Installing A "Network-Attached Storage" Device For Your Local Area Network
Installing A "Network-Attached Storage" Device For Your Local Area Network
Installing A "Network-Attached Storage" Device For Your Local Area Network
Instead of sharing files in a peer-to-peer network, you might obtain and install a "Network-Attached Storage" (NAS) device that attaches by means of a 10/100/1000Base-T cable to your local area network. Most of the current models of NAS devices can store files for "Windows..", "Linux", and "Macintosh OS X" client computers.
"Buffalo Technology (USA)" makes a popular line of NAS devices. Their generic brand name for these device is "LinkStation". Information on the entire "LinkStation" line ca be found at
The following photo shows the "Buffalo" NAS unit that was shown by President Les Stein at the February and March 2011 meetings of the "Windows 7 / Hardware SIG" of the Tucson Computer Society:
It's model number is LS-L500. This model is no longer manufactured by "Buffalo Technology" but support is still available at
Step 6: If the Web browser does not reach the Internet, it is still okay for configuring a connection to the NAS device. In the address box of the Web browser, type in http://<IP address of your router> Then press the <Enter> key of the keyboard.
Step 7:
Step 9: Type in the password (for configuring the router), if there is one. Step 10: Click on the "Submit" or "Log in" button.
Step 12: Write down the IP address and host name of the "NAS" device. In this example, we wrote down LS-LE48 (This IP address was assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server than is integral to our router. The "host name" was the default that was provided by the manufacturer of the NAS device.) Step 13: Click on "Log out" or "Log off".
Step 14: Close the Web browser window. The rest of the steps will be for an "Ubuntu 10.10" client computer but the steps are similar for "Windows" and "Macintosh OS X" client computers: Step 15: Click on "Places" in the menu bar. Step 16: Click on "Connect to Server":
Step 18: Use the drop down list button of the "Service Type" to select "Windows share".
Step 15: Type the IP address of the "NAS" device in the "Server" field:
Step 16: Click on the "Connect" button. Step 17: A "Nautilus" file management window with the title of "Windows shares on <IP address of NAT device>" will be displayed:
Step 18: Double-click on the "Share" folder. Step 19: The "Nautilus" file management window will now display all of the files and folders that are stored in the "NAS" device.
Step 20: Double-click on any folder to view it's contents. In this example, we double-clicked on a folder called "Test Folder 1":
Step 21: In this example, we wanted to create a file so we: right-clicked inside the right pane of the "Nautilus" window, clicked on "Create Document" in the pop-up context menu, and then we clicked on "Empty File":
Step 22: A new file called "new file" was created as shown:
Step 23: We renamed it to Test File inside Les Stein's Buffalo NAS box.txt
Step 24: Next, we wanted to edit the new text file so we double-click on it and it opened up in the default "gedit" editor application. We then typed in some text:
Step 25: When we clicked on the "x" button in the upper right-hand corner of the "gedit" window, a "Save changes to document.." box was displayed: