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The document describes over 500 AVR microcontroller projects across 16 pages.

Projects 1 through 24 are described on page 1, involving applications like fans, temperature sensors, stepper motors, and more.

Project 35 involves creating a 5x5 LED matrix display resembling the helmets worn by Daft Punk.

at m e ga32-avr.

co m m/pro jects/

1. Remote Controlled Fan Regulator using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 2. EPROM adapter f or AT MEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer (11/15/2012) 3. Arduino VGA via Interrupts using AVR Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 4. Temperature Sensor Using AT mega8 and display using LCD(162) (11/7/2012) 5. How to use an LED Array Module using AVR (6/23/2012) 6. Line Following Robot using AVR AT mega8 (11/12/2012) 7. Numitron clock & thermometer using Microcontroller atmega48 (6/14/2012) 8. Drive a Stepper Motor with an AVR Microprocessor using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 9. Ard-e: T he robot with an Arduino as a brain using microcontroller (10/12/2012) 10. DS1802 Digital Volume Control using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 11. Broadband RF Field Strength Probe using Atmel AT 90S1200A AVR controller (11/20/2012) 12. Build your own (cheap!) multi-f unction wireless camera controller using atmega8 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 13. USB RFID Reading Keyboard using USnooBie (6/23/2012) 14. Custom Tron Disc Mod using AT Mega328 (10/25/2012) 15. Assembling the Dragon Rider 500 f or use with the AVR Dragon using AT mega88 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 16. AVR GPS Locator using avr microcontroller (6/12/2012) 17. Capacitance and Inductance meter using Atmega8 (6/7/2012) 18. Synchronizing Firef lies using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/22/2012) 19. Ear Trainer using AT Mega644 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 20. A complete starter guide to AVRs using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 21. Instalacion del controlador USBasp (USBasp drivers setup) Dark Side Electronics (6/23/2012) 22. Midi Generator using AT tiny26-8PI microcontroller (11/13/2012) 23. Arduino FT DI Header using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 24. A Little More Serious Frequency Meter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 25. Turn Your Arduino Into an ISP (6/25/2012) 26. AVR AT mega8 Project LED Moving Message Display using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 27. 100 MHz RF oscillator using AT tiny12 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 28. Led Animation Circuit with PC Connectivity using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 29. Getting started with ubuntu and the AVR dragon using atmega8 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 30. Ghetto Pixels Building an open source BlinkM Using AT Tiny45 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 31. Precision Audio Frequency Peak Detecting Probe using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 32. EPROM adapter f or AT MEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 2.0 (11/13/2012) 33. 16 LED Knight Rider using 74HCT 138 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 34. AttoBasic HOME using Atmega168 microcontroller (1/1/2013)

35. Yet Another Daf t Punk Cof f ee Table (55 LED Matrix) (6/14/2012) 36. Programming AVR ADC module with WinAVR using Atmega8 microcontroller (2/6/2013) 37. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using AT Mega168 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 38. 8 Channel PWM using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 39. BUILD A SIMPLE SERIAL PROGRAMMER FOR AVR DEVICES using AT tiny2313 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 40. Ardu-pong! the Arduino based pong console (6/27/2012) 41. RF Inductance Meter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 42. MMC/SD/SDHC AVR Interf ace using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 43. Low Picof arad Capacitance Meter AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 44. Switching between Red, Green and Blue (or Blue1 or/and Blue2 f or an RGBB type) using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 45. Kitchen Timer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 46. External device control (i.e. cof f ee machine). (6/25/2012) 47. Arduino powered hangman gif tbox/lockbox using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 48. ST K500 Compatible ISP using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 49. Getting started with LCDs and Microprocessors using AT mega8 (6/25/2012) 50. Low cost RF f or simple data link and remote control using AT tiny12 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 51. An universal programming adapter f or the Atmel ST K500 using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 52. Temperature sensor with time and date display on graphical LCD using Atmega32 (1/31/2013) 53. AVR Programmer with AT Mega8-16 (11/14/2012) 54. Buggy A Craf ty Programmable LED Creature using Microcontroller Atmel Attiny44v (6/21/2012) 55. Wireless Human Health Monitor using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 56. Arduino R/C Lawnmower (painted) using Atmega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 57. Door Opener using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 58. AVR assembly language (11/8/2012) 59. Temperature Sensor T hermometer using AT 89C51 and DS1621 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 60. Programming AVR AT xMega using USBasp and AT xmega microcontroller (11/8/2012) 61. PCB Exposure Box with Countdown timer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/15/2012) 62. Door Chime Privacy Sentry using Attiny12 (1/2/2013) 63. Temperature Indicator Using attiny2313 micrcontroller (6/13/2012) 64. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupled Frequency Meter using AT mega8 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 65. A credit card sized Ethernet Arduino compatable controller board using AT mega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 66. Singing Pumpkins/ Arduino using microcontroller (11/1/2012) 67. Direction Aware Messaging LED Spin Top (6/23/2012) 68. 2 Bit u Stepper using microcontroller (11/7/2012) 69. Build a Complete AVR System and Play Mastermind using AT mega328p microcontroller (6/25/2012) 70. AVR Based Mobile Phone using AVR AT mega128A microcontroller (11/8/2012) 71. Programmer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 72. Relais Board Using AT 2313 (6/13/2012)

73. AVR Wide Range LC,F, ESR Meter using AVR AT Mega88PA-PU microcontroller (11/8/2012) 74. Remote Controlled (R/C) Airplane LED Flasher using AT T INY12 microcontroller (11/21/2012) 75. Turn signal biking jacket using microcontroller (10/11/2012) 76. PC T hermometer Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 77. Autonomus Wall Following Obstacle Avoiding Arduino Rescue Bot (11/5/2012) 78. 3 Easy Holiday Gif ts using AT Tiny microcontroller (11/5/2012) 79. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 80. Arduino All-in-One Getting Started Guide (6/27/2012) 81. Using the iRobot Creates Command Module with Linux using avr microcontroller (6/26/2012) 82. UV Exposure Unit & Etching (6/7/2012) 83. T he Household Inf ormer using atmega168 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 84. 8 MHz f requency meter using AVR microcontroller (6/12/2012) 85. How to add more Outputs to your Microcontroller using 74HC595 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 86. 16-key Keypad Decoding with an AVR MCU (6/23/2012) 87. Portable 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 88. I2C Tiny USB using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 89. Arduino Powered Binary Clock using AT mega168 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 90. LED Hanukkah Menorah using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/21/2012) 91. Ghetto Development Environment Using Microcontrollers (6/23/2012) 92. Running PYT HON (pymite-09) on an Arduino MEGA 2560 using atmega16 micrcontroller (6/6/2012) 93. Debugging AVR code in Linux with simavr using Microcontroller AT Tiny85 (6/18/2012) 94. Analog audio panel f or PC using AT Mega328 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 95. 1750 Meter Lowf er Band amplitude modulated RF source using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 96. T he $9 Quasi-duino (Almost-duino) using AT mega328 microcontroll (11/3/2012) 97. Running T X433 and RX433 RF modules with AVR microcontrollers using Atmega8 (2/4/2013) 98. PHduino pH Meter Using Arduino (11/20/2012) 99. LED Dog Collar using AT T INY2313 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 100. AVR Digital Hum Nuller using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 101. Low-cost AVR programmer (11/8/2012) 102. PWM Wavef orm Capture using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 103. Arduino Mega 2560 (6/3/2012) 104. MAX038-Based Sweep/Function Generator With Markers using AVR AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/19/2012) 105. Making a USB based AVR Programmer using AT MEGA8 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 106. Attention-Getting Auxiliary Warning Light Flasher/Driver (11/21/2012) 107. Packet Radio using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 108. AT mega8 Based Multi channel IR Remote (11/12/2012) 109. Low Capacitance Scope Probe Adapter (11/21/2012) 110. How To Communicate With An Alien Artif act or . . . (6/19/2012) 111. AT 89C52 DS1302 DS18B20 LCD On Time-Temperature (11/14/2012)

112. Adding ICSP header to your Arduino/AVR board using ISP10PIN microcontroller (6/22/2012) 113. AVR Compiler toolchain f or MAC using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 114. Tea Timer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 115. LED Microcontrolled Stained Glass Firef ly Pendant using Microcontroller AT Tiny45 chip (6/19/2012) 116. T he Word Clock Arduino version using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 117. AC Current Probe f or Oscilloscopes (11/20/2012) 118. DIY Digital T hermometer Using AT Mega8 (6/23/2012) 119. i2c interf ace to USB interf ace using attiny45 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 120. AT Tiny2313 Board RS232 (6/11/2012) 121. 6 LED Knight Rider using AT tiny22 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 122. AVR LED Candle using AT tiny85 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 123. Dotmatrix using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 124. 3D Color LED Graphics Display using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 125. Digital Window Sticker (Arduino Controlled) using AT Mega328 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 126. Control Relay Card with USB port Atmel using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 127. Arduino EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Detector (10/6/2012) 128. AVR terminal f or serial port using T SOP1738 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 129. LCD T hermometer T CN75 Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 130. AvrPhone using AT mega128 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 131. Delta Robot using atmega32 micrcontroller (6/7/2012) 132. How to use a 74HC595 Shif t Register with a using AVR AT tiny13 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 133. A Noise Generator per IEC 268-1, IEC 268-5, and IEC 268-7 (11/19/2012) 134. Arduino animatronics- make your awesome costumes more awesome! using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 135. AVR32 Development Board at Home (6/22/2012) 136. How to choose a MicroController (6/19/2012) 137. AVR Ultrasonic Spheroid Levitation Device using AT Mega16 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 138. Using a Dot Matrix LED with an Arduino and Shif t Register (10/9/2012) 139. Halloween Robot using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 140. Music Playing Alarm Clock using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 141. A Low Power PLL FM Transmitter using LMX1601 and AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/28/2012) 142. Simple PWM DC motor control using MOSFET H-Bridge with AVR AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 143. T he Multi-f ormat Clock Gif t contest (6/18/2012) 144. LC Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 145. Repair dead AVRs Attiny f usebit doctor (HVSP) (6/23/2012) 146. LED Binary Calculator using Microcontroller AT tiny2313 (6/18/2012) 147. AT Tiny Board For AVR AT Tiny microcontrollers (6/8/2012) 148. Stripboard Arduino using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 149. 44 LED Display (6/7/2012) 150. EPROM Display using ULN2308A microcontroller (6/7/2012) 151. Modular User Interf ace System using AT Mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012)

152. Controlling SpeakJet with an AVR microcontroller using AT mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 153. Stepper motor Control with Atmega16 (6/12/2012) 154. Longboard Wheel Display using AVR microcontroller (1/1/2013) 155. T he Arduino Weather Station / T hermostat using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 156. DC Servomotor Controller System Meter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 157. Garduino Upgrade, Now with more Twitter! (6/27/2012) 158. LCD Interf ace Board Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 159. T he Lightning Simulator/Breathalyzer/Graphic Equalizer Using Arduino Powered (9/27/2012) 160. Atmel atmega projects l35 heat time display keypad using AT Mega microcontroller (11/14/2012) 161. Interf acing rotary encoder to Atmega32 (2/2/2013) 162. microSD FAT 32 testing using Visual C++ (6/7/2012) 163. HF AC Millivoltmeter Adapter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 164. Build an AVR Xmega Prototyping Board using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 165. Vintage Toothbrush Timer using AT Mega328p (10/31/2012) 166. USB PCB Business Card Using AT tiny85 Microcontroller (6/9/2012) 167. How to connect Arduino and RFID (6/27/2012) 168. Atmel Bascom avr 8051 project, the circuit archive using AT 89S8252 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 169. Experimental board using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 170. Arduino magnetic stripe decoder using microcontroller (10/4/2012) 171. 44 Matrix Key-board Interf acing with AT mega32 (6/7/2012) 172. Analog Multiplexer using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 173. Multipattern Running light using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 174. Audio Spectrum Monitor using S1D15200 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 175. T he Arduino LED Cube using LED microcontroller (6/22/2012) 176. How To Make A Grounding Wrist Band (6/23/2012) 177. Making a set of traf f ic lights Using Arduino (6/22/2012) 178. RF Field Strength meter using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 179. ISD4004 based voice recorder (6/8/2012) 180. RS-232 Freq. Meter/Pulse Generator Based on Atmel AT tiny2313 using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 181. Relay Timer with AT mega8 AVR MCU (11/13/2012) 182. Charlieplexing 7 segment displays using Microcontroller (6/13/2012) 183. A Simple FM Stereo Transmitter using AT T INY12 microcontroller (12/28/2012) 184. 88 Bicolor LED Matrix using MAX6964 (6/7/2012) 185. RS-232 to 100 MHz RF desktop channel adapter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 186. SMT 160 based Temperature indicator (6/12/2012) 187. Atmel Avr Project Circuit Archive 360 MB using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 188. Photocell Amplif ier using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 189. Head-Controlled Keyboard And Mouse For Disabled, using AVR and AT Mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 190. An attempt to show grayscale images on an LED dot matrix display with sof tware PWM using PIC16F877A (6/6/2012)

191. A Superhet/Direct Conversion AM receiver f or 181.818 kHz using Attiny2313 (1/1/2013) 192. Music Playing Alarm Clock using Microcontroller AT 90USB1286 (6/16/2012) 193. PC Temperature Meter using AT tiny15 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 194. CNC Update 2 Using atmega32 microcontroller (6/7/2012) 195. Atmel Xmega USB/Serial Arbitrary Wavef orm Generator (6/18/2012) 196. Digital Telemetry using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 197. Augmenting a Microcontroller using AVR (6/23/2012) 198. Cellphone Operated Robot using AT mega16 AVR microcontroller (11/20/2012) 199. Mushroom Environment Control Arduino Powered (6/27/2012) 200. microSD AT mega32 Data-Logger (6/7/2012) 201. Multif unction 330 MHz Remote Control With an AT T INY2313 Simulating the PT 2264 Encoder (11/26/2012) 202. Development system f or PIC and AVR microcontrollers (6/23/2012) 203. White LED Drive Circuit using Tiny microcontroller (11/21/2012) 204. $10 AT tiny85/45 POV display!! (works really well) (11/3/2012) 205. AVR Data Logger with MicroSD using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 206. T V remote controller 160KHz High Quality Stereo MMC WAV player using AT MEGA32 (6/6/2012) 207. AVR Security Keypad Lock using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 208. LCD Display On Glass Interf ace Using AT 2313 (6/12/2012) 209. Swiss AVR Knif e using Microcontroller AT tiny84 (6/19/2012) 210. LED wind indicator Using atmega8 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 211. Handy Password Managing System, Lord of the Keys using AVR AT mega168 (11/8/2012) 212. A multif unction digital meter using Atmega128 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 213. Superb DIY Retro Lighting Design (6/26/2012) 214. AVR Music Player with Alarm Clock using AT 90USB1286 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 215. VGA monitor tester using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 216. Dot Matrix Display Applications using AT 89C2051 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 217. AM radio transmission using AVR using Atmega324 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 218. Assembling the Z IFduino USB 1.2 using AT MEGA168 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 219. Arduino Laser Tag Duino Tag (6/27/2012) 220. DIY AVR Programmers (6/6/2012) 221. SD/SDHC Card Interf acing with AT mega8 /32 (FAT 32 implementation) (6/7/2012) 222. A Pretty Good Wattmeter For Bench Use using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 223. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using Microcontroller AT Mega168 (6/16/2012) 224. AvrX, Real Time Kernel using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 225. Turn a T V-B-Gone into a super camera remote! (11/1/2012) 226. Open Source AVR Temperature Controller using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 227. Speaking Calculator using AVR AT mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 228. Acceleration sensing USB interf ace using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 229. PC Steppermotor Driver Using AT 2313 -controller (6/12/2012) 230. Ponyprog Circuit f or AVR & PIC16F84 using microcontroller (11/15/2012)

231. Multimeter with Atmel using Atmega8-16pu microcontroller (11/14/2012) 232. Ambient Light Gif t Badge using AT Tiny13 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 233. Implementing Discrete Fourier Transf orm in Atmega32 to make an audio spectrum analyzer (6/4/2012) 234. AVR Based CRO using Atmega16 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 235. Electric Spinning Wheel using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 236. AVR LCD Microcontrolled Oscilloscope using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 237. 8 LED Knight Rider using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 238. Atmel atmega128 clock ds1307 tda5410 hard disk using atmega128 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 239. Digital Melody player using atmega16 microcontroller (6/12/2012) 240. VUSBTiny AVR SPI Programmer Using AT tiny85 (6/23/2012) 241. Arduino XMAS hitcounter using AVR microcontroller (9/28/2012) 242. Temperature Control For Kitchen Appliances (6/27/2012) 243. A Simple Field Strength Indicator (11/20/2012) 244. AT Tiny2313 Multi-mode LED Matrix Clock (6/13/2012) 245. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using atmega168 microcontroller (11/1/2012) 246. AT tiny programming with Arduino (6/23/2012) 247. Reading Switches with using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 248. AVR Power Usage Logger using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 249. Programming adapter f rom 10 pin to 6 pin f or AVRs (6/25/2012) 250. About Atmel and Combination Lock Application using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 251. HF/VHF/UHF T EST OSCILLAT OR using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 252. Slavef lash with Attiny24 ver. 2.0 (6/25/2012) 253. Blinking, Singing, Marioman using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 254. PCM Audio Based Door Bell using Atmega32 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 255. Drawing geometric f igures on a PAL T V using AT mega32 (12864 resolution) (6/6/2012) 256. AVR mini board with additional boards using attiny2313 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 257. Wireless Accelerometer Controlled rgb-LEDs using atmega168 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 258. Guia para programar uC AVR Dark Side Electronics using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 259. Advance Fire Alarm through Mobile Phone using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 260. How to drive a lot of LEDs f rom a f ew microcontroller pins. (6/9/2012) 261. Door Activated LED Lighting using Hall Ef f ect Sensors using Attiny85 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 262. Java virtual machine f or the Atmel AVR AT mega8 (11/13/2012) 263. Mini RGB Light Cube using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 264. Transf orm a cheap RC Transmitter with Custom Firmware using AT MEGA64 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 265. Multitasking in AVR (A demo to run 7 tasks on an atmega32) (6/6/2012) 266. $1.50 Arduino T V Annoyer!! (Turns T Vs on when you want them of f ) using microcontroller (11/3/2012) 267. Generating AUDIO ECHO using Atmega32 microcontroller (6/6/2012) 268. 10 Bit analog to digital converter using AT tiny26 microcontroller (11/13/2012)

269. Prime Calculator is Complete using AT Mega8 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 270. 5 Channel USB Analog Sensor with AVR using AT mega48 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 271. Magnetic Levitation using the Arduino (6/26/2012) 272. Micro controller programming: Making a set of traf f ic lights using Microcontroller AT Tiny2313 (6/22/2012) 273. Simple USB AVR programmer, USBasp using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 274. AT mega8 Based Smart Code Lock (11/12/2012) 275. USB AVR programmer using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 276. Measure negative temperature with Lm35 (6/8/2012) 277. AVR RGB LED and Sound Show using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 278. Hack a Toaster Oven f or Ref low Soldering using AT mega32 microcontroller (6/9/2012) 279. ISP Breadboard Header using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 280. A Pretty Good LC Meter Based on the AVR using AT T INY2313 Microcontroller (11/19/2012) 281. Led Blink Code Hello World Led using atmega16 in C (1/28/2013) 282. Scientif ic Calculator using AVR Microcontroller (6/8/2012) 283. 88 Dotmatrix Scrolling LED display using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 284. USB controlled home automation hack using Microcontroller AT mega8 (6/16/2012) 285. 50 MHz range f requency counter using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 286. An Even Better LC Meter Based on the AVR AT T INY861 (11/19/2012) 287. Digital dimmer using Microcontroller atmega8 (6/7/2012) 288. Portal Still Alive on using AT Mega16 microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 289. Soldering an SMT MOSFET Driver with a hotplate using microcontroller (11/3/2012) 290. Wi-Fi Enabled Coil Gun with iPhone App (6/26/2012) 291. Control Electronics using an Arduino and Inf rared LEDs (6/26/2012) 292. 89Sxx Development Board using microcontroller (11/15/2012) 293. Serial interf ace with 2X16 LCD display using AT Mega8515 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 294. Easy Data Logger with Virtual USB using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 295. Power your Arduino/AVR with a Hand-Cranked Battery (6/16/2012) 296. Heart of LEDs using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 297. Cellphone controlled robot vehicle using AT mega16 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 298. Atmega8 measures ambient temperature and relative humidity using HSM-20G sensor (11/5/2012) 299. Telnet to your Arduino/AVR! (6/23/2012) 300. Real Time Clock AT Mega16 (6/12/2012) 301. Controlling internal DAC AT 90PWM3 using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 302. How to Read Binary/Hex T humbwheel Switch with an AVR Microcontroller using AT mega328p microcontroller (6/22/2012) 303. 3 channel, 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interf ace using AT tiny12 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 304. Wireless Coupler Terminal Interf ace using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 305. Mini Logic Analyzer using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 306. DS1307 based Clock using lcd (6/7/2012) 307. Turn your T V into a Digital Voltmeter using Atmels AVR 90S1200 microcontroller (11/6/2012)

308. Power Your Arduino From Your Car (6/23/2012) 309. Wireless Coupled Frequency Meter using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 310. Controlling 7-segments LED displays using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 311. Building a digital light meter with a calibrated LDR using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 312. Interf ace a rotary phone dial to an Arduino (6/27/2012) 313. T hermometer with Clock using AT mega16 (6/8/2012) 314. MP3 Player using AT Mega128 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 315. Color Sensor using Atmega16 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 316. Color Sensor Circuit with AT 89S52 ADC0808 (11/14/2012) 317. Interf acing T CS3200 Colour Sensor with AVR AT mega32 (11/12/2012) 318. Power Supply using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 319. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupled Scanning Voltmeter using AT mega8 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 320. Oscilloscope using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 321. T he 74HC164 Shif t Register and your Arduino using GD74HC164 microcontroller (10/10/2012) 322. Arduino and Touchpad Tic Tac Toe using microcontroller (6/27/2012) 323. Servo Controlled Labyrinth using Microcontroller AT mega32 (6/18/2012) 324. PS/2 to C64 Mouse Adapter using AT mega8 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 325. TinyRealTime, Small Real Time Kernel f or AVR using atmega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 326. LED Cube 4x4x4 using Microcontroller Atmega16 (6/18/2012) 327. Battery Checker Circuits using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 328. AVR Switch Timer using AT mega8 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 329. Wireless Lan f or AVR microcontrollers (11/13/2012) 330. White LED Stroboscope (11/26/2012) 331. Circuit and f irmware to support Seiko-Epson G1216B1N000 dot graphics display using AT tiny2313 (11/26/2012) 332. Digital Stop Watch with AT mega8 using microcontroller (11/13/2012) 333. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using AT Mega168 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 334. Lux meters attiny26-16 light measurement circuit using attiny26 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 335. Build Your Own BARBOT using AVR microcontroller (10/13/2012) 336. Rainbow glowing ping pong Using AT Ting 13 (6/13/2012) 337. How to Read Many Switches with One MCU Pin (6/13/2012) 338. AVRSH: A Command Interpreter Shell f or Arduino/AVR. (6/19/2012) 339. Low speed AVR oscilloscope V2.00 (Is updated on 19 Mar 2011) (6/22/2012) 340. AVR based remote controlled f an regulator (11/6/2012) 341. Programming Arduino Bootloader without Programmer using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 342. LCD T hermometer T CN77 Using AVR Microcontroller (6/12/2012) 343. Picopter using Microcontroller AT mega128RFA1 (6/9/2012) 344. Simple Automatic Battery Discharge Analyzer using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 345. How To Use a Nokia Color LCD using an AVR (6/13/2012) 346. Debugging AVR code in Linux with simavr (6/23/2012)

347. LED DOT Matrix Pong using AT Mega16 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 348. Control Anything with one AVR pin using Attiny2313 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 349. Capacitance Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 350. Faraday For Fun: An Electronic Batteryless Dice using Microcontroller AT Tiny13 (6/21/2012) 351. Simple calculator using avr microcontroller Atmega16 (6/12/2012) 352. FanBus Digital Fan and LED Interf ace f or PC using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 353. Make a breadboard adapter f or your AVR microcontroller using attiny2313 (11/2/2012) 354. AVR Based Car Diagnostic Tools using AT mega169 (11/8/2012) 355. 93C66 EEPROM chip with an AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 356. LPH7319 controlled via I2C (6/7/2012) 357. Graphical LCD with KS108 controller (6/12/2012) 358. GuGaplexed Valentine LED Heart using AT Tiny13V Microcontroller (6/25/2012) 359. Traf f ic light controller using avr microcontroller (6/8/2012) 360. DIY USB password generator using AT tiny Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 361. LED Menorah using AT tiny13 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 362. Make a Web Connected Robot (f or about $500) (using an Arduino and Netbook) (9/26/2012) 363. A 1 Khz Digital Sine Wave Signal Source using AT mega8515 microcontroller (11/19/2012) 364. Digital Voltmeter using Microcontroller Atmega8 (6/7/2012) 365. Using the 8Pin AT T INY programming shield with an external clock (6/9/2012) 366. RCEN f use programmer using AT 90S1200A microcontroller (11/13/2012) 367. LoveBox T he box of love using AT tiny2313 Microcontroller (6/22/2012) 368. Looking f or expanding RAM f or your Atmega128 (11/6/2012) 369. Tetris and Snake with one AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 370. LED Scolling Dot Matrix Font & Graphics Generator 58 57 88 using the AVR AT tiny2313 and AVRStudio (6/18/2012) 371. Ponyprog Circuit f or AT MELS AVR using microcontroller (11/15/2012) 372. Interf acing AT mega32 with an LCD and a DAC (9/18/2012) 373. Series Connected Voltage Boost Circuit f or a Battery Operated LED Lantern (11/21/2012) 374. A GLCD connected to an AVR microcontroller using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 375. Monochrome Composite Video using Atmega8 (11/7/2012) 376. White LED Battery Powered Power Failure Light (11/26/2012) 377. Helianthus: T he Solar Tracking System using AT mega16 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 378. GSM GPS module shield f or Arduino (11/17/2012) 379. A physical display device f or website visitors based on Atmega168 (11/6/2012) 380. Programmable LED using Atmel AT tiny13v Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 381. AVR Based Operating System using AT Mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 382. Minimum Mass Wavef orm Capture using AVR microcontroller (1/1/2013) 383. A Microcontroller Based Digital Lock-In Milliohmmeter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 384. Getting Started with Atmel AVR and BASCOM using attiny26 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 385. Atmel avr usb programmer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 386. Computer controlled marquee at90s2313 74hc595 (11/14/2012)

387. SP12 serial programmer sof tware (11/8/2012) 388. Open Source USB AVR Programmer f or Students and Hobbyists using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 389. Using Arduino to communicate with embedded project using AVR AT MEGA microcontroller (6/22/2012) 390. VGA Monitor adaptor using AVR microcontroller (11/13/2012) 391. AVR/Arduino RFID Reader with UART Code in C (6/23/2012) 392. Ultrasonic Security System using Atmega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 393. Creating a charlieplexed LED grid to run on AT Tiny85 (11/2/2012) 394. DS interf ace test tool using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 395. Lampduino an 88 RGB Floor Lamp (6/13/2012) 396. Multi-channel temperature logger using Atmega48 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 397. A Field Strength Meter Using A Biased Schottky Detector using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 398. How To Smell Pollutants (6/27/2012) 399. Morse Code Alarm Clock using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 400. Make an automatic plant light using AT Tiny26 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 401. Slavef lash-trigger f or digital cameras with Attiny24 (6/23/2012) 402. Annoying Beeper using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/25/2012) 403. AVR-GCC LCD library mixed pin support using Atmega328P (1/29/2013) 404. Direction Aware Messaging LED Spin Top using Tiny44 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 405. Stepper motor Driver Using AT 2313 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 406. Atmel AT 89C2051 hardware keylogers circuit with using AT 89C2051 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 407. A sunrise and sunset lamp with LEDs (6/18/2012) 408. How to Read Binary/Hex T humbwheel Switch with an AVR Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 409. Frequency Meter with 100 MHz RF desktop channel using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 410. AVR based monochrome signal generation f or a PAL T V using atmega16 micrcontroller (6/6/2012) 411. New Jar of Firef lies (6/23/2012) 412. Power your Arduino/AVR with a Hand-Cranked Battery using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 413. SMS Based Voting System AVR GSM Project using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 414. T he 4x4x4 LED cube (Arduino) (6/27/2012) 415. Decoding 4 buttons with two I/Os on AVR using AT tiny12 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 416. Getting started with LCDs and Microprocessors (6/23/2012) 417. Light f or lif e: Glowing button cycling jacket (6/26/2012) 418. Simple signal drawing on graphical LCD routines using Atmega8 microcontroller (2/8/2013) 419. Remote Control based Robot using C language (1/21/2013) 420. MMC card based WAV player using atmega32 (6/12/2012) 421. Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope Clock using Atmega328 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 422. Build your own Wif i radio using Microcontroller AT mega16 (6/13/2012) 423. Visualize ADC data on PC Screen using USART AVR Project using microcontroller (11/12/2012) 424. Intelligent temperature monitoring and control system using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 425. Digital oscilloscope GLCD using Atmega32 microcontroller (11/6/2012)

426. How to have f un with Arduino (and become a Geek in the process) (6/26/2012) 427. Nixie Clock with AVR using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 428. Pinning LCD display 1601 using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 429. AVR digital clock with white seven segment LED display using AT tiny26 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 430. T RUE RMS-T O-DC Adapter For DVM using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 431. PC Controlled Robot using AT mega32 (11/12/2012) 432. Build the Penguin game system using AT Mega32/644 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 433. Minimum Mass Wavef orm Capture and Display using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 434. A 10 Bit LED Digital Panel Meter With Auto Ranging Based On T he AT MEGA8 (11/19/2012) 435. Real Time Clock/Calendar/Alarm with Interpreter f or battery backed-up and battery powered operation with DS interf ace using AT tiny12 (1/1/2013) 436. How to control Stepper Motor using AT 89C51 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 437. Power Your Arduino From Your Car using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 438. G1216B1N000 dot graphics display using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 439. LCD Date Time Application using AT 89S52 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 440. Fire-f ree LED Matchstick Using a Tiny13 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 441. Frequency counter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 442. YAFLC (Yet Another Flickering LED Candle) using Tiny45 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 443. How to use the Dragon Rider 500 with your AVR Dragon using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 444. DIY mobile phone Create your own mobile phone (12/21/2012) 445. How to drive 595 shif t registers with AVR hardware SPI using AT mega168 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 446. Nikon Camera Remote Control using AT tiny13 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 447. Build a Complete AVR System and Play Mastermind Using Microcontrollers (6/22/2012) 448. RF 2 channel remote control 418MHz using AVR microcontroller (11/13/2012) 449. How to control a 162 LCD using an AVR AT tiny2313 (11/1/2012) 450. 4 bit interf acing of a 16X2 LCD display to PIC16F877A, Atmega16/32 & MSP430 (6/7/2012) 451. LC Resonant Frequency Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 452. AVR T hermocouple Temperature Meter using AT mega164 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 453. Make a 810 L.E.D Matrix using the Arduino and 4017 decade counter (6/18/2012) 454. Garduino: Gardening + Arduino (6/27/2012) 455. T hermometer using DS1621 and Nokia 3310 LCD interf aced with AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 456. PS2 Keyboard Interf ace with AVR MCU using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 457. Using AT Mega328 Microcontroller Custom Tron Disc Mod (6/9/2012) 458. Wireless Altoids Display (6/27/2012) 459. A protective case f or the Atmel AVR Dragon using AVR (6/23/2012) 460. Cellphone Operated Robot Using Microcontrollers (6/13/2012) 461. Use Visual Studio 2010 to Compile AVR Hex Files using AVR microcontroller (6/26/2012) 462. Box with a Music Lock using AT Mega328P Microcontroller (6/9/2012) 463. An Absolute Beginners Guide to 8-Bit AVR Programming-AVR Dragon (6/13/2012)

464. FAST PRECISION LED DRIVER (11/21/2012) 465. Ultrasonic range f inder using AT Mega8515 (6/7/2012) 466. AVR High Voltage Programmer Using Arduino AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 467. Instalacion del controlador USBasp (USBasp drivers setup) Dark Side Electronics using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 468. Wireless Internet Radio Receiver using AT 90CAN128 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 469. DS1820 Temperature Indicator using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 470. Electronic Tic-Tac-Toe with RGB LEDs (6/23/2012) 471. My own AVR ISP programmer using PIC16f 877a and python! (6/7/2012) 472. AttoBasic using AT MEGA8515/AT 90S8515 and AT MEGA163 (11/15/2012) 473. On/Of f Controller Interf acing Touch LCD LC7981 using AT Mega Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 474. Beginners Guide AVR Programming (6/25/2012) 475. Open source color video game development system based on AVR (11/6/2012) 476. Charlieplexing 7 segment displays using Atmel Tiny26 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 477. Beamer Control using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 478. Use Google Voice Search through Arduino & Bluetooth (6/25/2012) 479. Smoke & Fume Absorber (6/25/2012) 480. Temperature controlled f an using PWM microcontroller (6/12/2012) 481. Arduino Watch Build Instructions (6/27/2012) 482. AVR displays body temperature on a Nokia 3310 LCD using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 483. Simple LM335 T hermometer using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 484. T IL311 / INL0397-1 Hexadecimal Display usning AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 485. Preamp and 330 + MHz Prescaler f or A Little More Serious Frequency Meter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 486. Turn a T V-B-Gone into a super camera remote (6/9/2012) 487. 8032 LED matrix display using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 488. Minimum Mass Wireless LCD Display using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 489. LCD T hermometer LM35 Using AT Mega8 (6/12/2012) 490. Laser Tripwire takes a Photo, Uploads it to Twitter (6/26/2012) 491. Clever Clapper using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 492. 89C517 Segment Display using the Digital Time (11/14/2012) 493. AVR Touchpad Handwriting Recognition using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 494. Gmail and RSS Notif iers using the Arduino (6/27/2012) 495. Inf rared Proximity Sensing Cof f ee Table Module & Color Changing Glowing Faucet using Microcontroller AT MEGA48 (6/18/2012) 496. Tiny AVR Microcontroller Runs on a Fruit Battery (6/23/2012) 497. 8 channel LCD Teperature meter using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 498. Jar of Firef lies using AVR AT Tiny45 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 499. 1 KHz Synchronous Detector using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 500. Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock (6/27/2012) 501. I2C Bus f or AT tiny and AT mega168 (6/23/2012)

502. Mechanized Android Figure using Microcontroller AT tiny44A (6/16/2012) 503. Bluetooth Based Smart Home using atmega8 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 504. A serial interf ace f or the Truly MT C-C162DPLY-2N using AT mega8515 (11/26/2012) 505. DC Motor Speed Control using PWM (6/8/2012) 506. AVR acoustic spectrum analyzer using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 507. Getting started with VMUSIC2 (6/23/2012) 508. LED Matrix Display using T D62783 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 509. Dimmer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 510. Ghetto Programming: Getting started with AVR microprocessors on the cheap. (6/18/2012) 511. AT mega8 based RPM Meter (11/13/2012) 512. NOKIA 3310 LCD interf acing with AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 513. Real Time Clock PCF8583 Using AVR microcontroller (6/13/2012) 514. Programmer UsbAsp using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 515. DS1669 Digital Potmeter UP/DOWN using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 516. Using AtTiny2313 microcontroller Build an electronic polyhedral die (6/9/2012) 517. An Isolated Adjustable Auto transf ormer using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 518. Multichannel USB Analog Sensor using AT Mega48 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 519. AVR mod player using AT mega325 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 520. 1 Watt White LED Power Supply Circuit f or battery operation (11/21/2012) 521. Jar of Firef lies using AVR AT Tiny45 Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 522. Fun Hackable Speaker Timer using AT Mega328 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 523. How to get started with Eclipse and AVR (6/13/2012) 524. LCD Message Display Using AT Mega8 microcontroller (6/12/2012) 525. Apple-style LED pulsing using a $1.30 MCU using AT Tiny85 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 526. AVR Code Debugger using AVR microcontroller (11/9/2012) 527. AVR LED RF Field Strength using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 528. Hacking your Digg Button with a Removable Interf ace Cable using AVR (6/23/2012) 529. DIY TiX Clock using AT MEGA16 AVR microcontroller (6/9/2012) 530. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler Terminal Interf ace using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 531. Development Board With LCD using Atmega16 microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 532. Using max7219 microcontroller Build an electronic score keeper/storage box (6/9/2012) 533. Led dimmer 2 channels using Attiny13 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 534. Control a Schlage electronic deadbolt with an arduino! (6/27/2012) 535. Watch f uturama on an 88 pixel screen using atmega168 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 536. EEPROM Driver f or AVR with RAM using AT tiny15 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 537. Barker Code-Locked Loop Synchronous Demodulator using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 538. Power usage monitor using Atmel AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 539. Color Changing Digital PC Fan Controller using Microcontroller AT Mega168 (6/18/2012) 540. Starry Ceiling f or Kids Bedroom Using AT 90S8538 microcontroller (6/9/2012) 541. Simplest LED Flasher Circuit (11/26/2012) 542. A White LED Night Light Design (11/21/2012)

543. Atmel Test Card using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 544. Energy Monitoring Transmitter using Atmega328 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 545. A 1.5 Volt, 1970s Style LED Flashing Red Caboose Marker Light using tiny microcontroller (11/26/2012) 546. Make-Yourself AT mega32 Starters Kit with LCD, I2C, SPI, RT C, ADC interf aces (6/7/2012) 547. USB business card with a computer chip board using AT tiny85 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 548. T he simple joule thief using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 549. Experimental 1 Khz Inductance Meter using AT tiny861 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 550. White 7-segments clock AT tiny26 (11/8/2012) 551. A Portable Precision Voltage Ref erence using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 552. Build your own (cheap!) multi-f unction wireless camera controller using Microcontroller AVR AT Mega8 (6/18/2012) 553. Open Source Temperature Controller- Appliance Heat Exchanger (6/25/2012) 554. Computer connected Flower Water Circuit using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 555. Easy Breadboarding using AT Mega microcontroller (11/7/2012) 556. A SIMPLE MANUAL CURVE T RACER using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 557. DS1820 Temperature Controller using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 558. LC Determination by Resonant Frequency Measurement using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 559. AT tiny12 f use restorer using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 560. AT tiny12 f use restorer using microcontroller (1/1/2013) 561. SMS control 4 way remote control relays using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 562. Single and Two Cell White LED Drivers Without Inductors (11/21/2012) 563. LED matrix using shif t registers (6/22/2012) 564. Interf acing DRAM Memory using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 565. AVR LCD Namebadge Using AT tiny2313 (6/22/2012) 566. How to make a multi-layered acrylic and LED sculpture with variable lighting levels (6/27/2012) 567. ISP 6 pin to 8 Pin Socket Using AT Tiny45 (6/23/2012) 568. DIY Electronic Birthday Blowout Candles (6/21/2012) 569. Auto Sensing Sous-Vide Cooker using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 570. Connecting Nokia 3310 LCD to USB using AVR (6/23/2012) 571. LCD Car Accelerometer using microcontroller (11/13/2012) 572. Automate lights in your kitchen area using AT Tiny84 microcontroller (11/6/2012)

This f ree embedded project also f ound using:

DIY ISD4004 music player smt160 bascom avr light dimmer dimmer light atmega 32 avr pc thermometer avr handy alarm projects atmega8 lan tester

bascom avr atmaga32 interf ace spi eeprome lm335 thermostat bascom avr 7seg atmega32 led lighting source code

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