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Group EMC Mary Elfers Lisa Meisel Dawn Campbell MEDT 6466 Fall, 2011 School Wide Media

ia Program

Get Caught Reading Week

Group 4 grade

5th grade

Grade Levels in School QCC Standard / GPS ELA4R2 The student consistently reads at least twenty-five books or book equivalents (approximately 1,000,000 words) each year. The materials should include traditional and contemporary literature (both fiction and nonfiction) as well as magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and electronic material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least 3 different literary forms and from at least five different writers ELA5R4 The student reads aloud, accurately (in the range of 95%), familiar material in a variety of genres, in a way that makes meaning clear to listeners.

Description of activity Read-a-thon 4th graders will participate in a read-a-thon lasting an entire school day. Students will choose groups of 10. The group will come up with a team name and poster. Groups will choose a series of books or select titles from the same author. On the day of the read-a-thon, groups will have a designated spot in the Media Center. Students will tag team reading for 30 minute intervals. Each group member will take his/her turn reading. The groups will log their minutes on their posters and display them around the school.

Drop everything and Read During the Get Caught Reading week, 5th grade students will be assigned different Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade classrooms. Periodically throughout the week, students will visit those classrooms, gather a small group of students and read aloud to them. Reading Police Students in the gifted program will be the reading police for the week. TAG students will make posters encouraging students to get caught reading. TAG

Gifted program (TAG) students

AASL 21st century

learner 4.2.4 Pursue personal and aesthetic growthShow an appreciation for literature by electing to read for

pleasure and expressing an interest in various literary genres

students will walk around with digital cameras and take photographs of students reading. They will then organize and display the photos on a bulletin board near the Media Center. The grade level with the most students represented on the bulletin board will win a party hosted by a secret mystery guest who will read aloud to the students. Recommendation Shelf Talented and gifted students will create an attention getting bookshelf in the Media Center that will have a section for each student to share their favorite book. Students will display their picture, the book, and a description of the book for other students to seesimilar to the recommendation bookshelf in a book store or video store. Big Book
Create a "Big Book" with your class. You can easily construct a Big Book using oak tag for the cover and white construction paper for the pages. Hold your book together with yarn ties so that pages can be easily added or rearranged. Choose a topic and allow each student to perfect a page before writing it in the book. Illustrations can be added later. Unveil your book to parents and the rest of the school on a day during Get Caught Reading Week.

2nd grade

ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from gradelevel text.

3rd grade

ELA3R3 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from gradelevel text.

Book Talk
Students will read a book that has been selected for their class. After reading the book, student will complete the following 3 activities:

1. Write about which character you are

most like in the story. How are you alike? Be sure to give examples from the story. Sequence the events that happen in your story. Use this attached sheet to complete the activity.


3. Choose a character and write up a

character trading card (similar to a baseball trading card). Use this worksheet to gather information. When you are finished completing your worksheet go the this website and complete your trading card. You will be printing off the trading card when you are done and drawing a picture of your character on it. Once the three exercises are complete and meet the standards, you will begin working on a booktalk podcast. A rough draft will be approved by the teacher..

The podcast must include the following information: Your First name Book author and illustrator Summary of the story Your favorite part of the story - How did the book make you feel? What words did the author use to make you feel this way? How do the illustrations add or take away from the story? Is this book an Accelerated reader book? If so what level is it and how many points is it? What is the call number for this book? (How can others find this book in our library) What other books are written by this author? Give at least 1 other book available in our library by this author that you would like to read. Rank this book from 1-10.

EIP Program (Early Intervention Program)

ELA1R6 The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from gradelevel text.

Battle of the Books

Read aloud six to ten books during the week preceding Get Caught Reading Week. On a day during Get Caught Reading Week, put all the books on the front chalkboard with a number written over them. Divide the class into two teams. Ask both teams questions that require them to select the name of one of the books read to them. For example: In which book is the setting a circus? In

which book was the main character afraid of the dark? If students select the right book, their team gets a point. If they guess wrong, the other team gets a chance to answer the same question.


ELAKR4 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. ELAKR6 The student gains meaning from orally presented text. ELAKLSV1 The student uses oral and visual skills to communicate.

1st grade

ELA1W2 The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive and response to literature.


ELAKR4 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and

Each student will take home a reading log as part of his/her homework for the week of Get Caught Reading week. Parents will document and initial each book the child reads or listens to that week. Students win a prize for reading and/or listening to a total of 15 books for the week. Students will practice participating in one of the following Readers Theater based on reading ability: *Hickory, Dickory, Dee (From Mother Raven Nursery Rhymes, by Peter Redvers & Don Harney) *Goodnight Moon (based on the book, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown) Copies of the scripts can be found at www.nald.ca/library/learning/howtokit/ theatre/theatre.pdf After reading and listening to a variety of texts, students will use this week to brainstorm, prewrite, edit, and publish books. Students may choose to work independently, in partners, or in small groups. During reading time each day, teachers and paraprofessionals will assist and support students through the brainstorming, prewriting, and editing processes. Upper-grade assigned buddies will help students through the publishing part of the process. On Friday, parents and central level administrators will be invited to join students for a First Grade Tea Party where students will be able to share their published work with others over refreshments. (1st grade teachers will survey parents to determine what time to hold the tea party) ESOL students will be paired up with an older buddy to go on a booknic. Each child will choose 2-3 books to enjoy with his/her buddy.

expression. ELAKR5 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. ELA1R4 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. ELA1R5 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively.

Equipped with blankets and simple snacks, students will pair-read and discuss vocabulary from the chosen literature. ESOL students may choose to read or to listen to their buddy read. Guest readers that speak English as a second language will be invited to come and read to the ESOL class during Get Caught Reading Week. Guests will be able to communicate in multiple ways with the students, read a story to the students in English, and share some of their experiences about learning another language.

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