5.design of High Speed Configurable Booth Multiplier
5.design of High Speed Configurable Booth Multiplier
5.design of High Speed Configurable Booth Multiplier
Portable multimedia and digital signal processing (DSP) systems, which typically require flexible processing ability, low power consumption, and short design cycle, have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Many multimedia and DSP applications are highly multiplication intensive so that the performance and power consumption of these systems are dominated by multipliers. The computation of the multipliers manipulates two input data to generate many partial products for subsequent addition operations, which in the CMOS circuit design requires many switching activities. Thus, switching activity within the functional unit requires for majority of power consumption and also increases delay. Therefore, minimizing the switching activities can effectively reduce power dissipation and increase the speed of operation without impacting the circuits operational performance. Besides, energy-efficient multiplier is greatly desirable for many multimedia applications. Here attempt is made to combine configuration, partially guarded computation, and the truncation technique to design a high speed and power-efficient configurable BM (CBM). The main concerns are speed, power efficiency and structural flexibility. The proposed multiplier not only perform single
can provide various configurable characteristics for multimedia and DSP systems and achieve more power savings with slight area overhead. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II deals with different methodologies and key components used in the design of Configurable Booth Multiplier. Section III gives the result analysis of the simulated modules and demonstrates the efficiency of the designed multiplier in terms of speed and power. Finally a concluding remark is given in Section IV. II. CONFIGURABLE BOOTH MULTIPLIER DESIGN
leads more partial products to zero for Booth encoding. In addition to switching signals, DRD produces several extra shutdown signals including SDLH, SDHH, SDHL, and SDLL to dynamically disable the redundant computation of the multiplier by forcing unnecessary partial-product bits and carry propagations to zero based on the multiplication mode and the effective range of the input operands. 1) Switching Logic: Figure 2 shows the switching logic for four 8-bit Booth multiplications whose input operands are A[15,8], B[15,8], A[7,0] and B[7,0]. If the output of a comparator is 1, it indicates that the input 3-bit group is successive zeros or ones so that its Booth encoded product will be zero. Finally each operand is compared to generate the switching signal that is used to determine which operand is a multiplier. In our design, the input operands will be exchanged if the switching signal is one. Aside from increasing the probability of Booth encoded products becoming zero, the switching logic can aid in detecting the length of the sign-extension bits of the input operands and shut down unnecessary computation.
In this section, partially guarded computation and the truncation technique are integrated into the configurable multiplication to construct a 16-b low-power CBM [11]. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the proposed 16-b CBM. The configuration signals are utilized to configure the operation of the proposed multiplier into six modes as shown. When CM[2:1] = 11 or 10, the single 16-b or single 8-b multiplication operation is performed. On the other hand, two parallel 8-b multiplication operations that satisfy the high-throughput requirement are carried out if CM[2:1] = 00. The Bit CM[0] decides whether truncation has to be done or not, if it is 0 then truncation will be done through which more power saving and speed is obtained else the output product will not be truncated. Whenever truncation is done error compensation values will be added to maintain output precision. The key components will be described and explained in detail in the following section.
A. Dynamic Range Detector (DRD) Given CM[2:0] and input operands A[15:0] and B[15:0] the proposed dynamic-range detector (DRD) in Figure 1 generates switching signals SWLH, SWHH, SWHL and SWLL for each 8-b Booth multiplication to pick the operand that
2) Shutdown Logic: Given the multiplication mode and the effective range of the input operands, the shutdown logic shown in Figure 3 produces shutdown signals SDLH, SDHH, SDHL and SDLL, to individually shut down AHBH, AHBL, ALBH and ALBL multiplications by setting the signals to be zero to dynamically disable the redundant computation of the multiplier by forcing unnecessary partial-product bits and carry propagations to zero based on the multiplication mode and the effective range of the input operands. For example, SDHL is utilized to shut down AHBL multiplication.
1 1 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
-1 -1 0
Table I shows the rules to generate the encoded signals by Radix 4 BE scheme. Then with these new multipliers multiplication is done by means of shifting and adding the multiplicand. For negative values 2s compliment is obtained. D. Truncation and Error Compensation Circuit For fixed-width multiplication operation the least significant bits of the n-bit output product can be disabled to further reduce power consumption and reducing number of adders there by increasing the speed of operation. To incorporate into the proposed multiplier, the partial products of each 8-b Booth multiplication are divided into Higher part (HP), Middle part (MP), and Lower Part (LP), as shown in Figure 5(a). When truncation is performed, the partial products in LP are forced to zero. The partial products in MP are used as inputs to generate approximate carries as shown in Figure 5(b) which are added along with the carry inputs of the adder cells in HP to reduce the truncation error.
B. Sign Bit Generator If one of the input operands is zero, the entire operation of the configurable multiplier can be shut down to obtain more power savings by preventing input registers from loading new data and directly resetting the output registers to zero thereby increasing the speed of operation. Therefore, we develop an SBG as shown in Figure 4 to generate an SB, LZ and HZ and shut down the entire multiplier when one of the input operands is zero (clock gating technique [12] and [13]). In partially guarded computation, the sign-extension bits of product are replaced by an SB to avoid unnecessary signextension computations.
Figure 5. (a) HP, MP and LP for an 8-bit BM. (b) ECC for n=8. Figure 4. Sign Bit Generator.
C. Radix 4 Booth Encoding Radix 2 booth algorithm does not work well when the multiplier has isolated ones. In such case the recorded multiplier has more number of ones when compared to the actual multiplier. So we group 3 bits for finding the recorded multiplier which will help to overcome the above said disadvantage. To multiply A by X, the Radix 4 Booth algorithm starts from grouping X by three bits and encoding into one of {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}.
Table I. Truth Table of Booth Encoding Scheme (Radix 4) X(i+1) X(i) X(i-1) VALUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 -2
E. 16-Bit Multiplication Matrix The Multiplication expression is divided in to four subexpressions AHBH, ALBL, AHBL and ALBH as shown in Figure 6. Where AH means A[15:8] and AL means A[7:0] and similarly for operand B. Four independent partial-product arrays are produced by using Radix-4 Booth Encoding approach. The partial products generated for all the individual blocks are grouped as shown in the Figure 6 to obtain the final product using adders and compressors.
when the characteristics of input data are changed. The Data used for comparison are listed below in Table III. As seen from the Table III the shutdown signals varies for different inputs and hence the power also varies based on the input data. For DATA 1 it is shown that two out of four blocks can be shutdown and for DATA 2, three out of four blocks can be shutdown depending on the dynamic range if input operands.
DA Figure 6. Multiplication matrixes for 16-b multiplication. F. TA TA 1 DA TA 2 Table III. Data inputs and their corresponding Shutdown signals SD SD SD SD A B PRODUCT
These partial products can be effectively reduced using Dadda tree compression techniques. In the compression algorithm each and every partial product is combined in groups of three and compressed in groups of 2 using full adder which is the 3:2 compressor. This process will be continued until all the partial products along with their carries are compressed. Thus the number of stages and the delay in those stages are reduced effectively using Dadda tree compression technique. The Dadda multiplier [14] is usually faster and smaller than Wallace tree multiplier [15] and hence it is preferred. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS For comparison, conventional Booth Multiplier using Radix 2 booth encoding and Radix 4 booth encoding for n=8 and n=16 and the proposed CBM for n=16 are designed in Verilog HDL and their simulation results were verified. These multipliers were synthesized by using the Synopsys Design Compiler with the TSMC 90nm CMOS standard cell technology library. The implementation results, including hardware area, critical path delay and power consumption for these multipliers, are given in Table II.
Table II. Comparison of Area, Power and Delay for different multipliers AREA DELAY POWER MULTIPLIER (n=16) (m2) (mW) (ns) Radix 2 Booth Multiplier 2953 1.067 108.09 Radix 4 Modified Booth 3241 1.075 86.18 Multiplier 3957 1.526 57.48 CBM [111] CBM [110] 2933 1.136 49.92 CBM [101] 873 0.323 30.16 CBM [100] 676 0.240 29.41 CBM [001] 1743 0.651 30.16 1350 0.486 29.88 CBM [000]
0000000000 0000000000000000000000 1 1 1 0
Through these shutdown signals power consumption can be efficiently reduced as shown below in Table IV.
Table IV. Comparison of Power for different data MULTIPLIER (n=16) Radix 4 Modified Booth Multiplier CBM [111] CBM [110] DATA 1 Power (mW) 1.07 0.513 0.322 % reduction 52.05 69.90 DATA 2 Power (mW) 1.07 0.322 0.238 % reduction 69.90 83.36
When compared to Radix 4 Modified Booth Multiplier, the results in Table IV exhibit that CBM [111] is capable of achieving 52.05% power saving on average. Moreover, CBM [110] can further achieve 69.90% power saving on average by performing truncation and sacrificing a bit of output quality. On the other hand the speed of operation also varies based on the input data. Consider the Table V which compares the critical path delay. CBM [111] is capable of achieving 57.32% increase in speed and CBM [110] can further achieve 65.62% increase in speed on average.
Table V. Comparison of Speed for different data MULTIPLIER (n=16) Radix 4 Modified Booth Multiplier CBM [111] CBM [110] DATA 1 Delay (ns) 86.18 36.78 29.63 % increase 57.32 65.62 DATA 2 Delay (ns) 86.18 30.17 29.41 % increase 64.99 65.87
As can be seen, the area and delay of the proposed CBM very approximate to that of non configurable Radix 4 Booth Multiplier, although it is larger because additional circuits, including Shutdown logic, Switching Logic an SBG, an Error Correction Logic etc., are added to achieve configuration and for high speed operation. With respect to power simulation vectors, several input data with different effective dynamic ranges are selected to demonstrate that the proposed CBM is more power efficient
CBM [101] and CBM [100] still offer high speed when compared with 8 x 8 Radix 2 Booth Multiplier and Radix 4 Booth multipliers. Table VI compares the delay of Radix 2 Booth multiplier and Radix 4 modified Booth multiplier with that of CBM [101] and CBM [100].
[9]. Table VI. Comparison of Speed of different multipliers for 8 bit operands Multiplier delay % Multiplier delay % (n=8) (ns) increase (n=8) (ns) increase Radix 4 Radix 2 Modified Modified 49.34 34.52 Booth Booth Multiplier Multiplier 30.16 38.87 CBM [101] 30.16 12.63 CBM [101] CBM [100] 29.41 40.39 CBM [100] 29.41 14.80
[11]. [12].
The comparison shows that 38.87% and 40.39% speed is increased for CBM [101] and CBM [100] when compared with Radix 2 Booth Multiplier and gives 12.63% and 14.80% increase in speed when compared with Radix 4 Modified Booth Multiplier on an average. Notice that CBM [001] and CBM [000] result in high power saving and has very high speed of operation and the execution cycles will be reduced by half since 2 8x8 bit multiplication is done parallel. IV. CONCLUSION
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A configurable booth multiplier has been designed which provides a flexible arithmetic capacity and a tradeoff between output precision and power consumption. Moreover, the ineffective circuitry can be efficiently deactivated, thereby reducing power consumption and increasing speed of operation. The experimental results have shown that the proposed multiplier outperforms the conventional multiplier both Radix 2 Booth multiplier and Radix 4 Booth multiplier in terms of power and speed of operation with enough accuracy at the expense of extra area. REFERENCES
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