Psionic Gadgets Charles W. Casimano
Psionic Gadgets Charles W. Casimano
Psionic Gadgets Charles W. Casimano
By Charles W. Cosimano
copyright Charles W. Cosimano 2003
I Introduction II What you need III Connections IV Pendulum V Ideometer VI Pendulum Chart VII Headband VIII Main Board IX Chakra Wheel X Color Wheel XI Basic Radionics XII Amplifying Patterns XIII Circle Patterns XIV Light Cylinder XV I Ching Board XVI Visualization Board XVII Pyramid Crystal Amplifier XVIII Pyramid Crystal Amplifier Board XIX Pyramid Gun XX Third Eye Headband XXI Glossary
I began my first book on psionics, almost twenty four years ago now, by stating that the purpose of that book was to end a monopoly. It is my sincere hope that this little book will continue to blow that monopoly right out of the water. There seemed at the time I started writing to be a couple of reasons why people interested in matters psychic were not more actively involved in psionics. The first was that most of the material available on it (damned little in this country) was extremely complicated and almost exclusively oriented towards healing. Not that there is anything wrong with healing people, but there are other uses as well. The second was the extreme rarity and expense of psionic instruments. It is still not uncommon for a pre-made unit to cost nearly a thousand dollars. Thus, while it may be going too far to say that a conspiracy was involved, but the effect was that psionics, and in particular, radionics was an art well hidden from public view. Psionics 101 was intended to correct that, and was successful in its own way, but I learned that some of my readers, much as they were interested, entertained and some even terrified by that work, (which amazes me considering how harmless in comparison to my later writings it was) were still intimidated by the construction of the devices. This book was, and is, intended to solve that problem. It is impossible to get simpler than cut-outs. And in creating this work I hope that I have solved another problem as well. Back in the mid to late 70's, a pair of books were published written, or rather designed, by John P. Boyle. They consisted of a collection of patterns and designs for psionic devices, such as pyramids of various types, which were in vogue at the time. Unfortunately, my particular area of interest, radionics, was left out and the idea of stiff paper, with no backing, while useful for putting together items not intended to last, proved to be, at least in my case, clearly unsatisfactory. It made storage difficult, to say the least. I have tried to correct that problem with this book, by creating patterns that can be printed out to be used as patterns for cutting heavier material, such as cardboard or posterboard. This will allow you, the reader and experimenter, to create machines which will serve you for some years, rather than be crushed in unrecognizable lumps in the back of a closet. As it has never been my practice to indulge in unreasonable flights of fancy, all of the devices in this book have been tested and used by the author. I trust that you will find them to be entertaining as well as useful. In fact, it is not stretching the point to say that when you have finished with this work you will have a complete psionics laboratory, far better equipped than the one I started with. When using this book, it is a good idea to read all the instructions before starting to make any of the devices. I have tried to put all the instructions in the right order, but every once in a while, something slips up, for stylistic or other reasons, (like the author having a rare
fit of stupidity or an AARP moment) and thus by reading first, you may save yourself some trouble. One other thing. Psionics is more of an art than a science and some designs work better for some people than others. The advantage of this format is that is a simple matter to rearrange things and it is my hope that you will not hesitate to do so when you feel that you might attain better results.
To make the connections between instruments, you will need a simple patch cable with an alligator clip at each end. As you will need these in lengths which may be somewhat longer than you normally find in electronics stores, you will happy to know that they are very simple to make. Take a length of hook-up wire, any gauge will do, and strip the insulation off each end. Attach an alligator clip to each end and you have your connector. It is a good idea to make one at least six feet long so that you can hook the headband to the instruments and still be able to move around. Now I am sure that some of you have read my other works and and would like to know how to hook your instruments into the ones in this book. Nothing could be simpler. Take a length of speaker cable and strip the insulation off the ends, separating the two types of wire in the cable. Attach a plug (of the size you use in your other machines) to one end and two alligator clips to the other. If you wish, it is a simple matter to modify the plans in this book to allow for two connecting points in the headband and the visualization board.
How to embarrass an author in one easy lesson. First let the author write a book. Then let the publisher of the book bring the author to a convention to show off his toys. Now have someone from the convention point out to the author that the chart he is using is called an ideometer and the author having to admit that he did not know that. See the author turn very red in the face and mumble something stupid. Well, guess who did that. You're right--me. Which just goes to show you that it is not wise to put too much faith in experts because we are the ones who know how little we know. What I do know is that this chart, as simple as it looks, is a virtual necessity if you are going to use a pendulum. The reason is that the pendulum is only capable of spinning in straight lines, circles and oval lines. The Ideometer enables you to translate those swings into answers by creating a language for the pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the center of the cross-hairs and think "yes". Then note how the pendulum swings and mark it on the chart. Repeat the process for "no" and note that as well. Now ask the hard question "don't know" or "data insufficient". Mark the response to that as well. With the knowledge of how the pendulum will behave in response to these ideas, you can ask it for information and have some idea of what it is trying to tell you. Of course, for more complicated stuff, you will need the next chart.
When I created my Psionic Amplifying Helmet, I was primarily concerned with a making a radionic device that could be worn. I admit that this was something of a silly idea, but I have a strange sense of humor. Anyway, that device, which I have explained in great detail in my other books on psionics, went through a number of incarnations, from what was at first nothing more than a glorified head electrode, to a rather heavy, tunable instrument with all kinds of attachments which I made out of a hard hat. After the publication of the first book, a couple of problems with the design became apparent. First, the making of the helmet seemed to be just a bit too intimidating for some readers, which made sense, and some readers were, for reasons which totally escape me, put off by the design. Like I say, I, for life of me cannot figure the latter out, but my publisher assured me that it was true and asked if I could come up with something in a different shape. My initial reaction was a great desire to cause something unpleasant to grow in his beard, but I calmed down and went to work. The real impetus for this device, however, was the great heat wave of 1988, when working with the normal helmet was just too hot, even with air-conditioning. And thus spurred by the necessity of the moment, the following device is here included.
You will notice that the drawings consist of four long strips and a circle. In addition to these, you will need eight inches of magnet strip, some foil, glue and a paper fastener. You will expect this device to last a while, so it might be a good idea to use the drawings as patterns and cut the parts out of posterboard. This way you will have a headband that will serve you for a long time (Im still using the one I made back in 88). Using glue or tape, attach two of the strips together and fit them around your forehead, comfortably snug, not too tight. Attach them where they come together and cut off the excess.
Now attach the other two and fix one end of the long strip that makes to the inside of the headband. Place the headband back on your head with the fixed point in front. Now lead the strip over the top of your head to the back, so that it presses down on the top of the head. Mark or hold the place in back and, after removing the headband from your cranium, attach the top strap and cut off the excess. See how simple that was? Now cut out the circle and punch out the hole in the center.
Put the headband on again and fit the circle under it at the very top of your head. Hold it in place and remove the headband. Mark the place on the headband where the hole of the circle is and then punch a small hole there. Glue the circle to the underside of the top strap so that the holes match. Take the paper fastener and put it through the holes so that the prongs are bent out on the underside. Do this loosely so that when the prongs are pressed, the top of the fastener sticks up slightly. Cut a circle of foil to fit the circle and glue it to the underside over the prongs of the fastener, thus creating a contact between the fastener and the foil, the foil resting on your head when the headband is worn. Measure the magnet strip in eight one inch lengths and cut them. Take the first one inch piece and affix it vertically to the outside of the headband at the front. Repeat this with the piece at the back and at each side so that the vertical strips are approximately 90 degrees apart.
Take the other four strips and affix them horizontally in between the vertical ones, so that you will have all eight strips placed around the headband approximately 45 degrees apart from the center of each. The alternating polarities of the magnets around the forehead causes a minute field effect in the energy field around the brain which increases psychic output but at the same time is not strong enough to affect the function of the brain itself, a matter of serious import for those of us who value the capacity of our minds. Your headband is now complete. All you have to do to use it is put it on, face north and think. If you wish to attach it to the other devices in this book, simply take a wire, about six feet long should do, and attach an alligator clip to each end. Clip one end to the paper fastener on the headband and the other to the instrument, (Main Board or Crystal Amplifying Board) ask the warden to hold your hand (sorry, I could not resist it. That was how I felt the first time I used the helmet) and think.
If you are transmitting, set the machine for the appropriate rate and visualize the message you wish to send. If you are receiving, attach the headband to the machine and close your eyes and see what images appear, or use the visualization board. You may also use the pendulum charts for spelling out messages.
Radionics, which is a large part of psionics, has gone through a lot of changes in the short time it has been practiced, from complicated machines with lights and amplifiers, to simple charts. Each device, however, worked on much the same basis, translating the information present in the mind of the operator to a language either of rates or patterns. As I will explain in my short chapter on basic radionics, this makes psychic work a lot easier. What I am giving you here is a cross between the usual radionic boxes, with electrical components, which I still use a my basic instrumentation, and the simple charts of a number of modern practitioners of the art. It is a board with cut-outs backed by a sheet of aluminum foil. The foil serves little purpose in analysis work, but in the more usual psychic work of reception and transmission, it seems to help tremendously. Please do not ask why because I don't know why. This board will work for just about any purpose a person will use a radionic device. It is also about as cheap a radionic instrument as one can hope for, not a bad thing in a field where it is not impossible to pay a huge amount of money for a simple device. One day, I was puzzling over what would happen to radionics when everything became digital and it became virtually impossible to find the potentiometer and dials that are used in any standard set. (It is already almost impossible to find calibrated knobs.) And that day is coming. Even now, it is very difficult to find a good, cheap slide projector for optical work. It was then that I was struck by an almost divine revelation in the form of an old television show, Space Patrol, which was being broadcast over a cable channel. Now for those of you too young to remember, Space Patrol was a very popular children's science fiction show in the 1950's and to help sell the show, as well as the sponsor's products, there were a huge number of toys available on the market tied to it, such as ray guns, space helmets, etc. There were also, as was common in the period, a number things that one could send for fifty cents and a couple of box-tops from the sponsor's cereal. And as fortune should have it, one of these premiums was a cardboard control panel with a few dials that actually turned. As I watched the show, the memory of that panel returned to me and I wondered if it could be adapted to radionics. It could and what I now explain to you is the outgrowth of that idea. The board, as you can see from the drawing, consists of five rate dials, a large sweep dial for measuring the effect of an operation, a dial to select chakras and a color dial. So, before I tell you what to do with these, it is a good idea for you to make the device. Begin by cutting out all of the patterns. You will notice that each tuning dial has three parts, a calibrated circle, a smaller circle with a radius and a small strip. The sweep dial has a calibrated circle and a pointer, as do the chakra and color dials (which are explained under separate headings).
Take a sheet of poster-board or cardboard. It should be large enough to allow you to place the dials as in the diagram. Lay out the three large dials (such as in the diagram) so that you have an idea of where you want them and then, when that is decided, glue them into place. Once the glue has set, punch a hole in the center of each and fasten the pointers with paper fasteners, with the prongs on the underside of the board, leaving them loose enough that the pointers will turn freely. Repeat the first part of this procedure with the five calibrated circles. Once the glue has set, attach the smaller circles in the same was as the pointers. Now comes a slightly difficult part. Take the small strips and bend them at the dotted lines. This will turn each into small V with two short tabs, one at each leg. Carefully glue these to each of the small circles, so that the point of the V is over the center of the paper fastener, the two legs spread over it and the tabs fastened to the circle, not touching the fastener or the calibrated circle. Be certain that you do not accidentally glue the tabs or the small circle to the calibrated circle or the paper fastener. Repeat this procedure with the pointers on the large dials. Cut out the two braces from a piece of cardboard and fold them at the dotted line. Tape or glue the long tab to the board so that when the board is stood, it rests on these at a comfortable angle. When in use, the braces are folded out, the board is propped up at an angle and the three plates bent out to lay flat in front. Witnesses on the plates are connected to the foil plate in back by the contact of the foil on the tabs and the back foil. Cut out the witness plates and the large plate. Cut foil to fit over them making the foil over the tab long enough to fold over the back of the tab. Glue the foil into place. Once the glue on the plates has set, turn the board over and glue the tabs on the plates to the back of the board, as in the drawing. Once they are set, glue a sheet of foil over the back of the board. The board is used as any other radionic instrument. The five small dials are used for taking a rate, the sweep dial is to measure the effect of the operation or anything else for that matter, and the chakra dial and the color dial are used to tune the operator to those aspects of the subject. For example, suppose you want to analyze the nature of the brow chakra of a person. First you would place the witness of that person on the left witness plate and turn the chakra dial to the brow setting. You would then set the five tuning dials to a rate which would connect you to the person and his brow chakra. Once that was done, you would measure the condition of the chakra with the sweep dial and find out what color dominates it by using the color dial.
Or let us say that you wish to transmit a verbal message to a subject. You would again take a rate for that person and his brow chakra. You would set the color dial to white, as being neutral and move the witness to the right-hand plate. Having done that, you would attach your headband to the left plate and visualize the message being sent. The machine would act as a targeting mechanism and the message would automatically enter the subject at the brow chakra. By linking this machine with the Crystal Amplifier Board, you can increase the accuracy of that device as well. To accomplish this, merely take the appropriate rates on both machines and attach a wire between the right plate on the main board and the left plate on the amplifier board. Incidentally, this plan can also be used for the layout of a conventional radionic box if you are so inclined.
In order to use the chakra wheel, you must first understand that its purpose is to tune your mind to the chakra of the person whose witness sample is on the board. Never forget, that it is ultimately the relationship between the mind of the operator, the machine and the subject that makes this stuff work. That is why the simple act of turning a cardboard pointer to a space on a wheel has any effect at all. But once this is understood, you may proceed to work with the chakras of anyone, including yourself. The number and functions of the chakras is much debated. The system I use is a modification based on the system of David Tansley. The only significant change is the inclusion of the spleen chakra among the major chakras, thus giving a total of eight, as opposed to the traditional seven. It is difficult in a book like this to give a complete explanation of these centers, so the following table is merely an outline to aid in psychic work. CHAKRA FUNCTION Base controls physical nervous system. Rarely used in psychic work. Pelvic controls all sexual response. Spleen controls vital energies and their distribution through the body. Solar Plexus controls emotional response as a receiver. Heart Chakra Transmits emotional response. (note, there is a difference in the type of emotions these chakras respond to. The Solar Plexus responds to the lower emotions, the heart to the higher. Throat Chakra receives messages that directly affect the physical nervous system, causing a muscular response. Brow Chakra Receives verbal and visual messages. Crown Chakra Primary emitting point which interfaces the brow chakra and the minor chakras in the eyes.
The color wheel is designed to help you analyze the colors that are present in a person's aura by first determining if a given color is present and then finding out what percentage of the aura is that color. by knowing this, it is possible to analyze the personality of an individual. Now I have to give you a word of caution here. There is some disagreement between various authors on the meaning of the colors, so do not view what I say here as being a final authority on the matter. What I am about to give you is a distillation of a number of interpretations. Black--deep malice, a wound that has never healed. When combined with red it means deep anger. Red--a difficult color to assess. Usually it means anger, the deeper the red, the greater the anger. In lighter shades it can mean sensuality, which may have nothing at all to do with anger. Orange--the color usually associated with the spleen chakra and the vital force. If present, it usually denotes a well balanced person. Yellow--the subject is smart. A heavy dose of yellow may also indicate deep spiritual development, but that is hard to tell. If you get a high percentage of yellow, look at the behavior of the individual. Green--another puzzle, meaning anything from cleverness to greed. Look at what other colors are present to figure out the true meaning. Blue--a tendency to the mental rather than the physical. Indigo--The mid-point between blue and violet. Usually considered a transition between the pure intellectual and the spiritual type of person. Violet--rarely found in any great percentage, it denotes spirituality. White--almost never present. Indicates an extremely spiritual type, who tends to preach a lot, rarely eat and generally ignores the fun things of life. gray--bad, very bad. It tends to amplify the worst aspects of any personality. In using the main board for this, take a contact rate for the subject and then set the color dial to each color in turn, noting those that give you a stick in about four rubs each on the
pad. That being done, go back and set the dial for the first color and begin using the sweep dial to find out the percentage. The easiest way to use this dial is to divide it up. So you would begin by asking if the percentage is over or under 50%. If over, begin at 50 and if under begin at 0. Then ask in increments of ten, so that you would ask if the percentage is between 10 and 20%. Let us say you received a percentage between 30 and 40. You then ask each number from 30 to 40 until you get a stick, let us say 37%. Write this down and repeat the procedure with each color. Now understand that the colors are constantly shifting from moment to moment. Therefore, if you finish and your total percentage is not quite 100%, do not be concerned. It never is. Once you have this information, you can analyze the character of person with a surprising degree of accuracy by adding the knowledge of the colors of his aura to what you already know of his behavior. It is not necessary to color the sections of the wheel, but if you feel that you can respond better to the various colors if you have them visible before you, then feel free to do so. One of the advantages of these instruments is that they are extremely easy to change if you should feel the need to.
Radionics is a branch of psionics which uses instruments, usually involving electronic components, to analyze and transmit information about and to etheric fields. As you can easily imagine, the devices in this book make no electronic sense whatsoever and the fact is that the use of such components in radionic devices has been largely a matter of convenience, combined with the model present in the minds of the early researchers who believed that the energies used in radionics were in some way related to electrical energy. The principal factor in all radionic work is what is known as the rate. The rate is nothing more than a language for translating psychic impressions into numbers. Rates come in four basic types: contact, which is nothing more than a relation between the operator and his subject, imbalance, which indicates a disease condition, balance, which corrects the disease condition and pattern, which is a rate for transmitting a certain pattern of energy to a subject. Let us consider these one at a time. A contact rate is easily obtained. Place the witness of the subject on the left plate of the main board and the stick pad over the right plate. While slowly turning the first dial, gently rub your thumb over the stick pad. Continue this until you get what is known as a stick. A stick is hard to describe but you will know it when you feel it. Essentially, the pad seems to just grab the thumb and stop it. Once you have done this, repeat the procedure with the other four dials. With a contact rate, you can send a message telepathically to the subject by hooking the head band to the left plate and moving the witness to the right plate. Depending upon the nature of the message, you may want to adjust the chakra dial first. You may also use the contact rate and the pendulum charts to receive a message from a subject or merely pick his memory. This technique is excellent for remote viewing experiments. The imbalance and balancing rates are used together in healing. The witness of the person is placed on the left plate as usual and the stick pad on the right. While asking for the rate for the disease condition, a rate is taken. This is then balanced by subtracting it from ten. Thus, if you have a rate of 4.5, 3.1, 5, 1.2, and 3, your balancing rate would be 5.5, 6.9, 5, 2.8, and 7. This rate, left on the machine with the witness, will knock out the disease. Of course, no one in his right mind would substitute this for standard medical treatment, but it can help. The pattern rate is a rate for a pattern to be transmitted to a subject. Let us say that you wish to transmit a pattern for courage to someone, such as local politician fighting a noble battle to block a tax increase (or, which is more fun, a disruption pattern to attack the dastardly swine who is supporting it). Make the pattern, as explained in the section on circle patterns and place this pattern on the left plate. Take a rate for it and place the
witness of the subject on the right plate. Add light and leave it. The pattern will be transmitted to the subject and he should respond rather quickly.
Psionics can lead you into areas of strangeness that you never would expect to enter and that sometimes can make you wonder if you have taken a wrong turn somewhere and left sanity behind. We are now going to enter such an area. The relationship between the two-dimensional pattern, a fancy way of saying drawing, and the unseen world has a long history in magickal tradition. It also has a place in psionics. The amplifying patterns in this book will enable you to transmit thoughts and energy to the witness of anyone whose picture you put in the central circle. Simply cut them out and use them as is, or photocopy them and paste the copy to a piece of cardboard for a longer lasting instrument. As you will discover with experimentation, different operations call for a different level of power. In healing work, for example, too much power from a pattern can cause the client to become overcharged and thus actually hinder healing. Fortunately, there is a simple cure for this problem and that lies in the fact that the power of the pattern is in proportion to the number of circles that surround the central one. It is a simple matter to use your pendulum to choose which pattern to use by the simple process of laying them on a table and asking it. Remember that everything you think about the subject will be amplified and transmitted to him as long as his witness is in the pattern, so use some caution. Another excellent use for these patterns involve keeping one or more of them in your car. Then, when you find yourself stuck in a traffic mess or continually running into red lights, put the fingers of your hand onto the center of the pattern and transmit the desire to be free of the difficulty. You will be amazed at how fast it works.
This sheet of patterns is for making line drawings that work the same as a rate when placed in a radionic system. The are based on a discovery by Malcolm Rae, that any energy pattern can be expressed as lines drawn in a circle. He used a series of radii inside a series of seven concentric circles. I have considerably simplified this technique and by means of a circle divided into 10 degree sections, it is possible to translate any field into a visual language. Now that sounds real complicated but in practice it is very simple. Let us say you want to work with a thoughtform. You know that the thoughtform exists because you made it and now want to study it with the main board. To make a circle pattern that will be the working equivalent of that thoughtform, you will need on of the circles, a ruler, a pencil and the stick pad. Lay the circle in front of you and put a small dot over one of the lines around the circle. This will be your starting point and the dot is to remind you where it is. Now write over the top of the circle the name of what you are working with, let us say a Money Thoughtform. Concentrate on that thoughtform and put the tip of the pencil on the first line. Ask the stick pad if you will be connecting that point with any of the others. If you get a stick after four or five rubs, put a small circle around that line and go on to the next one. Repeat the process until you have gone all the way around the circle. When you have finished this first step, you should have a number of small circles placed at the edge of the circle. Next lay the ruler between the first marked point and the second one. Ask if these should be connected. If you get a stick, draw a line between them. If not, do nothing. Repeat the procedure between the first marked point and all the others. Once you have done that, go to the next marked point and repeat the process. Continue this until you have tested all the combinations. Don't worry, it is not as time-consuming as you may think. Each succeeding mark requires that many fewer tests. When this is done, you will have pattern of lines which will be the functional equivalent of the thoughtform and by placing it on the main board and taking a contact rate, you will be able to psychically contact the thoughtform at any time, instantly. You will also be able to work radionically with the thoughtform through the board, or amplifying patterns by simply leaving it on the board or pattern and adding light to charge it or balancing to discharge it. The advantage of this technique over the usual method of visualization is that it frees the mind of the operator, you, for other tasks. This will become apparent as you go along. And do not be afraid to experiment with this, or any other technique in this book.
This is about as simple as a psionic device can get. It is nothing more than a foil-lined tube that is fitted over a lamp (such as the high-intensity variety) and attached by alligator clips to the headband. Cut out the pattern and use it to trace a piece of aluminum foil. Cut the foil out and glue it to the pattern. Decide which lamp you are going to use and then roll the pattern to fit with the foil on the inside. Glue the pattern (a simple rectangle) together and when using it, slide over the lamp and tape it into place. With the tube in position, attach the headband to the foil by means of the alligator clip and place the witness of your receiver in the beam of light. The principle behind this little gadget is the fact that light acts as a carrier for psychic energy. It also has the effect of increasing the power of any radionic transmission. Thus, by focusing energy through a light beam, the effectiveness of a telepathic transmission is increased considerably. This was actually proven by my friends when they did a healing operation on my a while back. I was languishing in the hospital, neither getting worse, nor recovering. Well, they gathered together and each shone a flashlight on my picture while thinking healing thoughts. I was home in a week. A portable version of this system can be made by placing the tube over the end of a flashlight. It can also be used to increase the output of the main board by either focusing the light on the input plate of the board or attaching the output plate of the board to the cylinder and focusing the light beam on a witness sample. As with all the instruments in this book, you will discover different uses for this one as you experiment.
Like everyone who professes an interest in things occult I have used various methods in the hope of learning if not the future, then how best to deal with what might be the future. And after some years of practice I have found that the I Ching is not only the most reliable, but also the easiest to understand. One simply tosses the coins, writes down the trigram and looks that up in the book. What could be simpler? Well, I do not know if the this gadget is simpler, but it eliminates one problem that has always bothered me, namely the randomness factor. I know that the coins are not supposed to fall in a truly random manner, that the psychic function of the mind is supposed to control how they fall, but I must admit that I have never really felt comfortable with that. I prefer a greater degree of certainty and it was out of this preference that I created the board in this book. As you can see, it has three dials. The first one is for the lower trigram, the second for the upper and the third for any moving lines that may be appropriate. Cut out the pattern, paste it to some stiff cardboard, attach the pointers with paper fasteners, as you did with the main board, and use it as follows. Begin by writing down your question on a piece of paper and laying it in front of you. If you are asking for somebody else, place a witness of that person in front of you as well. While holding the pendulum or rubbing the stick pad, turn the pointer on the first dial to each trigram until you get either a stick or a positive swing. Write this trigram on the paper as the bottom trigram, leaving room for the top one over it. I know that sounds silly, but you would be amazed at how often people forget that. Repeat the procedure with the second dial and write the trigram over the first to create the chosen hexagram. Once this is done, ask the stick pad or pendulum if there are any moving lines. If the answer is negative, look up the hexagram in any translation of the I Ching. If, however, you receive a positive response, go around the moving line dial until you get a reaction. At that, mark the lines that are moving (you may get more than one) and follow the directions in the translation you are using. Usually, you are required to make a new hexagram with the moving lines changed as indicated, either from ying to yang or vice versa.
Men of affairs are proud of their cunning and skills, But in the TAO they still have much to learn. They are proud of their exploitations, But they do not know what happens to the body.
Why do they not learn from the Master of Dark Truth, Who saw the whole world in a little jade bottle? Whose bright soul was free of Earth and Heaven, For riding on Change he entered into Freedom.
In his novel, The Eyes of Heisenberg, Frank Herbert referred to Chen Tzu-ang's Master of Dark Truth, who could see the whole world in a jade bottle. Needless to say, when I encountered this, I immediately began to wonder how I might be able to do the same thing. There were two immediate difficulties. The first was that jade is somewhat expensive and secondly there was the little matter of learning how to do it. That was many years ago and after quite a bit of experimenting, I have come up with a little toy which works for me and will help you to visualize as well. The device is constructed in much the same way as the main board. Begin by cutting out the dial assemblies, a foil circle, a strip of foil, the witness and stick plates, foil for the plates and the braces. Take the board and lay the foil circle and the calibrated circles on it as in the drawing. Trace around them and remove the foil circle. Cut a slot in the center of the circle and slide the foil strip into it. Then turn the board over and attach the braces at the ends so that the board will stand on an angle when complete. Turn the board back over, bending the braces in so that it will lay flat as you work. Assemble and attach the tuning dials and bottom plates as you did in making the main board. Glue the foil circle in place and glue a sheet of foil over the back, but do not forget to bend the braces back out before you do this, otherwise you will have a bit of a problem. To use this instrument, place the witness of a person you know on the left plate. Place the stick pad over the right plate and take a contact rate for the person. Now simply relax and look at the circle of foil on the center of the board. You will begin to see a number of images, most of which will have purely symbolic value and may take some time to figure out, but you may also see the person in question. If that is the case, note what you see and find a way to bring it up to the person, assuming that it is nothing too embarrassing.
You may also connect your headband to the instrument by attaching the alligator clip to the right plate. This machine will take some experimenting with to determine which method of operation is right for you, but it is well worth the time and trouble.
amplifier board as well. Then place the subject witness as you would in a telepathic experiment and turn a light on the main board.
You could also call this a psychic bull horn. Essentially, it takes the thought energy of the operator, as directed through the headband and aims it a target, usually in line of sight of the operator. It can also be directed at a witness sample, such as a politician on television. Begin by using the four sides of the pyramid as templates on cardboard. After cutting the cardboard triangles, glue the sides together to create a pyramid. Now cut out the coil base and wrap about six feet of copper wire (any gauge) around it leaving one end loose for a few inches. Insert this into the pyramid and run the wire through the point of the pyramid pulling the coil firmly in place inside the pyramid. Put a paper fastener through the top of the pyramid and open the prongs inside to hold it in place, then wrap the wire coming out the pyramid top around the fastener. This will hold the coil in position and tighten the fastener, as well as create a contact. Cut out the pistol grip and fold it at the dotted lines. Glue the tabs to the sides of the pyramid. If you wish, you may wrap some tape around the grip to make it more comfortable. To use this device, clip it to the connector on top of the headband and aim it. Then concentrate on the message you wish to send. The thought energy will come out of your crown chakra, be amplified by the magnets in the headband, flow through the wire and enter the coil of the pyramid. The natural flow of energy in the pyramid itself will push the thought to the target.
When you work with Psionics you will encounter words and phrases whose use you may not be familiar with. Here are the most common ones. Amplifying Pattern--a pattern drawn on a piece of paper which has the effect of transmitting and amplifying psychic energy to any person whose photo is place in its center. Chakra--in sanscrit, lit. wheel. Circles of energy placed in the etheric body along the spine to control various functions of the energy flow between the physical and etheric bodies. Circle Pattern--a pattern of lines drawn within a circle which correspond to a particular energy or quality to be transmitted to, healed, or blocked from a subject. Contact rate--the rate which puts the operator into direct psychic contact with the subject. Psionics--the use of paraphysical energy to know or act at a distance. Radiesthesia--usually called dowsing, the ability to know at a distance. It has no relationship to anesthesia, Radionics--the use of paraphysical energy to act a distance using certain instruments. Rate--the numerical readout on the dials of a psionic instrument, the meaning of which depends on the operation involved. The rate is an expression of the relationship between the operator, his subject or pattern and the machine. Stick pad--a piece of plastic or rubber which the operator rubs to determine a rate on a radionic box. It can be used for any question with a yes/no response, a stick meaning yes and lack of it meaning no. Thoughtform--a clump of thought energy capable of influencing people and events. It is made by concentrated thought on a single subject. Witness--anything which links the operator to his subject, such as a photograph, signature, hair or nail clipping or blood spot. In practical terms, witness now are usually signatures or photographs though it is possible to use a circle pattern for a witness if the operator knows the subject.