Mackenzie Beer: Experience
Mackenzie Beer: Experience
Mackenzie Beer: Experience
research, and literary journals. She is a meticulous fact checker, copy editor, editorial contributor, and curator of Internet links. She aspires to integrate a love for new writers, cross-disciplinary projects, and cultural phenomena into a career in digital media. Experience Office/Client Coordinator at Gravity
Created comfortable, creative environment for feature and commercial directors and producers, concierge and client services including car service, food and beverage, deliveries, tech support Calendar management, production scheduling, accounting assistance, and reception Fact checking, content research Web contributor, managing social media databases Head poetry submissions, Twitter and web contributor Interview transcription, copy-editing, fact checking Copy-editing, fact checking, submission reader Member of reading committee for Angela Davis Highwire Prize, researcher for Dave Eggars speech at Sundance film festival Managed credits for online commercial and film client databases Casting assistant for commercial production (Nike, Sears, EA Games), compiled spreadsheets based on social networking sites Aided production on set for online Nike commercial Provided concierge services including transportation, food and beverage, deliveries, and event hosting Invited to return and train as a scheduling producer
Feb. 2009- Feb. 2013 mackenziebeer
Middlebury College BA, Literary Studies, Deans List, Major GPA: 4.0
Spanish, elementary Arabic, Photoshop, PowerPoint, Excel (database & data analysis), Google programs, CMS, Tumblr, Outlook and Mac/PC Published online at GOOD, XoJane, iPad news source The Daily, staff contributions to The Paris Review Daily, Roosevelt Institute Student Think Tank Journal, and college news source Middblog
Interested in adventure contests, lecture series in foreign countries (or historic buildings), and feminist blogs