Wichita Demo
Wichita Demo
Wichita Demo
Racial/Ethnic Group
Highest Education Level Achieved Less than High School Diploma High School Diploma or GED Some College or AA Degree BA Degree Advanced Degree Total Population 25 and older
44,874 110,625 130,679 72,833 33,100 392,111
Black/ AfricanAmerican
3,898 7,629 10,157 3,126 1,211 26,021
2,869 3,280 2,704 2,573 1,735 13,161
Hispanic/ Latino
12,563 8,949 6,860 2,482 951 31,805
Percent of adults with a High School Diploma or higher Percent of adults with a BA Degree or higher Confidence Interval (Plus or Minus)
Notes; Hispanic/Latino can be of any race; rows do not add to total Not shown: Multi-racial, American Indian and Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander and Other race.
Note: Values shown are point estimates based on ACS survey data. Like all survey based data, they are subject to a margin of error.
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