Dip Syllabus

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Digital Image Processing

B.E. Sem. VIII [EXTC] EVALUATION SYSTEM Time 3 Hrs. SYLLABUS The objectives of this course are to: Cover the basic theory and algorithms that are widely used in digital image processing Expose students to current technologies and issues that are specific to image processing systems. Develop hands-on experience in using computers to process images. 1. Digital Image fundamentals Digital Image Representation, Elements of digital Image processing systems, Elements of Visual Perception, Sampling and Quantization, Basic relationships between pixels. 2. Image Transforms 2D DFT and its properties, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform, Haar Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Slant Transform, Hotelling Transform. 3. Image Enhancement Spatial Domain Methods, Point Processing, Neighbourhood Processing, spatial domain filtering, Zooming, Enhancement based on Histogram modeling, Enhancement in Frequency domain, Frequency domain filters, Generation of spatial mask from frequency domain. 4. Image Compression Fundamentals, Image compression model, Redundancy, Error Criteria, Information Theory for Image compression, Lossy and lossless compression techniques, Image compression standards. 5. Image Segmentation Image segmentation based on discontinuities (Point, Line & Edge detection), Edge Linking, Thresholding (Global, Local, Optimum), Region based Segmentation 6. Image Restoration Model of Image degradation and Restoration Process, Noise models, Spatial Filtering, Frequency Domain Filtering, Modeling the degradation function, Inverse Filtering, Wiener Filtering. Reference Books: 1. Digital Image Processing (R. Gonzales, R. Woods) Pearson Education 2. Fundamentals of Image Processing (Anil K. Jain) Prentice Hall of India Publication 3. Image Processing Analysis and Machine vision (Milan Sonka, Viciav Hivac, Roger Boyle) Thomson Learning Publication. 4. Digital Image Processing (Pratt) 3rd edition Wiley India. Marks 100 25 25 (Elective II)

Theory Exam Practical Exam Oral Exam Term Work

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