Two Bow Lengths: Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of 17 of February 2012

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Two Bow Lengths

Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of 17th of February 2012.

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim First of all, teaching of Mawlana (q) we must say, audhu Billah min ash shaytan ir rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim O Allah, purify our hearts of shirk and nifaaq. We use siwak (tooth stick), the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws), keep it. Mawlana says, the one who keeps the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws) Allah will keep him. The one who revives the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws) when everyone is killing the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws) Allah will grant him, and give him good tidings of 100 shahid- martyrs. "man ahya sunnati 'inda fasadi ummati falahu ajru mi'ati shahid" (Hadith) We are here, I am not, after the permission first permission and madad of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) after permission of his son, Shaykh Muhammad, the Khalif of Mawlana. What Mawlana sent to my heart, I will tell - nothing prepared. Only listen and I am listening with you. Now we are in a very holy month the month of birth of Rasulullah (saws) which Allah Almighty made for mankind, for malaikah, for heavens and earths, to have two celebrations, two feasts, one after the month of Ramadan, the Qurban feast, the celebration after the Wuquf in Arafat. And Allah Almighty choosing for Himself and for heavens and for malaikah and for all creation, a feast, a celebration, which is the birthday of Rasulullah (saws). He chose this day to be all heavens decorated all earths to be decorated, all galaxies to be decorated, all paradises to be decorated, the Throne to be decorated, all thrones. For every name of the Divine 99 names of Allah Almighty, there is a throne. For every name Allah Almighty mentioning, one throne of Al Malik, of Al Quddus, of As-Salam. How about the throne of the greatest names of Allah Almighty. All the thrones are decorated for the sake of Beloved Muhammad (saws). Allah Almighty dressing His beloved Muhammad (saws) by dress of lights, by the dress of the lights of the godly, Divinely world of Allah Almighty, as Allah Almighty saying, I am Allah Almighty I am Allah! Allahu Nur-as-Samawati wal Ardi. I am Allah Almighty, the light of heavens and earths, which means Allah Almighty is the light of everything because everythng existing is existing by the light of Allah Almighty. If you return everything, Mawlana says, to it's origin it will go to be energy, and energy is light. And this light is the light of Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty when He wills everything to appear from His Divinely Allah Almighty saying, "I was a hidden treasure, I want My will to be known, I create Creation. I appeared Creation by 'Be!' It will be. To know Me by Me." and the first of be appearing from the Divinely world of Command of Allah Almighty was the Divinely, godly, world of light. And when Allah Almighty ordering 'Be!' And the Divinely, godly world of light appearing by the picture of Muhammadun Rasulullah (saws) in the pre-Eternal. And Allah Almighty addressing him, 'You

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are the Divinely, godly world of light, the godly world of secret, the godly world of realities, the godly world of whatever is going to appear from My Divine attributes and names, from the Divine greatest names, from the Divine, all Godly world, which belongs to My Essence, is going to be appearing through you and by you, My Beloved Muhammad (saws).' And like this, Allah Almighty saying 'O Creation, O Manifestation, O Lights, all of you love Muhammad (saws). because I love Muhammad (saws).' And Rasulullah (saws) saying in the Hadith, Mawlana says, Allah Almighty said, Rasulullah saying 'Love me, because Allah Almighty loving me.' And love my holy family, because I love my holy family, The one who says, "I love Allah Almighty" must love Rasulullah because Allah Almighty loves Rasulullah (saws). Allah Almighty did not choose Sayyidina Ibrahim (as), or Sayyidina Musa (as) beloved to Allah Almighty. He chose Sayyidina Musa (as) to be the one whom Allah Almighty making him for Himself, to talk to Him and choosing Sayyidina Ibrahim al-Khalil to be a close friend to him but, He told them, "Even though I choose Beloved Muhammad (saws) to be beloved to Me, the one whom I love is Muhammad (saws)." And for this, Allah Almighty obliging and making all whatever appearing from the Ocean of Unity of Allah Almighty from La ilaha illa'Llah, whatever coming from the ocean of Wahdaniyyah and lights' manifestation, all of them to appear in the Divinely world of Wahdaniyyah, which is known as Muhammadun Rasulullah (saws). And for this, Allah Almighty didn't connect in pre-Eternal, the name of Ibrahim (as) with His name. He didn't connect the name of Musa (as) with His name. He didn't connect Isa (as) with His name. He didn't connect Nuh (as) to be with His name. He didn't say, 'La ilaha illa'Llah Ibrahim Rasulullah.' Allah Almighty said, "La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammdun Rasulullah (saws)" in preEternal, He connected the name of beloved Muhammad (saws). because of the element of Rasulullah (saws). The element of Muhammadun Rasulullah (saws), Allah Almighty appeared it from the elements of the Divinely, godly worlds of Allah Almighty, from the element of the Divinely, Godly world of Lahut from the Divinely, Godly world of Jabarut, from the Divinely world of Ahadiyyah from the Divinely world of Wahdaniyyah, from the Divinely world of love of Allah Almighty, from the Divinely world of attributes of Allah Almighty, from the Divinely, Godly world of names of Allah Almighty, from the Divinely, Godly world of greatest name of Allah Almighty. From these Divinely, Godly worlds was the name of Muhammad (saws). And for this Allah Almighty making the first 'M' in Muhammad to represent the kingdom of Allah Almighty to represent Divinely, Godly world related to the Kingdom of Allah Almighty. And the 'H' or the 'Ha', the second letter which is 'H', 'Ha' represents the Oceans of Mercy of Allah Almighty - Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim, from every ocean from Rahman you take the 'Ha' and from Rahim you take the 'Ha'. Allah Almighty made them the element of the name of Rasulullah (saws). And then Allah Almighty choosing the second 'M' in Muhammad the second 'M' to represent the Malakut, the Divinely, Godly world one which Allah Almighty appeared in this Divinely, Godly world all Godly worlds over the throne of Allah Almigthy. Don't think, Mawlana says, that all Divinely,

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Godly worlds will be ended by the Throne, no. Over the Throne there is countless endless, Godly worlds related to, Allah, O Allah, to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty praises Himself by Himself: Qul'illahumma Malik al Mulk. Praise to Me, Allah Almighty, Who owns this Kingdom, this Kingship, this Malakut, this Divinely, Godly world, which no one yet is created to enter to these worlds, Godly world, which only appeared by 'Be!' from Allah Almighty. It was not a world which was created by the hands of Allah Almighty but it was a Divinely, Godly world which was coming from the Divinely, Godly world of Command of Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty then ended the name of Muhammad, by 'D' and 'D' means in Arabic, 'Da'im'. Ya Da'im, Ya Da'im, Ya Da'im, Ya Allah -which means for the continuous, continuously, from pre-Eternal to Eternal, you are My Beloved Muhammad, representing My Kingdom, My Kingship, My Malakut, My Oceans of Al-Rahman the most Merciful, and the Ocean of Al-Rahim the utmost Mercies, which I appeared them, not for Myself -I am not in need for all this, but I arranged them for you My Beloved Muhammad (saws), for your Ummah, for your Nation, for the Children of Adam (as) because Rasulullah (saws) saying, Adam, wa man dunahu tahta liwa al yaum al qiyamah - Adam and all his children and all his descendants they are under my flag, under my liwa, under my representation, I am representing them. They are under liwa-ul-hamd, flag of Rasulullah, on Yawm al Qiyamah. I am the lord of Children of Adam, and not proud, which means all-proud, because this proud from Allah Almighty dressed to Rasulullah (saws), it is not from ego. Rasulullah (saws) doesn't have an ego, he has a godly ego, as Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran describing about Himself, when He was asking Sayyidina Isa (as) 'You told My people Ya Isa, "A'anta Qulta Lilnnasi Attakhidhuni Wa Ummiya Ilahayni Min Duni Allahi" (5:116) You said - take me and my mother as gods besides Allah Almighty?' What Sayyidina Isa (as) replied? What answer he gave Allah Almighty? "If I said so, You know. You know better than me because You know whatever is going on in myself, in my ego, but I never know what is going on in Yourself, in Your ego." In this ayat Allah is showing that He has a Self, Allah Almighty. Allah has a Godly Ego, a Godly Self which only was dressed by Allah Almighty to His beloved Muhammad (saws), not for any other purpose. Even Sayyidina Musa (as) Allah Almighty ordered "Take off your shoes." When he was stepping in the holy valley to talk to Allah Almighty He told him, "Take off your ego, yourself and your humanity," - Allah describing them as shoes. Mawlana says, while for Rasulullah (sas) He said,"Step on My carpet, My Beloved in the Night Journey, by your shoes, by your ego, by yourself because it is no more a human ego, no more a human self, but it is a Godly self, a Godly ego. And this given also for all his Nation for all his Ummah. And for this Allah Almighty saying, "O Mu'mins, O Believers, be Godly ones." Don't remain in your humanity, don't remain in your human, satanic ego, but be Godly ones. Ya Ayyuha Aladhina Amanu Kunu Rabbaniyin Allah is saying in the Holy Quran.

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And for this everyone is invited to be dressed by a Godly self from Allah Almighty, by a Godly ego from Allah Almighty, from the Self of Allah Almighty to be dressed to everyone as Allah Almighty dressing His greatest name and make everyone of Children of Adam (as) to appear by greatest name of Allah Almighty. And for this, for Allah Almighty there is greatest name, Mawlana says, according to the number of Children of Adam (as) from pre-Eternal to Eternal Not 1 greatest name but He has names according to numbers of Children of Adam because Allah Almighty saying neither heavens or earths, did I choose to be a house for Me, Only I chose the heart of Children of Adam (as), of Mankind, of Insan, to be a house for Me. Where Allah Almighty is settling in everyone His Throne, His lights, His greatest name, by which everyone of us is existing by the existence of Allah Almighty. And all this for sake of whom, Allah did it? All for the sake of Beloved Muhammad (saws). And for this Allah Almighty in the Night Journey where Rasulullah (saws) was approaching to be two bow (lengths) or less between him and Allah Almighty, coming a voice, 'Stop! My Beloved Muhammad (saws) because your God is praying', and Rasulullah (saws) was astonished, it was the voice of S.Abu Bakr Siddiq(ra) and he was asking, "Is Abu Bakr Siddiq before me, here, on this maqam?" Then coming another voice, 'My Beloved Muhammad, approach, come to Me', and he was, Rasulullah ascending, in two bows or less, between him and Allah Almighty. And this ascending is from that time from pre-Eternal to Eternal and Rasulullah (saws) still ascending in this two bows or less, which means less than one and a half meters, because one bow is around 80 or 90 centimeters. So 2 bows or less, less than 2 metres, and Rasulullah still ascending. Whenever he is too close to approaching Allah Almighty, Allah will open a hole, swallowing all or whatever was dressed to Rasulullah from heavenly and Godly undescribable, Divinely, Godly worlds and another, new ones appearing, and Rasulullah (saws) will start again in ascending to Allah Almighty. & Allah Almighty put His hand in between the shoulders of Rasulullah (saws). And Rasulullah (saws) said in Hadith, 'Till now, from pre-Eternal, forever I am feeling the coldness of the hand of Allah Almighty.' Without how? No one can describe the hand of Allah Almighty, because Allah Almighty, He is not like us. Allah Almighty, He is not like anything, Allah Almighty, He is existing Himself by Himself, and nothing can be like Allah Almighty. And Rasulullah (saws) saying, without "how" I am feeling the coldness of the hand of Allah Almighty, the All Mightiness, and by it Allah Almighty dressed me by all means of all knowledge, Divinely oceans of knowledge, from the Divinely ocean of attributes, from the Divine ocean of the Essence of Allah Almighty, from the Divine oceans of names and greatest names, uloom al awwalin wal akhirin, from first without beginning to the end without ending. All knowledge dressed to Rasulullah only by His Hand in between his shoulders. And He told him,"My Beloved Muhammad, one knowledge from this knowledge, keep it for yourself. It is the knowledge of the Seal of Prophecy, it is only for you. Don't reveal it to anyone until the End, before Yawm al Qiyamah. One day, they want to inherit this knowledge from you." And this is Sahib al Zaman,

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Sayidina Mahdi (as). 'I will send you again to reveal this kind of secret, and realities of the Divinely knowledge of Seal of Prophecy,of Rasulullah(saws). And Allah Almighty saying in the Holy Quran: "Inna Al-Ladhi Farada Alayka Al-Qur'ana Laradduka Il Ma`adin" (28:85) The One Who descended on you the Holy Quran and making obligatory on you to do by it, is going to return you, to send you back to an appointed day in which it will be time of Sayidina Mahdi (as) and Sayidina Isa (as) and there you will open the secrets and the realities of the Holy Quran. Now it is only appearing the secrets & the realities of the letter of the Holy Quran. At that time will be opened the Divinely secrets and the reality of the Divinely secrets of the Seal of Prophecy of Rasulullah (saws). And one knowledge from this, give it to one of the chosen ones of your Sahaba and Awliya who are inheriting your secrets to Yawm al Qiyamah. As Rasulullah (saws) said, whatever Allah Almighty put in my chest I put in the chest of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra). And like this Rasulullah(saws)was giving from his realities & secrets of letters to Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra) while the realities and secret of the Seal of Prophecy was concealed. It will not be opened until the time of Mahdi (as). And the one who will open it for all awliya from Rasulullah (saws) to Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as), to Sayyidna Isa (as) to all awliya Allah at that time,to all Awliya that passed away as shahid, they will come back & the channel from Rasulullah(saws) is Mawlana S. Nazim May Allah(swt) always raises his station & supports us with him, Allahu Akbar. Haqiqatan, Allahu Akbar, this is not something easy, you cannnot imagine it, but this is what Allah Almighty created. And then He told him the 3rd knowledge, you can give it to all, this is the knowledge of Shariah. Give it to all ulama, to all people, to everyone who can read it in any book, this is like ABC, which they teach to kindergarten students. And like this, Rasulullah (saws), Allah granted him, to be the Lord of Children of Adam, the Lord of Malaikah the Lord of Jinn, of all Creation because He told him, "I created all Creation for you, My Beloved Muhammad (saws). And I created you for Myself, My Beloved Muhammad (saws).' And he was created for Allah Almighty because he is the Divinely, Godly world of lights of Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty, all from pre-Eternal to Eternal, the day of birth of Rasulullah, He will decorate, Allah Almighty, all Thrones all heavens,all earths will be decorated for the sake of Beloved Muhammad (saws). And anyone on this earth decorating his house, his mosque, his streets, the roads, and making celebration for the Mawlid of Rasulullah (saws) Allah will be happy with them & dress their hearts by a special light which descended, with the descending of Rasulullah (saws) from the womb of his mother. And this light was descending also with him, from Allah Almighty as Allah Almighty saying in the Holy Quran: "An-Nura Al-Ladhi Unzila Ma`ahu" (7:157) And the light which descended with Muhammad (saws) It will light in the heart of everyone who celebrates the love & Mawlid of Rasulullah (saws). This is only for the tongue, how about

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the knowledge, Mawlana says, is related to the heart? How about the knowledge related with the soul of Rasulullah (saws)? No one can imagine, no one can describe, only Yawm al Qiyamah, all people, all creation, they are going to see that Allah Almighty inviting Beloved Muhammad(saws) to come and sit on the Throne of Allah Almighty, to be so close to Allah Almighty as Allah Almighty saying: "Falamma Ra'awhu Zulfatan Si at Wujuhu Al-Ladhina Kafaru" (67:27) Zulfatan means, so close to Allah Almighty, invited to sit on the Throne of Allah Almighty. All the non-Believers' faces will be so ashamed saying, 'O Earth, open and swallow us' because they are ashamed at themselves, how they treated Rasulullah (saws) and how Rasulullah (saws) is with Allah Almighty. This is something from how this Mawlid of Rasulullah (saws) -from every year this year was something else, because in this year what the Sultan of Awliya reached to the maqam of King of Awliya, King of kings. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) was ordered to enter a seclusion starting from the month of Mawlud till the end of it. And on the 20th he said"Allah granted me and dressed me by a special Munajat, by a special prayer and dua, to change all the world from under the Sunnatullah, to be changed to Qudratullah. Sunnatullah means, that everything going as it is going as Allah Almighty programming it, according to the Lawh al Mahfuz (Preserved Tablet) & according to everyone, what you are doing. The Pen of Allah Almighty will be going after everyone, according to how he is acting and doing and writing. This is Sunnatullah. While Qudratullah, the Almightiness power of Allah Almighty only dressed from Allah Almighty by the holy breath, breathe of Allah Almighty which Allah Almighty blew on Adam (as), and was caught by Rasulullah (saws) in Adam (as). And for this holy breathe from Allah Almighty Allah ordering all Malaikah-angels and creation to make sujud to Sayyidina Adam (as) to bow for Sayyidina Adam for the sake of this holy week. This is the Qudratun Ilahi. And by it, he can shake this world of Allah Almighty. He can do whatever cannot be done, except Allah Almighty only can or Rasulullah (saws). And he said, I was able on the 20th of the month of Mawlid, last Monday, that all,Allah Almighty dressed me by Qudratun Ilahi to Awliya and Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as)& all of them are under this new dressing. New light from Allah Almighty representing them. Qudratullah. The Power of Allah Almighty and this power of Allah Almighty plenty of events, and by it, it will be the appearance of Imam Sahib al Zaman Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as) and the descending of Sayyidina Isa (as). Because in his time only the power of Allah Almighty is going to appear in between Children of Adam (as). And now we are at the end of the seclusion of Mawlana because next Tuesday or Wednesday it will be the end of the month of Mawlid of Rabiul Awwal, Mawlud of Rasulullah (saws) and by it Mawlana will insha Allah, be totally recovered. He is already recovered Alhamdulillah, & for this, we celebrate by this hadrah the new position for spreading Qudratun Ilahi, Qudratullah in between universes and Divinely, Godly world of Allah Almighty.

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So be happy that Allah Almighty granted us to be murids for him, to be lovers for him, to be connected with him. This is a big luck for us, Alhamdulillahi Rabbi'l Alamin Rasulullah (saws) said in the Hadith: They asked, who is the Muslim, Ya Rasulullah (saws)? And the Sahaba were, were waiting, Rasulullah (saws) to say the Muslim -who pray, who fast, who pay zakah, who pay sadaqah, who go to Hajj, say ashhadu an la ilaha illallah ashhadu anna muhammadan rasulillah All day waiting for this and they were so surprised Rasulullah(saws) was saying "al Muslimu man salima nasi min yadihi wa lisanihi" (Hadith) The real Muslim is that everyone of Children of Adam (as) to be safe from his tongue and from his hands. No harm to come from a real Muslim, no harm to come from his tongue or hand to anyone of Children of Adam. How about Muslims, to harm Muslims by your tongue or by your hands? This is a very dangerous thing, this is making one to be coming down from the eyes of Allah and Rasulullah (saws) and Awliyaullah. And for this, the advice of Mawlana, specially for the murids is to be loving each other, to be as if one, to serve each other, to respect each other,to love each other and everyone to be safe from the tongue and hands of each other. Anything you can do benefit, do it. You cannot do, at least pray for them. Don't make a fight with them. Don't fight with each other, don't fight with Children of Adam (as). Don't fight with Muslims, not with anyone because fighting is from fire. And fire is from anger, and anger is from Jehannam, Rasulullah (saws) said. So the one who has anger even if he is right or not right, it is from Jahannam, & Rasulullah (saws) said, the one who is fearing he is angry or against anyone, quickly go and make wudu and pray 2 raka't, make ablution and pray 2 rakats. If not enough, go and shower yourself, until you will be totally clamed down. Then, Allah Almighty saves you from Jahannam & put you in the top, highest rank of Iman in Jannah, in neighbourhood to Allah Almighty and Rasulullah (saws). And so whatever we heard and all people around the world, specially the ones concerned with Mawlana, the murids of Mawlana, the lovers of Mawlana, last week there was some misunderstanding and some kind of action which was all misunderstanding, while in reality they all love each other and respect each other, but it was some fitna from shaytan so Mawlana say and dressing everyone to apologise to each other, and to be good with each other, and to love each other, because, the one who says, "I love Mawlana Shaykh Nazim' must love all his murids, and all who are related to him. Even a cat on the door of Mawlana we must love, because it is on his door. Even a dog... And I am a dog on the door of Mawlana. Even a dog you must love because he is on the door of Mawlana. How about mankind? And for this, all this misunderstanding, it was only something as a fitna from shaytan & Alhamdulillah, it passed and now everything is settled & ok. And we are very thankful to all who are serving Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. First of all, we are thankful to Shaykh Muhammad, son of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, thankful to Shaykh Baha'uddin, son of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. We are also very thankful to H. Ruqiye the daughter of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, in which she did her best in serving Mawlana, & we are very thankful to Hajja Naziha, daughter of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim - she is also making her best coming from America to serve Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. And we are very thankful to this Egyptian lady, Riham, really, she is a sincere murid, and she loves

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Mawlana too much and she is serving very well Mawlana, as if, like a daughter for him serving him so much - everyday serving him, as if a new day with love, with all kind of love and emotion and i'tiqad by Mawlana she is serving with her husband Nabil. As all murids we are only serving by praying but they're serving by praying and physically also. Who can do what they are doing? No one can do what they are doing. We are here sitting, only praying, but they are the ones who are continuing second by second the seclusion of Mawlana & serving him in the seclusion. And it is not something easy, to serve one when he is in a seclusion. Specially, Sultan of Awliya, and so, we are very thankful to all of them. And we are also thankful for everyone who come & visit Mawlana from everywhere & specially his son-in-law,S. Hisham,who come from America for the sake of love & serving of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim & Alhamdulillah,all that happened was like a cloud in summertime, coming going, finish quickly. It was only a misunderstanding & now all of them Alhamdulillah,they love each other and all of them apologised to each other and giving excuses. As Sayyidina Jafar as-Sadiq, the Imam of our Naqshbandi Way, Mawlana said that he said, whenever you feel something bad coming to you from a brother in Naqshbandi Way or in Islam try to find for him 70 excuses, to excuse him. If you don't find 70 excuses, then say "I am the bad one & he is the good one". And like this we say we are the bad ones and they are the good ones. May Allah forgive all of us and give Mawlana a very long, long life, with pureness and health and to give him high maqams & rank and to come out of this seclusion with all means of spiritual powers, and get the sword from Allah Almighty and Rasulullah (saws) to invite Sahib al Zaman, Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and Sayidina Isa (as) to appear them for all mankind, so Allah Almighty may erase all badness, and only La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah to be appearing from east to west, north to south, heavens, earths only La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah. Wa min Allah al Tawfiq Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad alayhi salam And we also have to thank the wife of Shaykh Muhammad, the wife of Shaykh Bahauddin who are serving, cooking, giving food to us, all people, ladies and men. They are serving and giving they are very good, masha Allah Alhamdulillah Allah sent them as a mercy for us and also we thank all the grandchildren who take care of Mawlana specially Muhammad Nazim, Mehmet Nazim and Ahmed Nazim, all grandchildren, masha Allah, Allah make them to come more & more powerful & more and more, great & great in number so that we cannot count them insha

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Allah to be in between the ummah because they are all descendents of Rasulullah (saws) Ahlul Bayt al Nabi (saws). Ila Sharaf Al Nabi Sayidina Muhammad (saws) ... Fatiha. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim sending salam to every one of you and Mawlana sending salam with love, and dressing you by all means of peace and salams, and light, and high maqam of Naqshbandi Way & dressing you by whatever he is gaining by his seclusion and dressing all his murids. Shaykh Muhammad was informing us from Mawlana because today I didn't go up... wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Sadaqallahu Al Azim. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq Baya

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