co m
1. Remote Controlled Fan Regulator using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 2. EPROM adapter f or AT MEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer (11/15/2012) 3. Arduino VGA via Interrupts using AVR Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 4. Temperature Sensor Using AT mega8 and display using LCD(162) (11/7/2012) 5. How to use an LED Array Module using AVR (6/23/2012) 6. Line Following Robot using AVR AT mega8 (11/12/2012) 7. Numitron clock & thermometer using Microcontroller atmega48 (6/14/2012) 8. Drive a Stepper Motor with an AVR Microprocessor using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 9. Ard-e: T he robot with an Arduino as a brain using microcontroller (10/12/2012) 10. DS1802 Digital Volume Control using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 11. Broadband RF Field Strength Probe using Atmel AT 90S1200A AVR controller (11/20/2012) 12. Build your own (cheap!) multi-f unction wireless camera controller using atmega8 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 13. USB RFID Reading Keyboard using USnooBie (6/23/2012) 14. Custom Tron Disc Mod using AT Mega328 (10/25/2012) 15. Assembling the Dragon Rider 500 f or use with the AVR Dragon using AT mega88 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 16. AVR GPS Locator using avr microcontroller (6/12/2012) 17. Capacitance and Inductance meter using Atmega8 (6/7/2012) 18. Synchronizing Firef lies using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/22/2012) 19. Ear Trainer using AT Mega644 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 20. A complete starter guide to AVRs using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 21. Instalacion del controlador USBasp (USBasp drivers setup) Dark Side Electronics (6/23/2012) 22. Midi Generator using AT tiny26-8PI microcontroller (11/13/2012) 23. Arduino FT DI Header using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 24. A Little More Serious Frequency Meter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 25. Turn Your Arduino Into an ISP (6/25/2012) 26. AVR AT mega8 Project LED Moving Message Display using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 27. 100 MHz RF oscillator using AT tiny12 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 28. Led Animation Circuit with PC Connectivity using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 29. Getting started with ubuntu and the AVR dragon using atmega8 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 30. Ghetto Pixels Building an open source BlinkM Using AT Tiny45 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 31. Precision Audio Frequency Peak Detecting Probe using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 32. EPROM adapter f or AT MEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 2.0 (11/13/2012) 33. 16 LED Knight Rider using 74HCT 138 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 34. AttoBasic HOME using Atmega168 microcontroller (1/1/2013)
35. Yet Another Daf t Punk Cof f ee Table (55 LED Matrix) (6/14/2012) 36. Programming AVR ADC module with WinAVR using Atmega8 microcontroller (2/6/2013) 37. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using AT Mega168 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 38. 8 Channel PWM using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 39. BUILD A SIMPLE SERIAL PROGRAMMER FOR AVR DEVICES using AT tiny2313 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 40. Ardu-pong! the Arduino based pong console (6/27/2012) 41. RF Inductance Meter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 42. MMC/SD/SDHC AVR Interf ace using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 43. Low Picof arad Capacitance Meter AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 44. Switching between Red, Green and Blue (or Blue1 or/and Blue2 f or an RGBB type) using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 45. Kitchen Timer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 46. External device control (i.e. cof f ee machine). (6/25/2012) 47. Arduino powered hangman gif tbox/lockbox using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 48. ST K500 Compatible ISP using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 49. Getting started with LCDs and Microprocessors using AT mega8 (6/25/2012) 50. Low cost RF f or simple data link and remote control using AT tiny12 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 51. An universal programming adapter f or the Atmel ST K500 using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 52. Temperature sensor with time and date display on graphical LCD using Atmega32 (1/31/2013) 53. AVR Programmer with AT Mega8-16 (11/14/2012) 54. Buggy A Craf ty Programmable LED Creature using Microcontroller Atmel Attiny44v (6/21/2012) 55. Wireless Human Health Monitor using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 56. Arduino R/C Lawnmower (painted) using Atmega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 57. Door Opener using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 58. AVR assembly language (11/8/2012) 59. Temperature Sensor T hermometer using AT 89C51 and DS1621 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 60. Programming AVR AT xMega using USBasp and AT xmega microcontroller (11/8/2012) 61. PCB Exposure Box with Countdown timer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/15/2012) 62. Door Chime Privacy Sentry using Attiny12 (1/2/2013) 63. Temperature Indicator Using attiny2313 micrcontroller (6/13/2012) 64. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupled Frequency Meter using AT mega8 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 65. A credit card sized Ethernet Arduino compatable controller board using AT mega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 66. Singing Pumpkins/ Arduino using microcontroller (11/1/2012) 67. Direction Aware Messaging LED Spin Top (6/23/2012) 68. 2 Bit u Stepper using microcontroller (11/7/2012) 69. Build a Complete AVR System and Play Mastermind using AT mega328p microcontroller (6/25/2012) 70. AVR Based Mobile Phone using AVR AT mega128A microcontroller (11/8/2012) 71. Programmer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 72. Relais Board Using AT 2313 (6/13/2012)
73. AVR Wide Range LC,F, ESR Meter using AVR AT Mega88PA-PU microcontroller (11/8/2012) 74. Remote Controlled (R/C) Airplane LED Flasher using AT T INY12 microcontroller (11/21/2012) 75. Turn signal biking jacket using microcontroller (10/11/2012) 76. PC T hermometer Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 77. Autonomus Wall Following Obstacle Avoiding Arduino Rescue Bot (11/5/2012) 78. 3 Easy Holiday Gif ts using AT Tiny microcontroller (11/5/2012) 79. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 80. Arduino All-in-One Getting Started Guide (6/27/2012) 81. Using the iRobot Creates Command Module with Linux using avr microcontroller (6/26/2012) 82. UV Exposure Unit & Etching (6/7/2012) 83. T he Household Inf ormer using atmega168 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 84. 8 MHz f requency meter using AVR microcontroller (6/12/2012) 85. How to add more Outputs to your Microcontroller using 74HC595 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 86. 16-key Keypad Decoding with an AVR MCU (6/23/2012) 87. Portable 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 88. I2C Tiny USB using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 89. Arduino Powered Binary Clock using AT mega168 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 90. LED Hanukkah Menorah using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/21/2012) 91. Ghetto Development Environment Using Microcontrollers (6/23/2012) 92. Running PYT HON (pymite-09) on an Arduino MEGA 2560 using atmega16 micrcontroller (6/6/2012) 93. Debugging AVR code in Linux with simavr using Microcontroller AT Tiny85 (6/18/2012) 94. Analog audio panel f or PC using AT Mega328 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 95. 1750 Meter Lowf er Band amplitude modulated RF source using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 96. T he $9 Quasi-duino (Almost-duino) using AT mega328 microcontroll (11/3/2012) 97. Running T X433 and RX433 RF modules with AVR microcontrollers using Atmega8 (2/4/2013) 98. PHduino pH Meter Using Arduino (11/20/2012) 99. LED Dog Collar using AT T INY2313 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 100. AVR Digital Hum Nuller using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 101. Low-cost AVR programmer (11/8/2012) 102. PWM Wavef orm Capture using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 103. Arduino Mega 2560 (6/3/2012) 104. MAX038-Based Sweep/Function Generator With Markers using AVR AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/19/2012) 105. Making a USB based AVR Programmer using AT MEGA8 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 106. Attention-Getting Auxiliary Warning Light Flasher/Driver (11/21/2012) 107. Packet Radio using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 108. AT mega8 Based Multi channel IR Remote (11/12/2012) 109. Low Capacitance Scope Probe Adapter (11/21/2012) 110. How To Communicate With An Alien Artif act or . . . (6/19/2012) 111. AT 89C52 DS1302 DS18B20 LCD On Time-Temperature (11/14/2012)
112. Adding ICSP header to your Arduino/AVR board using ISP10PIN microcontroller (6/22/2012) 113. AVR Compiler toolchain f or MAC using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 114. Tea Timer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 115. LED Microcontrolled Stained Glass Firef ly Pendant using Microcontroller AT Tiny45 chip (6/19/2012) 116. T he Word Clock Arduino version using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 117. AC Current Probe f or Oscilloscopes (11/20/2012) 118. DIY Digital T hermometer Using AT Mega8 (6/23/2012) 119. i2c interf ace to USB interf ace using attiny45 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 120. AT Tiny2313 Board RS232 (6/11/2012) 121. 6 LED Knight Rider using AT tiny22 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 122. AVR LED Candle using AT tiny85 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 123. Dotmatrix using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 124. 3D Color LED Graphics Display using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 125. Digital Window Sticker (Arduino Controlled) using AT Mega328 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 126. Control Relay Card with USB port Atmel using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 127. Arduino EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Detector (10/6/2012) 128. AVR terminal f or serial port using T SOP1738 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 129. LCD T hermometer T CN75 Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 130. AvrPhone using AT mega128 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 131. Delta Robot using atmega32 micrcontroller (6/7/2012) 132. How to use a 74HC595 Shif t Register with a using AVR AT tiny13 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 133. A Noise Generator per IEC 268-1, IEC 268-5, and IEC 268-7 (11/19/2012) 134. Arduino animatronics- make your awesome costumes more awesome! using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/26/2012) 135. AVR32 Development Board at Home (6/22/2012) 136. How to choose a MicroController (6/19/2012) 137. AVR Ultrasonic Spheroid Levitation Device using AT Mega16 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 138. Using a Dot Matrix LED with an Arduino and Shif t Register (10/9/2012) 139. Halloween Robot using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 140. Music Playing Alarm Clock using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 141. A Low Power PLL FM Transmitter using LMX1601 and AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/28/2012) 142. Simple PWM DC motor control using MOSFET H-Bridge with AVR AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 143. T he Multi-f ormat Clock Gif t contest (6/18/2012) 144. LC Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 145. Repair dead AVRs Attiny f usebit doctor (HVSP) (6/23/2012) 146. LED Binary Calculator using Microcontroller AT tiny2313 (6/18/2012) 147. AT Tiny Board For AVR AT Tiny microcontrollers (6/8/2012) 148. Stripboard Arduino using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 149. 44 LED Display (6/7/2012) 150. EPROM Display using ULN2308A microcontroller (6/7/2012) 151. Modular User Interf ace System using AT Mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012)
152. Controlling SpeakJet with an AVR microcontroller using AT mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 153. Stepper motor Control with Atmega16 (6/12/2012) 154. Longboard Wheel Display using AVR microcontroller (1/1/2013) 155. T he Arduino Weather Station / T hermostat using AT mega328 microcontroller (6/27/2012) 156. DC Servomotor Controller System Meter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 157. Garduino Upgrade, Now with more Twitter! (6/27/2012) 158. LCD Interf ace Board Using AT Tiny2313 (6/12/2012) 159. T he Lightning Simulator/Breathalyzer/Graphic Equalizer Using Arduino Powered (9/27/2012) 160. Atmel atmega projects l35 heat time display keypad using AT Mega microcontroller (11/14/2012) 161. Interf acing rotary encoder to Atmega32 (2/2/2013) 162. microSD FAT 32 testing using Visual C++ (6/7/2012) 163. HF AC Millivoltmeter Adapter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 164. Build an AVR Xmega Prototyping Board using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 165. Vintage Toothbrush Timer using AT Mega328p (10/31/2012) 166. USB PCB Business Card Using AT tiny85 Microcontroller (6/9/2012) 167. How to connect Arduino and RFID (6/27/2012) 168. Atmel Bascom avr 8051 project, the circuit archive using AT 89S8252 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 169. Experimental board using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 170. Arduino magnetic stripe decoder using microcontroller (10/4/2012) 171. 44 Matrix Key-board Interf acing with AT mega32 (6/7/2012) 172. Analog Multiplexer using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 173. Multipattern Running light using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 174. Audio Spectrum Monitor using S1D15200 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 175. T he Arduino LED Cube using LED microcontroller (6/22/2012) 176. How To Make A Grounding Wrist Band (6/23/2012) 177. Making a set of traf f ic lights Using Arduino (6/22/2012) 178. RF Field Strength meter using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 179. ISD4004 based voice recorder (6/8/2012) 180. RS-232 Freq. Meter/Pulse Generator Based on Atmel AT tiny2313 using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 181. Relay Timer with AT mega8 AVR MCU (11/13/2012) 182. Charlieplexing 7 segment displays using Microcontroller (6/13/2012) 183. A Simple FM Stereo Transmitter using AT T INY12 microcontroller (12/28/2012) 184. 88 Bicolor LED Matrix using MAX6964 (6/7/2012) 185. RS-232 to 100 MHz RF desktop channel adapter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 186. SMT 160 based Temperature indicator (6/12/2012) 187. Atmel Avr Project Circuit Archive 360 MB using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 188. Photocell Amplif ier using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 189. Head-Controlled Keyboard And Mouse For Disabled, using AVR and AT Mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 190. An attempt to show grayscale images on an LED dot matrix display with sof tware PWM using PIC16F877A (6/6/2012)
191. A Superhet/Direct Conversion AM receiver f or 181.818 kHz using Attiny2313 (1/1/2013) 192. Music Playing Alarm Clock using Microcontroller AT 90USB1286 (6/16/2012) 193. PC Temperature Meter using AT tiny15 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 194. CNC Update 2 Using atmega32 microcontroller (6/7/2012) 195. Atmel Xmega USB/Serial Arbitrary Wavef orm Generator (6/18/2012) 196. Digital Telemetry using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 197. Augmenting a Microcontroller using AVR (6/23/2012) 198. Cellphone Operated Robot using AT mega16 AVR microcontroller (11/20/2012) 199. Mushroom Environment Control Arduino Powered (6/27/2012) 200. microSD AT mega32 Data-Logger (6/7/2012) 201. Multif unction 330 MHz Remote Control With an AT T INY2313 Simulating the PT 2264 Encoder (11/26/2012) 202. Development system f or PIC and AVR microcontrollers (6/23/2012) 203. White LED Drive Circuit using Tiny microcontroller (11/21/2012) 204. $10 AT tiny85/45 POV display!! (works really well) (11/3/2012) 205. AVR Data Logger with MicroSD using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 206. T V remote controller 160KHz High Quality Stereo MMC WAV player using AT MEGA32 (6/6/2012) 207. AVR Security Keypad Lock using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 208. LCD Display On Glass Interf ace Using AT 2313 (6/12/2012) 209. Swiss AVR Knif e using Microcontroller AT tiny84 (6/19/2012) 210. LED wind indicator Using atmega8 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 211. Handy Password Managing System, Lord of the Keys using AVR AT mega168 (11/8/2012) 212. A multif unction digital meter using Atmega128 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 213. Superb DIY Retro Lighting Design (6/26/2012) 214. AVR Music Player with Alarm Clock using AT 90USB1286 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 215. VGA monitor tester using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 216. Dot Matrix Display Applications using AT 89C2051 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 217. AM radio transmission using AVR using Atmega324 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 218. Assembling the Z IFduino USB 1.2 using AT MEGA168 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 219. Arduino Laser Tag Duino Tag (6/27/2012) 220. DIY AVR Programmers (6/6/2012) 221. SD/SDHC Card Interf acing with AT mega8 /32 (FAT 32 implementation) (6/7/2012) 222. A Pretty Good Wattmeter For Bench Use using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 223. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using Microcontroller AT Mega168 (6/16/2012) 224. AvrX, Real Time Kernel using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 225. Turn a T V-B-Gone into a super camera remote! (11/1/2012) 226. Open Source AVR Temperature Controller using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 227. Speaking Calculator using AVR AT mega88 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 228. Acceleration sensing USB interf ace using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 229. PC Steppermotor Driver Using AT 2313 -controller (6/12/2012) 230. Ponyprog Circuit f or AVR & PIC16F84 using microcontroller (11/15/2012)
231. Multimeter with Atmel using Atmega8-16pu microcontroller (11/14/2012) 232. Ambient Light Gif t Badge using AT Tiny13 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 233. Implementing Discrete Fourier Transf orm in Atmega32 to make an audio spectrum analyzer (6/4/2012) 234. AVR Based CRO using Atmega16 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 235. Electric Spinning Wheel using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 236. AVR LCD Microcontrolled Oscilloscope using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 237. 8 LED Knight Rider using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 238. Atmel atmega128 clock ds1307 tda5410 hard disk using atmega128 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 239. Digital Melody player using atmega16 microcontroller (6/12/2012) 240. VUSBTiny AVR SPI Programmer Using AT tiny85 (6/23/2012) 241. Arduino XMAS hitcounter using AVR microcontroller (9/28/2012) 242. Temperature Control For Kitchen Appliances (6/27/2012) 243. A Simple Field Strength Indicator (11/20/2012) 244. AT Tiny2313 Multi-mode LED Matrix Clock (6/13/2012) 245. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using atmega168 microcontroller (11/1/2012) 246. AT tiny programming with Arduino (6/23/2012) 247. Reading Switches with using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 248. AVR Power Usage Logger using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 249. Programming adapter f rom 10 pin to 6 pin f or AVRs (6/25/2012) 250. About Atmel and Combination Lock Application using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 251. HF/VHF/UHF T EST OSCILLAT OR using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 252. Slavef lash with Attiny24 ver. 2.0 (6/25/2012) 253. Blinking, Singing, Marioman using Attiny microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 254. PCM Audio Based Door Bell using Atmega32 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 255. Drawing geometric f igures on a PAL T V using AT mega32 (12864 resolution) (6/6/2012) 256. AVR mini board with additional boards using attiny2313 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 257. Wireless Accelerometer Controlled rgb-LEDs using atmega168 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 258. Guia para programar uC AVR Dark Side Electronics using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 259. Advance Fire Alarm through Mobile Phone using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 260. How to drive a lot of LEDs f rom a f ew microcontroller pins. (6/9/2012) 261. Door Activated LED Lighting using Hall Ef f ect Sensors using Attiny85 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 262. Java virtual machine f or the Atmel AVR AT mega8 (11/13/2012) 263. Mini RGB Light Cube using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 264. Transf orm a cheap RC Transmitter with Custom Firmware using AT MEGA64 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 265. Multitasking in AVR (A demo to run 7 tasks on an atmega32) (6/6/2012) 266. $1.50 Arduino T V Annoyer!! (Turns T Vs on when you want them of f ) using microcontroller (11/3/2012) 267. Generating AUDIO ECHO using Atmega32 microcontroller (6/6/2012) 268. 10 Bit analog to digital converter using AT tiny26 microcontroller (11/13/2012)
269. Prime Calculator is Complete using AT Mega8 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 270. 5 Channel USB Analog Sensor with AVR using AT mega48 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 271. Magnetic Levitation using the Arduino (6/26/2012) 272. Micro controller programming: Making a set of traf f ic lights using Microcontroller AT Tiny2313 (6/22/2012) 273. Simple USB AVR programmer, USBasp using AT Mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 274. AT mega8 Based Smart Code Lock (11/12/2012) 275. USB AVR programmer using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 276. Measure negative temperature with Lm35 (6/8/2012) 277. AVR RGB LED and Sound Show using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 278. Hack a Toaster Oven f or Ref low Soldering using AT mega32 microcontroller (6/9/2012) 279. ISP Breadboard Header using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 280. A Pretty Good LC Meter Based on the AVR using AT T INY2313 Microcontroller (11/19/2012) 281. Led Blink Code Hello World Led using atmega16 in C (1/28/2013) 282. Scientif ic Calculator using AVR Microcontroller (6/8/2012) 283. 88 Dotmatrix Scrolling LED display using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 284. USB controlled home automation hack using Microcontroller AT mega8 (6/16/2012) 285. 50 MHz range f requency counter using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 286. An Even Better LC Meter Based on the AVR AT T INY861 (11/19/2012) 287. Digital dimmer using Microcontroller atmega8 (6/7/2012) 288. Portal Still Alive on using AT Mega16 microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 289. Soldering an SMT MOSFET Driver with a hotplate using microcontroller (11/3/2012) 290. Wi-Fi Enabled Coil Gun with iPhone App (6/26/2012) 291. Control Electronics using an Arduino and Inf rared LEDs (6/26/2012) 292. 89Sxx Development Board using microcontroller (11/15/2012) 293. Serial interf ace with 2X16 LCD display using AT Mega8515 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 294. Easy Data Logger with Virtual USB using AT tiny45 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 295. Power your Arduino/AVR with a Hand-Cranked Battery (6/16/2012) 296. Heart of LEDs using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 297. Cellphone controlled robot vehicle using AT mega16 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 298. Atmega8 measures ambient temperature and relative humidity using HSM-20G sensor (11/5/2012) 299. Telnet to your Arduino/AVR! (6/23/2012) 300. Real Time Clock AT Mega16 (6/12/2012) 301. Controlling internal DAC AT 90PWM3 using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 302. How to Read Binary/Hex T humbwheel Switch with an AVR Microcontroller using AT mega328p microcontroller (6/22/2012) 303. 3 channel, 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interf ace using AT tiny12 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 304. Wireless Coupler Terminal Interf ace using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 305. Mini Logic Analyzer using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 306. DS1307 based Clock using lcd (6/7/2012) 307. Turn your T V into a Digital Voltmeter using Atmels AVR 90S1200 microcontroller (11/6/2012)
308. Power Your Arduino From Your Car (6/23/2012) 309. Wireless Coupled Frequency Meter using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 310. Controlling 7-segments LED displays using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 311. Building a digital light meter with a calibrated LDR using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 312. Interf ace a rotary phone dial to an Arduino (6/27/2012) 313. T hermometer with Clock using AT mega16 (6/8/2012) 314. MP3 Player using AT Mega128 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 315. Color Sensor using Atmega16 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 316. Color Sensor Circuit with AT 89S52 ADC0808 (11/14/2012) 317. Interf acing T CS3200 Colour Sensor with AVR AT mega32 (11/12/2012) 318. Power Supply using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 319. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupled Scanning Voltmeter using AT mega8 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 320. Oscilloscope using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 321. T he 74HC164 Shif t Register and your Arduino using GD74HC164 microcontroller (10/10/2012) 322. Arduino and Touchpad Tic Tac Toe using microcontroller (6/27/2012) 323. Servo Controlled Labyrinth using Microcontroller AT mega32 (6/18/2012) 324. PS/2 to C64 Mouse Adapter using AT mega8 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 325. TinyRealTime, Small Real Time Kernel f or AVR using atmega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 326. LED Cube 4x4x4 using Microcontroller Atmega16 (6/18/2012) 327. Battery Checker Circuits using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 328. AVR Switch Timer using AT mega8 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 329. Wireless Lan f or AVR microcontrollers (11/13/2012) 330. White LED Stroboscope (11/26/2012) 331. Circuit and f irmware to support Seiko-Epson G1216B1N000 dot graphics display using AT tiny2313 (11/26/2012) 332. Digital Stop Watch with AT mega8 using microcontroller (11/13/2012) 333. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using AT Mega168 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 334. Lux meters attiny26-16 light measurement circuit using attiny26 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 335. Build Your Own BARBOT using AVR microcontroller (10/13/2012) 336. Rainbow glowing ping pong Using AT Ting 13 (6/13/2012) 337. How to Read Many Switches with One MCU Pin (6/13/2012) 338. AVRSH: A Command Interpreter Shell f or Arduino/AVR. (6/19/2012) 339. Low speed AVR oscilloscope V2.00 (Is updated on 19 Mar 2011) (6/22/2012) 340. AVR based remote controlled f an regulator (11/6/2012) 341. Programming Arduino Bootloader without Programmer using AT mega168 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 342. LCD T hermometer T CN77 Using AVR Microcontroller (6/12/2012) 343. Picopter using Microcontroller AT mega128RFA1 (6/9/2012) 344. Simple Automatic Battery Discharge Analyzer using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/9/2012) 345. How To Use a Nokia Color LCD using an AVR (6/13/2012) 346. Debugging AVR code in Linux with simavr (6/23/2012)
347. LED DOT Matrix Pong using AT Mega16 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 348. Control Anything with one AVR pin using Attiny2313 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 349. Capacitance Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 350. Faraday For Fun: An Electronic Batteryless Dice using Microcontroller AT Tiny13 (6/21/2012) 351. Simple calculator using avr microcontroller Atmega16 (6/12/2012) 352. FanBus Digital Fan and LED Interf ace f or PC using AT Mega168 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 353. Make a breadboard adapter f or your AVR microcontroller using attiny2313 (11/2/2012) 354. AVR Based Car Diagnostic Tools using AT mega169 (11/8/2012) 355. 93C66 EEPROM chip with an AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 356. LPH7319 controlled via I2C (6/7/2012) 357. Graphical LCD with KS108 controller (6/12/2012) 358. GuGaplexed Valentine LED Heart using AT Tiny13V Microcontroller (6/25/2012) 359. Traf f ic light controller using avr microcontroller (6/8/2012) 360. DIY USB password generator using AT tiny Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 361. LED Menorah using AT tiny13 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 362. Make a Web Connected Robot (f or about $500) (using an Arduino and Netbook) (9/26/2012) 363. A 1 Khz Digital Sine Wave Signal Source using AT mega8515 microcontroller (11/19/2012) 364. Digital Voltmeter using Microcontroller Atmega8 (6/7/2012) 365. Using the 8Pin AT T INY programming shield with an external clock (6/9/2012) 366. RCEN f use programmer using AT 90S1200A microcontroller (11/13/2012) 367. LoveBox T he box of love using AT tiny2313 Microcontroller (6/22/2012) 368. Looking f or expanding RAM f or your Atmega128 (11/6/2012) 369. Tetris and Snake with one AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 370. LED Scolling Dot Matrix Font & Graphics Generator 58 57 88 using the AVR AT tiny2313 and AVRStudio (6/18/2012) 371. Ponyprog Circuit f or AT MELS AVR using microcontroller (11/15/2012) 372. Interf acing AT mega32 with an LCD and a DAC (9/18/2012) 373. Series Connected Voltage Boost Circuit f or a Battery Operated LED Lantern (11/21/2012) 374. A GLCD connected to an AVR microcontroller using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 375. Monochrome Composite Video using Atmega8 (11/7/2012) 376. White LED Battery Powered Power Failure Light (11/26/2012) 377. Helianthus: T he Solar Tracking System using AT mega16 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 378. GSM GPS module shield f or Arduino (11/17/2012) 379. A physical display device f or website visitors based on Atmega168 (11/6/2012) 380. Programmable LED using Atmel AT tiny13v Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 381. AVR Based Operating System using AT Mega32 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 382. Minimum Mass Wavef orm Capture using AVR microcontroller (1/1/2013) 383. A Microcontroller Based Digital Lock-In Milliohmmeter using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 384. Getting Started with Atmel AVR and BASCOM using attiny26 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 385. Atmel avr usb programmer using AT MEGA8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 386. Computer controlled marquee at90s2313 74hc595 (11/14/2012)
387. SP12 serial programmer sof tware (11/8/2012) 388. Open Source USB AVR Programmer f or Students and Hobbyists using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 389. Using Arduino to communicate with embedded project using AVR AT MEGA microcontroller (6/22/2012) 390. VGA Monitor adaptor using AVR microcontroller (11/13/2012) 391. AVR/Arduino RFID Reader with UART Code in C (6/23/2012) 392. Ultrasonic Security System using Atmega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 393. Creating a charlieplexed LED grid to run on AT Tiny85 (11/2/2012) 394. DS interf ace test tool using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 395. Lampduino an 88 RGB Floor Lamp (6/13/2012) 396. Multi-channel temperature logger using Atmega48 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 397. A Field Strength Meter Using A Biased Schottky Detector using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 398. How To Smell Pollutants (6/27/2012) 399. Morse Code Alarm Clock using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 400. Make an automatic plant light using AT Tiny26 Microcontroller (6/11/2012) 401. Slavef lash-trigger f or digital cameras with Attiny24 (6/23/2012) 402. Annoying Beeper using Microcontroller AT tiny13 (6/25/2012) 403. AVR-GCC LCD library mixed pin support using Atmega328P (1/29/2013) 404. Direction Aware Messaging LED Spin Top using Tiny44 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 405. Stepper motor Driver Using AT 2313 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 406. Atmel AT 89C2051 hardware keylogers circuit with using AT 89C2051 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 407. A sunrise and sunset lamp with LEDs (6/18/2012) 408. How to Read Binary/Hex T humbwheel Switch with an AVR Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 409. Frequency Meter with 100 MHz RF desktop channel using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 410. AVR based monochrome signal generation f or a PAL T V using atmega16 micrcontroller (6/6/2012) 411. New Jar of Firef lies (6/23/2012) 412. Power your Arduino/AVR with a Hand-Cranked Battery using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 413. SMS Based Voting System AVR GSM Project using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 414. T he 4x4x4 LED cube (Arduino) (6/27/2012) 415. Decoding 4 buttons with two I/Os on AVR using AT tiny12 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 416. Getting started with LCDs and Microprocessors (6/23/2012) 417. Light f or lif e: Glowing button cycling jacket (6/26/2012) 418. Simple signal drawing on graphical LCD routines using Atmega8 microcontroller (2/8/2013) 419. Remote Control based Robot using C language (1/21/2013) 420. MMC card based WAV player using atmega32 (6/12/2012) 421. Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope Clock using Atmega328 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 422. Build your own Wif i radio using Microcontroller AT mega16 (6/13/2012) 423. Visualize ADC data on PC Screen using USART AVR Project using microcontroller (11/12/2012) 424. Intelligent temperature monitoring and control system using AVR microcontroller (11/5/2012) 425. Digital oscilloscope GLCD using Atmega32 microcontroller (11/6/2012)
426. How to have f un with Arduino (and become a Geek in the process) (6/26/2012) 427. Nixie Clock with AVR using AT mega48 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 428. Pinning LCD display 1601 using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 429. AVR digital clock with white seven segment LED display using AT tiny26 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 430. T RUE RMS-T O-DC Adapter For DVM using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 431. PC Controlled Robot using AT mega32 (11/12/2012) 432. Build the Penguin game system using AT Mega32/644 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 433. Minimum Mass Wavef orm Capture and Display using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/20/2012) 434. A 10 Bit LED Digital Panel Meter With Auto Ranging Based On T he AT MEGA8 (11/19/2012) 435. Real Time Clock/Calendar/Alarm with Interpreter f or battery backed-up and battery powered operation with DS interf ace using AT tiny12 (1/1/2013) 436. How to control Stepper Motor using AT 89C51 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 437. Power Your Arduino From Your Car using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 438. G1216B1N000 dot graphics display using AT 90S2313 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 439. LCD Date Time Application using AT 89S52 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 440. Fire-f ree LED Matchstick Using a Tiny13 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 441. Frequency counter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 442. YAFLC (Yet Another Flickering LED Candle) using Tiny45 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 443. How to use the Dragon Rider 500 with your AVR Dragon using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/2/2012) 444. DIY mobile phone Create your own mobile phone (12/21/2012) 445. How to drive 595 shif t registers with AVR hardware SPI using AT mega168 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 446. Nikon Camera Remote Control using AT tiny13 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 447. Build a Complete AVR System and Play Mastermind Using Microcontrollers (6/22/2012) 448. RF 2 channel remote control 418MHz using AVR microcontroller (11/13/2012) 449. How to control a 162 LCD using an AVR AT tiny2313 (11/1/2012) 450. 4 bit interf acing of a 16X2 LCD display to PIC16F877A, Atmega16/32 & MSP430 (6/7/2012) 451. LC Resonant Frequency Meter using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 452. AVR T hermocouple Temperature Meter using AT mega164 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 453. Make a 810 L.E.D Matrix using the Arduino and 4017 decade counter (6/18/2012) 454. Garduino: Gardening + Arduino (6/27/2012) 455. T hermometer using DS1621 and Nokia 3310 LCD interf aced with AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 456. PS2 Keyboard Interf ace with AVR MCU using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 457. Using AT Mega328 Microcontroller Custom Tron Disc Mod (6/9/2012) 458. Wireless Altoids Display (6/27/2012) 459. A protective case f or the Atmel AVR Dragon using AVR (6/23/2012) 460. Cellphone Operated Robot Using Microcontrollers (6/13/2012) 461. Use Visual Studio 2010 to Compile AVR Hex Files using AVR microcontroller (6/26/2012) 462. Box with a Music Lock using AT Mega328P Microcontroller (6/9/2012) 463. An Absolute Beginners Guide to 8-Bit AVR Programming-AVR Dragon (6/13/2012)
464. FAST PRECISION LED DRIVER (11/21/2012) 465. Ultrasonic range f inder using AT Mega8515 (6/7/2012) 466. AVR High Voltage Programmer Using Arduino AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 467. Instalacion del controlador USBasp (USBasp drivers setup) Dark Side Electronics using AVR microcontroller (6/22/2012) 468. Wireless Internet Radio Receiver using AT 90CAN128 Microcontroller (11/8/2012) 469. DS1820 Temperature Indicator using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 470. Electronic Tic-Tac-Toe with RGB LEDs (6/23/2012) 471. My own AVR ISP programmer using PIC16f 877a and python! (6/7/2012) 472. AttoBasic using AT MEGA8515/AT 90S8515 and AT MEGA163 (11/15/2012) 473. On/Of f Controller Interf acing Touch LCD LC7981 using AT Mega Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 474. Beginners Guide AVR Programming (6/25/2012) 475. Open source color video game development system based on AVR (11/6/2012) 476. Charlieplexing 7 segment displays using Atmel Tiny26 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 477. Beamer Control using attiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 478. Use Google Voice Search through Arduino & Bluetooth (6/25/2012) 479. Smoke & Fume Absorber (6/25/2012) 480. Temperature controlled f an using PWM microcontroller (6/12/2012) 481. Arduino Watch Build Instructions (6/27/2012) 482. AVR displays body temperature on a Nokia 3310 LCD using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 483. Simple LM335 T hermometer using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 484. T IL311 / INL0397-1 Hexadecimal Display usning AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 485. Preamp and 330 + MHz Prescaler f or A Little More Serious Frequency Meter using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 486. Turn a T V-B-Gone into a super camera remote (6/9/2012) 487. 8032 LED matrix display using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 488. Minimum Mass Wireless LCD Display using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 489. LCD T hermometer LM35 Using AT Mega8 (6/12/2012) 490. Laser Tripwire takes a Photo, Uploads it to Twitter (6/26/2012) 491. Clever Clapper using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 492. 89C517 Segment Display using the Digital Time (11/14/2012) 493. AVR Touchpad Handwriting Recognition using AT mega644 microcontroller (11/8/2012) 494. Gmail and RSS Notif iers using the Arduino (6/27/2012) 495. Inf rared Proximity Sensing Cof f ee Table Module & Color Changing Glowing Faucet using Microcontroller AT MEGA48 (6/18/2012) 496. Tiny AVR Microcontroller Runs on a Fruit Battery (6/23/2012) 497. 8 channel LCD Teperature meter using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 498. Jar of Firef lies using AVR AT Tiny45 microcontroller (11/3/2012) 499. 1 KHz Synchronous Detector using AVR microcontroller (11/14/2012) 500. Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock (6/27/2012) 501. I2C Bus f or AT tiny and AT mega168 (6/23/2012)
502. Mechanized Android Figure using Microcontroller AT tiny44A (6/16/2012) 503. Bluetooth Based Smart Home using atmega8 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 504. A serial interf ace f or the Truly MT C-C162DPLY-2N using AT mega8515 (11/26/2012) 505. DC Motor Speed Control using PWM (6/8/2012) 506. AVR acoustic spectrum analyzer using Atmega8 microcontroller (11/5/2012) 507. Getting started with VMUSIC2 (6/23/2012) 508. LED Matrix Display using T D62783 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 509. Dimmer using AT Tiny2313 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 510. Ghetto Programming: Getting started with AVR microprocessors on the cheap. (6/18/2012) 511. AT mega8 based RPM Meter (11/13/2012) 512. NOKIA 3310 LCD interf acing with AT mega8 (6/7/2012) 513. Real Time Clock PCF8583 Using AVR microcontroller (6/13/2012) 514. Programmer UsbAsp using AVR microcontroller (11/7/2012) 515. DS1669 Digital Potmeter UP/DOWN using microcontroller (11/8/2012) 516. Using AtTiny2313 microcontroller Build an electronic polyhedral die (6/9/2012) 517. An Isolated Adjustable Auto transf ormer using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 518. Multichannel USB Analog Sensor using AT Mega48 Microcontroller (1/2/2013) 519. AVR mod player using AT mega325 microcontroller (1/1/2013) 520. 1 Watt White LED Power Supply Circuit f or battery operation (11/21/2012) 521. Jar of Firef lies using AVR AT Tiny45 Microcontroller (6/23/2012) 522. Fun Hackable Speaker Timer using AT Mega328 microcontroller (6/25/2012) 523. How to get started with Eclipse and AVR (6/13/2012) 524. LCD Message Display Using AT Mega8 microcontroller (6/12/2012) 525. Apple-style LED pulsing using a $1.30 MCU using AT Tiny85 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 526. AVR Code Debugger using AVR microcontroller (11/9/2012) 527. AVR LED RF Field Strength using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 528. Hacking your Digg Button with a Removable Interf ace Cable using AVR (6/23/2012) 529. DIY TiX Clock using AT MEGA16 AVR microcontroller (6/9/2012) 530. Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler Terminal Interf ace using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (12/31/2012) 531. Development Board With LCD using Atmega16 microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 532. Using max7219 microcontroller Build an electronic score keeper/storage box (6/9/2012) 533. Led dimmer 2 channels using Attiny13 microcontroller (6/22/2012) 534. Control a Schlage electronic deadbolt with an arduino! (6/27/2012) 535. Watch f uturama on an 88 pixel screen using atmega168 microcontroller (6/23/2012) 536. EEPROM Driver f or AVR with RAM using AT tiny15 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 537. Barker Code-Locked Loop Synchronous Demodulator using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 538. Power usage monitor using Atmel AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller (11/7/2012) 539. Color Changing Digital PC Fan Controller using Microcontroller AT Mega168 (6/18/2012) 540. Starry Ceiling f or Kids Bedroom Using AT 90S8538 microcontroller (6/9/2012) 541. Simplest LED Flasher Circuit (11/26/2012) 542. A White LED Night Light Design (11/21/2012)
543. Atmel Test Card using AT mega32 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 544. Energy Monitoring Transmitter using Atmega328 microcontroller (11/12/2012) 545. A 1.5 Volt, 1970s Style LED Flashing Red Caboose Marker Light using tiny microcontroller (11/26/2012) 546. Make-Yourself AT mega32 Starters Kit with LCD, I2C, SPI, RT C, ADC interf aces (6/7/2012) 547. USB business card with a computer chip board using AT tiny85 microcontroller (11/6/2012) 548. T he simple joule thief using AVR microcontrollers (11/6/2012) 549. Experimental 1 Khz Inductance Meter using AT tiny861 microcontroller (1/2/2013) 550. White 7-segments clock AT tiny26 (11/8/2012) 551. A Portable Precision Voltage Ref erence using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 552. Build your own (cheap!) multi-f unction wireless camera controller using Microcontroller AVR AT Mega8 (6/18/2012) 553. Open Source Temperature Controller- Appliance Heat Exchanger (6/25/2012) 554. Computer connected Flower Water Circuit using AT mega8 microcontroller (11/14/2012) 555. Easy Breadboarding using AT Mega microcontroller (11/7/2012) 556. A SIMPLE MANUAL CURVE T RACER using microcontroller (11/19/2012) 557. DS1820 Temperature Controller using atmega8515 microcontroller (6/13/2012) 558. LC Determination by Resonant Frequency Measurement using microcontroller (11/20/2012) 559. AT tiny12 f use restorer using microcontroller (11/14/2012) 560. AT tiny12 f use restorer using microcontroller (1/1/2013) 561. SMS control 4 way remote control relays using AT tiny2313 microcontroller (11/13/2012) 562. Single and Two Cell White LED Drivers Without Inductors (11/21/2012) 563. LED matrix using shif t registers (6/22/2012) 564. Interf acing DRAM Memory using AVR microcontroller (11/15/2012) 565. AVR LCD Namebadge Using AT tiny2313 (6/22/2012) 566. How to make a multi-layered acrylic and LED sculpture with variable lighting levels (6/27/2012) 567. ISP 6 pin to 8 Pin Socket Using AT Tiny45 (6/23/2012) 568. DIY Electronic Birthday Blowout Candles (6/21/2012) 569. Auto Sensing Sous-Vide Cooker using AVR microcontroller (11/8/2012) 570. Connecting Nokia 3310 LCD to USB using AVR (6/23/2012) 571. LCD Car Accelerometer using microcontroller (11/13/2012) 572. Automate lights in your kitchen area using AT Tiny84 microcontroller (11/6/2012)
bascom avr atmaga32 interf ace spi eeprome lm335 thermostat bascom avr 7seg atmega32 led lighting source code