Detailed Syllabus PDF
Detailed Syllabus PDF
Detailed Syllabus PDF
BASIC CONCEPTS: Limits and Continuity-Revision. (2) MAXIMA AND MINIMA: Maxima and minima of two variables, Constrained maxima and minima- Lagrange multiplier method. (4) INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Evaluation of multiple integrals, Change the order of integration, Application of multiple integrals to find area and volume- Applications to engineering problems. Beta and Gamma Integrals- Evaluation of definite integrals in terms of Beta and Gamma functions. (8) ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER: Basic concepts, Geometrical meaning, Separable differential equations . Modeling: Separable equations. Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, Linear differential equations, Bernouli equations- Applications to engineering problems. (8) LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF SECOND AND HIGHER ORDER: Homogeneous linear equations of second order and higher order equations with constant coefficients. Euler-Cauchy equation, Non-homogeneous equations, Solution by variation parameter, - Applications to engineering problems. (10) VECTOR CALCULUS: Differentiation of vectors Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Directional derivatives. Line ,Surface integralsStatement of Greens ,Gauss Divergence and Stokes Theorems- Applications to engineering problems. (10) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley& Sons,2004. 2. George B, Thomas Jr. and Ross L Finney, Calculus and Analytical Geometry , Addison Wesley, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2003. 2. Riely K F, Hobson M P and Bence S J, Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
ULTRASONICS: Introduction. Production magnetostriction effect, magnetostriction generator, inverse piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric generator. Ultrasonics detection, Properties, Cavitation. Industrial applications drilling, welding, soldering and cleaning. Non Destructive Testing pulse echo system, through transmission, resonance system. Medical applications cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, ultrasonic imaging (9) LASER TECHNOLOGY: Introduction. Principle - spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, Population inversion. Pumping mechanisms. Types of lasers - He-Ne, CO2, Nd:YAG, Excimer, Dye lasers, Semiconductor laser. Applications Spectroscopic analysis of materials, lasers in microelectronics, drilling, welding, heat treatment, cutting, holography, defence and ranging. (9) FIBER OPTICS AND SENSORS: Principle. Modes of propagation. Fabrication techniques rod and tube method, cruciblecrucible technique. Classification based on materials, refractive index profile, modes. Splicing. Losses in optical fiber. Light sources for fiber optics. Detectors. Fiber optical communication links. Fiber optic sensors - temperature, displacement, voltage and magnetic field measurement. (8) QUANTUM PHYSICS AND MICROSCOPY: Development of quantum theory. Dual nature of matter and radiation - de Broglie wave length. Uncertainty principle. Schroedingers equation-Time dependent, Time independent. Particle in a box. Limitations of optical microscopy. Electron microscope. Scanning electron microscope, Transmission electron microscope, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope, applications. (8) VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Introduction. Concepts of vacuum- Throughput, Pumping speed, Effective pumping speed and Conductance. Types of pumps - Working principle and construction of rotary pump, diffusion pump, turbo molecular pump. Operation of pressure gauges - pressure range, measurement of vacuum using Pirani and Penning gauges, merits and limitations. Working of a vacuum system Applications and scope. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Avadhanulu M N and Kshir Sagar P G, A Text Book of Engineering Physics, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. 2. Rao V V, Ghosh T B and Chopra K L, Vacuum Science and Technology, Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi, 1998.
REFERENCES: 1. Jayakumar S, Engineering Physics, R K Publishers, Coimbatore, 2007. 2. Kannan M D and Balusamy V, Engineering Physics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003. 3. Palanisamy P K, Engineering Physics, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2002. 4. Ageov N, Zuev A I and Kokora A, "Laser and Electron Beam Materials Processing", Mir Publications, Moscow, 1998
WATER: Hardness-harmful effects in various industrial application. Softening- Zeolite processes, demineralization process. Boiler troubles and remedies, removal of oils and silica, internal conditioning, treatment of water for municipal supply, break point chlorination, desalination by electrodialysis and reverse osmosis, water quality parameters and standards for drinking and construction - WHO and Indian standards. (10) WATER ANALYSIS: Principles of determination of Total, temporary, permanent, calcium and magnesium hardness by EDTA method. Determination of chloride, sulphate, BOD, COD, turbidity, pH, TDS, nitrogen, phosphate etc. Determination of alkalinity and Laglier saturation index. Importance of all these terms. Simple numerical problems. Spectrophotometric determination of Fe in water. Flame emission spectroscopy- determination of Na and K in water. (10) POLYMER AND PLASTICS: classification, functionality of monomers, molecular weight of polymer. Polymerization reactions chain, condensation, copolymerization and co-ordination polymerizations, synthetic rubber, thermo plastics and thermosets, compounding of plastics, polymer processing by injection, extrusion and blow moulding techniques. Polymers for building industry-floorings, roofing, special coatings. (7) THERMODYNAMICS: Temperature dependence of enthalpy thermochemistry - curing of cement, second law of thermodynamics, entropy and second law, spontaneity of chemical reactions, properties of Gibbs free energy. Free energy and spontaneity, absolute entropy and third law of thermodynamics. (10) ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Conductometric titrations applications. Electrode potential, cells, Nernst equation, galvanic and concentration cells, pH and potentiometric titrations applications. Determination of Laglier saturation index-importance. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Jain P C and Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 2. Atkins P,The Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2001. 3. Gopalan R, Venkappayya D and Nagarajan S, Engineering Chemistry, Vikas publishing house private Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. REFERENCES: 1. Kumaravel M, Kaniappan K, Murugavel S C and Senthilkumaar S, Engineering Chemistry, R. K. Publishers, Coimbatore, 2003. 2. Sheik Mideen A, Engineering Chemistry I, Meenakshi Agency, Chennai, 2002.
MECHANICS OF WRITING: Grammar in context- focus areas Tenses, Prepositions, Modals, Adjectives, Transformation of sentences. (7) TECHNICAL WRITING: Definition, Description, Instructions, and Writing Technical Papers. TRANSCODING: Interpreting Graphics and Writing coherent paragraphs. Writing for focus MIND MAP: Organisation of Coherent Paragraphs and Essays, Cloze Test to improve Vocabulary, syntax and reading skills (4) (2) (2) (2) (4)
SPEAKING: Practice in Speech Making Process To develop Communicative Ability Techniques for speaking fluently, using body language, developing fluency and confidence. Short Speeches (10) Group Discussions and Role-plays Listening Activities TEXT BOOKS: 1. Teaching Material prepared by the Faculty, Department of English 2. Sankaranarayanan V, Sureshkumar S and Palanisamy, Technical English for Engineering Students, PHI, 2008. REFERENCES: 1. Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K Pullam, A Students Introduction to English Grammar, Cambridge University Press, U K, 2005. 2. Bert Decker, The Art of Communicating, Decker Communications, Inc., USA, 2004. 3. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma,Technical Communication: Principles and Practice,Oxford University Press, U K, 2004. 4. Dr. AjayRai, Effective English for Engineers and Technologies : Reading, Writing & Speaking, Crest Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003. 5. Paul V Anderson, Technical Communication: A Reader Centered Approach, Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2003. 6. Albert Joseph, Writing Process 2000, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996 (8) (10) Total 70
INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING: Program development- Analyzing and Defining the Problem- Modular DesignAlgorithm-Flow Chart. (3) PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Environment. What is programming language-Types of programming language- Program Development (2)
C: The C character set Identifiers and keywords Data types Constants Variables Arrays Declarations Expressions Statements Symbolic constants Operators & expressions Arithmetic operators Unary operators Relational & logical operators Assignment operators Conditional operators Library functions Data input & output functions. (4) CONTROL STATEMENTS: While statement Do While statement For Nested loops if else Switch Break continue comma operator go to statement programs. (2) FUNCTIONS: Defining a function Accessing a function Passing arguments to functions Specifying arguments data types Function prototypes Storage classes auto Static Extern and register variables. (3) Arrays: Defining an array Processing array Passing array to a function Multi dimensional array Array & strings. (3) Pointers: Declarations Pointers to a function Pointer and one dimensional arrays Operating a pointer Pointer and multi dimensional arrays Arrays of pointers Passing functions to other functions. (4) STRUCTURES AND UNIONS: Definitions Processing a structure User defined data types Structures and pointers Passing structure to functions Self referential structures. (2) FILES: Open Close Process Operations on a file. Preprocessor Directives - Command Line Arguments. (3) (2) Total 28 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Kernighan B W and Ritchie D M, C Programming Language (ANSI C), Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Herbert Schildt, C The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill, 2001 3. Michael Schneider G, Steven W , Weingart and David M Perlman, An Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal , John Wiley and Sons, 1998. REFERENCES: 1. Gottfried B, Programming With C, Mc Graw Hill, 2004
INTRODUCTION: System of Units Electrical Quantities - Circuit elements Independent and Dependent Sources Ohms Law Kirchhoffs Laws Analysis of Circuits using Kirchhoffs Laws Circuits with Dependent Sources Wye Delta Transformation Analysis using PSpice. (6) AC CIRCUITS: Introduction to Time Varying and Alternating Quantities Average and RMS (effective) Values Form Factor Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements Steady Sate Solution using Phasor Algebra Analysis using Kirchhoffs Laws. (5) POWER: Power Triangle - Power Factor. (3)
MESH AND NODAL ANALYSIS: Loop Analysis - Mesh Equations for Circuits with Independent Current Sources Mesh Equations for Circuits with Dependent Sources Analysis using PSpice. (6) NODAL ANALYSIS: Node Equations for Circuits with Independent Voltage Sources Node Equations for Circuits with Dependent Sources Analysis using PSpice. (6) NETWORK THEOREMS: Superposition Source Transformation Thevenins and Nortons Theorems Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Analysis using PSpice. (8) RESONANCE: Resonance in Series and Parallel RLC Circuits Bandwidth Quality Factor Selectivity. (8)
Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Navhi M and Edminister J A, Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Fourth Edition, 2007. 2. Sudhakar A and Shyammohan S Palli, Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Charles K Alexander and Mathew N O Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2007. 2. Jack E Kemmerly, Steven M Durbin and William H Hayt Jr., Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Seventh Edition, 2006. 3. David Irwin J, Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Company and Colier Macmillan Publishers New York, London, Third Edition, 1990.
2 0 3 3.5
INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Engineering Drawing. BIS. Principles of dimensioning (5)
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION: Principles of orthographic projection-projection of points, straight lines, planes and solids. Orthographic projection of simple engineering components missing view exercises. (10) PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS: Principles of pictorial views, isometric view of simple engineering components. Orthographic views from given pictorial views. Isometric views from given two or three views. (5) SECTION OF SOLIDS: Section of regular solids, types of sections, selection of section views. Sectional views of simple engineering components. (5) DEVLOPMENT OF SURFACES: Development of lateral surfaces of regular solids and truncated solids. Total TEXT BOOK: 1. Venugopal K, Prabhu Raja V, Engineering Graphics , New Age International Publishers, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Bureau of Indian Standards, Engineering Drawing Practices for Schools and Colleges SP 46-2003, BIS New Delhi, 2004 2. Natarajan K V, "Engineering Drawing and Graphics", M/s Dhanalakshmi N, Chennai, 2007. (5) 30
LINEAR ALGEBRA: Euclidean n-space, General vector spaces, Subspaces, Linear independence, Basis and dimension, Row and column spaces, Rank, Finding bases, Inner product spaces, Length and Angle in inner product spaces, Orthonormal bases; Gram Schmidt process, Change of basis. (12) LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS: Introduction, Properties-Kernal and range, Linear Transformation from Rn to Rm, Matrices of linear transformations (7) EIGEN VALUES AND EIGEN VECTORS: Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Diagonalization, Orthogonal Diagonalization, Symmetric Matrices, Quadratic Forms and its Applications. (7) FOURIER SERIES: Dirchlets conditions, Statement of Fourier theorem, Fourier coefficients, Change of scale, Half range series. (6) BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS: Separable partial differential equations-Classical equations and Boundary value problems, One dimensional wave equations, One dimensional heat equations, two dimensional heat equations - Solution by Fourier series. (10) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. 2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley& Sons, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Dennis G Zill and Michael R Cullen, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones and Barlett Publisher, 2005. 2. David C Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications , Addison-Wesley, 2004. 3. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2003.
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY: Crystal systems. Lattice parameters, Bravais lattices. Packing Factors of cubic and HCP crystal systems. Miller indices. Linear and planar density of atoms. Debye - Scherrer method of crystal structure. Crystal Imperfections - point, line and surface defects and their role in electrical, mechanical and optical properties of materials. (8) METALS AND ALLOYS: Drude Lorentz theory of electrical conduction, Wiedemann Franz law, Band theory of solids. Factors affecting resistivity of metals temperature, alloying, magnetic field and strain. Applications of conductors Strain gauges, transmission lines, conducting materials, precision resistors, heating elements and resistance thermometer. (5) SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS AND DEVICES: Elemental and compound semiconductors. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors - Properties. Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors. Carrier concentration in n-type and p-type semiconductors. Material preparation - Czochralskis technique and zone refining technique. Hall effect - Hall coefficient in extrinsic semiconductors, experimental determination of Hall coefficient. Application of Hall effect. Semiconductor devices LDR, LED, Photodiode, Solar Cells and LCD. (9) DIELECTRIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES: Qualitative study of various polarization. Electric dipole moment determination. Effect of temperature and frequency on dielectric constant. Dielectric loss. Ferroelectric materials classification - BaTiO3 and PZT - Piezoelectric materials. Applications of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. Breakdown mechanisms. Classification of insulating materials on temperature basis. (6) MAGNETIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES: Ferro and ferri magnetic materials Properties. Heisenberg and domain theory of ferromagnetism. Hysteresis. Ferrite structure and properties. Applications - floppy disks, CD ROM, Magneto optical recording. (6) ADVANCED MATERIALS: Nanophase materials - Synthesis techniques, properties, applications. Shape Memory alloys (SMA) Characteristics, properties of NiTi alloy, application in MEMS. Superconductivity. Types of superconductors - High Tc superconductors, comparison with low Tc superconductors. Application of superconductors. Metallic glasses Preparation, properties, applications. (8) Total 42
TEXT BOOKS: 1. William D Callister Jr., "Material Science and Engineering", John Wiley and sons, New York, 2006. 2. Leonid V Azaroff and James J Brophy, "Electronic Processes in Materials, McGraw Hill Co, New York, 1991. REFERENCES: 1. Jayakumar S, "Materials Science", R.K.Publishers, Coimbatore, 2007. 2. Palanisamy P K, Materials Science ", SCITECH Publications, Chennai, 2002. 3. Raghavan V, "Materials Science and Engineering- A First Course, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001. 4 Srivatsava J P, "Elements of Solid State Physics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001.
PRINCIPLES OF POLYMER SCIENCE: Polymerisation reactions types-examples, degree of polymerization and average molecular weights. Thermoplastics and thermosetting resins - examples. Electrical, mechanical and thermal properties related to chemical structure. Insulating materials, polymer alloys, composites. (8) ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS OF POLYMER: Charge transport in conjugated polymers Electrical properties of doped conjugated polymers- applications and scope. Non linear optical properties of polymers. Polymers for light emitting diodes, photopolymers and photo resists for electronics. Conducting polymer based MEMS and biosensors. (10) ORGANIC ELECTRONIC MATERIALS: Charge transfer complexes, organic light emitting diodes, organic semiconductors and transistors- structure, stability and fabrication methods. (6) ADVANCED MATERIALS: Carbon nanotubes and carbon fibres, fullerenes, polymer nano-composites, shape memory alloys, metallic glasses, solid oxide materials, Polymer electrolytes , super conducting oxides. (8) PROCESSING OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS: Zone refining for high purity silicon, Ceramics for electrical insulation and magnetic applications. Photo and electroluminescence materials. Materials for optic fibres. Principles and applications of PVD and CVD, MCVD for optic fibre production. (10) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Hagen Klauk, Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing and Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2006. 2. Pletcher D, Industrial Electrochemistry, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993. REFERENCES: 1. Kenneth G Budinski and Michael K Budinski, Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, Prentice Hall, Eighth Edition, 2004. 2. Ian P Jones, Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2001. 3. William F Smith, Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering McGraw Hill, 2000.
Total 42
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sudhakar A, and Shyammohan S Palli, Circuits & Networks Analysis and Synthesis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2007. 2. Navhi M, and Edminister J A, Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Fourth Edition, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Charles K Alexander and Mathew N O Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2008. 2. Jack E Kemmerly, Steven M Durbin, and William H Hayt Jr, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Seventh Edition, 2006. 3. Gopal G B, Prem R C and Duresh C K, Engineering Network Analysis and Filter Design, Umesh Publications, First Edition, Reprint, 2003. 4. Umesh Shinha, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi, Reprinted Edition, 1997.
CYCLE I 1. 2. Study of different types of Lamps (CFL Lighting, LED Lighting, Flood Lighting, Multi-arm fitting) - Measurement of Illumination Levels Stair-case Wiring Implementation
3. 4. 5.
Construction of Regulated Power Supply Measurement of Voltage Level Construction of an Oscillator Measurement of Frequency and Amplitude using Oscilloscope Installation of Multimedia PC System
CYCLE II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Welding - Metal Arc Welding and Gas Welding. Machine Tools I - Demonstration of Drilling Machine and Lathe Machine Tools II Demonstration of CNC Lathe and Machining Center Automation Demonstration of Automation Systems Automobile Engineering Study of Automobile and Power Transmission
0 0 3 1.5 (Annual)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Magnetic Hysteresis Resistivity of Metals and Alloys - Carey Foster Bridge Band gap of Semiconductor - Post Office Box Efficiency of a solar cell Band Gap of Semiconductor Reverse Saturation Current Electrical and Thermal conductivity of Metallic wire - Wiedemann Franz Law Temperature Coefficient of Resistance - Post Office Box Characteristics of Photo Diode Lattice Parameters Powder Photograph Technique. Demonstration of determination of laser parameters
0 0 3 1.5 (Annual)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Anodizing aluminium and determination of thickness of anodic film Electroplating of nickel and determination of cathode efficiency Constructing of a pH titration curve and estimation of strength of an acid Estimation of acids in a mixture by conductometry Potentiometric determination of Ferrous iron Preparation and chemical etching of printed circuit boards Determination of corrosion rate of steel in acid media by weight loss method Determination of inhibitor efficiency on the corrosion rate of steel in acid media by weight loss method Determination of total, permanent, Ca and Mg hardness of water. Determination of conductivity, TDS, pH and alkalinity of water
DEMO EXPERIMENTS: 1. Glass transition temperature of polymers- DSC curves and discussion 2. Determination of corrosion rate by polarization method and discussion of Tafel plots REFERENCES: Laboratory Manual Prepared by Chemistry Department
8. Characteristics of BJT. 9. Application of BJT as an amplifier and switch. 10. Characteristics of JFET and MOSFET. REFERENCES: 1. Murugesh Kumar K, Electrical Laboratory Exercise, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2003. 2. Poornachandra Rao S and Sasikala B, Handbook of Experiments in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2003.
TRANSFORM METHODS: Concept of Transformation Examples for Transformation. (2)
LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Definition Transforms of standard functions Transform of unit step function Dirac -Delta function- Transforms of derivatives and integrals Transforms of Periodic functions Inverse Laplace transform Convolution theorem Method of solving ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficient by Laplace transform technique. Some applications to engineering problems. (10) FOURIER TRANSFORM: Fourier integrals Fourier transform Finite and infinite Fourier sine and Cosine transform Transforms of standard functions properties, Convolution theorem(Statement only) Discrete Fourier and Fast Fourier Transforms Discrete convolution Periodic sequence and circular convolution Discrete Fourier transform decimation- intime algorithm Computation of inverse DFT. (10) Z-TRANSFORM: z- transform of standard functions, inverse Z-transform (Partial fraction expansions) properties of Z transform Solution of difference equations. (8) COMPLEX VARIABLES: Analytic functions Cauchy Reimann equations in Cartesian and polar coordinates Statement of sufficient conditions properties of analytic functions Finding analytic function whose real / imaginary part is given conformal mapping , Bilinear map study of mappings w = exp(z), sinz, cosz , sinhz , coshz, 1/z, z+k/z Complex integration Cauchys fundamental theorem and formula- Taylors series Laurents series (Statement only) Singularities Residue theorem Cauchys lemma and Jordans Lemma (Statement only) Evaluation of real integrals using contour integration along semi circle and unit circle. (12) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics , John Wiley &Sons, 2001 2. Robert A Gabel, Richard A Roberts, Signals and Linear systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. 3. Ray Wylie C, Louis C Barret , Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 2001 4. Riley K F, Hobson M P and Bence S J, Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering , Cambridge University, 2004.
CALCULATING PERCENT CHANGE AND COMPOUNDED GROWTH RATES: Some Mathematical Concepts and Analytical Tools. (3) ECONOMIC THEORY OF CONSUMER DEMAND: Law of Demand Determinants of Demand Exceptions to Law of Demand Elasticity of Demand Various types of Elasticity and measurements of Price Elasticity and Demand Forecasting Methods and its Applications. Law of Supply Elasticity of Supply Determinants of Elasticity of Supply. (6) ECONOMIC THEORY OF THE FIRM (Contd): (Input Markets) Production Function Factors influencing Production Cobb-Douglas Production Function Economies of Scale Returns to Scale Cost Analysis - Various Cost Concepts - Cost Output Relationship and Short Run and Long Run. (6) MARKET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITION: Various Forms of Market Structure Perfect Competition - Imperfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Oligopoly Pricing Strategies and Price Discrimination in various Market Structures. (4) MARKET FAILURES AND GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN THE MARKET ECONOMY: Basic Functions of Government Market Efficiency Tools of Government Intervention. (4)
INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS: (Measuring Aggregate Output) Meaning Objective and Issues of Macroeconomics- National Output Concept GDP, GNP, NNP, Per Capita Income, Disposable Income, Personal Disposable Income Various Methods of Measuring National Income - Inflation Deflation. (5) AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES AND FISCAL POLICY: (Fiscal Policy) Objectives of Fiscal Policy Instruments of Fiscal Policy Taxation. Highlights of Current Fiscal Policy. (6) MONEY AND BANKING: (Monetary Policy) Functions of Money - Value of Money - Objectives and instruments of Monetary Policy Highlights of Current Monetary Policy Banking Types of Banks - Central Bank and Commercial Banks - Objectives and Functions of Central Bank and Various Types of Commercial Banks and Its Functions. (4) ECONOMIC GROWTH: Meaning Benefits and Costs of Growth. (2) Total : 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Paul A Samuelson and William D Nordhaus, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Karl E Case and Ray C Fair, Principles of Economics, Prentice Hall, 2008. 2. Misra S K and Puri V K, Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. 1. Richard G Lipsey, Colin Harbury Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Principles of Economics, London, 1990.
INTRODUCTION TO SEQUENTIAL DEVICES: General model of sequential circuits Latch, Flip Flops, Level triggering, Edge triggering, Master slave configuration. Binary counters, Shift register, Ring counter, Johnson counter, Timing diagram. (6) DESIGN OF SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT: Mealy/Moore models Concept of state, State diagram, State table, State reduction procedures using Partitioning and Implication chart. Minimal flip flop / one-hot realization. Design of synchronous sequential circuits Up-down / Modulus counters, Serial adder, Parity checker, Sequence detector. Introduction to Asynchronous Sequential Circuits Fundamental mode and Pulse mode circuits. (6) PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES: Semicustom design. Introduction to PLDs ROM, PAL, PLA, FPLA, FPLS. Architecture of PLDs PAL 22V10, PLS 100/101, Implementation of digital functions. (5) VHDL: Digital design process flow- Software tools-Hardware Description Language VHDL Data Objects-Operators-Entities and Architecture Component declaration - Component instantiation Concurrent statements-Sequential statementsBehavioral, Dataflow and Structural modeling-Simple VHDL codes. (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tocci R J, Widmer N S and Moss G L, Digital Systems: Principles and applications , Ninth Edition, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd, 2007. 2. Donald Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata Mc Graw Hill Edition, 2002. 3. Roth C H, Digital Systems Design using VHDL, Thomson Asia, 2006. REFERENCES: 1. Nelson V P, Nagle H T, Carroll B D, and Irwin J D, Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey, 1996.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Leach D P, Malvino A P and Goutam Saha, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2006 Norman Balabanian and Bradley Carlson, Digital Logic Design Principles, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2002. Anand Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits Prentice Hall of India, Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2004. Bhasker J, A VHDL Primer, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
DC GENERATORS: Laws of magnetic circuit Principle of operation, Constructional details, Armature Windings, EMF equation, Methods of Excitation, Separate, shunt, series and compound excitations. (5) No load characteristics Armature reaction, Commutation, Interpoles, Compensating windings, Load characteristics of various types of DC Generators. (6) DC MOTORS: Principle of operation Torque equation, Electrical and Mechanical characteristics of DC shunt, series and compound motors. Starters Speed control Armature and field control Braking. (6) Losses and efficiency Swinburnes test Separation of losses, Hopkinsons test. (5)
TRANSFORMERS: Principle of operation Constructional features, Classification of Transformers, EMF equation, Transformation ratio, Transformer on no-load and load, Phasor diagrams. (5) Equivalent circuit - Voltage regulation, Regulation curve, Losses, Efficiency, All day efficiency (5)
Phasing out, polarity and voltage ratio tests Open circuit and short circuit tests, Sumpners test. Separation of losses Parallel operation (5) Auto-Transformer Principle of operation Saving of copper Phasor diagram Equivalent circuit Three phase Transformer connections Instrument Transformers. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Murugesh Kumar K, DC Machines & Transformers, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., Second Edition, 2004. 2. Clayton A E and Hancock N N, The Performance and Design of DC Machines, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1987. REFERENCES: 1. Cotton H, Advanced Electrical Technology, A H Wheeler and Company Publications, London, 1990. 2. Gupta B R and Vandana Singhal, Fundamentals of Electrical Machines, New Age Inter National Publishers, 1996. 3. Sen P C, Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Singapore, Second Edition, 1997.
Edition, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Joseph A Edminister, Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics, Second edition, Schaums Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005. 2. Gangadhar K A, Field Theory, Khanna Publishers, Fifteenth Edition, Third Reprint 2004.
REFERENCES: Murugesh Kumar K, Electrical Laboratory Exercise, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2003
OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER CHARACTERISTICS: Functional Block Diagram Symbol, Characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier, Circuit schematic of A 741, Open loop gain, CMRR-input bias and offset currents, input and output offset voltages, offset compensation techniques. Frequency response characteristics stability, limitations, frequency compensation, slew rate. Transfer characteristics. (6) LINEAR APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers Voltage follower, Summing amplifier, Differential amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier. Integrator and Differentiator Practical considerations. Voltage to Current and Current to Voltage converters, Phase changers. Sinusoidal oscillators. Active filters Design of low pass, high pass, wide band pass and Band stop Butterworth filters, Narrow band pass and notch filters. (7) NON LINEAR APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Comparator Regenerative comparator, Zero crossing detector, Window detector, Sample and hold circuit, Precision diode, Half and Full wave rectifiers, Active peak detector, Clipper and Clamper, Logarithmic and Exponential amplifiers, Multiplier and Divider, Square and Triangular waveform generators. (6) SINGLE POWER SUPPLY OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Need for single power supply operational amplifiers LM324, AC Inverting and Non-Inverting amplifiers. Norton Amplifiers Various configurations. (2) IC VOLTAGE REGULATORS: Block diagram of 723 general purpose voltage regulator Circuit configurations, Current limiting schemes, Output current boosting, Fixed and adjustable three terminal regulators, Switching regulators. (6)
SPECIAL FUNCTION ICs: 555 Timer Functional block diagram and description Monostable and Astable operation, Applications, 566 Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Analog Multiplier, Comparator ICs. PLL Functional Block diagram Principle of operation, Building blocks of PLL, Characteristics, Derivations of expressions for Lock and Capture ranges, Applications: Frequency synthesis, AM and FM detection, FSK demodulator, Motor speed control. (8) A-D and D-A CONVERTERS: DAC/ADC performance characteristics Digital to Analog Converters: Binary weighted and R2R Ladder types Analog to digital converters: Continuous, Counter ramp, Successive approximation, Single slope, Dual slope and Parallel types (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, Fifth Edition, 2004. 2. Gayakwad A R, OP-Amps and Linear Integrated circuits, Pearson Education, New Delhi, Fourth Edition, 2004 Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. REFERENCES: 1. Coughlin F R, and Driscoll F F, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth edition, New Delhi, 1997. / Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, New Age International Limited, Second Edition, 2003 3. Michael Jacob J, Applications and design with Analog Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Second Edition, 1996. 4. David A Bell, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Ics, Prentice Hall of India, Second Edition, 1997.
AM SYSTEM: Introduction - Amplitude modulation theory - Frequency Spectrum - Representation - Power relation - AM Generation Class C power Amplifier Evolution & description of SSB Balanced Modulator Advantages of SSB Transmission - AM transmitter AM receiver - AM envelope detector Superhetrodyne receiver. (6) FM SYSTEM: Frequency Modulation - Phase Modulation Armstrong Method of FM Generation Ratio Detector FM Transmitter - FM broadcast Receiver - Comparison of Wideband And Narrow Band FM. (6) DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM: Advantages of Digital Data transmission Sampling Pulse Code Modulation Channel coding Line coding Digital Modulation schemes: ASK, FSK, QPSK Digital Communication Receiver Synchronisation. (6) FIBRE OPTIC SYSTEM: History of fibre optics-optical fibres versus metallic cables-optical fibre communication system-light propagation through optical fibres-fibre configurations-acceptance angle and acceptance cone-losses in optical fibre cables, light sources, light detectors, lasers. (5) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Introduction to cellular radio telephones, Wireless Access methods, Wireless LAN Introduction to ISDN and BISDN. (5) Total 28 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Kennedy G, Electronic Communication systems, McGraw Hill Inc., Fifth edition, 1992. 2. Wayne Tomasi, Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, Sixth edition, Pearson Education, 2004. 3. Keiser, Optical Fibre Communications, McGraw Hill, 1983. 4. Theodore S Rappaport, Wireless Communication Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2002 REFERENCES: 1. Lathi B P Modern digital and analog communication systems, Oxford series in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998. 2. Taub and Schilling, Principles of communication systems McGraw Hill International edition, Seventh Reprint, New Delhi, 1996. 3. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, Fourth edition, Wiley Publications, Singapore, 2008.
MEASUREMENT OF POWER AND ENERGY: Dynamometer type wattmeter Torque expression, Errors. Energy meters, Calibration of energy meters. Measurement of power using Instrument Transformers. Maximum demand indicator, Power factor meter. (7) MEASUREMENT OF R-L-C: Resistance measurement Kelvin double bridge, Wheatstone bridge, substitution method, Loss of charge method, Guard Wire method. Measurement of inductance and capacitance Maxwell, Anderson, Hays and Schering bridges. Measurement of Earth resistance. (7) MEASUREMENT OF NON-ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES: Transducers Classifications, Principle of operation of Resistance potentiometer, Inductive and capacitive transducers, LVDT, Strain Gauge and Piezo-electric transducers. Encoders. Hall effect sensors and photo sensors. Measurement of Pressure High Pressure and low pressure measurement. Measurement of Temperature - Resistance thermometers, thermistors and thermocouples. Speed measurement- contact and non-contact type. (10) ELECTRONIC LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS: Electronic voltmeter Digital voltmeter of ramp and integrating types. Digital Multimeter block diagram. Block diagram of dual channel oscilloscope. Spectrum Analyzer. Pulse, signal and function generators. Harmonic distortion analyzer. Strip chart and X-Y recorders, Field Bus Instrumentation. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Sawhney A K, A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, Eighteenth edition, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Helfrick D Albert, and Cooper W D, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Prentice Hall of India Limited, New Delhi, 1992. 2. Doeblin E, Measurement Systems : Application And Design, Fifth Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Book Co., New Delhi, 2004. 3. Golding E W, and Widdis F C, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, A H Wheeler & Company, Calcutta, Fifth edition, 2003. 4. Rangan C S, Sharma G R, Mani V S, Instrumentation Devices and Systems, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New
QUEUES: Primitive operations - Sequential implementation - Dequeues - Applications: Image component labeling; Machine shop simulation. (4) LISTS: Primitive Operations - Singly linked lists, Doubly linked lists, Circular lists, Multiply linked lists - Applications Addition of Polynomials; Sparse Matrix representation and Operations. Linked Stacks - Linked queues. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Pearson Education, 2001.
Stanley B Lippman and Josee Lajoie, The C++ Primer, Pearson Education, 2001. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein and Aaron M Tenenbaum , Data Structures Using C and C++ , Prentice Hall of India, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Horowitz, Sahni and Meheta D, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, Computer science press, 1995. 2. Deital and Deital, C++ How to program, Prentice Hall, 2001. 3. Ganesh S G, 60 tips on Object Oriented Programming, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008. 2. 3.
THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Principle of operation Types of construction Torque equation Torque-Slip characteristics Maximum torque Effect of rotor resistance. (5) Equivalent circuit Phasor diagram Performance calculation from circle diagram - Induction Generators Testing. (6)
Automatic Starters DOL, Auto-Transformer, Star-Delta and Rotor resistance starters Speed control Crawling and Cogging Electrical Braking. (5) SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Principle of operation Double revolving field theory Equivalent circuit Performance calculations Methods of self starting. (4) SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS: Types - Constructional features 3-phase windings Winding factors EMF equation Armature reaction Voltage regulation Predetermination of regulation by synchronous impedance, mmf, and Potier reactance methods. (6) Load characteristics Power expression Parallel operation Synchronising and synchronising power Active and reactive power sharing Alternator on infinite Busbar General load diagram. (6) SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: Principle of operation Methods of starting Phasor diagrams V-curves and Inverted V-curves - Power/Power-angle relations Synchronous condensers Hunting and methods of Suppression. (5) TWO REACTION THEORY: Salient pole machine analysis Phasor diagrams Voltage regulation Power / Power angle relation Determination of Xd and Xq. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Murugesh Kumar K, Induction & Synchronous Machines, Vikas Publishing House Ltd, 2000 2. Say M G, Alternating Current Machines, Fifth Edition, Pitman, 1990. REFERENCES: 1. Alexander S Langsdorf, Theory of Alternating Current Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1990. 2. Gupta B R, and Vandana Singhal, Fundamentals of Electric Machines, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Load Test on 1- Phase Induction Motor Regulation of Alternator by Synchronous Impedance and MMF Methods. Regulation of Alternator by ZPF Method Regulation of Alternator by Bus bar Loading V and Inverted V Curve of Synchronous Motor Load test on 3 - Phase Induction Generator Regulation of Salient Pole Alternator by Blondels Method
REFERENCES: Murugesh Kumar K, Electrical Laboratory Exercise, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2003
( AlsoCommon with 08L601/ 08Z601/ 08I601/ 08D701/08M701/ 08P701/ 08Y701/ 08T701/ 08A701/ 08B701)
NATURAL RESOURCES, ECOSYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY: Environment - Definition, scope and importance Forest resources: Use and overexploitation, Water resources: Use and over-utilization, dams-benefits and problems Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Land resources: land degradation Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources Ecosystem Structure and function Ecological succession Introduction to various ecosystems. Biodiversity Definition and types Threats to Biodiversity in India and its impacts Conservation of Biodiversity. Wildlife Protection Act - Forest Conservation Act. (9) AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL: Introduction atmospheric constituents Chemical reaction in the atmosphere air pollutants classification effects on human, animal, plant, property and environment control methods for particulates and gaseous pollutants control of pollutants from automobiles Global Environmental Issues Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion and solutions Burning of plastics PCBs and their impact. (8) WATER POLLUTION AND CONTROL: Sources characteristics BOD, COD - pollutants and their effects heavy metal pollution inorganic and organic pollutants control methods screening, sedimentation, biological processes - working and design principles advanced waste water treatment techniques - self purification of rivers Eutrophication of lakes sludge management. (8) OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONS: Definition Causes, effects and control measures of: Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards. Solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial solid wastes - Environment Protection Act Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act Water Act Introduction to EIA and ISO 14000 (8) SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban problems related to energy Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management - Population growth, variation among nations Population explosion - Environment and human health Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. (9) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Deswal S and Deswal A,A Basic course in Environmental studies, Dhanpat Rai & Co, First Edition, Delhi, 2004 2. Kurian Joseph and Nagendran R, Essentials of Environmental studies, Pearson Education Pvt ltd., First Edition, Delhi, 2004 3. Santhosh Kumar Garg, Rajeswari Garg and Ranjani Garg, Environmental Science and Ecological Studies, Khanna Publishers, Second Edition, New Delhi, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Gilbert M Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., Second Edition, 2004. 2. Tivedi R K, Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules, Guidelines, Compliances and Standards, Vol. I and II, Enviro Media, 1998 3. Cunningham, Cooper W P and Gorhani T H, Environmental Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ., House, Mumbai, 2001. 4. Wager K D, Environmental Management, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA, 1998.
SYSTEM REPRESENTATION: Transfer function of physical systems Mechanical systems, Translational and Rotational systems, Electrical network, Thermal and hydraulic systems. Transfer function of DC Generator, DC servomotor, AC
servomotor and Synchro, Transfer function of overall systems. Impulse Transfer function. Block diagram - reduction techniques. Signal flow graphs Mason gain formula. (8) TIME RESPONSE ANALYSIS: Standard Test signals Time response of zero, first and second order system, Performance criteria, Type of systems. Steady state error constants position, velocity and acceleration error constants. Generalized error series Feedback characteristics of control systems. Controllers P, PI and PID control modes. (8) FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS: Frequency domain specifications peak resonance, resonant frequency, bandwidth and cut-off rate, correlation between time and frequency responses for second order systems. Polar plot, Bode plot Gain Margin and Phase Margin. (6) STABILITY OF SYSTEMS: Characteristic equation Location of roots of characteristic equation Absolute stability and Relative stability. Routh Hurwitz criterion of stability Necessary and sufficient conditions. Nyquist Stability- Principle of argument Nyquist path Nyquist stability criterion Determination of Nyquist stability Assessment of relative stability. Bode Plot Assessment of stability, Nichols Chart. (8) COMPENSATOR DESIGN: Lag, Lead and Lag-Lead Compensator design using frequency response method. ROOT LOCUS: Root locus concept, Rules for construction of root loci, problems, stability analysis. (3) (4)
STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS: Introduction to state space analysis Physical variable, Phase variable and Canonical variables forms. Transfer function from state space representation. (3) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Gopal M, Control Systems Principles and Design Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 2. Ogata K, Modern Control Engineering, Fourth Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2002 REFERENCES: 1. Nagrath I J and Gopal M, Control System Engg, Fifth Edition, New Age International publishers, 2007 2. Benjamin C Kuo, Automatic Control Systems Eighth edition, John wiley & sons, inc., 2003. 3. Norman S Nise, Control System Engineering , Fifth edition, John wiley & sons, inc., 2007.
1. 2. 3.
Kenneth L Short, Microprocessors and Programmed Logic, Pearson Education/PHI, New Delhi, Second Indian Reprint, 2004. The MCS 80 / 85 Family Users Manual, INTEL. "8-bit Embedded Controllers", Users Manual, Intel Corporation, 1990.
POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Introduction - Power Diodes - Power Transistors - Power MOSFETs - IGBTs Thyristor family : SCRs, Triacs, GTOs, MCT and IGCT - Static and Dynamic characteristics - Protection circuits - Series and parallel connections. (6) AC TO DC CONVERTERS: Diode rectifiers: single phase and three phase diode bridge rectifiers with R, RL and RLE load Estimation of average load voltage and average load current - Free wheeling diode, Controlled rectifiers: Single phase and three phase half wave Thyristor converters. Estimation of average load voltage and average load current. Single phase half controlled and fully controlled Thyristor bridge converters - Estimation of average load voltage and load current for continuous current operation - Input power factor estimation for ripple free load current - Three phase half and fully controlled Thyristor converters (no analysis) - Dual converters. (8) AC TO AC CONVERTERS: Single phase full wave controller with R and RL load - Estimation of RMS load voltage, RMS load current and input power factor - Three phase AC voltage controllers (No analysis) - Single phase to single phase cycloconverters. (6) DC TO DC CONVERTERS: Principle of step up and step down operation - Single quadrant DC chopper with R, RL and RLE load - Time ratio control - Estimation of average load voltage and load current for continuous current operation - Two quadrant and four quadrant DC choppers. (5) DC TO AC CONVERTERS: Types - Voltage source and current source inverters - Single phase bridge inverters - Three phase bridge inverters - Control of AC output voltage - Harmonic reduction Single phase series inverters. (5) CONTROL CIRCUITS: Functional requirements of the switching control circuits - Generation of control signals for single phase AC to DC converters - Cosine wave crossing control, ramp comparator approach. Generation of timing pulses for DC choppers - PWM techniques for DC to AC converters - Introduction to power converter control using microprocessors, microcontrollers and DSP. (6) APPLICATIONS: UPS Selection of UPS battery charging circuit-SMPS- HVDC systems - Tap changing of Transformers. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rashid M H, "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications", Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, New Delhi / Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004. 2. Ned Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley & sons, Singapore, 2003 3. Vedam Subrahmanyam, "Power Electronics", New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 1996. REFERENCES: 1. Philip T Krein, Elements of Power Electronics, Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, 2003. 2. Joseph Vithayathil, "Power Electronics", Mc-Graw Hill series in Electrical and Computer Engineering, USA, 1995.
TEXTBOOK: 1. Morris Mano M, Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall of India , New Delhi, Third Edition, 2000. Pearson Education, New Delhi. REFERENCES: 1. Carl Hamacher V, Vranesic Z G and Zaky S G, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill International Edition, New York, Fifth Edition, 2002. 2. Kai Hwang and Briggs F A, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw Hill International Edition, New York, 1985.
GENERAL ASPECTS: Major considerations Limitations - Main dimension- Output equation - Choice of specific electric and magnetic loadings - Separation of D and L for rotating machines. (4) MAGNETIC CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS: MMF for air gap - Effects of slots, ventilating ducts and saliency - MMF for teeth Total mmf calculation - Leakage reactance. (6) ELECTRIC CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS: Estimation of number of conductors / turns - Coils - Slots - Conductor dimension - Slot dimension. (5) DC MACHINES: Choice of number of poles - Length of air gap - Design of field system, Interpoles, Commutator and Brushes. (5) TRANSFORMERS: Classification output equation - Core section - Window dimensions - Yoke dimension - Overall dimension - No load current calculation Temperature rise of Transformers- Design of tanks and cooling tubes. (6) THREE PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES: Length of air gap - Cage rotor - End ring current - Wound rotor - Dispersion coefficient. (5) No-load current calculation - Stator and rotor resistance - Losses and efficiency - Design of submersible motors (4) SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES: Short circuit ratio Air gap length Salient pole machine -Design of field winding- Turboalternator Damper winding. (5) COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN: An Introduction (2)
Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sawhney A K, Chakrabarti A, "A Course in Electrical Machine Design", Dhanpat Rai & Company, sixth edition 2006. 2. Mittle V N and Mittle A, Design of Electrical Machines, Standard Publications and Distributors, Delhi, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Sen S K, "Principles of Electric Machine Design with Computer Programmes", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2001, Reprint 2004. 2. Agarwal R K, Principles of Electrical Machine Design, S.K.Kataria and Sons, Delhi, 2002. 3. Shanmugasundaram A, Gangadharan G and Palani R, "Electrical Machine Design Data Book", New Age international publishers (P) ltd., 2005
Silberschatz A, Galvin P and Gagne G, Operating Systems Concepts, Sixth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2004.
REFERENCES: 1. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Albert S Woodhull, The MINIX book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Third Edition, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 2006. 2. Achyut Godbole, Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, Fifteenth reprint 2003. 3. Deitel H M, An Introduction to Operating Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. 4. Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G Shivaratis, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, TMH Edition 2004. 5. William Stallings,Operating Systems Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997. 6. Dhamdhere D M, Operating Systems: A Concept based Approach, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2006
PERFORMANCE: Short and medium transmission lines - Phasor diagrams - Nominal T and Pi methods - Line regulation Efficiency. Rigorous solution for long line - ABCD constants - Ferranti effect - Tuned power lines - Surge impedance and surge impedance loading. (6) LINE INSULATORS: Types - Potential distribution over a string of suspension insulators - Methods of increasing string efficiency. Corona Factors affecting corona - Stress and Sag Calculation Effect of wind and ice - supports at different levels Stringing chart. (6) UNDERGROUND CABLES: Types - Capacitance and insulation resistance - Sheath effects - Grading - Stresses - Loss angle - Breakdown voltage - Optimum cable length -Comparison between overhead lines and underground cables. (6) DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS: Feeders, distributors and service mains - Radial and ring main systems - Calculation of voltage in distributors with concentrated and distributed loads, A.C. single phase and three phase distribution systems. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mehta V K, Rohit Mehta , "Principles of Power Systems", S.Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. 2. Singh S N, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt., Ltd, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCES: 1. Soni M L, Gupta P V, Bhatnagar U S and Chakrabarthi A, "A Text Book on Power System Engineering", Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi, 1997. 2. Uppal S L, "Electrical Power", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, Thirteenth Edition, 1995. 3. Wadhwa C L, "Electrical Power Systems", New Age International Publishers, Delhi, 2006 Fourth Edition Reprint Aug, 2007. 4. Gupta J B, A Course in Electrical Power, S. K. Kataria & Sons, 2003 5. Gupta B R, Generation of Electrical Energy, S.Chand & company New Delhi, Revised edition 2006 6. Kothari D P and Nagrath J, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company New Delhi, second Edition 2007 7. Despande M V, 'Electrical Power Systems Design', Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company New Delhi, 2004. 8. Allen J Wood and Wollenberg B F, Power Generation, Operation and Control, Second Edition, John Wiley, 1996.
DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS: Need and benefits of Digital Signal Processing signal classification and basic operations on them Properties of DT system: linear, time invariance, causal, stable, passive and lossless LTI system: convolution sum- interconnection schemes- I/O relationship- determination of impulse response and step response -anti aliasing and anti imaging filtering-Typical DSP system: ADC/DAC sampling, quantization, and encoding. (10) DISCRETE TRANSFORMS: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): Properties DIT FFT and DIF FFT algorithms- linear filtering via circular convolution-inverse FFT- Wavelet Transform: MRA by the wavelet method. (6) DESIGN OF DIGITAL FILTERS: Characteristics of IIR and FIR filters -Design techniques for analog filters-frequency transformation-FIR filter design: windowing, frequency sampling and optimal methods- IIR filter design: impulse invariant and bilinear Z transform-Realization structures of filters: direct form, cascade, parallel, and lattice and ladder realization. (10) FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS: Finite word length effects in IIR and FIR filters A/D quantization noise Co-efficient quantization overflow errors Product round off errors-limit cycle due to product round off errors Finite word length effects in FFT implementation. (8) GENERAL-PURPOSE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS: Computer architectures for signal processing Van Neumann and Harvard architectures-pipelining-hardware multiplier-accumulator-special instructions-replication-on-chip memory-extended parallelism: SIMD, VLIW, and super scalar processing -selecting digital signal processors. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Emmanuel C Ifeachor, Barrie W Jervis, Digital Signal Processing , A practical approach, Pearson Education, New Delhi, second edition, 2004. 2. Lonnie C Ludeman, Fundamental of Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. REFERENCES : 1. Oppenheim A V and Schaffer R W,Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2001. 2. Sanjit K Mitra,Digital Signal Processing, A Computer based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, second edition, fifth reprint, 2004. 3. John G Proakis and Dimitris G Manolakis, Digital signal Processing; Principles, Algorithms & Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Fourth edition,2007.
0 0 3 1.5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Experimental Study of Valve Timing Diagram on Four Stroke IC Engines. Experimental study of port timing diagram on two stroke IC engines Performance Study of IC Engines. Heat Balance Test on IC Engines. Experimental Study on Variable Speed IC Engines. Performance Test on Centrifugal Pumps. Performance Test on Positive displacement pumps. Load Test on Impulse Water Turbine. Load Test on Reaction Water Turbine. Performance Test on Centrifugal Blower.
INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRIC DRIVES: History and development of electric drives, Characteristics of Electrical & mechanical loads, Classification of electric drives, Basic elements & advantages of variable speed drives. Modes of operation, closed loop control of drives - Selection of power rating for drive motors with regard to thermal overloading and load variation. (7) DC DRIVES: Speed control of DC motors - Ward - Leonard scheme - drawbacks - Thyristor converter fed dc drives: - Single, two and four quadrant operations - Chopper fed DC drives : - Time ratio control and current limit control - Single, two and four quadrant operations - Effect of ripples on the motor performance. (9) AC DRIVES: Speed control of 3 phase Induction Motors - Stator control: PWM &V/f control, rotor control: Rotor resistance control - Static control of rotor resistance using DC chopper - Static Krammer and Scherbius drives Introduction to Vector
Controlled Induction Motor Drives - Speed control of 3 phase Synchronous Motors - True synchronous and self controlled modes of operations (9) RELUCTANCE MOTOR DRIVES: DC servo drives principle of operation - AC servo drives principle of operation - Principle and control Stepper motor and SRM drives. (8) DIGITAL CONTROL AND DRIVE APPLICATIONS: Digital techniques in speed control - Advantages and limitations Microprocessor/Microcontroller and PLC based control of drives, networking of drives - Selection of drives and control schemes for Steel rolling mills, Paper mills, Cement mills, Machine tools, Lifts and Cranes. Solar and battery powered drives. (9) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dubey G K, "Fundamentals of Electrical Drives", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Bose B K, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2003 REFERENCES: 1. Ion Boldea and Nasar S A, Electric Drives, CRC Press LLC, New York, 1999. 2. Krishnan R, Electric Motor Drives: Modelling, Analysis and Control, Prentice Hall of India, Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2002 3. Vedam Subramanyam, Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
INTRODUCTION: Trends in energy consumption - World energy scenario - Energy sources and their availability - Conventional and renewable sources - Need to develop new energy technologies (2) SOLAR POWER SYSTEMS: Solar Thermal Systems: Principle of solar thermal power generation Low, medium and high temperature systems. Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Solar cells and their characteristics - Influence of insolation and temperature - PV arrays Series and parallel connections - Synchronised Operation with grid supply - Stand alone PV systems - Charge controllers. (7)
WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS: Nature and Power in the wind - Basic principle of wind energy conversion Blade element Theory - Components of a wind energy conversion system - Classification of WECS Betz model - Wind Turbines Types Horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbines - Generator control - Load control. (5) MISCELLANEOUS SOURCES: Energy From Oceans: Ocean thermal energy conversion systems - Energy from tides Ocean Waves - MHD Energy Conversions: Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) power generation - Types - Fuel cells - Types - Energy from fusion Hybrid Systems: Range and type of Hybrid systems - Case studies of Diesel-PV and Wind-PV systems. (6) ELECTRIC TRACTION: Requirements of traction system - Systems of traction - Comparison of electric traction and other forms of traction - Systems of track electrification - Comparison - Types of services - Speed - Time curves - Tractive effort Power of traction motor - Specific energy consumption - Current collection systems - Motors for traction - Starting and speed control - Electric braking. (6) ELECTRIC HEATING AND WELDING: Advantages of electric heating Types of Heating - Resistance heating - Temperature control, Induction heating induction furnace - Dielectric heating - Choice of voltage and frequencies for Dielectric heating Resistance welding - Arc welding - Laser welding Ultra sonic Welding (5) ELECTROLYSIS: Review of electrolytic process principles - Laws of electrolysis - Electro plating. (2)
ILLUMINATION: Nature of light - Luminous intensity - Illumination - Brightness - Lamp efficiency - Luminous efficiency - Laws of illumination - Electrical sources of light CFL - Fluorescent lamp, Sodium Vapour lamp, Mercury Vapour lamp - Polar curves - Calculation of illumination - Indoor lighting - Requirements of good lighting (4) ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF UTILISATION: Introduction to Energy conservation and Energy auditing - Tools for Energy auditing, Case studies in Textile and Cement Industries - Tariffs - Influence of power factor - PF improvement. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rao S and Paruklekar, Energy Technology Non Conventional, Renewable and Conventional, Khanna Pub, New Delhi 1999. 2. Partab H, "Art and Science of Utilisation of Electric Energy", Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Third Edition, 1995. REFERENCES: 1. Rai G D, "Non Conventional Energy Sources", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1993. 2. Khan B H, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2006 3. Mukund R Patel, Wind and Solar Power Systems, CRC Press LLC, New York, 1999. 4. Bhadra S N, Banerjee S, Kastha D, Wind Electrical Systems Oxford University Press, July 2005 5. Garg G C, "Utilisation of Electric Power and Electric Traction", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, Third Edition, 1990. 6. Openshaw Taylor E Utilisation of Electric Energy in SI Units., Orient Longman Ltd, 2007, Eleventh reprint, 7. Uppal S L, "Electric Power", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, Thirteenth Edition, 1997.
INTRODUCTION: Principles and need for protective schemes nature and cause of faults types of fault per unit representation - analysis of symmetrical fault current limiting reactors. CTs and PTs and their applications in their protection schemes. (5) PROTECTIVE RELAYS: Definition - Requirement of relays - Universal relay torque equation - Non directional and directional over current relays Earth fault relays - Distance relays - Impedance, Mho and Reactance relays - Differential relays Negative sequence relays - Pilot (Translay) relay Power line carrier communication - Carrier and Microwave pilot relays Under frequency relays - Introduction to static relays - Microprocessor and computer based protective relaying. (9) APPARATUS AND LINE PROTECTION: Alternator, transformer, Busbar and motor protection using relays Feeder Protection radial and ring main system. Microprocessor based protective schemes. (7) CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Functions of switchgear - Elementary principles of arc extinction - Arc control devices - Recovery voltage and restriking voltage - current chopping and capacitance current breaking - Bulk oil, low oil, air break, air blast, and sulphur hexafluoride and vacuum circuit breakers - HVDC breakers - Rating - Testing of circuit breakers. (7) SURGE AND SURGE PROTECTION: Switching surges - Lightning phenomenon Traveling waves on transmission lines Over voltage due to lightning - Protections against lightning - Lightning arresters Types - Lightning arrester selection - Surge absorbers. (7) EARTHING AND INSULATION CO-ORDINATION: Solid, resistance and reactance Earthing - Arc suppression coil - Earthing transformers Earth wires - Earthing of appliances- Insulation co-ordination: Definition - Determination of line insulation Insulation levels of sub-station equipment - Co-ordination amongst items of substation equipment - Introduction to Indian Electricity rules. (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Badri ram and Vishwakarma D N , Power System Protection and Switchgear Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi , 1995.
Ravindranath B and Chander M, Power System Protection and Switchgear, New Age International Ltd., New Delhi, 1977. 3. Wadhwa C L, "Electrical Power Systems", New Age International Publishers, Delhi, 2006 Fourth Edition Reprint: Aug, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Paithankar Y G, Bhide S R, Fundamentals of Power System Protection Prentice - Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi 2003. 2. Soni M L, Gupta P V, Bhatnagar U S and Chakrabarti A, "A Text Book on Power Systems Engineering", Dhanpat Rai & Co Ltd., Delhi, 2003. 3. Sunil S Rao, "Switchgear Protection and Power Systems", Khanna Publishers, Delhi, Eleventh Edition 1999 2.
Project Implementation ( Hardware / Software / both ) Presentation / Demonstration about the work done Consolidated report preparation
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SOLUTION OF ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS: Newton Raphson method, Modified Newton Raphson method, Method of false position, Graffes root squaring method, Bairstows method. (6) OPTIMIZATION: One dimensional unconstrained optimization-Golden-Section search, Quadratic Interpolation, Newtons method. (2) SOLUTION OF ALGEBRAIC SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS: Gauss Jordan elimination, Cholesky method, Crouts method, Gauss Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method. Matrix Inverse by Gauss Jordan method. (5) EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Power method for finding dominant eigenvalue and inverse power method for finding smallest eigenvalue, Jacobi method for symmetric matrices. (3) FINITE DIFFERENCES AND INTERPOLATION: Finite difference operators E, , , , , D . Interpolation-Newton-
Gregory forward and backward interpolation, Lagranges interpolation formula, Newton divided difference interpolation formula. Solution of linear second order difference equations with constant coefficients. (8) DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Numerical differentiation using Newton-Gregory forward and backward polynomials. Numerical Integration-Gaussian quadrature, Trapezoidal rule and Simpsons one third rule. (5) ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor series method, Euler and Modified Euler method, (Heuns method). RungeKutta method, Milnes method, Adams-Moulton method, Solution of boundary value problems of second order by finite difference method. (6) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Classification of partial differential equations of second order. Liebmanns method for Laplace equation and Poisson equation, Explicit method and Crank Nicolson method for parabolic equations. Explicit method for hyperbolic equations. (5) MATLAB: Matlab Tools kits 2D Graph plotting, 3D Graph plotting, Data analysis. Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers with Software and Programming Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 2. John H Mathews and Kurtis D Fink, Numerical Methods using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 2004. 3. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, 2002. 4. Rober J Schilling and Sandra L Harries, Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB and C, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 1999
3. Mark Berenson, Timothy Krehbiel and David Levine, Basic Business Statistics, Pearson Education, 2005.
QUALITATIVE MODELING WITH FUNCTIONS: Modeling species propagation, supply and demand, market equilibrium, market adjustment. Inventory Models- Various types of inventory models with shortage and without shortage, Probabilistic Models. (10) CAUSAL MODELING FORECASTING: Introduction, Modeling the causal time series, forecasting by regression analysis, prediction by regression. Planning, development and maintenance of linear models, trend analysis, modeling seasonality and trend. (8) DECISION MAKING: Decisions under un certainty, under certainty, under risk Decision trees- Expected value of perfect information and imperfect information. (8) MODELING WITH SIMULATION: Principles of Computer modeling and simulation, Monto-Carlo Simulation, Limitation of Simulation, areas of application, discrete and continuous systems, variety of modeling approaches. Techniques of Random number generation- Midsquare method, midproduct method, Constant multiplier technique, additive congruential method, linear congruential method. Tests for random numbers- The Kolmogorov Simmov test- The chi-square test. (10) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Hamdy A Taha, Operation Research, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. Jerry Banks, John S Carson and Barry L Nelson, Discrete Event system Simulation, Prentice Hall, 2002. 3. Edward A Bender, An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling, Dover, 2000. 4. Averil M Law and W David Ketlton W, Simulation modeling and Analysis, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,2000. 5. Giordano F R, Weir M D and Fox W P, A First Course in Mathematical Modeling Brooks/ Cole 1997.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Hillier Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2002. Singiresu S Rao, Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, New Age International, 1996. Mik Misniewski, Quantitative Methods for Decision makers, MacMillian Press Ltd., 1994. Kambo N S, Mathematical Programming Techniques, Affiliated East West Press, 1991.
MEMS AND MICROSYSTEMS: MEMS and microsystem products. Evaluation of microfabrication. Microsystems and microelectronics. Applications of microsystems. Working principles of microsystems - microsensors, micro actuators, MEMS and microactuators, microaccelerometers. (5) SCALING LAWS IN MINIATURIZATION: Introduction. Scaling in geometry. Scaling in rigid body dynamics. The Trimmer force scaling vector scaling in electrostatic forces, electromagnetic forces, scaling in electricity and fluidic dynamics, scaling in heat conducting and heat convection. (5) MATERIALS FOR MEMS AND MICROSYSTEMS: Substrates and wafers. Silicon as a substrate material. Ideal substrates for MEMS. Single crystal Silicon and wafers crystal structure. Mechanical properties of Si. Silicon compounds - SiO2, SiC, Si3N4 and polycrystalline Silicon. Silicon piezoresistors. Gallium arsenside. Quartz piezoelectric crystals. Polymers for MEMS. Conductive polymers. (8) MICROSYSTEM FABRICATION PROCESS: Photolithography. Photoresist and applications. Light sources. Ion implanation. Diffusion process. Oxidation thermal oxidation. Silicon diode. Thermal oxidation rates. Oxide thickness by colour. Chemical vapour deposition principle, reactants in CVD. Enhanced CVD physical vapour deposition. Sputtering. Deposition by epitaxy. Etching chemical and plasma etching. (8) MICRODEVICES: Sensors classification of sensors signal conversion ideal characterisation of sensors mechanical sensors measurands displacement sensors pressure and flow sensors. (8) MICROMANUFACTURING AND MICROSYSTEM PACKAGING: Bulk micromachining. Isotropic and anisotropic etching wet etchants, etch stops, dry etching comparison of wet and dry etching. Dry etching physical etching reactive ion etching, comparison of wet and dry etching. Surface micromachining - process in general, problems associated in surface micromachining. The LIGA process description, materials for substrates and photoresists, electroplating, the SLIGA process. Microsystem packaging - General considerations. The three levels of microsystem packaging die level, device level and system level. Essential packaging technologies die preparation surface bonding, wire bonding and sealing. Three dimensional packaging. Assembly of microsystem selection of packaging materials. Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 2. Julian W Gardner, Microsensors: Principles and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001. 3. Chang C Y and Sze S M, VLSI Technology, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2000. 4. Kovacs G T A, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, McGraw Hill, New York, 1998. 5. Mark Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, New York, 1997. 6. Sze S M, Semiconductor Sensors, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.
induced dots and wires, electrostatically induced dots and wires, quantum well width fluctuations, thermally annealed quantum wells and self-assembly techniques. (6) SELF ASSEMBLING NANOSTRUCTURED MOLECULAR MATERIALS AND DEVICES: Introduction Building blocks Principles of self-assembly, non-covalent interactions, intermolecular packing, nanomotors Self assembly methods to prepare and pattern nanoparticles Nanopartcles from micellar and vesicular polymerization, functionalized nano particles, colloidal nanoparticles crystals, self-organizing inorganic nano particles, bio-nanoparticles nanoobjects. (6) NANODEVICES AND THEIR VARIOUS APPLICATIONS: Nanomagnetic materials Particulate nanomagnets and geometrical nanomagnets Magneto resistance Probing nanomagnetic materials Nanomagnetism in technology Carbon nanotubes fabrication- applications Organic FET, organic LEDs Organic photovoltaics Injection lasers, quantum cascade lasers, optical memories, electronic applications, colulomb blockade devices. (6) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Kelsall Robert W Ian Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Wiley Eastern, 2004. 2. Michael Kohler, Wolfgang, Fritzsche, Nanotechnology: Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques, 2004. 3. William Goddard, Donald W Brenner, Handbook of Nano Science Engineering and Technology, CRC Press, 2004. 4. Bharat Bhushan, Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 2004. 5. Charles P Poole, Frank J Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley and Sons, 2003. 6. Mark Ratner, Danial Ratner, Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea, Pearson, 2003. 7. Gregory Timp, Nanotechnology, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: DC conduction mechanism - Low field and high field conduction. Breakdown mechanism in dielectric films - AC conduction mechanism. Temperature dependence of conductivity. (7) OPTICAL PROPERTIES: Optical constants and their determination - Spectrophotometer method. Antireflection coatings. Interference filters. Thin film Solar Cells CuInSe2 solar cell. (5) APPLICATION OF THIN FILMS: Thin film resistors: Materials and Design of thin film resistors (Choice of resistor and shape and area) - Trimming of thin film resistors - sheet resistance control - Individual resistor trimming. Thin film capacitors: Materials - Capacitor structures - Capacitor yield and capacitor stability. Thin film field effect transistors: Fabrication and characteristics Thin film diodes. (5) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Rao V V, Ghosh T B, Chopra K L, "Vacuum Science and Technology", Allied Publications, 1998. 2. Goswami A, "Thin Film Fundamentals", New Age International (P) Ltd., 1996. 3. Aicha Elshabini-Riadaud Fred D Barlow III, "Thin Film Technology Hand book", Mc Graw Hill Company, 1997. 4. Maissel L I and Glang R, Hand Book of Thin Film Technology", McGraw Hill, 1970. 5. Berry R W and others, "Thin Film Technology", Mc Graw Hill Company, 1970. 6. Chopra K L, Thin Film Phenomena", McGraw Hill, 1969. 7. Anders H, "Thin Films in Optics", Focal press, 1967. 8. Schwartz B and Schwartz N, "Measurement Techniques for Thin Films", John Wiley & Sons, 1967. 9. Guthrie A, "Vacuum Technology John Wiley and Sons, 1963. 10. Holland L, "Vacuum Deposition of Thin Films", Chapman and Hall, 1956. 11. Heavens O S, "Thin Film Physics", Butter worths scientific publications, 1955.
LASER MATERIALS: Activator and host materials for solid lasers - growth techniques for solid laser materials - Bridgman and Stock-Berger technique - Czochralski and Kyropoulous techniques. (5) TYPES OF LASERS: (A) Gas lasers - He-Ne laser - Ar+, He-Cd+ lasers - N2 and CO2 lasers - Fabrication and excitation mechanisms. (B) Liquid lasers, dye lasers, fabrication and excitation mechanisms. (C) Solid lasers - Ruby, Nd:YAG, glass semiconductor diode lasers, Excimer Laser , Erbium doped laser. (9) LASER Q SWITCHING: Mode-locking, second harmonic generation, theory and experiment, materials for optical SHG. (6) APPLICATIONS: Laser communications, holography, industrial applications: cutting, drilling & welding, medical. Spectroscopic (qualitative), laser Raman effect, stimulated Raman effect - Brillouin scattering. (5) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Sona, Gordan and Breach, "Lasers and Applications", Scientific Publishers Inc., New York, 1976. 2. Lengyel B A, "Lasers", Wiley-Inter Science, 1971. 3. Marshall S L, "Laser Technology and Applications", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1980. 4. Bloom A L, "Gas Lasers", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1968.
METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES: Types. Important metallic matrices. Processing Solid state, liquid state, deposition, insitu. Sic fibre / Titanium interface. Mechanical properties. Applications. (6) CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES: Ceramic matrix materials Processing Hot pressing, liquid infiltration technique, Lanxide process, insitu chemical reaction techniques CVD, CVI, sol gel process. Interface in CMCs. Mechanical properties Thermal shock resistance Applications. (7) GEOMETRICAL ASPECTS: Unidirectional laminas Volume fraction and weight fraction Woven roving, in-plane random fibres Fibre length and fibre orientation distribution Voids Fibre orientation during flow. (5) FATIGUE AND CREEP IN COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Fatigue S-N curves Fatigue behaviors of CMCs Fatigue of particle and whisker reinforced composites Hybrid composites Thermal fatigue Creep. (5) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Mathews F L and Rawlings R D, Composite Materials: Engineering and Science, CRC Press and Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2002. 2. Krishnan K Chawla, Composite Materials Science and Engineering, Springer, 2001. 3. Handbook of Composites American Society of Metals, 1990. 4. Derek Hull, An introduction to Composite Materials, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
ELECTRO-OPTIC CERAMICS: Birefringence. Non-linear effects in large electric fields. pockets effect. Kerr effect. Second harmonic generation. Measurement of electro-optic properties . Applications. (6) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Moulson A J and Herbert J M, Electro Ceramics, Ed. 2, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2003. 2. William F Smith, Foundations of Materials science and Engineering, McGraw Hill Book Co., 2000. 3. Kingery, Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley Publications, 1991. 4. Michel W Barsoum, Fundamentals of Ceramics, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1997. 5. Van Vlack, Physical Ceramics for Engineers, Addison Wesley, 1964.
LABORATORY PLASMA SOURCES/DEVICES: Low temperature plasma generation - transferred and non-transferred arc torches and their characteristics - heat transfer efficiency of plasma torches - design accepts - special type of torch for metallurgical applications - vacuum plasma torches - rf torch and their characteristics. (7) APPLICATIONS: Plasma spraying of ceramic, alloys and metals - vacuum spraying - plasma reduction of ores and minerals plasma disassociation of compound oxides - plasma refining and remelting - plasma furnace in steel making - plasma cutting sputtering - plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition - plasma nitriding and surface cleaning. (7) PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS: Electrical probe techniques - spectroscopic methods - charged particle methods - energy balance technique. (3) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Taritkumar Bose, High Temperature Gas Dynamics, Springer, 2004. 2. Brown S C, Introduction to Electrical Discharge in Gases, John Wiley, New York, 1996. 3. Yuri P Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991. 4. Rossnagel S M, Cuomo J J and Westwood W D, Handbook of Plasma Processing Technology, William Andrew Publishing, 1990. 5. Plasma Metallurgy, The principles of materials science monographs, 23, Vladmir Dembovsky, Elsevier Science, Jan. 1985. 6. Francis F Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics, Plenum press (New York), 1984. 7. George Schmidt, Physics of High Temperature Plasma, Academic press, New York, 1979. 8. Dresvin S V and Donskoi A V, Physics and Technology of Low Temperature Plasmas, John Wiley and Sons, 1977. 9. Lochite W and Holtgrevan, Plasma Diagnostics, North Holland Publishing Company, 1968. 10. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol.1,2 & 3, IAEA Publication. 11. Plasma Processing and Synthesis of Materials, Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 30.
QUANTUM MONTE CARLO (QMC) METHODS: Introduction - Variational Monte Carlo methods, Diffusion Monte Carlo method, path integral Monte Carlo method, Quantum spin models and other Quantum Monte Carlo methods. (7) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Richard Catlow and Eugene Kotomin, Computational Materials Science, IOS Press, 2003. 2. Meyer M and Pontikis V, Computer Simulation in Material Science: Inter atomic potentials, simulation techniques and applications, Kluwer, Academic press, 2002. 3. Ohno K, Esfarjani K and Kawazoe Y, Introduction to Computational Materials Science from ab inito to Montecarlo methods, Springer- Verlag, 1999. 4. Frenkel D and Smith B, Understanding molecular simulation from algorithm to applications, Kluwer, Academic press, 1999. 5. Rabbe D, Computational materials Science: The Simulation of Materials Microstructure and Properties, Wiley-VCH , 1998.
VECTOR SPACES AND LINEAR OPERATORS: Representation of operators by matrix-adjoint of an operator Hermitian operator, unitary operator, similarity transformation, Diracs Bra and Ket notation. Heisenbergs representation of equation of motion. Matrix theory of Harmonic Oscillator. (7) HYDROGEN ATOM: Schrodinger equation for Hydrogen like atoms and its solution (rigorous derivation is not included). Discussions of energy eigen values, the hydrogen orbitals and quantum numbers. (5) ANGULAR MOMENTUM: Orbital angular momentum, spin angular momentum operators and their properties with eigen values and eigen functions. (5) APPROXIMATION METHODS: Perturbation method time independent perturbation of non-degenerate and degenerate cases. First order correction, applications. Stark effect and Zeeman effect of Hydrogen atom harmonic oscillator, helium atom. (7) VARIATION METHOD: Principles of the variation method for ground state with proof. Application of variation method to He atom. Other simple examples. (4) TIME DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORY: First order correction interaction between electromagnetic wave and atoms transition probabilities Einsteins coefficients selection rules for harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom (rigorous derivation not included). (6) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Amit Goswami, "Quantum Mechanics", WCB Publishers, 1992. 2. Rajput Pragati Prakashan B S, "Advanced Quantum Mechanics", 1990. 3. Kakani and Chandalia, "Quantum Mechanics", Sultan Chand & Sons, 1980. 4. Schiff L I, "Quantum Mechanics", McGraw Hill Book Co.,1975. 5. Ghatak and Lokanathan, "Quantum Mechanics", The MacMillan Co., of India Ltd 1975. 6. Coulson ELBS and Oxford University Press, "Valence", 1969. 7. John C Slater, "Quantum Theory of Molecules and Solids" (Vol.I), McGraw Hill Book Co., 1965.
NON LINEAR OPTICAL MATERIALS AND DEVICES: Semiconductors - measurement of third order optical non-linearities in semiconductors. Optical switching devices employing optical non-linearities in semiconductors. Glasses - origin of non-linearity in glasses - SHG. (5) MOLECULAR CRYSTALS: Growth of molecular crystals by temperature difference method. Liquid crystal E-O devices (brief). (2) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Munn R W (Ed) and Ironsid C N, "Non Linear Optical Materials", Blackie Academic & Professional, Glassgow, 1993. 2. Kochner W, "Solid State Laser Engineering", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1976. 3. Yariv A, Quantum Electronics", John Wiley & Sons, 1975. 4. Ivan P Kaminov, "An Introduction to Electro-Optic Devices", Academic press, New York, 1974.
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE: Lattice directions and planes - Miller indices - Stereographic projection - Wulff net- Measurement of angle between poles - determination of Miller indices of an unknown pole. X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, direction of diffracted beam. Diffraction under nonideal conditions - Scherrer formula for estimation of particle size. (5) X-RAY DIFFRACTION METHODS: Laue method, rotating crystal method, powder method, Debye-Scherrer camera. Intensity of diffracted beams, scattering by an electron; scattering by an atom; scattering by a unit cell - structure factor - Structure factor calculations. (7) SURFACE STUDY: The need for surface study. Surface chemical composition: The extension of bulk techniques to surface studies - Mass spectroscopy and X-ray emission spectroscopy (Principle and limitations) - Quadrapole mass spectrometer. Special surface techniques: Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), ultraviolet photo electron spectroscopy (UPS), X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), Electron energy analysers, Laser Raman Spectroscopy, Secondary ion mass spectrometry, mass spectrometer types - Applications. (7) SURFACE STRUCTURE AND SURFACE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS: Unit meshes of five types of surface nets - diffraction from diperiodic structures. Surface methods using electron, low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), Scanning Probe microscope. (7) ELECTRON BEAM TECHNIQUES: Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM), Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). Ion Beam Techniques: Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Field Ion Microscopy (FIM). (7) ADVANCED MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES: Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, Constant current and constant height - mode Instrumentation - Atomic Force Microscopy, Imaging modes, Force sensor, Deflection detection. (4) THERMAL ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES: Principles of differential thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis - Instrumentation - determination of transition temperature, heats of transition of plastics, metals and alloys and other materials. (5) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Treatise on Materials Science and Technology, Volume 27, "Analytical techniques for thin films", Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1991. 2. Prutton M, "Surface Physics", Clarenden Press Oxford, 1975. 3. Rodriquez F, Principles of Polymer Systems", Tata McGraw Hill Co., 1974. 4. Edward A Colline, Jan Bares and Fred W Billmeyer, "Experiments in Polymer science", Jr Wiley - Interscience, 1973. 5. Cullity Addision B D, "Elements of X-ray Diffraction", Wesley Publishing Co., 1967. 6. Bacon G E, "X- ray and Neutron Diffraction", Pergamon Press, 1966. 7. Rohert S Shankaland, "Atomic and Nuclear Physics", The Macmillan Co., New York 1960.
5. 6. 7.
Albert E Barrington, "High Vacuum Engineering", Prentice Hall, 1964. Andrew Guthrie, "Vacuum Technology", John Wiley, 1963. Davy J R, Industrial High Vacuum", Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1963.
BATTERY CHARACTERISTICS: Voltage, current, capacity, electricity storage density, power, discharge rate, cycle life, energy efficiency, shelf life. (5) PRIMARY BATTERIES: The chemistry, fabrication, performance aspects, packing and rating of zinc-carbon, magnesium, alkaline, manganous dioxide, mercuric oxide, silver oxide batteries, zinc/air and lithium button cells- solid electrolyte cells. (5) SECONDARY BATTERIES: The chemistry, fabrication and performance aspects and rating of lead acid and valve regulated (sealed) lead acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-zinc, lithium and lithium ion batteries - Rechargeable zinc alkaline battery. Reserve batteries: Zinc-silver oxide, lithium anode cell, thermal batteries. (6) BATTERIES FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES: Metal/air, zinc-bromine, sodium-beta alumina and lithium/iron sulphide batteries (outline only). Photogalvanic cells. Battery specifications for cars, heart pacemakers, computer standby supplies etc. (5) FUEL CELLS: Introduction relevance, importance and classification of fuel cells. Background theory - thermodynamic aspects of electrochemistry-energy conversion and its efficiency factors affecting the efficiency, electrode kinetics of electrochemical energy conversion. (6) TYPES OF FUEL CELLS: Description, working principle, components, applications and environmental aspects of the following types of fuel cells: alkaline fuel cells, phosphoric acid, solid oxide, molten carbonate, direct methanol fuel cells. Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells - basic aspects working and high temperature operation recent development in technology. (6) HYDROGEN AS FUEL: Sources of hydrogen and preparation clean up and storage use as fuel in cells. (3)
SOLAR CELLS: Energy conversion devices, photovoltaic and photo electrochemical cells photo biochemical conversion cell. (3) ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT: Future prospects-renewable energy and efficiency of renewable fuels economy of hydrogen energy life cycle assessment of fuel cell systems (3) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Aulice Scibioh M and Viswanathan B, Fuel Cells Principles and Applications, University Press (India), 2006 2. Barbir F, PEM fuel cells: theory and practice Elsevier, Burlington, MA 2005. 3. Dell, Ronald M R and, David A J, Understanding Batteries, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001. 4. Pletcher D and Walsh C,Industrial Electrochemistry, Blackie Academic and Professional, 1993. REFERENCES: 1. Christopher M A Brett, Electrochemistry Principles, Methods and Applications, Oxford University, 2004. 2. Newman J S and Thomas -Alyea K.E. Electrochemical systems Third edition, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2004. 3. Hoogers G (Ed), Fuel cell handbook CRC, Boca Raton, FL 2003 4. Lindon David, Handbook of Batteries, McGraw Hill, 2002
Phenylene polymers poly(para-phenylene), poly(phenylene vinylenes),poly(phenylene sulfide). Polypyrrole and Polythiophene, Polyaniline. Stacked phtalocyanine polymers, polymers with transition metals in the side-group structure. (10) PRINCIPLES OF OPTICAL LITHOGRAPHY: Introduction Generalized Photolithographic systems. Optical exposure techniques contact proximity printing, projection printing. Photoresists and substrates General properties of photoresists, optical properties of positive photoresists, the wafer substrate, substrate topography, multilayer resist technology. Characterisation of lithographic image. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. David J Elliot, Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA, 1982. 2. Norman G Einspruch, VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science, Volume 1, Academic Press, New York, 1981. REFERENCES: 1. Harry R Allcock, Frederick W Lampe and James E Mark, Contemporary Polymer Chemistry, 3rd edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. 2. Arnost Reiser, Photoreactive Polymers the Science and Technology of Resists, Wiley Interscience, New York, 1989.
1. 2. 3.
Perkins W S, Textile Colouration and Finishing, Carolina Academic Press, UK, 1996, Pradip V Mehta, An Introduction to Quality Control for the Apparel Industry, ASQC Quality Press, NY, 1992. Chaplin and Bucke, Enzyme Technology, Cambridge university Press, Cambridge, 1990.
QUALITY STUDY: Efficiency of achievement in quality using various suitable chemical treatments scouring, mercerising, dyeing, printing and finishing, cleaning by wet and solvent methods Stain removal. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Venkataraman K, The Chemistry of synthetic Dyes Vol. I & II, Academic Press, New York, 1990 2. Willard H H, Meritt L L, Dean J A and Settle F A, Instrumental Methods of Analysis CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1986. 3. Shenai V A, Evaluation of Textile Chemicals Sevak Publications, Mumbai, 1980. REFERENCES: 1. Skoog D A, Holler F J and Nieman TA, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Harcourt Barace College Publishing, FI, 1998. 2. Mukhopadhyay S K, Advances in Fiber Science, The Textile Institute, UK, 1992. 3. McLaren K, The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments, Adam Hilger, Bristol, UK, 1983. 4. ISI Hand book of Textile Testing, Indian Standards Institution, New Delhi, 1982.
1. 2.
Parag Diwan and Ashish Bharadwaj, Nano Composites, Pentagon Press, India, 2006. George Lubin, Handbook of Fiberglass and Advanced Plastics Composites, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1969
NANOPARTICLE AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS: Preparation of Nanoparticle-metal particles: Thermal decomposition of metal carbonyls, semiconductors, Zeolites, inverse micelles, Gels, phosphates and polymers. Ceramic nano particles - sol-gel-Aerosols and Xerogels, precipitation and digestion. Physical and Chemical properties : Metallic behavior magnetic behavior Binding energies and melting points optical and electronic properties NLO properties metals and semiconductors. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Rao C N R, Muller A and Cheetham A K, The Chemistry of Nano materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Vol. 1 & 2, Wiley-VCH, 2004. REFERENCE: 1. Interrante L V and Hampden-Smith M J,Chemistry of Advanced Materials, Wiley -VCH, 1988.
(10) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Joseph Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, Third edition, Wiley Interscience, 2006. 2. Jeffery G H, Bassett J, Mendham J and Denney R C, Vogels Text book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, ELBS, Fifth edition, Longman, Singapore Publishers, Singapore, 1996.
REARRANGEMENTS: General mechanistic considerations, nature of migration, migratory aptitude - nucleophilic, electrophilic and free radical rearrangements Wagner Meerwein, McLafferty, Demyanov, Benzil-benzilic acid, Favorskii, FritschButtenberg-Wiechell, Neber, Hofmann, Curtius, Beckmann, Schmidt, Lossen, Wolff, Baeyer Villiger, Stevens, Wittig, Chapman, Wallach, Orton, Bamberger, Pummerer and Von Ritchter rearrangements. (8) REAGENTS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS: Diborane, lithium aluminium hydride, sodium borohydride, selenium dioxide, osmium tetroxide, phenyl isothiocyanate, NBS, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCC), lead tetraacetate, pyridinium cholorochromate(PCC), Swern oxidation, p-toluenesulphonyl chloride, trifluoroacetic acid, lithium diisopropylamide (LDA), 1,3-dithiane (reactive umpolung), crown ethers, trimethyl silyl iodide, dichlorodicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ), Gilmans reagent, lithium dimethylcuprate, tri-n-butyltin hydride, di-tert-butoxy dicarbonate, dihydropyran, phase transfer catalysts, Wilkinsons catalysts, Petersons synthesis, Merrifield resin and diethylaluminium cyanide. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Finar I L, Organic Chemistry, Vol. II, Fifth Edition, ELBS Longmann Group Ltd. London, 2001. 2. Francis A Carey and Richard J Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A and Part B, Third Edition, Plenum press, New York, 1993. 3. Lowry T H and Richardson K S, Mechanism and theory in Organic Chemistry, Second Edition, Harper and Row Publishers, 1981. REFERENCES: 1. Kalsi P S, Organic reactions and their mechanisms, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2006. 2. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition, Wiley-Indersciences, New York, 2003. 3. Francis A Carey, Organic Chemistry, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. 4. Mackie and Smith, Organic Synthesis, Second Edition, Longmann Group Ltd, London, 1990.
chemical binding. Hybridization and valence MOS of H2O, NH3 and CH4 Huckel pi-electron theory and its applications to ethylene, butadiene and benzene idea of self-consistent fields. (8) GROUP THEORY: The concept of groups classes Abelian group cyclic group multiplication table. Symmetry elements and symmetry operations. Point group classification. Matrix representations and symmetry operations. Reducible and irreducible representation Character tables for point groups : Orthogonality theorem. Properties of irreducible representation construction of character tables for print groups. The relationship between reducible and irreducible representation. Representations and vibrational modes in H2O, NH3 and BF3 molecules. (8) AB INITIO THEORY AND CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS: Hartree theory Hartree-Fock SCF method electron correlation MollerPlesset theory Basis set functional forms contracted Gaussians single, multiple, split-valence polarization function diffuse functions computation procedure for the solution of SCF equations energy gradient molecular geometry conformation searching solvent effect molecular interactions. (7) DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY: Thomas-Fermi model The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem The Kohn-Sham equations exchangecorrelation potentials chemical potential Electronegativity Global hardness and softness local hardness and softness Fukui functions Sandersons electronegativity equalization principle Pearsons hard and soft acids and bases principle the maximum hardness principle. (7) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS: Coordinate specification Z-matrix Cartesian coordinates Introduction to structure drawing Hands on use of software packages Gaussian; Gamess, Molden. (4) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Atkins P W and Friedman R S, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Newyork, 2001. 2. Helgaker T, Jorgensen and Oslen J, Molecular Electronic Structure Theory, John Wiley, Newyork, 2000. 3. Ira N Levine, Quantum Chemistry Prentice Hall, 1991. 4. Gopinathan M S and Ramakrishnan V, Group theory in Chemistry Vishal Publishers, New Delhi, 1988. REFERENCES: 1. Cramer C J, Essentials of Computation Chemistry, Wiley, Chichester, 2002. 2. Leach A R, Molecular Modelling Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2001. 3. Robert G Parr and Weitao yang, Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules, Oxford University press, Newyork, 1989. 4. Szabo A and Ostlund N S, Modern Quantum Chemistry, McGraw Hill, Newyork, 1989. 5. Warren J Hehre, Leo Radom, Paulv R.Schleyer and John A Pople, Ab initio Molecular Orbital Theory, John Wiley, Newyork, 1986. 6. Davidson G, Introductory group theory for chemistry Applied Science Publications London 1971.
REFERENCES 1. Pavia D L, Lampman G M and Kriz G S, Introduction to Spectroscopy, Third Edition. Brooks/Cole Pub, Singapore, 2001. 2. Pasto D, Johnson C and Miller M, Experiments and techniques in Organic Chemistry, Prentice- Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1992. 3. Drago R, Physical Methods for Chemists, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992. 4. Silverstein R M, Bassler G C and Morril T C, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, John Wiley, New York, 1991. 5. Williams D H and Fleming I, Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1989.
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: Meaning, Definition and Significance of Management, Basic Functions of Management Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. Engineers and Organizational Environment Social, Economic, Technological and Political. Social Responsibility of Engineers. (5) MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS: MBO, Theory Z, Kaizen, Six Sigma, Quality Circles and TQM. (5)
BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING: Need for BPR, Various phases of BPR, Production and Productivity Factors Influencing Productivity. (4) ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: Significance of OB, Role of leadership, Personality and Motivation. Attitudes, Values and Perceptions at work. (5) INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: Growth of Industries (Small Scale, Medium Scale and Large Scale Industries). Forms of Business Organizations. Resource Management Internal and External Sources. (5) MATERIALS MANAGEMENT: Importance and Scope of Materials Management, Purchase Procedure, Inventory Control and Systems for Inventory Control ROL, EOQ, MRP, ABC Analysis, VED, FSN and Value Analysis. (4) MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Definition and Approaches to Marketing Management Marketing Environment. The Marketing Process. Marketing Mix, Advertising, Sales Promotion and Consumer Behaviour. (4) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Importance, Objectives and Functions, Job Analysis and Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Training and Development Case Discussion. (4) JOB EVALUATION: Meaning and Methods of Job Evaluation. Performance Appraisal. Performance Appraisal Meaning and Methods of (3)
WELFARE IN INDUSTRY: Working condition, service facilities, legal legislation Factories Act, 1948 and Workmens Compensation Act. (3) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich and Ramachandra Aryasri, Principles of Management - Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004. 2. Mamoria C B, Personnel Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Khanna O P, Industrial Engineering & Management, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, 2003. 3. John W Newstrom, Keith Davis, Organizational Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Process, Methods, Factors that distort appraisal, Methods to Improve Performance, Role of Performance in the Performance Management Process, Performance Appraisal Vs. Potential Appraisal. (5) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: Principles of Learning, Objectives, Types and Training Methods, Management Development: Its Meaning, Scope and Objectives. (4) MORALE AND MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES: Morale-importance of Moral-employee Attitudes and Behaviour and their significance to Employee Productivity. Motivation Methods of Employees, Empowerment Factors Affecting Empowerment Process Benefits. (4) WORK ENVIRONMENT AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Fatigue Safety Accident Prevention Accident Records Industrial Relations. (4) INTERNATIONAL HRM: Model, Variables that outline difference between local and International HRM approaches to IHRM, Linking HRM to International Expansion Strategies. (5) TRENDS IN HR: HR Outsourcing HRIS Management of Turnover and retention Workforce Relationlization Managing Separation Trends in Employee Engagement and Retention. (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCES: 1. Bernardin H and John, Human Resource Management An experiential Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 2. Cascio H and Wayne, Managing Human Resources Productivity, Quality of Work Life and Profits, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 3. Dezenzo A David and Robbins P Robbins, Human Resource Management, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, MA., 2002. 4. Aswathappa K, Human Resource and Personnel Management Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
REFERENCES: 1. Radha R Sharma, Change Management Concepts and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007. 2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2003. 3. Khanna O P, Industrial Engineering & Management, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
PERSONALITY AND EMOTIONS: Its Determinants & Attributes Values & Attitudes Components and Functions of Attitudes Emotional Intelligence. (3) MOTIVATION: Basic Concepts, Motivation Theories, Problems in Motivation. VALUES: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. GROUP DYNAMICS: Types of Groups, Group Norms and Cohesiveness: Group Roles. COMMUNICATION: Functions Fundamentals and Current Issues. TEAM BASED ORGANIZATION: Need for Teams Team Building Effectiveness of Teams. (2) (2) (2) (3) (3)
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: Element, Culture and Performance Merging Organizational, Cultures, Changing and Strengthening Culture. (3) CONFLICTS AND NEGOTIATION. LEADERSHIP: Theories of Leadership, Leadership Styles and Effectiveness. (3) (4)
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP AND CAREER DYNAMICS: The Psychological Contract Socialization Organizational Careers Contingent Workforce. (4) ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE: Forces for Change Force - Resistance to change Field - Analysis Model Organization Development. (4) WORK STRESS: Causes and Consequences Stress coping Strategies. CASES (4) (3) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Luthan Fred, Organizational Behaviour, Mc Graw Hill Inc., New York, 2000. REFERENCES: 1. Mcshane Vonglinow, Organisational Behaviour, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001. 2. Robbins Stephen P, Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Ninth Edition, 2000. 3. Kreitner Robert, Kinicki, Angelo, Organisational Behaviour, Irwin Inc., Illinois, 1997. 4. New Newstorm John W and Davis Keiuth, Organizational Behaviour Human Behaviour at Work, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
ORGANIZING: Meaning and structure Authority and span of control, Delegation and decentralization Line and Staff relationship. (4) STAFFING: Sources of recruitment Selection Process. CO-ORDINATION: Steps to promote coordination. DIRECTING: Nature of directing Leadership, motivation and communication. CONTROLLING IN MANAGEMENT: Control Process. CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Organizational Change, Perspectives on Organizational Change. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. (3) (1) (3) (5) (4) (4) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Koontz Harold and Weihrich Heinz, Essentials of Management: An International Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Tripathi P C and Reddy R N, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 2. Satyaraju Parthasarathy, Management, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., 2006. 3. Rao V S P and Hari Krishna V, Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books, 2002.
Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Alee Chrystal K and Richard G Lipsey, Economics for Business and Management, Oxford University Press, 1997. REFERENCES: 1. Francis Cheraneelam, Business Environment Text & Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006. 2. Pindych R S and Rubin Feld D L., Micro Economics, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
PRODUCT PLANNING AND POLICY: New Product Development Product Life Cycle BCG Matrix Product Branding, Brand Positioning, Packaging and Service. (3) PRODUCTMIX STRATEGIES: Branding Strategies Sustaining Competitive Advantage over the Product Life Cycle. (3) PRICING: Setting of Price Initiating Price Changes Responding to Price Changes Discount Structure Factors Influencing Price Determination Price Strategies. (3) MARKETING CHANNEL AND PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION: Channel Design Channel Management Channel Modification Retailing Wholesaling. (3) INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING, SALES PROMOTION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: Publicity and Personal Selling. DEVELOPING AND MANAGING AN ADVERTISING PROGRAM: Effectiveness of Advertising. (3) (3)
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING: Characteristics of Industrial Markets Consumer Markets and Industrial Markets Buying Behaviour Models. (4) Total 42 TEXT BOOK:
Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India, Twelfth Edition, 2005.
REFERENCES: 1. Michael J Etzel, Brucc Walker, William J Stanton and Ajay Pandit, Marketing Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 2. Walker, Boyd, Mullins and Lanrcher, Marketing Strategy A Decision Focused Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
JOB PRODUCTION: Mass Production Batch Production Continuous Processing Special Projects Make or Buy Decisions. (4) LOCATION ANALYSIS: Centres of Gravity Method Factor Rating Method Locational Breakeven Analysis Method. LAYOUT ANALYSIS: Process Layout and Cellular Layout Line Balancing. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT: Aggregate Production Planning Gantt Charts Sequencing and Scheduling. (4) (6) (5)
METHOD STUDY: Concept Techniques of Work Study Method Study Definition Procedure for Method Study Principles of Motion Economy Selection Recording Techniques Uses of Films Examine Develop Install and Maintain. WORK MEASUREMENT: Definition Objectives Techniques of Work Measurement Time Study Procedure Advantages. (4) PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: Types of Production Characteristics Application Standardization Objectives PPC Objectives Functions Preplanning Routing Scheduling Dispatching and Controlling. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Buffa E S and Sarin R K, Modern Production / Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2000. REFERENCES: 1. Lee J Krajewski and Larry P Ritzman, Operations Management-Strategy and Analysis, Pearson Education, 2005. 2. Chase R B, Aquilano N J and Roberts F R, Production and Operations Management: (Manufacturing and Services), Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999. 3. Heizer J and Render B, Production and Operations Management: (Strategies and Tactics), Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1996.
FUND FLOW STATEMENT: Meaning and Concept of Flow of Funds Meaning of a Fund Flow Statement Differences between Fund Flow Statement and Income Statement Preparation and Interpretation of Fund Flow Statement. (4) CASH FLOW STATEMENT: Meaning of a Cash Flow Statement Classification of Cash Flows Preparation and Interpretation of Cash Flow Statement. (4) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: An Overview Nature and Scope Finance Functions Goals of Financial Management Financial Managers Role Agency Problems, Agency Cost Economic Value Added. (5) SOURCES OF FINANCE: Long Term Finance Ordinary Shares Right Issue of Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures Term Loan Asset Based Financing Hire Purchase Leasing Venture Capital Financing Short Term Finance Trade Credit - Bank Credit Bill Discounting Commercial Paper. (5) TIME VALUE OF MONEY: Concept Future Value Present Value Single Cash Flows Annuity Uneven Cash Flows Multi Period and Continuous Yield Calculation. (4) INVESTMENT DECISION: Capital Budgeting Decisions Evaluation of Capital Budgeting Discounted and Non Discounted Cash Flows Methods Simple Problems. (4) FINANCING AND DIVIDEND DECISION: Capital Structure Financial Leverage Operating Leverage Only Concepts Capital Structure Theories Dividend Theories. (4) WORKING CAPITAL: Policies for Financing Current Assets. RECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT, INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND CASH MANAGEMENT: Basic Concepts Only. (2) (2) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Damodaran Aswath, Corporate Finance-theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005. REFERENCES: 1. Ross S A, Westerfield R W and Jordan B D, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006. 2. Myers Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, Vikas Publishing House P Ltd, 2005. 3. Pandey I M, Financial Management, Ninth Edition, Vikas Publishing House P Ltd, 2005. 4. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
DEPRECIATION METHODS: Straight Line Sum-of-Years-Digits Units of Production Declining Balance Methods Effect of Depreciation on Taxes Paid Depreciable Life of an Asset. (4) THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY: Future Value Present Value Present Value of an Annuity. (4)
CAPITAL BUDGETING TECHNIQUES: Significance of Capital Budgeting Ranking Investment Proposals Projects with Different Lives Projects with Different Scale. (4) FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS: Basic Financial Statements Basic Types of Financial Ratios Use of Financial Ratios Some Limitations of Ratio Analysis. (5) PORTFOLIO THEORY DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY: Introduction Market Equilibrium Pricing Inefficient Portfolios. (4) SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF RISKY PROJECTS: Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis Decision Trees. (4)
CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND THE COST OF CAPITAL: Leverage and the Cost of Capital Theory Calculating the Component Financing Costs. (4) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Fred Weston J and Thomas E. Copeland, Managerial Finance, The Dryden Press, London, 1982. REFERENCES: 1. Samuels J M, Wilkas F M and Bray Shaw R E, Financial Management & Decision Making, International Thomson Business Press, 1999. 2. John J Pringle and Robert S Harris, Essentials of Managerial Finance, SCOH Foresman and Company, London, 1987. 3. Fred Weston J and Eugene F Brigham, Essentials of Managerial Finance, Holt-Saunders International Editions, New York, 1982.
SHORT-TERM FINANCING: Trade Credit Short-Term Financing by Commercial Banks Commercial Paper Bankers Acceptances Secured Short-Term Financing Accounts Receivable Financing Inventory Financing. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Fred Weston J and Thomas E Copeland, Managerial Finance, The Dryden Press, London, 1982. REFERENCES: 1. Krish Rangarajan and Anil Misra, Working Capital Management, Excel Book, New Delhi, 2005. 2. Bhalla V K , Working Capital Management, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.
Srinivasan S, Cash and Working Capital Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1999.
ACTIVITY-BASED MANAGEMENT: Traditional Product Costing Meaning of Activity-based Costing Comparing ABC with Conventional Costing System. (4) INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Meaning Inventory Systems. QUAMTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR DECISION MAKING AND COST MANAGEMENT: LP PERT CPM. (4) (4) Total 42 TEXT BOOK: 1. Jawahar Lal, Cost Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Edward J Blocher, Kung H Chen, Gary Cokins and Thomas W Lin, Cost Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006. 2. Bhattacharyya S K and John Dearden, Costing for Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 3. Ronald W Hilton, Michael W Maher and Frank H Selto, Cost Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
DOSSIER O: Rencontres, presentations, nationalities - saluer, vous excuser, vous presemter - demander et donner votre identite - computer et peeler des mots - les verbes etre, avoir et s appeler, au present (singulier) -des noms et des adjectives au singulier - Cest + nom ou pronom - // est + adjective - La negation ne pas - Des phrases interrogatives. (10) DOSSIER 1: I arrivee en France - une inscription (a un club de cyclotourisnce) - ce qu on dit en classe ( consignes) - Vous informer sur l identite dune personne - distinguer les formes familieres et les formes de politesse - des articles et des adjectives possesifs, au singulier - des mots interrogatifs: quell (adjective), qui (pronoun) ou, comment (adverbs) - des noms de professions. (10) DOSSIER 2: la famille - quelques personagers celebres - presener votre famille et des amis - dire ou sont les gens et dou ils viennent - les verbes en-er, etre, avoir, faire et venire au present - le plural des noms, des adjectives, des articles et des adjectives possessifs - la negation ne pas de + nom - l interrogation avel est ce que - a, an et de + nouns de villes et de pays. (10) DOSSIER 3: maisons et appartements - demenagements, locations, petites annonces monuments parisiens - situer des meubles et des objects ( la localisation) - indiquer la possession - donner des orders et des interdictions - exprimer l accord et le refus-les verbes ener, faire, prendre et nettre, au present et a I imperative - le pronom on - les pronoms toniques aprs preposition - les adjectives demonstratifs - les adjectives ordinaux - la response si - il ya un / des. (10) Total 42 REFERENCE: 1. Capelle, Guy and Gidon, Noelle. Le Nouvel Escapes. Paris: Hachette Livre, 1998.
COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD): Need for CAD - Nature of design problem - Analysis and synthesis approaches Preparation of design procedures - Branching - Decision and structure tables - Iterative procedures - Flow charting. (6) COST ESTIMATION: Aim and importance - Material cost -Labour cost -Overhead cost -Running cost - Life cycle cost. (5)
OPTIMUM DESIGN: Selection of objective function, variables and constraints - Effects of variables on objective function and performance - Non-linear programming approach. (6)
COMPUTER AIDED DRAWING: Introduction - Graphic input & output devices AutoCAD-Program files - Installation - Screen menu structure - Fixing the size of a drawing - Set-up option - On-line help - Text fonts, shapes - Blocks - Copy - Array Erasing facilities - Editing - Fill - Zoom - Pan - Hatching - Isoplane - Elevation, View point - Dimensioning techniques Introduction to 3D drawing - Taking hard copy using printer and plotter. (8) INDUCTION MACHINE DRAWINGS: Cross sectional views - Development of winding diagram. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS: Mathematical formulation discretisation shape functions stiffness matrix solution techniques post processing - Numerical solution for partial differential equations. TYPICAL DESIGN EXAMPLE: Three phase Induction motor Design analysis - Performance predictions - Flow chart for feasible design. (5)
Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sen S K, "Principles of Electric Machine Design with Computer Programmes", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2001, Reprint 2004. 2. Silvester P P and Ferrari, 'Finite Element for Electrical Engineers', Cambridge University Press, 1984. REFERENCES: 1. Ramamoorthy M," Computer Aided Design of Electrical Equipment", Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1987. 2. Robert M Thomas, Advanced Techniques in AutoCAD", BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1988. 3. Veinott C G, "Computer Aided Design for Electric Machinery", MIT Press, London, 1972. 4 Sham Tickoo, Auto CAD 2002 with Applications Tata McGraw Hill publishing company limited, New Delhi, 2001. 5. George, Omura, "Mastering AutoCAD", BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1988.
ELECTRIC BREAKDOWN IN LIQUIDS: Electronic breakdown - Cavitation breakdown - Suspended particle mechanism Conduction and breakdown in pure and commercial liquids. (5) GENERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE AND HIGH CURRENTS: Generation of high DC voltages - Cockroft - Walton voltage multiplier circuit - Electrostatic generator - Vande groaf generator - Generation of high AC voltages, Transformers in cascade Construction of Impulse generator - Generation of Impulse voltages and currents - Tripping and control of Impulse generators. (6) MEASUREMENT OF HIGH VOLTAGES AND CURRENTS: Measurement of high dc voltages - Measurement of high AC voltages - Electrostatic voltmeters - Impulse voltage measurements using voltage dividers - Measurement of High DC, AC and Impulse currents - Surge test oscilloscope. (5) NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF MATERIALS AND ELECTRICAL APPARATUS: Measurement of resistivity - High voltage dielectric loss measurement - Schering bridge - Measurement of large capacitance - Inductively coupled ratio - Arm bridgeLoss measurement on complete equipment - Discharge measurement - Recurrent surge generator. (6) HIGH VOLTAGE TESTING: Testing of overhead line insulators- Testing of isolators and circuit breakers - Testing of surge diverters - Testing of cables - Testing of bushings - Testing of power capacitors and transformers - Radio interference measurements. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Naidu M S, and Kamaraj V, "High Voltage Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi , Third Reprint 2004. 2. Wadhwa C L, "High Voltage Engineering", New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Ravindra Arora and Wolfgang Mosch, "High Voltage - Insulation Engineering", New Age International Publishers Limited, New Delhi, Repint 2002. 2. Kuffel E, Zaengl W S, Kuffel J, "High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals, Butterworth-Heinmann (A division of Reed Educatonal & Profession Publishing Ltd) Second Edition, 2000. 3. Rakosh Das Begamudre, Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1986.
PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE: FOR loops, WHILE loops, CASE structure, formula nodes, Sequence structures - Arrays and Clusters - Array operations - Bundle - Bundle/Unbundle by name, graphs and charts - String and file I/O - High level and Low level file I/O's - Attribute modes Local and Global variables. (7) OPERATING SYSTEM AND HARDWARE OVERVIEW: PC architecture, current trends, Operating system requirements, Drivers Interface Buses PCI Bus Interface cards specification Analog and Digital interfaces Power, Speed and timing considerations. (5) HARDWARE ASPECTS: Installing hardware, Installing drivers - Configuring the hardware - Addressing the hardware in LabVIEW - Digital and Analog I/O function - Data Acquisition - Buffered I/O - Real time Data Acquisition. (7) LABVIEW APPLICATIONS: IMAQ - Motion Control: General Applications - Feedback devices, Motor Drives - Instrument Connectivity - GPIB, Serial Communication - General, GPIB Hardware & Software specifications - PX1 / PC1: Controller and Chassis Configuration and Installation. (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Garry M Johnson, "Labview Graphical Programming", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 1996. 2. Labview : Basics I & II Manual, National Instruments, 2005. REFERENCES: 1. Lisa K Wells, "Labview for Everyone", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1996. 2. Barry Paron, "Sensor, Transducers and Labview", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2000. 3. Sanjay Gupta and Joseph John,Virtual Instrumentation Using LabVIEW, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 1st Edition, 2005.
nMOS AND CMOS CIRCUIT AND LOGIC DESIGN: Switch logic- Pass transistor and transmission gate - Gate logic - Other forms of CMOS logic - Dynamic CMOS logic - Clocked CMOS logic - Precharged domino CMOS logic - Structured design Simple combinational logic design examples - Parity generator - Multiplexers - Clocked sequential circuits - Two phase clocking - Charge storage - Dynamic register element - nMOS and CMOS - Dynamic shift register - Semistatic register - JK flip flop (8) SUBSYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS: General arrangement of a 4-bit arithmetic processor - Design of a 4 bit shifter - Design of a ALU subsystem - Implementation of ALU functions with an adder - Carry look ahead adder Multipliers - Serial parallel multipliers - Pipelined multiplier array. (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Douglas A Pucknell, and Kamran Eshraghian, "Basic VLSI design", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2004. 2. Neil H E Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, "Principle of CMOS VLSI design: A System Perspective", Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Jan M Rabaey, Chandrakasan A, Nikolic B, Digital Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education, New Delhi, Third Indian Reprint, 2004. / Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Amar Mukherjee, "Introduction to nMOS and CMOS VLSI system design", Prentice Hall, USA, 1986. 3. Wayne Wolf, "Modern VLSI Design: Systems on Silicon", Third Edition, Pearson Education Indian Reprint, New Delhi, 2006. 4. Eugene D Fabricus, "Introduction to VLSI Design", McGraw Hill International Edition, 1990.
2. 3.
Grey, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley & Sons Inc,FourthEdition 2001 Jacob Baker R, Harry Li, David E Boyce, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, IEEE Press, 1998.
REFERENCES: 1. David A John, Ken Martin, " Analog Integrated Circuit Design John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 2. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, Firs Edition, New Delhi, 2002.
PHYSIOLOGICAL ASSIST DEVICES: Need for pacemakers - Pacemaker parameters and circuits - Demand pacemakers Different modes of operation - DC defibrillator - Artificial heart valves - Heart lung machines - Artificial lung machines - Artificial kidney machine - Nerve and Muscle stimulator - continuous patient monitoring system. (6) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS: Data acquisition systems - Analysis of ECG signals - Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT) Scanner - Ultrasonic scanner - Magnetic resonance imaging - Computer based patient monitoring system - Introduction to expert system and hospital management. (5) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Khandpur R S, "Handbook on Biomedical Instrumentation", Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2003. 2. Joseph J Carr and John M Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson Education, New Delhi Fourth, Indian Reprint 2003. REFERENCES: 1. John G Webster, Ed.' "Medical Instrumentation Application and Design", ThirdEdition, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. 2. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J Weibell, and Erich A Pfeiffer, "Bio-medical Instrumentation and Measurements", Pearson Education, New Delhi, First Indian Reprint 2003. / Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
8086 MICROPROCESSOR: Architecture Pin description Operating modes Registers Interrupts Bus cycle Addressing modes Typical configuration of 8086 system Overview of Instruction set. (7) 80286 MICROPROCESSOR: Functional block diagram - Modes of operation Real and protected mode Memory management and protection features. (8)
80386, 80486 PROCESSORS: 80386: Functional block diagram - Programming model - Addressing modes and instruction set overview Address translation - Modes of operation - 80486 processor - Functional block diagram - Comparison of 80386 and 80486 processors. (7)
PENTIUM MICROPROCESSOR: Introduction Architecture Special Pentium registers Memory management. PIC MICROCONTROLLER: Architecture Memory structure Register File Addressing modes Interrupts Timers: Modes of operation.
(6) (7)
PIC PERIPHERAL FUNCTIONS AND SPECIAL FEATURES: PWM output Analog to Digital converter UART Watchdog timer RESET Alternatives Power Down mode I2C Bus operation (7) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Barry B Brey, "The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium and Pentium Pro processor Architecture, Programming and Interfacing", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2003 / Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2. Douglas V Hall, "Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware", Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, Second Edition, 1992. 3. John B Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontroller, McGraw Hill, Singapore, First Reprint, 2001 REFERENCES: 1. Mohammed Rafiquzzaman, "Microprocessors and microcomputer based system design", UBS, New Delhi, Second Reprint, 1995. 2. Myke Pred ko, Programming and Customising the PIC Microcontroller, McGraw Hill, USA, 1998.
AT ARCHITECTURE: System units - Task allocations of system board - Timer - DMA and interrupt controller - Memory map I/O map - AT bus. (ISA) specifications - PCI bus - Extended memory and Expanded memory. (7) PERIPHERAL INTERFACE: Keyboard - Speaker - Printer - Display adapters - VGA standard - Floppy disk and hard disk formats - CD ROM structure USB Basics. (8) ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: Program Development stages - Macro Assembler - Directives (real mode only) Linker - Debugger. (7) STRUCTURE OF MS-DOS: BIOS - DOS kernel - Command processor - Boot record - File directory - MS-DOS booting process - Program segment prefix - COM and EXE files - BIOS and DOS interrupts - Structure of device drivers. (7) WINDOWS: Structure of window systems - Windows 98 - System architecture - Device drivers for windows - Virtual memory management - Windows based applications - MS-DOS based applications. (6) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Douglas V Hall, "Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware", Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 1999. 2. Mathivanan N, Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interfacing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCES: 1. Barry B Brey, "The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium and Pentium Proprocessor Architecture, Programming and Interfacing", Prentice Hall of India, Fourth Edition, 1997/Pearson Education. 2. Ray Duncan, "Advanced MSDOS Programming", Second Edition, BPB Publications, 1994. 3. IBM PC/AT Technical Reference Manual, IBM Corporation, USA 1982. 4 Russel Borland, "Microsoft Windows 98", Microsoft Press Publications, 1997.
PIPELINING AND VECTOR PROCESSING: Principles of pipelining Instruction and Arithmetic pipelines Instruction prefetch and branch handling Data buffering and Busing structures Internal forwarding and Register tagging Hazard detection and resolution Job sequencing and Collision prevention Vector Processing: Characteristics Pipelined Vector Processing methods Vectorization and optimization methods. (7) ARRAY PROCESSING: SIMD Array Processors Masking and data routing mechanisms Inter PE communications Interconnection networks Parallel Algorithms for Array Processors Associative Array Processing. (7) MULTIPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE: Functional structures: Loosely coupled multiprocessors Tightly coupled multiprocessors Processor characteristics for multiprocessing Multiprocessor scheduling strategies Interconnection networks Parallel memory organization Parallel Algorithms for Multiprocessors (8) INTRODUCTION TO RISC ARCHITECTURE: Instruction execution characteristics Instruction execution charts Register files Register optimization Reduced Instruction Set Architecture RISC pipelining RISC versus CISC. (8) Total 42 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Hwang K, and Briggs F A, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGrawHill, New Delhi, 1989. 2. Stallings W, Computer Organization and Architecture, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006, Seventh edition. REFERENCES: 1. Patterson D A and Hennessy J L, Computer Organisation and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Third edition, 2005. 2. Hwang K, Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability and Programmability, Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi, 2006.
HASHING: Hash function separate chaining open addressing linear probing quadratic probing double hashing rehashing. (4) BINARY SEARCH TREES: Searching Insertion and deletion of elements Analysis. AVL TREES : Definition Height Searching insertion and deletion of elements, AVL rotations Analysis. (3) (4)
MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES: Indexed Sequential Access m-way search trees B-Tree Searching, insertion and deletion - B+ trees - Tries. (5) BINOMIAL HEAP AND FIBONACCI HEAP: Binomial trees and binomial heaps Operations on binomial heap Structure of Fibonacci heaps merge heap operations, decreasing a key and deleting a node Bounding the maximum degree. (5) GRAPHS: Definition Representations (Adjacency matrix, packed adjacency list and linked adjacency list) Network representation Graph search methods (Breadth first and depth first traversals). (5) DATA STRUCTURES FOR DISJOINT SETS: Disjoint set operations, linked list representation of disjoint set, disjoint set forests, union, find, analysis. (3) CASE STUDY: Google File System (GFS) Implementation (3) Total 42 REFERENCES : 1. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson and Ronald L Rivest Introduction to Algorithms , Prentice Hall, 2005. 2. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Sahni Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Application in C++, WCB / Mc Graw Hill, 2000. 4. Robert L Kruse and Clovis L Tondo, Data Structures and Program design in C, Pearson Education, 2005. 5. Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Vikas Publishing House, 2002. 6. URL:
LOADERS: Loader schemes compile and go loaders , general load scheme absolute loaders direct linking loaders and their design. Other loading schemes : linking loaders, overlays, dynamic binders. (8) COMPILERS: Introduction Structure of a compiler phases of a compiler - compiler writing tools. (3)
LEXICAL ANALYSIS: Role of a lexical analyzer finite automata regular expressions to finite automata minimizing the number of states of a deterministic finite automata implementation of a lexical analyzer. (5) PARSING TECHNIQUES: Context free grammars derivations and parse trees ambiguity capabilities of context free grammars. Top down and bottom up parsing handles shift reduce parsing operator precedence parsing recursive descent parsing predictive parsing. (5) INTERMEDIATE CODE GENERATION: Postfix notation, Quadruples, triples , indirect triples Representing information in a symbol table introduction to code optimization basic blocks DAG representation error detection and recovery - code generation. (5) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. John J Donovan, Systems Programming, McGrawHill , 1999. 2. Dhamdhere D M, Systems Programming, Tata McGrawHill, 2001. 3. Aho A V, Sethi R and Ullman J D, Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley, Longman, 1999. 4. Dhamdhere D M, Compiler Construction Principles and Practice, Macmillan Company, 1997. 5. Holub Allen I, Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Mike Cotterell and Bob Hughes, "Software Project Management - Inclination", Tata McGraw Hill, 2001. 2. Robert K Wysocki, Robert Beck Jr and David B. Crane, "Effective Project Management", John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1995. 3. Bennatain E M, "On Time, Within Budget", John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1995. 4. Steve McConnell, "Software Project Survival Guide", Microsoft Press, 1998. 5. Gerald M Weinberg," Quality Software Management", Volume I, Systems Thinking, Dorset House Publishing, 1997. 6. Gerald M Weinberg," Quality Software Management", Volume II, First Order Measurement, Dorset House Publishing, 1997. 7. Pressman R S, "Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach" McGraw Hill Book Company, 2001.
Darrel Ince, "An Introduction to S/W Quality Assurance and its Implementation", Mc-Graw Hill Book Company Ltd, 1994.
INTRODUCTION TO FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAYS (FPGAs): Types of FPGA Xilinx XC3000 series Logic Cell Array (LCA) Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) Input/Output Blocks (IOB) Programmable Interconnection Points (PIP) Introduction to ACT 2 family and Xilinx SPARTAN, VIRTEX, FPGA Design examples. (7) INTRODUCTION TO VHDL: Digital System Design process Levels of abstraction VHDL: Design entities, Architectural body Data types - Scalar types Composite types Access types File types Operators and expressions Data objects. Concurrent and sequential statements: Concurrent Signal Assignment Conditional Signal Assignment Signal Drivers Inertial, transport and delta delays Sequential control Wait-ifCase Loop Next Exit Null process Component instantiation Block Generics Assert. (10) SUBPROGRAMS, PACKAGES AND CONFIGURATIONS: Functions Procedure Package Package declarations Sub program declaration Package body Libraries Predefined attributes Configuration Behavioural, Dataflow and Structural modeling of digital circuits Simple VHDL codes. (8) TESTING IN DIGITAL CIRCUITS AND DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY: Detection and location of faults in combinational logic circuits Stuck-at-fault model Path sensitising method Boolean difference method Fault detection and location in synchronous sequential circuits Design for testability Adhoc techniques Scan registers Level Sensitive Scan Design Boundary Scan -Built-in-self test. (9) Total 42 REFERENCES: 1. Nelson V P, Nagale H T, Carroll B D, and Irwin J D, "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design", Prentice Hall International Inc.New Jersey, 1996 2. Palmer J E and Perlman D E, "Introduction to Digital Systems", Schaums Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi, 2004. 3. Robert K Dueck, Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL, Thomson Asia, 2002. 4. Roth C H, Digital Systems Design using VHDL, Thomson Asia, 2006. 5. Perry D V, " VHDL: Programming by Example", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Fourth Edition, 2002. 6. Bhasker J, A VHDL Primer, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India,2006. 7. Abramovici M B, Brever and Friedman D, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, Jaico Publishing House,1997. 8. Samuel C Lee, Digital Circuits and Logic Design, Prentice Hall, INC. 2001