UNII Newsletter - January 2013 - EN
UNII Newsletter - January 2013 - EN
UNII Newsletter - January 2013 - EN
January 2013
IN THIS ISSUE: 2012: The Year of HighLevel Visits 2013: A look at the Global UN Calendar WFP: A Legacy of Resilience in Aceh
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Jakarta, March 2012.
BPS & UNICEF: High Mortality for Kids in Papua ILO: Boosting SMEs Human Rights Day: Disability in Focus NEW Information resources from the UN
COUNTING, AND SOARING: The Jamaica Cafe a cappella band performs at PIM 2 Mall in South Jakarta as part of the My Voice Counts Human Rights Day Campaign. Photo: UNIC Jakarta / Ng Swan Ti
Survey Shows Persistently High Mortality Rate for Children under 5 in Papua and West Papua provinces
Jakarta - The key findings of the Indonesia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in six selected districts of Papua and West Papua provinces were released recently. The survey, which was conducted by the Indonesia Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and UNICEF, includes important data on progress towards the achievement of the MDGs in the two easternmost provinces of Indonesia, and highlights, among other things, the persistently high mortality rate for children under 5 years of age, especially in highlands and rural areas of the region. Jayawijaya reported the highest under 5 mortality rate at 122 per 1,000 live births in 2011 -- while the national under-5 mortality rate in Indonesia was 32 per 1,000 live births in 2011.
Papuas children under five: a long road ahead on health? Photo: UNICEF/J. Estey
Navi Pillay attended the 5th Bali Democracy Forum in November, then came to Jakarta as part of the first visit to Indonesia by a High Commissioner for Human Rights since 2008
"Being young is about shaping your life, shaping yourself and believing in yourself, its about living your dreams. I believe the world will be a better place if we allow young people to determine their own lives and to be able to make choices about that life." Babatunde Osotimehin Executive Director, UNFPA
Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin spoke at the Global Youth Forum in Nusa Dua in Bali in December
Michelle Bachelet visits the Penjaringan community in North Jakarta, December 2012
Advancing womens equality and empowerment offers real hope for our shared future. When women enjoy equal opportunity and participation, societies and economies grow healthier and stronger.
Michelle Bachelet Executive Director, UN Women
Most cases of malnutrition are not due to a simple cause, but to a mix of factors. Indonesia has recognized this problem and now is implementing the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement with a very clear policy and some guidelines. David Nabarro Special Representative for Food Security and Nutrition
Dr. Nabarro takes questions fromThe Jakarta Post at UNICEF offices in Jakarta, December 2012
Executive Director of the United Nations Ofce on Drugs and Crime Yury Fedotov during his visit to Jakarta on 7 December 2012.
"We will continue to support the national efforts in corruption prevention and eradication. Yury Fedotov Executive Director, UNODC
WFP and Acehs ports
This article is part of a regional focus series on the work of the UN in Aceh and Nias.
Banda Aceh, Aceh - Almost exactly eight years ago, the infamous 9.3-magnitude quake struck Aceh. Since then, things have drastically changed for the Indonesian province: rapid response networks, tsunami warning sirens and communications systems linked to disaster response are in place to minimize loss of lives and livelihoods in case disaster should strike again. The Indonesian province bore the brunt of the disaster that claimed over 230,000 lives along the Indian Ocean -- so it was here in Aceh that that the international community and UN family agencies concentrated their efforts, rebuilding infrastructure, setting up early warning systems and providing intensive training on effective disaster response. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) -- the world's largest humanitarian agency assisting close to 100 million people a year -- carried out some its most complex operations ever in Aceh. WFP was among the first on the
ground to provide food aid to those in need, as well as logistics and telecommunications support to the entire humanitarian community. Within a week after the tsunami hit, emergency food reached more than 500,000 people. At the end of the operation, 175,000 tons of nutritious food were distributed in Aceh-- by sea, air and land -to 1.2 million people in 5,000 distribution points. What is unusual in WFPs story in Aceh is the role it played in the immediate response and recovery but also in building back the province, in collaboration with its partners, to be more resilient to future disasters. Today key logistics personnel in airports and seaports -- as well as telecommunications staff and local administrators -- are part of this important legacy of resilience in Aceh province. Fadmi Ridwan heads the reporting division at Acehs Disaster Mitigation Agency, or BPBA. He stressed that the response and recovery
operations involving WFP in Aceh set a milestone in terms of disaster relief and risk reduction. If WFP and other donors had not come in to help us, we might have needed 10 more years to develop the communications systems, Fadmi said. WFP provided technical assistance and training to improve the skills of radio communication operators in high-risk areas. To reach a dependable level, a radio operator should go through three months of training to achieve international standards. We could not do that alone. Fadmi said. When a more recent 8.5magnitude quake rocked Aceh in April 2012, the sirens installed following the 2004 tsunami were sounded by BPBA staff. Fadmi admits that Acehs early warning system (EWS) still requires much improvement, and that more training is needed for BPBA staff. The districts of Gayo Lues, Aceh Singkil and Bener Meriah still have limited disaster communications (continues on next page)
Left: T.A. Naziruddin, also known as Ampon, is port manager in Ulelheue, Banda Aceh. Port traffic has became more efficient, he says.
It is very important for both employers and workers of the SMEs to be committed to improve productivity, quality and workplace cooperation, said Mudji Handaya, Director General of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, citing the importance of SMEs for the countrys economic growth and job creation. Responsible workplace practices being promoted through this campaign have already been widely adopted by top international companies and have been successfully applied in Indonesian SMEs, over the last two years with the assistance of the ILO-SCORE programme. More than 80 pilot enterprises in five provinces (DKI Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi and East Kalimantan) have witnessed increased quality and productivity, improved motivation, and reductions in work accidents and sickness absence. The ILO-SCORE programme is funded by Funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The programme is also supported by the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), national trade union confederations and the Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation.
The Future We Want Booklet A focused political outcome document - the Future We Want - which contains clear and practical measures for implementing sustainable development. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?page=view&type=400&nr=733&menu=35 United Nations at a Glance Up-to-date and factual information about the principal organs of the United Nations as well as its specialized agencies, funds, programmes, and other entities. http://www.un.org/publications ; also available on Kindle, and iTunes
Human Rights
A Media Guide to the New United Nations Independent Experts and Mandates (OHCHR) The United Nations Human Rights Council has created new monitoring and reporting mechanisms. What are they? Who are the new independent experts? How can you contact them? h t t p : / / w w w. u n o g . c h / u n o g / w e b s i t e / n e w s _ m e d i a . n s f / % 2 8 h t t p N e w s B y Ye a r _ e n %29/50EB98E601666F49C1257AD700350174?OpenDocument Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Original Drafting Materials from UNOG Archives Several thousand pages of original and unique materials, including drafts of the Declaration, comments from governments and the general public, and material related to the implementation of the Declaration. http://libraryresources.unog.ch/content.php?pid=280454&sid=2310235#11996700
Humanitarian Affairs
Global Appeal 2013 Update (UNHCR) More than 700,000 people fled across borders in the first nine months of 2012, placing huge demands on UNHCRs resources. The report contains valuable reference material for journalists. http://www.unhcr.org/ga13/index.xml Overview of the 2013 Consolidated Appeals (OCHA) Humanitarian action in 2013 aims to deliver aid to at least 51 million people in 16 countries who desperately need life-saving assistance. Risk Knowledge Fundamentals: Guidelines and Lessons for Establishing and Institutionalizing Disaster Loss Databases (UNDP) This report documents the experiences of the UNDP Regional Programme on Capacity Building for Sustainable Recovery and Risk Reduction (RP) in implementing disaster loss databases using the DesInventar methodology. http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/library/crisis%20prevention/disaster/asia_pacific/Guidelines%20and %20Lessons%20for%20Estabilishing%20and%20Institutionalizing%20Disaster%20Loss%20Databases.pdf
JANUARY - Launch of MY World crowd-sourcing survey on post-2015 development - National consultations and thematic consultations on post-2015 development 15-25 January - Visit to Indonesia of Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Mr. Frank La Rue 17-19 January - Regional launches of World Economic Situation and Prospects 21 January - Conference on Disarmament begins (Geneva) 22 January - Launch of food waste campaign under save food initiative (Geneva) FEBRUARY 6-8 February- Meeting of High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda (Monrovia) MARCH 4-15 March - 57th Session of CSW, on elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls (New York) 8 March- International Womens Day 2nd-3rd week- Meeting of High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda (Bali) 22 March -World Water Day and GA High-Level dialogue on water cooperation 24 March - World TB Day APRIL 4 April - International Day for Mine Awareness & Assistance to Mine victims 8-19 April - UN Forum on Forests (Istanbul) 22 April - (International Mother) Earth Day 22-26 April - 46th Session of Commission on Population and Development, on the demographic aspects of new trends in migration 25 April - World Malaria Day MAY - Final Meeting of Commission on Sustainable Development and Expected launch of HighLevel Forum on Sustainable Development - Expected launch of UNICEFs State of the Worlds Children, on children with disabilities -Feeding 5000 events for Save Food Initiative 3 May - World Press Freedom Day 2nd-3rd week (date tbd)-Meeting of High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda (Bali) 29 May - International Day of UN Peacekeepers end May - Meeting of High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda & Submission of its report to the Secretary-General (New York) JUNE - 23rd Session of the Human Rights Council (Geneva) 5 June - World Environment Day and launch of report assessing environmental impact of food waste. 8 June - World Oceans Day 13-14 June - G8 Summit on Food Security (UK) 25 June - 20th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action 26 June - International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture 26 June - International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking end June - Secretary-Generals Report to the GA on MDGs and post-2015 Development Agenda (New York) JULY 1st week - High-Level Segment of ECOSOC: Science, Technology & Innovation, and potential of culture for promoting sustainable development & Launch of 2013 MDG Report (Geneva); FAO UN4U event at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 18 July - Nelson Mandela International Day AUGUST High-Level international Conference on Water Cooperation (Dushanbe) 12 August - International Youth Day 29 August- International Day against Nuclear Testing
UN IN INDONESIA January,2013
SEPTEMBER - Regional Population Conferences for Asia-Pacific - Human Rights Council 24th Session - Disability Convention Conference of State Parties - Launch of MDGs Task Force Report - Post-2015 synthesis report on views expressed in national/thematic consultations and MY World global conversation 15 September - International Day of Democracy 16 September- Social Good Summit 21 September - International Day of Peace 23 September (week of)- UN General Assembly - General Debate; UN GA High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development; General Assembly High-Level Event on the MDGs; Special Events on Every Woman, Every Child; Education First; Zero Hunger Challenge; Scaling Up Nutrition and other initiatives; Treaty Event. 26 September - High-Level GA Plenary Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament. 27 September - Launch of IPCC 5th assessment report on Climate Science (Stockholm) 30 September - 4th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1888 on Women and Peace and Security, addressing sexual violence in conflict OCTOBER - Meeting of the Committee on World Food Security - UN4U campaign 57 October - APEC CEO Summit Indonesia 2013 (Bali) 15 October - International Day of Rural Women 16 October - World Food Day, on food waste 17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 24 October - UN Day 24-30 October - Disarmament Week end October - Briefings by the Special Rapporteurs on Human Rights at GA 3rd Committee NOVEMBER 11-22 November - Climate Change Conference (Poland) 25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women; 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence begin 29 November - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People DECEMBER 1 December - World AIDS Day 3 December - International Day of Persons with Disabilities 9 December - International Anti-Corruption Day 10 December - Human Rights Day 18 December - International Migrants Day
The United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation (Resolution A/ RES/65/154) will raise awareness, both on the potential for increased cooperation, and on the challenges facing water management in light of the increase in demand for water access, allocation and services. UNESCO has been appointed as the lead agency.
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the United Nations. The information herein may be freely reproduced. UN IN INDONESIA is published electronically by the United Nations Information Centre, Jakarta. e-mail: unic.jakarta@unic.org