Maze Generator Source Code
Maze Generator Source Code
Maze Generator Source Code
public class Maze extends JApplet implements Runnable{ Thread t = new Thread(this); static final int WINDOWSIZE = 500; // Size of Applet window static final int N = 20; // Number of rooms in a row static final int MAPSIZE = N * 2 + 1; // Don't change static final int BSIZE = (int)(WINDOWSIZE/MAPSIZE); // Don't change static block [][]map = new block[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; static int [][]m = new int[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; ArrayList<block> list = new ArrayList<block>(); public Maze(){ } public void init(){ for(int i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++){ for(int j=0;j<MAPSIZE;j++){ map[i][j] = new block(i, j, false); } } setSize(MAPSIZE*BSIZE,MAPSIZE*BSIZE); setVisible(true); generateMap();
} public static void main(String[] args){ new Maze(); } public void run(){ while(true){ } } public void generateMap(){ int randX = (int)(Math.random()*N)*2+1; int randY = (int)(Math.random()*N)*2+1; map[randY][randX].visited = true;
System.out.println(randX + " " + randY + " " + map.length + " " + N); if(randX-1 != 0){ list.add(map[randY][randX-1]); } if(randX+1 != MAPSIZE){ list.add(map[randY][randX+1]); } if(randY-1 != 0){ list.add(map[randY-1][randX]); } if(randY+1 != MAPSIZE){ list.add(map[randY+1][randX]); } while(!list.isEmpty()){ int index = (int)(Math.random()*list.size()); block wall = list.get(index); if(wall.y%2==1){ // 2nd row if(wall.x-1 != 0 && map[wall.y][wall.x-1].visited == false){ map[wall.y][wall.x-1].visited = true; map[wall.y][wall.x].visited = true; if(wall.x-2 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y][wall.x-2]); } if(wall.y-1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y-1][wall.x-1]); } if(wall.y+1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y+1][wall.x-1]); } }else if(wall.x+1 <= MAPSIZE-1 && map[wall.y][wall.x+1].visited == false){ map[wall.y][wall.x+1].visited = true; map[wall.y][wall.x].visited = true; if(wall.x+2 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y][wall.x+2]); } if(wall.y-1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y-1][wall.x+1]); } if(wall.y+1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y+1][wall.x+1]); } } }else{ // 3rd row if(wall.y-1 != 0 && map[wall.y-1][wall.x].visited == false){ map[wall.y-1][wall.x].visited = true; map[wall.y][wall.x].visited = true; if(wall.y-2 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y-2][wall.x]); } if(wall.x-1 != 0){
list.add(map[wall.y-1][wall.x-1]); } if(wall.x+1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y-1][wall.x+1]); } }else if(wall.y+1 <= MAPSIZE-1 && map[wall.y+1][wall.x].visited == false){ map[wall.y+1][wall.x].visited = true; map[wall.y][wall.x].visited = true; if(wall.y+2 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y+2][wall.x]); } if(wall.x-1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y+1][wall.x-1]); } if(wall.x+1 != 0){ list.add(map[wall.y+1][wall.x+1]); } } } list.remove(index); } for(int i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++){ for(int j=0;j<MAPSIZE;j++){ if(map[i][j].visited == false){ if(i%2 == 1){ if(j%2 == 0){ m[i][j] = 1; } }else{ m[i][j] = 1; } } } } for(int i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++){ m[i][MAPSIZE-1] = 1; m[i][0] = 1; m[MAPSIZE-1][i] = 1; m[0][i] = 1; } m[0][1] = 0; m[MAPSIZE-1][MAPSIZE-2] = 0; for(int i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++){ for(int j=0;j<MAPSIZE;j++){ System.out.print(m[i][j] + " "); } System.out.println(); } } public void paint(Graphics g){ for(int i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++){
for(int j=0;j<MAPSIZE;j++){ if(m[i][j] == 1) drawBlock(g, j, i); } } } public void drawBlock(Graphics g, int x, int y){ g.setColor(; Color t = new Color(100,100,50); g.setColor(t); g.fillRect(x*BSIZE, y*BSIZE, BSIZE, BSIZE); } } class block{ int x; int y; boolean visited; public block(int y, int x, boolean visited){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.visited = visited; } public String toString(){ return "x = "+x+" y = "+y+" visit = "+visited+"\n"; } } /* * Pick Random_Cell RandomCell->Visited=true; wallList Add(Random_Cell's Surrounding_walls) while( wallList Not Empty) loop wall = wallList->getRandomWall(); if(wall has unvisited cell on either side) { unvisited cell = visited; wallList Add(wall->newly_visited_cell's- Surrounding_walls); } Remove wall from wallList; } */