Robi Strategy

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At Standards and Effects of Employee Satisfaction

Axiata Limited

Standards and effects of Employee Satisfaction At

Axiata Limited
SUBMITTED TO: Ms. Syeda Shaharbanu Shahbazi Senior Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University SUBMITTED BY: Sabrina Nasser Lya BRAC Business School ID: 06204008 BRAC University Date of Submission: December 07, 2010

Date: Decemember 07 2010 Ms. Syeda Shaharbanu Shahbazi Senior Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Madam, I am hereby submitting my Internship Report, which is a part of the BBA Program curriculum. It is great achievement to work under your active supervision. This report is based on, Standards And Effects of Employee Satisfcation At Robi Axiata Limited. I have got the opportunity to work in Robi Axiata Limited in Implementation Department under Technology Division for twelve weeks, under the supervision of Mr. Mahmud Hasan Faruquee, Manager SPI, Technical Division. This project gave me both academic and practical exposures. First of all I learned about the organizational culture of a prominent Telecommunication organization of the country. Secondly, the project gave me the opportunity to develop a network with the corporate environment. I shall be highly obliged if you are kind enough to receive this report and provide your valuable judgment. It would be my immense pleasure if you find this report useful and informative to have an apparent perspective on the issue. Sincerely Yours

------------------------------Sabrina Nasser Lya BRAC Business School Id: 06204008 BRAC University


First of all, I wish to express my gratitude to the almighty ALLAH for giving me the strength to perform my responsibilities as an intern and complete the report within the stipulated time.

I am deeply indebted to my Faculty Advisor Ms. Syeda Shaharbanu Shahbazi, Senior Lecturer, BRAC Business School, and BRAC University for her whole-hearted supervision during my organizational attachment period. I am also grateful to Mr. Mahmud Hasan Faruquee, as my organizational supervisor. It would have been very difficult to prepare this report up to this mark without their guidance. My gratitude goes to entire CSO Department, of BRAC University for arranging Internship Program that facilitates integration of theoretical knowledge with real life situation. Last but not the least, I would like to convey my gratitude to Mr. A.Z.M. Akhlaqur Rahman, Manager, SPI and Md..Shariful Huq, Engineer, SPI, for helping me in furnishing the report. Moreover, I would also like to express my gratitude to my Robi Axiata Ltd fellows, seniors and colleagues who gave me good advice, suggestions, inspiration and support. I must mention the wonderful working environment and group commitment of this organization that has enabled me to deal with a lot of things.


This report is prepared on the basis of my three-month practical experience at Robi Axiata Limited. This internship program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of a Telecommunication Company. Robi Axiata Limited is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provider. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. Robi Axiata Limited, formerly known as Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi. This report has been presented based on my observation and experience gathered from the company. The organization has many divisions and departments but he focus is given more on the level of employee satisfaction in Technical Division as I only got the opportunity to work in this division.

The report mentions about the facilities and benefits Robi Axiata Limited provides to their employees. A research is conducted to draw a conclusion on the effects of these facilities and benefits. The result that is found is quite considerable. However Robi Axiata Limited should work a lot to convince and sustain their existing employees. The result of the research is described in details in this report in the later chapters. After knowing the scenario of Robi Axiata Limited in terms of their employee satisfaction a lot of recommendation came up. The report also consist recommendations and conclusion according to my point of view, which I think would improve the environment of the organization if implemented.

Chapters Chapter1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Chapter2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Chapter3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

TABLEOFCONTENT Topics Introduction OriginoftheReport ObjectiveoftheReport ScopeoftheReport Methodology Limitation OverviewoftheCompany HistoricalBackgroundofthe Company ObjectiveoftheCompany PurposeandprincipleoftheCompany ShareholdersoftheCompany LogoandVisualLanguage DifferentDivisionsandDepartmentof Robi Productsandservices CorporateResponsibility MarketPositionandCustomerBase KeySuccessFactors ValueChain OrganizationsStructure EmploymentOpportunitiesand FacilitiesofRobi ThingsRobiDoesToAttractTop QualityEmployees SomeTermsofEmploymentatRobi DurationandProceduresofLeavesat Robi Salaryandbenefits Careerdevelopement Motivation SafetyandSecurity SocialandVoluntaryactivities

Page Number 2 3 4 5 57 7 9 910 10 1012 1213 13 1415 1516 1617 18 19 20 2123 25 2628 2829 2931 3239 4041 41 41 42

3.9 Chapter4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Chapter5 5.1 5.2 Chapter6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Discipline ResearchFindingsandanalysis AbouttheResearch ResearchFindings AnalysisoftheCollectedData Correlation Hypothesis SomeImportantInterpretations RecommendationsandConclusion Recommendations Conclusion Appendix Questionnaire TablesandFiguresFromSPSS OtherProductsandServices CorporateResponsibilityinDetails ResponsesoftheQualitativePartof thequestionnaire VariablesinSPSS Reference Bibliography

4244 45 4649 4956 5762 6269 6970 70 71 7274 7475 76 7781 8196 9798 99101 101105 105106 107 108

Chapters Figure1 Figure2 Figure3

TABLEOFFIGURES Topics MarketShareofMobileOperators

Page Number 18

ValueChainofTMIB CorrelationbetweentheLevelofEmployee SatisfactionandGender CorrelationbetweentheLevelofEmployee SatisfactionandAge CorrelationbetweentheLevelofEmployee SatisfactionandDesignation CorrelationbetweentheLevelofEmployee SatisfactionandYearsOfExperience CorrelationbetweentheLevelofEmployee SatisfactionandYearsofExperience

20 63

Figure4 Figure5

64 65

Figure6 Figure7

67 68




The basic function of telecommunication is to connect people through voice transfer and via
Internet. Apart from this basic function, telecommunication has already started introducing some diversified areas with the help of its mobile network.

Mobile technology is presently providing various cheap solutions in people's daily life. The traditional thinking of connecting people through mobile phone is far behind in comparison with the present scenario. Information technology enables telecom companies to provide economic solutions with a very cheap and easily available access, which was earlier costly and not accessible to some extent.

Today, The Globe is a village and telecommunication has become a day-to-day necessity of the people. Nearly 35 million people own and use mobile phones as an important device and depend on these for their ultimate connectivity.

Mobile phone is becoming a very common measure of communication in our country. The number of mobile user is increasing day by day. It is a very attractive market for the mobile connection providers. Presently there are six companies in the market. Each of them is trying to maintain and increase their market share. Among them Robi Axiata Limited is one of the leading companies in this sector.


Internship Program of BRAC University is a Post-Graduation requirement for the BBA students. This study is a partial requirement of the Internship program of BBA curriculum at the BRAC University. The main purpose of internship is to get the student exposed to the job world. Being an intern the main challenge was to translate the theoretical concepts into real life experience. The internship program and the study have following purposes: To get and organize detail knowledge on the job responsibility. To experience the real business world. To compare the real scenario with the lessons learned in BRAC University To fulfill the requirement of BBA Program. This report is the result of three months long internship program conducted in Robi Axiata Limited and is prepared as a requirement for the completion of the BBA program of BRAC University. As a result I need to submit this report based on the Standards and Effects of Employee Satisfaction At of Robi Axiata Limited. This report also includes information on the products and services of Robi Axiata Limited, the overview of the organization and also facilities they offer to satisfy their employees.


The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms: General Objective Specific Objective

General Objective: This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) degree requirement under the Faculty of BRAC Business School, BRAC University.

Specific Objective: More specifically, this study entails the following aspects: To give an overview of Robi Axiata Limited. To focus on the products, services, work environment and facilities provided to employees of Robi Axiata Limited. To discuss the Standards and Effects of Employee Satisfaction on the Technology Division of Robi Axiata Limited.


The main intention of the study is the standards and effects of employee satisfaction to find understand and document the processes and activities carried by Robi Axiata Limited and correlate them to get a clear picture of the level of the overall employee satisfaction. The report covers details about the product and services, overview and also facilities provided by the company to satisfy their employees. The main focus is on the analysis of the standard of facilities provided and their effect on the employee satisfaction. However the study is only related to the Technology Division as I was provided an opportunity to only work in this division.


The study is conducted in a systematic procedure starting from selection of the topic to final report preparation. The integral part was to identify and collect data; they were classified, analyzed, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner to find the vital points. The overall process of methodology followed in the study is explained further.

1.4.1 Selection of the topic: My supervisor assigned the topic of the study. Before the topic was assigned it was thoroughly discussed so that, a well-organized internship report can be prepared.

1.4.2 Sources of Data: Primary Sources:

Primary Data was derived from the practical deskwork. Moreover, the survey also helped me to get information directly from the employees. Secondary Sources:

Internal sources- Different documents provided by concerned officers and different circulars, manuals and files of the organization. External source- Different websites related to the telecom sector and online resources.

1.4.3 Collection of Data:

Conducting a survey of thirty employees helped me to collect primary data. The questionnaire is attached in the report in the Appendix. The survey helped me in both deriving the information and also explaining the condition of satisfaction of the employees of the concerned division. Secondary data was collected from Robi websites and other related websites and documents.

1.4.4 Classification, analysis, interpretations and presentation of data:

Some diagrams and tables were used in this report for analyzing the collected data and to explain certain concepts and findings more clearly. The help of SPSS derived the diagrams and tables. Moreover, collected data were analyzed more precisely. A Hypothesis was also developed to get the accurate situation of the level of employee satisfaction in the organization.

1.4.5 Findings of the study: The collected data were analyzed well and were pointed out and shown as findings at the end.

1.4.6 Final report preparation: The final report is prepared after some valuable suggestions and my honorable advisor gave corrections.


DependingonthefeedbackfrommembersofTechnologyDivision,thisreportisprepared.Thoughthe reportwouldbehelpfultoRobiAxiataLimitedalot,somepeoplewerereluctanttoprovidefeedback. Some concerned might think that the information associated with them were confidential enough to disclosetotheexternalworld. I only worked at the Technology division, and it was quite difficult

to understand about the procedure and the extent to which employees were satisfied in the other division. Another problem was time constraint. In case of research the sample size was quite small as it was not possible to analyze large sample due to time constraint. The duration of my work was only three months. But this period of time is not enough for a complete and clear study. It is because of the limitation of information some assumptions were made. So there may be some personal mistakes in the report. Although there were many limitations I tried to give my best effort to furnish the report.



This chapter emphasizes on the historical background of the company under study, overview of
the company, their product and services, customer base and market condition of Robi Axiata Limited


Robi Axiata Limited is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solution provider. It is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. Robi Axiata Limited, formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi.

Robi is truly a people-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi, the people's champion, is there for the people of Bangladesh, where they want and the way they want. Having the local tradition at its core Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity.

To ensure leading-edge technology, Robi has the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voices, CAMEL Phase II & III and GPRS/EDGE service with high-speed Internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind solutions in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationwide network coverage and multiple global partners for international roaming. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 550 operators across 205 countries. Its customer centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible tariff rates.

With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the best quality service experience in terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over Bangladesh. Together with its unique ability to develop local insights, Robi creates distinct services with local flavor to remain close to the hearts of its customer.


Robi Axiata Limited started its commercial operations as a GSM cellular phone operator with the objective of offering state-of-the-art and modern telecommunication services to the people of Bangladesh at competitive prices.


is unique. Our new brand is people-centric. We exist because of them. Anything is now

possible. Any new idea is apprecitated no matter where it comes from within the organization. It is all in our own hands now.

To help people understand the idea mentioned above, the company described the new brand in terms of purpose and principles.

The purpose statement is their ambition for future, to set a common direction for new brand, a framework for all their strategic planning.

Robis purpose is also to empower their customers. They claim that, We are there for you, where you want and in the way you want, in order to help you develop, grow and make the most of your lives through our services. The new brand is here to help people to empower and enable themselves to make a better life. They also believe that, We will keep our promises and deliver. We will innovate, execute fresh ideas and, as a nationwide organization, we will be respectful of our customers and stakeholders.

Principle statements define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. The statements are about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal community.

Robi also believes that no matter what they do to realize their purpose, they hold themselves accountable to the following Guiding Principles that the way for them. They are as follows: 1. being respectful towards everyone. 2. being trustworthy by action. Being passionate and creative in all we do. 3. Keeping things simple in the way we do things. 4. being ethical and transparent. 5. Demonstrating individual and collective ownership. 6. Practicing an open culture in communication and internal Emotional: Passionate, Creative, Respectful, and Open Functional: Simple, Ethical, Transparent, and Ownership


Robi Axiata Limited is a Joint Venture company between Axiata Group Berhad (70%) and NTT DOCOMO INC. (30%) Axiata Group Berhad Axiata is an emerging leader in Asian telecommunications with significant presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Cambodia. In addition, the Malaysian grown holding company has strategic mobile and non-mobile telecommunications operations and investments in

India, Singapore, Iran, Pakistan and Thailand. Axiata Group Berhad, including its subsidiaries and associates, has approximately 50 million mobile subscribers in Asia, and is listed on Malaysias stock exchange (Bursa Malaysia). NTT DOCOMO INC NTT DOCOMO INC is the world's leading mobile communications company and the largest mobile communications company in Japan. DOCOMO serves over 53 million customers, including 44 million people subscribing to FOMA, launched as the world's first 3G mobile service based on W-CDMA in 2001. DOCOMO also offers a wide variety of leading-edge mobile multimedia services, including i-mode, the world's most popular mobile e-mail/Internet service, used by 48 million people. With the addition of credit card and other e-wallet functions, DOCOMO mobile phones have become highly versatile tools for daily life. With cutting edge technology and innovative services, DOCOMO is fast becoming a preferred lifestyle choice, continuously expanding its role in its users lives, growing globally throughout Asia, Europe and North America. NTT DOCOMO INC is listed on the Tokyo (9437), London (NDCM) and New York (DCM) stock exchanges.


At the heart of the new brand is their new logo change.

. It is a symbol of balance, movement and

2.5.1 Usage Of Brand Signature (Logo)

Their logo should always appear in Bengali. Special authorization is required if logo is presented in English When writing in English (Roman) text, it should be written as Robi

2.5.2 Usage of Alpona

The Alpona is one the most creative expressions of Bengali graphic arts.

Robis Alpona motif is uniquely created, especially for them. Taken from a very traditional ceremonial form and tidied up to look more contemporary- the Alpona is vibrant and modern. It has a very organic soft feel to it whilst providing a forward moving direction- one of positivity and focus. The lack of sharp points and use of large curves provides a feeling of warmth and friendliness.


Robi Axiata Limited operates with following Divisions and Departments having its establishment in different locations at Dhaka, Chittagong and other regions of Bangladesh.

Offices in Dhaka: Head Office, other offices and Customer Care centers are situated in Dhaka.

Corporate Offices:

Divisions: Finance Division Marketing Division Human Resource Division

Information Technology Division Technical Division

Departments: Administration Department Internal Audit Department Coordination Department Corporate Strategy Department Corporate Affairs Department Credit Control Department

Offices in Chittagong There are corporate offices and Customer Care Centers in Chittagong.

Other Regional Offices: There are Customer Care Centres situated in Bogra, Khulna, Sylhet, comilla, Coxs Bazar, feni, Rajshahi and Barisal. Moreover, Regional Technical Offices are in Khulna, Sylhet, Bogra and Coxs bazaar.


Robi offers an array of different packages. In addition to offering the fundamental pre-paid and post-paid mobile services, it offers a wide range of value- added products and services such as, SMS, GPRS, EDGE, International Roaming SMS banking, Caller Ring Back Tone, MMS, Voice Greetings, Call Blocking on 4 August 2008, which give subscriber to control which call he or she receive or not and Bengali SMS. Robi has got the widest International Roaming coverage among all the operators in Bangladesh.

Robi has 20 Customer Care Centers and 430 Robi Care Points in 64 districts all over the country. Robi has over 25,000 retail selling points along with 100,000-voucher sales point all over Bangladesh.

2.7.1 Prepaid:

Robi Prepaid has everything to offer; a single package that delivers simplicity and flexibility at the same time. Robi Prepaid is continuously adding new features and plans to provide absolute freedom to the customers.Robi has the single prepaid package with the best rates in the market. Moreover, there are different tariff plans in one package to meet different types of needs of customers. There are instant, easy & multiple migration facility from one tariff plan to another.A customer can have 5 FnF to any operator mobile with one Robi partner facility There is full BTCL connectivity with FREE BTCL incoming. There is extended and simplified refill validity for ease and freedom. Moreover, there is nationwide EasyLoad facility and high-speed internet connectivity All available Value Added Services (e.g. SMS, MMS, GoonGoon, ringtone, wallpaper, games, animation downloads) are available in the service. Customers can recharge their Robi Prepaid by using scratch cards anf Easy Load facilities.

2.7.2 Postpaid:

Robi also offers post-paid service; along with the various packages. Robi Push Mail is a secure, reliable and feature rich email solution at a price customers can afford. Now, customers can work as if at their desktop from anywhere. Customers can know their bill information through Web Bill, E-Bill, SMS, USSD and Customer Care Center Customers can pay their bills by following: Scratch Card Auto Debit Easy load Bank Customer Care Center

More details about Robi packages and their Value added services you may have a look in the Appendix.


Robi dreams of a prosperous and strong nation and thus Robis commitment to the society are an integral part of its business. Robi intends to build a better Bangladesh by empowering people and by providing support towards the sustainable development of the community.

In line with Government's development plan as well as its own Corporate Responsibility (CR) philosophy, Robi engages itself in various types of Corporate Responsibility (CR) programs. Through its CR initiatives, Robi intends to contribute towards the development of socio economic and ecological condition of the country through enriching people's lives focusing on their primary needs as well as conserving the unique culture & Heritage of Bangladesh.

Robi endorses its enabling and positive impact on the society, primarily, through its 'core operations' or business footprint and secondly, through its ability to reach out to national development goals by 'Empowering People.

Renewing its CSR philosophy, Robi is widening its core CSR area with the launching of new brand in 2010. Robi has redefined its CSR drive under five thematic aspects - Education, ICT (information, communication and technology), Health, Environment and Culture & Heritage with prime focus on women empowerment. Among the core areas, education is the major thrust areas of Robi's CSR interventions. In line with Government's 'Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021, Robi will be working towards ICT development across the country especially in the colleges and libraries. With special focus on women, Robi is emphasizing on women health and women entrepreneurship. Thus Robi aspires to be a powerful agent of change through enriching people's lives for a better living. More detailed information about the Robis CSR activities are given in the Appendix.


Robi, formerly known as AKTEL, owned by Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd, remained in the third position with 11.10 million customers. It added 2.25 million subscribers in last one year raising the total number of its customers to 11.10 millions.
CityCell 4% Banglalink 21% TeleTalk 2% Warid 6%

Aktel 19% Grameenphon e 48%

Figure 1: Market Share of Mobile Operators


Companys key success factors are their means to prosper in the market place. KSF includes product attributes, competencies, and market achievements with the greatest impact on future competitive success in the market. Key Success factors of Robi are listed in the following figure.

Technology Related KSFs Distribution Related KSFs Infrastructure and Network Related KSFs

Technological Innovation: Robi is the 1st Bangla SMS Service Provider in the market. Strong network of dealers/ wholesale retailers, like, Robi Customer Care Centers, Robi Touch Points etc.

Strong Infrastructure and Wide Network Coverage. Robi provides network coverage in 61 permitted districts of Bangladesh.

Marketing Related KSFs

Better Product Quality and Broad Product Line. E.g. prepaid, post paid, mobile-to-mobile, International roaming Faster and Efficient Customer Service e.g. 24 hours helps line, customer service centers, etc.

Skills and Capabilities Related KSFs

Expert, motivated and talented workforce to provide professional Better customer service

Financial KSFs

Faster Delivery time capability. Supply Chain Management Capabilities

Strong Balance Sheet to be able to invest in infrastructure and network. Low cost provider to be able to cut price and match competitors


The company value chain consists of the value chain of its own as well as the value chains of its suppliers and its distributions channel allies engaged in getting its products or services to its end users. The competitiveness in end users market requires that the company managers understand the entire value chain system for delivering a product or service to end users of the companys own value chain.
Supplier Related Value Chains Companys Own Value Chains Forward Channel Value Chains

Suppliers of SIM Cards, Scratch Cards And Network Providers

Technical Marketing Sales and Supply Chain

Alliance and Collaboration with Mobile Set Vendors, Distributors or franchises

Consumers, Corporate and PCO

Figure 2: Value Chain of TMIB

The supplier related value chain is a very critical factor for the success of the telecom companies. The suppliers are mainly the network providers like Nokia, Siemens, Huwaei etc, who provide and maintain the network and the infrastructure.

Forward channel of Robi are those allies and collaborating partners like the distributors and dealers who distribute the SIM cards, scratch cards all over the country, the handset providers like Nokia, Siemens, Motorola, Sony Ericsson etc. who jointly work with the mobile operators to provide user friendly and better attribute sets.


The organization is headed by its Chief Executive designated as the Managing Director entrusted with overall responsibilities of business direction of the organization and leading dynamically towards the attainment of its purpose and principles. In attaining the purpose and principles, the Chief Financial Officer, General Managers & department Heads assists the MD. Robi has established a strong and formidable sales channel, which consists of direct dealers and its own sales force.
Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer

Managing Director

Internal Audit Chief Operating Officer IT


Corporate Strategy Marketing

Technical Sales HR

Coordination & Regulatory

Corporate Affairs

Customer Services

Regional Director, Chittagong

The organization has an executive committee, which includes Chairman, Directors, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and other General Managers.

Robi Axiata Limited consists of many departments and divisions. The main focus is on the Technical division because I only got the opportunity to work in the Site Procurement and Infrastructure (SPI) under the Technical Division.

As I have got the opportunity to work in this division I can provide a slight view of the operation. The Technical division is mainly concerned with the civil work. They first plan by doing the site research or site survey. Then they build the BTS room or shelter for the safety of necessary machineries, such as Generator. After that the tower is built to develop a network. Basically, this division works to create the entire necessary infrastructure to create a network around the country. The division operates in four zones. Different zones deal with different districts. Each Zone has a team, with managers, specialist and Engineers. I got the opportunity of working with Zone-4 that deals with some districts in region of Bogra, Rahshahi, Khulna and Barisal.

Job Responsibility I fulfilled:

Initially I had to keep record of the site status (Work in progress, Ready, Flooded or Halt) and also the record of new vendors and kick-off date in a data base. This was done in Excel.

Then I got the opportunity to attend a training program which was on SAP. After the training I was given the responsibility to deal with the bills they maintain.

Types of Payment bill I went through are related to the payment they give to the construction companies after the contracted work is done. The payment can be in advance (20-30% of the Purchase Order (PO)). The payments are 1ST Running Bill, 2nd Running Bill, Final Payment (After the complete work is done, the payment figure is 95% of the Actual amount) and Retention payment (5% of actual work done, it can be claimed by the vendor with 6months to 1year.)

Bills were related to different types of work. They are Civil Infrastructure work, Tower, Prefabrication Shelter, GSM 1800, Generator Room Construction, Pole work, Subsoil Investigation (soil test), and Site acquisition.

I was provided with detailed hardcopy of the bill then I had to enter required data into the software called SAP to get the printout of the Certification of work completed (Partially or Full) and the Request for Payment sheet. I was also responsible to handover these files to concerned Mangers and Specialist, to get the files checked and signed.



Robi views its people as the prime capital of the company. The company represents a world of
opportunity, challenge and fulfillment. This is a performance driven organization, which believes that performance comes from belongingness and ownership and they always reward the performers in all aspects. Functional skills development focuses on developing & sharpening the technical skills of their people that they may be the best-in-class in their areas of expertise technology, marketing, sales, finance, customer analytics, strategy, human resource, internal audit, regulatory & legal.

Robi cares about their people and their development. Here they will find opportunities for continued education and training. The organization is also working on the process and strategies to empower their people through leadership program. Robi is committed to help their people learn, develop & enhance their functional skills, leadership capabilities & personal effectiveness. Their leadership development focuses developing leaders who think before they act and act according to the values that the organization embraces. Along with that they run Group Accelerated Development Program and Opco (Operating Country) Development Program. They carefully design their training and development activities keeping in mind the industrys best practices. They also offer international career for the employees through Open resourcing policy among the other operating countries of Axiata Ltd.

Robi Offers a market competitive rewards package that is designed to make employee feel as an integral part of the team and directly involved in the company's success. Their asset is their diversified workforce who is making the mark in the industry to create a unique workplace. Performance Management System (PMS) helps the employee make the most of their working life at Robi. The process supports the employees in identifying and delivering against challenging goals that impact the organization. It helps the employee to plan how they will develop skills and leadership behaviors for their current position and for the years ahead. The company diversified workforce is the main asset of their organization. Robi believes diversity is one of the key factors for success in any organization and hence they focus in this area consciously.


It is HRs vision to handhold the company, be its strategic partner, adding value in each step taken towards making Robi Axiata Limted the Employer of Choice. Robi engages their employees and imspire them to achieve excellence. They provide Exposure To Their Employees

Robi Axiata Limited recognizes the necessity to engage with the educational institutions of the country, as they want to be the Employer of Choice. They aim to ally themselves with the best

private and public universities of the country. Sponsoring career fairs and counseling sessions with graduating students they impart a flavor of the corporate world and provide the employees with an exposure to best practices. This helps them in procuring the top students by inviting them to their internship program.

They Enhance Their Employees.

Robis policy is to hire the best talents in the job market and groom them to perform even better. The organization robust Performance Management System aids in identifying their talent, assessing their employees skill set and providing development initiatives in form of training and job rotation. Employees are evaluated which uphold their transparency.

The Performance Management System helps identify areas of improvement for each employee. Their Competence Development Unit does a training need analysis, coming up with a calendar of training sessions that focus on the areas identified for improvement. Thus, they equip their employees with the required skills to achieve and enhance in their career.

They recognize the passion to perform in their employees. The group to be groomed into future leaders nurtures the top performers of the company. The Group Accelerated Development Program serve as a breeding ground for future leaders, giving their managers international exposure and propping them for global challenges where the employees would be given opportunities to serve an Operating Company within the Robi.

Moreover, the company also arranges for job rotations and assigns employees to projects so as to create breath to their careers as well. Such initiatives inspire employees to be creative and take ownership of responsibilities.

They Empower Their Employees.

At Robi, they empower to share their voice. Their introduction to CXO chat and blog sites provides the platform for employees to be heard. Moreover, their Employee Satisfaction index survey gauges the opinion in areas, which concern working environment and cultural issues. They respect the opinion of their employees and strive to accommodate their views so as to ensure a conduced work environment that thrives with passion and facilities performance. Moreover, they are particularly attentive to equipment requirements. Their employees are provided with necessary computers, phones and Internet connection so that the employees are connected to the world for professional needs and personal ease.

They Enrich Their Employees.

At Robi Axiata Limited, they aim to enrich the lives of their employees with targeted benefit packages that take off the burden of personal obligations. The benefits are designed in a manner to exemplify their concern for their employees well being not only in terms of life, but also in

terms of living standard. Child support, determined hospitalization costs, transportation are few examples of benefits they provide.

They Ensure Their Employees

Maintaining the highest ethical standards and integrity in their operations is a crucial factor at Robi. Therefore, the company has introduced their Guiding Principles that is they expect their employees to embed in his or her mind and upholds in ones responsibility. Their code of Ethics safeguards their ethical standards by clearly defining their way of working. With such systems in place they ensure that they do business with a conscience and safeguard their employees from exploitation. It should be noted that all their employees are obliged to sign a Letter of Understanding (LOU) after reading the Code of Ethics. They expect their employees to exemplify the guiding principles in their work and regulate their actions by the stipulations in Code of Conduct.


3.2.1 Probation All employees recruited on a permanent basis have to undergo a period of six months as probationary period to ascertain their capability and suitability for employment and are judged with a performance appraisal at the end of fifth month. On successful completion of the probationary period employee is given a letter of confirmation. During probation period no benefit of provident fund or gratuity are accrued. And employee is entitled to avail 50% of entitled annual leave during this period and seven days for medical leave during the period.

During probation either party upon 24 hours notice may terminate employment and confirmed employees are required to give one-month notice for resignation or should give up one-month basic salary.

3.2.2 Punctuality Robi is very particular about time. Employees are required to arrive at work before 9:00 am. Incase of disregard of this rule the action is treated as late and recorded in the Attendance Register accordingly. Similarly if the employees leave the work without authorized permission before 5:45 pm is treated as indiscipline.


3.3.1 Annual Leave Management General Manager DGM & AGM Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager Executive Non Executive Annual Leave Entitlement 25 Working Days 22 Working Days 20 Working Days 18 Working Days 16 Working Days 14 Working Days 14 Working Days

50% of the entitlement of the annual leave can be accumulated or carried forward to the next service year and rest can be lapsed if not availed. 3.3.2 Medical Leave Employee medical leave is entitled for 14 days for all level of executives. Employee must have to produce medical certificate for medical leave. There is no provision of accumulation of medical leave. 3.3.3 Quarantine Leave Quarantine Leave is leave of absence from duty necessitated by orders not to attend office in consequence of the presence of infectious diseases in the person, family or household of an employee. The authority up to maximum grants such leave 15 working days. However, the employee concerned has to submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

3.3.4 Accident Leave

Employees who get injured by an accident occurred while on duty is allowed Accident Leave with full pay for the period required for full recovery and become fit to join duties. If the accident causes partial or full disablement and the joining to duties is uncertain, then Management is going to decide on accident.

3.3.5 Maternity Leave

A female employee who has been employed for period of not less than ninety days during the nine months immediately preceding her confinement shall be granted ninety consecutive days maternity leave on full pay. Maternity leave shall be granted after twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy and application for maternity leave shall be made not less than two months prior to date on which it is desired that the maternity leave shall commence. Such entitlement applies for two times during her service with the company.

Leave on account of miscarriage prior to the twenty-eight week of pregnancy shall not be considered as maternity leave as medical leave. 3.3.6 Paternity Leave Male employees are entitled for three working days paternity leave. One employee can avail paternity leave up to two times during his tenure.

3.3.7 Compassionate Leave

Employees are entitled for three working days compassionate leave in case of death of their parents, spouse and children to cope up with the shock.

3.3.8 Hajj Leave

Only permanent employees (service length minimum 2 years) can take Hajj Leave of 20 consecutive days (including holidays) for Holy Hajj with prior approval of the Management. An employee can avail Hajj Leave once in his or her service tenure with Robi.

3.3.9 Leave Without Pay

The company may grant an employee, at its discretion, no pay leave on important personal ground upon approval of the divisional head, provided that the employee has exhausted his or her annual leave. Functional Heads are responsible to approve for such leave depending on the circumstances.

3.3.10 Compensatory day-off

An employee when required to work on any weekly holiday or govt. holiday shall be given a substitute day off which should be taken within one month of that date or will be forfeited. Employees may take day off leave instead of any weekly or Government holiday if he or she works on that day for at least eight hours in one day. The leave must be taken within the following month and necessary documents (attendance register) must be produced for the approval. On the other hand, the employees will not be entitled for day off leave if they take holiday allowance for the day.

3.3.11 Encashment of annual leave If any employees leave application is rejected for two times in a year, he or she is eligible for applying for the leave encashment up to a maximum of ten days. The encashment is based only on Basic salary.


Monthly salary is transferred to employee individual salary account each month with other allowances less deductions such as income tax, contributory provident fund etc. Each employee receives a monthly pay statement detailed gross pay and deduction. The Gross or Average amount of employees in various Grades are given below:

Position MD / CEO Chief Officers (CTO, CMO , CFO) General Manager Assistant General Manager (AGM) Senior Manger Manager Deputy Manager (DM) Senior Assistant Manager / Senior Engineer Assistant Manager / Engineer

Grade 32 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

Amount (Tk) Confidential Confidential Confidential 250,000 200,000 150,000 90,000 60,000 50,000

Senior Executive / Engineer Executive / Assistant Engineer Executive/Assistant Technician

19 18 17

45,000 40,000 35,000

3.4.1 Allowance

Allowances are paid with monthly take-home salary, namely house rent, medical conveyance and utility.

3.4.2 Festival Bonus

Robi usually awards two bonuses in a year on occasion of Eid or Christmas as Festival bonus. The amount is normally equals to the basic salary.

3.4.3 Other Variable Bonus

Robi offers other variable bonuses like; performance bonus (related with individual performance) and company performance bonus (special bonus for company performance or success) to the employees.

3.4.5 Soft Furnishing Allowance

This allowance is paid as a part of house maintenance of the staffs. Only executive and above (permanent) are entitled for the allowance. This allowance is paid on yearly basis at the end of the year.

Job Level Top Management Senior Management (DGM & AGM) Manager Assistant Manager Executive

Yearly Allowance (Tk) 20,000 15,000 8,000 6,000 4,000

3.4.6 Overtime Allowance

Only Executives (Grade 17,18,19,20 and 21) and Non- Executive (Grade 1,2,3,4 this grade involves Building Assistant) are eligible for overtime. Maximum ceiling for overtime is 48 hours in a month (except Grade 1 and 2).

3.4.7 Shift Duty Allowance

Job Level Assistant Manager Executives Non-Executive

Allowance Per Month (Tk) 1600 1400 500-800

Only those who are entitled to shifting duty are eligible for the allowance.

3.4.8 Holiday Allowance

Job Level Manager and Senior Manager

3-5 hours Tk- 300 per day

More than 5 hours Tk 500 per day

3.4.9 Salary Review

Salary is reviewed periodically with consistent with the living standard and competitive salary package offered by other multinational organizations as Robi claims.

3.4.10 Provident Fund and Gratuity

The contribution in Provident Fund is 10 % of the basic salary from both sides, employee are eligible for company contribution after five years of membership of the fund. Employee is also entitled to a gratuity payment.

3.4.11 Group Life Insurance

Robi management has approved a group life insurance policy under which, death, permanent partial disability and permanent total disability are covered. Moreover, the insured amount for life is 36 times gross salary.

3.4.12 Child Birth Benefit

All regular employees are entitled for Child Birth Allowance as per stated below: Manager and above: (Both employee and spouse) Tk 15,000 per delivery Assistant Manager and below: (Both employee and spouse) Tk 10,000 per delivery.

3.4.13 Hospital Fund Policy

All employees are entitled for the benefit (all permanent employees and their families, all probationers and their families and all contractual employees and their families including Non Executives) as per the level pf emplacement or Grade. (Family means spouse and children up to 25 years old). An employee can claim for two-hospitalization cost per year. An employee should take prior approval from the Head of Human Resources in writing in advance of any pre-planned hospitalization. In case of emergency the employee is ask to inform the Human Resource. Immediately. Hospitalization expense includes: Consultation fees while admitted Investigation expense (ECG, X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan etc) while admitted

Artificial limbs, eyes, casts, braces and crutches Post hospitalization physiotherapy up to two sessions Rental or wheel chair or hospital bed, if advised by physician Ambulance service to and from the hospital Treatment by Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy Two follow up visits after discharge from hospital

3.4.14 Subsistence Allowance Or Meal Allowance (Local)

An employee who is required to travel out station on company business beyond a radius of 33 Km. from his office will be entitled to subsistence allowance as follows:

If the work requires a stay of 24 Hours or more inclusive of travel time Designation Top Management Senior Management (AGM, DGM) Management (Manager) Assistant Manager Rates (Tk) 4,500 1,200 1,000 800

Executive Non-Executive

700 300-400

If the work requires a stay of 8 Hours or more but less than 24 Hours or more inclusive of travel time

Designation Top Management Senior Management (AGM, DGM) Management (Manager) Assistant Manager Executive Non-Executive

Rates (Tk) 800 700 600 500 400 180-250

3.4.15 Accommodation Allowance

An employee who is required to travel out station on company business beyond a radius of 33 Km from his office (within Bangladesh) and requires a stay of 24 hours or more shall be entitled for following claims:

a) Hotel Rental b) Rental Without Receipts

3.4.16 Daily Allowance for Overseas Travel

An employee traveling outside Bangladesh, on company business is paid Daily meal allowance.

An employee traveling outside Bangladesh, on company business is reimbursed on production of receipts for the Airport Charges, Tax and Transportation Expenses. The mode of transport using hired vehicle is approved first by the Managing Director. The airfares for such business trip or courses are as follows:

Designation Top Management Senior Management (AGM, DGM) Management (Manager) Assistant Manager Executive

Air Fare Business Economy Economy Economy Economy

3.4.17 Accommodation Allowance (Overseas) An employee traveling outside Bangladesh, on company business is paid accommodation allowance Hotel Rental with Receipt: Actual cost for single deluxe (Top Management) Actual cost for single room (Executive to Senior Management)

3.4.18 Transfer Reimbursement The company pay a transfer allowance of Tk. 15,000/= for a married employee (Executive and above) and Tk. 9,000 /= for a single employee, for the inconvenience caused by such transfer from one station to other. Transfer allowance for non-executive is Tk. 9,000 /= (married) and Tk. 6,000 /= (single) respectively. Traveling allowances, Meal allowances and Accommodation allowances is paid according to company rules.

3.4.19 Transport and Traveling Allowance Employees authorized to use his or her vehicle in performing the duty, is reimbursed transport expenses:

Description/ Vehicle Motorcar Motorcycle Parking fees and toll charges

Allowance Tk. 8 per Km Tk. 4 per Km Reimbursed upon submission of receipt

3.4.20 Wedding Loan

The company provides Interest free wedding loan for the confirmed permanent employee. Loan amount is three times Gross salary.

3.4.21 Meal Allowance

All confirmed regular employees are entitled for a monthly meal allowance as per their Job Grade which is payable with their salary. 3.4.22 Children Education allowance

All regular employees are entitled for Children Education Allowance up to maximum two children (age should be with in 25 years). Allowance is payable with the monthly salary as per the employee Job Grade.

3.4.23 Gratuity All confirmed regular employees are entitled for Gratuity as per stated below:

Years of Service After 5 years After 8 years After 10 years

Allowance 1 last drawn basis for each completed year 1.5 last drawn basis for each completed year 2 last drawn basis for each completed year

3.4.24 Long Service Award For all confirmed regular employees the reward in the form of Gold Medal worth different values relating with time frame.

3.4.25 Leave Fare Assistance

All regular employees are entitled for Leave Fare Assistance on monthly basis as per their Job Grade which is payable with their salary.


In Robi employees career are developed through appraising their performances and providing with knowledge and skills through proper training and development programs. 3.5.1 Introduction After joining, new employee is subjected to attend an introduction program. This program provides new employee with basic background information about employer, information about company rules and practices, organizations products and services. HR Division conducts this new employee socialization program.

3.5.2 Performance Appraisal To achieve the overall organization goal, each employee is assigned with his individual goal. A periodic (normally in the month of December) appraisal is conducted with the view to monitoring the employee performance and to find out the training need and developments of each employee. Good performers are awarded accordingly for their contribution to the organization.

3.5.3 Organizational Development

Robi Axiata Limited management gives immense emphasis on developing its Human Resources by allocating huge money with yearly training programs (both local and overseas training). Annual training calendar is drawn up consisting with the training need assessment of all

members of the organization. In- house training is also arranged with Robis own facilitaors. Usually trainees are sending to Sweden, Egypt, France, Malaysia, Indonesia and India for various training programs.

3.5.4 Promotion

A systematic promotion policy is followed in terms of promoting the deserving employees in line with the succession plan. Promotion is given to an employee when there is vacancy in the higher position and the employee has the required skills, experience to undertake the job. Up gradation is also awarded on the basis of performances and capability of the individuals.


As motivation is a prime factor to job satisfaction, Management is willing to take initiative by offering schemes: Performance Bonus Performance bonus is given to the good performers with accordance with the company rules and management discretions as recognition of ones performance through out the year.

Reward and recognition Reward and Recognition policy is introduced to award the outstanding performers, best team performers and the best support staff.


For confronting contingency or any possible accident in the work places, Robi offices contains fire extinguishers and first aid box and Robi is working to establish a comprehensive safety and security policy for safeguard of their lives and properties as well.


3.8.1 Scholarship program The scholarship program of Robi is a good will project. The target of the project is to send meritorious but financially insolvent Bangladeshi students for high qulity academic programs in Multimedia University (MMU) of Malaysia. Every year, they send three students to study in IT, Engineering and BBA under the scholarship program.

3.8.2 Donations

Robi provides donation to different social organization as a gesture of their recognition and contribution to the society. Robi as Aktel provided charity Mobile Plus connection to the Anjuman Mufidul Islam, Lion Eye Hospital and Shandhani Blood Donation for their outstanding contribution to the society.

Robi stands beside the Government and effected people of Bangladesh during different natural calamity.


Rob follows systematic methods (show cause, personal hearing, suspension, enquiry and punishment) while taking disciplinary action against any accused employee as per law of the land. The following acts or omissions shall be treated as misconduct for which Management may decide to take disciplinary action against any employee:

Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or in combination with others, to any lawful or reasonable order of a superior or colleagues Habitual absenteeism (unauthorized absent or desertion of duties) Habitual late attendance Habitual negligence or neglect of work Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the organizations business or propert Behavior causing severe damage to sutomer relations Habitual breach of any law or rule or regulation applicable to the organization Resorting to illegal strike or go slow or inciting others to resort to illegal strike or go slow. Falsifying, tempering with, damaging or causing loss of official records Possession or use of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances and drunkness or gambling while on duty Use of bad language Riotous or disorderly behavior in the office premises or any act subversive of discipline Frequent repetition of any act or an illegal gratification in connection with oneself or any other employees employment under the employer.


The measurement of punishment should be proportionate to the severity of the offence committed. The punishment could be follows: a) Written Warning b) Suspension without pay for a period not exceeding seven working days c) Defer increment for a period not exceeding two years d) Degradation to any lower grade e) Dismiss the employee without notice f) Termination g) Impose any other lesser punishment other than (a) to (e)

Right of Appeal
An employee on whom any form of punishment is imposed as provided above shall have right of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer of the company within fourteen fays from the date of notification of punishment served on the employee. 3.9.1 Retrenchment An employee whose service is terminated on ground of redundancy is entitled to a) one month salary for each completed years of service b) payment of outstanding annual leave day. The principle of Last in First Out is followed. In the event of vacancy arising within twelve months of the retrenchment, the company gives preference to applications from ex-employees declared redundant previously.

3.9.2 Medically Boarding Out

When an employee is incapable either physically or mentally to under go his or her job, management may discharge him or her from service upon recommendation of the Government Medical Board.

3.9.3 Retirement

Optional Retirement

Compulsory Retirement

Male Female

50 Years 45 Years

58 Years 58 Years

Till now, I have discussed about the facilities that Robi Axiata Limited provides to their employees in order to satisfy and sustain their good performing employees. In the farther chapters these data are analyzed in details to get a clear picture of the Level of employee satisfaction at Robi Axiata Limited.


CHAPTER-4 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS This chapter is all about the research that was conducted to get a clear view about the employee
satisfaction at Robi Axiata Limited. This part also includes the findings, analysis of those findings and also some important interpretations. The research is based on all facilities and benefits provided by the company (as mentioned in the last chapter). This chapter will reveal the level of employee satisfaction regarding those facilities.


For an in-depth study a research was conducted. Steps followed in the research are illustrated below:

Step 1: Problem Definition

The topic of my internship report is The Standard And The Effects of Employee Satisfaction At Robi. Based on the topic the point that highlights are whether the employees at Robi are satisfied or not. Therefore the research problem is The Level of Satisfaction of Employees At Robi.

Step 2: Research Design

Based on the research problem my research was designed as follows: Variables
Information needed Source of Information/ Respondents





Dependant Variable:
Employee Satisfaction Independent Variables: -Employees Environment -Facilities -Services

Gender of the respondent Age of the respondent Designation Years of work experience at Robi Division Level of satisfaction regarding: - Leaves - Salary and benefits - Safety and Security - Motivation - Safety and security - Discipline - Assessment - Over all i t

30 Employees of Technical Division of Robi Axiata Limited

Quantitative: Survey

Sabrina Nasser Lya

During the office hour
Technical Division of Robi Axiata Limited, Uday Tower 15th Floor

Step 3: Collection Form Design

The questionnaire consisted of two parts Part A- The questionnaire asked for some personal information like age, gender, designation, years of experience at Robi and Division they are working in. Part B- The questionnaire was detailed in such a way so that the employee can express their satisfaction level regarding every aspects, such as, leaves, salary and benefits, motivation, safety and security, discipline and employee assessment. Moreover the questionnaire form also included some questions out of which a qualitative conclusion can be drawn. The options are assigned on a Nominal scale. The Questionnaire is attached in the report later in the Appendix.

Step 4: Sample size

The survey is done on 30 employees in the Technology Division.

Step 5: Collection of Data

Data were collected through survey. Both the qualitative and quantitative data were collected through the questionnaire. Then the collected data were input in the SPSS to derive finding (tables and diagrams). The purpose of the collection of data was to gain an overall picture of the level of employee satisfaction. This was done through a survey with the Employee. The employee was asked for their contribution for a little moment.

Step 6: Data Analysis

After deriving output from SPSS the collected data were analyzed which are provided later in the report.

Step 7: Writing the Research Report After analyzing all collected data and following all the mentioned steps, writing this report was possible.


As I mentioned earlier that data were collected through survey. The questionnaire contained mostly quantitative questionnaire. In the qualitative questions options were assigned on a Nominal Scale, where 1 = Dissatisfaction, 2 = Somewhat Dissatisfaction, 3 = Neutral, 4 = somewhat satisfaction and 5 = Satisfaction. In some questions, 1 = very important, 2 = neutral and 3 = important and in one case 1 = Excellent, 2 = Good, 3 = average and 1 = bad. The options are arranged on a nominal scale so that we can put value on the SPSS. Then the collected quantitative data were put in the SPSS according to the nominated points. Variables are provided in the Appendix.

4.2.1 Quantitative Data:


The survey was done on 19 male (63.3%) and 11 female (36.7%).

Age of the Respondents:

In the survey it was found that 20 employees (66.7%) are between the age of 20-30 years of age. 8 (26.7 %) of them are between the age of 31-40 years of age. Lastly only 2 (6.7%) of them are above 40 years of age.

Designation of the Respondent:

In the survey 19 out of 30 (63.3%) respondents are specialists. 6 out 30 (20%) respondents are Managers and 5 out of 30 (16.7%) respondents are Engineers.

Years of Work Experience at Robi

2 of the respondents have experience of 1 year, which is 6.7%. 2 of the respondents have the experience of 2 years. 6 of them have the experience of 3 years, which is 20 %. 4 of the respondents have the experience of 4 years, that 13.3%. 1 of them has the experience of 5 years, which is 3.3%. 4 of them have the experience of 6 years. 1 of them has the experience of 7 years. 1 of them has the experience of 8 years. 1 of them has the experience of less than 1 year. 1 of them has the experience of more than 1 year. 1 of the respondent has the experience of more than 3 years. 2 of them have the experience of more than 4 years. 3 of them have the experience of more than 5 years. 1 of them has the experience of more than 6 years.

Table 4 (A): Level of Satisfaction of Leaves

Leaves (No. Of Respondents) Annual Leave Medical Leave Leave Without Pay Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Level Neutral Somewhat Satisfactory Satisfactory 19 20 5 3 2 3 1 10 1 8 11 10 17 6 7 5 5 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 Compensatory Maternity Paternity Day-off Leave Leave

Counts Of Response

4 10

35 46


Table 4 (B): Level of Satisfaction of Salary and Benefits

Levels (No. Of Respondents) Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat Satisfactory Satisfactory

Allowance Festival Bonus Overtime Allowance Shifts Holiday Allowance Salary Review Provident Fund and Gratuity Traveling and Accommodation Allowance Timeliness of salary handover Counts of Response 9 4 2 1 2

2 1

1 2 7

10 18 17

17 9 6

3 2

20 10

4 12

2 4

Salary And Benefits

1 2

8 17

19 9 2









Table 4 (C): Level of Importance of Motivational Factors

Levels (No. Of Respondents) Important Neutral Very Important Performance Bonus Motivational Factors Reward And Recognition Counts of Responses 11 2 47 5 1 24 6 1 23

Table 4 (D): Level of Satisfaction of Motivational Factors

Levels (No. Of Respondents) Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Performance Motivational Bonus Factors Reward And Recognition Counts of Responses 7 7 17 20 9 3 4 12 10 1 4 3 5 Neutral Somewhat Satisfactory 10 8 Satisfactory

Safety and Security

12 respondents (40%) are satisfied with the safety and security of Robi. 12 respondents are somewhat satisfied. 1 respondent (3.3%) is neutral. 4 respondents (13.3%) are somewhat dissatisfied 1 respondent is dissatisfied with service.

Necessity of More Safety and Security Facilities

24 respondents (80%) said yes 6 of them (20%) said No


Level of fairness of Disciplinary act and Punishment at Robi

13 respondents (43.3%) said it is good 17 respondents (56.7%) said it is Average

Improvement of the organization due to disciplinary act and punishment

18 respondents (60%) said that the organization is improving. 10 of them (33.3%) are neutral about the case. 2 of them (6.7%) do not think that the organization is improving.

Are rules followed by the organization?

10 respondents (33.3%) said yes 20 respondents (66.7%) are neutral about the case

Assessment Fairness of the Assessment

11 respondents (36.7%) are satisfied with the assessment. 8 of them (26.7%) are somewhat satisfied. 7 respondents (23.3%) are neutral. 2 of the respondents (6.7%) are somewhat dissatisfied. 2 of the respondents are dissatisfied with the assessment

Improvement due to assessment 18 respondents (60%) said Yes 7 respondents (7%) said No 5 of them (16.7%) are neutral

Positive impact of the changes in the organization 21 respondents (70%) said yes the changes have a positive impact. 1 of them (3.3%) said No. 8 respondents (26.7%) are neutral.

Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment in Robi

21 respondents (70%) of them are satisfied with the environment of Robi. 6 of them (20%) are somewhat satisfied. 1 of them (3.3%) is neutral. 1 of them is somewhat satisfied. 1 of them is dissatisfied.

Factor That Link Mostly To Employee satisfaction

22 respondents (73.3%) said that it is salary and benefits 4 respondents (13.3%) said that it is motivation. 3 of them (10%) said that it is leaves 1 of the respondent (3.3%) said that it is employee assessment To have a look at the sources of data (Figures and tables) please go to the Appendix

4.2.2 Qualitative Data

In the questionnaire there are three questions through which the qualitative are derived. They are as follows According to you do you think any of the leaves provided by the company should have more duration? Please provide reasons if it is convenient for you. Do extra facilities such as mobile, ID card and Business Cards play a vital role in satisfying employees or giving employee recognition? Why? Mention the requirement of Safety and Security.

6 out of 11 of the female employees want the company to extend the maternity leave and make it 6 months. On the other hand 7 out of 19 male employees want the Paternity leave to be increased. 5 out of 30 employees feel that the Casual leave should be introduced. 6 out of 30 employees want more festival leave. 1 employee wants the annual leave those are not carried forward can be converted to cash. 1 employee wants the compensatory day-off to be emphasized more. However, 5 respondents feel that no leave facilities should be increased.

All employees said that extra facilities like, mobile phone, ID card and Business card play vital role in employee satisfaction. Reasons they provide are that they give identity and recognition make the employee a part of the organization and also work as motivational factors.

8 out of 30 employees feel that the premises should have proper fire exit. 2 of the employees want the area to be more hygienic. 8 employees that are the maximum employees want the organization to be stricter about the entrance of outside people. 4 of them demand for logistic and safety training.3 employees feel that the area should have CC camera. However, 5 respondents feel that no safety and security facilities should be added.

For more details of the qualitative data please look at the Appendix

All data collected is analyzed in details in this part. All the diagrams included in this part are derived from SPSS. Some diagrams and tables are provided later in the Appendix. Tables provided in the Part 4.1 are also used in the analysis.

In the survey the maximum respondents were male. The respondents are mostly between the age of 20-30. Moreover, maximum respondents are Specialist. In addition, the maximum work experience respondents have is 8 years, in which the highest number of employees has the work experience of 3 years.

From the Table 4 (A) an overall picture of the level of employee satisfaction regarding leave can be seen. Digits marked in Red are the total counts of responses, which show that the employees are satisfied with the rules and regulations and duration of all leaves. However, a good amount of employees are somewhat satisfied with the leaves. Fortunately a very few number of employees are dissatisfied with the aspects of leaves.

Incase of Annual leave the maximum employees are happy with the rules and durations. However, a wealthy amount of employees are somewhat satisfied, but no one seems to be dissatisfied with the leave.

Most employees seem to be perfectly satisfied with Medical leave. In fact the highest amount of employees responded positively in case of this leave. However one employee seems to be somewhat dissatisfied.

In case of leave without pay and compensatory day-off most of the employees are neutral. The reason behind this is that some of them did not experience these leaves and some of them did not know that the company is offering these leaves.

In case of Maternity leave most female employees are somewhat satisfied, but a very few were dissatisfied because the organization has not yet implemented the maternity leave of 6 months as declared by the Government. But it has been heard that very soon the company will offer maternity leave for duration as declared by the Government (this information is highlighted in the qualitative part of the questionnaire).

The result of paternity leave was very much fluctuating. Most male employees were somewhat satisfactory and neutral. In the quantitative question as mentioned earlier most men said that the paternity leave should be extended so that they can fulfill their responsibility while the baby birth.

Salary And Benefits

The result regarding salary and benefit is quite like the result in case of leave. From the Table 4 (B) it can be seen that maximum employees are somewhat satisfied with the rules and regulations of their salary and benefits.

As shown in the table in case of allowance most of the employees are satisfied. Moreover, a healthy amount of employees are somewhat satisfied with the allowance that the company provides. Very few employees expressed their dissatisfaction regarding salary and benefits.

Again in case of Festival bonus the result is similar to the result of allowances. Most employees are somewhat satisfied, as they get the amount equal to their basic salary during Eid and Christmas.

Overtime allowance is given only to some Grades of employees as mentioned earlier. According to the table maximum numbers of employees are somewhat satisfied. A few amounts are satisfied, but more than that employees are neutral about the case.

In case of shifts the highest amount of employees are neutral as they are not use to this benefit. Most of the employees have not done the shift duty. Compared to other benefits a very few employees are satisfied and somewhat satisfied with the benefit. Some of the employees who have done the duty are dissatisfied; they feel that the amount provided is not sufficient.

In case of holiday allowance most of the employees are somewhat satisfied and few of them are satisfied. On the other hand most of the employees are neutral. This is because they have not experienced the benefit of holiday allowance. However, a very few employees are dissatisfied with the facilities provided in the holiday allowance.

The salary review is done so that the amount of salary is set in such way that it gives complete support to the lifestyle of employees. Most of the employees are somewhat satisfied with the facility. Moreover, some are neutral about the facility as they do not have idea about the method of salary review. However, some are dissatisfied as they feel that the organization do not go through this facility accordingly.

Maximum employees are neutral in this case. This may be because their work experience is less than 5 years, as an employee is only eligible to contribute to Provident fund and gratuity after 5

years of membership of the fund. Moreover, a good amount of employees are somewhat satisfied with the facility. Fortunately a very few amount is somewhat dissatisfied with the facility.

Most of the employees are neutral about the traveling and accommodation, as they neither found it impressive nor unbeneficial. A good amount of employees are somewhat satisfied as they find it very motivating to get facilitated during travel.

Most of the employees are satisfied with the timeliness of salary handover, as they feel that they get their monthly salary on time. Then a good amount of employees are somewhat satisfied as they feel sometimes it becomes late in receiving the salary. However, very few of them are neutral and only one employee is dissatisfied.

Before deriving the level of satisfaction regarding the motivational factors, it was very essential to find out how much important are these motivational factors to the employees. In Table 4 (C) it is shown that most or almost every employee find performance bonus and reward and recognition very important.

In Table 4 (D) it is shown that most of the employees are somewhat satisfied with the performance bonus and reward and recognition provided by the company. The employees feel that the company provides bonus based on both individual and group performance. Moreover, they are happy with the rewards and recognition provided by the company. However a very few amount of employees are dissatisfied which can have a negative impact on the company and employee productivity. Some are neutral as they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the motivational factor provided by the company.

Moreover, respondents were asked whether ID card, Business cards and mobile phone play a vital role in employee satisfaction or not. Every one said that these work as a motivational factor, as it gives recognition and mobile phone work as a motivation for employees.

Safety And Security

Most of the employees are satisfied and somewhat satisfied with the facilities provided for the safety and security in the organization. A very few seems to be dissatisfied the reason behind this was found when the employees were asked to specify their requirements for safety and security. Almost all employees stated that more facilities for safety and security are required. Maximum employees said that there should be more restrictions to outsiders and the fire exit should be improved. However, one of the employees stated a very essential monitory reason, which is the employee feels that festival bonus should be included in contractual sector as well.

Disciplinary acts followed by Robi are mention earlier in the report. Most of the employees that are 56.7% find the disciplinary act and rules of punishment averagely fair. Moreover 43.3% find it fair. 60% of the employees stated that the organization is improving due to these disciplinary acts and punishments. However, some of them are neutral as they not sure whether it is having an impact on the organization or not. Therefore most of the employees were neutral when they were asked whether the organization follows these acts accordingly or not.

Assessment (Evaluation of Employees)

At the end of every year mostly in December an employee assessment is done to measure the level of performance of the employees. Most of the employees seem to be satisfied with the employee assessment, as 36.7% said that the assessment is fair and 60% of them said that the environment of the organization is improving due to the assessment, as all employees are striving to perform better every year to have a better evaluation result. As one of the employees in the organization said that the organization has made some changes in the assessment process five times in last five years. I could not know about the changes as it was confidential, but I wanted to find out whether these changes have positive impact on the

organization. 70% of the respondents stated that the organization is positively affected by these changes.

Level Of Satisfaction Of The Entire Environment In Robi

As the dependent variable of the research is Employee Satisfaction it was very essential to know the level of employee satisfaction regarding the entire environment of Robi. 70% of the employees are satisfied with the environment of Robi. However, this information is not enough to draw conclusion therefore further analysis of data in conducted.

Factor That Link Mostly To Employee satisfaction

It is not enough to know the level of employee satisfaction therefore the respondents were asked to state that on which factor does the employees level of satisfaction is mostly based. The maximum number of employees that is 73.3% said that salary and benefit boosts up the level of employee satisfaction.


It is mentioned earlier that the Dependant variable is Employee satisfaction. The variable is correlated with independent variables like gender, age, designation, and work experience at Robi to measure the level of employee satisfaction in the view of these aspects individually. Figures and tables are derived with the help of SPSS by the process of Cross Tabulation.

4.4.1 Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Gender

Table 4(E): Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi * Gender (Cross tabulation)
Count Gender Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total Male 1 0 1 5 12 19 Female 0 1 0 1 9 11 Total 1 1 1 6 21 30




Gender Count
2 0 Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral Somewhat satisfactor Satisfactory Male Female

Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Figure 3: Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Gender

The purpose of doing this correlation between the levels of employee is satisfaction and gender is to project that which gender is more satisfied in the organization. As shown in Table 4 (E) 12 out of 19 male respondents are satisfied, where as 9 out of 11 female employees are satisfied with the entire environment of Robi Axiata Limited. 1 male employee is dissatisfied, where none of the female employees are completely dissatisfied. Therefore, the female employees are more satisfied than male employees at Robi. In the Figure 3 the bar of male employees are higher as there were not male respondents in the survey.

4.4.2 Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Age

Table 4 (F) Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi * Age (Cross tabulation)
Count Age Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 20-30 0 1 1 4 14 20 31-40 1 0 0 2 5 8 > 40 0 0 0 0 2 2 Total 1 1 1 6 21 30

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral Somewhat satisfactor Satisfactory

20-30 31-40 > 40


Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Figure 4: Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Age As shown in the Table 4 (F) the employees between the ages of 20-30 years of age are mostly satisfied. This may be because the facilities they provide finely coincide with the employees life style and needs.

4.4.3 Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Designation

Table 4(G): Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi * Designation (Cross tabulation) Count
Designation Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total Engineer 0 0 0 2 3 5 Manager 0 0 0 2 4 6 Specialist 1 1 1 2 14 19 Total 1 1 1 6 21 30

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral Somewhat satisfactor Satisfactory

Engineer Manager Specialist


Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Figure 5: Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Designation

As shown in the Table 4(G), most Engineers (3 out of 5 respondents) and Managers (4 out of 6 respondents) are satisfied. On the other hand 14 out of 19 Specialists are satisfied. Therefore, it can be stated that Engineers and Managers are mostly satisfied in the Technology Division of Robi. However, in the Figure 5 the bar of Specialist is highest because most of the respondents were specialist

4.4.4 Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Years of Experience

Table 4(H): Years of Experience at the Organization * Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi (Cross tabulation)
Count Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi Somewhat Dissatisfac Dissatisfact Somewhat tory ory Neutral satisfactory Satisfactory 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 4 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 21

Total 2 2 6 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 30

Years of Experience at the Organization

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Less than 1 More than 1 More than 3 More than 4 More than 5 More than 6


4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Neutral 1.5 Somewhat satisfactor y Satisfactory

Level of Satisfactio
Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac tory


1.0 .5

Years of Experience at the Organization

Figure 6: Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Years Of Experience In the Table 4(H) and the Figure 6 it is shown that employees with the work experience of 1 year, 5 years, 8 years, less than 1 year, more than 1 year, more than 5 years and more than 6 years are completely satisfied with the environment of the company. However, Employees with the work experience of 2-7 years and more than 3 years to less than 5 years have slight dissatisfaction with the environment. The reason behind this is that new employees are eager to perform better and old employees are more committed to the organization. It is normally in between the period of continuous service when the employees satisfaction level deteriorates. This is the period when they try to switch jobs and search for other options. Moreover as you can see in the diagram it is during 5 years time the satisfaction starts rising, this can also be due to rewards and recognition. I have mentioned earlier that Robi gives gold medals for continuous

4 3

6 an th 5 e n or a M e th n 4 or a M e th n 3 or ha M et n1 or a M e th n 1 or a M s th s Le

service of 5 years. Therefore employees are overwhelmed due to the reward and their satisfaction level rises.

4.4.5 Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Factor Mostly Linked To Employee Satisfaction

Table 4(I): Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi * Factor That Link Mostly to Employee Satisfaction (Cross tabulation)
Count Factor That Link Mostly to Employee Satisfaction Salary and Leaves Benefits Motivation Assessment 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3

Total 1 1 1 6 21 30

Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory

0 1 4 16 22

0 0 0 4 4

1 0 0 0 1


Factor That Link Mos

10 Leaves Salary and Benefits


Motivation 0 Assessment

Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Figure 7: Correlation between the Level of Employee Satisfaction and Years of Experience

D tis sa is fa y or ct

l tra c eu fa N tis sa is tD ha ew m So

ew m So

t Sa y or ct fa is

or ct fa is at ts ha

In the Table 4 (I) and Figure 7 it is shown that most satisfied employees finds salary and benefits as the most important factor that effect the level of employee satisfaction. The second most important factor is motivation. However, leaves and assessment are not that effective factor. Therefore, it is clear that Robi should work more on Salary and Benefits in order to keep their employees satisfied.


Table 4(J): One-Sample Statistics

N Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi 30 Mean 4.50 Std. Deviation .974 Std. Error Mean .178

Table 4 (K): One-Sample Test

Test Value = 4.5 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi .000 df 29 Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000 Mean Difference .00 Lower -.36 Upper .36

After analyzing the data a hypothesis was developed based on the dependent variable, which is employee satisfaction.

Null Hypothesis: Ho= Employees at Robi Axiata Limited are satisfied Alternative Hypothesis: H1 = Employees at Robi Axiata Limited are not satisfied

The dependent variable was tested with the help of SPSS and Table 4(J) and Table4 (K) were derived. As shown in Table 4(K), the Significant Value (sig.) is 1. According to the Theory Of

Hypothesis if the Significant Value is greater than 0.05 then we accept the Null Hypothesis and if the value is less than 0.05 then we accept the Alternative Hypothesis. Here the Significant Value is greater than 0.05, which is 1. Therefore, we accept the Null Hypothesis and can conclude that employees at Robi Axiata Limited are satisfied.


Female employees are most satisfied than male employees. This may be because males are mostly the earning member of the family, so their expectation is higher than that of female. New employees and old employees are more satisfied as they are more commited to their work. Salary and benefits and motivational factors play avital role in satisfying employees. Employees at Robi are eagered to have some training ragarding safety and security. Most male employees feels that paternity leave has to be extended. According to some employees Casual leave should be introduced at Robi.

Most employees are very neutral about the Disciplinary act and Punishments of the organization. Changes in the employee assessment system have a positive impact on Robi.

Employees satisfactory level at Robi Axiata Limited seems to be considerable. However, the company needs to work a lot to retain their old employees or sustain the existing good performers. Looking at the interpretations some reccommendation and conclusions are possible to be provided. These are going to be discussed in the next chapter.



CHAPTER-5 RECCOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION After analysis the data the scenario became quite clear and understandable. Alhough information
collected were not sufficient to comment on the employee satisfaction level of the enitire organization some useful and essential factors were revealed during study. In this chapter I tried to explain those facts influencing them with my point of view.


Robi Axiata Limited is well-established company. Therefore, it is very tough to recommend on any aspect of the company. However, as it is the requirement of the report so I have come up with few recommendations, after conducting the research. They are as follows:

Robi Axiata limited can provide training on the facilities they provide, such as benefits,. allowances etc so that employees have more idea on utilizing the facilities they are receiving in a proper manner.

Some employees suggested that they should be provided with more training on safety and security. Therefore Robi could organize training on safety and security for the welfare and safe guard of employees.

Robi could promote their disciplinary acts and rules of punishment more to their employees so that they have complete idea about the effects of these measures.

Robi could work more on making the salary and benefits they provide to make them more attracting as employees find this factor very important to boost their satisfaction level. Robi could work more on their premises to protect against natural calamities, so that employees feel safe as it is a very essential in employee satisfaction.

Robi could introduce Casual leave as many employees refered to do so. They could increase paternity leave. Robi could also increase compassionate leave, as 3 days are not enough for someone to recover from shock of death of close people.The company could conduct salary review more oftenn as some employees are not satisfied with the salary review. This will help the company satisfy their employees.Other than providing benefits and facilities more often, that rise the cost of the company, Robi could work more on conducting some Employee Involvement Programs to sustain their employees. Getting employees' ideas and getting their involvement is critical in rapidly changing world. If the company is going to be competitive, it's mandatory to involve not just hands, but the ideas from everyone in your organization.

The company can also provide recognition to their employees through a lot of activities at minimum cost. A recognition program does not have to be expensive. The structure of a recognition program is limited only by your imagination. An effective program has the following components:

Fairness High visibility and consistency.

To be fair, a program must not favor one employee over another, merely because of his or her position within the organization, or his relationship with his supervisor. There must be an effective means of identifying employees who should be recognized. In many programs, there is an easy means by which employees can nominate others for recognition. As a supplement to a nomination program, supervisors can keep lists of notable employee achievements.

According to my opinion there is a slight discrimination among departments at Robi Axiata Limited. This may be a critical point for the organization. Therefore, Robi could work to diminish the sense of discrimination among employees, to keep them satisfied.

Robi Axiata Limited is a great place to work in which I can say from my personal experience of 3 months period internship. However, to sustain their existing good performers Robi could implement a bit more facilities. As a result it will also bring the level of employee satisfaction in an impressive level.


HR of Robi is working all the time to sustain and satisfy its employees. According to my own experience the working environment of the organization is very inspiring. However, the organization needs to work a lot to satisfy its experienced and old employees. The organization is always keen to implement new rules and actions for improvement.

For starters, the process of Employee Involvement Programs may improve individual motivation and morale. Involvement programs help capture the creativity, energy, and ideas many people have. They also allow departments and individuals to work cross-functionally, and create an environment of learning and constant renewal. This may improve work methods and processes continually, reduce the costs of doing business, improve safety, and reduce accidents. Exchanging ideas always improves communication and the knowledge that top management is open and willing to act on the ideas improves trust.

Recognition can be achieved by employees having the reward given at a gathering of employees, and by recognizing the award in corporate communications, such as the corporate newsletter or Intranet site. According to the result of the research and my practical observation the employees seem quite satisfied and fulfilled working in the organization. Still it is not worth less to work towards perfection. Therefore the organization is all the time moving towards making the work environment the employee choice. The result of the research can be coinciding with the practical situation of the organization. Hopefully the standards and effects of employee satisfaction will be even better in the near future




Dear Respondent, I, Sabrina Nasser Lya, student of BRAC University (BBA Department) is conducting a survey to measure the level of employee satisfaction in the Technology Department of Robi. This survey is done to derive information that would help me to furnish my internship report. It would be very kind of you if you accurately respond to the questionnaire. I assure you that information is going to be used for academic purpose only. Part-A PERSONAL INFORMATION: Gender: Age: Male Female 31-40 above 40


Designation: Years of work in the organization: Division:

Part- B LEAVES Please rank the level of satisfaction regarding the duration and rules and regulations of the following: The measurement is done on a nominal scale of five points, where, 5 = Satisfactory, 4 = Somewhat Satisfactory, 3 = Neutral, 2 = Somewhat Dissatisfactory and 1 = Dissatisfactory. Annual Leave: Dissatisfactory Medical Leave: Dissatisfactory Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat

Somewhat Satisfactory



Leave without pay: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Compensatory day-off: Somewhat Dissatisfactory Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory



Female Employees only: Maternity Leave: Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat

Male Employees only: Paternity Leave: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Neutral

According to you do you think any of the leaves provided by the company should have more duration? (It can also be other leaves then mentioned in the questionnaire). Please provide reasons if it is convenient for you.


Please rank the level of satisfaction regarding the duration and rules and regulations of the following: Allowance: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Festival Bonus: : Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat



Overtime Allowances: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory


Shifts: Satisfactory Dissatisfactory

Somewhat Satisfactory


Somewhat Dissatisfactory

Holiday Allowance: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Salary Review: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Provident Fund and Gratuity: Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory

Neutral Somewhat


Traveling and Accommodation allowance: Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory The Timeliness of salary handover: Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfactory Satisfactory Dissatisfactory

Somewhat Satisfactory

Somewhat Satisfactory

MOTIVATION Please rank the level of importance of the following Performance Bonus: Important Important Neutral Neutral Very Important Very Important

Reward And Recognition:

Please rank the level of satisfaction regarding the duration and rules and regulations of the following: Performance Bonus: Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Reward And Recognition: Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral


Do extra facilities such as mobile, ID card and Business Cards play a vital role in satisfying employees or giving employee recognition? Why?

SAFETY AND SECURITY Please rank the level of satisfaction regarding Safety and Security Satisfactory Dissatisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfactory

Do you feel that Robi should introduce more facilities regarding Safety and Security? Yes No Please mention:

DISCIPLINE Level the fairness incase of punishment and disciplinary act Bad Average Good Excellent

Do you think that these measures are improving the environment of the organization? Yes No Neutral

Are these regulations followed by the organization as per rule? Yes No Neutral ASSESSMENT The organization conducts employee assessment every year, please mention the level of fairness of the performance evaluation Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory Is this improving the level of performance of the employees? Yes No Neutral

Are the changes in the employee assessment proving a positive impact? Yes No Neutral

The level of your Satisfaction regarding the environment of Robi Satisfactory Somewhat Satisfactory Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfactory Dissatisfactory

Please mention which factor can be linked mostly with your level of Satisfaction. Leaves Salary and Benefits Motivation Discipline Assessment



Tables and figures derived by the help of SPSS TABLES:

Cumulative Percent 63.3 100.0


Male Female Total

Frequency 19 11 30

Percent 63.3 36.7 100.0

Valid Percent 63.3 36.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 66.7 93.3 100.0


20-30 31-40 > 40 Total

Frequency 20 8 2 30

Percent 66.7 26.7 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 66.7 26.7 6.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 16.7 36.7 100.0


Engineer Manager Specialis t Total

Frequency 5 6 19 30

Percent 16.7 20.0 63.3 100.0

Valid Percent 16.7 20.0 63.3 100.0

Years of Experience at the Organization

Cumulative Percent 6.7 13.3 33.3 46.7 50.0 63.3 66.7 70.0 73.3 76.7 80.0 86.7 96.7 100.0


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Less than 1 More than 1 More than 3 More than 4 More than 5 More than 6 Total

Frequency 2 2 6 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 30

Percent 6.7 6.7 20.0 13.3 3.3 13.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.7 10.0 3.3 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 6.7 20.0 13.3 3.3 13.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.7 10.0 3.3 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Annual Leave Cumulative Percent 3.3 36.7 100.0


Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 1 10 19 30

Percent 3.3 33.3 63.3 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 33.3 63.3 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Medical Leave Cumulative Percent 3.3 6.7 33.3 100.0

Frequency Valid Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 1 1 8 20 30

Percent 3.3 3.3 26.7 66.7 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 3.3 26.7 66.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Paternity Leave Cumulative Percent 15.8 31.6 57.9 84.2 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 3 3 5 5 3 19 11 30

Percent 10.0 10.0 16.7 16.7 10.0 63.3 36.7 100.0

Valid Percent 15.8 15.8 26.3 26.3 15.8 100.0

Missing Total


Level of satisfaction of Allowance Cumulative Percent 6.7 10.0 43.3 100.0

Frequency Valid Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 2 1 10 17 30

Percent 6.7 3.3 33.3 56.7 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 3.3 33.3 56.7 100.0

Level of satisfaction of Festival allowance Cumulative Percent 3.3 10.0 70.0 100.0

Frequency Valid Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 1 2 18 9 30

Percent 3.3 6.7 60.0 30.0 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 6.7 60.0 30.0 100.0

Level of satisfaction of Overtime Allowance Cumulative Percent 23.3 80.0 100.0


Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 7 17 6 30

Percent 23.3 56.7 20.0 100.0

Valid Percent 23.3 56.7 20.0 100.0

Level of satisfaction of Shifts Cumulative Percent 3.3 13.3 80.0 93.3 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 1 3 20 4 2 30

Percent 3.3 10.0 66.7 13.3 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 10.0 66.7 13.3 6.7 100.0

Level of satisfaction of Holiday Allowance Cumulative Percent 6.7 13.3 46.7 86.7 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 2 2 10 12 4 30

Percent 6.7 6.7 33.3 40.0 13.3 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 6.7 33.3 40.0 13.3 100.0

Level of satisfaction of Salary Review Cumulative Percent 6.7 10.0 36.7 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Total

Frequency 2 1 8 19 30

Percent 6.7 3.3 26.7 63.3 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 3.3 26.7 63.3 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Provident Fund and Gratuity Cumulative Percent 6.7 63.3 93.3 100.0

Frequency Valid Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 2 17 9 2 30

Percent 6.7 56.7 30.0 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 56.7 30.0 6.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Travelling and accommodation Allowance Cumulative Percent 13.3 23.3 66.7 93.3 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 4 3 13 8 2 30

Percent 13.3 10.0 43.3 26.7 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 13.3 10.0 43.3 26.7 6.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Timeliness of Salary handover Cumulative Percent 3.3 10.0 53.3 100.0

Frequency Valid Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total 1 2 13 14 30

Percent 3.3 6.7 43.3 46.7 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 6.7 43.3 46.7 100.0

Level of Importance of Performance Bonus Cumulative Percent 76.7 80.0 100.0

Frequency Valid very Important Neutral Important Total 23 1 6 30

Percent 76.7 3.3 20.0 100.0

Valid Percent 76.7 3.3 20.0 100.0

Level of Importance Reward and recognition Cumulative Percent 80.0 83.3 100.0

Frequency Valid very Important Neutral Important Total 24 1 5 30

Percent 80.0 3.3 16.7 100.0

Valid Percent 80.0 3.3 16.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Performance Bonus Cumulative Percent 13.3 23.3 40.0 73.3 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 4 3 5 10 8 30

Percent 13.3 10.0 16.7 33.3 26.7 100.0

Valid Percent 13.3 10.0 16.7 33.3 26.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Reward and recognition Cumulative Percent 10.0 23.3 63.3 96.7 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 3 4 12 10 1 30

Percent 10.0 13.3 40.0 33.3 3.3 100.0

Valid Percent 10.0 13.3 40.0 33.3 3.3 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of Safety and security Cumulative Percent 3.3 16.7 20.0 60.0 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 1 4 1 12 12 30

Percent 3.3 13.3 3.3 40.0 40.0 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 13.3 3.3 40.0 40.0 100.0

More Requirements of Safety and Security Cumulative Percent 80.0 100.0


Yes No Total

Frequency 24 6 30

Percent 80.0 20.0 100.0

Valid Percent 80.0 20.0 100.0

Fairness of Punishment and Disciplinary Act Cumulative Percent 43.3 100.0


Good Averag e Total

Frequency 13 17 30

Percent 43.3 56.7 100.0

Valid Percent 43.3 56.7 100.0

Improvement of the Organization Due to Disciplinary Act and punishment Cumulative Percent 60.0 66.7 100.0


Yes No Neutral Total

Frequency 18 2 10 30

Percent 60.0 6.7 33.3 100.0

Valid Percent 60.0 6.7 33.3 100.0

Are Regulation Followed By the Organization? Cumulative Percent 33.3 100.0


Yes Neutral Total

Frequency 10 20 30

Percent 33.3 66.7 100.0

Valid Percent 33.3 66.7 100.0

Fairness of the Assessment Cumulative Percent 6.7 13.3 36.7 63.3 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 2 2 7 8 11 30

Percent 6.7 6.7 23.3 26.7 36.7 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 6.7 23.3 26.7 36.7 100.0

Improvement Due to Organization Cumulative Percent 60.0 83.3 100.0


Yes No Neutral Total

Frequency 18 7 5 30

Percent 60.0 23.3 16.7 100.0

Valid Percent 60.0 23.3 16.7 100.0

Positive Impact of Changes in the Organization Cumulative Percent 70.0 73.3 100.0


Yes No Neutral Total

Frequency 21 1 8 30

Percent 70.0 3.3 26.7 100.0

Valid Percent 70.0 3.3 26.7 100.0

Level of Satisfaction of the Entire Environment of Robi Cumulative Percent 3.3 6.7 10.0 30.0 100.0


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfactory Neutral Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Total

Frequency 1 1 1 6 21 30

Percent 3.3 3.3 3.3 20.0 70.0 100.0

Valid Percent 3.3 3.3 3.3 20.0 70.0 100.0

Factor That Link Mostly to Employee Satisfaction Cumulative Percent 10.0 83.3 96.7 100.0


Leaves Salary and Benefits Motivation Assessment Total

Frequency 3 22 4 1 30

Percent 10.0 73.3 13.3 3.3 100.0

Valid Percent 10.0 73.3 13.3 3.3 100.0


> 40 31-40



Years of Experience at the Orga

Level of Satisfaction of Annual Leav
More than 6 More than 5 1 2

More than 4 More than 3 3 More than 1 Less than 1 8

Satisfactory Somewhat satisfactor

7 4 6 5

Level of Satisfaction of Medical Leave

Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral

Somewhat satisfactor


Level of satisfaction of Leave without pay

Dissatisfactory Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac

Neutral Somewhat satisfactor

Level of satisfaction of Compensatory day-off

Satisfactory Somewhat satisfactor Somewhat Dissatisfac


Level of satisfaction of Maternity L


Level of Satisfaction of Paternity


Somewhat Dissatisfa
Somewhat Dissatisf Missing

Somewhat satisfacto




Somewhat satisfact

Level of satisfaction of Allowance

Somewhat Dissatisfac

Level of satisfaction of Festival allowance

Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral



Somewhat satisfactor Satisfactory

Somewhat satisfactor

Level of satisfaction of Overtime Allowance


Level of satisfaction of Shifts



Somewhat satisfactor

Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac

Somewhat satisfactor

Level of satisfaction of Holiday Allowance

Level of satisfaction of Salary Review

Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac


Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac


Neutral Somewhat satisfactor

Somewhat satisfactor

Traveling Travelling and accomodation A Provident fund and Gratuity Level of Satisfaction of Providend Fund and Gratui of Satisfaction ofand Accommodation vel
Satisfactory Somewhat satisfactor Somewhat Dissatisfac Satisfactory Somewhat satisfactor Dissatisfactory

Somewhat Dissatisfac



Level of Satisfaction of Timeliness of Sa

Level of Importance of Performance Bonus
Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral
Important Neutral

Somewhat satisfactor

very Important

Level of Satisfaction of Timeliness of Salary Handover

Level of Importance Reward and reco Importance of Reward and Recognition
Important Neutral Satisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Dissatisfactory

Level of Satisfaction of Performance Bon Level of satisfaction of performance bonus


very Important

Somewhat satisfactor

Level of Satisfaction of Safety and security

Level of Satisfaction of Reward and recognition
Satisfactory Somewhat satisfactor Dissatisfactory

Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac

Somewhat Dissatisfac

Somewhat satisfactor

More Requirement of Safety and Security


Fairness of Punishment and Disciplinary Ac Act




Are Regulation Followed By the Organization?

vment of the Organization Due to Disciplinary A

Improvement due to punishment and disciplinary act





Improvment Due to Organization


Positive Impact of Changes in the Organization


No Yes


Level of Satisfaction of The Entire Environment of Robi

Dissatisfactory Somewhat Dissatisfac Neutral

Somewhat satisfactor


Factor That Link Mostly to Employee Satisfaction

Assessment Motivation Leaves

Salary and Benefits


Other Packages: SHASROYEE Plan Prepaid SHASROYEE- (previously known as NORMAL) customers can now talk and SMS to a Robi Priyo (partner) number at new rate (24 hours) Robi Prothom Package for YOUTH-Robi introduces a new Prepaid package for youth, which has market lowest tariff and other benefits to meet their needs. Prepaid Shorol package- (previous Super Simple) customers can now talk and SMS to a Robi Priyo (partner) number at a special rate (24 hours) Lifetime Validity for Prepaid Ek Second Tariff Plan Lifetime Validity for Prepaid

Robi Corporate International Roaming Robi club facility. Prepaid Service in Same postpaid Number

Value Added Services Robi GoonGoon

Robi Radio Unlimited Song Dedication Other Value-Added-Services Entertainment Downloads Internet & Data Services Messaging Community and Chat Information Service Mobile assistance Education & Career Lifestyle Finance m- ticket- Robi has taken the lead in introducing the m-ticketing service in Bangladesh for the welfare of the people, contributing yet again to the establishment of a Digital Bangladesh. Balance Transfer and Request Call Management

Customer Services

24- Hours Helpline Customer Care Center

Robi Care Point Customer Feedback Forms


English in Schools (EIS):

Reaching 1000 schools, 64 Districts, .7 million students, 10,000 teachers EIS, the biggest ever CSR project in AXB's history, is a language-learning program in partnership with The Daily Star to promote English language learning at secondary schools across the country. The ground of this huge project lies on the extremely low English literacy rate (not more than 1%). The major reason behind a huge number of 'drop out' from schools is also poor performance in English. Under this 3 years (initially) long project, 1,000 secondary level schools are being covered. In the first phase, all these schools are being delivered 3 copies of The Daily Star for 5 days every week free of cost along with a supplementary 'EIS Content Page' as English learning tool both for the students and the teachers.

Robi's pledge for 'Healthy Women, Healthy Family':

Free health camp for the underprivileged women of the society With the pledge - 'Healthy Women, Healthy Family', Robi is providing support to the underprivileged women of the society to improve their health and living and thus contribute towards building a healthy nation. Robi is running Free Health Camp under the banner 'Shustho Nari, Shustho Paribar' throughout the year to help the underprivileged women of the society who are deprived of the basic health facilities, Along with free health service, Robi is also providing the women with the information in basic health and hygiene to help them stay healthy as well as take care of their family in a healthy way.

Robi Polli:

Illuminating 500 homes in 50 hard-to-reach villages with solar energy As the sun shines across every part of Bangladesh, Robi is working closely to ensure that the farthest corner of our motherland is also illuminated with light. To contribute towards minimizing the ongoing energy crisis in Bangladesh, Robi, in partnership with Rahimafrooz, is illuminating 500 homes in 50 hard-to-reach villages with solar energy all over the country. Under this initiative, Robi is providing with 20WP solar panels for each of the homes and thus spreading the light of Robi across the country.

Robi Shishu:

Birth sponsor for all the babies at Marie Stopes Clinic born on March 28, 2010 Robi believes that the newborns of today will be the torchbearers of the future... building a brighter, better and safer tomorrow for our nation. On the 28th of March, Robi, our new brand, was born. On this auspicious occasion, Robi celebrated life with others born on the same day and stood by all mothers who gave birth on this date at Marie Stopes Clinic facilities across Bangladesh, and sponsor all their medical fees.

Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh:

Know Bangladesh better' program for the students

'Konthe O Tulite Bangladesh 'is a district level monthly drawing and singing competition among the students. Here, Robi also awards a memento containing brief info on the rules and regulations to use our National Flag and the correct lyrics, notation and the guidelines to be followed while playing the National Anthem.

Robi Computer Corner:

Access to ICT for the students of rural colleges In line with Government's 'Digital Bangladesh vision 2021', Robi is working towards increasing IT literacy as well as access to information highway. For mass people, along with providing Internet connectivity for the mass education, Robi is facilitating the rural and suburban colleges with computers. While running the program for the rural colleges across the country, Robi has mapped this program into a 2 years plan to reach 64 districts of Bangladesh focusing mainly on the Women's colleges to increase the rate of IT literacy among the female students.


In the questionnaire there are three qualitative questions they are as follows:

According to you do you think any of the leaves provided by the company should have more duration? Please provide reasons if it is convenient for you.

Respondents replied to the question as follows:

Respondent 1: Paternity leave should be extended. Respondent 2: Paternity leave should be offered more. Respondent 3: Festival leave should be extended so that employees can enjoy the occasion with their families. Respondent 4: Yes, I agree that the leaves should be more duration specially during festival leave.

Respondent 5: Need more vacation leave. Respondent 6: Festival leave should be more. Respondent 7: Paternity leave should be more. Respondent 8: Casual leave should be introduced. Respondent 9: Maternity leave should be 6 months. Respondent 10: Festival leave should be more. Respondent 11: Compensatory day-off could be added. Respondent 12: No leave needs to be extended. Respondent 13: No leave needs to be extended. Respondent 14: Maternity leave should be 6 months as Government has already declared. Respondent 15: Maternity leave should be of more duration. Respondent 16: Paternity leave should be extended. Respondent 17: Only Paternity leave should have more duration as at present it gives me more emphasize to the father while doing all formalities during baby birth. Respondent 18: We do not have any Casual leave so the company needs to introduce the Casual leave. Respondent 19: Casual leave can be introduced. Respondent 20: Maternity leave should be at least 6 months. Respondent 21: Festival leave should be extended. Respondent 22: Festival times leave need may be added. Respondent 23: Casual leave should be introduced. Respondent 24: Festival leave needs to be added. Respondent 25: Festival leave should be of more duration. Respondent 26: 50% annual leave is carried over to the next year but leaved that is not availed cannot be corrected into cash. Respondent 27: Paternity leave can be adjusted considering responsibility. However, 3 respondents do not feel that any of the leave offers by the company should be extended.

Do extra facilities such as mobile, ID card and Business Cards play a vital role in satisfying employees or giving employee recognition? Why? Respondents replied to the question as follows:

Respondent 1: Yes it is a part of employee satisfaction. Respondent 2: Yes, ID card and Business Cards play some role in some sectors like- Bank loan etc. Respondent 3: Yes, it gives you identity in the organization. Respondent 4: Yes, it boosts up satisfaction level. Respondent 5: Yes, it is a part of employee satisfaction. Respondent 6: Yes, it gives you identity. Respondent 7: Yes, it gives identity or recognition to an employee. Respondent 8: Yes, it gives identity to an employee. Respondent 9: Definitely these give an extra ordinary value or impression to other people and for employee they got additional value. Respondent 10: Yes, it makes you part of the company. Respondent 11: Yes, as these things i.e. ID card, Business Cards gives a person some part of recognition that he or she is a part of the company. Respondent 12: Yes, these represent the identity of a Robi entity which gives dignity, courage and glory to communicate with the external people Respondent 13: Yes, it makes us part of the organization. Respondent 14: Yes, it gives employee recognition. Respondent 15: Yes, it is very important for your recognition. Respondent 16: Obviously because of Brand name. Respondent 17: Yes, because they give a person identity or status in the society. Respondent 18: Yes, for corporate value of Brand Company. Respondent 19: Yes, it gives us identity. Respondent 20: Yes, it gives us identity. Respondent 21: Yes, it makes us part of the organization. Respondent 22: Yes, it makes us part of the organization, and gives us recognition.

Respondent 23: Yes, it gives us recognition. Respondent 24: Yes, this is because ID card makes me feel part of Robi as well as the business card. Respondent 25: Yes, Mobile phones can motivate employees as they will be able to contact in free of cost. Respondent 26: Yes, it gives identity and recognition. Respondent 27: Yes, it gives identity and recognition. Respondent 28: Yes, it gives identity. Respondent 29: Yes, every employee deserved these items for self-recognition and company welfare. Respondent 30: ID card and Business Cards are needed for the organization. Mobile phone set is not important but motivational. Airtime and other VAS is own product.

Mention the requirement of Safety and Security. Respondents replied to the question as follows:

Respondent 1: Safety and safety drill. Respondent 2: More secured access Respondent 3: More restrictions to outside people. Respondent 4: Restriction to outside people. Respondent 5: Proper fire exit Respondent 6: Proper fire exit Respondent 7: Properly built fire exit. Respondent 8: Logistic support and training. Respondent 9:Fire fighting trial Respondent 10: More restrictions to outside people. Respondent 11: More restrictions to outsiders and more protection to safeguard from natural calamities. Respondent 12: Proper fire exit. Respondent 13: More restrictions to outside people.

Respondent 14: More restriction on outsiders entry and CC camera. Respondent 15: CC camera Respondent 16: Training based on earthquake, fire and other hazards should arrange for employees. Respondent 17: Outsiders should be restricted or asked for identity properly. Respondent 18: Proper fire exit. Respondent 19: CC camera. Respondent 20: More restrictions to outside people. Respondent 21: CC Camera Respondent 22: Cleanliness should improve. Respondent 23: Premises should be more hygienic. Respondent 24:Festival allowance should be included in the contractual sector. Respondent 25: Safety training.


Variables those were put in the SPSS are as follows (these are the labels from the SPSS): Gender Age Designation Years of work in the organization Level of satisfaction of Annual Leave Level of satisfaction of Medical Leave

Level of satisfaction of Leave without pay Level of satisfaction of Compensatory day-off Level of satisfaction of Maternity Leave Level of satisfaction of Paternity leave Level of satisfaction of Allowance Level of satisfaction of Festival leave Level of satisfaction of overtime allowance Level of satisfaction of shifts Level of satisfaction of Holiday allowance Level of satisfaction of provident fund and gratuity Level of satisfaction of traveling and accommodation allowance Level of satisfaction of timeliness of salary handover Level of importance of Performance bonus Level of importance of reward and recognition Level of satisfaction of Performance bonus Level of satisfaction of reward and recognition Level of satisfaction of safety and security More requirements of Safety and security Fairness of punishment and disciplinary act

Improvement of the organization due to disciplinary act and punishment Are rules followed by the organization? Fairness of the assessment Improvement due to assessment Positive impact of the changes in the organization Level of satisfaction of the entire environment in Robi Factor that link mostly to Employee satisfaction

6.7 REFERENCE 1&q=Picture+of+steps+of+conducting+a+research&aq=o&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=


Internship report of a concerned officer Book: Marketing Research, An Applied Orientation, 5th Edition, Naresh K. Malhotra Employee Book of Robi Axiata Limited

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