QB Drop Drill

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TITLE: PURPOSE: QB DROP DRILL The purpose of the drop drill is to rep the drops we do in our offense. The drop drill will be part of our fundamental period for quarterbacks. Proper steps and the correct depth by the quarterback will be stressed. We want the quarterbacks' drop to become habit.


10yds 8yds

5 yds





l'/z yards

DESCRIPTION: Each QB will be 1 !4 yards from the sideline straddling the line under an imaginary center. The football should be in the QB's opposite hand to simulate the snap. The snap count will be on a different QB each time with all QB's going at once. The coach will call the play that corresponds with the drop that he wants to rep. The coach will rep 3-step/Quick 5/5-step/play action rhythm 5-step/play action deep 5-step/play action 7-step/7-step drop, each drop two times right then left. Depth expected from coach 3-step/quick 5= 5 yds, 5-step drops = 8 yds, 7-step drops = 10 yds. QB's back foot should hit the landmark, and stress getting up in pocket The 5 yd, 8 yd, and 10 yd markings can be either painted on the field or marked with cones.

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