Ghost (metal) Bloody Anger (thrash) Bloody Skizz (metal) Crossbones (heavy) Convulsed (thrash) Crotalo (metal) Crying Steel (heavy metal) Canada (aor,hard) Corroded (thrash) Captain Kill (heavy metal) Chroma (hard) Chris Holder (hard) Crystal Lake (hard prog) Cry Baby (hard) Crom (metal) Cherry Wine (hard) Circus Nebula (metal) Crystal Lake (prog) Capricorn (metal) Chris Holder (hard rock) Contropotere (core) Carcinoma (core metal) Creepin Death (thrash)

Crazy Band (metal) Dark Lord (metal) Dark Ages (metal) Devil's Beast (epic metal) Darkwish (metal) DangerZone (class metal) Deliverance (metal) Domine (metal) Dark Queen (metal) Drunkards (Thrash) Def Killer (metal) Detention (thrash) Dogma (hard) Destroyers (power) Dreams of Glory (metal) Dythyrambs (metal) Dunwitch (Dark metal) Dragon Rouge(hardrock) Dick Dasrarbly (speedmetal) Dum Dum Hill (Street) Dythyrambs (metal) Death ss (dark metal) Devils Claws (epic metal) Drama (hard) Disciplinatha (thrash) Disaster (thrash) Dark Quarterer (epic metal) Deathrage (thrash) Deadyn (metal roll) Dioxina (core)

Delirium Tremens (thrash) Destiny (metal) Exile (hardrock) Evelyn (Hardrock) Eversor (thrash) Electric Lady (hard) Elektra Drive (hardheavy) Escape (hard rock) Epitaph (dark metal) Emy (hard) Enslaved (thrash) Empire (metal) Excidium (thrash) Extrema (thrash) Evil Wings (metal) Eternal Flame (metal) Fire (metal) Fil di Ferro (metal) Flight Charm (metal) Fingernails (thrash) Feline Melinda (hardheavy) Four wheel drive(hard rock) Frontiers (Hard rock) Fears (hard) Fire Clouds (metal) Fire Legend (hard rock) Gow (hardrock,glam) Golden Age (streetrock) Gunfire(hardheavy) G.l.a.s. (heavy)

Graveless (dark) Glory Hunter (heavy metal) Gunsmoke (metal) Ghostriders (thrash) Heavyside (metal) Hate (thrash) Heartless (hard rock) Halloween (epic,glam) Hide Raw (metal) Hydra (hardheavy) Hocculta (heavymetal) Hurtfull witch (metal) Hot Honey (glammetal) Hellbound (streetglam) Heartless (hardrock) Havok (glammetal) Hensel & Grendel (metal) Hyaena (metal) Hate (heavy) Haste (metal) Halley(hard rock) Hot Pets (hard rock) Headcrasher (speed metal) Heaven's Touch (hard heavy) H-Kristal (epic metal) Hera (hard rock) Henker (metal) High Speed Steel (metal) Hone Vorte (hard) High Tension (heavy)

Hell Bastards (metal) Head Out (hard) Interceptor (metal) Immortal Enemy (Thrash metal) Infire (metal) Inceneritor (thrash) Inhumans (thrash) Yankee Rose (glam) Liars (metal) Live (hardheavy) La nuova era (progressive) Loadstar (metal) Locomotive (metal) Laysan (heavy) Luftwaffe (metal) Loveless (hard rock) Lochness (hard heavy) Line Out (heavy) Lady Night (hard) Last Bandit (street) Lunar Sex (hard rock) Lone Dreamer (hard rock) Maline (hard) Maskerade (metal) Mayhem (metal) Metal Force (heavy) Machine Head (metal) Morgana (metal) Metha (metal) Meserschmitt (metal)

Mausen (glamstreet) Monolith (metal) Machine Messiah (hardrock) Moon of Steel (hardheavy) Masterstroke (metal) Marble Rose (hardglam) Marshall (hardrock) M-Zero (metal) Mouth Killer (hard rock) Mace (metal) Miss Daisy (street glam) Mob Rules (metal) Madsword (metal) Mothra (metal9 Maxx Dolls (street glam) Meretrix (hard rock) Marylin 44 (street glam) Mad Mice (hard rock) Midway (hard heavy) Maskim (metal) Megahertz (metal) Mother Shame Hard rock) Mortuary Drape (thrash) Motor Sound Spartak (metal) Mothra (Thrash) Madhouse (thrash) Mad Poltergeist (trash) Megatherion (thrash) Monumentum (Dark) Negazione (thrash)

Neuro Deliri (thrash) New Age (hardheavy) Nadaji (hard) Napalm (heavy metal) Nightlife (hardrock) Nightcomers (metal) Nico (hard rock) No Rules (thrash black) Napalm (thrash) Nuclear symphony (speedmetal) Nevrotic Sisma (metal) Nemesi (metal) Nightingale (heavy) Nameless (hard rock) Na Name (thrash) N.i.b. (metal) Nightpride (metal) Odds (glamrock) Outrage (thrash) Oblivion (metal) Opera IX (metal) Powerage (metal) Powergame (metal) Power (metal) Pitfall (metal) Power (metal) Pin Heels (street) Quasar (hardrock) Quartz (hard) Requiem (metal)

Rollerball (hardheavy) Rainmakers (metal) Ranseckers (hardheavy) Rex Inferi (metal) Run after to (metal) Raff (metal) Rapsody (metal) Revenge (heavymetal) Rude (metal) R.a.f. (hardheavy) Rock Rose (hardrock) Rife (hard heavy) Red Steel (hard rock) Rude Legs (street) Randagi (metal) Randall Flag (metal) Rockside (street glam) Rabid Duck (thrash) Rock Sacred (metal) Raw (speed) Raw Power (thrash) Ruggeri (hard) Richard Benson's Synchronization (metal fusion) Ryan (heavy) S.p.a. (hardrock) Serena Rock band (hardrock) Slash (metal) Sabotage (heavymetal) Shiver (glammetal) Swords (metalrock)

Stage (hardrock) Spitfire (heavy metal) Steve Minelli (hard heavy) Skull (metal) Schizo (thrash) Sharks (hardrock) Showy Rags(Class metal) Synthesis (metal) Sacrifice (metal) Sacrilege (darkmetal) Severance (hardheavy) Skanners (heavymetal) Steel Crown (heavymetal) Shining Blade (heavymetal) Strana Officina (heavy metal) Static Age (metal) Shout (glammetal) Stiff (metal) Severance (hard heavy) Still Blind (metal) Schwartz (metal) Sagatrakavashen (black) Snake (hard) Silver Cat (hard) Slander (hard) Silver Flies (hard rock) Saigon (street glam) Skull Keeper (metal) Skooldaze (metal) Silent Town (metal)

Snowdrops (metal) S.o.s. (heavy metal) Sharks (hard) Strike (metal) Scarecrow (hard) S.Gypsy (street) S.h.a.d.e. (metal) Storm (hard) Scarlet (hard) Smash Hits (hard ) Shallow (hard) Sharon (metal) Shyte (metal) Silence Over (hard rock) Thorax (metal) Time Escape (progrock) Twilight zone (metal) Tyrant town (metal) Touch of Devil (metal) Thunder (metal) Tir (metal) Tanatos (metal) Toccata (epic metal) Talia (hard rock) Thunder Storm (metal) Tegen Hart (metal) Tenebhra (thrash metal) Tombstone (metal) Tomahawk (metal) Trashing Rage (thrash)

Thunderbolt (metal) The Black (metal) The Blade (hard rock) T.r.b. (hard) Touch of Devil (metal) Uraniah (galmrock) Upset noise (thrash) Unforced (thrash) Unreal Terror (heavy metal) Urban Fight (metal) Unwelcome Voice (trash) Upset Cross (speed ) Vanexa (heavy Metal) Valentino (hard glam) Vantage (metal) Van Proust (metal) Vis (hard rock) Velenha (thrash) Valchiria (hard) Vanadium (metal rock) 049 (hardrock) Zephyr (hardrock) Zip Fastener (hard heavy) Zenith (hard rock) Zap (metal) Zis (metal) Zora (glam) Zoo (metal) Wotan (epic metal) Warden (metal)

WhiteBats (hardrock) Windscreen (metal) Way out (metal) Witness (metal) Whitefire (metal) Witchunters (hardheavy) Wild Devils (metal) Wildee (glammetal) Wyvern (metal) Wizard (hard) Wind (hard trock) Wisdom (metal) Whinstone (metal) Wild Wings (metal) Wart Hog (Metal) Wicked Minds (Thrash) Warhead (hard roll) Welcome Idiots (metal) Xenon (hardrock) Xipe (epicmetal) X-Hero (hardheavy) X-Rated (hard rock) Xenia (hard) Xicrin (metal) Xteria (metal) Killerwitch (metal) Kroyden (hard) Klostridium Tetani (thrash) Keen Eyed (heavy metal) Kiowa (metal)

Kandisky (metal) King Lizard (metal) Knife Edge (hard rock) Kinky Sex (glam) Keens (hard rock) Keening (metal) Jet Leg (hard glam) Jollies (hard rock) Jester Beast (speed metal) Jailbait (hard) Jena (hard rock)

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